irV" :'\4v rrjfr :ii Na34. . v.’:- RABFORft NORTH.CAROUNA. Or p.||is?e.,,- $1.^ Pfcr Year. fT n', r» • r*- ■ y • k. , tTountylGroupe don-. l9ov. oth. at PhiliiH)!. bar-. all^ prearat, andipspiritu ^^ jthe best ever held ^Eev. G6o'. Han tlndi and Mra> /Wal j||r|bf Raeford tondoct potknals, the former on |w Evangelism'* and the in' V^fhe Christian Home.” lUdfruig members of. j^V' ytlrial were pres e instructive and in- an^ls for their re Mrs G. B. Row- ; Mrs. J. H Sut i«|^peUaff; Mrs. Smith, Bridge; Mrs^^Cbas. Rose, ivUle; Mn. C. O.^McAlii8- ettevllie; }/ltfL Chas. yettevUte; Mrs. M. J. oburg; Mrs. J. 0. t Maxton; Mrs . J. C. Maxton. representing ly Williams; Mrs. H R Raeford, representing k McLeod, Pine- J. R. P^ge, Presi- gave some echoes iTDOdical. Mrs. Dan h, Vice Pi-esident, to the music of the reig^tered attendance Raeford, 10; I'l^PI^ 12; Dundar- 6; and visitors 16 iBiune, pianist for M^ames Pelham _ H. A' Cromartie, R. Irraf gnd 3. R. Hampton sbed}^^o ^.yerV appropriate jaf^liai^bera. A boon- was to the enjoying the * bospi -Philippian Chris '(XM||Qren^ ine^ tyeat^ . ^ Havnett (^i^f lietra. . Whib n^orities for county/of- ftcco ranging from 194 to 656, 4be Democratic p^y in Harnett is given commission by the vo ters to retain control of the reins of government. ‘ .. Roland Ivey and Boyd Dixon, young white men of the Benson section, are in jail following their capture aftdr they had tried to rob the Northam Filling Station near the Cape Fear river bridge lere last Saturday night. Two other men in the robbing party, whom the two men caught de clare as. being J. C. Glover and William Henry Enhis, are being sought and it is thought their capture will be effected soon. Young Bill Roberts, in charge of the filling station, put upa game )attle with the would be robbers and came oat best in the fight. A Ford ear which the men drove on the scene of the attempted robbery is in charge of Sheriff Towler.—Harnett County News. il^rpetratet when thieves the Universal Garage am ford steel body car,loaded safe on it with a derrick ve away,mention of which de in last week’s Journal do not know of a bolder iey^ouid commit than breaking into this garage, things, leaving the door and nobody know a thing until the force came down the next morning ^Thursday brdught the tion that a safe bad been y the roadside 6 mi' e of Raleigh, and papers there belonged ro H. A Jr, and a man’s dead bie^ the safe showed the jWawvilM when he blew Afe. The confederates o’ nan took the tnoney fount fp. somewhere between :00, jumped in the car bn. But this proved to ue. A dead man bad been theNor/olk Southein llbfore the safe was found e folks there linked the some way. le of the checks, mortgagee safe ‘ were re but fust how many are nnot be determined. lotes in the Old Fiddlers’ Convention Oyster Supper will be an en recreation features tonight, Thursday. values in Men’s Clothing The Kasb Store letter stock of Shoes in this lirtof tbe country than we The Kash Store. Suits for Men, $30.00 ;oing at $22 00, Over its. '^10 96 and up. good ilty at Mann Bros. MfwVe Cspily News.. * I'. ^ On the afternoon of November 2nd, Neill Calvin Blue, a much oved and respected citizen of ! Sureka community passed to his reward, aged 88 years. For several days a work tfi|Ni has been on one of mir side tracks, the crews being engaged in the erection of a large water tank near the depot.—The Pilot. (Pr KilM Near Carthage. e Sandhill Citizen.) Short News Items. * Chrysanthemums ate now at their brat, and are beautiful. We are told that hogs bring 3i cents per pound on foot. We are sorry to bear that Mrs* Ann Black is notdoing well now. John Skelton Williams, a no ted Virs^nia statesman, died last week. Miss Eloise McFadyen is teach ing in a business college in Vide a, Ga. And Sampson county has gone )emocratic for the first time in 32 years. Notice. T he sale os the Chish, olm land near Shannon has been called off. Only tobacco growers have realized a profit on this year’s operations. The Nwth Carolina M. E. Conference is meeting at Dur- bam this week. Dr W. M. Fairlej^ preached a series of meetings in ‘ Benson ast week, not •'Sanford. The 1926 tax books are now' in he Sheriff’s bands, and taxpay ers are urged to pay up. We should have a fire proven tion year—not a week. Fires are of alarming frequency. There are fifty big schools for white children in Gaston county, and thirty five for negroes. Misses Maude and Mary Fonie, who are teaching at LoVreil,' spent the week end in Baefpra. The death of Will Deaton which occurred as the result of a fight in front of Sineath’s grocery store about two miles from Car ttfage last Saturday night has shocked the i^idents of Moore The two Deaton .brothers started to fight and Blue made an effort to separate them, when Will Deaton started after Blue with a drawn knife. Blue grab bed a broken leaf spring out o his car and threw it at Deaton The sharp piece of iron caught Deaton in the neck and severec the jugular vein, causing almos instantaneous death. Robesoa County Newt. Unofficial returns from the re turns Tiie8day*8how that every Democrat running for ofiice in Robeson county was elected, ex cept the one Republican, Ermst Odum, who was elected road su pervisor of Raft Swamp Town ship over N. C. Stubbs, Dc-mo crat, by a vote of 61 to 2.- Fire did $14,000 daipage in Lumbertou at nuou Wednesday when the Sanitary Meat Market operated by Mr. D. W. Smith came near going up iq fiapaes Mr. Smith estimates bis own loss at $10,000 in eqitipment, with no insurance, and Mr. Frank Gough owner of the building, places the amouQt of damage to the build ing at $4,000, fuly covered by iiisurance. Mrs. J W. Crawford, wife a promineBt farmer of Rowlanc killed heraalf yesterday morning by shooting two bullets into her right temple with a “lemon squeezer” 32 calibre pistol. A dwelling house belonging to Mr. E. Odum of Buie, R. 1. was burned lust week. The house was occupied by Les Locklear Indian, who lost everything they had except the clothes members of the family wore at the time.T-Robesonian. The peach' growers have hsd greater losses than cotton far mers, for they have lost for five years. The Ford car stolen from H A. Pagejast week was. tnund in- abandoned. llie cotton is all out of the hands of those who grew it. and advance in price will now tie avainsr them. 250,00U thousands gallons of whiskey, valued at six million dollars, was seized in New York one day last week. Miss Pauls sefa(^ jl; The dry Monday gladl^V^ Mrs. EdgatcHa^^i but'has improved, wf learn. It is believed "Mr.. olm’s bouse wa» rojbt ~ was set on firf -4! The burni^ Gin Co. gini work of ah^ Miss Mu teacbe.s ii^ came hoifie Ihe Confbderate vel receive enopgh to rqls’ year’s checks ^tBou'nt“^ Mrs. M. Gipnev o^R L has been seriously now better we a»« glad^il" Hotel Baef$|:d,.jreifio^ under the same manai doing a good%asines^ This has been a. sowing wheat. ^ _ , ^ . , think when they s'bWeA i it insured a good crop^ >■ ' * Three homes.wpre btif Maxton last week ‘»^e: man was seen 8{^ly|D^ to one, but b«tinade ht Ajinouncements'are ot nouncing the marriage of W. McFadven, now of^l$i^lf S O. formeriy of ’ RfCT.QI- Miss Ethel Byr^m ;rtie man iage to take'p^c^ 24tb.' Inst. ■'■I Co-operatiwe eotiim ■ is the remee^ for the associatibq spen^lj^-^tQCrmj^l Milfiooati^ Secret t. 'Ps-'bu'a' mUlionaire, a man irifist tCkble to stay rich. A (jj^rJ^pin well-known millionaire, o.l^ked how he stayed rich, invest rny money only nsound.establisbed comrunies.'. bat man has lei: rned a v. iu phfe secret But a man’? inouev, fibwever much he has, never iWorthSOmuch to him as his iiiind, hjs intelligence. ever occur cd to you .tjrat you si.outd inve-it your iu telligence in a sound company by ^iaifi^ilbing to Uie Yo.uh’sCom- panfou? it is tb'i oidest ma,.;a- Zhie- for yotini/ people iu Cit* ^Viitirld-^und nearly tire oldest of 0,11 the Ameiicuij m;.-'aziaes. It ifirAlsO.oue of the nro.t ioierest 4ng‘. Practically everv famous Ahthor of the pui>t hundred years hfis^waitleu at one time or an :hllier for the Comp.:inion. Only this fall, fog example, the Com panion puhlislred a new story by Jack Loridon. Do you like! stories of adventure? Mystery? Romance? They are all iu the i^outh’s Compouion. 1 Here are the terms of an in ve$tnteiit gua.panteed to be proti MAI WANTED FOfkigriiiB - UNTY. Oar rernsptshle* ^ means prdfifg for ybu— 0 to $l00..«^e«kfy^hig line of oubhojid; necessities Bdjd.^ ~ houfe^-priees - e; ur profits big. pf^pect._.. Experiaucy-ni Salcsm'.nsTO^ ' VViite tod.'iy^fi nev» plan. The H C Whitmer Company, Columbus, Indiana. Dept 26. ,ff i ' -ji- -'I*' 'a ■ if* ■ - ‘t,. foxi; •'^1 tOR SALE—A Ford Truck, in good condition, at a bargain. M. S- McDiarmid, Raeford, N. O, R. 3 See n ^ for RED CEDAR SHING LES. McLauchlin Co. Salesmen Wanted: '«Vny waste your time working for a small salary*^ We can start you in business handling our products so that you can make much more than you can on salary. We only want to employ those of good standing with plenty of pluck and energy. Apply Dixie M.'dicine Co. i4 South Church St., Charlotte, N- C. m TheYoulh’s Compauion— !t?5 ID'- profitahle. 52'i38ues in 1927, and 2. The remaining issues of 1926. ^ Ail for only $2. 3. Or include McCall’s Maga zine. the monthly authority- on fashions Both publications, only $2 50. ' THE YOUTH’5-COMPAN-RTN . ■ SN Dept., Boston, Mass. ...Subscription received at this office. ' \ ‘H' v-.. EYES EXAMINED Glasses Glound and Fitted Same Day. f)R JULIUS SHAFFER, • Phone 641 Fayetteville, N. C. ALWAYS the I est for man and animals, hut as Specials for Saturdays: PORK SAUSAGE, FRESH FISH. STEAK, etc. McLean Campbell. TRUCKSI^OR till Phone 416 H. R. BAUCOM, Faeford, N. C. SEE 118 for Fulgbum Seed Oats. We have them at the Right Price,-' , " ^ 1Phone ■ . .2 " It is going the r.iunds of tiie press that faroiers are in better position to stand the deflah jn in cotton pricf-'8 this year than ever before, which isn’t, the truth as to eastern North Cai’olina. Far mers here haven’t recovered from the losses of 1924. St. Pauls, or Northern Robe son wants a hardsurface road from Raeford to Tarheel, and the Wilmington road. That will be a good thing for Hoke county It is worth anybody’s time and the cost to drixe a hnndred mil's to Sanatorium to get a view of the forest surrounding that place, now the foliage of the trees is at its prettiest. The home of Mr. Lomax- biiiber in Aberdeen, was de etroyed by fire last Friday morn lug. He nas a wife and three small children. Everything they bad was burned. Miss Gene Boyle, Messr. Make and Martin McKeithan, Marshall Davis and Dr. Cromar Ue went up to Benson Sunday qight and rendered several num bers of special music in the meet ing Dr. Fairley is conducting in the Presbyifcrian church in that town. Alicut .six 'weeks ago Ernest and Albert Faircloth, foimerlv of Dundarrach, nowof Pinehu’st, I s'oie an automobile and 600 'pounds of tobacco from R P. By special arrangements we'are permitted to allow you 10c for your f>iri worn out gar ters to apply on a new pair of IVOkY GARTERS This-offer is for NEXT WEEK ONLY. New stock just arrived fori this special sale. “TRADE ’EM IN’’ BOYS! The KASH Store “AGood Place to Trade.” Raeiord, N. C. irrn no-amonfe T ■ "'7’ Every Body! •M u All npxt '.veek you can buy regular 10c size cakes of PALM OLIVE SOAP 5 for 25c. This special oifer for next week only! The KASH Store “A Good Place to Trade.” Raeford, N. C. S-^undeis of Asbiey H.-'igh.s. caii'ieti it to Lumuorlon and sold it. 'I’liHv Wi re arresbd, but gave bmid, and heir rii;l enm^^ Tuesday br-for.'i Rerotdcr uot e. Boys’ Overcoats from -2 to price $4.45, good quality at Mann Bros. 8, Our Wonderful Nyal Sale is Over Lots of people took advantage of this great money-saving sale. We can still save you money on lots of things. We mean to give you the full bene fit of our cash system. Remember We Sell for Less (' . ■ Raeford Drug Go. The Nyal Store Phone 233. •“* } ^ rP T-** 4 win a Prize BEGINNING NOV. lOth we are going to give with every purchase, of $1, a coupon, which will entitle the winners to th7 following prizes: First^ 50 Gallons Gasoline. Second 10 Gallons Standard Motor Oil, medium or heavy 8 rade. Third: Five Gallons Oil as above. This contest ends Dec. 15th. 30x31-2 Tires, $7,80. 13 Plate Rubber Case Bat. $13.95 Batteries Rebuilt and Recharged. Main Street Filling Station.