.■J.¥ ... POINTS ON KEEPING WELL DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN Editor of “HEALTH” PIRIN CM&>>>>>>>XXX>>>X> (gX 1926. Westero Newspaper Ualao.) tOBACCb pEW of us are sufficiently broad OUR 'A-* Events in thetim oflJ^ Men .^^; ' ■"■1 ■. . *■' ■•'''I.'’;-■ SAY ‘‘BAYER ASPIRIN”- Unless you see the “Bayer Cross" on tilblets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by mil lions and prescribed by physicians over 25 years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Sof^ »Accept only *‘Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100—DmggisilA Aspirin Is tht trsde mark of Barer Mannfsctart of Monoecetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld CARBUNCLES Carboil draws out the mve and gives quick relief CARBOIL At M Drpjjirt* — Money beck GuaranUs a^..«tOCK*^aAt CO NASHylLLC, tcnn. ••HiSTKRALL” The Wonder PoUsh The most remarkable agency for renewing Antoniublies, Furniture, Woodwork, and Ptanos.'It has no Equal. For Duco, Lacquer. Paint, Varnish and Enamel Finises. Guar anteed 90 Days. One application, .Ijthen prop erty B]iplled and kept clean. AnyoMS oaD ap ply. Contains No Acid. Will not the finest finish. Send for a can today,' iTwo etzee postpaid on receipt of pride and SI.90. One Can. One Tear, One Dollar, kaleemen and DeBler.s write for proposition. I.usterall Hfg. Co., Dover. Del. Agents—Buy direct NeckweAr. Hosiery, Lln- garle at lownt Mill Prices. Ask for circular. A. Master Knit Mills. New Haven, Conn. Ass Agent or SparcTiine Wiyhe tor exclusive' rights to sell Ar raincoats and >overcoafs In this. loeaSttgl— right from our factory—dellverlas gt|%^n- 'toad—Selling frota tt to Alt.H—of-vSioh you get a liberal coromlsalon paid In advance —twsidfcs an extra bonny. Big field for rain, (or cold, for the school children, the farmer —^pr driving—a handy coat for.amall invest ment. Every iferson a prospect—our plan almple—no experience- necessary. Write tjuickiy for free sample line and almple In. 'truction.>. AMAZON MFO. CO.. 1101 North tehey St., Chicago, Ol. ' •*OST (ifiOdF ' CABBAOE - PLANTS. ■ . All leading vaiietles now- ready. C. O. D. jj. * TO^pe^ 1,009, postage collect. BIBB PLANT CO.. Rt S, Uacon, Qa. STORES TO RENl^^" »A.vr*>h"J •citysbestbusl- ^ , 'City's best buai- locstloha. See Mr. I. ISCOB. 1201 BrAdMay. N.^T. 9-11 A? 4r Bnlecroen Wanted—Why waste time working for a imall salary? We can atart you in JlDSjLie^ handling our products so you can irtaEF much more than on ulary. We want to employ those of good standing with 8 lent}' of pluck and energy. DlxU) Medicine b., 14 S. Church St., Charlotte. N. C. _ . 4! Tj-plsts! Be Voor Own Boas., -JT-onderTul Tiew method tells you how. 'A vmAII Investment and - big returns. Hayes stalling ^urrsu. 1233 Brown S^, Dayton, Ohio. , _ BH MEAL FOBiPOl'LTKY ALSO BEST ' *• v^^ertilizer at closest prices Tor dealer or con- ^^mer. Address FERTILIZER BY-PROD- .-5 OCT*. Bok 1«0. Norfolk. Va. .» Md Puylage Stampg Bou^t. Eixamlne an- jeastors' correspondence, espeotally Civil War ,* iQgrlod. Don’t rerhove envelopes. Prompt «ash. J. Hugh Gonleg, Box OT.^Albany, Ga. ■ VBEfe..BA^AIN LIST. Raaor blades 4»c Ia .'V^-dc., silk sox 210 pglr. jewelry .novelties, radio, women's wear. Write Frledlander Co., Sox 761. Delray, Fla. Agents Wanted, : a. . Cabbage Plants '"‘Wakefield.s, Succession, Flat Dutch. Itostpil, S00,.50c; 500. 75c; 1,000, $1.25. liiDtg 5 W and over, 90c per M, collect. P~^Qnallty and immediate shipments. Mid- Georgia PlaHt'Farm, Senoia, Qa. W.'N. U; ATLANTA, NO. 46-1926. Number Painted on Auto No automobile license plates are used anywhere in Europe, the number of the car being painted on the gaso line tank or elsewhere on the rear of the car. Broadcasts Good Nows! Jackson, Miss. — “For more tflan twenty years 1 have found relief by taking a bottle or two of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion off and^ on. It' has never o n c e failed to relieve me- of suffering and I am glad of this op portunity to recom mend so reliable g' medicine.” — Mr*, 0. O. Hill, 220 E. Hamilton St Sold by all'medi cine dealers in liquid or tablet form, or send 10c for trial sanmle to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.,. and write for’free medical advice. Start at.once with this “Prescrip tion’’ and see how quickly you’ll pi^ iqi—feel stronger and better. ITCHINC RASHES I quickly relieved and oftenelearal' away by.A few apj|dicatio«t ef Resinol Coughs and Colds re not only .annoying, but dangeroua. If not atcended to at once they may develop into serious ailment. Boschee’s Syrup is soothing and healing Ih; sueta cases, '; and has been used for sixty years. 30c and 90c bottles. At ail druggis-ts. If' you cannot ge't It. write to G; Gi. Gceea. Inc., 'Woodbury, N. J. r PMbsnitpeoeyaah'Wb. and to roliom- uauMoi- tian and MTonotkaM UtteboU Kyo Salvo. MoordilNr twdh»» •OB. BoutUat. liMline, ■AuaBotm Mt Wavtrly Slaeo gow York Two Austrian scientists have pro-' duced a glass that boomees, may bn bent like a cane and eerrled around in IlquliJj farm .like vi^er. minded to be entirely free fvom prejudices. We all of us have our pet views and our pet peeves. Too many of us make up our minds, not on the evidence that is presented to us but on our own interpretation of that evidence. If it is favorable to our own prejudices, we eagerly ac cept it as further evidence that we are right. If it is unfavorable, we either disregard it or find some way of explaining it away. Strange to say, the widest differ ences of opinion and the bitterest feel ings are often caused by disagree ments on purely personal matterA What question since slavery days has caused such variations of opinion and bitterness of feeling as prohibition? And perhaps only second to tibat lathe question of tobacco. The use of tobacco is, of course, a drug hablL It was first observed by Columbus- In big first voyage In- 1492, among the natives of Cuba. and was first brought to Europe in 1558i ®ver 60 years later, by Francisco Fer nandes, a physician sent to Mexico by Phillip H-. The seeds were sent to the Frencbi queen, Catherine de Medicl.'by Jean Nicot, the French am bassador to Portugal^, and the plant was named after him and has since been known as Nicotlama. Today, the active principle of the' tobacco plant Is called nicotine. Why the use of this plant h^s, from its first Introduction into* Europe, been so bitterly fought. It is hard to say. Many evils, physical andl mental, have been atributed to it, most of which, up to date, are without any positive proof. Its use in four hundred years has spread all over the earth. The argument seems to come down prac tically to this, that those who use It like it, and those who diy not, don’t like it. Many efforts have been inade and much argument carried' oa to show that it is either harmful: o«.bnrmless, but the question seems to'lie as far from authoritative settlemeat as ever. About the only fact that' Ites been proven is, that in some people, smok ing large amounts of strpoe. tiibacco is, in some cases, followed • by a de generation of the optic nerve and a failing sight known as totaMCO am blyopia. ■ General Grant i^ freqvently cited as- an example of the danger stnok- ing. Reduced to its slmpLesL form the argumenti^emg to be: Genand Grant was a h^vy smoker, QeneBaA’’ Grant died! of cancer of the tongme’, there fore- tobacco causes cancer- of the tongue. Hardly an argument that any presmit-day authority ou cancer would care-to accepL jo- LIGHT FROM FimES W HILE methods of ligWilng have I undergone enormous improve ment in the last 75 years, we are still far from an ideal light. When we re member that our grandpairents, in many cases, knew no other form of artificial light than a was or tallow candle and that oil lamps> gas and electric lights have qll come into be ing: at least Into general use, in less than 100 years, U^ertainlly progress seems to have beeiiirapldi. But scientific men. are-not satisfied and are still; searching’ lor a light without heat, that will be- diffuse and general. Instead of coming, from a sin gle source, such as a lamp, a gas Jet or an eleetrlo film; The . idea of light without heat seems, -at first; thCmghi, an impossi bility, yet wd know thait it does exist in nature; It, Is found. £n glow worms, fireflies and a. few dhep sea ffsh. v, • I repiemberi as' a boy in southern DU-i uols, where fitjeflies abound in th» summer, one of,'- our- favorite amnsor raents In the eweaiog was cajchlne dozens of firnfiies atnd putting thaam -into a bottle. No, matter how many we caught oc how full the bottle mii^t he or how.’-brighitity they shone, there ■■■ '' • : '44m ■ ’■ j^.-a - v-r ■ s • ■ V’- (Copyfl»lit,W.W.- MICHE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL The Tramp Printer Spmking ''NCMS IQ ECARCE, SA'ie TUe BOSSc|4eM{ HEH^ IF wet) TUBM Nm toQSe, rr wootowr be » jMSrAwce,. " ole rupe shoots was seem oott kj HIS ISAROSM BUWfMKf eOTtLES, SO IT AWN BS ASSUMED? nHAT MRS. SHOCTiS WlU. BE MOM«« A OR. ytHO"' xssx "MRE. GO&BO SPOOF’" HAS PUT HEB. >IOUM^Sr lOO IM LOMfi^ B^UTSt AMD EV/SWSOOr M TDMM IS tAPPiMO' AT “Wf poocLUd SAP." 2. OR Qoao rrcMS wasted '*si'aKr‘* secM dcmbou BiAMA AT A BURLESQUE SMOWiii III ei««AfiO AMP "SPORT" eUTf MS Vtgir SMORT '10 COME HOMET A»R> tfeU. 'twe BOVS • " OMCLE UOE BUIAP «S OOIMPIMEDTO mOMB fORiA FEW OAVff FROKAT^mi* “ID tBAfUl “iH*'eHAPLESTUliL MD fDOk, UlCE AH OLD FOOC! " SIMIF MAS A BtACK EMC. HtS MSM VUIFE-ISMT ASEASifTD BEAT tme am QMS iuasi " "AJABRPSe: BURP'WBW'® tSmiRCH vumbi NHft VUtIFB SUWOAlf, CAUSttJi% COV^TEPWAWOM. ~1HE COOMef- OLBMHfBu HADMES. V4AiB- BOBSED FRin«W*W LOOKS TCRRIBLE, but TMEMk COULQ/BPOIk. THW' ESUOt PA»AF& , GUJPP RBSn»MCS bASiriuMtHT BMLEO'K) «BT FWE ID THE OU> SHACIL, MUCIA Ttb BtfE»>e0O«WS REOREX . • ‘ hao}cs,v WfKsm Ni ssez ."SvIE spoow cafe’ ms '.OMAMCED tmtD^ BUT AS THE NEW!iRAMASl6»AEMr IS EVEM lAXlEXL. 'THRM TM OtD PHCPRIETOE^ ' " MAPRfMEMEWr 6 UaOKED PQie ?r TD ovjrr.' MEwsy MpetL TiiffiL FEATHERHEADS Not Much of a Testhnonial rT mi lUst’bG^'of twenty years ago that moAer first Bow4 Troubles of Q^&ood . gave me For those Fevers, How time fjjes. My gi B fUes. . _ _ faithfully iwed upon her has gon^ to^er rest, but 1 have it^d have given Syrup Pepaiii It is certaudy a n^le « to my two children since —^ - j • » Wedidne and never fails of its punjhs® T liJ^ to recommend iL /Name and adclre» will be sent upon re(piA-)M A ~ *•- And in the Evening or! When age comes creeping on, wiA bow^^ BHUcles weak, digestion poor and Mood thimb . . is when constipation does its evil work m a ni^L * Ht. Cald^’s Syrup Pepsin is so palatable, sets so P I' -ieidB in me stomach, works so ^y,. so gently, so with old folks as to, accomplish its pur] >.^ibeut gribe, sain rf other distrew. JF« bfliouanes^ toame, beadndie, bgftn,oMs ("d oam^w to 4^0 MB SjTfSP PQMliD rtcO^MBeOT ■tod soM hy sQ$n|^ Par mfn»ttidhedk$tnd name end fsfdh Ssms Clmiitms, HwO'esflu ^ /was never any hent. Travelers In the ” tropics tell, of a "tropical firefijr bo large and making so bright a,' light that they can actually be ueied as lamps; and by holding one fl5.,ln. his fingers the traveler can easil® read, a book or pnper^ by its^ -light. In a recent issue of Di-^covery, a •/I most fascinating English miigazlhe dp- voted to accounts pt new and strange things In ail branches of liuiiMia knowledge, appears an article oq “Light from Fishes.” A commoa little fidv it says, is xiften brought up tn large quantities by the trawlers, in the fish ing ‘grounds Of Galway. The fish, when closely examined, is seen to have some pecifliar characteristics- The ti«h, as Discovery sAys, with perhaps unconscious humor, has no English'niHlle, qs it is not good to eat. It has, a stort, ugly head and body about thr€^q*fiches long, attached to a teri-inclft^.^ Each fish yields a large drop of oil wiikih is the largest and mow povferful form of natural light kno\^. Ten of these fishes give out much as pne-tenth of a candle pow- and‘a sojutiou of ttifs snb- h n Jar of sea water will fur- llygh jught to tak^ a photograph losure of 36 seconds, owi hoW this light ispro- evldently been dev^- fisljes as a.'means of SAV lAtS's ?ljass that AD HbU^dCtfret 0»Vo>IKEQ« CKSABS [■ncKLEO Him Tb DEATU.'-/ , Mfs GOT AN ORDERl Ih vfQoM IT ALCEADV.^ E WANTS I FOLLOW IT OP V I TesTimoMiA Hfctv* VRMT me \ To PELL Stou POSE yvr$.-Jovr f vqoLpg. I Ntsua OWM ID ? / bought a DOTEN OH X DOKT SMOKE I CHUST USE DEM IN MIHE POSlNESy? THE HI KABY Al^ YOU A BIG CIGAlRA ■ .T - ■ t l{r^ " '■ r'- P-