anott%t f'ti)ckliot4eti|,6f life Bunk 6f Sae' Jan oary 5th. Stateih^ of eoDdttiaBr of the pfilseiited the st()iiki)olde» 0^wed that the Bank #a8 in ex> cellent ^aditton and had bad a very jjodd during^iyfij?. The foliowi^ Miedtors were elected to servetcMT year; J. "W. McLeucMih. T B; lUpcbureh, H. L. Gatlin, E B. jtcNirill, J. B Thodias. N. S.‘ ti^e, F. B. Sextod W. P Les^r, C. W. Seate^ R B. I^wis. At a meetitjg of the Directors in f the faHowlDK oflfici were elect' / ^il^'ed to serve for this year: J. W. McLauchhn, President, T. B. Upehurob and H L Gatlin,Vice Presidents, B. B> Lewis, Oaehieri and^ G. D McQueen, Assistant Gamier. A'dividend of iCtper cent- was ordered paid and the . Surplus fund increased. In March of this year this bank will be tweirt five; years ^Id and has grown stronger every year. i f " - —^^ With South m art^an^ in' Januarynext Wednt^day. and as many have kiyen atten tion to the |K>u{try industry dar> ipg the pai^ year, we expe^ a real show Several tlmae we have had poultry shows itf Rae? ford, and'an of them Were much better than had been expected. We would forewara that this year a show worth coming to see will hs held. ’ We have no idea of the num- l)ef of different breeds there are in the town and county until we have an^ exhibit. We do not know whether there will be oth er than chickens on exhibition, but fine fowls of any kind "will he worth bringing along and should be a help. ^ Everybody in the county Should join the ex hibit. A The Weather. f / ... We have bad a pretty cold, winter, and the price of cotton went otf $3.50 on the bale one day last week, because the New York cotton, farmers thought it was so cold in the south all the boli v^eevils were killed, and a good crop will be grown next year. On the day before Christmas trade with South America, it began snowing. It be- evidenced by the action of tbe^san cjp Saturday and snowed till McCormick steetnehip line in j Monday It was nearly two feet sending two well-known authors deep. The ground, was frozen corflpletely around that continent | when the snow feil, and it eov- on one of its freighters. The ; «red the ground until March, ex writers will stou at the principal cept ot^e roads. To Encourage Trade 0 America. That the United States is tak 'log an increasing interest in its ports and gain material for arti- On theiBth day of February, ctes of a practical character on 1899, after a very moderate spell the neeus of South Am.erican of weather, the wind rose as the. countries which North America!? clpude overspread the sk-Tr apd The time for sowing 'tobkcca plant beds JsLat band. Mr.^.W. L. Bethune is iniprov - ing we are glad to bear. Poultry show Wedn^day. Jan. 18th, in thekrmorv. ^ We are very glad to hear that^ Mr. lorn Conoly is improving. Superior court will c this town'Mond^ay, 23. witi W. A. Devin presiding. They drive often with ah old license tag on their cars. That may cost more than a aew tag. Miss Lila Crawley has return ed to Meredith College after, spending the holidays at hpine. The tobacco crop in Hok^^p 1928 will be increased s-ime last y^r from the best inform^ tion we can gather. The cotton speculators should be Kiven trouble to get spotl cot ton to fill. their contracts. The price would go up then, Pnif. Robert Peele and Misp Agnes McLeod of .-the large school at Conway were at their homes for the holidays. Mr. Jesse Gibson grew some frostproof cabbage plants, ad vertised them in The Journaj and sold the ra directif . Rev. Mr, Colliha.i8 building a good residence on ^ farm ^ Timberland, and halpented the place to Mr. J. A Vmzy Mr. H. C. JMcLauchtin was carried to the Charlotte 8 »natO' rium on Wednesday of last week. He is improving we are glad ip learn.., ^ pp A'- fkn Bra on nprl '/.Dr sNeUi Clark fallast Friilay. sn. h& J. iltp^hferesi^^e lit street/ " 1^ in would hgi You neyei school out. The? stayed^' son, colored, at Favette- the 90% at the age of 6^ licitie after bis ejr axpir^ >f^ion in Fai- luccess until bis to years ago. Ive^i^ scbopl in ^ their hpmesv ^f,^i)nday P# last ,l^^ere ndt start- ll^oAhe building coratortalile. ir^of an oid log"” irimd being frozen lilt a fire ' .audf «iw. 4^,. ■• *t.- ■ • - ': :■ Mj%.|[|^|fadjeo « Qulftr una^s^lng wumgg, who-was loved hir |dt who kueir h^ for her many finetraitA She was a true and devoted adfe and fUbther. v She leaves feur daughters^ Mis. J. D. 6lrahate. Mrs Ix Bethune apd'^i,8s Grace McFud-^ yen of Rj^etordaiid Mrs. La^'Colr' Bnstrf Petersh'ur'^, Va.; two sons, Messis. Lacy and Luke yen of Raeford. There are sot era! grand children and pthey relajtlvesV ' Before her marriage Mrs. Mg Fadyen was a Miss Parker and wak the' only oae of the family in thissta^.. She had a brother who went south many years ago. Her remains-were laid to rest in Raeford cemetery Tuesday afternoon, her pastor Kev W. M. Fair evj D. D., conducting the funeral service. A good and true Christian has gone to her reward. 'wi banieof Graham w his sahfetaBlek^ ^ ismiid Lewis ettevttle wiH eoiieest hit ^ hereintoaganMpe. W, B. Ohr*^** i^eens GoBsKe. wm Raeford Thursday'evmiiiigi l^j members a good adAessi; The Journal-ni'tlbe ttsing m^um it county bu^nrispi ^ Hfe more people in jlftki The Jouro^tibawiffli read counted A isit frfei hfai hasineai »hstn th a! never !wi of Hit Sncceit. / Scotland and; a te John Mc- !Sv his siicce^k in th-strict econonbV >ther one thing* B[j0 inhhey inany way. HdSpent^l^^nt only \vhen % and added l |nade wise ii|t which has’ in price since ij first settled. wksnet^ ^^nni meats s^iQ^ this COU! Dovetistr' and 20 inches; and the weathOh art ^ stosy 7 degrees below aero at Tro? i on author of j Tuesday morning following, that ♦'Captains,All.” winner of. 0. is at 7 o’clock. Amanliviugon Hepry Bifze for Best Story of Little River 4 miles from Troy 1926;ahd James St'rvens, author j got scared be would freeze to of/four books: '"’‘Paul Bun van.’ | death, and got up and built a , ‘‘Mattopk” and ‘‘Saloon Days !’ big fire. He said his thermom Bqth authors vvrite extensively ^ter registered 14 below zero at for the .Saturday Evening .Post, that hour. Collier% American 'to al giljgg j.g. grea^^jdeal to encourage trade mernber. IiiJanunry, 1884- it hetyi^n our own natiop and for- ,^^^3 degrees below zero; lands by getting practical then in January 1886, But this nsair-TOTueiW many a burst pipe last weeK. Such weather makes us wish we were back near a spring on the hillside * Very cold weather without snow' is bad on small grain, but Snow wraps up the little plants and they grow beneath a blank- etj'bf white. Mr, W. K. Sessonas cause he was friendly to every body. L Leap Year Party.. A'very unique and enjoyablt L€«p Year party was given by Mr. Crawford Thomas 10 the poll'ege boys and girls and the young business men of Raeford who had reiurbed. for the Christ mas vacatiou. The handsopie home of Mrs. ^qmas was beaatifutiy decora* ted in Christmas decorations of •jrited and, Kreen. The Leap Year B6l|^e was jssrried out through out the eveniog. The young la dies called the ||>ung men at Seven tee n memheik ply P have gohe fipot Hoke county wit^p months in keareb of Ab" nity to make 1 Itvfn^ great deal larger -ttiimbw Jgone from the" caunty./.fMkk. will never get abfsafi ixUNiMiiil'f it is constantly Ideing-itk manhood. North CusofiwB suffered, from this for many years, jSQd -tpli^ . attention has been pabl'-tPi its gr^test source of BUSINESS Btll NOTICE-On last black bound was stolen ffpsia^t The dog badkliR|paJ each evei alioj * i8bbrown,rf bodhr and l to the name ^sets before the jmuntries. people of both \ The Hospitals. \ The doctors are kind as a rule •Dll good neighbors, but there are exceptions to the rule. Not that any are unkind, but we are about to say that hospital bills are getting hard to pay, and we have lived to see a day when ■ 0 many have to go, or are taken to hospita 8 fOi' Uealinent, that it is getting to be an expensive thing to get well. Sometimes we think it would be k^out as well to let a fellow dip^as to bur den him with a debt that will give him trouble the remainder of bis days, maybe put him outdoors, fpake a tenant of a man who once was well fixed.. They' may not he charging too hiucb, but we do know that getting sick is a irtfr TJXOV- eTpensive, thsG it 23ed to be. The doctors charge more, •nd then thdpe are torses if a ^llow is not taken to a hospital, '^ut this is like everything else! It just costs more for every thing ,, The doctor must get monejf^ to .y nil kinds of taxes So per ta# we might 1)6 unfair, still we kind of weather comes not more than a half dozen times in a hundred years, that is in tbio part of the state. Farming a Gnesi The farmers of the country are taking the risk of paying out, nr making a debt of $700 per one horse crop. They mav make it., that Ij they wmII if they make good crops and then get/'good prices for what they /make. Now compare farming .With any other bu.siness. Therer are some things in the ^hri^ of solvent credits in any oilier business, notes, mortgages/ some kind of securities to prjgvent loss, and the' hazard is; not sa great. Something tanigibie stands spon sor for the risks taken But not so with farming. The weather, the insects, Ahe animals and fowls, then tomes the business manipulat'^ that play a game in the ifi^Ykets that may gel what theyother hazards have let get by. TStill, it must be done, or the whole world will starve. Kthe time Mr. J. H. Austjn ily have moved thre remaining Mnce Ito Mr. H. W! B ‘ on North Main s Rollers took |4,000 in currency frow a bank at Bennett Satur day at a little past 12 o’clock, ^ked the bank employees in 'e vault while they away. "Bennettjs ip Bh-: was '’Tin Saiifoi'd last Thursday, aud is srill in a precarious condition, aU itioiuh he has improved some of course. Mrs E. B. Wood of near Ro-^k* fish is very sick we are sorry to learn. Two weeks ago Tuesday their home and its contents were destroyed by fire. Troubles nev* er come singly. Hog raising ari*d dairying are becoming established as two new fat;m industries in North Caroli n*a. Well fed hogs from North Carolina v. irnniand a premium on certain eartern markets. Judge N. A. Townsend held court in Lillington, his own county seat last week, and made a good impressioti, as he does every where he goes. He is one of the best judges in the State. Mr. A K. Currie has Invented a new and improved stumps puli er that will pull stumps straight up out of the ground- He has had it patented and is preparing for their manufacture and sale. Mr. J. A. Clifton, Prohibition Administrator for the easterr; district of North Carolina, ha.- been transferred to the western district of South Carolina with headquarters in Greenville, S. C Mr. Archie R Blue, aged 82, who was born and reared in the Eureka section of Mooie county, and who was carrier on Route 1 et: JpclUioh for some OIW Blenders. Miss Marie Blue never thought of gding to King’s Business Col lege until she saw it In The Journal. A misunderstanding and a confusion of names mixed us up. Miss Myrtice Barri.n.gtoa-iwa8 one time but she is now a mem ber of the Montrose school facul ty and doing satisfactory work. tbf Home Desboyed by Fire. The home of Mr. J. H. Austin was destroyed by fire last Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The home is located outside the north in- corporate limits of the town, iut the firemen and others were promptly on the scene and ren dered valuable.service The fire had a good start before the alarm was given, as the family w’ereout, and a neighbor,Rev. M. A Kay, discovered the building was on fire and gave the alarm Only a portion of his furnishings on the lower flour ^was saved. Nothing upstair was saved. The fire started on the roof. Mr. Austin has been burned out several times, mills, gins and homes, and bad the misfortune of not having sufficient Insur. ance to anything like cover his losses. This loss is only par tially covered by insurance. Mr. Ray tried to phone down town, and couid get only Red Springs, so Red Springs central phoned Ho^e.Drug Co., and the alarm given. ' Each you venir of her birthday. February being a hatchet, April a fools cap, Ociober a little witch, etc. The boys were to guess which month the ladies’ birthday came in. After I he guests gathered, each lady was given a pencil'a'nd booklet, upon which she wrote a proposal to the young man ol her boarCv. ATtor- i niigtfif/■'liy tVeu boys read them, the prize,a love ly box of candy was won by Miss Marguerite Freeman. The guest prize was given to Mr. aud Mrs Woods from Char lotte. This was a pickle set. It was presented by Mr. William Covington, in a very suitable speech. He told the bride, Mrs. Woods, that if she got in a pickle to use the tiny fork on her bus band. Rook was played during the evening, music was furnished by Misses Isabel Jean Lamont, Ben niei,iVlcFadyen and Brown Me Queen. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Woods from Char lotte, the Misses Grier and Sa rah McFadven from Agnes Scott, Decatur, Ga., Mr. John MePad- yen of Morganton and Miss Catherine Blalock of Parkton Delicious refreshments were served. New Year cream (white with 1928 in red) with fruit oake and dates. The guests voted the evening one of the most enjoyable of the Reason ' will he ap? HbNI _ Raefora, Prompt loans made on lands in Robeson, and Hoke Oounties. cent interest payable Ist of each year. No peit principal falls due iietil kpi matures but borrower eiB BiF part or all of .J a LIUS J. GOOD WIN. Atty.for ChickamaugaTiDK Ge., Luniberton, N. C. PORSALE: Cleveland Mo. 6 Cotton Seed inch and one eia- teenth staple First year fkeoo Coker. Price $1.00 par G. G. Mothevii;* Laurel Hill, N. C- PCR SALE: Delta Typa Me; pfi. Cleveland No. 5. Super Seiea, No. 1. All first year ina Coker, Cotton Seed. Morgan (3otton Mills, Iml* Laurel Bill. N. CL Pord Truck and Elssex Co sale or trade bv H. R. BAUOOil Fine Fruits Fresh Vegetofeto^A^ Fresh Groceries, soodcop|||(|/-r^^ chicken feeds to produ butter and eggs for McLean E. L. Peele Stand. Main EXPERT UemsUtchktf Dress Making and 1 ing at Reasonable Prompt and Satisfaeteky'Bife’ vice. Kash Store Sewing Hpeii Phone 223, Raefosd. N. C. Price of cotton dropped Monday The Bank of Raeford reports a good year in 1927. and starts 1928 with hope and good cheer. Mrs. MoIHe Currie had gone to “«■ I- Collins of Petersbur* .isit her daughter. Mrs. W. H.|V“ • Prj^o be with her Haiti of Maiwn.^ waa ta j-oothar. Mrs. Emma Met'adien. ieQ%bWfi very s|^ Hhb ,lias Mrs. H. A. Green and Mra aot^^^en^yTe^ba|wa^^re• Chtahoim MeNeill a(s TWO TRUCKS FORieiM Phone 416 H. R. BAUCOM, Ba^oni» N. C. Glaseeel OR* jui Uag this week in Neif^ Y^l

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