VOL. XXIV. NO. 4. S-' Ho . !%■ V' t- -V >* i' i- . 4 Something to Think Ahont Th« ftlectric industry has done naore in the past ten years for the advancement of American manufacture and American la bor than any other industry in the country. It has helped to advance civilization. It has flooded our streets with light. It has made possible the non concentration of labor so that manufacture can be con ducted witnout additional cost away from congested centers- It has lightened the labors of the housewife—and it has brought courage and good cheer to the farmer, who always has been and always will be the backbone of the American na tion. It has many millions of stock holders throughout the land. Its securities are owned not only in the amount of hundreds of mil lions of dollars, but in billions of dollars, by insurance companies, banks, saving societies, and oth er trust accounts. To unnecessarily injure or barm it would be little short of a calamity, not only for the indue try itself but for the people who are largely interested in its progress and success. Aberdeen Gets Big Icbg Plant. On Wednesday a representa tive of the Fruit Growers’ Ex press visited Edwin McKeithen, of Aberdeen, to ask the owner of a tract of land about half a mile below the viljage, and when Mr. McKeithan iaid the land^ was bis Mr. Nash, the,stranger, ask ed If he vfould sell it. He wo'.ild, and in the shortest possible time the deal was,concluded, and the stranger said he was buying th% property to build an icing ^lant and cold storage ou'fit that would cost about $350,000. and on which men would begin work this week. The land lies on the Seaboard, just below the town limits of Aberdeen, embraces about four acres, and will be tb6 site of one of the most modern things-of its kind on the^road. In addition the Seaboard and the Norfolk Southern will build an elaborate system of yards on the west side of the track, for the plant, which will occupy the east side, the yard construction involving prob ably $i00,000.—The Pilot. State Republican Convention. The State Republican conven tion met in Raleigh on Tuesday of last week, and nominated a full state ticket; we quote from the News and Observer the fol lowing as their state ticket; For Governor, Herbert F. Sea well of Carthage. For Lieutenant Governor, W. H. Fisher, of Sanford. For Secretary of State, Mrs- R. J. High,'of Asheville. "' For Attorney' General, J- R, of Catawt John .• For State Treasurer, .Tohnson, of Wilkes. For Superintendent of Public Instruction, I G. Greer, of W au- tauga. For Commissioner of Revenue, N. A. Pitts, of Burke- For Commissioner of Labor and Printing, L. B. Goslin, of Forsyth. For Insurance Commissioner, A. E. Hampton, of Transylva nia. For Corporation Commission, J. D. Gregg, cf Randolph. For Commissioner of Agricul ture, D. A. Patterson, of Scot land. For Justices of the Supreme Court, Thomas J. Harkins, of Buncombe, to succeed .Justice Connor; and Walter B. Love, of Monroe, to succeeu Justice Brog den. Following his nomination, which he called a “surprise,’ Mr. Seawell urged the Republi cans to make a fight in North Carolina this year on moral is suss and prohibition. He callec Al Smith “a man who stands for liquor and the ideals of the out casts. If Max Gardner stands .for that man he won’t get the best element of the Democratic vote for I’ll have it.” Mrs. J. H. Cbason Passes. Mrs. J, H. Chason died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Ritter, of Rockfish onWednes day morning of last week and after a funeral servicfe conducted in the home of Mrs. Ritter by Rev. Mr Powers of Parkton, the interment was made in Chason cemetery in Stonewall township She survived by three sons, A.F. and J. A. Chason of Lumber Bridge, C. P. Chason of Fayette ville; six daughters, Mrs. W. F. Guy, Misses Sallie and Flora Chason of Parkton; Mrs W. M. Ritter of Rockfish Mrs J. W. Carter of Lumber Bridge, Mrs. Rector McLean of Fayetteville Campaign Week For Better Homes in America. The week of April 16—22 is known as Better Homes Week throughout many rural commu nities and small towns in Am r ica The object of this campaign being to show the communities how to have more attractive and more comfortable homes at a moderate cost. Herbert Hoover president of ‘‘Better Homes in An^erica,” has this to say in its behalf; “This organization was founded on the belief that our national strength and welfare is sustained by high ideals and sturdy character. To conserve our best traditions and vigorous ideals is our privilege and duty. The home, the school and the church are charged with this most significant human task, the building of character. ,Of these three me titutions, the home ex erts the first and most continuous influence toward right thinking and right living.” The Woman's Club of Raeford is sponsoiing this movement and is anxious to have all home own ers enter into the movement by planting shrubs, flowers and gardens and by cleaning up hou ses, yards, stores and premises, thereby increasing propety values and community, self respect and civic interest. Premises that are well kept are a source of of pleasure and pride to the home maker. In addition to improving the grounds the Woman's Club is. interested in the interior of the home; com-, fort and beauty in the home are all possible even though the family income may be small; by using materials at band homes can be made convenient , and attractive, and homelife can be The wet davs last week stopped work until Friday. If you back, there has not been' Hi] freshet in several years. 1 '4 The’fifBt-fluart of strawberries sold at Ot»i|dbourne last week for $2 The Rae^rd postoffice receipts show gainuin 1927 over previous years, so |^are not going back ward. Not so «Many chickens were shipped car loaded here last weim Way, and only two lonel^ tuffilps. Dock watcher is a cripple. Never wi^ffpnvthing else, stilt you do Dock moody, nor hear Jitoplain; ‘ For Rejffster of Deeds cl hereby announce myself a andulate for the otfi ’e of Rtgi-' ter of Deeds of Hoke coiml’, subject to the action of the v- ters at the Primary in June. Dan. J R.\y. Announcement To the Democratic Voters of Hoke County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge of Recnr der’s Court, subject t? the action of the primary to be h>'ld June 2nd. 1928. W. J. McLauchlin. Rev. B. P. Robinson of War- renton arrived Monday, and is assisting Pastor Yearby in a series of meetings in Raeford Methodist church, preaching at 11 A, M. and 7:30 P. M. each day. The public is invited to attend these services. Friday morning about 8 o’clock a false fire alarm called out Rae- ford’s fire fighters, and they were at headquarters in two minutes, under full steam, ready to go, and bad nothing to do. Anybody who knowingly sends in a false fire alarm should be sent to the roads for a term. hTfla^grcatlJTakd childreri. Dr Cromaitie, Messrs. Make and Martin McKeithan and Marsnall Davis composed a quar tette which sang at the services. Kiwaois Hold Big Night. Ladies' Night was greatly en« joyed with the local Kiwanians Tnursdav evening, April l‘2th. The meeting was opened by the singing of America followed by an invocation by Rev. J. E. Hoyle. After a few preliminary re marks from President K. B. Lewis, the meeting was turned over to the chairman of the evening program, Rev. J. E Hoyle, Mr. J, W. McLauckiin in a cordial and hospitable manner welcomed the guests of the evening; to which Mrs. W. E Freeman very graciously re spooded. Miss Sadie Belle Brown, of'the school faculty, won in the draw ing contest, and Mrs. IT. P. John son was declared the most expert in throwing a ball at a man’s bead Two songs by Mrs. Raymond McLean, Miss Kathleen Blue .md Mrs. A K. Currie witii Mrs. Luke Bethune accompanist at the piano cipsed the program. The clever impersonation of Andy Gump, bis wife, Min and the son Goliath by Messrs G A- Fuller, W. T. Covington and Tommie Upchurch deserves es pecial mention, as does also the expert playing of Professor BTi- dell’s Whang Doodle Band. All this gave all present a long to be remembered evening of harm* less fun and amusement. A most delightful three course dinner was served. th6'ue^:i Last coldest no must hk Mr Mi resident rells Inle bis broth0! The Jolif; rialjsi vou * '* us ’q»ite_^'^^ hope yotf ..-TA. ; v night was the t we ever saw tp be morning; the wind owp all night. 'Smith a former 'ford, now oTMur- OlV-khere visiting j|^. Smith. .1 •'Tig.arTLes -.two *se’ this costs but we by reading them. rice ties bad rheuma tism for^^hmberi^i|ears, still he repafcB^s^es sharpens saws, AH^iiil^akes goUi money, and is I^^'^^-anji^weH man For State Senate To the Voterfi of Hoke County; This is to announce niy candi dacy for the State Senate D'orn the l2th Senatorial Distiic-r, subject to the primary, to be held in June Respectfully. W. B. McQueen. Announceme nt. To the Voters of Hoke Countv: I hereny announce myseir a candidate for the office of shn' iff of Hoke county, .suitjf-ct to action of the Democratic primary to be’held Jmie the 2n(i. 192S. Edgar Hall Hokt; connfv, sui.ject ictiop of the Df-ne cratic prHfiJh^y to be held June 2rjd. 19*^. ' David H. Hodgin. For County Commissioner »'I iierehy -innour c-- myself a 'Candidate fi-r ('runty Commis r, -ubj'-ft to the vote of the peopie at the June 2nd Primary. V^ . I. Cur.BRETH. For Recorder I anneuncf' mvQolf a candidate or the off; '• of Recorder of Hoke Ci'urdv, siE jfct t'; the action of the iJeniocratic Primary. If eleeteri I promise fair and square irnparriai service. Will appreciate yout support. Neill A. w.vTsoN. of stfin, Mr D'f lJ of labor saving services, better arrangements and new ideas in housekeeping, many of the in' conveniences and discomforts of housekeeping can be avoided. Since there is no Demonstra tion Home available to show many such conveniences, the Club has arranged with business houses in town, Raeford Hard ware Co., Freeman Furniture Stores and others to put on dem onstration windows in which will be on exhibition som" of the features of home improvements. ThetMubis planning now for a bigger and fuller program for 1929 “A task well begun is half done.” MRS. L B BRANDON, Sec. Woman’s Club, C. 0. D. CABBAGE PLANTS- Millions ready. $100 per thousand. Quick shipment. STOKES PLANT CO. Fitzgerald, Ga. BETTER HOMES. Better Homes should be our 8 ogan. Not only here but nation witle, L'-t it our strong ambition. It will stimulate our pride. Better Homes, we get the mean ing. Better living, happier hours, Honies convenient, full of com forts. Grassy lawns all set with flowers. Setter Homes, will breed con' tentment. Music, books, and magazines. Each will furnish needed pleas ure. Enchantment lend to fireside scenes. We can have convenient kitch ens, Make them quite attractive too. Use a little tact and judgment, Duco paint will wonders do. And our work can be made ligh ter, Such as handling pots and pans, By the use of bright aluminum And keep cool with electric fans. Money spent on home improve ment Pays its annual dividend, In happiness and satisfaction. And gives pleasure to the end. —MRS. T. B. UPCHURCH. Lak^y under', rather hope ti they and hui;| Mr.i milea:( ivertised for sale AnncBncement To the Democratic Voters HokeCouhty * 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Rep rest-ntatives for the County of Hoke, subject to the voters of the Deniocr.itic party in the coming primaly. ' W. T. Covington, For Recorder Til t he Vi'ters of Hoke County: 1 heretiy 'imounce myself a camJidate U t lii^ office of Re’ cord'-r tor Hoke countv. subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be hnid June 2od Paul Dickson. Announcement I hereby announce myself as a candidate for renomination to the office nf Register of Deeds of Hoke (Rounty, subject to the coming primary voters. 1 prom- Sc to give the same personal service that I have always given. D. K. Blue. beiji Announcement. To the Voters of Hoke Cmintv: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treas . , , urer of Hoke county, subj ct to ^ foreclosure, or J i-j.jg action of the Democratic ^ of. court. Wejprimary to he held June the 2iid. ^.p^neris, if wacKn’ i . -..J Recorder I hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge Recorder’s Court for Hoke,County, subject pressed in the June primary J. A. Niven. such j 1928. Herbert McKeithan .grind corn. /hb'.'lives 2 of our .one to sell. always has 'something Within the past month he has sold over $60 w-orth of turnip greens from less than an eighth of an acre of land. Well, peaches have escaped so far, .and only once have w e seen a killing frost after this time of the year, and that was more than fifty years ago. We hope there will be plenty of fruits of all sorts this year People live bet ter good fruit years. Mrs Hallie Cameron is work ing to get a Western trip this summer, and if you wish ro sub' scribe for the News and Obser ver, she will appreciate your subscription. You get the paper at the same price you pay any one elsiy and help her meantime. Mr. R A. Davis, who lives at the Raeford Cotton Mill, has been altogether confined to his bed now for three years, and only one daughter w^orks to earn a iivinu' I’or tGe farm’iv. There is iiGv no inTr' fii-;coirnm than in the uiuOKiry For Register of Deeds To th ‘ V ters of Hoke County: I horebv an’ onnee myself a candiiiart- tur the "ffice of Regis ter of Deeds for Hoke county, -ubject to the action of tfie Dem ooratic primarv to be held June 2n.i. 1928. Arch McNair. For House of Representatives. After mature delioeration. and at the earnest Solicitation of many iriends, I am again a candaia’e for the nomination for IvPpiesen tative from HokeCminty ir riip| next Genoral Assembly, stjt'j •■■t! to the will ot the people as ih. ir| votes will determine on June 2nd. D, 8. POGLE. niff'f't to the will of the people IS e.xpressed in the .approaching Priinar\’ on June 2nd. prox. Zeb Hearn. apija I' theP famil;. Rev A. M. McLauchlin and family have recently moved from Williamsburg, Mo., to Chester county, S. C., where Mr. Mc Lauchlin becomes pastor of the Pleasant Grove and Hebron group of Presbyterian churches. Mr. McLauchlin is a son of old Antioch church in Hoke county, and his father, the late D. B. McLauchlin, was a native of Scotland county and lived at the old McLauchlin place near Wa- gram. Rev. A. M. McLauchlin has been living in the West fora number of years and has done a fine work there. He is a strong man and a reliable preacher and has many kin folks in this section including Scotland, Hoke and Robeson counties,—Laurin- burg Exchange. An Awbition. Secret ambition is a dangerous ambition. It it is worthy of private entertainment it is worthy of putilicity, and ought through publicity to grow nearer to its realization. You will get my meaning by reinemoerina lama candidate for a fourth lime for the County Jndge.-ihip The duties of that office are a schO'.)! to any lawyer. Cas s a'O tried which otherwise weiiid con gest Che Superior court docket. As 1 am a lawyer , each case I hear as Reciirder trains me for a h’.ghec judgeship. 1 have tieeo wondering if rhis had t ver oc i curred (" you Suppose -ome I lime Houe COU'itv could choosej and elect a lawyer to ihe Mipe-1 rior c-ncr bei ch. It won,d L. a' matter !)• i.;ei:u ee oride t,i people, and 1 hope Uuiy \v e-en hetore many years mor.-. A.-- no i body but a law ver c. u illi :! perior court jutieesl'.ip. w , y i , start early to train one lu. tna possibility? If we never try we shall never win. By re electing a lawyer to the office of Recorder you send him to the very school which he ought to attend in order to make you a safe Superior court judge. Law- schools are only a start for the real battles of life. It takes hard knocks in actual experience to test a man’s mettle and prove his wortn to humanity. I want you people to vote for me next June and give me a thorough schooling for bigger things, if you please. I need the valuable experience And it occurs to me that this office needs an experi enced man and that the people are very well aware of that fact. Again thanking you for your past faithfulness to me, I remain, Respectfully, Arthur D. Gore. At- For Cotton Weigher Premising faithful and efficient -ervice in tiie future as in the past, I again offer my services ic the voters of County as Cotton Weigher, smject to the in the Primary June 2nc Martin McKeithan. For Cotton Weigher At the request of a number of friends, I h'^rein announce my- seif a ".'indiiiate for the office of I Cntr .n Weigher for Hoke county. I'OR SALFf-Three good fresh nidk cows. Will trade for bee ciiGle F. G LEACH. Man wanted to run McNess Iffi.einess in Hoke county. No experience needed. Must have car, can m-ike $7-$10 daily, no lay eff-;. no bosses, chance of a lifpHnie Use our capital to stare Write FURST AND THOM.VS, Dept. J. L. 7, Freeport. III. Bargain in “Made-ln-Caroiioa” Chicks. From April 10;h throughout jiir ti itchii.g-seas.'ii we offer our ‘^ HL-'K I r nn fire Blood- t-sted i.ir e'iing-Kt ck as follows: .\.\ -\ A A (Trades of Rocks, Ih"’- ''- I '.- r! ''■Iv, r* Wvan i! ' I : oO to $25.00 iiO > l'. 0 Lif^' V\ hue L!gl;o,-ns re U'! dtu’i d froni Sl -'.etl lo $13 00 All ! it ttu- ati'/ve ti .uUeii irom eggs weitihing 2 iz. up Custom Work three cents. We are now ready with our two to six weeks old chicks. Plenty of chicks now mean plenty of chicks next year. Blngh Poultry Farm and Hatchery, Statesville, N. C. REDUCED PRICES on Ch'i^; Reds 25. $3,75; 50, $7.00; lOO, .$13 00: Whites. 25, $3.50; 50, $0.50: 100, $12.00 VVill have chicks for only three more weeks. This is the best month for chicks—get them now. J. II. BLUE. Phone 5361. FOR SALE—Several tons Fish Tankage at reasonable prices. It is going up every day. Buy now. C. E Upchurch, Raeford, N. C. in