V(J4 XXU|.?NO. 10. ai"*g RSDAY; JUNE 2, Attente, World War V^eram! Th^%(Nrh3 Wanndtertni’ '“Act Jtd3^ 2,1926, provides that any eyidenoe to show direct service connec^^pa&on a disability that did mdcezist'. in a compensable degrOe-Withih one year after dis- rhar^' mu^>be submitted to ^ the Buj^u prior to J une 7» 1927. ^ Such evidenen su^itted after ■ that i|o matter how clear and cbnvinci ■ ■ V cbnsidm^d by cannot even be the Bureau. If f " there^are ani^ ex ser^e men in your community who have .not -' filed claim, aind desirle'to do so; or If there are any whtq have filed ^ claim; and bave^ been denied service connection by,,, tfie, Bu * - reau4you arO urged to IbringthliB |n; to thrtr attention at pnee^.. (1) ; The Statement of a phy- ^^v^sician on his own stationerv, —r need not be'- sworn to Other- ^. , wise,’ his statement must be' wit- nessad before i Notary Public. The atotement .of all others must ^>,be made, before a Notary Public. (2) 1 The ejcact or the spproxi- matedate of the first age subse- ^eht examination or observa ^oh ihqst be given. Such ex ^^rprili^Bfons as ‘^‘Shortly after dis iphmrgd” or “the year 1919“ must be svohled. : “ 'The lull physical find dnn^^tbe physician or the ex i|^dltion noticed, by the upon which a diagnosis ihesedi UQi^i be given- -Ac- to the: Bureau as evi- tpci|4but the findings upon diagnosis was. made ^t^&|atated. . iipe for filing app|lications ailed i^mpehsation ex- '1^1998. ' « Raeford Schemb Finals. Raeford school held their final exercises Monday night when twenty five diplomas were given out. The largest class in the history of the school graduaute, twelve iHjys and thirteen girjs They are as follows: Johnsie Lee Akins, Boswell Bethune, Louise Blue, Jonah Brown, Vera Cox, Sarah Catbariue Cromartie, Walter Culbreth, Kate Dalton, * Robert Draughon, Archie Epstein, Marguerite Freeman, Robert Gatlin, Robrt Hampton. Archie Howard, Bennie McFadyen. Isabel McFadven, 'Lucille McLeod j Mary McVicker, Mary Nprton, Harris Parker, , Lacy Pratt, Mary Frances Shankle. Curtis Smith, Crawford Thomas, Laura Yearby. Rev. W.^M, Fairley, D. D, preached the sermon Sunday morning in the school auditorium that will linger in the minds of all who heard it. It was pro nouDced by many present the most masterly address ever de> livered in this town. ILfiOPtfTi LOCAL NEWS. - I Mr. Alex. Cameron of Matiley died last week. The editor had com silica the day after rain. , Fairmont truckers loaded a car of beans last Friday. The best ram in months came here on Saturday afternoon./ H.^ businii last wi V Oil duce of gas' Actni menced The following young men are | the Fay at home from the State Univer sity The road between Southern Pines and Pineburst is to be paved soon. Messrs. J. A. Blue and D. J. McNeill have put a sawmill near Timberland. are very light the dteught. a prominent ID of Pinehurst, died /are planning to re- ^output, so the price 'be higher. instruption has com- biurdsurfacing of mile road. ~ >lmstr'bf time yet' to of peas, and no 6th- m here''pay better. are not signing co'ops. ah they Jr., has re- Forest Col- ]Oip. iheim shot up ptacsi Ten ton ha carry,! after alL- The re ed ai»%i IS ACT Invl^eted and I'einstated; - ’‘PRDORAI^TIN AHON the THIEF OP TIME:^" ;now......*. ^ .. Either of thfe; undersigned'will |t£B glad.to render any assistance ’’possible in handling the 'claims P which you bring to their Atten- I ^iYpurs for service, KIRBY, Service Officer, The American Legion, . : • P. (j- Box 413*1: , (jharlotte, N C. r. A. HUTCHISON, State Service Officer. f305 Johnston BuUding, > Charlotte, !N. C. Mr. Fred j. McDiarmid Dies in Baltimore. Mr- Fred McDiarmid vvas car ned to Johns Hopkins hospital, Baf ih a 'sertous condition, it was thought, but Mrs. McDiarmid, who is with him, wrote en couragingly since the doctors of that institutiOD had diagnosed his case. I The hopeful news came to his Miss Dudley McLean of Char lotte spent the week end with home people. ~ T Mr, and Mrs J. W. McLauch- lin haveltpne to their summer home at Montreat. Miss Elizabeth McLean has re turned from Tnomasville where she taught last year. The cooler weather last week jlPP* llivef was a relief to folks perhaps, IPP*^ P^^ blit it was bad on crpps, Moore county commissioners have postponed the sale of land for taxes uutil September. The Antioch picnic passed, and Pleas Wright cut his oats, and no rain yet—tiU,Satuday.- Hoke Oil & Fertilizer Co.'have crushed all the seed they bad and have closed down for the season. Mr. T. Upchurch sold 150 bales of cotton last Wednesday, the remainder of his last year’s i^windsjreeently have Tittle cotton some- ^killing all of it ]Td ■ bales of 1926 oot »|[ expeited. so the rilVnot he BO large llitation of the flood- inding the Mississ begun*in the up- Misses l^l^phine Hall, Mary D. Smith^H Lean have College, Wjthc I Moore • postpoo^l taxes unij" [dewberry ) mould^' verybodji'ii Martha Lee Me* Iturned from Queens tlotte. D injunction the ty comipifsioners sale of .land fmr mber DOW will ruin the cause the fruit i^Is hard\to please i feather. Messrs, w. T. Covington. Jr.itnn Wade Leggette receive theii* di-l plomas from Davidson College! this week. The clouds arose, the windi blew up clouds of dust last Wnd nesdav afternoon, but only a few went alone Linbergh vky. back family and friends here that his drops.of rain came, conuition was not alarming, and Prof. J. M. Stackhouse left that he was improving, so it was| jjaturday night for a hospital in going over. Storm warnings were ^ent out from Eastern North Carolina coast to Maine Friday, and that storm sent us good rains since. The Hoke dewberry growers shipped a car of berries Satur day. Express shipments had been made earlier in the week I a shock indeed to all who knew him when a wire brought the I sad news that he had died Mon day at 2:30 p. ra. Mrs. Me Diarmid and bis biother, Mr. J. A. McDiarmid, accompanied him to Baltimore, Mr. J. A. Me Diarmid. leaving his brother im proved as was thougnt returned Washington, D. C., where he goes for. treatment. Misses Marie Blue, Myrtice Barrington, Addie Mae Gatlin and AlmaMcBrvdehave returned from Greensboro College. The bean vines, English peas and the Irish potato tops are Af the most ,revolting ^ever Committed in this I committed betWeeit irg and MaxtOQ on night, iillay 2l8t, when Laurl batui IRTO^of several men,'a mob, Mld^^i^Ug man namedr, Davis. and pistols, dc^g ihis and a gijrl.mamed ses fitem his car and assault- .^hnost ufider- 4is eyes. [ (^mes are idmost uQihinlc the/pe^tiators should tQA. eieo^c chair in a I the most against jT,^ Davis and bis Wife are arkbld, have been married a few months; .tber^g^Ljf [is 16, and aU>-lHKi'retnptoye8 jiumberl^d. Cotton Mill, near ptteyiller apd^have hereto jrbe good names/^ ^0 young men, N^man and tt, are heldj without - bond borne Saturday night. On receipt [ nearly ah dead, and rain will not of i telegram Monday that he bad grown worse Mr N. McL Mcbiarmid left for Baiiimore, but tne news of bh death came a few hours later. Mr. McDiarmid was one of the best men in the county, a good Gbristian gentleman andasplen did citizen. He was happily mar ried last Thanksgiving to Miss Ruth Shaw of Statesboro, Ga., who survives him. He leaves four brothers, Messrs J. A , N. McL and Henry of Raeford and Rev. H. N. McDiarmid of Shelby; two sisters, Miss Margaret McDiar mid of Raeford, and Mrs. J. O. D. King ofFayetteville. R 4. Deceased was about 45 years l help the peas nor potatoes now. The county commissioners meet next Monday, and the business before them is of great importance to the people of the county. MesSiS. W. T., Jr., and Robert Covington, Herman Campbell Kenneth Hampton, and Brown McQueen are at home from Da vidson College. Mrs. H. L. Gatlin has as her guests, her sister, Mrs. G. W Belk and little daughter of Gas tonia, and Miss I^ett Belk of Kershaw, S- C. Last Thursday evening was Ladies’Night with Raeford Ki wanis, and a most pleasant evening was enjoyed by a large crowd present Companv L base ball team from Parkton defeated Battery F. team of Raeford 14 to 9 in a game played on ttie local field last Friday afternoon. The weather has been dry for nearly three years now, and there has been no indication of lew water in Raeford wells and pumps. And it’s good water here. We would like to do the print- ling the business men of Raeford need and have done. We spend the money we get in this town, I and need to spend more than we are getting. Too many small children are lAllowed to go unattended by grown up people on the streets Mr. H; L. Gatlin, turned from Wake lege. Mrs. Guv Taylor of Kinston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Gatlin. The great trouble with oui^ state government is there are so many officers there is not room for them all to function. 1 The Carolina Power & Light Co. are to spend twent-seven million dollars in new develop ments, mostly in Eastern Caro* Ima, this year. Destructive storms visitedTen’ nessee, Kentucky and West Va last Saturday. A number of people were killed, and property loss wai great. Rev. N. C. Yearby, pastor of the Methodist church, was taaen seriously ill, while attending the exercise^ in the school auditorium Friday evening. Soon as the water of the Miss issippi flood began-to trickle in to the “Sugar Bowl.” a sugar cane district in Louisiana, sugar began to rise in price. When the Budget Bureau em ployed R L. Maxey as senior ac counting clerk ether state officers are opposed because there is no provision for such an officer. None of these boys around here may have an opportunity to fly across the Atlantic, but they can fly around home and do more work than they have been doing. The Womna’s auxiliary of the Presbyterian church celebrated the birthday of its organization, and gave an interesting pageant last Wednesday afternpun. The quite a snug sum: „ Everybody should pay taxes, and pay them promptly. But taxes should be reasonable. No sense in taxing people beyond their ability to pay, and pay taxes just to pay men,s salaries whose services are unnecessary. The state veterans loan funds are now available, and the ex pense of borrowing that money has been reduced somewhat, and the board will lend up to 75 per cent, of the value of property owned by World War veterans. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Coving ton found several ol their fine Rhode Island biddies with their • beads pulled off a few days ago. and were puzzled to know the perpetrator. In a few minutes they beard the cry of a chick in distress, rushed out to investigate and a Blue Jay was eating it. We have heard that a Jay bin was rough in bis fun. and na turely depraveo. This proves the auction. ' wa M M Unit teifi T. J. MeGifl aod B. W. Whitley, attomer. wm Judge Sinclair. reaidaBt. and abowing tbeneircdMikflMr- is retroactive and' aoeMiaOlM^ tional, asked that the SAMiiitlBNi. county comnaisaioont of county be restrained fn» alB^I " land, for taxes as they bad ohpii* ed to do on the 23rd; aotht granted the order, temporanly* a hearing to be beld am ah siirtjir, date. So the land wifi'adl'ha sold for taxes for some thna'tik come, possibly several moBtbt. age, and almost since its! organization had been a men: ber| of Raeford Presbyterian church. His death causes a serious loss to j his family, his church, t h^e community, the county and the I state, for he lived blamelessly to a ofHaeford. They are liable to Mr. W. J. McDiarmid sold ajjuinp right in fhrat of a car, car load of cotton last Wednes I when they get excited. day—all he had they say, and this is the first time we ever I heard of bis selling oiit clean. Four members of the Worley family of Johnson county were! sent to jail for bldckading by \ergh did a-great seryipjs (orld in sboyvl^ fyhat lOt but teb tench may letunte like bis, wdnot and constantly aspired of usefulness. Notice of funeral exercises I may be found on page three. life I Judge Meekins of the Federal coart in Raleigh last Thursday. People will now detour in go* ing to Fayetteville, and we sup- Wiley a. Barnes. SKed 19. sonl?'®® ntthe dally fioings of [of a prominent business man of ^***5.“ * I nevagoli A* alU Uninfeerten, yrae killed instantly makes the distance very lik ing remiarkafile things I Monday wben he stepped on wet' but ind while he held a 110 [light wite in his hand. volt) boarders WANTED.--MRS. D. A. MoLEOD, N. Main Streak. , vAn effort will be made to have Jule Bethea, or Easterling, par doned or paroled we hear. This is one of the colored 'men who were sent up ter killing Dewey (3astlebury in 1922 in Allendale township.' The Hoke Mantle and Serhen Ck>, shop was burned last Thurs day morning about 3 o’clock. The fife is supposed to have started from a spark from a passing rail road engide. Sorie trs^* was laet on fire near the house on Wednesday evening, but it waa they 4 Army Aviators Burned to Death. Augusta, Ga., May 29th.— Four aviators of a United States army squadron enroute from San Antonio to Langley Field, Va., were burned to death here today when the .left motor of their machine went dead 500 feet above the flying field and the plane fell to the ground in flames. Liadberfh i Captain Charles A. LindlMfiMi; who in a little over 38 boon wrote in the sky acroee the At lantic Ocean the moot accomplishment in aviatfoo hm- tory, was the first trans-oceantc flier to carry pneumafic tired landing gear to the end his jour ney This is the gist of a bulletia just received by G. A. Fuller local Goodrich SUvertown dealer. Trom the Gkxidrich factariee gt I Akron. C«ptabi JUucttMHStehhA his famous plane equipped with Silvertowo Airplanes Ovds at the hangar in Saa Diego, Cali fornia. several weeks before jhe hopped off on the Oral leg of hts opochal 6, loo mile flight to Paris. According to Mr. Foll«r these tires, which were 30x6 iueh stock SilvertowDs, were tested in any way, but merely picked out of the tire racks at the factory.of.the Ryan Airplane Company ly I fndbeiliii and .'ipplied to the whaele ,hy bimself and a h carried normal loads whaa^^lt hopped off at San Diego aod'St Pauls, where it stopped oB’i|a way to New York, its load for the Paris hop was ooosiderabiy above its normal. 5,160 pounds hammered and bettered the rnoDoplahe’s dilvertowo equip, ment on the quarter mile of run away before it lifted clemr and sailed off for Paris. Had ooe of these tires oollaped uoder tiMa weight, amplifi^ as the plane bouuced on the ground, a sedoua accident might easily have re sulted and the intrepid Lindbergh would Qot have left the ground.” Ladies see us for the Kew Lace Baodings, Edgings and All- Over Laces. 'Tfae.Kash Sion. Get your UniooaUs, Fley a|ult* and Overalls for ehildreq at Baucom’s CkMi New Window Curtains, made and ready to hang, in and see Uiem. The Kadi Ston. Good Chicken Feed is paid tor in more eggs^ -and (klPd Oow Feed increases both i^k and butter. None better Uimi nine. (JansibbU, Crops Damaged by Hail in Robeten Hail did damage to nearly 25 or more per cent in the Cente nary sectioo, near Rowland Sat* urday afternoon. ' Crops id that community and in the Gaddy’s Mill community adjoining were badly beaten by the hail.—The Robesonian.. FOR SALE: No. ROHverType writer, first dess condition, at « low prices. J. A. BAUCOM. A big line of Men's Pants, prtead' right at Baucom’s Caoh filort. For the Kiddies—nice wash, suits and play dothan ThaKn^3Mw. Expert Hemstitching and DiiHa making.V SettofaclioiiiBasan*- teed. MRS. E. R. WILUAMBOK. InTheKadkdtora. PhonnSK Qlaneo' White Dpek, Palm and other light 'Iroaseca^ fiaa'cik a CTta- f.t'

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