f ■ t:^.^^,/,' '•■■.'■ -IT i.-^ 'r- ,«?■ !-, ^,l V-ifc; -1* ■' ■-t‘.. N •• VOL. RAEFORD. NORTH CAROLINA? THURS^Y, APRIL 12, 1928 31.50 Per Year T- ir .4t) dljieQdt Meets The regular m^thly meeting: of the CMc Depa^tmentpf Wom an’s CUub was held Tuesday P. M. at 3:30 o’clock with 26 mem* berg* present The’ chairman, .Mrs. Cameron, presided over the meeting, and tise program was given first, instep of the'’busi- pess w usqal. The topic for the afterlbdn was Town Sanitation, Mrs. W- E.'Freeman, leader of the program. A play, ^VCivic Friends and Poes,” was given by Mrs. Ivey’iJ rade in Raeford schbol, and ras greaitly enjoyed by all. Af* toe business session, fepor^ ;om all the stanoing committees a date set for clean up week, He following officers were ele^tj? for the coming year: Al Williford, chairaafahii: ^rs. an Johnson,' vied chairman, . J. M McDuflIe," sec.-treas;, Mrs. H. A._^ Cameron,, chm. •elfinance committee. A rising vote was'^jjtiven Mrs. Cdmeron for her interesting fakjafulness as chairman of this department for the past two .-yeajts; .. V At th^ time Mrs. T. B. Up chureh^'l^i^esideut of the Worn- j ah^s^Ciub called a qieetingof the Wonoan’s Club to elect delegates to the’State Federation of Worn ,ah’s Clubs to be held in High ’oint i/Uty 1st to 4cb. Meed and “ “ ijpweref|j$Cted delegates served delicidus icMwjeh^^ aim, iced tea. ' - In Wilson. ..a Uh. Mesdames W. T. CoyW- lelegates. ^ Parrolt-Wilfon. Beautiful in its simplicity, in the presence of only relatives and close frienjds was the mar riage of Miss Sally Rebekah Wil son to Mr ^rnest Leland Parrott on Saturdliy afternoon, April the 7th, at four o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, the bride’e pststor. Rev, W. M. Fair- ley, i). -P , officiating. The bride and groom entered toa'iSther to the strains of Lo. hehgrin’s Wedding March, “Solnt D’Armour” and To a Wild Rose was also played dur ing the ceremony by Miss Ina Wilson, sister of the bride. / The-bride wore a dark ensem ble with hat and accessories ^ateb, carrying a bouquet of bride’s rbses and lilies of ;the valley. . . , fv^ Sbe is the popular and attrac' tive, young daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson and has many friends who will learn with in terest ot her marriage. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Parrott of Flor ence. South Carolina, He re ceived his education at. Clemson College, and is now a prominent young business man of Hamlet, North Carolina. Immediately after the ceremo ny the bride and groom Feft for Washington, D. C., and other places of interest. • ■I ' —:— ‘ ’ Scotland County News. •' A meeting of a group of fai> me»'s of the^court house on Fri- night of last week ih-jy^e ip- threat of’^psanut gipiwing'^ Weii.^ortll ,t about 95 ^rpeaniits '' fii Popular LOCi Red Spring! installed. Preacher Coming Raeford. ^ Revival services will be held in the Methodist church, begiimi^ Sunday, April i5th. Rev. The oat croi RobinSion of Warrenton, a mer pastor here, will assist'Mie; pastor in these meetini^. Th6 public is Cordially invited' to at tend these services. N. C. YEARBY. Schedule Raeford High School of Games to he Played as Home. ’ April 17th, Laurinburg at Raeford. April 24th, Hamlet atBaaford. April 27th, Lumber Bridge at Raeford. M^:;4tfa,' Roseboro ' at Rae foM Makes Donation of Books' to Sanatorium. .1- Sanatorium, April fi.—Mrs John L. Given of Pinehurst and New York, donated recently to The North Carolina Sanatorium, a number of splendid new chll dren’s books to form the nucleus of a children’s library tor th oew Children’s Building a^ institution. Books are recognized by l)hy sicians as a distinct aid in the cure of tubercplosis The long hours necessary to be spent in bed in order to make a cure, force many patients who ordi’ narily would not read to develop- this exbellent habit. The Sanar torium has a .small library of. fic tion and other reading matter. The dtake makes no appropria tion for the purchase of books ,|or tbe institution A|3;|^- ,tpo8t of these books have ny ^ei^bns and orgaii^p|pn9 in teri^^d, ^ At the pr^e^Mt time the. ;ijtfc%Ey. • needs Fayettevil session in l>q| A Rotary been recent! Fayettevillt with Antioc I7th. Mr. and Ml Allendafe we ping last Frlc Misses EHl Louise Blue home for El Mr. 8- A. from an att but hopes kf • ..r Messrs; J* Wiggs of Fa| friends in tbs noon. IIFW5. jasbad a fire siren f'• anything but ’resbvterial is in [b at St. Pauls has ihartered ‘resbytery meets ihurch on April A. J. Jordan of f^in the city shop leth Sessonis and ^Charlotte were at Jr. lead is suffering of rheumatism, improving. Smith andC.JJ- !tteville called Qn last Friday after- Hol!aod-Teal. Mr. Tom Holland ( f est and Mis.s Dixie, v 'ingd ' ter of Mr. arnl Mr-, li^■urv > i . We married in i i--. The Journal is inform .1, r> I i. t'. , is to have a new jhurst, and it will in the State, we Moora^cpi hospitalatPi equal-any guarantee.' We haVi^.;i^pted everything anybody ,liMi'%uggested in our gareen, ei^ciiii(t wooden nutmegs. We don’t |i^e 'em. ^ Mr; J. ^I^per of Lexington spedl^ theiib^ end with his son in law ap4|:^2ugbter, Mr. and Mrs. W.*-i^^awfield. The tedl^fj^pianted Early Ad ams Cl ‘ if yye Annonneement To the DemocraHc Vorers (f Hoke Countv: I hereby aun* unce myself a candidate for Judtie m- Recor (ler’s C,a:)urt, subjfci t? tlr'acR j' of the primary to be h- Id Jir e ‘2nd, 1928 W. J MeLALTHLTN'. For State Senate- To the Voters of Hoke Countv: This is to announce rny.camii- dacy for the State Senate from .the l2th Senatorial Disrlil•^ subject to the primai-y to W la la in June. Respectfully, W. B. McQlekx. Announcement. To the Voters of Hoke Countv; I hereby announce myseli: a candidate for the office of sher iff of Hoke county, suhjecc- b- action-of the Demncr.itic I'rim iry to fie held Jnne.ihe 2ivt. 192s Ejh..vk I For Register of Deeds \ ors r,f kf" County: r-.). I .-ina' ic'. nt% .s*dt a i : r 'r. rric*- of Regis H "m ^-rajnty, ■ ‘ .n if th'- I.i -m r ' ' . .r. r., (. ■ h-'ld June \.er-’- .McN'.air. A" Hr.ms Easter. I- ' H iT.'-y P irker. t : 11 I.. G itl.n, Jr. ■ I'-'- - ; !, FI Rt-a vss. Jr , ii aham and Wal- ind I; .swell Be lt i,'>n - ; r hlasrer, -. C'’ri, rt t 'o^ington. mion-rii, .Archi- Flow- Cv .'vi; t,.' > en. t. 1 ‘.a. .\Ic! ’ .ffi-. -■ r: liatlin, i-uui' Up- n :r a'Jy‘-r., K I'n-ar.a-a ;F 'Miss ^;^ftypi^Wnted —urt, which ^dr^^piayed an ar- oYany hued band' ^S?|io8tes8 , served block ..with yellow wedding angel cake with yellow hK- ractical Method ior Reducing Method ior Taxes. Taxation must become the tax payer’s business I'here is no way out for the taxpayer unless ne is willing to make a special effort to study taxes. Families cannot be raised on scenery. There must be p^v rolls, raw materials, and Indus try- All the money necessary to do needful things must be ex pended, but none of the taxpay- ers’ money should be wasted. Wastes and extravances must not be tolerated. There can bt- no excuse for the expenditure ot public money for unnecessary public service. Every dollar .spent by government must yield its true return of service.. Let the taxpayer who is inter ested, in good government, in the rights of private property, and who wishes to see the state go steadily forward without unduly burdening its citizens, endeavor to acquaint himself with the tax situation in his state, county and community, to the end that he may be able to work with his elected officers to promote an ef ficient and economical govern ment. Public officers must be made to translate their promises of economy into action and fact. —The Tax Digest. the d *fThie / w above a Ipundred-^res. ‘ ' Dr. Gi. E. Mootehouse tendered his resignation as pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Lumber ton on 8unday, and plans to retire from that work at the end of April. It is expected that Dr. and Mrs. Moorehoiise will move to Laurinburg and uc’ cupy the new home in Quinn Marshall, which they built last year. Laurinburg will be glad to have this good family as riew ciiizans here. A Ford coupe driven by two mnin from Laurel Hill, it is said, failed to make the turn at the junction of highways 2()3 and 20 on 8uudav morniDg. inrned over a time or two and pinned the men under it, or inside of it The car caught tire and had it not boeu that some of the county officers, Messrs. Miller, Jones Dudley were near the scene at the time, the men would have been burned to deaWi in a little while. The officers removed the two men from the burning car and hronght them to Laurin burg In Judge Everett’s court Tuesday they got fines of $50 and $100 each —Laurinburg Ex change. of Anoouncemcnl ToNhe Democratic Voters Hoke County • 1 hereby announce mvsiir ; candidate for the flouse of Rep resentatives for the Cniin'v ifj Hoke, subject to the of the Deniocfatic p ifty coming primary. W. T. CoviN'GTOX. I oi :n R.- ■ ->r ' li : rt. Cd,line ■•.vtr' !).. VI i- rie'rii.aii ' ".'"il .ind .S' ac 1. Ill ln;n.' Me 'c ifi! chii:-(.'1. Gi't- -fi .ro Co-i-ge; .Mi’ses .-\adle Mae (r. I.'O, Almi Mc- :fr> de, f.auiYear by. Que'iiS (' ..-ae: Misses Bennie MeSad'.ell, -1 ijsephine H.-iil, Sa-- rail Ca-lie-'it'p , tein.irtie, Marth-a Lee* .Mcllcan. N. C. C. M : ?lisses Lucile Mc- • jfc'od. Is.-ibel McE.idyeii. FMiza- 0,‘tt) Mct’naui. .Meredith; Misses Pauline, ind MarKueritf Freeman, Elelyn Ve-igy. voter: i in’ rh-: ' Teachers at Home for Easter. Mas.- IM’z ibeth McLean, Rocky Announcement. To the Vours of Hoke Couritv; 1 hereliy announce myself a bfuary 29th, aud i candidate foe the ©tiicf} ^in^ ears extra | onbit. : r>.'' M' I tit; .'.OSS IVuiah McLean, \' I M c's M a y 01 e Me FEaithanT' and :sta.(p^-vilie; Misse:^ Maude .'*iary Boole, tj.vwell.' r Map- The Essence of Sound Government. "Faith in the ability of the people collectively to make sane orderly plans for the future, is the very essence of continued national existence. We must stop lurching back and forth from one desired expenditure of money to another, and like grown men and women, learn to stick to proportion and to plan, says Albert W. Atwood in the Saturday Evening Post. hear of ■a- If February does April May. We are very sorry to the illness of Mr. D. C, (iillis at not Macrh I his home on Route 2, and hope I for him a speedy recovery. ^ , lir ihe state ititeirested in making a donation no matter how small to the Sanatorium library might write the Superintendent, Nonh Carolina Sanatorium, -N. C. On the 22nd of March perhaps the first car load of pure bred registered Jersey cattle ever to be shipped from Robeson county was shipped to Georgia by the Callum Dairy Farm. This car load of cattle composed of twelve calves and heifers ranging from one to fifteen months old. Maxton is running abreast with some of good towns of tbe county. A solid car of corn was snipped from here a few days ago and Mr. B. F. Taylor, far mer and wholesale groceryman, states that he expects to ship an other car within the next few days.“Scottish Chief. Quite a good many cantaloupes will be planted in Hoke this spring, more than ever before, we suppose. This will bring a little money in when it will be liadiv needed. Andrew Smith, 6i, committed suicide at his home 2 1-2 miles trotn Fairmont on the Leesville road Tuesday night, April 3rd, at 1 o’clock by discharging both barrels of a double-barreled shot gun into his neck. A new use has been found for cotton seed, which will add to the value of this part of the crop. The mills get about yc a pound for cotton seed oil, and by then it gets to be compound lard the price is a great deal more, you’ve noticed. The Aberdeen Kiwanis cltib has opened war against tom signs. There has been a lot saia against road signs, and our idea is the man, woman or club which wars against such if out of a job. signs look better than nothing on long sandhill stretches of country. the Smith club ofi^the campus at the. University of Georgia last week. Intolerance aoesn’t help Chauncey M. Depew, a nat ional character who for many years was U. S Senator from New York, died April oth, aged 94 years. Mrs N. A. Maxwell of Red Springs, R. 1, is doing well since her return from Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, we are glad to learn. There are three candidates out against Commissioner Grist, which shows they do not think he is popul ar. He has had the office but this term. On April 4th, Fred King, 14, of Burnsville while umpiring a ball game w’as hit bv a batted ball, which struck him behind the ear and he died that night. Mr Bion H. Butler figures that j aaniarcand cost each inhabitant of the State 5c If the institu tion rvlorms onlv a few, it helps, and liood resuuG are cLimed tor that school l\li. T. J. Conoly has grown vvoiv-e 1,-rtelv, and his brother, Mr. A. 1) Conoly, thinks cf bringing him home from the hospital, as soon as he is able to come. He was carried to Highsmith’s^ristmas day. Mrs Cattie McNeill Watson died at the home of her son in law, Mr. Angus Wilkinson, Sat urday, March 31st, aged 77 years. She was a member of Antioch church, and was buried there Sunday, April 1st, by her pastor, Rev. G. W, Hanna. In recent Davidson College news we note that W. B. Mc Queen has been elected editor of TheCameleon, college magazine, and R. T Covington, has been, chosen editor of Quipsand Cran ks college Yearbook. We are glad to see this recognition of talent in these two fine Raeford boys Won Ide of Kegister ol'Ue Hbka s to the comihgT^moTv^li^, 1 prosiis 'se to give the &anW^eT^ional service that I have alway.tgiven., D. K. Blue For Recorder I hereby announce myself , a candidate for Judge Recoidi-r’s Chicks. ter Court for Hoke County, subj- to the will of till- ih-djile a^ , pressed in the June pi'iniaf;-.. J A. Nivkx. •t For House ci Htprestniaiivcs. j After mature deiioeratiun. -in.-l at the earnest solii-itatiaii of tnaii y 1 trierds, 1 am again a candid iie 1 for the nomioaiiun in.- lU p-er- ti [ tative from HokeC’ouio.v in j iG x ii next Generai Assembly, ^u'-j j to the will ot the people .is tn. i: | votes will determine 1.0 .lunedod. | D, b. ruoLi;. G i;ii’ Hit K from fine Blood- rested-breeding sr..ck as follows: AAA .\A Grades of Rocks, Red;- White and Silver Wyan- dott fornit-rly $18.00 to $25.00 OO'A' >iu.'.)d. L trg ■ w’bice Leghorns re diu'ed f'.ofn $15.00 to $13 00. All t lilt- above hatebed from eggs ..•t;-!,iog 2 oz. .up Custom v'9 ri; thi-'-e cents. We are now 1 e ir two to six weeks I’lenty of chicks plencv of chicks next : , .l-i V V, I ) a 1 I : 1 ;'o\v nu vear. I’OUL.KV F.4.R.M AND fl.VfUHERY, Mate^ville, N. C. I For Recorder. ' The privilege to uitek-i . roti..', i ,i privilege but a duty, i non-cw j from statistics that only aiiout 2U ; ^ per cent of those eiigtme ca takeadvaiuageof It. i be Pe;-! g iv ernment comes from tbe m:c..c.:i j which welcome.^ ti.is lajp rruaitv j to speak up for u.-eit \ ou -s;.- i be as thorough in ex ut-mg '(.in sover.ngiity at tin pus ...-i i great ouui tr.s v o -i n Its men ior cleftii^toi u.io.s l?ack in 1918 I w.is dia c-.i t fight for us and 1 v '-o: " ii one accUaiiig niuiniui ;.i .. ; . . 'in dent to my country foi n. i engagement which I tried ft eOi v to fiil. Now lam draftiii , my self for the fourth time to seiw- you along the froiu m a battk against wrongs to society. After six years in the Recorder’s t tiice I find myself convinced tnat moBe and more my tight in war for ideals helps me defeiio ibos, same ideals back in civil hit-. It i love anything 1 belie vf 1 !ovl- ih,- duties of this office. And wnat 1 shall IsaV to prov.,' my desi:-as| more than that'.^ ideate voto to | reelect me in tiie D.niocratic j primary next J une, and be a.- sured I shall continue lo keep a clear cunsi-ience about my con duct in otiice just as 1 have most assuredly kept it up until now. With many thanks for your past loyalty, 1 remain. Respectfully, Aktul k D Goue, . :o i. Ll ’ .. I..';! — riimaro Plants, Norto:! Wilt re.sistaut. ' H Plum.mer, I'dieiord. N C. L'GLD PRiv-'FS on Chicks; -j:.. .-r--: 7-5: -lO. ST.GO; KX). ... 2:'. $3 50: 50. 2 I'U v\ ill have three more 1- ih - nest month , , :h m now. I I I’.LFF. -,.S ri-^h -’. )!■-■ priCf-s. i iv. Buy t. Upchurch, Raeford, N. C- seed Porto reasonable FOR 8.\!.E - F'lne Rica Yams at prico. 9, H. Campbell, Raeford. rL C. FC'R b-Vi.R L ng btpple Cotton bvcu 81 fii r Lu.'hel See, A. C. KEU’H, Raeford, N.C. rw U PRLCKS' FOR HIRE Phone 410 "H. R. B.AUCOM, R tic lord, N. 0. EYES EXAMirslED~ iilasses Ground and Fitted 8aine Day. OR. JULIUS SHAFFER, Puone 541 Fayettuviile, N. C.

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