K25?'..- h-. E?Mj? v.S n"' ..%• liffi HOKE CJOUNTY NEWS Jlloki^^ Couiit3^#i|9|l3r Newspi^per.' thChoke county journal I i.-nt’tf .- -I , I ■g;*^>'i..»»ii I I, - ■* V - - • • . & ■'• . .. ■ '-' • . ' ■ T. - - . \ - . r^ltXJ|IE .¥XV; -NUMBER 32> » fi,,,.::,,.— IL^EFORD, N. Ca - *fmBAY, NOVEMBER" 8. im $!gBSCRIPTION PRICE flXt PER TEAR, IN ADVANCE. ^iw People .Killed it}^ Red •■ >. -/ ■ •. • ' '/Tn ■ . , f> OM.dia Con^InAtoirtiy vKilled f Miis GeraWm^'M^re Mor>jaV - ly vllj^oufideil train Crasbed ' ' 'iritb Automobile; Funeral For Miss . ^ I^^y-yHel^Tue^ajjr, >- Red'Springs, North Carolina, Nov. Cordelia Gonoly of this place ' • i in^afitly kdlleji Monday morning 'J-' i"' - ’ 'and-’€r9S’3lidine,3lloore;. 13j of B$adison, *■ in' Hi^hsmith’s hospital at 4:30( ^■’ . \, '^Mobda^ afterjioon as a result# of aa ' when the FayetteviUe-Sum-' , . ' bar' Southbound train crashed into a •'. ’ ^Sr^ jn which'' they were riding. Mr: s ■ D. a! McCormick,: prominenfr- m^-' r^hEintr abd^farmeT of McDonald, driv- ■'' -«jer of the car^ was seriously, though .■•^it is thought, not critically hitrt; ^ d Mr .McCormick th3 funeral of 9^ LC-. Messrs Dicjkstm Owners of The Hoke County New8^®y The Hcke County ' Jcmipal From DS^||^e; Traife'^fec- ^ tive liast TtifSi^SsTwp Gonsolidatedv Netme ■ RAEFORD HIGH ' OfOieTl^et^Joumai TOdS^^ tiat ■?? Springs Crossing Tragedy 1 ^^ Tuesij^BI^ Day In \ Presbyterian Ladies HRecorder’s Courtj Of pifjth District, Meet At Lumber Bridge Many and Varied Were The 'Cases Tcf Be Bailed Before The Re- . colder in Weddy Terrii of Cour.. Friday afternoon at three-thirty o^nej. Af fi,- Hnke ' rntntibir the Raeford Crimson Tide will battle. | 4-1." i the strong Smithfiield high eleven, JOHUIM lias sold the Journal tP if Raleigh high, for the Messrs R. L. jBasthant’^ aiftl more than a year ago,, Mr. D Scott Poole, of Group Four in the Paul Dickson and tl£e two papers t^oL^ sbhool chaixipionslup are now tnorovd fitirt Ano and will i^K^Jjpwner. conque; 'ehamp state Alf« the BaetoKi Stale aie'e^t- .pected' to be back inj^ game Kri- ^ws-Jotmial lild^ the Otvner- day \nth thsir fiffhtiri^ clothfis . oh SUp Stlld 0p61!EtlOll ready to help the team make its bid Eastham and DiCkson, owners for another victory. ' of the Hoke CounW News. V - : A great battle is anticipated and - - . the largest crowd of the should see this game. # X’ from Uie Raeford Pub- ^ _ Co. and operated it on basis until about a year ^esday w^s rather., a 'full day in Recorder’s Court and an' afternoon safsion was nec^aary in ’ order to dispose of the ca^s. Cases coming up 'for trial included the following: Alex Reese, charged with assault ing Joe Cliason with a deadly wear ag^ when he bought the p^perj pon with Jntent to kill, was bound ixkpi the Raefprd Publishing over to Superior Court under bomU d ‘ ' ..... .. from that time until' SlOOO.OO which he was unable to are now meis«4 into one and wmtthSfyrek has operated,it as'J,';^' season In this traosh^pn Mr. PqoIc retains all acepuiits. due the Hoke County Joiuhal including subscription accosts to date' and any debts, tf there be any. are likewise not involved in the stabbed him with a hibited bsttT scar near his heart , „ : 'The Hoke County News cahie' that ^mc very near joying fatal. »t Messrs out yith its Best iss«ei«n,..25,ia n. owners Rv thi. menrino of thp' * “ us.lesr, lor me . ^ mi.***^^***®T***^ ^fl D-oug Monroe, colored,* was-chargeti The News-Journal: Oil thrhe separate counts of giving' age, Mrs. L. A. McLaiirin hai^':^ne of the largest circula-: a car while'drunk, being drunk and; ii.20 Report of Sec'ty ' S. L /I Ic ' r*Y»-l rt-P lnv/»£3'n*ir orl- * rr ■\Tr_.“i >'r* a The Fifth ^District Conference of.- the Woman's Puasbyterial of^ Fayette ville PreslHrteaTr met with the Lumber Bridge Presbyterian church November 7. The confeitence erm- sists of ten churches. Mrs. Georg^e H. Hanna is President of this di.s- triet. The program tvas as follow.^: fftdo-lOrOO Executive^ Comraitten} meeting. 10:00 Devotional. Mrs. D. Cars well, Bethel church. ' .VVelconie, Eev., C.‘-E. . Clark. Response, Mrs. P. P. McCain, Shiloh church.' . , 10:30 Addnass Mrs. \V. M. Fair- ley, Presbyterial P resident. 10:50 Report of Sect'y White Cross, Mrs. D. McP. McArthur. 11:Q5. Report of Sect'y of .Orp'ian- POOI^E^S VALADICTORY t&y might help ... , reetl the fluh^ral wad to be held A. p. Gore Talks To fcwanis-P^ Federal , Farm Loan System sale. The transfer ii&cludes cir- ^ . ^ . . culation, printing plant, andi der^ned has edited sl- news- The Iviwanis Club held its regular renod, wiH.- . Tho" New.«:-.Tniii*na11 DEDS^ in Raeford. and I'Want to tic^'of' weekly papers in North,* larceny. He ad-'Hopie ^ssions, m; • i .'m.itted the first two and was found I'-gj, ' T . & •all.'e • Throw- guiity of the third. He. 'was given.- . . _ I 11:35 Re-pqrt of Delegate to-Col.hred I a total sentence of. ten months on yConfegence. Mary Finkley. j the Toads; Odell Stanton was also ii;40 Foreign Missiop Address, , i charged with being drurtk and d'*- Mrs. Lucy L Little. -China. ' I^r twenty-one years the un-, orderly along with Monfo.e, bet \va 12:10 Special music, Flora Mac- fouV not guilty. _ i donald college'. - " Lonnie Johnson, colored, who liLes 12t2.5 Report of Sect y of Litera- .41dernmn farm Uijar'vVagrani, lure, Mrs. Carl S. Matthews; an- ged with having in. his po;- r.ouncemenis. , I a small quanity of whiskej* 12:30. Lunch. ..e^downpour ;of raih. Tlie 1 wa-s on' the program and made an by Mr. Poole;. that is, those fn(@Bda than have 1. And I for the purpose of sale. He was .Lftemoon Session . . ' ■’'•I'-’ occurred diireojly behind Miss divtSresting talk on the farmer’s re- yy[lO' jl^Vg uheKpired subscrip-,.ap^ee»te these friends beyond guilty and given four months 2:00 Devotional Secrctar\- of Spir- f 'x '^olv’s home.’ ' •• |lhtion to the Federal loan system, tiortw-for wbiVh thpv have naiH^oi^as I th'inff a ereat de'^ll to'be sus-, itual Life, Mrs. M. H, S'ciitii-’:!;':'..!; . ^Tiort s^vice was conducted'forLl'he club is being represented at the wmcn. iRey nave paW WQ^S,.. U a gieax aem ^ condition of his good offering. A short service was ,i„-„ by Dr Mr. Poole WlU receive The NewS- more of .tne fnends I have made behavior for two years and the-pay-i 2:25.ModeIbu^:r.es-;m :etl.: thsti j; do the' money I ' L;,,'- , , '.'^cCdrtn; ' . ca/iisei '6f J ... ^ Springy.Fresbyterihn.^churc^^ Journal until this subscription has expired without further payment. Those who have un-" cfxpir^ paid, subsciiptions to . ) .4 ♦The'body war taken imnaediately f-\MrS. Ida CurHe 'I . -terwatd to her- horns in Madison tor -i- . buriah *:C^lifte was; the ■«dest T ■ dauightSt of' Mr. and Mrs. Robert MaAisoh-. She-is survived by 'het'parent® and two younger SIS- Rad Springs, Novtmher 6th, •. .tersilLjFOlwse and Wayhurn. “ —Tbo-entire town and surrounfl y., . y,- , , i • *Fufea^tL^rvices ;for Miss Cardialii ' ijipr commtinities were saddened last Mr. Poole came to.Kaofoi'd in ■ ' ^^^'^^^bl^Aed^.yuesday ai-1 gi^nday evening when it was knoMUi 1904 and started a newspaper have ment of the costs and a fine of $25... ford ’Auxiliary, received, ' '' i paid the fine and costs. ' vf Repor^f Sici'tary ^.-y-eiv- ' to tliank all mv frien-:ls \' ^hit Monroe ,chared wi^ vioial- ■ Hom^issions,- Mrs. U. It. ing tne prohibitum laVs, ;^ad gujl-, t - xj ■“y and; was given t-vw-^onth.^ on Pargants, Cm Ghurc.i s .Horn-- - Lumber 1 /by her pas- .that M.ts. Ida Currie^ this place which 4v£l§'called'Facts and Fig- L^sisted by' - * .. /• whs dead. The (iecassf'sed was in her 65th ymit ^and, she.l^^ih^ ' 111 for , Currie .wps a wMo-w -of the.late Angus Currie ures.. He edited this County Journal. Ih 1910 Mr. Johnson sold The Journal to. a which-was 01-! wishing ■Whs loVfed by, all who knew her be- . yfe in this com- -gahized at that tllfle and called -hf ■ heri h^wy'diepositiim, her an. .'Of .her hawr, muiiity, she had many friends and ^ thpuvhts ^ /j.reiatives who lover her for her genv-' iSji hSws of disposition and pleasing person- TheSsi-Ral'lbearers-wcre neptiews or; , ceased.' Messrs Jack Hodgin, i abty. D. Scott Pooler than aiiythinp.' else :^ainst. Chalmers Rymon charged wit^ a bale ly of nderlv laid • buriarwas immediately afterwards in were ’'onaeny^ia.i^ _ The flowers A' proclamation -by the Mayoi? cal the Antioch cemetery. . V*dwd Pf . rdmtives and , were profuse a^ dieautiM. _ to join,'markr „d behp.ath a nrofe-mon- o. : Surviving* are three children,.. MioS opening of . the annual roll eaU rfoirar-ofl’erings, which in a! Flora BeU-Currie, of this inace Mrs. American Red Cro.^s. The '"way 'indicated the. ■ esteem in Robert Moore ot Madison, ana . . ChaptCiV has- been • as - as held. i John Hw Gnirie of Waycross, Ga.; are her moth^, Mrs. j Vvvo sisters, Mrs. J. D. McLeod of r one brother, Mr. 'Will this place and Mrkr^ Lizzie J\^Cor- aveross. Ga.. and four! mick' of McDonald; three .Jitrotlwrs, s ' MTS. MaKvHfelL -Culbreth, of Messrs J, A. and M. H. MePhauNof ' / ^■'h'■'WsKyoas. ‘Ga.., Marshutl Me- j Anrioch an^ Mr. Will McPhauI of Br^ie afid' FCbdgin i^An- - Springs. Mm.F. B.' Sex;fen ofR/e- Mayor Bethune Asks I Appointments of , Support of Red Gross j Methodist .Preachers of Interest to Raeford \va.s tua'; of riari- ,wh-i was e of c.-itt-'’! without giving Iii.s landlord prop.r not’c^. Heap in'.;ch plenty iawyer.- ■appeared on 'tot!; .-Idos and cne .n.« a witness aiiil. after the elapa,; of two hour;-; the defendant wf.,' four'.d guilty'and ta.ce ! ivitii the costa, tif’ countA^’s part of .'.'lid costs--heing -re- n'.ittod ■ - tioch ford. ^^Mrsr Carl F^eman HAs ‘Bndk^^Farties d Raeford Chapter ha; signed a goal of 200 .membsrs by tire national headquarters of the Red Cross, arid proclamation of Mayor R: L. Bethune is a cgll to civic prids and duty. The. prdclarriation says to the people- of RaSford. “The AmcTican National Red Gro's is asking you today to suppo'rt its humanitarian work in the ' .coming Has Fine Meeting K ^ t£at/S'’’S “ ■ '..Cross exists. W.itliout such sup- m.' ■ Tx • t ' J # port, the I^d Cross could not main- ;;.2!finre tain its services, including its trained •It asks Civic Department b deUgUM, partles.pn Tues- bumess imparten® /“Sl'SJ” V- SvSVr'K ,f fSJSviToii/fS .“*..On rii'Bsdsy* aftsmoon. sIig Gntcr \ PQjYimitbGGa “WfiTG iriadG. Mrs LG^stcr j» ^ ^ i. *1- 4^ ^*.u' *- ^ned at brMge took, having ^ f^m the finan^ com- -fjf of C-ofs^se^^ table, rf bndse and one ot . A. Cameron „aye. “^T'the rooky HeT;,h3U3e was pretty and - ^ort from the school cafeteria. xxtA.x. w' ;|ttractiye 4ith rixan^', fall flowers, gh,/’Reported that over tliree treasury in minor dis-. ■ and her decorations ^earned out the j jeJ frse lunches had been given dur- asters, _ . c '» jjallawe’en 'idea^ . Mrs, Clyde ^Pr; jug p^st miMith and she ^sk-ed join tba Red Grogs is to be l;l)airch;was lUQky holder of- -; ^jiat ebtb members donate soup mix- a member of a ^ society That works Buster BrOwn And . Tige Here Recently fa-rtre quantity up there Mon'.iay night and it w3nt through, tee Tues day sales, 'xhe warehousemen .told tire buyers tha't it was from the .■■V^ierdt-'n territory and to vrujop ft up. 'fl’cy were put on theL' rruard ail right ahright hnt, sad t:i rehite, the' p.rici.s were' not any better- or as good as the Upchuirch Urother.s had. been goit'ng at homr, so they .loaded iiK-st of it lack on their Jiucks and .-ont it Home. They will I efi'e-.' it at berdeen today anci see ’ just what the comparison^ i.s. It is ,1 ira.uan, nature to think that tlie best I of everything is at a distanc- anl many l'o-‘j in fm-:l;..g such is seldom the case. Ii is coniidentiy expected .that this ?-vperinient will prU-ve'that the best place for the ideal tobacco y r I, 'The people of the community are i always interested in the. appoint- j ments of the Methodist - preachers j at the ejose of Conference. The j North .'Carolina Conference of the j - * :— ,, Methodist Episcopal church was held ^ Quite a commotion was mad at Kipton this year The news among the boys ,ami girl® of Rae- fanirer^tJ sell hii we-:d is on his that W. F. Trawick Kturned to ford last week when Buster Brown rfa'cn market which is Aberdeen. Raeforid was received with tiiuch I and his famous dog Tige canic to —^^ | church and popular in the comrauni-1 theatre. "He'had theni lined "on Ncaj'Iy 18- NlilHoilS Other' appointments pleasure for lie is well .liked by his i Raeford and gave a free show ^ the " e comrauni-j theatre. 'He'had then-: lined up on. 1 the street for a lo^ng distance .whiLi of interest, Tige superintended the performance. From Equalizing Fund Superannuate; Rev. J. W, Bradley, ren completely filled U; Sil'ST City. ■ , -A . . Di|trict Meeting CH N. G. Federation brought E.aefo;rd by Mr. Israel Mann. Of Womens Glubs Business Houses To Have Holiday Mon. Mrs. Georgq .Fuilg”, Pre.sident of the Chaniinade Mii'sic Club of Rae ford, and Mesdames J. W. and W. B. *---f^re • iri:'i bridge whdle .. Mrs. Otto 't;ufg qi> c^ned tomatoes at the next for the good of humanity without McLauchiin of Rae''’orxl''.nttemli.’d lire \L/ /■^rawick j,nela high .score .in .rook. I to be used at the lunch regard to aTtificial social barriers, d-.srrict meeting o'' th;i''.Ncrih Garo- “ ‘ ' Both -spre given, 'lovely pieces of ' ' U means the support of serrice at iina' Federation of Music ^Clubs in QQ -nittinakD ' . /* fTroAiYiftii ; a_ — _■! i. .-ij ..1^4.1. Lo i -. An nmewn.;, chest, .of old. clcth- i,.d?.h '...‘j ‘ chant, h'ayc stood an ScMcnTto !. L assisted -by Miss- Marguerite Freie-; jpg for the n^y in the county was can overseas possessions, and to known as the Capital district and -.X—J _ —L. c-,.--.--..,. 'started,'and it was decided to send foreign countries prostrated by cala- Me? j S. CorreU of Raleigli pvp=iJed. Boy Scouts on Saturdays to homes rioity. . ^ ■ Mis I N. M. McAii.ster of Lumbeiton for clothes that people had to give “The people of Raeford should 'vas elected direcN^-to succeed -Mr?. -man sefv^ a- veay delicious salacl -bourse With sweets* . Those present , in S^jB^erriodn weye: Mrs. Clyde “Upcnurch, Mrs. Jiilidn Johnson, Mrs. . E, B. Garrett, of Sanatorium, Mrs,' jan away, After this business the regu^ give the serviceAjOf their Rdd Cross Correll. Mrs. H. J Bd'ison of io« nrntrrom -nToo. -i-oL-.xn ,-im' “Ctti-'' thgir pi^rsonaT attention and spread Lnd was eleetb-i secietai'-,-’. :an- rrett, ol sanatorium, JVirs, j lap program was taken up, Lawrence Poole, Mrs. Gborge Fuller, Uenship’*'^ was'the subject for the .^af- the. Red Cross message to the end A feature cf the meeting' was •Miss Margaret Chmie, and Mrs. Bob | temoon. Tbe first paper writtrai by of successful enrollment.” . Lewis,, playmg.^dge;'5&nd Mrs. Will I Mrs. John McGpogan Was read by. p t hetHUNE L>ajnont, Mrs. W. F. .Trawick, Mrs. Mts. Andrews^' It w.^'s a Study of I ' • Mavor Citv of Raeford Hawfield .and Mrs. 'll. C. ^’Th'omas,' registration Laws. Mrs. T, B. Up- Mayor, City of Raeford plainng rook. - I church read a paper on The Know- t-* c i -rv t j. , In evemng only i^k Whs played I ledge " of Present North Carolina' KaetOrd UCieatS at three tables. Those enjoying j LegMatioA. A s,ori ’ diiiring Which . 'p a J -this wfere: Mr. ^ Mrs, W. E. Free-' the’ hostesses serve hot colfae and I man, Mr. and Mre. L. B. Brandon,' sandwiches ivas very much enjoyed.! Mr.' and Mrs. Rowland, Mr ana Mrs. | -'i . Sanford To Advance In State Series ^Gktlto.'^-' P- ; Contract I^t For ^ 'Rogers, Local”^ A t t ■’ t ■ 'PstETA ^AitssIwlAimiia Revival'To Begin ‘ ^t Shiloh Monday ^ers, Liocai wia Star, ^ Scores QfrinLrai4^ Jw® Toudhdowiiis, Whfle VisLors .rnson aiocKaae poinj. ^A protracted meetteg wiU bej?ih I/feik «dy ? At jaUloH-"—•—i—*-x.-.- x^-.i , ..x- ^ Mo^i i: and wjllvoontihue w^k, i . _ two di^. Relf, A. D: ‘.PtB] r, .‘WHl '-he assidted ' The board oT'eounty commissioners Raeford won- over .Sanford here itnet.in r^lajr* monthly session on last Friday 14-0. Raeford’s Aw-o , W®***herir present.! touchdowns camg ’’n .Aiu'" first few IBS .other, than ■the :i;TOini^es of play'and tie fourth ouar- U^I.Q W •!. to - ' n n n* i-inar* ^ atolA. 1 [the singing-ol ‘.he new song, •’Bicg 1 Young America, Sing,” written for ; the Junior Cl«J?s of North" . Carolina. I by Dean Alfred H. Stride, of Flora I Macdonald; College. The Junior I Music Club of Lumberton sang it I Friday, this bfciiig the iir.st time I it had ever .beeni . surig in public. ' The meetihg was lield hi the hall I rpom of 'the iKiBraine Hotel- Lunch eon was also. served at this hotel by the Lumbeiton Music Club." Mjs. J. Norman 'Willh of . Greensboro, Junior Gonselor of the State,pre sented Miss Edna Jorieg of Raleigh ■at tMs meeting.. -Other intefesting 'fjeatyres ^.this meeting weite ^ ntuqabers put oh by the Conservation of Music of Dur ham and a talk by Dr. jVardell of Flora Maccftpald College. ? I VAkCAV fVAAA VW4A*.V ' WA AAA A/WT J VA^A AV«U> AiA»V»AiW 1 - on^y, the 11th, it being Ar- ing this period l?2,639,128J21 was dis- e Day. Jurors and witnesses tributecl. ^ Pine BlitK got the at buiUing wi}l be twenty ftet, i^^o^and of oor the extra point after the first .loach- do'>rii4;»wbile McBryde added/^e sec- his jeduciated .toe, hid lAklns w^re ifafi out- [ oh , Pmtfoiiid tk^tened to scfbi^ lu the' third quayi^ W)^ Raeford held on ths one 3lmi:.Jihe.'and took the ball ‘-•i'i-S -line. Mri- and Mrs. J. £.: C^oty, mu into u smug on the ^school grounds here and was badly, hurt. -Hu was ln,o*.k od, un(;on^ious and remained so lor a day or mote. It .was found that he mu a slight flcaemM ol tha „—.. , for tbpir patronage, and more Dies Lust Sunday both The Journal and The fOr '^eir moral support, but as tne iroad's, nrayer for judgment to ^iission \\ork, Parkton, , News. will receive credit in ex- j bave theHoke County Jour, he contlnu'?'! upon payment of che ■ „ tended time for the amounts so nal-fe-Messrs Eastham and-Dick- co.sts^Mvh;e.h w was unable to pay r . ■ ■'son.^^m not longer connected', , W'ith ,thO paper, but I trust my : toU-on^ ar.ii cotton seed. He' W03 ', ,Ta ^r.-i frieyirf&,will give them the same givc'.a'tv,’el\^_ months on'the roads. , , Loccii JMen Iry Wilson lanwhrfeemenfcthey have #iven . Vr^’u -Market* No Difference -mei,i'~¥/^l*evei'-;-i:^ bihsoii^biit his/^Sss, was cor.tm- ^An cxperiiii'nt in tobacco market I will ever hold md foi’-lwo weeks to await the out- pricss was made this v.-eek by i* 4-tta noranA a# TEa Mnlro! I- d-'veitl&uhrancp tbp^ood come of chai'ges against ban jf M‘:i;rs Clvd? anxl Tommie Upchurch. of Rapf^^rdand all Hoke m..; entorin.o'.the'posr. c-ilficc H-m'm.g he.r-r.l a great deal about the ocjpne of RaefOld a d a R.,>ckfish, it b;d;ic: imiei-stooa that price.? >paid for tobacco at V.dson •Loan^-. ■' , . l a federal w^irant .v,''i;!d phebabiy bo '-hey decided to try it out and sent you all a happy, and issued for him., giiiu;eu ai mat nine aiiu eaucu pj.os0A|.0«s future T hid Wrnn case that c'onsuined more tiiu .the R^ford Publishing Co., and „ . ’ Mr. Blon H. ButleK, lidw editdrj of The Pilot, was made editor.! -■fc— Nparly pporti'oned to the coui'ities ns an aW in operating. elusive, accortling '"to thg current ! issue of State School Facts, official I publication of the State Depar-tment j of Public Instruction. ! This number of this ptriblidatiori is. devoted to a history of these funds from 1901-02 to 1928-29, a 28 years poke Su^nor Court Will Not fon- , distribution for thess yene Until 'Tuesday morrlihg. J ygars. has been divided into four Monday, November 11-being Armi.s-! *^'fhe^ifirst period is from 1902 t'> chants have signed an agreement to lature made an annual appi;bpriatioa keep thear. stores closed on that date. i $13,620,571.54 Was distributed. Both the.banks wiU, also be closel., of $100,000 to help needy districts^ on that dsy. ; provide schools for four months eaclT , /Armistice Day exercises will be year. A total of $1,140,612.45 was held at the Raeford school at 11 distributed for these years, o’clock Monday and a speaker* of i The second period is from 1914 to prominence Js expected. The public; 1919, during which” tinses the State is invited to attend these exercises. | levied a five-cent tax. The funds Sheriff Hodgiri received a telephone were api»rtioned (1) to make Up message from Judge W. C. Harris any deficiency in ruimit^ thescheols of Raleigh, who will hold court here four months afte;* counties had leri^ next week, in which Judge Harris a tax of 35 esnts. and (2) to extend stated that he will have no-* court the term beyond four montiis. ori Mor mistice Day. and all persons interested will not i The third period is from 19^ to be expected to be present on Monday; j 1921, when the State undertook to ^ I T , i pay three months salaries of teaeh- Gonoly Child Iniured ers from a Stal® cento ■t* o • j t? • j i (tS cents after revaInation)A small. xSy oVtfHlg Jh riClHy ^ equalizing fund was provided to all ~ • • j counties not able to pay the ad- T OCX cvs-ic .loxii. ! ditional three months salaries froim ing a ShSf truck. W Bruce Coinoly, eight yew; old son ofl^^ ^ distehuted dunng thin period. The fourth period ts flrow-1^.*:/ to 1928-29, the past schod yentir/wx^ the whole, tlm of this ’ were (hst-iBMjtod to thc^ not ahM to/iiiMteri a six