v'M.V ■r'■ ' ••* '•r ts; ••■■r i^OU xxav. NOr9. i'^: democratic doUNTY PRIMARY BALLOT RAEFORD, NOft^'CAROl 19^. (Vote for required i umber of candi* dates by placing cbeck-mark, ( X ) : Offsite name voted for) . HiMise of Ke^esfeitativek- (Vote for one) ) W. T. OOVINQTON ) D. S. POOLE Ify'r "“S;- - m- For Sheriff ’ (Vpte for one) ( ) EDGAR HALL ( ) . D. H. H0D6IN For Register of Deeds (Vote for one) ( ) D. K. BLUE . ( ) D. J. RAY * 1- ( ) ARCH McNAiR For (bounty CommissiogneKS (Vote for fiye) , \ ( )":^s. J; :CAMER@N:, ( ,) :xx : *i ^^Iftdopted with a few changes, ter which hostesses were ) J. A. McD)[A1u2|^^ ARCHIE E. P. STEWd^; - B: K W.’ L CULBRH^ F. P. McPlfciUL'' N, H, G. BALFOUR N. P. WATSGIN r For Judge Recorder’^ Court » ’ (Vote fd5 one) ' . ) PAUL DICI^SON 5( ) ARTHUR jlir cOREl -«). . W. J. McLAUCHLIN h ) ■ J. A. NlVEN^^ ■vr For Board of Edin^tiOb (Vt^ for BW) A. P. STUBBS-. “■ M^W, PRAHlC h^.j’. cure; p. i«cJ?r:^iBsoN JESSE^GIBSON : rU,. LOUJsHpiRKER - LAlHpE. McEAGHERN E^R^PICKLER i^^^R^BotioiKDepartmeDf Meeti. department of bh:^ Woaian^S' .Club- held its meeting of the current year TuesdayTMay; 22ad, with Mrs John K. McMeill and Mrs. H. :MdK- McDiarmid as joint hos* 4,efises. - ^ ^l!*he homeof Mi^s. McNeill was ^lutifully arranged with roses, eet peas and -oth^ spring pwers.' ter the roll call Mrs. C. W te, Chairman, gave an out* tine of the program to be taken in the fail. The report was af ar ranged, .n- Several names were proposed' and elected to become members of the club. ^ ' The meeting was then turned over to the leader for the afterr noon, Mrs. T. H. Upchurch. - # A misceilanefAis, program was enjoyed by members of the club and invited guests. A splendid article entitled, "My Youngsters' Don’t Worry Ms," by iildgar A. Guest was given by Mrs W. E. Freeman. " Mrs. J. H. Austin read a pa per on Woman’s Club .Work. Mrs. T*1B. Upphurch in her charming and inpressive man* ner read a^ poem entitled, “Where Chumship Should Reign’’ which concluded the prograhi."’ The hostesses, assisted by Mrs. r I LOCAL LEGION FO^ PLANS BIG .fDfJim Mammoth Cdcbndiqo tfhli!i in Raef ofedjn. Commit The Ellis wr^ 20 American Legi(^ are arrangements to'pdreei^ said tO’be ths targji^ of its kind ever sWed section of the Stated plans materialize Raeford on 4tfa‘of^3'( the scene of the s^ctacle that-wjU in A radius of 'sevoi miles in atl dir^t^l^ ’-The ex’ser^ce ** tied tOgtleast otiiiK' ah's tl^ l^al^ that tl^ cptii^’' be their da^.'' While their tative and naady are to be a ^ho initial addition very complnt^l^jg^jit'g tion to start’* morniD]^ of tl^#th tary Veteraa^4-> War Vefetap^ilil ans, Red'Orogo' tion^'^Go^rd clubV^hf, on thint^ adjol 'ifor CNfrty yWe tht'T o^errign^ berehil itanmiBtia ottfteDdidacy'^ ^e^tioil ttf tbn-BM of Cbont^ Cmnmta^iiemfor DoRaOotiDty^ ‘ iject fd tti#Juotinb of the vo ’ Eers at the Dilmiu^ of Jtme J. A. MeDtfBlP^ 4 ’Rr if AscHn McQill, pro;ii^6^ll CiydeJJpchureh," served delicioan Bfe a brigk. cream and angel cake, fotr lowed by salted nuts. ■sj \ '•■J i- W' I for Cotton- Weigh^. (Viite Bir^one) .) .^ MAR’ -a. ^.»4iildoasdii ’S^odrN^, ' The editor of The Jourpakaq’d quite a number of others, a5in«i titude, in fact, attended Mildou son school finals last Thursday. A large crowd alwaysNi^tend anything ••thev have at that school, it appears. Lest we forget: Mildouson was named in honor of three of 'Hoke’s four World War heros, who died in defense of their country, namely, McMillan, Me Dougald andChason, A syllable from the name of each forms the name of the school. The literary address was de livered by Hon. W. C. Hammer, our representative in Congress, and he made a good speech. There was some misunderstand ing, and instead of the speaking being at 11 o’clo:k, it was 12:20 when the Congressman arrived, thinking 1 (/clock was the' hour for him to speak. But Superin tendent Hawheld was filling in the time very satisfactorily, and was'just ready to diliver the certificates and diplomas when he was interrupted ' Mildouson has had a good Bchool the past year, so we were informed. Everything ran along smoothly, and satisfactorily After the exercises in the building, the large audience was invited to partake of a picnic dinner served on a long table on theRrounds. The folks of Mil. douson feed well, and the rather late hour for the dinner attuned the guests for the attack on the liTOral spread. ;^here were ll to receive cer- t^cates to enter high school and 0 finished the 9th grade, which is as high as is taught in this school; and the perfect attend- 4mce record was very fine. Biff lioc cool summer pants for men and boys. Baucom’s Cash Store. Ml?. A J. Currie cit Red S| Rr s, vyas jn towJ3 S»tp.^8y/|>nd' ^idenRYti^W: .MB 1^ ‘RN.,' ‘ ' '■ -w-v. Itt !is tooi. yjt* ^ hit m tmTS^xSt " ig acesied t6ICllMii|#M I licrslif its la tilt Jupf. Miiiiimber.'^..thi:' n vttimf iad elceli# dfltvmtdtor . ation in on vice. P«cRec«ri||f. '' /v 1 birAy anomnee myaetf^ t candidate for mgi Render’s Goon for Hoke County, subject • ^ till of the People iis ez«' ^Ntsed in tfie Juqetirimary. ' . J. A. Niven. X For Copi^iwibner Thereby ani«|race myself a candidate for j^ce of Goun ComniiMioiM^'sibbject to the im^tba yoters 'in the Demo ^tic pr|MI|i^; June 2nd p. McPhaul. . ■ 'i '■ - Per Csttee Weigher lising faithf uj and efficient in 1^ future as in the I tg)dn offer my services ie vdtefB of HckVOcunty as W^h^fdbject to the - 00 expressed in:#B*f^TOhF iiiiBs 2nd.r. - ‘ fitthlbl air Poi' Boftitr ot .We. the* OiK a.nnooboaoar e^tipq to the Poaid tiop fu. Hdke to thb actR^of the priodary of Jui JfSM V f ' ' L.||c£i E. S. pKsaMRf^ : ^ . ' vl- - For C^ittity CommHiilgiw Ihweby anooohee mytalf a candidate for County, sioner, subject to tiid voM df ^tiSa- people at tbe Tune 2Bd W. I. CuiSKSllK*^ Cete'^ [Te^ui^tof I " her(Bl^ datii lolthsi |a dxpfbisied li nimaryidn Jonie i aj Snti IeaBN. Cmbvt$8ioincsr MajB^by^annoubee -^yseif a ledndw^Hkior county commist :ski0b#;^Mfbjeci to thq aoti^-'df For Ceafaty^aii^a^lmny; I . herein announce a cenilldabe.lnr County Stoner, sobjltdt to the wtHw Elf people as'expressed in tih# mary June 2nd. 'di B. B. G4T14111. .i^r Board' lystehYb announce caodidhts % the noo^Hiliw a member 07 the Board of lfidiL>^ oatipn. subfeet te the cetlad oCrr Peopocratic i^trty* paH^tiinppreeiiRdit. -- • f \ ^F.YowwdiNp. Tibefeby, iv' f^^D^mocratic prii 3.19^ :^t4ie _^l0 be 4 ® son of Mr. A. 0; MePhaul, has ^aduated from Davidson Coi* lege: Miss Jessie McPhaul, daughter of Mr. J. W. McPhaul, graduated from Flora Macdon- XlfiU^ge; Mr. James McPhaul graduates from Red Springs High School; this is a son of Mr. J. W. McPhaul; Miss Alice Jor dan, daughter of Mr. A. J. Jor dan, graduates from .Antioch High School; Mr. Willie Ever leigh, son of Mr. W. B. FiVi'ir leigh, graduates from Wagram High'iSchool. Old Our Sewing Dept, pleases most particular patrons. Tbe Specialty Shop. P. C. Gibson, young white man who gave Fayetteville a.s his home, was arrested and detained in jail here last week for passing an alleged forged check. He bought a good suit of clothes and hat from McLauchlin Co., and Mr. H. C. McLauchlin found by investigation that the check was a forgery, and had a warrant issued and the man arrested. Farmers Furnishing Co., a well known business firm of Raeford, had enquiries as to who F'armers Furnishing & Supply Co. is, and Mr, H. L. Gatlin got interested ill tbe new firm; and it became known that M»-. W. F. Walters had rented a store to two men, Nk Calapolos and N, Maher, the first named being proprietor and who was having goods shipped to Raeford to the new firm by railroad, and was hauling them on a truck to a store in Raleigh. Chief Lindsay got on to their game and arrested them last Wednesday when they came for another load. As they were using the U. S mails to defraud, a postoffice detective came and took charge of tbe prisoners and congratulated Chief Lindsay upon his prompt action. Tbe men are old offenders it is thought and were being trailed. Let us PROVE to YOU that we the sell BETTER VALUES in Men’s Summer Union Suits! ^ ' Baucom’s Cash Store, “served tb e very bod ymn school campus. Members, of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary will make an attempt within tbe next two weeks to call upon most of the residents of Hoke County and solicit assis tance in making this dinner a success by furnishing baskets of food. If for some reason they miss you bring vour basket and he there This is to be a com immity aftair and no doubt real dents of Raeford and vicinity will be more than glad to do their bit to feed ex service men and to make the dinner asuciess At 2:00 P. M. various athletic events will be presented. The above events will be as follows: Potato race, sack race, three legged race, fat men race. At 3:30 P. M,, will be the ball game between Raeford and Parkton. At 8 P M. a gorgeous lire works display will occupy the program- This event which might be termed the feature of the day will be one that will be well worth traveling miles to see. The boys are sparing no expense to make this fireworks display ilie largest and the most com plete aver witnessed in this cinity. Just previous to the fi nale of the fire works display a 1 prizes will be awarded and tl e most popular lady in the County, decided by votes, will be crown- edQueen of the American Legion Celebration, given, the title of "Miss Hoke County" and receive a beautiful diamond ring. In next week’s addition of this paper there will be a nomination blank on which you may write tbe name of the lady whom you consider to be the most popu lar girl in the County. This nomination blank will give her 100 votes in the contest. From time to time other opportunities to vote for your chosen contes tant will be given. It will in deed be an honor to any girl to receive the tftle of ^‘Miss Hoke County" and automytically re- the- crophefc^ For Recorder. Suppose tvyin brothers were candidates for the office of prosO’ cuting attorney of tbe Recorder’s court in Hoke county, one a law yer and the other not. Which wdhld you vote for to prosecute in behalf of the State? Why? Suppose you were in a strange city today, arrested and need^ someone to defend you in court, and two men of equally good character and average intelli gence presented themselves, one of them a lawyer and the other not. Which which would you engage as counsel? Why? Sup pose there was a ’ primary to be held next Saturday, (and there is), and four or five mien, all gentlemen so far as you knew, and all of average intelligence so far as you were able to tell, were running for the office of Judge 4)f the County court, and onl^ one was a licensed attorney at' law. Which would seem to you more likely,to fill the ptkee satis factorily? Why? Is a judicial offich ajpiiblic pie counter where talent, traibing and experience go' bei^idg? When a mairasss for an office he must bring a fair exchange to the people fur their votes Am 1 Yj.4not iiiakiQg a fair proposal? 1 have more experience than any other candidate. I have legal : training. 1 am not asking for more pav for these extra qualifi cations^ is not that fair enough? 1 do the best I know. What more could you ask? ^on’t your have my record foi^thspast five years? Tou must guess as to what a new mah will do You do not'hbie fo guess about me. Fu^hermdfe, do you still stick jto your pte^ga to the soldier. hoys of 1917-^X8? 1 ain dependetat oh yda^‘ tfy Ser vice Over There is worth what* ever value you place upon it You let me go to die if (jod did notlet me coAe baOk; IcftmA back through His mercy. If I can put my trainingL experience and good will in peace at your^ dispcsal anywhere. let,jne serve you another term where I am- AUd may I thank yoif fbr ydut past loyalty and remain FaMI«»yiftr To the Voters of^Bofe''C(»»nty: 1 hereby announce candidate for the office of Regie ter of Deeds for Hoke county, subject to t he action of tbe Dem ocratic primary to be held June 2nd, 1928. Arch McNair. AnnoniiceBieBt 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for renomination to the office of Register of Deeds of Hoke County, subject to the coming primary voters. 1 prom’ ise to give the oame personal service that 1 have always given. D. K. Blue. For Recorder To the Voters of Hoke County: ' 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for tbe office of Re' corder for Hoke county, subject lb the action of the Democratic Priinary to be held June 2Qd. Paul Dickson. Fdr House of Represeataliyes. After mature deliberation, and at the earnest solicitation of many friends, l am again a candidate foribe nomination for Represen tali vs from Hoke County in the next General Assembly, subject to the will ot the people as their votes will determine on June 2nd. D. S. Poole. For County Commissioner To the Voters of Hoke County: I hereby announce myself a canffidate for Clounty Com mis sioner, subject to the action of the will of the people as express (ed’in the June 2nd primary. N. U G. Balfour. Stonewall Township. For Board Education. I herein announce my candi dacy for' the Board of Education for Hoke county, subject to tbe of ttie people in the J une primary. A. P.|iTUBB8. To the Voters of Hoke County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff . of Hoke tfounty, subject to the R^pMtf ully yoim« action of tbe Democratic primary hncerelv eimrs. |t6‘b6^hPm June 2nd, 1928. -a candidf f lEducation &f. I^ect to the vote citt - iQ tiM june^nd prtin&rV. P-McNrOiiydfci Wssiescf To the Desfiocratie • Voters of- Hoke County * I hereby announce myaelf ^s candidate for the House of resentatfves for the Ghaatf' at' Hoke, subject to the- vdtste of the Democratic party in the coming primary. W. T. C6viNd>fO!^. ‘ To the Voters of Hoke- CoiOtV:* I hereby anoounee) mjrsell ;;a candidate for the office ^j iff of Hoke countyV subf action of the Democratic | to be held Jnne the 2nd. Edgar Haka; To the Democratic Voters of Hoke County: I hereby announce myaalf^^R candidate for Judge of ^ Recor der’s Court, sutfjeci. to the!i|ctlOQ of the primary to be held June 2nd. 1928. W J. McLauchlin. For Register of Poeda » I hereby announce myself a candidate for tbe office of Reghr ter of Deeds of Hoke county;^ subject to the action of tbe vo-‘ tera at tbe Primary in June. Dan. j. Kay- For Celtsa WcigEcr. 1 hereby solicit the aupportof the voters of Hoke ‘ Cduhty for the office of Cotiejn Weigher* m? candidacy being subject ta tk*'* vote of the peopleihr the {MHNMtflf' on lune 2od. S. A. SNEAt). I expect one h' Improved Portdt Plants for sale wi' Iboasaiid SomiA reedy ne J. D. msO: QBdted tb octet BHh Poltito no#. Sincerely yours. Abtbqb D. Goes. DAVID H. Hodqin. FORD TRUCR Has steel cab and ttohe motor has just been oy^ffiaot ed. new license good -imlr Ih' Price |160.00>* , H. R Bnde^ Ranfoed,^* 0« , . V;n V