imn joDKiM ■ . * -.V- "■ '■ LOCAL ITIEIIS ^ ,-4'' '^ral showers "^NewETcarae here late Tuesday evaoing that JudgeFinley ~' had turned Ck>le loosed His mind is all riicht nowi " ^ Don^t crowd it. alarmingly small. ^We hear of good corn crops in :ei^1a||d hay cutting at t^e^ same time- 7- dia4»tipMBaay night {^ice^^ cotton ^feohtiniiet tof ^ ^ U$ll tfire places in town yyhere the fr%t Sunday did little^hfurm i We are liable, to ha^ a flood of r^n whra It starts, but it will take good deal to wet the earth. ; Lart ^^ Friday night a heavy gale pae^d over that disturbed the slumber of the inhabitaints. ‘ A Mr? Murray, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fairley Murray^ near Wagi‘£i^* & young man, died Monday'^^ are sorry to hear. ’ Mr.'W. F. Walters has been selling, a good mahy snapbeans lately, of which he had a good ‘ crop, frost Sunday put a Slopio^^Pod business. s . , Circle No. 3 of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church ceHainly gave the Ki- wanis club a most enjoyable feed last Thursday evening. ' — ■ ^ Wallace, the magician, gave an;^^Ul|titneDt in the school au^f^H^flhst Saturday night, aodK^Hsed his audience by a slight of. hand performance. We bad a shooting frolic near Dundarrach Saturday night a week ago, in which three negro men. whose names we have not learned, made targets of themselves and hai^a good, long practice. One Shaw had his legs .4- J ■ ' • 1 i e]^e' of cotton will hardly ^vauce within, thirty days, - crete building on Ranis avenue. Wov, 1 the ginners’ report will all parts of the county, and that gives the folks a big advantage they missed last year, c- / Wagram is coming to the front as a cotton market; more than 300 bales a day have been sold there this fall for several days. A bale of cotton to the acre is good farming; more than a hale is very good farming, and some have done very well this year. J. B. EKike, tobacco manu facturer, and the greatest phi lanthropist in the country, died in New York last BS'iday. and will be buried in Durham today. \ J. J. Parker of Charlotte, who was the Republican candidate for governor in this state in 1920 has been ap^inted judt^e of''the Federal Court of Appeals in this state, Virginia and S. Carolina ' AttheKiwanis club'meeting last Thursday evening Arch Mc- Eachern, Ed Smith and Will Covington were elected delegates from the local dub to the dis trict convention to be held at Piiiehurst in November. DK. H. R. CROMARTIE, RAEFORD, - ■ • N. C. Office: JohuHun-Thonias Building. Office ’Phone76’2. ReBidence’Phone316 p. There win not be a long 3^te/ or ddmlnal docket, at Jhe bext term of Hoke Superior . court, which convenes Nov. 16. Harnett county commissioners re crntly refused to pay a hos^ tal bill for a deputy sheriff, who was shot down while rading a bioirkade still. N. MclNNlS PemlMroke, N. C. Plane snrveging, town and country; Also drainage section leveling for farm ditches and canats, sewer pipes, eto. Acenrate estimate* made on cost of such drainage leveling before excavation, plats, profiles in bine prints. 27 years experience. | H. W. B. Whitley ATTTORNBV-At-LA» . , RAEPORD. litilated he was carried to a Phono 279 Up stairs, Johuson-Tnomas Ital and had one of them- Bniiding, ted; the two whose legs Business in Raefofd hair jbeeh , good for* the‘ past s^y^i^ months.-■ Mr^ Dj Corrie will next week open a garage in the Fuller con and colored BEd,^rSPREADS, iffEETS, PIMfflW* CASES ''r.^i5S-ahd- : 9-4 SHEETING Kash Store RAEPORD, N. C. ■■ PAY YOU R renoaihed intact used them for BMurity for their appearance somewhere else. R. L. MURRAY, M. D. OfficeOver McLauchlln Go. Store. Hours; 3:30-10:00, 2 4. Phone : Offiice 632, Residence 242 'M p-'>J I; Pi a- in need of -rYlt- /A-'- > TOILET ARTICLES, | STATIONERY. | We have everything that a 1 modern drug store should carry. 1 We Strive to Please. 1 Hoke Drug: Go. | THE REXALL STORE [ Whitman’s Candies Cut Flowers s Hi .r" If You Need Groceries SEE US OR CALL 226 And the goods will be started at once. We have that 100 per cent. Pure Lard ^ and Compound. - MEIAT—Rib and Fat Back. ^Fiour, $1.20, $1.30 and $1.35 for 24 lbs. ^ Meal that is good water ground. I will meet the tax payers of Hoke county at' the times and places specified below for the pur pose of collecting the taxes for the year 1925. Please meet me and attend to this important matter. Rockfish, Monday, Oct. 19th, 1925. Lobelia, Tuesday, Oct. 20th, . “ Montrose, Wednesday, Oct. 21, ** 9 to 12 A. M Ashley Heights, Wed. Oct. 21, 1925,12 to 4 P. M. 0 - ' " Bowmore, Thursday, Oct. 22nd, 1925. Allendale, Friday, Oct. 23rd, ^ Antioch, Saturday, Oct. 24th, Dundarrach, Monday, Oct. 26th, » « Pay in office ariy time. - One per cent, discount will be given to those who pay in October. 4i 44 I EDGAR HALL, Sheriff. >>v- ea J Arriving: Daily THE SMARTEST Dresses, Coats, Hats and Men’s Clothing: and Overcoats We ifivite you to come in .and see them. All reasonably , priced. Let us have the pleasure to serve you. SAHAKIEEN STORE FRANK CULBRRTH, PROP. Fresh Meats and Groceries DRESSED^ISH, OYSTERS, PORK, BEEF. ' ^ PROMPT QELIVERY. ALL BILLS PAYABLE MONDAYS. Johnson-Covington Building PHONE 52§ Raeford, N. C. ‘V'>; Cape Fear Fair Fayetteville, N. C. 4 big days - 4 big nights BIGGER AND BEHER THAN EVER Oct 20 to 23, 1925 2 (County) District Fair, More Exhibits—More and Better Attractions. Biggest Midway Ever. Better Free Acts—Faster Races. Auto Polo and Fire Work Display Every Night. . Bernardi’s Greater Shows 25 Shows—-6 Riding Devices N0TE»'Thit show was booked by the Vkgiaia State Fair. this season and comes to ns highly recommended. 1ST DAY—White School Day. All white children admitted free. 2ND DAY—Featuring Big Horse Show; fast racing. Ku Klux Klan parade at night. 3RD DAY—Everybody’s Day. 4TH DAY—Negro Day. All col ored children under 15, will be ad mitted free. List of Free Feature Attractions JAMES VICTOR and his famous band, featuring Miss Gertrude J. Van Diense ‘*the Girl with the million dollar voice.” , WALTER STANTON And His Giant Rooster. - ■ FEARLESS FLYERS 6 High-Class Performances—3 Distinct Acts AUTO POLO—“PARENTOS’ (Two Feature Acts) “OLIVETTE’ (Two Act»The Slack Wire Artists) 9 BIO HORSE RACES Parade Biggest Marshal and School Parade Ever Staged In This 5tatew — OCT. 20 TO 23 INCLUSIVE — ^ 7,'-: ' ' M -J.