■dt y .?• '-*^1 , ,'A - 5. - ■ - '^-ii- !^-V^^sstr- . '4i. 2=>£^ ri3«- . '■'■ '• r/ r - '' i.-“- tna »■» U »•»» T* T»~r f : it trfi .i .w t -i r-' -1 ■ -r :» . ■ .'» \ (.‘K4 ♦ E. fU=' ■ * ^ iR). 39: s' ^>Miiiiiw^iMlriiiiiiVi ^ilgi:iViiiiLiii?»rv >^.1 r^tzs*-. ' diiilt^ SiraSe. i **’*^6 be awrvi^-of an- ii^i^est Christmas E ve" at o’clocjt, P. M. when a rhu- ^ profitain in ■ the form of p;‘^®IC5fiol ain^ng will be observed on .'^^Uhe up, town Main street near '^^|Fag6'Trust (Jo. A large chorus Tdting pwple and men of the Hi-P^owiijs being attempted Please ;^^jevery willing voice come join the ,‘. ^^r^crowd. Tfiere wUl be a piano on /: j?*"*?® truck f§r one platforrri. ^M^4)ope to ha^e as many a8^3 l^' jtrucks loaded wtth people to sing. eeds. good stock, «>-. V: t FOR . se V eral breeds; * at reasocaf^o prices "' D. 'Sf.oU (Jurrie, Raefofd,' N. C , R. 2 •-4^» pECi5Mi:t;i-; 2 1928. »>.«; ■..:A-l year ' I liey |i V7ANTED—A' few lean lings.’or calves, pay a, are worth. W,. G Johnsod ; „ Raeford, N.JG; .^.ii - Only the famlliar.CasotB that are .'■loved.by the" Ghri8tRij|ft jof the ^wopnfry .will be used, Ji^ou’t be Frostproof' Wakefield Cabbage Plants now ready. 500,,60(*,- ' 1,000, $1'.0U. . . ^ _ JESHE aiBSON, ' Ford touclhg caif lor sale, H. R. ^.^:Baucom, Raeford, Nf C. OSetcoat'sV-.? Suits;^ /thing in>er]n _ . ingaij^ill alf‘^^u?e(piprSfi^:* '^^i^fraid you do nbt know the songs, feooks will Ite provld^^ ..Christ'* 1®OR SALE—nulbeij^of Cro- mas t rees are .planted ^deco/ ■rated the business men; of e#- f'makd^ this a 'ChVjwtm as ieB6i.v|d;i%nd h a v«^y r ^ **■' * ''^'. "* 5* ^ ,. l^’a Cbtton SeedaPit a bushel Wm. L. POOLE, Raeford,-N O. agr to| - ** ",'..-y ■ , ■ i * are mii)(4t'tS;"q^:irour foyjhl^a to’expre^s our {^fnt^.re^^ppr^r : Here’s wishing yojil a' and may the coming New Yi{ hiOvSt Presperous you have yet ei BAUCOM’si CAI V ,j . I ' . and THE SPECIAL and d/e Ifb “Thanks. t^fiRISTMAS [»ppij^St> and ITORE SHOP -.wAgaaiEi' and;.child in ithe county dif;Mt)kH on the streets |ofRaeford^th%t night—and the Sco oped people af^ most cordially invited and'%ked to group tljpng Iselves on the streets between The Bank of Raeford and McLanch Jin (^. They are being a^ed to ' ''.’Slng-and ^jdll.have a definite ■^pl aCf on tbfe program. ■ We are’asking Mrs. McLeod at the ^tton Mill '.to’ please orga ■ nize® way tq hfive pe^le from the. Hill preseht as we very much desire td/’lBhkve . them ‘ We can make this a ■ jQKnstm a s night, come ev^ybcdy in ' the " conpty. . Our Pplicemdn will be 'asked to direct thie^rowd. ''' i Aunpuncemeutswill^rhe made ,on dunday in'the church^. 1 , " MRS. IN A- SETHU NE,?^ r MRS^J. E. HOYLE, Committee. Shdes; Hosiery, and Drv Goods every thiu’g at reduced prices. McLauchlin Co. ' ■F-0,R SALE'-Choice pea vine bay; 40 head nice feeder pigs, .'and fresh hog products, hams, deusage, pudding, ettr Waut ed—50 bushels sound k)w pea*. M. D. MASONV0V: Raefdrd. Phone 5133 - C ^ Buy Chrisimas Seals. In this season of happiness ^J^here are within the limits of fjOUj community hundreds of chil dren who are in danger some ;day of having tuberculosis, if they are not given special hare that they may develop into strong men and women Your purchase of Christmas Seals will help to save some of these children. ’uberculosis EYES EXAMH^Ip Glasses Ground and Fitted.. Same Dav.' ^ ' DR. JULIUS SHAI hER Phcrne Oil Fayetteville, N. G., A MERRY CHI HAPPY NEW sm ,»-. -.'ir:."'- WISHING YOU THE BEST-CMPt GOOD LUCK. Pass- ' ■ ‘■'f-a.iy=A:> ,v' BUY *S' r ORANGES, APPLES, ■ 3ANANAS,' : GRAPES;- FORD! H. A. PAGE, JRl Ford Service. M ■ t>.3^3W -■'t MVTJoT T' BANG. R Christmas Seal chairman and committee are working hard to raise the health quotient of the community! The least we can do is to buy our quoto of Christ mas Seals. Have you done your yit? A Cantata will be rendered at the Presbyterian church Sunday night at 7:30. The Community Si-ig will be held on Main street, Raeford on Monday evening, Dec. 24. at 8 Mr. E. B.. McNeill is under treatment in Presbyterian hos pital, Charlotte,and is doing well The Raeford young folks, the teachers who go away to teach, and the college boysiand girls are at home for the holi lavs, but in our congested condi ion we not mention them by name. can WHITMAN’S better. Cane Hoke L)ri TiiANKiN(i All Ouh FiiiK.vns AND CirSTOMEUS FOU HUSINESS IN THE PAST, WE WISH FOR EACH A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR RAEFORD HARDWARE CO Send HER a box of WHIT MAN’S.Candy. H|lfce Drug Co. f>5C' ■ FOR SALE—Jaraaca. Wrapper Tobacco Seed, grown by W. A, Sides of Aahley Heights. This tobacco produces more and briugs better prices. Raeford Hardware Co.*' ^ Saie;ol :Vaiuable Farm Property. - Under and by virtue of the' authorit.y, conferred uj^on us in a, deed of trust executed b'y J T. '?S^itley and 'wife, Dora L. Whit ley;, 6n the i3th day of Ma.y, l'J2G, and-reco.rded in. BeOk 58, page-.lv, we wil]. Vi4i„ .f*'® f ^Brndary, lf)29, 12 a’clock Raeford, Hoke Count.v, public auction for cash to ih( higliest bidder the follow ing i fs lands to wit: ' ' 'o A certain tract or farm lot of land in Quevvhiftle 'I'ownslii,). I Hoke Count.v, Sfcoto of N( u • Carolina, adjoining the Imu’ ; - of John Blue, B, B. .•'uuadei's un i others and bounded us billows.! viz; Being Farm Lot No. -1 iis \ shown on a map of a tract ol land, known as tlio A.shk.y Heights farms, made b.v tf. H. ^ Lilly, C. F., and'tiled in tlie Of I lice of the Register of Deeds of Hoke County, N. C., on- April Llth, 1915, and bounded and ilo s(5i'ibed as follows, to wit; Beginning at a stako in tin* Hoke and Moore Oounty line, the second corner of Lot No.^ 3 and runs ■with the county line S. 43 deg. W 2444 feet to a stake; thence S 56 deg. 30 min. F OUb feet to a stake near a drain, the George Graham corner; thence with the Graham line N 32 deg. 45 min. E 700 feet to a stalte by a pine; thence N 68 deg. 30 min. E 1125 feet to a stalte by a jiine; thence N 2 deg. 30 min. E 7h7.5 feet to a stake, a corner of Lot No. 3; thence with the line, of Lot No. 3 N 48 deg. W 781 feet lo ; tlie beginning, containing 51.1 acres, more or less. Tins is tho same tract of laml as that (.-oij veyed by M. A. Whitlock and others to Tyler Whitle.y b.y deed dated Sept. 7, 1925, and recorded in Book page—- Registry of Deeds of Hoke County. This sale is made by reason of the failiJi’e of J. T, Whitley and wife, Dora L. Whitley, to jiay off and di.scharge the indoliledness secui'ed b.y said decHl of ti'iist to th('North Carolina Joint Slock Ijand Bank of luurliain. i A 10 per cent deposit will hej required from the iiurchaser at| Sdfl6 ‘’-‘s.....^! This the 11th day of Dec.,1928. The First NationalCompanv OP Durham, Inu., Trustf.e. Formerly The First National Trust Company, Durham,N.C. € ■ • S^: ETC. MERRY CHRISTMAS Come in and let us help yop solve'that ppft problem.. We have a line of up lo date gifts that will pJeelm^ every one. 1 .Mi If*:. Fountain Peu Sets and Pencil w r* -n* Mif 14 K ore .'Toilet Sets "Fahey'Perfume Set* Sete ^flT .boys Toy Guns tahv Dol! in (Jradle Fancy Bottle* Perfume Toilet Water Gents* Comb and Bruab Sets Baby Sets Gents’ Bill Folders F’ancy Compacts GUESSING Whitman’s Candies jme in and lock our line over. d; \/e h.ave the goods to please the family, lino of Christmas Gifts, A fu Nuts, Soft Shell Pecans and Walnuts, Raisins of all kinds, Delicious Candies. * TOYS FOR TME CHILDREN. Come in and see us before you buy. Do your shopping early and aVoid the rush. Campbell & Co. L;Lif tU'lOl'C. Hoke Drug: The Rexall Store Prescription Specialists. Raeford, N. C. Phone 272 •-« - .VH- -sS "iS.. . FALLON’S Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs. J. W. WALKER, Agent. Wishing the People, of Raeford and Hoke County A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, with the Greatest pros perity, I am yours to serve. Israel Mann, Raeford, N. C. ' 9 4.^ .J • ,r^- isaoc! HAPPY NEW YEAR Resvoie to turnover a new leaf by having us inspect your car OFTEN. This will be one resolution that will be easier to keep a* time goes on aud will make the new year happier and more prosperous for you. Have our expert mechanics inspect and test your car RS(^ ULAKLY. This will make it worth more. Let US care for YOUR Car. TEAL BROS. RAEFORD, N.C. m t. rJ

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