fot'the to- 1C' ■A' R4EF0RD, NORTH'CAjiOIilNA; .'1 6/ 1928. $1.50 sHORpEws;: rrEws. D. K( Bluettook^tlte-[oath of III eQ8t% tj^ttle tonfe "office for the fifth’lAm^ Monilay. ^iffewn» | p^n plowing ba^^l^n begun. . .prot^ts the young,. You (jan’t down a workrng ihan. tri'sBea ;h^tles. c '' L ji -' w *' ' I It ts not niggardly for a persoEa ^y^GtADTlIle ita income. " ' ^th 5I^Vtnef;hbbr8 ^ this Vear.' * inefr grew" their to- ! the'directmh of I riband>-botd. it at 'Mtkx0 tfeal'burd^ri' .411 iL rwy^^xL^'^—' ..a— 4«'.v' ^.-v «• ^^5'. .4 R.' etate goweftfirierit^-'-.fts^- J^pbiteibilites. p rf '^endihlrefe wn^fk in|^w I® ‘I ^ijfieids ieridea^br on a acale^^un knotwR^O years ago. i lisafieridily-Tnounting .ha, laj ^ disooufaging to industrial ({eveh ‘r. *T(yptnetif arid danaaging to [pros’ ’f The extravagance of loGal units Sf government is an outstanding probletnVof ihetimes If reforms '' rire not instituted, it must inevi’ tably result in many ,coihmuni l^es hbini^ buried under a mass of 1 Iefit9;and taxes from which it i' ' Will take years to recover. r Tri^ u in thC i county iri^lSae cali^. where jTair^!%tch h>fd be?i]j;fufined rin 'dV33«^uced4J|?7ljijs!he^ Whi^e [nri y^ch swas * 'i{r(^n,.^>iie "cOru [yieltlfwas 25 8 biisliei's per acre? pf ; Scotland county >areki^;ng to have a.- cannery es^ tatlishedin the county , to use sarplusproduce. tv Two additional cars of fat, .bogs have been shipped frnm Boafigrt county, making 11.5 ca?s for this ye I r’; The abimals wer,e shipped cooperatively by about 450ci«u. J ‘■'. A. H Stalliutisof Spring Hope in Nasli county cleared a pr.)fit rajps,.ipf. $1111 last month from a flock ot 240 I’ancred Strain While leghorn pulle's. ' ■ - • , ^ Farmers of Swain and Jackson counties sold ten car loads of ap- p es for .$;1000 this fall. The road between Southern Pines and PinehrirslWill lie oited ^iihmedlately. , ' Herbert McKeiihab was^wojf^ in for the thim tifri!iJ0j,,as Treasur er of Hoke county. • Always read-the ads., in The J^aurnal. They are news that will, save you money. ' ^ ^iss Dixie Reaves came home froni'iWalnut Ckjvev where she is teaching, for Tiranksgiving, A good many Kaeford people attended the Wil^in^ton^,Raleig game m Fayetteville Friday. m ^ Tji^nkl gffeW/?| mdrft.tie’^j^ fiai canriesi Adcfil, clea?ieMf* capffai't A. Wilson Basket bail teams are organtz Aberdeen.^ pd in the Kaeford high schpol. iea the foot- cet ball, be’ '^3)aper with The Jour- Eaeford Dry- >t much The resn It tax member "of the schhol faculty, spent Tfi^^ksgivilig j home. Reports show ari' increase i textile "'exports,' which is a healthy sign of better times in the South. ' ,y Hoke has nevf: r,elticted a cprq_' ner nor a county survevor that we know of, still we need both freqii^tly. '4 Scotland 'Coointy JN^s. 'I?.. .W’ 'I;;. E. to H' 'V . V ibw Johns Hopkins Hospital ■ fialtimore, where he went late Iriat week for treatment Sheriff Odom became ill about two '^’ij'eeks. ago with influenza and following that complications set and his physician advised the Apital treatment. Saturday " l'4?.went to Baltimore and euJi§r- -■^'ed the Johns Hopkins Hospital ' His friends were aware of the -. seriousness of his condition from ^ the first and every message that ^came from the hospital through ;. «Siundajf,‘Monday and Tuesday discouraging, so that the naws of his death on W.ednesday morning was not a surprise. A brother and a brother in law of „ Sheriff Odom were^with him at the time of. his death. ^Laurinburg friends of Mt. f; . Arthur Muse were giieved ^ * Hearn of his death on Monday « night at 9 o’clock a^the Hamlet . Hospital, where be had gone two .[ Weeks before for an operation fo~ ; appendicitis. It is stated that Mr. Muse’s case was most s'eifious 'from the first, being described ' asacute^ gangrerious appeudici .. [[tia. Following the operation ’complications develofied and'two other operritioris were performed Jn an e^ort to save hi's life. Coroner L. P. Hibson, for the A second time during his» tenures of office, is acting a/ sheriff ul Scotland county. .At. jfqe itme Sheriff McLaurin tifed Coroner Gibson wasshenff until, his suc cess^ was |kfi|birited.i And^now the death of Sheriff j. w. Odom places this responsibility ^on hik iogldens again.''' S-r'" 1— .^SSsisaBesP'- • "“*■ ' ' fv ’ . The walls of Laurinburl’s new tobacco ,j warehouse, located ^n McKay street near its^tersfc- tion with James street; are'going up this week, and the new struc ture is beginning to take on definite^shape? Mr. t W. D, Tucker is in charge of the con struction work.—Laurio burg Ex change. Mr. Scott McNeill Dies Sodderily. St Pauls, No’/. 28.,t^Mf. 'i^Otf McNeill, aged 74 yearsi in St. Pauls late Tuesday after noon. Heart ,,idi8ease was thought to have been .cause ^'pf d^£h. : Funeral ser^ife^" vwilI?e atv^ ’ ntfeiopk at Paul^ Presbyterian ship. Interment will be made in the church cemetery. The damSge done by that Ppr.‘ to Kitja’^sii^rm that touched here 8;:i|iti^ail«fl at eighty-five ni^b lion dollars ;^I!here}ij5 wWbole cottt ■pwple y( efrirt.... ■ .f*- . .’-j?. briil • Sheriff D. H, It^g'i gayp required procefiCIibhd. ^k the 0 The editor "goes to;- Educational Dept. Meets. . 4 most enjoyable meeting of the Educational Dept, of the Wonian’s Club was held at the nome of Mrs H. L. Gatlin Tues day, Nov. 27th. ^ Mesdames H. L Gatlin. W. E. Freeman and J. H Au.strn w’ere hostesses for the afternoon. V The club was called to order by the vice chairman. Mrs. G. VV. Brown. After the roil was called arfd minutes read, several minor matters of business were discussed Mrs. Upchuich ex pressed a desire that Mie Educa tional Dept, put on a progra-oi onTlliteracy. She said also that one of her aims for the Worn an’s Club was that a public li brary be placed in Rueford iu the hear future Mrs. Upchurch pre sented etich nietnber of the club with post cards with an original poem. ot “Hnke,” a booster for the county. ,J These were very much appreciated by the club I’tie meeting w-as turned over to Mrs. J. S Johnson, leader of the following program: Subject: Alt in the Home. Paper: Pictures in the Home, Mrs William Lamont. Mrs. Marshall Tho:nas, pave some interesting skc-tclies from a book on Homo Decorations. Mis. Paul Dickson demon strated tbe use of wax deco rating pottery, and Mrs. J. 8, Johnson used duco, fabric paints and gold paints in transforming ordinary articles into things of Beauty, giving a splendid idea of hovCi the home can be beajJtified. A delicious salad cniursie w’as then served by the hostesses, as sisted by little Miss Mary Helen Gatlin. Gold and green, the Woman’s Club colors, were used in the color scheme. The club then adjourned to meet in ' De cember. Raleigh to ---^3 sentative from Hoke’oh oriSiB® the 8th of January. Mrs. D. S. McEachern and children of 8t Pauls spent Thanksgiving witii her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Blue. Dr. Murray and Mr. Walter Baker attended the game be tween 8tate College and South Carolina in Raleigh Thursday. Wilmington defeated Raleigh in Fayetteville for the Eastern North Carolina football chani pionship Friday afternoon 12 to 0. A man w'ho take,The Journal can live cheaper than one w-ho doesn’t, tor he saves on the price he pays for goods advertised in the paper, J. A. McDiarmid, S J. Cam eron, Archie McGill, R. F. Stew art and N. H. (J. Balfour now constitute the board of county commissioners. Reports are going tlie rounds that Cov. A W. MsLean will re' turn to Luinberton, and resume business life as before he was elected Goveruor. Roman candles are being util ized ill Arkansas to rout the myriad iiinls which havefiecome pe.sts, but which the law will not permit to be shot. In I9l4, a had crop year, Rtu • rord goi led up on tobacco, hut there is a much better opportu nity in Raeford tor opening a tobacco market than ever, before. I’ourity' in turn ■ ' ■ mV" what a, all the, pri a united* ^am W)0rk.4 ' i g colored: i his [ leg; tie a :f«w timhpr." * >.. J* 1 (/kwpre . ajnd, ■ bil Miss Mayme McKeithan, who teaches in Statesville high school, spent Thanksgiving at home. p Mr. J H. Campbell is out again we are glad to see aft'er a two weeks’ spell of influenza. E- A- Murphev of Raleigh had his automobile stolen while he ate his supper Saturday night. ftS-: W. G. Johnson has gone into raising goats, and now he wants a few yearlings to pasture. There are a number of print ers out looking for work Panics hit. the printing tmsir.eSi lirst thing. The rain Saturday will help bring up small grain. There had been little rain for a month before. Mr and Mrs A. K. £urrieand little daughte-r, Leonora, spent Sunday with Editor and Mrs. D, 8. Poole. (.General Motors expects to sell a million and a. half of their new six cylinder cars within the next twelve months. Eggs are no higher in price now than they were a month ago. ran away from their homes iu several cities in the state recent* ly. The young folks, are grow ing restless. John Coolidge, son of Presi dent Coolidge, is to marrv IHor* ence, daughter of Gov. and Mrs. John H. Trumbull of Cc-nnecti cutt. Good for John. The Journal hopes to run a good story during the next few weeks, and next issue onr page booster ad. appears. Look th-at over. It’s a good one. The Morris Sales stables fa-rge aa^>4igh .far a tobaeco warehouse, and we understand it may be tiought. An addition could he made, so it would be as large as we need. A man who was a shop keeper in Winston Salem a lew years ago, has fallen heir to two hun dred and ten ;millioh dollars in I Texas, and now i»y George, they I cau’t find him. Raeford should awake and es tablish a tobacco market in this town. It would be easy to have it bring as much as it has on other nearby markets this year. The National City Bank of New York increased its capital stock ^rom ninety to one hund red million dollars l.ast week. Wish uur banks wouhl do that. A citizen of one of oiif nearby towns t ild one of our citizens a fi-w days :igo, that bushiess was so qbiet in that town, he could hear and notice a rooster crow ing two miles away. ' Mrs. W. A. Oidfield, widow of Congressman Oldfield, of Ar kansas, minority leader in the I louse, will fill out her husband’s term of office Toe Coquressman died ir, Wasniiigton, D. C., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fuller came to spend Thanksgiving with relatives in the city, and Mr. •s Fuller was taken quite sick with flu. ftowHi ■be'a tew xiays yet before they can return to their home at Liberty. Ed. Buie, colored, who runs an eating joint in town, put his money in his pants’ pocket 8ar urday night week ago. 8un(iay morning his pants were gone; he found them m tne yard, but his money, $112 or $115 was gone, and he has not recovered it. But they are not thinking of eggnog, as they used to. Mrs. Max Heins and little daughter, Bettie Cooper of San ford are !?visiting -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Blue. Peggy and Isabel, littleMaugh- ters pf Mfrs, Ilia Bethhirie, have been right sicksince last week. Tliev are impfro^g. ■'"BiSfeH Mlsses^teilie and Frah’ ces Jean Ffjpfman have been fight sick. now impmv, add. and little son. Wm. L. Jr. spent Thanksgiving with relatives near Liberty, rcturuing home Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Neill A. Cole an nounce the arri’v’al of Annie Neil, oil Nov. 25. 1923. at 6 p. m Weight 7 lbs. 3Uo Metver St., Saiitord, N. C, Edilur Poolo killed three pigs Monday that vseighed 7-20 pounds net. He liought them in May, j til - pui'cinise prive and feed bill a«K.uuntPd to $85 ■ Sherifl' iluil entered upon the discharge of the duties ot his of* lice April 5th. 1911. and served until last Monday, Dec Srd. when Sheriff Hodgin came iu. Profs \V. T. Covington, Jr., of Laurinburg schools, and Her- mau Campbell of Whifeville, graduates of Davidson receiuly were at home for Thanksgiving. .Miss Isabel Jean Lamopt, wh ) is a senior at Agues Scott Col lege, Decatur, Ga , one of the oldest and best colleges in the South, was formally invested at the regular Investirure , services at the college recently. Tiii-sis an unique custom at Agne.-^'Seott New Y»>rk, Nov. 28—Adndrai Frank F Fletcher, U. ». N.., died today in St. Luke’s hoepital at the age of 73. The Navy D-Dartmentoffidali ire advocating more cruisrirs for the U S. Navy. They say they are ^ necessity. Any kind of country prodaco taken in excb inge for accoants due The .Journal If any ane does not pay up it is because he does not want to come clean. Hoover drank a toast to the health of Nicarauga, but he took only water He is to have a DRY administration. That’s what his supporters expected. A laundry, a bakery, a tobac CO mark^^t are three things Rae** ford can and should have because they will be s If supporting from the start Co ordination is aU that is necessary to have them. Raeford should have a Boy Scouts or'ganizatipri. It is fine training for th-^ youngsters. And an organization of this sort for the girl3’'vvould be very helpfol. Whit we would like to see done in Hoke is the starting of. some either public or private work that will enable our citi- zens to get food and clothing- - ^ A , •• y’- . „ College. V, 'I’here are it is estimated Three million men out of employment ill the United States, We surely need to enforce the anti imigra- gration laws. There are miflioiia- in Europe wanting to come to this coimtry. but we cannot take careof thenr ' A good'co'ngregation attended t^e Thanksgiving service in the Presbyterian churchjast Thurs day, and Rev W. F Trayrick, pastor of the Methodist church, gr§ach^ a fine serinon. The coiIeciioR^''fof'Y.he\, Several phanages were taken m Some citizen groups in the eastern part of the state are de manding lower salaries for teach ers, If teachers’ salaries are reduced, summer schools and other extra expenses must be cut. Tne thing to reduce is over head, or operating expenses. Gentlemen of Raeford and Hoke county: Let us not sit down and s^ive up, but organize, put our nrain and capital .to gether—it may not bo large, either brain or capital, but it will beat the struggle for each of us single handed and alone. Work together, and success is assured. -V/- FOR SaLE—Fulghum Grits Abruzzi Rve, I- ulcaster VYheat for seed; 50 head weauiing pigs. J D. MASON. Phone 5133. Raeford. R. 2. Man ■ wanted to run McNess lousiness in Hoke county. $7 00 '** to 5>12.00 daily, vear around work, no layoffs, unusual of fer. Write nie today. Mr. Porter, in care of Furst & Thi'inas. Freeport, IJl. Wo guess more than a thon- s:»nd people saw the game be tween V\ ilhiitigtori and Raleigh lasi i’ riday in r'ayettevilU-. 'I'h - higher you climb, tiie more you get. But the people of those Cities spent more than their teams took in. People are sports crafty.-.-- - -- An airsliip gave an exhibition near Mr W. F. Lentz’ home north of town Sunday. If other work is a violation of the law of the Sabbath, such entertainment should be prevented by officers. The owners of the airplane gave parachute leaps and took people to ride. Got some money out of it, likely. FOR SALE—Two good farm mule-:, wagon and harness and all rafining equipment. See xN. J GILLIS, Raeford. N. C., t^2. WANTEE—A few lean year lings. or calves. Pay ail they are worth. Raefor^. N. C. Ford touring car for sale. Hi R. Bauconi, Raeford, Jn. C. C’IjOCKS, VV’atchesf Safety Ra zors, Silverwar^plated ware. Raeford/Hiurdware Co. *f w' FrostprooT-flWakefield Cabbage Plants now readv. 500,60c, 1.000, $1.00. ^ JESSE GIBSON, Dundarcich. N, ■V

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