. ■ ..t^iiil^.. ‘ _ if • 2^ r BOKE tiODNTT JOERKAL LOCAL ITEIiS. There will hardly be very much Unore cold weather this spring. Mrs. J. L.Brooks has returned from a visit with relatives in Concord. Fayetteville Presbytery met at Antioch church last Tuesday evening- Mr. T. F. Culbreth went up to the Buchan farm a few day ago and put on 24 pairs of mule shoes in, little over a half day. ► Mrs. W. 0. Brown (^Barium Springs has been a visitor with relatives and friends in the city for the past several days. Rev, W, C. Brown of Barium Springs has been shaking hands with friends and attending Fay etteville Presbytery at Antioch this week. Raeford high school base ball team has played three games and won them all since last issue as I as follows: Rockingnam 6, Rae- 1\ fydl7; Antioch ], Raeford 25; ^ Jjaurinburg 10, Raeford 19. Suggestions. As the members of the present board feel they have suffered their share of public criticism, allow a voter to nominate the following ticket for county com missioners: Archie McGill, S. J. Cameron, R. L. Bethune, F. F. McPhaul, M. G. Ray. ^ And while I am at it, allow me to suggest a good Board of Education: Frans Townsend, Louis Parker, E. B. McNeill. N. P. Sinclair, Hector McNeill. These are merely suggestions, but we must have both boards, and it is well to be thinking of men suited for these places. VOTER. Notice to Contractors. - Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of Hoke County until 1:00 P. M. Friday, April 27tb, 1928. at tbe office of the Board of Education, Raeford, N. C., for the erection and com pletion of a brick and frame school building lo Ce located on school lot at Monirobe Ashley Heights (about one mile from Sanatorium, N C.,) according to plans and specifications pre _pared by Leslie N. Honey, Arch itect, Wilmington, N. C. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 3 per cent, of the amount of bid, said check to be made to W. P. Hawfield. Secretary to the Boai;d of Edu cation. All bids to b^ddressed to Jesse Gibson, Chairman of the Board of Education, Raeford, N#C. Checks of successful bidders to be held by the Board until • satisfactory bond as required by law has been furnished by the Contractor and accepted by the Board. The checks of unsuc cessful bidders will be returned as soon as bids have been tabu ^NAlated and contracts awarded Plans and specifications may be had by any responsible, li censed contractor upon written application to L. N. Boney, Ar chitect, Wilmington, N. C. Each application for plans must be accompanied oy certified checks for $10 00 for set of plans, made payaole to the Architect, said checks to be iit'ld for a deposit b and returned to the conlractoi when plans and specifications have been returned to him, in good condition. VHeatiog, plumbing and elec tric wiring will be let separate from the general contract. The Board reserves the right to accept any or to reject all bids received. Board op Education, Hoke County. Jesse Gibson, Chairman, ^ W. P. Hawfield, Supt. ^ L. N. Boney, Architect, Wilmington, N. C. Comity Democratic EzecntiTe ^ Crnmnittee Meets.'' . The (bounty Democratic Exec- ntive CommittH^ met Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock in response to the call of Chairman M. W McLean; a qurum being present, a working organization for the party was effected The precinct committees are as follows: Allendale: W. J. McLauch lin, J. W. Hasty, N. P. Watson, W. B. Everleigh, J. G. McGou- gan Antioch: J. A. Hodgin, G C. Biggs, M, A. McDonald. P. McN Gibson, F. F. McPhaul. Arabia: J. Leonard McFadyen J. R. Hendrix, Oscar Maxwell, J. D. McGougan, S. P. Trawick Dundarrach: A. A. Conoly, Jesse Gibson, W J. McBryde, W. I. Culbreth, N. A. Mclnnis. Blue Springs: J. W. Russell. R. J. Hasty, D G. McMillan. R. A. Matheson, Hector McNeill. Little River: D. McGill, J. A. Dees, J. W. Smith, D. J. Priest, A. D. McLauchlin. Glenecho: Louis Parker. F, ,A. Monroe, D. K. Parker, Har- , ris Lunsford, F. P. Johnson. Quewhiffle: C. J. Seaford, D H Johnson, Dr. P P McCain, Henry Gordan, Arch Tapp Rockfish: A. W. Wood, Frank Townsend, A. A Ray, Jr., E F. Jones, Frank Bethea- Raeford: E B. McNeill, N. A. McDonald, D. B. McFadyen. J. A. McDiarmid. W. A. McLean. Mrs. A. A. Wright Dies. Mrs. A. A. Wright, a good true wife and devoted mother, died at her home near Rockfish Station last Friday, aged 43 years. The death of this good woman was a shock to the comncunity, and brings a sad, irreparable loss to her family She leaves a be reaved husband and five chil dren, with whom we deeply sympathize. She was laid to rest at Galatia church, where she had been a consistent member since child hood, Saturday morning at 11 o’clock The funeral was con ducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Bain, assisted by Rev. Mr. Hes ter of Pavkton She bore her afflitions with Christian fortitude and patience. Mrs. Wright was a sister to Mrs. W. W. Hall of Raeford. and Mr. W. N, Campbell of Linden- For best values in Overalls. Work Pants, Work Shirts, etc go to Baucoui’s Cash Store. NOTICE. We will sell for repairs to the highest hidder one Ford roadsb.T H. A. Page, Jr- 4 FERTILIZER FOR SALE: Ni t-rate of Soda. Sulphate Am monia, Fish Tankage. Mixed Fertilizer on hand Terms cash. J. B. Thomas. EYES EXAMINED (Basses Ground and Fitted Same Dav. OR. JULIUS SHAFFER Phone 541 Fayetteville. N. C. TWO TRUCKS FOR HIRE ' Phone 416 H. R. BAUCOM, Paeford, N. C. Mare Globe wilt resistent Tomato Plants for skle by S. A. SNEi^D, Raeford. FOR SALE-Fine seed Porto Rica Yams at reasonable price. J. H. Campbell, Raeford, N. C. Play Suits for the Kiddies We have an unusually large and well selected stock of these garments with Quality, Variety and Price to suit most everybody. GET A SUPPLY NOWI BAUCOM’S CASH STORE Outfitters for the whole family. ’ Raeford, N. C. COURT CALENDAR HOKE COUNH SUPERIOR COURT APRIL TERM, 1928. No. 1046. No. 962. No. 847. No. 853. No. 898. No. 921. No. 959 No. 992. .Wednesday, April 18, 1928. In re Will of Lewis McNeill. H W B W and S & McQ for plaintiff. H S K for defendant. Mrs. Sallie S Cameron ys Aetna Life Ins. Co. S & McQ for plaintiff. Murray Allen for defendant. E R Gurley vs Olin Graham. F H B and S & McQ for plaintiff. J W C and T J D for defendant. W H HaU vs Thelma G Hall. H W B W for plaintiff — for defendant. American Wholesale Corp. vs R B Wilkins et al. W C Downing for plaintiff- H W B W for defendants. Snow, McCanslin & Co vs R J Jones et al. J W (3 for plaintiff. for defendants. Dundarrach Trading Co vs Henley McNeill. J W C for plaintiff. for defendant. Page Trust Co vs W A Brown and W A McBryde. S & McQ for plaintiff. for defendants. Thursday, April 19, 1928. No. 1020. L L McGoogan & Brother vs L Mclnnis. T Scott Howie for plaintiffs. for defendant. No. 1035. J H Austin et al vs L H Townsend. S & McQ for plaintiffs. J W C and T S H for defendant. No. 1039. Farmers Furnishing Co vs Mary E McGill. GBR for plaintiff. A M Moora for defendant. No. 1044. Ida McQuarin vs Alex McQuarin. S & McQ for plaintiff. —for defendant. No. 1047. N A McDonald, Admr. vs Mary Jane Brock et al. J W C for plaintiff'. S & McQ for defendants. No. 1051. J A Hodgin vs M B McBryde. S & McQ for plaintiff. for defendant. No. 1056. J P Jordan vs State Highway Commission. GBR for plaintiff. . C Ross for defendant. No. 1057. James D Tapp vs State Highway Commission. S & McQ for,plaintiff. C Ross for defendant. Clean Up and Paint Up Beautify your home and its sur roundings by painting, and other wise improving the appearance of your premises. Any man or wom an enjoys life more in beautiful surroundings, and nothing helps so much as paint. We are especially well prepared to supply you with PAINTS to help you beautify your home, so there will really be NO PLACE LIKE HOME. We handle the best in PAINTS, and make the prices real, attractive. Call, and look over our large stocks. AND WE HANDLE EVERY THING NEEDED ON THE FARM in the way of tools, and we are prepared to supply your wants in Building Supplies. We make your needs our study. Call and let us be of service to you. Raeford Hardware Co. IMe'-S^Mrior Cbwt. Hoke Hnperior coart coovened Monday morning with Judge W. C. Harris of Roleigh presiding. A new grand jury was drawn to serve the next 12 months. They are; B. R.Gatlin, Foreman, W. J. McLauChiin, S. L. Akins, J. C. McLean. J. M. Morron, J. F. McFadyen, Jr., M. Gainey, D. S McKeitban, J. R. Hampton. E W. Bottoms, D, M. Campbell, M. J. Robinson. B. P Po toM, M, B. Davis, N. B. Sinclair. Dan Clark, Homer Walters, C. B Spivey. In the matter of State vs L. W. Andrews, assault with dead ly weapon, a venire of 25 men was summoned fromMoore county to try the case. This venire was exhausted before a jury was secured, and Judge Harriss or dered 10 more veniremen sura moned, and from these the jury was completed. The case was then tried and a verdict of guiitv was rendered by the jury. The defendant was taxed with the cost and judgment suspendeed. Some cases appealed from Re corder’s court were next tried. The remainer of the term will be devoted to the civil docket. Jm9I MeHmg ti fkt UgiM A joint meeUng of the Ameri can Legion and Aoxiliary wm held on Friday night, April i3th, in tbe Kiwanis Hail. At thM meeting a good deal of bosineM was gone over and arrangements made to sell poppies In May. The Auxiliary ie also going to sponsor a moving pictare, and in conjunction with this picture anot her one will be shown giying an idea of bow the poppies are made by the ex soldier in the hospital. We must remember that a good many of these boys are not receiving anv compensa* fion and this is their means of money. It also keeps them oc cupied and in this way keeps their minds off their suffering. May each one of us wear a poppy in May in memory of those who lie in Flanders Fi-ld. After the meeting delicious punch and cakes were served and a social time enjoyed by all. A Real Stock of Dress Goods is here fur you, ready to make up to date SpringJFrocks. Baucom's Cash Store. Line Up With Us. We have tried in every way to give our custom ers the best service we could in every way possible, by being prompt in our delivery to their homes of goods purchased. We find it does not pay to run a delivery truck. We will appreciate you calling for your goods, and we will try to make the difference in the price. SO AFTER APRIL 28TH, 1928, WE WILL . MAKE DELIVERIES. NOT We will make our place attractive, and also make it to your advantage to do business with us. ECONOMY GROCERY CO. J^member it's'^ODA' not luck^l 0 T he whole South now knows the story of the 1927 Cotton Champions . . . every one of them big users of Chilean Nitrate of Soda. It’s Soda, not luck, that makes these record crops year after year. The North Carolina Champion Says: “If I could not get Nitrate of Soda with which to side-dress my cotton and corn, I would quit growing these crops. To be on the safe side, I have already purchased thirty tons of Soda for use in side-dressing corn and cot ton at the rate of 200 pounds per acre:' C. P. ELLIS No. Carolina Champion 1927 Clayton, N. C. Take a tip from your state champion. Side-dress your cotton liberally with Soda. The more Soda, the more profit per acre . . . and why not have more real money to ahow for this year’s work. New Fertilizer Pamphlet... FREE Oar aew pamphlet “ Side •Dressing Cotton and Cora.* Shosrs how to make more real money. Telis how to asa Soda after planting. It is free. Ask for Pamphlet No. iO or taar out tbia ad and mail it with yoar name and addrooa, Chilextn “Nitrate ofSoda EDUCATIONAIjCBUREAU professional Bldg., Rtaleif^ jML C» £* wHting, ploaao mandon Ad Jtok. 69^ IT’S ''SODA”~NOT LUCK

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