’m m i.S' f - •” ■-•li THii HOKE COUNTY NEWS Hoke Cooiity’s Only THE HOKE COUNTY JOURNAI VodljME XXV. NUMBER 47. RAEFORD, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929. SUBSCRIPTION PRK E $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. miles^ south of town on the itaefordr Red Sp(rlnp;s road, died at hxs home Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock af ter several days illness with- pneu monia. All that meSical skill and tender nursing co^d do, was done , to save the joung man’s life.' but He was about i8 ;ne altai^ond chance a pyramid | years of age and was the main sup- mite uns’naded tapers in graduat-1 port of his widow’ed mother and the Upchurch-HoyJ Neill A. McNeill Dies Nuptials Take Place Last Tuesday Night DaWSOllj C^» jjj Neill A. McNeill, better known as “Buddie” McNeill, eldest son of Choosing the church where her the late John A. McNeill and Mrs. father and mothcir pledged their hup- Sarah McNeill who live about two :ial vows 26 years ago. Miss Anna hoy], of Ft Lauderdale, Fla., pligat- :d her troth to Mr. Thomas Bentoji [Jpchurch, of Raeford* N. C, Satur- lay evening at six o'clock nt the Methodist church. Southern smilax niid handsome :erns and rich green palmettos bank- j without effect. ?d tne altai )f white ii.g lengths casting a so^t glow overJorJer children am' i.if passing is «x- ;he scene. Graceful sprays of smilax”| trcj.iely sad ' nd mysteriou::. imt nitlined the choir loft and altar rail, “.sometime, up there, we’ll undtr- 1:10 the dark greens forr ed a cnarm-;f.ri d,” He is suni'^ed by His moth- ng Dackground for the wedding.„o,arr, e: two hr jtboiv and three oisters. ;y. . tic;.’., Presbyterian church by the Pi^eding the ceremony Mr Charles The funeral was. conducted from An- iiYall .played “0 Promise Me,” after fft’-'lly pasto'.’, Rev. C. ,W.'Hann.i, at vhic-h Mr Walter Baldwin, who:^i.mg ^ ;'’ci0ck Wedn^.day aftemo m .."d it the marriage of tin bride’s par-. interment w's ;i’nlc in the ce.m rery -pts, rendered “At. Dawning” by j ad.70’ning the cl.urch. He had re- vha'/les Wakefield Cadnian. jrcj'tly beco.'i.:; a ineinler of Battery I ' stiains of Mendelssohn’s **-*^^’ ^ rlhtoon ni the local nnii- March the usl.'ers, Messrs o-rganizatioh atttenrJed the ' fun- rL'iialR Edwin,' Dudley and Steve “ a body and .'icted as pall Cocke,' uncles of the bride, entered, bearers. The bereabed family have miltwed by the bridesmaids and il.e sympathy of the w'hcle commm irroomsmen, Miss.ps .Sara . King of holninbus, Vivian Pim-.jn, nf Sylvfis- ^ er, and Enna Morris, vf Macon, and LaUSCV R.OSe Is Messrs U'c Cu^’rie ai J Law;ence ^ VJcEacI'.ern, of Raefird. N. C.. am! ..awrence McNeil, of. Xwieigh, N. C,' yho entered singly. i ,ivory chiilon mod- Rose, formerly’ of this county bn fls of ranil. ow tnts la.-nnoned simi- " ■ _ . . Candidates Announce For The State Senate Boys Fined For I'ossing Rocks At Gar In Rec«der’s Coart Tuesday the ^Rowing c»ases were disposed of: j years a prominent' citizen of Former arizen Of The Sandhill Shrine Hoke County Killed Club Has ^mpleted Its Clinic Program Mr. Reports from Moore county indi cate that this Senatorial Distuct will not go without a senaror for the Dan J^es Brown. Hardy and county, was ^ruck"by a "hit-and-i^n Aberdeen Pilot. George A. D,ayis for many! this' next meeting of tha General Assem bly. Hoke, Moore, Harnett an Randolph counties are Rouped into one district and have two state sen- atoi's. Last term Hoke and Ran dolph furnished the men and this Moore and Harnett.' MurdocK .Tcil’n- Niek McDuffie, Dau and Torn Mc- Lauchlin, Rufus Inman and .Johns Gardner, all young colored men and other missiles at a car driven by Mr Robert Beck, of Hamlec on the night of February 7th, a rode strik- Dan lawyer of .Abrrdesn, audjing the radiator of the car Shields Cannon., an iri mrar.ee anti real j Brown and Rufus Ii'ihan estate mail of Southcra Pines an-1 pleas of guilty. YoaVg- Gardner,and nouijced themselves as candidates Inman were four.,-! in ha elittl with vary much'interest. I'. Vv'iir he' recalled that W. B. Me- ''iu.er, lepfesented ti'ir- d.i.strict as :saiiator from Hoke Ceiinty last time. automobile last Saturday night in .be no sUbsrtitute for milk. Asheboro, suffering a fractured skull With the opening erf the Moore u J- ■ n, 2 broken leg from which he Gounty Hospital at Pinahurst, the hoys from ^Lauchhn township, were I died Sunday night. The ac iid . nt Sandhill Shrine Club gave a clinic thvo'wing a rock .and occnied within one block of Ivlr. the underprivileged children for Davis-’ home. The driver of the car '•be section. This movement was de- m'ade his escape, but eya-witnesses ^on by the club in the early claim that a description of the car Pu^of 1929 with the view of being was obtained and an arrest may fol- readj^o hold the clinic with the op- ntered low soon. Mr. Davis was a native' the new hospital. Then, of the Rockfish section of this county necessary to star; thJ and is well knowm here. He waVin 'o.dcr t.ha: the C^iarTv* _ J! ... _ 1 • C'C 0.1- 11 . . , ^ as- of a hat entire- unless paid tha^.Uie.c:!.lu. ,n te u.giecLed. John Deaton, white, of Laurinburg V '.,s found not ..uiity of parKirig a on :i)t hignw..' or night veil T • o TT T T» . ^ light. iaive-at-Home Banquet j nonnie campbej coioix-j, o- ANTIOCH NFbon.dls -afid’- Idehoids 1 IMV.W o were onorated on successfully at a cost of. on 3 thou.^un,! dollars aside i-om t.'i- trarsD'rtariori o- th-^ ch-'d- i-nr-i i .-v 7. ‘J 1 . . Miss Elkabeth Stutts of the loc.il - iueaity expects to spend uiis Ibe hospital and their returi. cn-' In' th.i.s ILVL’y, rorr.ty v.'or; i-: t'lc J olu’.: j d'epe.uied Don f'li.'S Ii'i Mf-rry Cro.= s* nv Tha ino.* tf-e oxce Hint and Held At Mildousonl'T"” ^ as Rund- gullty of the her parents at Ui , |0-ny of a light brown chicken. from > p The governor’s livo-at-home pro-i ^"°bher colored m,an named Iko Me-! t. Bigg,^, Mi. Henry n gram was observed at Mildouson! and was Thursday ni.ght of last wafdc. „ la,I'ge number of peop'le weie pres-- , Pflitlfiillw TnilifpH'and eiu'eyed the banqaet veryi McUoy, who was- pros.,.......,, tnrinm .... I much. .About one hundred and ewen-,Jbo chicken case, plead | _1 .. -r-.,, , , NV ■' ' ' t- V' , . ■ - ■ . Uy-five parents were sei'vo-1 a delight-i ^be illegal possession' oii. --lenry G.oson r,a3 been ,-.ne ac'-empasayd ,-} a' -'I>tinr tl Mr,:., Causey--Rose, son of Mr, Williful dinner made-up of Hoke county iEiven five months \ , s-jvcr.d uays, anu to ma.m.. tms cnr.ic-,-’ .su c^’s.'. 'r\C£i -prwmcirlvr rv'f t-Fic! rt/iiTrifw I 7_ j. .. .U.) on the roads, judguient to bo sus-':^^ feared he has pneum-an.a. i In add.tic:’. to th-e tcn.^il ar..! ac.c- Mis (ride Dvelv bouquet of pink ophelia rosebuds Mrs. Alan McGhee, of Winsto.n-! 'alem, N. C.. sister- of the groom,! cted as matron rf ho.nor. Her [ runette beauty wa.s accentuated by 1 ii» „ tr I ’ .... . or dress of ivory sarin, and she d Mrs. K,athryn Anne Bevoriy ox arriedminlc ophelia-roues.- The little- •>- Ir.'j'iS^rer, Dan Crouch, wo?,y'.^'sui-f ®V S * F.-^j.i-awics f wwte satin, and earned the ring -Mcladyen. xxvT^ieart of a white rose. ! , fflad to see Mr. .T. 'Id. Jor- ARABIA NEWS I program. They -emphasized tha fact! week. ' that we have been producing entire- '■ iy too much cotton and tobacco and [ Rockfish School News not enough fci'd and foodstulfs. It is hoped that the school observance ofthe live-at-homc program will bo -but the beginning of , a determination on the naj’t of the farmers in this community to become self-sustaining. Much credit is due the hard-work- i a few days recently in the .home j 'fi-v,;,.- ..i,,,..-- 'of her sister, Mrs. M. H. McPhanl. | , Mr. DougVs. McBrydo of the Max:- 'T i-o.-si- Icn Junior-College, spent the week-i ±- end bone tnoir aiiiiu..i cnanty bmi .viuch is Mins Ruth McBrvde has been visit-bb-c-hu:st Coimtp club ping he.: friend Mrs. ri>il ArchN Fiom Fob. riOth to iRth was livel^'^ifb, at Mount Tabor for several x-Ysc-aool ob-i‘!l‘Ws. * 'pito^ram^ ‘At -D. -MePhatfi and at home week; v Roc served this in its cha’^ . . , the pupils writing theses on\ the! bnve moved into their new different sub.iects. The importance of i oiad their have de-'ided. etals in the patr of the bride from' visi'dre in t!ie home of Mrs,-B. lloJar pink basket witli pink ro.ses. Her Monday afte,rhoon. aTy-like costume was of fh-sh ch.if-, j. Rey, G .Scott Turner will hold his on. ' ' .Y ; regular appointment in the. .Baptist -Vs the bride enteretl with- inr r'lt.v ichttych here Sunday p. m at 3 ocincu Thos. Barefoot Passes On Friday Afternoon t a ‘ ami -spent the Aveek-ond with his been, appointed and is now en- . j project^shovrinVhow-to'fivehome!' uarent^s. Mr and Mrs. F K Watson. preparation for the r-firrua Hii:riSh§:»A xvid. i .nf'rir, t•” ^ lilS fing March was iplayed. She'- was A,’Son school fjciAty. and Mr Wilter | Lauchlin townshin. died at his home i Tc..':„„ac .c at.. at,-.- The committee on arrangements- John J. L. W. J. Gock- j Greens boro: W. Y. Warren, Gastonia. The c'lub in its annual meeting dding to its charm. Her veil was f tulle, the cap forming' a halo bout her face. The bride’s bouquet, High Point. with; ^we are glad to report, li&le Lois 1- I 4.W 1A u ii. ! McGougan’s condition much ini- They were met at the altar by the proved. room and his best man, Mr. Lewis hi ' « , * j . ' ' ' — - Mrs. Hugh Adcox of Aberdeen spent the weekend in the home of he--* mother, Mrs. Kate Jones. • Mesdames A. K, McFadyen, Lillie McDougald and Miss Lqana McGou- gan were Fiuyetteville visitors Wed nesday. Fpchurch, of Raeford, N. C, ( Continued on back page- ilcout Patrol Awarded ness trip to Knlcigh Wednesday. ,,.Mi'- _E McMillan spent Monday in Dinner For Showing m,,. Luue attended — ; quarterly conference at the Methodist Wlsdnesday night. Scoutmaster F. church in Parkton Sunday afisruoon. S^ton and Asst Scoutmaster Al-1 Messrs D L. McGougan and J. L. redy4£^le entertained the Flying M-cFad^'en w’ere business visitors in lagle Patrol of the local scouts at a j Fayetteville Saturday. inner in Kiwanis Hall, this being a ' eward for the patrol that made the' .G T est showing for the past 2 months, v-iamerOIl rlonorecl di work done by the scauts is I - With Birthday Supper raded and each one given chfiinntel ^ redit for everything done. Th ,,, ,, , m -4.1, t r 'lying Eagle Patrol under the lead- „ Me^rs M L. McKeith^, J. L rship of Natlian Epstein won this | others entertained a onor and was rewarded with this'™™^®^ of friends last week at the lanquet. A full course turksy ain-;M°j® at which time a .er (one of the beys says he weig'hed supper was servou. The incteen pounds') was served and to i occasion was m honor of Mr S. J. ay that the boys had a good time i 82 yeaw young i putting. it mild’y. The dinner wesi-^M and qf guests of Messrs erred by iired Cole liss Mabel , Each of ebe guests was requ-^ed: Bethune and Mr. Hall. Some ) make a speech and Mr Sexr.jn'®^*y so quail were served as well ij's they did it m' fine style Each! abundance of fresh fish and by had a rather young lady as hisl*^®®® a-ttending report a most pleas- i.e.'c. Mr Sexton acted as toast-1 ant occasion. uster. Those enoying this occasion ■ ere: Scoius Nathan Epstein, Jake -Ubthi. Tom McBryde. Paul Diakson, A Billy C.UAV.ey and Sam Morris, this secHon about thirty years ago trasi showing the family who hasriho operation pneumonia, developed from Johnston county and was well their ..... known fo-r his industry and upright-' ness. He was 72 years of age and is survived by one son, Mr Nazro Barefoot, who lives_ near by, one can goods showed under u lurihlied' in having with them thi.i week chidlien, Miss Nordan’s 3rd. 4th and 5th graoe project was on noultry. show ing brooders, etc, made by the pupils. Th-j different kiml of chickens, feeds etc, to have. Her brooders showing the 3930 nu lei r.nd 1940. the 19-10 beii-g very interesting as ri w.as .suc/i an impxcvernent over 1,h-.; 1930. Miss Towmsend’s 1st and 2d grades worked out a pioject showi.ug the value of I'l balance diet of the home daughter, Mrs. J. C. Blue of Mc- Laucnlin township, five brothers, W. B. Barefoot of Washington, D. C„ J B., of Cumberland county, R M., of Fiuyetteville, M. L. and I. W, of Johnston county, three sisters. Miss Elizabeth, a twin sister of the do- ceased, and who i.« now ill with pneumonia, Mrs. E. B. Barefoot and Mrs N. A. Tart, ali of Johnston 'OiPity. He was a niCmbsr of the Baptist church hut on account of failing health was unable to attend its services for several years. Inter ment was made in the Wood cem?-. t?ry near Rockfish, Saturday after noon at 3 o’clock. The funeral svas conducted by Rev E. B. Armstrong of Winston-Salem. The active rwll- beaitrs were John Lindsay, F A. Monroe. N A WiUis. Mack McDoug- .reading. Miss Townsend; prayer, by alfi, Dickson Parker and Frank Smith, the school; a Fine Food Katherine Monroe; talk—Importance of the Cow—Miss Townsend; The Road to Good Health Land—7 children; The Drink—Lottie Mae Willis, i Chapel Program Miss Nordan’s Room Mr. Carr of 'Aluoresville, who is con- uuctiiig a teachers training scho.)!. Mr. Carr is an- experienced in structor and his lectures are very in spiring and helpful. He visited the school W'-diiesday morning and conducted ‘.he chapel exorcise which v^-as enjoyed by each one present. xA'so his singing ■ an-l (day mg -'v- Mr Dunfiin McLauchlin of Maxton Junior College, spent a few days urer. The directors include the officers with the following members: Mur doch M. Johnson. Lloyd -W. B;ed- be. k, Ralph Ch-andler, D. G. Stutz. Marvin Gillis Painfully Burned Tuesday P. M. Driver Injured When Truck Turns Over! Best Mr _Mar\-in Gillis who ‘vvas assist ing with the Hoke county road vvork . ....... ..... w'.'is painfully burned Tuesday after- products. A breakfast diet being recently with his mother, Mrs. Fl^ra j lu on. He struck a match to light wTr.vP£.n muo 1 il I _ p. ci.garettc when his clothing-.vhlch ■v'cere saturated with gasoline caught on fire burning him painfully about th-.! lower limbs and one arm. Ho was hurried to town and Dr R, L. Murray dressec^ tho lacerated parts and gave hina what n^’Ie^ he .'cukl. The wounds though very painful are net . considered seriou.s. worked out. The attractive break-1 McLauchlin. . , . fast table and benches being made On last Fridav evening Mr. Sei- by the boys, out of Hoke county lars McMillan and Miss .Alice Jo.r- lumber, and the girls set th-j table dan were happily married at the with homo groYm products. Antioch manse. Rev. Geo. W Hanna Chapel Program 1st and 2nd Grades perfo,rming the ceremony. Song, Carolina, by school; scripture liie&ts were: Mary Ellen McFadyen, .leanor Brow'n, Jean Lentz, Maiy lilda 'Barrington. Eva Mae Bethu.ie, hd Margaret. Morris. ^tfilitry Gar To Here Feb. 25th Bank of Wagram dosed Monday Notice will be found el&ewher in the bank, to protect its assets and it i:s issue of a poultry car to be is also stated that depositors will pro ved in Raeford next Tuesday, Feb. jbably be paid in full, T> J .. . Bank of Wagram was organ Laurinburg, Feb. 17.—The Bank of Wagram, located at Wagram, lO miles north of Laurinburg, was closed today by order of its direct ors and the corporation commission Was asked to take charge of the in- Civ,#.,, 'T'Ui«..4 stitution. This action was decided] olXty^lJlirCl BirillClflV upon, it was stated by officials of i.s in Pittman’ii hospital, Fayetteville, Baxley. suffering from cuts and bruises sus tained early Monday morning when the large truck he was driving over turned on the highway at the Cum- berland-Hoke county line. The truck, which carried a trailer, w,as practi cally destr-oyed by fire and a large amount of goods were destroyed, or damaged. The accident occurred on the curve im the highway at Little Rockfish bridge where a numbe.r • of persons have bean kille^. Mrs. Patterson Has 6th arid 7th Grades Chapel Program Song No. 1; scripture rea.ling Graham Monroe; prayer; Importance of Milk, McLoyd Crowley; Import- iTOce of Poultry, Bill Wiade; Talk- Importance of a Garden-—Miss Wil ■loughby. \ Mr. Brandon and .Jp. Hawfiebi visited our school Friday morning, making very interesting talks on the live-at-home progrjim. We were very glad lo h.av.a so many of the patrons put co hea-r Mr. Brandon ith. Mr Brandon states that the rices have not been ^o good re- rntly and he has refused to sign far car at the prices offered. How- rer, by holding out he has ar- ized about 20 years ago. According to statement _ published January 16, 63rd birthday. A bountiful dinner it had a capital of $16,000, surplus . , of $6,000' and tot»ai resources of mged to get even better prices, $109,602. Frozen assets were given were offered by the last car as reason far the close. . . i^g here, -heavy hens bringing 23' i It is understood ^orts will }n this^cag where only 21 was | be made to reopra Uitak at an early date. On Thursday night. Feb J-3th the teacher’s entertained Miss Williugh- jby’s room at a Vrlentine party. The mi. 11.. J • • J ... I started with a heart hunt of The relatives and friends of Mrs. which Mr. Carl Crowley was Aviuner. After this everyone had their for tunes told whi'o 1 was very interest ing., haying found out the letter that their husband’s or wife’.s (to be) names started with. Hot chocolate and wafers were served. Jqhn Patterson, who lives in Mc- Lauchlin township, assembled at her home Sunday, Pel'>ru*’rv the 9th. to take part in Hie celebration of b' was served to the many friends afid relatives who came from two states. After dinner a prayer- and soug service was rendered which was p-reatly enjoyed, and all 'went away hoping that tnaiw more such oc- cabion may be held in the future. . > BI&IP AMNu HNt E.MENT Bo^n Mr. and Mrs. Ambroat- Sute in ot, Louit c,’ Feb. I2lh, 19S0 a daughtei. ' Members Have Fish Fry At Country Club Miss Jordan Eas many fri^-nds in this community where slie has al ways lived, She graduated from the high school here and afterwards took a business course at Winston- Salem , After the ceremony the happy couple motored over to Laurinbur.g where they will m,ike their home p xu tt i i Our coinrpunitv wa shocked and The members of the Hoke Country saddened when the news came Tucs- j club had a meeting at the club day night that' Nqil Archie McNeil! house Wednesday night which was had died. He had been deseprately I "the occasion for a fish fry as well as ill for three weeks with a compli- | regular club meeting. A, great cation of diseases and Utile hone pbunaance ot hsh fronu the club’s has been held for his recovery. Yet Po«d had been caught and were frjed when the news came that he vas i “^ol sensed to peiitction. A numoor dead we were shocked. He was the p' guests were preoent and enjoyed oldest son of a widowed mother. Mrs John McNeill. His father having been killed a few years ago. These , dispensations are hard to understan l when one so young, so strong and statewar'd, is taken. .And it seemed he was so much needed, too The funeral will be from Antioch church Wednesday. .afternoon Interr ment being in tbe church cemetery. We extend our deepest heartfelt sympathy to the deeply bereaved ones, , Miss Claire Crenshaw will spend this week-end over at Diindarrach with Miss Aris Shankle, Miss Cren shaw taught with Miss Shankle at MiMousin last year. We are glad to know that Mr. D. B. MicDonald of Red Springs, is getting along splendidly 'following an operation at the Bighsraith hos* oital last- week for appendicitis. Mr. McDonald is our R. F D. carrier on route thr^ from Rod Strings The hiKb school pupils ill the feed to the fuUest. After sup per a business meerlng 'of the club members was heM, NOTICE The pubUc meeting of the Edu- qation Department will be held at the school auditorium next Tuesday February 25th at 3:30 P. M. Professor Ray Funderburk, Supt. of schools of Cumberland county, wih> belithe speaker , A playlet “Better Englirii” will be given under supervision of Miss Sturgis. All members of. the Woman’s club are cordially inviftd,- and expected to come. Mrs. G W. Brown Ch^rman Education Dept. L looking forwyird to “A George Waslk* ington peurty” which th^ are inr to hnvo at the teadionfEe kiM next aMaz^y «evadii|K