f feAEFORDi KORTH ’ tVi^ Dr. 6iuu! Yonm 'recentiy iamed from Armeiiui> wilt ipoafc lirlbe Methodist ehnvMi ^day oiKht, Xt^hiorrow.X^afid us first hand a true stoc^dY enielty of the TorkW tt is Hoped' ■fi foTThbuse wfli greet' Dr*:' Y>; nan, sed ReVi J. W. ;|GbcHhpimih l^airnmii of Near E^t^ to have this wtihty i i . ,lftw Lola Ciirrie,, daughter b ^ A. J. Gurrie^A4 ^towfiship. died las^Se^ i^l^od was buried i|t|:^titi - >h .^pday, her pastor^ Bey^.^ J Goodman conducting-the" tn^ !^1;^rviee. or'^ny y'^rs l»eii a SI her afpctlons ^re bdrine %itli^Ohri8tlan fortitude. tnuTvsweet spirited young Jirnest Ihrodgh Jhe Ilugh4'^i^ pistol Idish'Erfdiaryrd^t^’^te dieting a painftd though ^t dangerous^ wound. ^Ui young colored in^« V-•* ^ i ^ Anadier.Shoetifg MaldJ; Major Evans It shot Buddie » *uj u - Dareert with^^a* sfiotjpran Friday te thigchant«l)le wai». ^^|p^^ H^mb, Buddie hM been Ifiss Uda RadwdSdH^ 4?RecoT|g ■ f- Williun OoTington> Bloise MePadyen, hyman Oampbdl, hrowQ McQueen, QertrQde McFadyen, Bdltor-in-Ohief. Auoolate Editor ■- •« of^i Wfc: ingstiill whid&l 'EgfioriaL tB,the habit of.. shdbtiog Major occUsionaIfy and went to his houi^ Friday night with the in lotion of shooting him-some more,hut Major vhm on the look- (mt andgot^the drop on hini^ These are also colof^. ^^lalant 'who endeared herself - to Iherfiinily and friends who now ^heeani^e the has goim., sy ail resolve, .m go to her ',A Wife from Cl^lotte Satur* 4ay brdnght thehews that J. -D. yie cf near-Raeford'had been Bbh^illM in Ohariptte that morning by a poUcemah^. say he was a “rum runn(U*.’- - Our^ peo- j^e have not bpen able to locate the man. N(^dy here knows Slim. WO' Base ball is undeniably con; nerted with ffcaOford; as ioh^ itiS waro^ enough all-the chil dren who are large enough base ball.- More interest js takoft in the schodl oyer thisspoot tbaji over any other because We hafd all been hrot^ht up playing and understanding the game. - ^Tha older people have not lost their pnthusiaam, as is shown by/.the town teams which are organi&d admost every summer. i: Strangers to the town kno^ It by its base ball reputation^ ^and pmpie of Baeford' when travel ling are often asked, >^jOW is your base ball team this'^earT" Tho^ who have been reading thfe “atletics”. know that for two weeks the recruits for'the fcbool.teatii have been prUctic' i^- ja.su.--* jmd lod^tyv nean. 4 WVti Kp^ anfl ]g~/ .owj itff gi^ ahliiki pate^ godpel. Be wis lxiiti* andt ^epted townii'.hut went^ lbnth Wi^seve^l years ago to follow the mafi^iliiacture of naval stores, |iii remnins were/nfaipp^ to B^^lbrd-and carrida to Si^i^ tljbi. A. P.3wipdert. ^ D.^aundeira died at Sier home above Raeford Cotton l|MThursday bight, .March 8. ^at ^o’olocl^ after a short illness. iter^reni^ins were, carried td Piomp FiidUy for interment. Be fore marriage. Mrs Sapderswils yh Miss BrownI'^of upper Moore goU^yy apd a goOd' Whman* r wl^.was' held in high esteepi by 11^ her many friends and neighbora Besu^ bear husband she leaves largb y family of children, baj^a^aii.;' ■'. The legislature adjourned Tuesday. March 6, threedaya af ter theimy of the members ceas ed- C^vernor Morrison is piejEised with the. work ^ of the session'. There may be others who were phsased, but wj/haven't seen nor Heard from them. -r * ¥/• J- . . to his ..— ing for the edmiftg season which,, Edic beve^ ■ TheJt> eyerr.' comei. The bloom*. sloWad’’ nuwe St Show ^)hUrncM»jng. nUf/ be Fky im and let it Sfkrte^d^ ■' _eold/"' phis game^ W : Hf e. i ts to gel ‘ 8 gaU »4tMys t'yii) ■^V is ccmfiiicd IlHd. buuii M^dt |^4uar aeSfdent in M^RHdaylqiis^t. jjfh Gsmeroii^ i^ and ifta.- 1, Cam#on of ^ Aya and ElM Rwld^ Rapmte fna^I npet^onsfiiow yhf^eyop prmjpncts to |e good." .v:,'-.' RuVyWi Brown condpcl .the fonend'services, ^ . Mi^;.^meron was held |p bigfaf esCe^'by a host .of friends*/Who '4!lUpiy Ufmpathize with ^fo llihair great grief. iii .'■--.Xf r Prea^r., : Brown 'uaa-i ^ d. 'V. spent the weea^wbd at hbme,t . l^ot maay folks cOme to; town ihesn days. They are wattznWt with their mnles. idr. B. €. McLapcbKs is erect- nTee^w k tV That is becausS'fffis fng all the time which .pre* its fixwt Freezing .weather II not destroy ftuit, but afrost frozen dew, will. Notke to the PaUk. ' Ln Important meeting of the bizens of the county and the )ke County Chapter of the lerican Red Cross is 'called to )t jointly at the court house ifbrd on Saturday p m., at )ck, March 17tb, 1923. 54^ vThis meetirtg is called for the :purpose of further considering advisrbility of employing U ad Gross nurse for the county, to elect officers for the com ing yea’« Let each community be well ^presented at this meeting. Hoke County Chapter of American Red Cross. B. Rowland, Chairman. Rftv. Keadrkk Moves.! iv. R. G. Kendrick, pastor of the Raeford and Red , Springs Baptist-churches has resigued and moved to Portsmouth, Va. Mr. Kendrick is a good man and •ssia^"’ here, ^ttlrs. Kendrick proved to be an helpmeet to her husband. Themembers of bis church here held a reception^ in the church last Thursday night, which was a pleasant farewell to the departing preacher. On. behalf of the church May or Rowland befittingly presented a beatiful art square to Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick, which was ac cepted gracefully by the retiring pastor. Delightful refreshments were served by the ladies of the church much to the {pleasure of all^present, after a lengthy ex change of felicitations all around. KO MIO Pencils 25, 40 and 50c. T. D., Hatcher, JeWeler, Raeford, N. C. $1.00 S. 0. White Leghorn eggs per 15. Any number. W..T. COVINGTON. Tire Prices Are E^ifpected to Advance This Month Better buy a full set of Federals NOW, and be prepared . for the Summer.* j Main Street Filling Station we believe Wlll.afford the people of ^efprd a real base ball treat. A rather extensive schedule has been arranged this year and we are depending on the support of the town. Wfr will one or more games each week on the local diamond and we intend .^to give you sooie real high' sebdoK base ball. '-.S" Athletics. I u.- • After two wi^ek’s. of pracUce the local diamond warriors will go forth to 00 tattle in tbe timt their opponents the 'Laurinburg clulj whom they defeated twice last year by the scores of 13 to 0 and 4 to 0. Reports have it that Laurinburg has a much stronger team this year, howev er, and tomorrow's game will doubtless l)ea battle royal. The l)asebali manager with the support of the Superintend ent and student body has de cided to put out, season tickets this spring. These tickets will admit the owner to all baseball games nt, Raeford and the cost will only be $3.00. fhe manager has already scheduled nine games on the local field and will proba bly have more. Buying this sea son ticket means a saving of at least $1.50. We hope that ev erybody will buy one of these tickets, enjoy the games and be sides do the base ball team a good turn. You'll take one? All right! Thank you! The schedule as completed far is: March 16th, Laurinburg ^home. March 21, at Laurinburg. March 23, Red Springs home. March 27, at Red Springs. March30, Greensboro at home. March 31, Greensboro at home. April 2, Pbiladelphus at home. April 6, Elierbe at home. April 10, Fletcner at home. April 13, at Fletcher. April 17, at Elierbe. May at Pbiladelphus. The locals will probably play Fayetteville here on the 20th of April. However this game is not scheduled. Plant ^ in a sraal •planted are Mr'1^ R.I. dicfUslH^ HeMnjS towji$e9i^ stUI|bi>e- cov^.- aorrS^ ts V afid mmiEi' hate this week we , V gl^e her .1^* ’ Thdrs day. ' officers of,the .Pinssl^tofian chqj^a^Sui^ay iach^ were inviti^ fo a eix^,tliiir- ^^^^.'idA^bed-as 'a 'vs.uirprM W. Bi Brown, toe^pepu^^ l^teved pastor ', of thi^ kto North Main street. . Main Street Fitiing gf^jickd another hr itad tb folks in . This idea -from the dry It off ■r^’, ' - p- trees fbe snn will iaiaifdedene. ^WiehT the town ^'authorities, would nse the street'^pevtaig re fuse to fill hole^ in side 'sikeets. A ■ kr-x - ■ . : The minstrel. - given by the hij^h school boys BViday afght, Mafch 2, wss a pronounced sde- )nwo1 oh svilleli^ wit. v': er-bf.'J lUipehT Twak*. pm tefvall. hoe? P Tte'^nhef i^ved to be an ebytom^ ondsnmptaous spread, ^^ighiMdHv s^ed,^^$isting of tt^key, ham,> gravy. erry saiice.^eoffee, pickles,- ^tr^it ahlad, hot rolls an^ ^ add, J^ev^ake# keUatine with a^ippad "^eam* f^vllowod by^nato and toibts. ^ .f The editor acknowledges just ^re that riyhen it coines .;h^^en- \repast heApmdes:^ I7 in ability td lyiito abotit it rard^hei grade at ^ W i viMt te WWteSd. so at at Hardships. The balmy days are coming fast, The blue spring sky is calm and fair. We think that Spring' is here at last. And with a shout we rend the air. stay _ And life will now be just a song. We think that we will loaf all day, And bask in sunshine all day long. But then alas! How. blind we are. To think the days will all be warm. Cold winds will come from near and far And join to make a winter’s storm Ami e‘re we see fair Summer come. We’ll have itome weather fair and foul Cold blasts across the land will hum. And ‘round the corners loudly howl. But then, how much more glad we’ll be. When we view Sommer’s gay parade. And the thermometer we see. Go up tb sixty in the shade. ‘Tis thus, our hardships really seem, To make the good seem better yet, / And so since life is' no sweet dream There’s good in every knock we get. Robert-Covington ’25. aess; . ,. . Rev. Mr, Brown has gained and holds a strong grip upon, n jt only his own people, but all Lhe people of the town and coun ty, because of his deep piety, energy in well doing, his ac knowledged sagacity and tact, while Mrs. Brown ‘is an ideal preacher’s wife. That dinner was not only a surprise to Mr. Brown, but a Source of lasting pleasure to the invited guests. That Storm. Raeford needp mote pay roils. / •If'we had a Ittrgey town here we would require more country pro- .duce.' ■ Yes, Raeford has one pretty street, sbon ipll hays, hat others should be paved while|he‘ eqtpment is here. An epidemic of measles eauaed a closing of the achool. at An* lander for a week or Wo, so Miss Mary Poole jls at bomes, Mr. Mys:’ ^ A. WiUifoid McLaochlin a monto's dfffuifrp, The cost of transportation is what is causing prices to be so irregular. Anything hauled any distance now must be priced high. Hoke Legionaires must wake up and all our people should de velop more interest in the l>oys we promised so much' a few years ago. Mr. A. K. Stevens has n suni- ed his duties as clothing sales man at McLauchlin Co., after several weeks recuperating from an attack of flu. Jokes. «« If a cra^y man and two Chinamen fell from a train, what would the conductor re port?” ‘iLost two washers and a nut; I suppose.” “Lizar whar did you buy da odder box o’shoe blackin’?” “Soon, niggah, dat ain’t shoe blackin; dat's my massage cream.” t If your shoes squeak, let them lidther you, 'cause Shakespeare said that every one ought to have music in their soles. don’t March has sustained his repu tation as a blow hard this year, but on last Tuesday the bluster er was stormier than usual, and Tuesday night a hurricane pass ed otor this county three miles south of town. ' Trees ap^ telephone poles were blown (^wn. Mr. John A. Me Neill’s car bouse was blown down. The old steamer, A. P. Hurt, that has plied the waters of the Cape Fear between Wilmington and Fayetteville for 60 years, sunk by the wind while at dock in Wilmington. Abovt $100,000 worth of goods went down with it. The sheds around Mr. M, W. McLean’s barn on his farm in Blue Springs, where Mr. Ses- soms lives, werg blown down, Jnd some of the barn roof car ried a half mile away. Numbers of trees were blown down. A Rat in Tune Saves Nine Kill one rat today and you pre vent many rats from destroying valuable things and endanger ing health later on. Kill rats with the sure rat killer—thou sands of people are t^ing about the wonderful results they have had in wipir g out rats with Roy al Guaranteed Rat Paste. Sold and guaranteed by Raeford Drag Co. Shows at the THURSDAY and FRlDAY- “A Bill of Divorcement. ’ A Coustance Kinney Special. Also Harold LloVd Comedy. SATURDAY-“The First Wo-‘ man.” A Mildred Harris Pic ture. MON DAY-“Silas Marner.” An Educational Picture for the benefit of the school Total pro ceeds to the benefit of school. Admission 25 and 50 cents. Dufcroos Carriers d Disease All scientists agree that the bed bug is one of the most dan gerous carriers of disease. Thty carry cholera and typhoid fevgr germs and their bite is often fa tal. For health’s sake wipe out these dangerous pests! .Dae Roy al Guaranteed Bed Bug Liquid. Safe to use. Positive results. 25c. Sold and guaranteed by Raeford Drug Co. Good Thiafs to Eat EAST Make Cocoa Pudding, Sunshine Dewberries. Del- monte Bartlett Pears. L. & S. Pineapple Preserves, IcebetK Lettuce, Celwy, PreOh Wstor 'Trout, Shad and (^ters ex pected Friday aiid Saturday, to ounoesof flresb breed di^ tor ten cents. McNeill Grocery Qo. Home of Good Things to Phone 244. .J M

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