.V t ' ‘ , :'v I.'i ■” TOL. SxS^. NO. 11. r. 7ii^- t>'- HUrmyJftU^? m'^ %W« hti]^ lMilk'li7fnK to fl|(ure Mft tow io«ti)|r tn the Jane 2iid pfimocy tot Raeee to« ito tooi^the im that Xrflil fttol w Remeaentative; for Sheriff; 1J66 to* Iter of Deeds; 1,291 ^ Cotton Weighec: 1.261 for Cmtgressiaan; 1,279 for for Itolteiiant Governor, and about ttvO'aame ^tor Commissioner of Iiftor anff Printing, but none of ^^"Hsted the in ^ t^wtiff ell ttie iroters. Some Voted fv only a few of the can .jOif course d poll books would ■how how many participated, ap tooxlmhtelv 1,400 voters. The reglilered vote of the county is 2,000, but several, bun ^ dr^to md take the interest to qoi^oot and vo^.^^ But they Iktotber thing,- Democrats.you thouid vote in the general elec* thm. Every person so entitled ezereise the right of suf- tr|tot for^ this is our way of Jitoibg our worth to the State. 'Yotoin the November election, we txHf of you. HcLeeJ-Seiford Pinehmrst, N. G., JunelO.—A ^ wtoding of beauty and simpH.> >^ty was solrmnieed in Pinehurst. N C.» »!t the home of Reverend 1 tod M». Murdock McLeod Sun- ji da^ evening at eight o'clock 1^ Mise Ina Seaford of Tim hteland became the bride of Mr. toh^ IfcLeod of Timberland. Ithv* lltodoek McLeod, brother ^ the groom officiated, the ring totoiony of the Presbyterian P RAEFOg^ NOROT CARQUJlffil IDAY, JUNE 21,. 1928, rAMdid d^Mast Tbhi^y Mrs. C. E. Updbardi Hostess, ' Mrs. C E. Upchurch^ was hpa. tew to the Bridge Club Monday evening June 11, at 8 o*clock. 12 guests were present and a nom^ ber of spirited progression^ wore enjoyed. ~ The home was lovely with a profusion of summer flowers. Mrs. Benton Thomds received top score prize, a dainty boudoir pillow. The hostess served refresh ments consisting of a delicious berry short cake and Whipped cream. — Masons Elect Officers. Raeford Lodge of Maeoui^ elected the following officers for the year 1928 9. G. W. Cox, W. M.. T. B. Lesten S. W., A. A. Graham, J. W., W. P. Baker, Trees., ‘ji-,-, T. D. Potter. S. D., - ' H. P. Pittman, J. D., E. Chisholm,-8., ~ C. P. Tapp, S., ,H. L. McBryde, T.,'^ E. Bafi, Ed. Sec., Orphanage Com,, J. E. Cpno ly, Chm., H L. Pierson, A. H/ Seate;, ^ Fin. ^m., P. Hawfield, ^|m,^ Chm., Ryan McBryde, L. S. Me Mil Ian. SttORT NEWS ITEMS* f Mr. Alesf^AhM'if 0^ momtog. ' Mr, and MiM. H. L. Johnsowfe spent 9nnlai^ relativM la St. Pauli. A Ihffiy Vacation Bible School ia being emdocted at. the.' local Preshytorian ehurto. Mr, and Mrs. A. K. Stevena and children spent Sunday with relatives in Bt. Paata. The Sommer School at all the State and Chureb schools aiii crowded with teachers-, Mr. John Meinnia ^ Miami» Fla., is visiting his>p^nts, Ifr. and Mrs. L. A. Mi^nnis, of Dun darrach. A hailstorm near Washington, N.^^G., destroyed the cro|M of several farms almost totally laat Juesday. the l2th. State Treasurer Ben Lacy has no opposition this year, although tois growing old, and^ has had ffii office for 28 years. ‘ The best tobacco crops in North Carolina are in Hoke That stuff grows'ln a hurry. Mr. N. P. Conoly has se^n Honor Bride El^. ;|acres of wheat he is proud On Thursday afterhoon, Jupe and he may be, the yieid 14th,. Misses Sar^h Catherfle Gromartie and Josephine Hall entertained at a party 'honoring Miss Murie Jones ofdL^urinburg, a college friend at Queens and biide elect. Miss Jones^. will wed David Armoo WilUam^ Thurs day evening, June tto ffiet. ^ jj' Miss Qromj^i^^iiQito welrl will be around gO' bushels acre. ,, i, • Women by the hundreds tended the State ^ Demootoc convention this year, and tto executive committee is nearly half women., ^ to) reevfls are getting to Hall be made or lost ^months timeT~ pew druggists were le State last week. ^r and ihen small Curtis were boys we are The: .1^ wc cueumbers for this shipped from Rae Hday. L. Poole and little Jr., are visiting near Liberty. Carter, a prominent Aberdeen, aged SO |tast Thursday. arans and widows lil for their pension Phe Clerk of the Court Margie and Eunict have gone to EasI Peachers College to at imer Sqhool, ratermelons that gre' of us were ,^8old 01 It last week. Tl ydot reasonable. ran Dickson Lindemai laughter of Greensbo ;he ^|lek end with Mr, lion. brother. aW, telephone : rbust be paid by month, or you irself, dry and in ivy rain catne to the ie county south and >n Saturday a fier ce, small hail fell Sorry to state Mr. J. A, Currie does not seCm to improve. The reapers and binders are busy these davs; in fact, their busiest days have passed. Mr, W T. Covington. Jr., who attended gradute school at Prince ton, N J., is now at home. Miss Jobnsie Primm of San ford was the attractive guest of Miss Busan Gulledge last week The A. & R. Ry. Co. have made some repairs on their pas senger station during the week. Well, that corn we planted on Feb. 29tb, will furnish us some routing ears by Bunday or be fore. 500 people could not get a place to sleep in Raleigh the night before the State conven* t-.inn M iss Margaret Peele is attend ing the Baptist Young People’s jConfereuces and visiting friends Raleigh toJ)»away two weeks, brd should be trying for sonae of these new manufactur inp^enterprises seeking locations in the best places. need tbore payrolls^ 1 ^'Qhina is now karvlng fo ^because of war conditions. McFadyen told the .writer Chinese war would close hunger stopped them.' Lots of good vegetables go to waste every year for the want of market, or a way of canning them. This is one of our draw backs: Too much waste The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Pi^shSlterian church ^ gave the 4i-50 Per Yean Hr. Floyd Leeeeitcr. Mr. Floyd Lancaeter of PeA* ton died in a Baltimore hoepital last Thursday where be bad beta taken fbr treatment two weeke previously. He was a maa in the prime of life, and bis death was a verv sad one. He leaves a wife, who wae Miss Ida Johnson of Hoke cooo- ty, and four small children," alto a number of other relatives. Mrs. Luke Betbuue and a male quartet, Dr. Cromartie, Mesers. M, L. and Martin McKeithan and Marshall Davis, rendered special music at the funeral ser vice. The funeral was conducted from the Baptist church in Park- ton Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by his pastor. Rev. J. H. Powers. Invades Sooth Carofiea. Mr. Editor: Mr. W. G. Johnson and myself certainly had the finest day last Thursday that weVe bad in many a day. Mr. W. R. Bar rington invited us to go with lim to the Division reunion ' of S. C. U. C. y. ofBennettsville A, and it was certainly ai good as any we ever attended, everything those good people tould think of they did to make us feel good. The dinner was as ine as I ever saw. Those people certainly know how to cater to the tastes of we old toothleaa veterans, and there was no scar sity of it, for they were imepared to care for 600* mi^d there were only 256 registered for this rean ion, and a goodly number of were from North Carolina. Thi jpla^, a color note of pink andthe Murdock McLeod render* green was observed ini he decora ed the weddieg music, toben tious and refreshments. HerdaugbtBr8,Mrs.Pat.Tack- grin'e wedding march was play Heart dice was enjoyed son of Albany, Ght, and Mrs ed ee the bride and groom enter throughout the afternoon. At | Bruce Conner of Raleigh, ed together end’’Seal Us O Holy the close the hostesses served Splint" was played softly during resreshments consisting of ice tto ceremony. cream and cake. The bride worn a gown of ivory | Miss Jones wa.s presented with white trimmed with silver lace end carried a bouquet of brides coaes end swansonia. For travi alios she wore a blue suit of georgette crepe with accessories to match. Mrs. McLeod is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.^C. J. Seaford of Timberland. She received her . education at N. C. C. W., Greens- boro, graduating with the class . of 1926. For the past two years •he has taught In the High Point I Smith, Louise Blue, Lucile* Me public sdiools iLeod, Josephine Hall, Barab Mr. McLeod is the son of Mr Catherine Cromartie, and Eliza end Mrs. Murdock McLeod of beth Cromartie and Mrs. H. R. " Timberland and comes from one j Cromartie of Raeford. families in the an attractive water set filled with bath salts The following were present: Misses Barah Ray, Louise Has tey, Grace McLaurin. Muriel Jones and Mrs. Carl Jones of Laurinburg, and Misses Kath leen Dew, Barah McEachern, 17”" , \ ■ !«; Benoie- McFadrea, Mary Lee Seale,,Isabel Jean Lamont, Mar Col. Langston has deci tha Lee and Katie Bell McLean, not enter a second primary for' Mattie Wilson. Mary Douglas| the office of Lieutenant Gover nor, so R. T. Fountain of Rocky Mount is the Democratic nomi of Kaleigb, are visiting Mfrs. Cora Jackson on South Btewart street. Complaints of bad checks are common these davs, so you can not know whether you are paid or not, when you have taken a check for a settlement. The Hoke county Confederate veterans received from the coun ty last week checks for $104 93, and from the State $l82 60, Thi^ I nee for that ofiice. Only four •Raeford the oldest business houses realized that last Thurs STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA I day was Flag Day, so four U. 8. yille* Mobtfi county, Tdesday' The young lU )Wlng,the" ceremony Mr. bCpltod left for a short wtoffing, trip through Western North Gm^tiia. On their re turn they will make their home near Timberland where Mr. Me Leod is engaged in farming. *■- ! .ej" Excellent judgment in the se lection of goods for the trade, xx^JWto^dly arranged, neatness and aanlietion obeerved in every place, we do not believe wq have even seen the town of Raeford iieaten anywhere we havf ever hltoi. are proud of Raeford. Mr. Angus McBryde, a citizen of Hoke, recently graduated from the University of Peunsyl- ▼aaia Medical School, and has been aiqtolnted Interne in the ^ hotoltel connected with ■cbool, a dietinction as only COUNTY OP HuKE. We, the Board of Elections do hereby declare Paul Dickson the nominee for the office of ' ecor der, and Martin McKeithan the nominee for Cotton Weigher. They having received the high est vote for said offices in the primary on the 2nd day of June, and Mr. A. D. Gore for Recorder, and Mr. 2eb Hearn for Cotton Weigher, decline to enter a sec ond primary, therefore we de dare Paul Dickson and Martin flags were all that were placed on the street in front of , stores Ii: is bard to remember all thi^ big days. The Carolina Power and Light Co, entertained a number of friends at a barbecued luncheon at their new plant near Mount Gilead Wednesday, and several Raeford citizens were among the invited guests. * Gunmen from the underwmrid in Kansas City armed with small drowned in water 6 feet deep a lake last week Took cramp, they say. Senator Charles Curtis of Kan sas was nomitmted by the Re- publicah couv^tion for Vice President to catch the western farmers’ votes. Miss Kathleen Blue left on Tuesday of last week to attend Bummer School at N. C. C. W , Greensboror where she will make alty ia-music." Misses Mary Neal McNair, Isa bella Campbell, Neill McFadye: and Malcolm Campbell have r turned from Davidson Coile where they attended the Youn ^People’s Conference. — Dr. W. M. Fairley and Rev. A.| J. McKelway, pastor of the Church in the Pines, Scotland -county, exchanged pulpits Sun day. Mr. McKelway preached two very interesting sermons here Sunday. evening of last week, folks had a nice time. All the delegates from Hoke and several of the alternates to the State Democratic convention last week attended, and several others who were merely onlook ers It was a big time. The Hull people say they have 19 out of 26 delegates to the Na tional Democratic Convention, but they all eo uninstructed, and the Smith people claim they won a victory at the State Con vention. We have reported cotton bV>oms before this date in June blit cotton is as late as we have known in many years. Last ear and for several years thq itoeing hat. , ...arms ends machine gun, robbed MqKathan the nominee^ said Oo. b«ik of offices. y This the 18th day of J/Une, 1928. R. L BETHUNE, Chairman Elections Board. The earning capacity of tl the I people must be raised somehoj the I or a reduption of operating farigbtaec of the student gradu I pensea nidst be madeg or rul •toe of the echool ere interned awaits Northpardina. The pres by that Uhiverflty. The faculty ent rate of making and spending piofuse In their • praise of I cannot be kept up its off bal- loghg MeBryde. lance. Anybody*can see that. that city while the Republican convention was in seeslon of be tween ^,000 ato.J|89r000 last HerBert Hoover, Secretary Commerce ..in President idge's Cabinet, has been nominal ted for President on the Repub* lican ticket. He eras nominate] D Kansas City, Mo.. on the fli allot last Thursday. The Nod arolina delegatee stuck en. Those attending the Young Peop'e's conferei ce of Fayitte ville Presbytery m sessio 1 at Florri McDbnald College, K* d Springs this week are: Misses Margaret Walters, Elizabeth Cromartie, Katherine Pet 'e and Sarah Draugbn. Mrs. Bonnie McBryde Nisbet was taken to a hospital in Phila delphia two weeks ago for treat* ment. We have not how she is getting along. Her children are with Mr. and Mrs Grantham of Bt, Pauls and Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McBryde of Raeford while she is away. and Mrs. Alex. Waddell and children of Los Angeles, Cal., to are visiting relatives in [oke, were in town laat Satur* lay morning. Mrs Waddell was Miss Mollie Norton, a daughter of the late John Norton, former ly of this county. They were two weeks crossing ’ from Cali- :aia in their car. blooms wi*re reported as early the 16th. People are slow about listing their property for taxation. We believe if the listing were kept up all ihe year, the listers would have something to do every mouth in the year. People do not think. Raleigh is at its prettiest now. There are more pretty trees in that city than any place else we know in the State, and the foli* age is now at its prettiest. Wish the General Assembly met iti th** summer, inutead of the bleakest winter. The North Carolina delegates to the National Democratic con vention leave for Houston, Tex., tomorrow, Friday morning. The (Hull men claim 19J delegates of the 24 votes in the convention, the Smith men claim 7 or 8. If some of the delegates turn trai tor, there will be a row. , Favetteville Presbytery met in called" session in" the First Church- Fayetteville on last Thursday afternoon. The meet ing was called to settle the mat ter of Eiise 'High School, and an understahding was reached, and the school will coqtinue under the duectioo of Presbytery. aoon theve witbto ions here. Th^re have many changes in that section since I was through there 65 years ago. improvement Oeyond imagination. They don't truck as much as our farmers, but they carried us veterans oait to see their great fields of jpotton and corn, '^ey know bbW^to grow these crops. Mrs. Jesse Gibson was carried to Walker Memorial Hospital in W ilmington a fe wdays ago, wtore she underwent a very serious operation. She was reported as doing well at latest account. Alex. McMillan. MAN WANTED INHOKECOUNH. Man of good character, ap pearance and address is wauted to distribute two fastest selling automobile devices ever offered. Only one man to be selected and he must have unqualified en dorsement. —Address- Distributor. Box 105, Winston Salem, N. C. Men wanted to run McNess Business in Hoke co'jnty. No experience needed Must tove car—can make |7-fl0 daily — no IIV -iffs—no bosses—chance of a lifetime Use our capital to start. Write FURST AND THOMAS. Dept. J L 9. Freeport HI. NOTICE-I have several thoua sand Porto Rica potato plants for sale, $2.00 per thousand D. A. Brock, Ra®ford, N. C. Phone 346. WANTED -500 good sound fee tilizer bags. J. D. MASON,Raeford. R. 2 Atotaistntsr’s Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Taylor Rogers, deceased late of Hoke County, N. C., this is to no^y all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned duly verified on or before June 21. 1929, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in- debto&to said estate will please malfHtomediate settlement. June 14.1928. John L. McFaoysn, Admr« . -A'- ^ &/• ^ ^ V /V, y' i£.t; t */> 'iCS- - a.

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