/ j/'* ^*7 VOL. XXIV. NO. 5. RAEFORD, NORTH CAROUNA|®lfRSDAY; APRIL 26, 1928; r-'l^ 1 Better Babies Contest. i Under the auspices of the Woman’s club of Raeford a bet ^ter babies contest in Hoke county wHl be held in Dr. Matheson’s office over the Bank of Raeford* PridaVi May the 4th, beginning at nine o’clock A. M. Dr. Rainey of Highsmith Hos. pital, assisted by Drs. Murray and Matheson and state dnrse will examine all babies from six months to two years old free. A prize of ten dollars has been donate^ by Page Trust Company and Bank of Raeford and will be given to the three best babias. All babies must be registered not later than Wednesday, May 2nd, 1928. Phone 347, or write MRS. T. B. LESTER. Chairman Bettor Ba'oioo Contest. Mask Departmeat Meets The music department of the Woman’s Club was held with Mrs. C. E Upchurch and Mrs. H. A. Green, at the home of Mrs, Upchurch Tuesday after noon, April 17. Mrs. J, A. McGoogan, Chair man, presided, and the roll was called, and the minutes of the March meeting read and ap proved. * The chairman read a letter from Mrs. W, A. Harper, Presi dent of the State Federation of Music Clubs, which told of the plans of the State Meeting to be held in Sanford April 18-20th. The club voted to give as their open meeting a concert the week of National Week in May, D. G. Registrars and Poll Holders. The Hcke County Board of Elections met on April 14th and appointed the following Regis trars and Poll Holaers to serve at the approaching primary, .Tune 2nd: Allendale: Hector Currie, A- McGoogan, W. A Wilks. Antioch: D. M. Watson, O. Biggs, W, W. Strickland. Blue Springs: R J. Hasty. P. H. Wright, J. M. Norton Glenecho: D. K. Parker, Floyd Monroe, Hugh Hair. Arabia: Leonard McFadyen, Brunt Tolar, Evander McMillan. Dundarrach: L. A Mclnnis, Judson Lee, G W. Pittman. Little River: J. W. Smith, A. C. Smith, H. 0. Wooten. Quewhiffle: Herbert Bevan, A. B. Tapp, JeoSoPamoll. Rockfish: A. W. Wood, E. F. Jones, Alf Long. Raeford: A. B. McGill. John F. McFadyen, T. J. McGill The first named is Registrar, and the two following are Judges of Elections The new Board of Elections is composed of Messrs. R. L. Be (Political Advertisement) BAHLEY STATES HIS VIEWS ON QU^TIONS NOW BEFORE PEOPLE Candidate For Congress From Rich mond County Scores The Peannt Type of Politician; Opposes Pur chase of Political ■ Power With Money. In announcing my candidacy for (Congress in the Democratic primary to be held June 2nd, it is fitting -and proper that I make known my attitude and views relative to matters that vitally concerp the people generally and the voters'of the Seventh Con- gresaional District in particular. The hope of this nation lies in the restoration of the Denoocratic party to power. The Democratic party has always stood for the masses as against the classes. The Republican party’s policy has resulted in sectional and class favoritism and sectional, rather than general pjpsperUy. The Democratic party has^tood er ec ^^h rough m by their- failure tioh of politicians of tb« ^^vpe, many of them in ..who'confine their ac fear of defeat— to wRh the solution of the m^-to the circulation cument^ ^s will, in ien appease their con- fbr lack of activity plishment to which a For Rejftster of Deeds cl hereby ■ announce mygelf landidatH for thM offif’e of P ri -er of D f-'is 'if L kf' c !it‘ Puf'ject to the act'ort of th' ters at the Primary in Jun-^. b.\N. J KaY- I. $1.50 Per W// For Sheriff a i To the Vot' rs of Hoke Conntv^ t 1 hereby ''oni unce myself a • j carididate f(.r th- of Sheriff ,.|of . un V. subj‘-ct to the [ i.f.on of r;,. .Oi-mocr.Stic primary ^0 be hei'l Ji.;:- 2r)il, 1928. ! ItAVID H. HoDGIN. • Announcement To the Democrau'’ Vutt rs of ' Hoke County;, Thereby anrreuncc rnysflf a candidate for .iudtie f Rt-cor . ! 'the a."'l l0" h'-l.l .June ?man ’should apply his ■ der’s Court, subj /■and^'energies. These | of the primary to t)e ate sent out under i ^ . i , . - VV. J. MoLaUI HI.TN. le mnking privilege. For County Commissioner I !'f-re'.y loofu c- myself a oa'nii'la'e bir • i.unty Commis 0’T. -ubj-' t the vcfe of tbe P ' l-i'-a*- rhe.Jon' 2rd Primary. ■ vv. I. lllbreth. p^t vgorth the price of a jb'stati^ ^ AS an evidence ittem^ to' mislead and ublic opinion, thecircu* this ttbmmyftit invari- reftes, as the primary hes. . '' Bueb restrictions with .. 10 to these abuses" as will tie fr^king priyilegd to the cl^uIatio|i^*^of such inforraa for ‘‘equal rights to all and privileges to none.” The Repwh j’ thune, Chairman, N. B. Sinclair, party has built throug and B. C. Cox- Staod By Prohibition. One of the greatest moral vie tories in the history of the world was the tremendous vote by which the liquor traffic wa- overthrown in these United States Nothing has ever oc c.urred in the political history of during I this country that counted larger Music I for the sobriety, uplift and blessing of humanity than the Mrs. C. E Upchurch, Mrs. R. B. Lewis, Mrs. G. A. Fuller, Mrs. W..,T. Covington and Mrs Raymond McLean were appoint' ’ ed a committee to work out plans for observing National Music Week. Mrs W. T. Covington, Mrs. G. A. Fuller and Mrs. C. E. Up church to be judges in the con test for the best essay on the Life and Works of Edward Me Dowell. This contest is open to any music pupil in Hoke County in and above the 7th grade. Mrs. R. B. Lewis, Mrs. W. M, 'Thomas and Mrs, J. W. Walker were appointed to select prizes offered for most improvement in music in the local high school. The program for the afternoon , was on Wagner. Mrs. J. A McGoogan acting as chairman in the absence of Mrs. J. S Poole. Mrs. Wm. Lament read a paper on the life Wagner. ‘‘0 Thou Sublime Sweet Even ing Star” from the Opera Tan- hauser was sung by Mrs. A. K. Currie. Whirl and Whirl, The Spim ning Song from the "Flying Dutchman” was sung by Mrs W. P. Covington, Mrs. A. K. Currie, Mrs. Raymond McLean and Mrs. G. A. Fuller, A number of interesting cur rent events Were given by dii ferent members of the club. The hostess entertained with a • music memory contest after the program. Delicious angel cake and or ange ice were served by the hostesses. closing of saloons in this great republic. All the powers of evil are arrayed against the probibi tion of the liquor traffic. It is startling to think that simethree or four candidates announced for the presidency of the United States are the bitter enemies of prohibition, the life long and uevoted friends of tbe saloon. It does not seem pos sible that intelligent men and women would be willing to rallj under the banner and leadership of men, who in heart, head and history stand for the saloon, witli all the tears, blood, murder, dis ease, poverty and debauchery that the liquor traffic has brought to this country. But it beliooves the people who reverence God and love human iiy to be up and doing with great enthusiasm. If any political par ty in this country is so blind to the best interest of humanity as to nominate a whiskeyite to the presidency, people should give a rebuke to such party and mao as will never be forgotten. A VOTER. Two big insurance lawsuits and a will case was settled in court last week, and a number of things adjusted, so the docket was shortened considerably. The store house and stock of goods of Mr. W. L. Caddeil of Arabia was destroyed by a fire of undetermined origin some ten nights ago. There was no Insurance, so the business was a iotal loss. Tbe Methodist Meeting. The series of revival meetings held in the Raeford Methodisi church closed Sunday night, ana was indeed a season of revival, and was more than a. Methodist meeting, for very large audiences irrespective of denomination met at each service .and were alike benefibted. Rev. B. P. Robinson, a former pastor of this church, but now of Warrenton, a very popular man in Raeford and surrounding country, preached plain Gospel truth without anything akin to high pressure methods but with a zeal and earnestness that met a hearty response from the pews so we feel great and lasting good was accomplished. There were many reconsecra- tions, and quite a number of professions of faith. A collection $102 75 was taken up for Mr. Robinson. special privilege program a eyed group that has repeatedly bought control of our govern ment in order that they might continue its exploitation ai\d the consequent subjugation of tbe masses, ■ Tiie Democratic partv h a s acted upon the principle that it is better to trust all the people a pgirt of the time, than a part of the people all the time. I am in perfect harmony with theprinci pies and policies of the Detno cratic party. Political power purchased with tainted money can never serve America MoP ev can be made a great power for good when properly employ ea, but when used to prostitute and enslave the manhood and womanhood of our nation, its eT fects are as deadly as it will be come disastrous. I appeal to the men and women of the Seventh District to join in administering a rebuke, not only to the Repub iicau party but also to tho^who seek to buy their way into office What honest toil has contribu- t ed to our national greatness is incalculable. Immorality and crime are more rampant in Amer ica today as a cons' quence of in’ creased idleness; and he who fa vors a policy that is conducive thereto is an enemy alike to our governmeut and our people. .This government owes no man a liv ing, but it is a duty of its states manship to provide, in so far as pDs.sible, an opportunity to com p!v with the divine injunction to e irn bread by the sweat of the hrow. If elected as your representa. five, I will exercise the power delegated to me whenever and wherever possible to create op portonity and will oppose any measure calculate*! to deprive American labor of its God given privilege. I believe in the economic prin ciple that our national and gen eral prosperity is largely depen dent upon, and influenced by, agriculture and farming, and that any safe and sane measu e looking to the correction of ex isting inequalities and affording relief to the farmer ought to have the support of every Amer ican citizen. There are two classes of our citizens that ought to have first consideration at the hands of ev ery hundred per cent American: one is the men who create our wealth in time of peace, the oth er the men who fight our battles in time of war. We are burdened with an ov* faculty. ddrol^ents as will im prc^|md elevate, and not debase and^plidirect, the public mind. Andu^ practice of tbe peanut con^|igpan.4s that of* distribu - abundantly just primary. It if intention of the gov to seally help the far y not make ' an appro ■sufficient to guarantee their needed supply of d? Any Up.to date far ^be purchase of reliable seed house at e^ill produce better the use of seed gath liscrimiiiate sources. !^-iajpa-..iterate that I am f^pt harmony with the |nit»c party and its policies, favor of America for fe.V'" I beiisve. that the pi tax^ion .without is- as- unjust in l928 as it was in 177G. I believe that prosperity to be real must be general and not sectional. I .believe in according Southern in dustry the same protection that is given to other sections. I would state to my fellow citizens of the Seventh District, tnat if you should honor me wdth the majority of your votes and I become your representative in congress and I cannot come back to you with a record of my own made in your behalf, I will not attempt to apologize by the cir eulation of cheap seed and speeches made liy congressmen from other states, undertaking to discredit the principle, estab lisbed l)v George Washington and which no political party has bad the nerve to since violate. T. E, BATTLEY. Hamlet, N. C.. April 111, l!)28 '1 Dogwood blossoms have been at their best for the past week. The detour on the Red Springs road was through the Goose pond, and r jugb. Mrs. Ni. Ij McK'iihan, who vva-s siek the first of the weea, is iinproving we are glad to hear. The peaches are not all dead, but hdw many have been injured sufficiently to make them drop off remains to be seen. We are enioying strawberries from our own gardens this week, and that is well, for we could not pay the price they sell for. The cold, wet weather has caused cotton seed to rot in the ground it is feared, and may have to be replanted, that is if seed can be had Misses Maude and Mary Poole spent the past week end at home, and had as their gueests Misses Louise and Frances Reaves, also members of the Lowell school faculty and sisters. Lowell school has three pairs of sisters in its , For State Senate To” the Voters of Hoke Counts ; TMs is to announce t|iy candi dacy for the-State irnm the l2th SeuJtiorial Di.-ni , subject to the primary to' be ii - d in June, - . Respectfully. . W. B. McQukkn. Announceme nt •' To the Voters of Hoke County; I hereby announce niyselt u candidate for.,the office of ’-hei iff of Hoke county, sul'jf^t to action of the Democratic priinai v For Recorder ■ I arinouncM mvself a candidate tor ibe f.ffi"- ‘i Recordernf Hoke eou’if'v, s icji c* t' rhe action of H’e Ue'ii.'i.' ruMi- Primary. If elect'’'] I .jT rni.s'- fair and square 1 n: r>ii 1' I: .-.d £ - r v ce. Willpnreciate yaur s’ij.pi.rr. NEir.i, A. W ats'>N'. to be held Jnne the 2n(l. 192^. El'G.tR IlAI.k For Recorder To the Voters of Hoke County; I he.-fcoy ii’i cunce myself a candidate fer the rffice of Re’ cordcr tor Hnk'^ county, subject to the acfion of the Democratic Primary to be he'd June 'ind Pa:ul DiCkSON. Announcement To the Democr.atic Voters r Hcke County• 1 hereby announce nnsoH' candidate for the tiousc of Rei resentativea for the C’oiiht\' of ] Hoke, subjoi-t to th- voi.:!' of thf Deiunca’atic n.-ir'ty in th coming prirnaiy. VV. T Covington. Announcement. To the Voters of Hoke Countv ; 1 hereby announce myself n candidate for Hie office of 'I’n as urer of Hoke county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to tie held June ihe 2tni, 19'28, Herbert McK.githan' For Recorder 1 hereby appouiice myself a candidate for Judge Recorder’s Court for Hoke County, subject to the will of the people as ’’X pressed in the Jni'e primary J A iMVEN. Announcement I herrhv announce myself as a c indida'e tor rorioniination to ihe offic of io aister of Deeds of Hoke Couniy, subject to the corning prirnarv voter?. 1 prom- se to give the same personal -erv'Ce tiint I have always given. D, K. Blue. For Register of Deeds To the Voters of Hoke County: I liereby mnonnee myself a candidale ter cn-- office of Regis ter ( f Deeds for Hoke county, sui ject to th' action of the Dem orratii' primary to lie held June 2nd. 19‘2S. Arch McNair. For House of Representatives. After matun; lielieeratinn. and at the earnest solicitation of man v rriend-.. 1 am ag lin a camiaiare for the nominatioii fo'- Juyiiesen tative rii Id Hokekouncy ir. tit next Ge leral Ass-.ra : y, siiC.i to the W .e Ol Hii' ,. ...Ip:e ,.S '.lit i: votes will determine (id ,'jmi"2o(h D. S. ]-'()"Ei;. For Commissioner I hereliy annoiUice mv-scif a candidate for the (.Jlice ef t'onn ty Commission, I’, .'-ui’j c, to Hi will of the v'/ters in the Dt'rm.. cratic primary, June 2nd F. F. MciHAUL For Recorder. Grovel Cleveland said. “I’abiic office is a public trust.” Am I think it WTis Pope or Drvd.en who said, “An honest rinn's the noblest work of Hod.” Tin job on election day is for tht voters to tie up the horn st man with the place uf trust so that w'hat they pay him will not t r- wasted tax money. I have sentenced 2;3.i;) defun- dants for violation of thf l.iw (hiring th ' five years I have Or-en Recorder. i'In ir rcau -eic.tii , s total more than 00 brainstorms ami f e; 11 have all b-'tii nnuc, . , • I seldom had a jury to he;p m.- n. cide. I have never made i uii- ful mistake, I have maa > mis takes but I declare unro you they were honest mistakes Mav 1 not serve you "fiCf niore in this office, and enj(,)y Hie plea sure of your liallot in the I>,>nio cratic primary in .tune; Please remember me and what 1 am here saying to you. when you come to n:y name on the ticker. Again offering mv'‘’irand mv thanks in advance. I am, Respectfully yours, Arthur D Coke It has been decided to build a great hospital at Piiiehurst, and it is Said the money for its erec tion is in sight. Brassieres and For Uotton Weigher f’romi?mg laiHiful and efficient ‘^•rviv- in the future as in the past, 1 again offer my services to ihe voters ot Hoke County as O'otton Weigher, subject to the wi-lr of tlio people as expressed in the Pn.marv June 2nd. 'Jartin McKeithan. For Cotton Weigher e r (ine.-Jf of a number of , I announce my- At cl fri? nds, i h- Sflr a (vind’date fc;r the office of vVi'n 0 Woi'gherfor Hoke county, 'u!'j ■! r t'-. the will of the people is ( Xj!res?ed in the approaching Piini '-y on June 2nd. orox. Zeh Hearn. I'.ave i>-c I'-eii a new shipment ot Ho\ Bbaises and Shirts, a v r'- nod line. Israel Mann. POULTRY CAR RAEFORD, N. C. Tuesday, May I pound ' ou r- I i.( ghorn Hi ns. c oi I'tii Prniiers. P'’j!iori Pii /il(-rs '.'olore(i Chicas. Leghorn Chicks I, •0(’riS. K(.'st Brin 21c per 19c ■' •) v- » “ * ^ Oi*' .1., , •* M O- 20c •• 19c •' lUc •• lo- •• st time, vo’.ir pou'.trv by 2 P. S L i. 15 RAN DON. County .Vgeiit. s-i ir.e as I ,!■ s H v I tie of I.a M on 8heen I Mr in - c . L. 'I'ry our. Kormfic Ciirdleires. Israel Mann. i'Lffi F.3 on Chicks: Reds 2.3, 1^0.75; 30. $7.00; 100, Ylo iKl; V\ hites. 25, $3.50;, 50, $b..j)0: 100, $12.00. Will have chicks for only three more weeks. This is the best month lor cnicks —gvt them now. Ji H. BLUE. Phone 5361. Fiorsheim new spring Shoes at a special price, $S.50 Isrtiel Mann. FOR SALE—Several tons Fish Taukage at reasonable prices. It is going up every day. Buy now. C. E Upchurch, R leford, N. C- Buy a pair of Buster Browo Children and Boys' Shoes and you^c ill get with each pair a , uice Jumping Rope. Israel Mann.

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