e'^y' '^1 » ••* •/4'f>- ■ *' '■'■ •••“-• , ■f :?*.•.:-?• Wm -y ' ^^' r ' ' ^ , -. T^';.'r',' '■ - , . ^‘^“4:#*' t -W^ •t .. ■ *i , '• ■ '•?A ■■ ' t ^.'-ft-Ii^ ' "i LT ;• - - a i." •. '.V. ^»*Lyir •? • ^- f-:. .• -•.- ^*r' •:' , -.’'J i‘ ■- . «^ -. ... > •-s r-j, .-Sffiiite: ' a-’rf.*';-y>:-.”'' *•''•--•s.vr W E want you to know that each of the seven quality automobiles named below is a General Motors car. We want you to know how General Motors doubly guarantees these cars—^how it is passing the savings of vast manufacturing operations (1,200,000 cars last year) on to you—in finely built engines, Fisher Bodies, Duco finish, quality materials in those vital points where quality counts most in comfort, safety, long life and high resale value; - Read about the General-Motors line. “A car for every purse and purpose.” See the wide choice of models—the wide range of prices. Decide which car interests you most; then clip and mail the coupon. As a special offer, we will also send you a wonder fully interesting little book about the General Motors Proving Groihid. It gives facts which you ought to have before you select any car. Fully illustrated. And its reading may save you hard cash. Act today, CHEVROLET 7 model5“-$525 to $745 The quality car of the low-priced field. 3'Speed transmission. Strong rear. axle. Smooth dry-disc clutch. Over-head valve engine. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Alemite luhcication. Fully equipped. CHEVROLET TRUCK CHASSIS: V4.ton, $395; 1-ton, $495. PONTIAC 5 models—$775 to $S^5 A low-priced ”six” which is a quality product in appearance and constructidn. Has largest 6-cylinder engine iti its price class. Beauti ful, stylish lines. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Ali conveniences included. Vstlue proved by unpreradented sale. OLDSMOBILE 11 models—$875 to $1190 Gratifies your finer taste; satisfies every need. A truly fine car at ..moderate cost. Beautiful Fisher Jodjes. Duco finish. Powerful 6- cylinder motor. Harmonic balancer. 4'wheel brakes. Many other new improvement8.'‘And a wide range of models to choose from. OAKLAND 7 models—$1095 to $1295 - -ti . . ^ ' Winning andjbolding goodwill everywhere because of its ad vanced engineering and precision construction. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Rubber silenced chassis. 4'wheel brakes. A "six” whose quality b doubly assured as a product of General Motors. • BUICK 18 models—$1195 to $1995 Everybody knows Buick’s worth. General Motors emphasizes Buick’s statement that its new models represent "The Greatest Buick Ever Built.” Vibrationless beyond belief. Famous fi-cylinder valve-in- head engine. Bodies by Fisher. Duco finish. Many models. / LaSALLE 6 models—$2495 to $2685 General Motors’ latest contribution to the fine car'field. This is the new and beautiful car designed and built by Cadillac as a com panion car to Cadillac. Has V-type S-cylinder engine. Fuher Bodies. Duco finish. Now on display. O A T^TT T a body styles and types LL^l^rW,^ —$2995 to $9000 The pioneer in the ^-cylinder field. Standard of the world, ^proved V-type 90-degree engine. Marvelous bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. Duco finishes. A choice of 500 different color and uphol stery combinations to emphasize individuality in ownership. ALSO- FRIGID AlRR«lcc(ric refrig- erators^^e largest selling elec tric re^igerator in the world. Built by General Motors. Many models—many prices. ‘ DELCO - LIGHT electric plants. Another General Mo tors product. Brings you all the conveniences and labor-saving devices of electricity. - —‘ — -CLIP THE COUPON- - — — — - j General Motors (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich. (CHEVROLET □ I PONTIAC □ I OLDSMOBILE □ OAKLAND □ Name BUICK LaSALLE CADILLAC '.regg—^ ' • ■ V -t‘ [ALL PRICES F.O.B.FACTORIES] CLIP THE COUPON W E WANT YQU to kiiow more about General Motors and its cars and other products. Check the car that ffi^s you most and 'mail in the coupon. We will send i^ee, interesting illustrated booklets jtelling all about that car and'what General Motors is doing to'assure you of both value and satisfaction in car ownership. Clip the coupon now. Mail it TODAY, Don’t wait. » ENERAL MOTORS I Please send, without obligation to me, your | Proving Ground Book, together with illustrated | literature describing the General Motors, product I I have checked, and the name of the nearest I dealer in case I may wish a demonstration. i |J|nUQIDAIR£ EUttric Scfrigcntton Q DELCO-LIQHT EUctHc Plants I I j - LOCAL NEWS, \ ^ - ^ • We are sorry to hear that Itf r B. P- Polaton is - very sick It is jaid 40,000 Confederate veterans are still living in the Southern states. Mr E L Beavps has gone in to business at Asheboro. He hns not moyed_vet bJtis so planning Isabel, little daughter of Mrs Luke Betutie, has been sick for ten days; she Is now improving The hens are doing their pait toward relieving the sitjiiation Lots of eggs are now soldjn Raeford. . , • There was frost and ice last Friday morning, hot it was not heavy enough to make a general kill of everything. This March ha*a not been windy, sineXthe legislature ad jouriied, until T^aturday, which was real bluatry. Americans, both civilians and troops, were killed in China last week, and it is said a woild wide revolution threatens Mr. and Mrs. W L Carver, Messrs C _13. Brooks and Henry Gdces of Roxboro visited the Tapps the first of this week. Cary Peterkin brought some young waterrnelon^plants to this office two weeks ago. We have no idea where he hatched them Mr. J. L, Smith of Fayette ville, Route 3, called a few uays ago and renewed his subscrip tion to this paper his 22nd time He IS a loyal friend. Mr. J. H. Campbell was elect ed Chairman of the Mn of the .Church at a meeting held last week. Mr J. E Conoly was elected Vice Chairman f Rae.ford Hign School played l^the first game of the season against the Larinburg Highs Monday afternoon. I’he boys showed up w'ell. The score was 20 to 7 in favor of Raeford. Dr. H. McK. McDiarmid was down street a few days ago ex hibiting a ben egg that weighed 6 ounces. It any of you have a i larger egg than that, it’s a goose Magnolia street was just splerj- did, but last Thursday the Town had it set’aped, losened up two inches of dirt to make soup tor us to wade in when it rained Jb’riday. • Raeford has gained statewide I recognilion since the opening of Bluemout Hotel. JSo other town in the state the size of Raeford bus a hotel equal T'ne Blueniont. This town gams fame- Raeford still leads. Near the Oveiflow b illing Sta tion SIX miles from Fayetteville Sunday night A. W. McAllisttr drove into a wagon loaded with colored people, and Lula McCul lam was killed outright, and her husband and a girl who were on the wagon, were badly hurt. It looks like another world w ar is about lo start in China A settlement may be effected but the prospect, is gloomy. En gland, France. Japan United States are massing strong military forces in Chinese waters and are landidg strong land forces also. No, we do not endorse the co op expense account either in to bacco or cotton. They have all used their associations’ money, too lavishly. There is no justi* fication of their big overhead ex penses, too much paid in salaries and lawyers’ fees, but the prin ciple of working together is only common sense put into practice. Five B’ayetteville peopln* were injured, more or less, Sunday a'tternoon near Mr B C. Kin- law’s on the Fayetteville ro.id when as they attempted to pass a truck their Nash sedan turntd over three times, they say. They were Messrs. C L. Chitwood and W T Hough, Mrs. W, T. Hough. Misses Winiewin Hough ahd Dexter Chitwood. Mr Hough was seriously injured but is likely to recover. ; Delta Type Long Staple Cotton Seed $100 per bushel, first year from Coker. Prolific Seed Corn $1.00 per pk, W T. Covington. .-X Which the simdls i —and you’ll see that smiokers are headed straight for Natural Tobacco Tastcj f N. I J Tobacco taste—that’s what you start out to buy in any cigarette, and that’s what you get in Chesterfield. The pure, natural tobacco taste of the choicest tobaccos known to tobacco men. '..X • c L ^nd yet, they*re MILD Lioobtt'& Mtbbs Tobacco COi The town elections are held old vtars. This is town -e eclion y^ar, a'd a rhayor and hoard of commissioners for the town of Raeford will be hidd on the Ist Tuesday in May. Notice of elec tions has not been published vet, but it’s coming. The Si line Mountain Memorial AssociHiion is distributing Liv mg Coi>f:derate VeOran’s Met!' als Chambers ot Commerce, Civic C ubs, business houses or individua s pay for and distribute Sale of Land Und^r Mortgage Under and by virtue of tbe laws of the state of North fan liiia, and h\ virtue ot tlu- power and autiiority vested in tliat certain mortgage deed execute, Oy A C Gilclirist and wife, Eliza Gil.'hri«t. tbe same being r- ;i-- lered in the o3ie ■ of t' e H, gis'e;- of Deeiis for 11, i:e t c>i niy, b C , ii' Book No. 7 at page S'- and defaiiit iiaving 1), eii m. ue in tlie pa> nient , t sa'd notes, c-uved It.cietn vev.ills li to tile liisih, el liidi'er f, r ssli at ti". court h. IS, 0(0. If.ifcui.'b C n April, tin-2.5'h, j9.7, af 1:; t.’olcck Id. .tue )ul:owii u- cle.'Ciibed Lying on both sides of the public road leadiug from Maxton toAntioch, adjciniDg the iands Stephei Thrower estate, th. , state lands of .Amanda Johns n and oth rs: begin- corner V G I to I christ./leceastd, said •. n er be i g i> ! I lirowcr’s line, and rui sS -fo F. \Mt j tbe line of th*- Amamta -Udui'-on ‘s iu fora helping hand in thio tate lands, lit b' ing tiie s(u iicri' boundary line of said ,J,,hn A Gi!- 1-, r, , J,. ,1 . • chtisi estate land-) 45 10 elis to a ForSale Good 4gallon cow,easy ^take near Ih*- edge of a hav; the those inedais, presenting 'hem e,. Tr» etwo Q'r..rQi nine at a stake the si'Uthwes to veterans. In this wav j Mountain will derive money bo completed. Hoke should come to milk and vvell broKen J, H. Catupbell I HAVE FUR pea vine and soy bean bay, bale I and loose, pea hulls for the cows, several nice porkers, feeders and breeding gi ts. Prices reasonable. • ’ J. D. mason. Phone 513-13. Administratrix’ Notice. Having qualified as administratrix uf the esuiti of Lather Bechune, de ceased, late of Hoke Oonnty, North Oarolina, this is to notity all persons having olaims against said estate, to present teem ciuiy verified on or harors ALaruh Slst. JR2S, jOC iJiianoilpe- wiU be pleaded in bar of tbeir recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will pleasu make immediate'^ set tlement. . This JlMrch 18th, 1927 Mrs. iNA L. Bbthunb, Administratrix. Of N 74 E. 11.80 chs. to a stake, e u'n i of l-'t rJo. 2 atlo d to .Addie GI ohrist; then o M 45 'A s\ith the liu BALE—Corn, of said lot No. 2, 45 10 chs. to a stak- in said Thrower’s line S. 74 W 11 Sc chains to Ih bep.inciug corner con taining 62 acres and being lot No I division of’tho es'^ate lands of John A Gilehrifjt Time of Sale- M -nday, April th-* 25th, 1927, at. twelve o’clock .Nl Terms of Sale: Cash Place of Sale: Court House Door. Raeford, N. C. Addie Gilchrist, Assignee of McRae Co, Posted March 16th, 1927. X N.-MC4NNIS Pembroke, N. C. Plane Surveying and MapiAng;Blae Prints when desired. I have special ized in retracing old lines and re-es tablishing old laud corners. 27 yeara experience. Sale of Valuable Farm Property. Under and by virtue of tbeauthori- ly c uterreU upon us in a deed of (lu.sr ex- uuted by Hiram S. Kirkpac- rick and wifi, Flcira E Kirkpatrick oil the fi."st day of December 1925, and l enoriied m b xjk "of mortgag,-s 111. i ugi- oM), w-» will on Saturday n o 2Jij uay of opril i927, at 12 o'clock uuo.i at the c art house door in Kae- id. ilok n.iunty, ("t C-. seilat putdio un iion tor oa.-h to t).e highest biddtr ill- toiloning land to-wit: i tiat certain tract or parcel of laud ;iig in Anii tch Townsbiv, Hoke uin.ty . North tardii.a. East of the .lid bwa jp adjoining tbe lands of tit-v. C. E. Hodgiu, Sadie R BfoNoill and the one hundred acros ondivkted ciact Ill-Id by heir- of Martitao Mo- Neill as lei ' i ts ill c mroon. bounded •nd de>cribid as ro lows. viz. Be,;inning in the intersection ot th> . d a, ro gs and 'lun-cu rijad j.ast B. . Cut' briiigi ai 'ici'hanl’s Mills and i .s a.-, itio ..ntioch road N 83.21’E cbaiiis lo ,ev I E. Hodgiu’s me . ..t cro.-«.ts Sold read; tbel.Cv as his iii.e 27 w. 21 aU hs.. fei'.eace ao .11.1 u. x'j ii :e S. 3U .VV. 4t 73 oha to . Iu .Mci orni.ct: line in ihs swamp; In iiiu up the Swampaiul .vUfi.ormiok^ ue i a ice of the atoresaid undi- ' ridedone h-i.iur'd acre survey; then .s the lute ot that tract to a stake oy a red oaa and hickory at the east- -i-n edge of be swsmp which it a c r er ot th-,-12nd conveyed to the lai. .dari tia tl. McNeill by U. H. ti dgiii and wire, Sarah H. Hodtcln; lu-no- up ilio van u» coocses ot the r-usterii tdge of the Aiill swamp, and the last line ot the atoroeaid lutdivi- ded one hundred acre survey, about 41 chs in a straight line to the be- giunin,;, containing two houdred(202) acres, more or less. This sale is made by reason - ol Mao failure of Hiram S. KtrkpaWriek amd wife. Flora B. Kirkpatriem to pa^ aC and disoharm the indebOodiitw ow- oalredby^li deed oflitai W ttm North Coroliha Joint Bankpf Durham. This 24th day ot Marob. FIRsT NATIOKAJi COIOMR Duhham, Inc., TBCsmi. First National Dukhan , • I id IfV --.A.-ia -

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