\ id VOL. XXIV. NO. 1. **'■■ » ■*■ I ■ .1. .■ I ■». I.I .M . I I H.I J I , ■ RAEPORD, NORTH CAROUNA, THURSK&Y, MifeCH 29, 19ffi $1,50 Pi6r Year. h L, ¥ Mask Department Meets. The March meeting; of the Mu sic Department of the .’Woman’s ctub was held in the home of Mrs, F. B, Sexton with Mrs. J. W. Walker, Mrs. E B. Darrett and Mis^ Dixie Reaves, joint hos tesses, Tuesday alternoon, March 20th. >'1' The meeting was called to or der by the chairman, Mrs J A. McQoogan. The roll was called, and the minutes of the last meet ing read and approved, _ Delegates were elected to the State Convention of Music (31ubs, which ndeets in Sanford in April. Mrs, vV .^T, Covington, and Mrs. W. P. Covington are delegates, l>' Mrs. W, M. Thomas and Miss Dixie Reaves, alternates. lintice was also given of the BfjSte Meeting of Woman’s Clubs, which convenes in High Point in May. The club voted to pay its part towarPs a Victrola for the school. At the close of the business meeting, Mr^^ J. A. McQoogan, our present efficient chairman, then tendered her resignation as chairman for next year, which the club voted to accept with ex treme reluctance. Electing a successor was deferred until the Ap.ril meeting, as this action on the part of Mrs McGoogan was unexpected, and the club desired time tcf think over the matter of a chairman for next year. With Mrs. G A. Puller, leader, ,'^a Bchnbert program was given. W. B. McLauchlin gave a ^puper on the life and works of :Se|iobert Hark, Hark, The Lark, was by Mrs. A. K Currie IB Dixie Reaves played a pi- Valse Caprice by Schu closed the to Raelord High School Schedale Popular Preachei Coming of Games to he Played as Home. | Raeford. March 30th, Rockingham atj Revival services will be held in Raeford. j the Methodist church, beginning April 3rd, Fort Bragg at Rae-| Sunday, April l5ch. Rev. B. P. ford. I Robinson of Warrenton, a for- April 17th, Laurinburg at, mer pastor here, will assist the Raeford. April 24th, Hamlet at Raeford. April 27tb, Lumber Bridge at Raeford- May 4th, Roseboro at Rae ford. ^LOCAUHFWS. a Mr. j. K-Mdbeod of Aberdeen was ip town la^^Friday A good ms^||i^rsons are com plaining of atiiaeks of flu ie wa^ sick the pastor in these meetings. The first week;we|i!i^glad heis’better public is cordially iiivited to at- ' tend these services. . V N. C. YEARBY. im. MEDICAL ADVICE. (Uncle Walt Mason. ) Avoid all things that stir 'your ire, be tranquil, smiling and serene; for anger is a glow ing fire that overheats ^ your blood and spleen. Whene’er you feel your anger rise, be propmpt to use some sbothing balm; for every day some fellow dies who might live on if be were calm” Thus spake today the good old doc. when I had paid his monthly bill; he always has some helpful talk that’s worth far more than helpful pill. He tells me that my/frame of mind has much to do with how I feel; if I am cheerful, jcalm and kind, it will contribute to my weal, I try to follow his advice, and I go beaming here and there, and if a flivver bumps me twice, I do not rend my clothes and swear. No misad venture stirs my bile, for i recall the doctor’s rode, and wear a wide and patient smile, which is a benison, indeed. The old time doctor didn’t care about a pa tient’s mental state . he’d tell me that I ought to , wear wool underclothes of heavy weight; he would instruct me as to hovv I should avoid the deadly draft; leave some suggestions as to chow, and poultice me both foie, ?He - f Mrs. Phebe Nisbet. Mrs. Phebe Nisbet, mother of Mrs. J. 0. Nisbet, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Lilly, near Sanford Sun- day morning at 7:30 o’clock after a long period of illness, aged 78 years- Her remains were interred at Buffalo Presbyterian church, near. San ford, of which she was a member, at 3 o’clock Monday afternoon. She leaves four sons and two daughter, as follows: Messrs. J. C. Nisbet, pf Raeford, A K. Nis bet, Greensboro; T. A. Nisbet, of Wilmington; W, L Nisbet of Greenville, S. G ; Mrs Chas. Lilly of Sanford; and Miss Macey ^4isbet of Charlotte. * Mrs, Nisbet was well known in Raeford, and is pleasantly re naembered by a number of our citizens Mr. W. T. Covington, the Raeford high school team by , ^ watching the sckedn’e of > ' We, tne undersigned citiaens in this paper. of Hoke County, respectfully re- caught a hawk in a steel, trapi fj^ifi offer you our support in the last Friday that measured 4 feet, event that you do Oh ves, •» .■■ . soon ring in Friend Ppl ing'improv' Cabin. Miss DudI spending thia. vacation Miises Mau came honfh Si to Lowell Su s will again keeps on mak- around The of Raleigh is ^ek at homo on a Keep posted on baseball by Tes and . tea, fob rowed by salted almonds The home was lovely with an artistic arrangement of vari-col ored spridg flowers, and a num’ • her of invited guests, other than the regular members of the club (^.enjoyed this delightful meeting A Cord of Tbanks. 1 wish to thank the people of Raeford and adjoining counties p>'-- for their kindness to me during 1*'^ my sickness and-trouble. Espe dally do 1 thank the ladies for helping me find a home. The' feeble words, ‘‘thank you,” do not by any means expres^ my appreciation. Mrs. G. W. Winston. The U. D. C. arranged to get Mrs. Winston into the Old La dies’ Home in Fayetteville, and she is delighted with her new surroundings.—Ed. , » . Mrs. J. D. Pittman and little child df Maxton; Mrs. D. L. Pitt- man of Savannah, Ga., and Miss r:. Willa Graham of Raeford had been out riding^with Mrs -J 1). Pittman up thti Aberdeen road ■ last Wednesday evening, and as they were returning, as they en tered Main street, Mrs, J. D. Pittman, who was driving her Buick car, seemed to have lost control of her car, but drove across Main street and struck a team of mules, belonging to Mr. John A. McKeithan, and badly injured them, one of which will die it is thought, Mrs. Pittman, who was driving, was thrown DSt the steering wheel and adly bruised on the chest. Mrs. D. L, Pittman received an ugly cut on the cheek. Miss Graham and the little child escaped in jury. ' Science is a good word; so is evolution, when they are not used.by the Devil to entrap hu* manity. badl my wife and maiden aunt found me a nuisance in the house. Rut now the doctor says, "Kerchoo! Preserve a cool, unruffled mien, for appoplexy thr3at0us you un less you’e quiet and serene.” And now my wife and aunt and niece declare ii’s good to see me sick; no more do I disturb the p.-ace, no longer do I rant and kick. A Sad Death. Mrs. E- C. Murray, Jr., died at the home of her father, Mr. Frank Bennett of Saint Pauls, on last Wednesday morniog. March 21st, leaving an infant only a week old. Rev. E- 0. Murray. Jr. is a Missionary to Mexico, and Mrs Murray came in two months ago, and since her arrival in Saint Pauls had had an attack of influenza, and later developed pneumonia Her husband had remained on his field, and knew nothing of his wife’s sickness and death until his arrival in this country, as he was coming on a visit. It was an nniisuallv sad occurrence. Rev. Mr. Mur ray is a brother of'^Dr. R. L Murray of Raeford. We are informed that Rev. E. C. Murray, Jr. had heard that his wife had influenza, and was on his way to be with her, and they were to return to Mexico when she was able to travel. But this life is full of disappoint ments. Somehow, we feel that the death of Mrs. Murray was one of the saddest we ever knew. Her remains were buried in St Pauls Saturday afternoon. I " The new currency can be made by the government, next year is to be made partly of cot’ ton. We hope they will make Citizeos’ Military Trainiag Camp. Lindbergh savs; “The Citizens’ Military Train* ing Camps present an opportm nity for physical improvement and training'in teamwork, self discipline and the principles of Citizenship at Government ex pense. These camps are doing much to promote right living and clear thinking.” Our quota for Hoke County is onlv three, but more can get in at on ce. , loot chargb'^irty days, trainingiin der expert instructors, and all railroad fare, food, clothing, laundry, medical examination, all athletic equipment, all fur nisbed free. Gamps will be held from June 17th to-July l6th. , For further information or ap plication blanks see or write Dr R. A. Matheson or ^ A. C Gillis. Raeford, N. C. The maples in the swamps are spreading a halo of tieauty aromid now. Eirgs are cheaper than they have been since before the World War. Guess they have goiu- hack to normalcy, Yi-s. peach trees are beginning to hiaoni. and if the weather warms up, the peach orchards will be worth going to see within a week. Mr. .r. Stirling Currie, who re- eentlv went hack to his position in .\tlant.T, Ca . is again at home jest out ot' a hospital. He- has improving some, but slowly. Radio connections have been established between Firestone Tire & Rubber Company’s rub her plantations in Liberia and their factories in Akron, Ohio. Mr, H. C, McLauchin under went an operation in Higbsmith hospital,Fayetteville, last Thurs day We are glad to hear he is doing as well as could be ex pected. Affairs of the Bank of Knight- dale, which failed six years ago, were cleared up yesterday when Judge E. H. Cranmer, in Wake superior court, signed an order providing for payment of the fees enough of it to visibly effect the receiver and attorneys follow price of cotton, but not depreci- ling payment of one hundred per ate the worth of money. | ce^t, dividendsto creditors. and Mary Poole rday, returning ay afternoon. When oqr cfky wishes to make a little TOOT#' i^ogress it has Mag’ nolia street plowed up again. Messrs. Jf. Hodgin and Zeb McMillan of t^d Spnn^ were business visitpife to thycity Fri* • .:v Colds are more common and worse than usual, and nearly ev erybody has a*cold most of the time. • p ■ Misses Cathleen Blue and Irma Nisbet spent the wee's end with relatives and friends in St. Pauls- Sunday was promotion day in the Sunday schools, and a new church yeat begins with April 1, in all Presbyterian churches. A little son of Mr. and Mrs Zeb Hearn is taking the Pasteur treatment for mad dog bite, as he was bitten by a dog recently that had rabies Several were before Recorder Goreluesday for driving cars while drufik” Men who drink should.noijie-allowed to obtain Irs, N, W. Campbell spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. J. B. Humphrey, v.-ho is quite sick at her home in the Saddletree section of Robeson county. Hamer Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs Grady Leach, born March 11th, 1928, and now he is doing his baddy’s fighting, so it is claimed. Gdliath is not in his class al all Will Rogers, the great drama tist entertained at Pinthurst last night, and he asked for a bandshow of preference for pre.sident, and Smith had but very few. Hoover led. Marshall B. Norris is sueing the Coca Cola Bottling Company in Cumberland Superior court for diimages, because he dr.mk a I mouse in a bottle of their goods. Mi'. E .S. Smith of Raefoi'd is attorney tor the plainliff in ilse suit 3 inches, tip to tip. S-llers lives | near Raeford. ! A barn on Mr. W. W. Hall’s I farm which contained a lot of corn and forage owned by a col ored tenant was destroyed bv fire Wednesday night __The college bovs and girls now have a spring holiday season— tbqt is the State colleges, and the students spend a few days at their homes. An unoccupied tenant house on one of Mr. E. L. McNair’s farms was burned last Saturday week. 100 bags of guano and lOO bush els of corn were buraecl in the house. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bethune and little daughter of Cheraw, S. 0., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M L. McKeithan. Mrs. Bethune and Mrs. McKeithan are sisters. Raeford high school baseball team lost a game to Hamlet in that town last, Friday afternoon 2 to 0 The two runs were made on errors, not an earned run in the game. A heavy rain and ele' trical storm came to this section Tues day morning between 2 and (5 o’clock. Vivid lightning and a downvtonr of rain continue for several hours. F. P. Johnson, C J. Seaford, -Jno L. McFadyen, N A Meinnis. P. Mr.N. Gibson, J. A. Hodgin, b. M, Watson, F. A, Monroe, J. D. Tapp, J. VV Townsend, P. H. Wright. Well, a good deal of corn and some cotton has been planted We may have gardens later, but it’s certain we have done little so far. Have you noticed a passenger train lately? They are unusually empty except the through trains. The United Slates, and other nations, have had several dar ing fliers to be drowned trying to cross an oceali, and they had no oilier mission than to see if they could fly over. • - BUSINESS BUILDERS. FOR S-VLE—4 Bigbone Thor ough Dnroc Stock Pigs four months cld D, S. Currie, Raeford, N, C., R 2. FOR SALE—Pure bred Rhode Island red eggs from flock con- t,lining first prize winner, 50c per setting of 15. Clayton A. Liles, Red Springs, N. C. R. 3. “Made-In-Carolina” Chicks, Blocdtested, State Sapervised. partv to I’^’piace $160,000 L s bonds f'oiitributed fo Mve cam pai,gn. fund in 1924 That is part of cno 'I'rapot l)om^' scandil. Ilarrv Sinclair contributed tnat much g-vernment prnpertv the Party success it is said. AND H.\tchery. Statesville, N. C. Mr. W. -J McMcili accr-nipa nied Ids lirother. Mr. E-erett Me.*- c,, !" a hiisiiiial in B liti muic i;i-t act-k Mr. '’.vireM McNi.'iil IS, suffering from a can . cer in his cheek and he has g()ije to Johns Hopkins hospital for treatment. Wade H Phillips, Director of Conservation. Raleigh, attended a meeting at Gulfport. Miss-, last week, which there were rep resentatives from thirteen states, and Phillips says that body of men were almost unanimouslv against Al Smith for President. Mr. T. H. Overton killed an eagle near Rockfish Tuesday, March 20th. that measured tip to tip 5 feet 11 inches: his claws measured 5 inches across. The eagle had been killing Mr Over ton’s chickens, so he followed him to his roost and shot him. Had been seen around for some time. . I Fresh Meats, Beef, Steak, Roast, Pork Chops, Saus.ageand Liver Every day. ECONO'lY GROCERY CO ago We were sad ipned fo h.'ar of 'he death os Mr :i R Bcnity ot | Wagrain. He difd a-a -.uiaiav i He was an uniisuily tine iiian i:'-' a good citizen He (v.oi.-d a f.iriu in thi^ enua!', . am! ,v a a" honest, upright siu;ccs--u. u, I'ac.,' mer. He married Miss Sallie) McDuffie of Raeford. who sur-' CUSTOM HATCHING Get y(;ur eaboage plants, garden sedds. Tiiey ar*^* arriving daily. McNeiil Grocery Co, S . LE o'O I'l.'e Rhode l Red vearliifg Hens $1 25 each P. McN. GIBSON, Red Springs, N. C., Rl. vives. j Mr. W. N. Brown’s dwelling! and its contents hurried last Fri | day night. The family barely | escaped with their lives, and not a thing was saved, and , with everything else IKK) in bills and some change was burned. W'e are sorry for Mr Brown and family They had a good, well furnished home. For House ot Representatives. Upon my record as a member of the past two ses.sinns of the General Assembly, I herein an- n"lUnce myself a candidate for Representative from Hoke in the next Legislature. D. S. Poole. Now is the time to have your early friers or breeders hatched. Tray of 128 eggs $5.00, (thicks for sale, hundred, $15 00 J. H. BLUE, Phone 5361. Cabbage plants coming in daily at McNeill Grocery Co.’s. , TWO TRUCKS FOR HIRE Phone 416 H. R. BAUCOiVl. Kaeford, N. C. EYES EXAMINED Glasses Ground and Fitted Same Day. DR. JUUUS SHAFFER, Phone 541 Fayetteville,' N. C. 5- i ^ -f Deputy .'iheriff W. J. McQiiagej of Hoke- County was operated \ upon for appendicitis in High- VVe have at great expense se- , , . , , , I cured breeding stock of very mith s liOi'Pita! Mcnda> was j gp|j yQ^ Baby getting on as well as could be Chicks from. This is the second jeted at list accQUuL'-'A ■ yearffiat the State has colled ' ahiT our hreedertr for'„ Borah urges the Republican Bacillary W'hite Diarrhea aod we would like for you to ask them about their quality and the Ip instaking care that we take with our work. Barred Flocks and R. I Reds— ,A $16 00—A A $18 00-AAA $25.* to 100. White and Silver Ws^n- ' dottcp. Buff Orpingtons—AA „ , I $18 Ou- White Leghorns, unusu- Robeson c..>anty farmers mean I 3i|y quality-Large eggs, to try out the value of the b^sti5:15 00 10 per cent discount on in catrle Wi ll, thoroughbred j all orders for Mav delivery, animals cost no more to keep .. ^ nstorn hatching 4c. than scrubs and are certainly j 1 OULTRY Farm more prolitahle. Th-* difference' in th(> purchase price is sooi- “ — ^— repaid bv (he improvial sb-ck ! Get your Cabliage Plants and [ Garden Seeds here. Policeman Barrington arrested j McNeill Grocery Co. Algie Green Sat'jrdav night 'mj” the Red Springs road in a Ford | S Al.E —Long StppleCotton car, tor transparting liquor Hei ^ q KEITH had 3 gallons of bonze. AKiel ^Raeford, N.c! has never had a hearing for snooting a negro by the name of .VloFarland here about a inomhi

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