■■‘•ysAi- tt!t*y-s'' '■ ifr" f *9^f- /(yii. NO. 3r RAEEORD, J}t)R:TEL;i6;i«K3^i ^OVfiMBER 8,. 1928. $150 P«r' i'lil'a.r ‘tfce is the dtsti^^off |ini3 .its;,' pr^||tfi: ]^oysri»ilit^remen _ iadii'atfce ■ in efecierifqy and ^ecottoin> in^ this branfch of its I•■» '.'s^’'' ■■’'■-.iv:. \'^' ^that of tjfljff "Weai expe* ■ 'I V , Tit provided % "I eleltri^industesiwiti _ dema rii copper, ■ 4it®d miningi'^and ijeloed greatly ; ^ In raising it tp higl^r Jevels of ^ojnomic ^Soundness Informa tlin is .how ayailable that allows tfcfe producer‘tgp’ foresee market r V'di^atfdsahd adjust' his supply i ,'i|to^the beat advantage. . . ^1? .,^ fining has met its f cqH^robleros in a cdSsfcructive* fo^pird iooaing mannert^at has tai^^ it from thb romantic’ and speculative^ to the stable, conser^’ vative industry that it now ; Accidents Expeksly^ iiVhilb humaniiafian reasons should be,5ufficlent to make ac- ‘cident reduction an^^ impbpfeent factor in every bu^iff^ss ^rgani* zation, there is, an additiOrtv’^Ihe -V ' ^ . 0 NiMtb Caro^ Profreii^ ' V, • » - -■ • '“’’ * C • ■ • . ■• .‘-p - V • • , : t N e w ‘ telephone " ‘ ' ^ ted for local SHORT ,^Ppfftad erects pew. ing on local Vass—Western* Union Tele> graph Co. exttidds service to Pine Needles Inn at Knqllwood. .Aihepiarle—Wiscassett • Mills Company here plans new million dollar kilk hosiery mill., Fairmont —Route No. 70 froin herp to:Squjih UaroUna line. will be„pi^5^-'^;W.^: - ' ’J"- :^vliamb^tp^—Highway No 20F frool'here fft;,Bladen County liafr near Dublin will be paved FairD(|ontrvCantraet awarded for eonsj^tueUoiv df new $55,000 hoteHg|^iif!g*in this city. ^ . ■ |dilte\^^''th'e Bocth are want* ng to1hdty;|f|»utB, rand Raeford sboul^XvlJ^'lio-locate some of tneiii,i|$|^ ;VVe need payrolls, folks.' ., An aijf8blp:fle|S^ just for^fott Saturday. tefc '*if * Tl^ Is^ps foi^' and'* looked atx. flowers' elytron dayv That’s sei^bl^ TjjpS blizzard fToittt 5%>rtl^ | )ut beforp' west wore out just it rpa^hodwRaeford. PfoStproof oats is'' the|Jlinre^ bet to and.^ oa|4 ;,,,^tefleip Out tbis^d|^rt cord ch^, ' - . ^ K.Tfioinas spent JdflHeIgh/ 7 " ^llited ha* pa S. Blue -I \ • Ji' * ' • ■' ' ■ 'cLean. who came 18 home - t 15^'-.V^5?’. Mr. Pophai d^ tbefooin^pnity a real service inflivin^ ^3? .Telpc-; 1^'!'Ijfe'-'-' cohimpT^Senseand r|flpCt:^i!k6|l^ tipn returns ik ;We need V V t^^ight,. be ■ brought here fey jt^lUling, so say noth- fapt that accidents cost industry.! ' at good The nulls want to raovO'^soulh to escape foreign- i *: ers. We ear some of th«m might follow,; but it could be ar ranged so they woujd not locate ,in- -appreximately. $5, OOf), QOO, 000 i^lly. . s ^ . .. -.Ah authoritV on the subject Sts^tes that ti8 per jjent of all yu* dudtrial accidents can be preyent- ed through enforcement of'pirQp er safety rules and'that ID ceflbr^uitf^m improper, phvsi - 4abtiondjitiwS“«iift.plgnta. % Uupre; '^’teilfeblp^ %^id^ts con^ithte ■ Qn^ two'p^piit^'h'pftdb^;! Scotli how silly” #A>bave v bj^e lately.^ .. 4; ^ .T - It is.harflcr to getthe bales pWk^ out thail'' ate fifty bfi most afiy county ’'V ' Me. NeW IKGUrD| half crop of epltotf- •S: , He gathered fohp^l from 3-ar^ " ' ^ ■m The tp^l^ are prbtt^jiyeH ple^efl%ti|ii' the^ week' permanently. /•'H. Charles M Patrick, •Red Cross RoK ;ji||i.; tmmaa 1 roll calf^bf- dhe ^’^peicah Red Cross will take 'i^ase frc»ra V^jgvember ^llth dll} Spkifg^vjpg. '^The local br^pch^' make,,,the inyith “r * t the igfrtdSOi. m- ‘ q and '^lehirhed ‘Trail m *d}ed W Friday i October 26. 9:45 at his bome^on West Church Street, The October term of Superior court for Scotland county for the trial of civil cases, was conven-, ed Monday morning at Laurip burg with Judge A. M. Stack of Monroe presiding. The court adjourned Tuesday after two days of work. Five divorces, or four divorces and one lagal sepa’ ration, were granted by the court. Mr. J. D. Currie, who keeps store at Sneads Grove, claims tb have the largest sweet potato grown irv Scotland county tnis year. Mr. Currie says that a plow was never used in cultiva ting the patch in which the 7 12 lb. potato grew. He has this potato on exhibit in his store and challenges the potato grow ers of Scotland county to Itring one in that will outweigh his. Up toi October 18 Scotland county ginned i2,760 bales of the new cotton crop against 17, O38 b^ies for the same date last year, or just 4,278 bales short of l^tbe ffgureafor last year. —Laiir- 'flnburg Exchange. ♦ >T • • '' ~ ; r ‘ Among the Sick iw*'. M Mr. M. K. McNeill is not im- ;J^;4)roving we are sorry to hear In ''fact he ie critically ill. Mr. J, A Currie has bee 1 .-i J'shut in for months, and is not ;“;|much improved, Upchurch is on the .v jbad to recovery, we are glad to IHm out again. ]i;^||l vTh'te condition iqf Mrs. H J scontinues about the same. Uavis has been con- to his room for months, '”4^{yes years, but is still bearing his ■become a hie m The smallest membership fee is one dollar. The town will be divided into two sections and some one will see you and-give you an opportunity to join. The people of all sections of the county will be anxious to help out so they will be given an op portonity to join during the weCR of November 12th to I7th. The Red Cross is considered as a war time organization, but it is for peace time as well as war time, there were 88 national disasters iu the United States during the past year in which the American Red Cross took part. This does nut include the small disasters that were taken care of locally. We were strick en with a disaster in our midst this year and it was taken care of locally by the generosity of our good people and the people of Mooie county. There were a number of smaller cases that were handled through the local liranch. There were many more calls for help than were able to be taken care of. One half of the amount secured in the roll call goes to the national head qu.arters and one half stays here tor local work. The indications are that there will’ be a lot of calls for help this winter and the local branch would like to be able to help the needy cases if they have the means. Only 35 members w ere secured last year and W9 want not iess than 500 this year. If the solicitor fails to see you, won’t you look them up and become a member this yearJ Let’d really do something this year to help those who need help. 0. E. UPCHURCH, Chm. rioke County Branch loaded. ij;f7i^sii|^:;plflictions with patience. Shp&l To Subscriber: We will give a nice premium to all subscribers to The Journal who renew now for 1929, or new subscribers Let’s trade. John E' Smith, Internationa Harvester Machine salesman, died suddenly in a Fayetteville hospital Tuesday night from heart attack. I, The second blizzard fsera the Rocky Mountains heading eas passed over the middle section of the United States, but vve ha only slight cold weather. We carry no long articles, be cause we believe nobody reau such. The Journal is no big pa per, but-in number of news items it equals any of them. It does not pay to be dishonest even when you are not caught and if you are caught, that you steal cost you 'more than that you buy and pay for. Frank MePhatter had a mule to break out and leave severa v;eeks ago, and it cost him $50 to ge that mu|e back. We hate a mule. We consider his birth an outrage and man responsible for it. Mr. U. C, Gillis sold eight pigs to Raeford market this fall, and received l8c per pound, not a big price, but an average of $l5 a pig is better than growing cot ton. It is easier work to attend to stock. Messrs. Tapp and Huggins near town sold one barn of to* bacco a little over 1,700 pounds, for $667.30, which is the best money we have heard of being received tor a barn of tobacco this season. pluck, Mr. D. J. tr^uld be a helpless invalid, bu|;, '■ ^ teriworks on shoes and 'files saws . day of his lifcj aqd money. ^ ite -v' The weather this week has been warm and a good for fininh Price i^Tng that cutton picking, .j Mrs. Ora Townsend, widow of 'the late Jifilliam Townsend, died at her home in 8t. Pauls ITriday night. earns m if Fair was a suc- llbotvilAstandihg ■ gi^'ip^litical I cpimty should elation. j^ian eclipse of the but you will pretty late to '•V. -I Frank Blue of ked his parents, ^N.' S. Blue last Js fair and Aivarm )n picking yyill fc^and mauy people lb. 7 ■ Ud/a world war |kijled in a'" car § Riscoe and Gar ig Iteville iaat' week. occurred. That felous. wiiW AS novy history, f# person can ^’apostmaster with deal activity.' winter^tbere l|hfi:eriDg among ^jxthenp^^yidil be The cool weather slowed up cotton gathering quite a tot. - The number of mortgage fore closure sales is becoming alarm ing. Farmers tell us a lot ortom is rotten, and weevils are eating the little that remains. Mrs C. M. Pritchett of Greens’ boro is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. R. L Mur ray, ^ Mr. J. A. Blue of Blue Springs sold $100 worth of green peas in Raeford this fall. Pretty t:ond money. Mrs. M. L. McKeithan spent last week with relatives in Uhe- raw* S. C., and other towns in that state. . Small grain will help out in a living next summer, and I ex’ pect some people will need help along then. There are a number of new automobiles on the streets of Raeford every day, which shows prosperity, or it should. Mrs. F. 1’. Johnson, and sons, Phil and Gene and Miss Reba Roberts recently visited wlatives and friends in Greensboro. We printed 4,000 Democratic tKJkets and 2,000^ Republican tickets for this election, and not. a'fourth of them were used. We are told people own mules they may have to give way to keep them Irom^starving. but we hope it is not as bad as that. »1" Of interest was tli#' of Miss Maitba l^rafiaOi soms, daughter of llr« W. K- Sessoms. of Qicfl'aldr Edwin Harrison Dixon,; the late Mr. and Ifrs T. Ht. on of this City, wbteh t emnized last evening home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Dixon, on Dorwood Drived The ceremony was by Dr. Edward Gaiiimo^ of Myers Park Church. The bride was becomhlifl; tired in a dress of bfoWS crepe, and carried a showief sunset roses and valley liliel^!; After the ceremony the left for a trip tbrough^l^ft tains of North CardHoa^^ which they will be at horn# the bridgroom’s sister, lira. ' Ci E. Robinson, the Plaza. The above was clipped fiboa The Charlotte Observer of dht. 28tb Mr. and Dixon have via ited relatives in Raeforfl Since their marriage —Editor. ^ , 1 - SEE ME for Pecan Trees, all kinds Fruit Trees, Evergreens, Flowering Shrubbery. First shipment Nov. 1st. J C. NISBET. -s- workec but. from now till Christmas it will grow daily. Thanks to The Fayetteville Ob server for an invitation to be it^ guest Tuesday night to get the election returns as they come in* That'was real neighooriv. Messrs, W J. Poole and Rav Dunnof Jackson Springs were in Rkeford one day last wee k with a (fuck load, of fine grapes for sale, of which Mr. Poole has*they are now fed up on .CPI ih^teof in FOR Sale—Fulghum Oats, Abruzzi Rye, Fuicaster Wheat seed; 50 head weanling pigs. J D. MASON. Phone 5133, Raeford. R. 2. xes, sjre taW’ is wrong in their statements. The Cape Fear Fair was pret ty well patronized by Hoke county citizens, as it always has been. Fnlks^gg^y a day off al most any place-. A number of radios have been put in homes of this section People want to hear concerts, pro'^chiug and speeches. But politics. Just a few days before the election the editor was urged to encourage people to vote for the three amendments to the State constitution, but as he does not favor increased expenses he did not urge any one to ' vote these amendments. the reputation of being a suc-^ cessful.grower. Rev. W. M. Fairley, D D.,by appointment of the Genera[ As sembly, will spend the next two weeks in Concord presbytery presenting the cause of Missions, Hdme and Foreign to the several churches in that presbytery. The Hoke county board of commissioners met for the last time in this term Monday. They will meet on the first Monday in December, adjourn, four of them and one new member. Mr. Balfour, will be sworn in for an other two years. The NortTi Carolina Methodist Conference met in Wils m last week and by the rule' we will lose Rev N. C. Yearby, who has been in Raeford four years. He is a most excellent citizen, and our best wishes will follow him wherever he roes. Mr. .1. L. Hobsf)n of Raeford, Route 2, has been experimenting on potato growing this year.^nd" he thinks a man can grow from 300 to 1,200 bushels per acre with proper fertilization and cul> ivation. He has some very fine ones he grew this season. Edgar Schmidst, full back for Kansas University, is said to be the best place kicker in football, as he has kicked 13 place kicks for extra points this season and missed once. Humph, Crawford Wright kicked seven in one game for Raeford a few years ago and missed none. But for I ('rawford was not in big com- I pany. Three new potato curing houses have been constructed this fall in (May county. One has the capacity of 2.000 bushels the other two are of 1,000 busuels each. After several successful oper ations at Highsmith hospital Mrs. Ralph Helton has returned to her father’s Mr. C. H. Tapp’s to recuperate before returning to Quinwood. W. Va., about middle of November. Dofl’t buy Men’s and Boys Baits u in t i I you see what you can get at Baacom’a ,Gaah ■>’J Raeford, N. C., R 3. More ladies and children’s Hats arrived at Baucom’s Cash Store. FOR SALE—Good, frekh^ milk cow. Reasonable price. 0- F. O’BRIANT, firaberland, N. C. Highway 70. See Baucom’s Cash Store Good Warm Sweaters. for Man Wanted to run McNess Business in Hoke county. Make $7-$i0 daily-^must have car. A 21year old million dollar firm will extend you lib eral credit to start. Lifetime job. Write FORST AND THOMAS. Dept. J. L. 11, Freeport, Ill. Armistice Day Observed. Judge Sinclair, who will hold the next term of Hoke Superior court, will not convene the term until Tuesday, morning, Nov. 13, observing Armistice Day Mon day. Jurors, take notice. Sheriff Hall orders rhis notice. And Battery F will go over to Selma to celebrate the day, and are promised a big day. Battery F is utie of the best, if not the best, drilled military units in this state, Star Brand Shoe.s for the Whole family, at Baucom’s Cash Store. 1 ton Ford truck for sale See E B. McNeill, McLauchlin Store. Lots and Lots ot good Winter Underwear—Priced Right—at Baucom’s Cash Store. EYES EXAMINED Glasses Ground and Fitted Same Day. DR. JULIUS SHAFFER Phone 541 Fayetteville, N. C. Tom, little son of Mr. and Mrs, H. C McLauchlin, gave his little friends a birthday party Satur day morninfe. his 7th birthday. The little folks had a delightful time. The Junior Christian Endeav or members enjoyed a Halloween party Monday evening under the direction of their leaders in the basement of the Presbyterian church. The young folks had a good time. FALLON’S Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs. J. W. WALKER, Agent. Administrator’s Notice. Having qualified as adaunis*. trator of the estate of . Ann B., Davis, deceased late of Hoke County, C , this is to notify ail persons having claims agni^t said estate to present them dulv verified to the undersigned 00, or before Nov. i, i92y, ot tiiia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in* debted to said estate will pteese make immediate payment.. This 26th day of October, 199$. W. W. HALL, Admr,

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