Thieves Eni Of IN^. Early Monday Poole discover^ entered his night-and taken. dollars in caah W» things, the not be dfetenmned, la^ m^-hy priahag o%,a, S»* fffffj'ng on the reasr»oo|^;'' -the bar with someti har 'or barrel hoop. > an entinnce the y-nit an eadt wm the night latch oi^’ ,thib good many checks jjr)^ ^ ^ tend around near the.., robbers evidently ^ ' As they left the front door open',, ed by Mr C, W. ing iTjan ,b^ore No clues have bM] identity of the. ioi Has . .y Ses sion u Members Of Ilitesday p&ght; Speaks. Fayetteville Pr^bytery Will Meet At Maxtoii ——— FayetteiHUe' Pre^ytew^^iet in the PKsb3rteriaii church pf KaeKlrd day morning at 10:30 with 35. c0]:iil&- missioners. present. The'^purpose oi; the meeting was to hold a confer-^ ence on Prayer and Evangelism Rev. L, D Jones of Hope Mills lead night, as is eus- sj^ting of the Cl ient Laurie Me- , . ^ meeting over to the conference and interestmg talks ** program com-1 were made by J P, Memus, J, H, happen^ to be E.'B. Black, C. E.. Clark,-W. M. Fairley, Dr. c. G, Vardell, and C. S. Mat- great dcdl of the time Give Pli Ashemon ....'■Pli pete will ’ of the . vite^iy tomah- |P5- bf a pmall 4)i^ied to a. tO; i^^tha-s-y^ s. f riendi A far(^ corned; be given in thp Ashemont school; uarjr 31, at 8 o' After three ^ tic courtship the college finds younj; lady:— him, to her moth Iha bride is Nrnisti ■ wife by the proj ^ his negro servant. Tfe friends:' P to, the profesor sundry eacapadeaj the motheifs husband, ai^ he te , , urally thinks they are rtferjing ho. his wife. The funny iruiddeti|s t^l^g motion follow, with the of f^ negrp servant, and two.-^her iran^anoes running through the' Ifetery to^ make the play very pnjoyhble^i ■ ' if The cast of chatMtegs isnps fol lows: Professor Wiap,'i (theS' pbot married man) W. KK , Matthews Grahjam, '(i^ ' sician) Lewis B. Blake (a popular o Riley; Jupitet, Ji trumps), Harold ■ Word (sohte mother-l Itnman; Zo|«, (li?r 0Wc) Myrtdce, ]Bi ham (a little^ .. Hodgin; ppsglind: reporter-, Trwa A snvtll 'Hrj 'Garrett arose and _ ijr had decided to >1*^ f^^ a speaker since ; aldei'te get a most able one ford^ Bfe stated that he had F. Tra^ck, pastor .^jl 'Mcthwhst church, to make a telk^on giiy subject that he chose. pB^. member proposed ,?.s a joke on jh^ : pastor that ha not preach. Mr.^ Tkawick stated that, he couldn’t un derstand just vphy this proposal should have been, noade for it so happened that he planned to do that very > thing, H-e stated tluit there were those iri the club who didn’t a,t~ tnd chhreh services re^\arly and he hacl di'ide up his mind that the first ‘time ha was invited to speak to the dub he would preach a regu lar sermon. He then began back in Genesis and was wa^r^" up when Dr.'5rowh arosa and '^ated that he didn’t think thM any place for a .sermon and made a .motion ttet he ‘fiot be’ allowed to preach. This mo- ^ WAS peconded by Paul Dickoon, hardly -thick and bn suhsid- abiead as noHdnp’ . when Dr. ^^jtiown again insisted that ' ' house. An other' hot 'gfeaSpia^iBgbwed. pud for '^r result, and ex 'a..'joke 'and ■ a party to the whole house, hts to thp joke, taken in. This jed from the Aber.7 it had a likewise thews. A was devoted to prayer mid the sing ing of devotional apnj^ At 2:30 the 'Presbytery taok«recess and waS served lunch by a ®3W®lttee of thr Auxiliary. , After lutfeh: ' JEfev. E ; Li Barber of' Atbrnta presh^^ry vrap received into tbs pyj^b]H>9ry tend a call from the churches of,, Aberdeen aqd Wagrarn was ideic^'to his handh Ma^on was chosen place .fop tfe} spring meeting^ of vpcesbyte^- joint invitrobn' had been ^jSc^ed irpnii the Jnni^ :^qUege of Maxton. v itt .'closing the Presbytery ofF^ebd ia prayail for the guidance of Godr^ the o^ereime on DiSr hnhament that is in session in' Lop- don/ imfesev h^ .rOmdiii .•153Ce?^ /.tx':' L.;JV1^ Lester Legi(^ dcMnm^cksr The American Le^^oia Pbst at ford has organized for fhfi year 10^; end elected L.' M, JLeste#, comxnand- er, 'Harry A. Greene and De'Wttt Tiipp, vice commanders, .S^ilter Maix- w^ll. adjutant, Sta?^ McMillan, Ser vice officer,' Dr. it. L. Murray, fi nance offfioer. . .. j Service mbn are enthusiastic and a barbecuie 1$ to'be. hsld in Raeford next Tuesday, January 28th, at 6:30 p, m. A calf and nig have been do nated by t«TO members of the Port and no diarg^ will be made, and all hmt# , Installs ler of tbe brd, has lO' equipment finds that naost exoel- At first !§o oA as he “out to fifid „ .of curtains nought the '^p to where ^irith most' mal .held nn- Vfere nwde, lat^^^i^v^dflbS^fo the^inr Mr. -Waltei#^'wpWsit untfi . soundiridstt i^t. He is !m=( exc^tent pictures and ;*big/„bdhst Hi - attendance. Degree ►will.^atn ‘ with pleasure P^llBipqjintendent if the ■ Iwlj^ itesently receiv- oLsAxts fronj , New York. &feiSikiit>g work there ^rs working towrird holds a Bachelor of le^fr^ the University of •Hna. having made the Phi i society there which is ah erred for extra fine schol- SUPBRlGtt eXJURT Senator Blue To Speak OPENED MONDAY! At Sanatmum 29th ANTIOCH NEWS ,K Mr. i?. McN. Gibson was in Rae- foirid^wt Tuesday. ; 'MteL 'lM H McPhauil fmd daughter, fSiss ^liteima. spent last'T^day in Baleigjig the gtiests of Miss Doro thy M^haul who. is taking a course at lUngs Business College there. Mite jNola Dalton has accepted work .- with the B and C Chevrolet VS to ^ a fall tum- . Mestes Jj. and b J Entertains School teok and you can! expect a full tum^ Btor, Guy Monrqei "^h District Com^ xhOTder' frbiri' B^et. j^. j^cted _ enter-* j{^B, last' iai ip m Miss Loyd Tapp, tained her Sunday . Friday evening frb o’clock at her land in honor of tte S. o*teawgN Mr. W. E I to move^l .ayetkenlle soon, played many games and had a cu test, that ca^s®! M after which assisted by Mrs. Ftotk 'asso^ Rev. A Jl. C. riitntea fdr four and a hltt years ppstef of Gaiway church johd wdfitebwp _ throughout lite Carolinas, Afe home in Marion at an early 'hejM on Tuesday December : at the age of W yaars,.' ■ ' ':-i. '' . ■ ... Hr Pittman had bten te i>adbfi.ilth lor the month; te®^gh_ no ime his condi®^; went to Colombia early in Decem ber' for a thorough exainteatibn but the doeters pronounced bitej .sound’ in every way and Iw' rettiffiiecr home. On the morning of his death he rose early and (f a a hearty break- test and seemed to be in the best of spirit:;, A little later he picked up Tflpp she served a deUcio^ »' book, after reading for some consisting of chiclwn saifd. stiraea ,j,g ^ag missed from the i';o;ii celery, sandwiches, pickks, fr^ chfce, coffee, Those that enjoyed hospitality ^ne Mr. ^ Mw-^ Freeman. Frances Jean MiS R B. Stewart. Hel^ Stewart, Mrs. McDuffie, MisseS .Came Sturqis, Lois Waller HamiltOT. Aris ShanMe, Forest Austin, A^ia Niven. . The class regrets very much w e Mr. Freeman who is a .very icient teacher. Their htet wishes with him and )iis fiUimly. PiRSCMMAli Music ClubiHas Meetittg Tuesday ' V ^ Mrs. W. R. Bar^gton and Mrs. H R. Cromartie teene hostesses to the Music Club in the Of January 21st at' the home of Mrs. ^'^The^presidient. Mrs. 1. A. Fuller, presided at the buBiness session and also conducted the-program, absence of Mrs. W. B. McLauchUn, program leader, ’ , . Mrs. Inmont led a most esting half-hour study on the Poly- phmic Element in: Music. . Two numbers, My Heart Ever Faithful, by Bach, pd Hi! Lil ^ller, by Ricker, were snwf “ Thomas ' -ts. A piano number,' The Cat’s Fiigne, by Scarlotti, was i^ayed by Mrs. W. T. Covington. . .v iPleaing ■variety ?wa given to tne program by the rf' se^l Rounds by the club^ directed by Mrs ■R. B. Lems. Miss Ida McLauchlin.and Mrs. A. m .Stevens were guests of the club. Ptthe hostesses leJ:^ed a salad totefe followed by mints. Presbyteriaaijs Looking Forward To Meeting Th» Presbyterians of Raeford heard ^ih delight of Ihe^coiningof Rev. R. C. aonta Burr for the puriJwe Ayangelistic mating.'' FdbroaJ!y “*d. At f fst the family thought he had gone to town, but a little later one of his daughters entered the bath room and found hiqa lying on the floor dead. His passing must have been sudden as no noise was heard by the fam%. Deceased had been pastor of sev eral churches both in North and South Carolina, and until recently was ptistor of Gapwav church before reovung to Marion. He leaves a 'wife atil eight children in addition to a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn his sudden passing. Mr, Pittman was w>ell and favor ably kno-wn in Raeford, hiving been the first pastor of the Raeford Bap tist church, the president building having been erected ■ during his min- isth' here. Miss Tressie Sloan Injured in Accident Miss Tressie Sloan of Jonesboro, teacher of .the seventh grade in Re fold school was seriously , m- jured in an, automabile accident late Sunday afternoon on the highway bstween Fayetteville and Dunn. Miss Slqin accompanied by, Mr. Harry Campbell of Sanford, was carrying two friends, Misses Sikes and Camp bell, who had been visiting h^ to Dunn. They were riding in a Chev rolet coupe and overtook! anotes^ party wh^ they were fbllowtng. This party suddenly tumad off the highway without gi-ving any signial. In order to avoid Wtting this car, Mr Campbell turned to go aroqnd when he qaw two other cars rapidly approaching in front. There was no thing to do but leave the highway or run (I'hMid into the car in front. He ran the Chevrolet down an em bankment which caused it to turn over, and which resulted m the se- riouq injury of Miss Sloan about the hea^ a^ other parts of her My. Slte-’atas rushed to a, hoapital in Fay- ettevBte, (ind at last accounts wu doipg Its well as could be expected, Blri^^ii^ptell and otiier two la- more or Dr. and Mr. R. L. Murray went to Charlotte last week where Dr,. Mur- rav attended the District meeting of the Int?mational Kiwiinis which was in session January 16th and ITtn.. Mr., and Mrs. John Beard, and their daughter, Mrs^, John Jones of the Rex community were recent pi tots in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S, Maxwell. . Mr. A D. Conolv of Red Springs spent Friday night in town ■with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barnard. Mr, J. C. Lancaster of Parkton, wias a, business visitor in town Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Vance McMillan of Southern Pines, visited relatives here Sunday afternoon. Mrs J. R. Hamptton, who has been confined to her home for sevei^ weeks through illness, is able to be out again. ^ \ „ . -u Miss Margia Campbell spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Eunice Campbell, at Troy, N. C. Mr. Daniel B. McQueen, represent ing the Albermarle Marble Works was in this community last week. Ms, Paul W. Johnson returned last Thursday from an extended visit with her parents in Columbia, S. C. Mr. Lewis Upchurch, who re-enter ed State College after Christmas, spent the past week-end at home, Mr W. W. Hall (and family have moved back to their farm in the country after a five year’s residence in Raeford. , „ Ex-sheriff Edgar Hall and' Mr. G. W. Cox went to Raleigh Tuesday to attend a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons. Others attending on Wednesday included Messrs Arch Graham, P. D. Potter, Frank Tapp, and Crawford 'Wright. Mr. Cari Morris went to Atlanta on business last Si^.turday, returning Wednesday. . , , -r, Messrs H, L. Gatlin and J. D. Howell attended the furniture tx- position ,in High Point Tuesday. l>r. R. B. iWlkins and Mr. Oscar Leach of Raleigh were Raeford -visi tors on Wi^esday. MisS' Florence Gordon returned recently from a visit to friends in, Winston-Salem. Mrs. E. W. Barrington, of Cho, S. C., is visiting her son, Mr. W. R. Barrington. Boseman at Rockfish Station F McPhjaul ^So p*. W. B. McLauchlin were in Ra^rd Monday attending court. is^ fotemro of ^the of Cha^.'fe spent the parents, Mr. and Mrs D J Dalton. He was accompanied by his roommate, Mr. Carmichael. Mr. R. H. Livingston was a busi ness -visitor in Raeford last Tues day. Mrs. C. E. Hodgin of Greensboro is spending several days in the home of Mr. J. A, Hodgin. Misses Ldula and Alice Watson of Raeford wet© visiting in our vicinity last Tuesday afternoon. ' Messrs Pjay McNeill and James McBryde spent last weekend with relatives at Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Arch Smith who have just refiently returned from ^large in court, their wedding trip were gwsts of Mrs, Smith’s father, Mr. IT" A. Wat son, Simday afternoon. Mr. A. D .McPhaul is a record breaker m home building. Chi. last Monday inoming he begran hauling his logs from the woods to the saw mill. There they vert quicUy cut into lumber and by Friday nignt hfe had his. house framed. ., It -will be remembered that Mr. ■McPhaul’s house was destroyed by fire two months ago. The friends and neighbors are glad that he has decided to rebuild in the same place. This nine room house promises to ibe one of the most mod- Criminal Docket deaked By Tnead^ | Sanatorinm, Jm. 22.—Senater L. At Noon; Civfl.JSDiwt-'Bcgam M. Bhm, of Seottend County, ctatr- Wedneeday. CoiniDittec on Eduartiea ' ^—■ 1 in the State Senate, will sneak m the . The January term of Hoke Coun- Sanatprium aoditorinm on WedDea- ty Superior Court convened in Itee-, day evening January 29, accocdnc ford Monday morning with Jud^ announcemi^ hece today. Henry A. Grady ,of Clinton, prerid- j xhe patient^ have been conducting mg and Solicitor T. A. McNeiU of 1 mid-week prayer services in theic Lumbarton, representing the stat^l various buildings for sav^al montte; There was no charge to the Grand ^nd it was recently decided to kotd Jury .they having been instaHed | a joint service fr^ time to ismto since last'April, and this court be- , jn the auditorium at which piCiari- W the last one that they will have. | nent outside speakers-•will be invSied ®ey completed tljeir work late ^ ^ make talks on religious subjects. Mw^ay Sd ■vere discharged—te^J-The address Jv—Senator Blue ia to Judge Gijady, who mentioned the few be the first of the series-and is at- cases op -the docket and congratulat- • tr^cting ■wide interest here, ed the county on its good reputafcimj it is planned to broadcast the talk for law ob^rvanca'. The report ^ j to the nitients unable to attend~4h* ' the Grand Jury will be found . else- j gorvices by means of the recently ia- where in this issue. j stalled public address syatem whieSfc Criminal cases coming np for trial permits speeches, mnric and otfaer were as follows: D. A. Maxwell, ■wim j program to be heard through Hie left the county under switteee fdr i patients’ headiAones abandoning his wife and childrwi and' — who WPS brought back New! ForgCT GivCO Jersey some time ago by Snerilt, -.jr o a. Hodgin, was ordered ty the court Jte 1 SlX MonUlS sentence place in the hands of the .derk tweite'- —^ - ty dollars every two weete to ^ ' ^agt week .while court was in sea- given to Mrs. Mpxwell. and Yo P^y/gjon jn Fayetteville, p head-line ap- the costs in the case, mcludmg te^.|. pearen in a paper of that town stat-, cost of going to Nw Jersey aUd ^ Judge Grady had given one bringing him here. He was PlacW ; j^an years for embszzling under $500.00 bond for | fort^four thousand dollars and an- ance with the judgment. Ed Pre-, (,tber man five years for forging an vatt. who was indicted for an as-: twelve-dollar check, sault with a deadly .weapon some-lj^^gg Grady stated to the editor of time ago, was acquitted. - News-Journal that this was an , Jessie James McNeill, colored youth .^he forger had an accom- who was bound over from Record- pU^e'and he 'was endeavoring to get eris court last week under a chUrge; name of the party of breaking and entering a store ati^^j^^j intention of giving hin* Duffles was found guilty and ordered sentence, ,and actually gave to nay the costs, less the him six months. Tha Fayetteville part. An incid'?nt occurred in his Association since passed a reso- trial which ,amused those present upholding Judge Grady in tha and Which has provoked many laughs flatter and the mistake has been on the streets. The boy not having ^jeared up through the columns of a lawyer, was told by Solicitor Mc- j^jj^ paygttgyjUe paper. Neill that if any o| the men in the ' jury box didn’t JoDik good to han^ he ' x HriHlSe NetWS could have them removed. The boy j l-UIIlDer Dnugc walked up in front of them and gave j ^ Ms^j^r r^ovci, eyidenfljr Mrs. D. Z. desi^teg rto talk to ^ in his own ' McGougan,j^i*»fit behalf. James BtSht .Lee, young white man of the Rockftsh section, Prather was tried on a charge of breaking, She ^ and entering the store of Mr. W. T. 1 wearmg cotton clothing. 1 A reading by Miss Goodwin and Tho inrvtepseial music by Miss Cora McDuf- in the case. George McLean, colored, who was -hour. The hostesses served a chick en .=alad course. Mrs. Martha H. Cobb and son. cc^iyicted of ^ling se^ Frederick, were Laurinburg visitors Rptorder’s court and who ap^aled aftemooB. his case to Superior court was round | - jpjm ]^axwell and family of “not guilty.” George had a ci^ce gjg^ Point arrived Saturday and to escape recently when four prison-1 gp^p^ ^be weekend in the home of ers F(awed their way out of jail but^ j Shaw. Thev rstumvd to- preferred to rfmain and face the High Point Ski day a'TTernoon. 'arge in court. 1 Kev A. L. Tu-.i.e* of Parkt):i con- Walter Alderman, colored, whoj j^^rayer meeting in the Baptirt was convicted., in Recorder’s co-urt'pburcH last Wednesday night. It is for removing crops illegally and ^p- • a coincidence that the pgstot 3 of pealed to Superior court was found parkton and Lumber Bridge Baptist “not goaty.’* j.*h:ir.'e.: are named Turner aiul both Jim Knight, white, entered a plea! were laised la Scotland. Bote ."ire of guiltv to an assault charge and j fine ,cr-^abers. good Christian geutle- was given thirty da-^s on the county ' men are qualified to do much I good in the communities in whidi Without Commeiit Mother—^What did your fateer say when he found his broken pipe? Innocent—Shall I leave out the swear words, mother? ■ Mother—Certainly, my dear. V Innocent—Then I don’t think he said an;^hing.—Montreal Star. Customer (after clerk has pulled down all but one of the blanksts on tee shelves)—I don’t really want-te buy a blanket -today. I was only lookine for a friend. * Clerk (sweetly)—^Wdl, M^dam, if , , „ . you think your friend is bidiBg in IriiafuUy other one. Ill gladly take it •tot y(ni,:r-Montieal em and commodious homes in our neighborhood. Messrs Danisl G and Henry Biggs and' rister. Miss Edna Earle, spent last Sunday, afternoon in^ Lumber- ton with Miss Hazel Biggs who is a student nurse in the B^er Sana torium. The many friends of Miss H,azcl"will regret to learn that she has been sick for stvera.l/ days. We are glad to report that '^he is much better now. Mr. Will Everleigh left last Satur day for Nebraska where he has ac cepted work. The many friends of Sfrs. Andrew Currie are glad to know she is im proving (and able to sit up some now. Mrs. Currie recently fell and has since been confined to her bed for most of the time. Miss Sallie Anne McNeill, who has finished her training at the Charlotte Sanatorium and has been visiting her parents for several ddys, has returned to. Charlotte where She has accepted work. (Mr. H. S. Toon who has been spending -sometime in the home of Mr. J E McPhaul has gone to Dunn where he is working. The play mven last Friday even ing by the^faculty of the Antioch school and-a few of our young men, was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who saw it, and was a success in e-very way. ' Much credit is due the faculty and it is seldom that we are fortima^ lenough to enjoy play so -well pre sented. / ' Mrs. John L. McNeill and child ren of St. Pnuls are spending a few days ..with Mrs. McNeill’s sister here. Mr. R. H. ..Livingston. Miss Nipa Miller is visiting IQbs Dora HuagigM: roads. The criminal docket was cleared they serve as paste* ? Tuesday at noon and the trial of i Mrs. J. O Leggett and little mngn- ciiiil cases ibegan Wednesday morn-; tek,. Doris, wjio haw bcCT 'viati^ iJIrs. Leggett’s mother, Mrs, Sallie . — i Covington, left Saturday for their H. A. Green Buys I sir. J D. Monroe killed his lar-so Cabin Filling Station W 1,1 .,.4 Poland-China. Mr. H .A. Green, a well known and k W. Elhs popular business man . of Faeford, 1 j,. rrvie babies has purchased tbe Cabin irom Mr- wry smal' stitl one died Suiw B .P. Polston, who has operated the jjjj, station for several years. , j play, “Marrying Marion,” giv- Mr. Green will continue h^dling ]jy i;be high school students lart the famous Teraco gas and oils, be- j^ay night was enjoyed by a large lieving as he says that the Texaco crowd. The students acted thril products are superior to any on the' parts real well. A vote was taken market. He will also^arry a line on the most popul^ girl and Jliss of cigars, cigarettes, candies and bot-; Lucile Tolar won the cake. Miss tied drinks. 1 Margaret MtLean was a riose sec- The Cabin has become more or oml and missed by onljf th^^^yotes; lass a center in Raeford and Mr. Green ■will be glad to have his friends around there. 1000 WOMEN PH. D’S. The proceeds amounted to $37.95. ' iJvirs. J .W. Hall returned borne from Salisbury last Tuesday. Sha was accompanied home by Mrs. W. C. Heitman (and little daughter, Mar tha Lou. Mr. V C. Heitman and Mr Pneror Hall cauje for the wcek- Greensboro, Jan. 20.—The next Mr Roger HaU cam© for the bulletin to be published under the. end sponsorship of the Institute of Worn- Mr A i. U^er imv^^ en’s Professional Relations, head-: to ^ Asheboro ^ quarters at North Carolina College,| Ushw has accepted work thero thp is one which is ,a study of women oonung ^ Mg. and the degree of doctor of philoso-l S phy. Tbe bulletin, a study by • j Q2?S\oSe m^ te^:^leigb Emily Hutchinson, professor of eco- Wednesday ox this nomics at Barnard coUege lists more iJian 1,000 women -who have taken the degree since 1877. The volume includes besides .an ac count of the women and their occu pations answers to such questions iis why they studied for the degree, how they financed the undertaking and what they would advise others. The bulletin will be pvailaWe with in a very short time, according to Mrs. Chase Going Wood^use, man aging director of the institate. North Catriimi College. Mr Duncan Malloy of Quitman, Ga,, who has been visiting rriatives here for the last week, left tor Im home Saturday. His nephew, Mr. Q C Hughes, of Homeryille, Ga., who has been -visiting here, accompanied Mr. Malloy home. , Mr. L. C. Hubbard of Ibyetteville was in town Satur^. Mr. and Mrs J D Oohb and child ren, Esther Nril and J D,., Steiday invDuan Mrs. Cobb's sister, Mrs Allan H« A.' Le^ ■i , The two little sons, Clifford «Sd BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Stewart, of Mr. and lbs. A F. Totax- Bom to Mr. and M», J. R. Hen-lbiivs bewi very sMt msswI, diir en January 18th, a san. '4l9g with “fin.