"r--- r-. ■ \ • * ' A 1ME iK)KE ccMJNTt N^s.. Qoke Conntys Odiy Newspaiicr the hoke go|ljnty journai .TOLUME ,f XXVI. NUMBER 2. ^ BAEEOm N;ie, A^Riutir im subscription price si^ per tear in abtancr ict !lWfle |Pf^ch^8 H§r^ Educ$ ifelib Held I ~ Monday, April 2ht He^e Mrs. Barber Passes Last Sunday Mts.. Hattie Bai|»er, MradoW. late AtcMe Bai^Serr died at the. l>|i^ of Mi'v Uoncan £h McGougan Sonday Superior Court ^|11 Convene Monday April tidin - of Hoke County tor Court viU convene next ty with ^s'Hotior Jud^ W. A moridnic^^a about 3 or’ciock. of Oxford., presiding. ^udge She tfid Wn in dwlining health tor' D!»wl>as held court here before and . iCompany E,. Concord, CkirapaDy 6, {Wipst(m-Bidein,' ConllFnny■li^ t^-Jwk- W; P. B4wW Succeiads E. A. West toh. all o(f tie 120th Infadt^, have As Pradd^; J. y. Baggett New-necojted hi’i^iittons to corue tp Rae- Yice-Presid^; Meeting To Be fbrd on EaatCT Jllonday;"Apri0i 2ii^, —r“* liwi k» . ..rffi.iaLnt Held kT’Tror'land compete dn a riflt match, be^ mmiy weeks and her death was not w^eu lAod by ]^le of the sufficient fora neia ^ , B^^r waS: a, c(^ty. A -rand jury ,s to be The district-meetiag^ of the Educo’^d-ist Bn. Combat min of tho;dcughterj)f the la^ N^l McFadyen ■Club .was held- at the Bluemont Hotel 852nd, Go»ast./lAetillery, both , .tba^j and waa.;born.and.«ared m 11^ on Tuesday Qij^t; Tte district is units 6^g in Baelli^’Company Aj ‘‘ommumty m, witoch she died.^ ae - composed of Cum’:brle]id, Moore, of Burlingtpnj is elmecl^i-to dnter a membw Montgomery, - Harnett and Hoke before that date. A cUp will be Methodist dimch, and wds a-kmd counties. The attehdaneie was not as Riven the TOMine teaiia of 10 nien,' a®ighpor and Mend. She is .sumyed good as wjas expected because of the $60.00 to tire high gun in the ^ one dau^teri t busy seasm for the schools. Those . $5.00 |o second gun, aid Wake copnty, ■mi^rotbe^ Mr. Mack ’who were in attendance were J. S. $2.60 to the hijii gun on each range.; Edwards, county superintendm of _^This is the> fifth ibatdh beild at ®f^Arabia andMiss Yum; W, ^ Payette^ej'j. H.’lSvloV! 5iel 71st; E. R.. Ttompomi, Hope Mills; _ ^ SsSg C.,Jf Cmt^eld. Biscoe;.R.' , Bmney. Biseoe; W. ?. Bawfleld,! ^uperjutend^t Hoke .comity- -SidiooiSv i Many tfijiestions were l»bugLt and Schools Today, Raeford Office's At Banquet In Greensboro foQowing officOrs-attended banquet and dimee given by the mili- The county commencement for the tary organizations of the 252nd seR^d at this term of court. Agriculfure fiept, Gives **int€ntions T o Fluni t- .Crop Reporting Service jRsieigh.—Unfortunately, our farm- eiS[.; are slow to adopt new ideas, hK^ver beneficial they might prove to Other industries have not only adopttd new' methods, hut ate spmiding great sums in seeldng hew er ones. Perhaps the greatest ad- Radio vances. within the pMt ten ye^ ACnOOlS Using ^UU9V hawe Seen in economics. A teading feature of this subject is scientific forecasting. The “Intentions to Plant” report of March should not be confused with, “fforecaetingf’ such as. is done after' the crops gam .euf- fimeht growth to^srive some informa- laoh .rf-'what thd harvest might be- “ipbentions” lesults shown are merdy indications of what a large Record^ Light ^ssion Tuesday In. Recorder’s Court Tuesdsy George. Harsh, colored, of Blue (Spring .Was~ tried vmder a charge; of stealing peas from a bam b^ the court h^d that the; evidence was in conviction and the case dismissed. Arthur Dobbin, colored^ enteretfja plea of guilty to a charge of pasi^g a sdiool bos while' unloading bhild- rm and was taxed with the costs. ** John ‘ David Coffin, colored, plead guilty to the same charge and : wfis also taxed with the costs, I Rufus Gillis, colored, of Mclmich- lin, was charged with the larceny of two chickens from Mrs. A. A. 7 Ray and was found guilty. He wSs sen tenced to four months on the county roads. More Extensively discuss'ed: for the h^termoit of colored sebol wiU be held at the Rae- Co^t Artillery at OreensbcHro last, schools in tho district. Good work fo^d oplur^ ^ool building today, Saturday night: Lt. Col. R. B- I «« intentions of fiwm^ds was reposed for 1^ year. j^'be Hbh. ™ii vi. w t t w waitpr! suits of taie inienuons oi mousjuu Mr. J. V. Baggett of PayetteviUe was eledted vice-president. The vice ' president, .W JP. Ha'wfield, autoipati- u®®® cally became nresidmit, acc^ng to ^ welcomed. Good speak- ton Hotel jsnd the boys report a most the rules the dub Mr E A ^*^® '^*®®® secured and the main enjoyable occasion. West of the Elise school wis p^' . dorinlg the past year and h® I Strong ScrmonS Being has dome a ereat work and had a t^II be at 2 p. m. , tx j it 'T'U* 1X7^^!.^ very successful v9?r. I 'Great mterest is being shown and rlcarcl Xlere 1 HIS vV CCK The clubs accepted thp hivitation t^® county commencement with, its to meet at Tiw in Monttomery exthibits and contests of various lands county for; .the fdl meeting for next is, the biggest day for ^e colored school year. ' I sdhiool®. Tliey dvaU be irlad w see It was a pleasure for Hoke county! any of ^ir whdtp friends any time to have the sdiool men .from these; drirmsf the n^y, counties and they jril seeni very mu^! _ ~—ri— in earnest about the..greait wwk Ih® ReV. J. R* MlllCr they are undertaki?)^ to do, ha the ,ya> Rev B. P .Robinson, of Hamlet, and — V , mt Ml V 1 J 4... a former pastor of the local Meth- Bdhools. They be glad bo mo jg conducting a r^val l^us fields of endet^or;, TUBEKCtti)SlS they may decade to change Strangely, these inten- agree remarkably, well with the final planted acreages. Thus they might prove to be helpful rn forewarning . farmers of the compt. titioo to expect. Before President Hoover was elect ed, the Literary Digest won a gr^t reputation for “straw voting.” is nothing, more than the “sampling;?' me^od used , in determining crop es timates. They secure reports from aibhut 6 jier cent of the voters of , the meeting here this week and is cotmtry/ The government secuibs re- preaching strong, forceful sermons, pc^ fzpm about 2 per cent of the While Mr. Robinson is rated wosbi the country as to thar highly as a prMcber by B^ord ijM-, jntepfciona for planthig d^ops, In ^ Nofrth Carolina alone almost 2,000 Sanatorium, April 5.—^Ths import ance -of rest in the treatment rf tu- berculo.sis is stressed in , an .iftlcld *fii the April issue of The, Sjinatoi- Sun, official publiicatipii .of the North, Carolina; &inatorlum. , The article b^s the significant heading, i^He Ouires Best Who..Rests Best.” Tt was only within oomparative- pie he seems to le even better than Amoves ever befo^Cf Services are .held; eajh ■ — Jay at teat io’clddc in the , 'who wtas .-?^e fkafitT And wiU preach Sunday St 111 SHlHrieS 25 iJ0HWP o’clock in the Raeford chUroh. His' . ■ V ^ The Hoke County Board of Cotfi- twd daiti^iters, one of whom is mar- ‘siKhi reports, •were psed. ?^he resofits Raleigh, April 7.—Through the use of the radio new avenues of know ledge are becoming avafiable, and sdiools are beginning to ffiake use of these vehicles in broadening the rlcula and in keeping the school chil dren informed itf up-‘to*date events happening outside of the school, ac- corfing to a statement inade today by A. T. Allen, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. A number of schools have radios as a nart of their regular ^uip- ment now,, , Snpt .Allen contained. Although information . pertaining to the use of this kind of equipmait is not asked for on our regular blanks, we were particularly interested in the degree 'to which the schools^ made use Of the radio during the live-at- home week. To this end we sent out a blank to each of the superinten dents, asking ' them the ninnber of ra^ ^ets used in the schools hnd the mimber of persons who hqud we liveHst-home speedies over the Although otuv about fifty per cent c fthese reports have been they dioW that around' 3011 - .*^lao sets were usedi and that from lOy,-. OM to lffi;000 t^tfiAren Tb Fmm Tax: Rdlel ,>Asso. Here Satemday There will be a - meeting in liie .mart boose Saturday, April 12th, all. the peoule in Hoke Conotv iriw are 'interested in tax r^ef. ft fa planned at this meeting to finite n permanent organization to bu iiMirjl as T^e Hoke Comity Tax Rdief station pnd all wm are in aynmia- thy with this movement are OTsed fo be, present. The hour of meeting is two-thirty in the afternoon. PARKTON NEWS. Parfcton, April 8,^-On Frid^„ gp- enteg, April 4th. a reoeptim. given- -by the juniors of Paricton,; acboifi in honor the seniors, reception was given in the' sdiool anditoriunit wfaicb wss d ingly decorated in moss und roses to caary out the senior cdIots. The guests were met st tbe igt&t by butlers from the freshman dass. Upon entering the reception eadi guest was commanded to kis^- the blam^ stone and 'were admitlad to a delicious course of punch. Delightful entertainment was (Riv en in several f>imB—from irhiAqi r-ce-’ to, singing contests—^nBdn| byi Ifisste Climd^ Proctor and lAg Ana Hugiies and Messrs John Gi’teifi and Murphy Smith. After the oOH^ teste everybody fillecL out tbeir dabs tallies and thus “progressed in con-? versation.” At the end of the coii- versation an ice crciom course was served. At this time sayings about st-adents and faculty, were read bj Miss Lee Ana Hughes. salaries of Recorder anil High Point, the Rrst^p^irto-iureh | Recoirder’s Court. Twen- ati &i>gs Muiwtem. Faimo ^ - ,.j. dollars per month Wios^ut ip ’ "It was only wiMin oompamuve- wood and Kememville He comes to g^jg^ies to he elective that the Roefbrd from the Htter whem earliest Of alwolute rest mthe cure of 1 ,has preaidhed for the past five they could, under the ^lavv, «iii«c,c woo flraf .4 rio., ^rvicBS 'wili be^ the ”1^^^® Change effective. List takers for the various town ships wrte apppi®ted as fbllovvs: Theatre Damaged By Fire Friday .pulosis was first recognized," it de dares. “There are many men j '’loth morning and evening on wom^ now living vdio rememberj second and fourth Sundays^ and in when physicians advised their pa-i'Wagram on the first.and third Sun- tients sufferino? with this disease to days, lead strenuous lives. The man who had spent practically all his working yeaxs in an office w||^ advised to go put West ana -rough it.’ School teachers -were told that their riiances for recovery would '1^ greatly im proved if they woidd leave their class rdoms and i^iend their time pt the hardest kind of pbyaical labor. But it is now recogmzed that this is the very worst possible thing to do xmless one is seeking an early death. “’'Hierj^ysioal strain, instead of being increas^, must ^ reduced and com pletely eliminated as far os it is possi.^le for it to be.” Allendlale—W. J. McLauchlin; Antioch -TT-P. McN. Gibson; Blue Springs— 'W. B .McNeill; Little River—^Haniel McGill; McLauchlin—Oscar Town send; Quewhiffle—Le'wis McBrayer Raeford—Prank Cameron; Stonewal —W. J. McBryde. ply. pnd 1^ frost the Priote rpSr time. The fire company soon hid it finder control but several hundred dollars’ damage was done The fire alarm sounded last Friday S‘a tahjLSt S| Attend District Medica! Meeting In Laurinbur^ m Karl it - Drs. G. W jBrown and R. L. Mur -u»...aKe te the, ray attended the Fifth District Med: Walters building which is covered by, Society meeting in Laurinbwj insurance. A much greater damage Tuesday ® “?® w ^ was suBtaihed by Mr. Willie Walters 1 frown said ^t they ^dnt have ' wQw> openates the show and he h^ doctor m Scotiand cpimty who coul Hartwell Cocke, of Asbevile m insurance. ^ task the blessing but httle John M ing the importance of complete re^ Kay of -Wagraim, and therefore CARY STEPHENS TO ' defender of the good’ name of Sco START MAKING FLUES land County savs that Dr. Brown ar . ' j one or two others were sq greec t U you hear a fuss in the midst of! and impatient they wo^’t wait f r the business district of 'ttie. city of (a®y blessing. ■- John also gives p; JBrown credit for out- eating everyoi > at the dinner. laxation mental and spiritual as well as p^sical, the (mbfiations being from an laddress some years ago be- fore the Medical Section of the North ‘Carolina Tuberculosis Association. “You mu^t teach your patient that (bodily rest means rest in~bed, prone at first and until fever^ rapid pulse, •any signs of blood spatting, haras- ’ .aing cough, nigbt sweats, dyspea, losing weight, or other expressioim of toxemte are long things of the past,” be is 'qpotisd as declaring . . . Rest in bed (on a sleeping porch preferably) is in my eoeperience the one great plaoe for the tuberculous patient to work out the philosophy sympatiiy shown us dfinng Ibe re- of his cure,' for there he must learn cent fibiMS mid death, of our aunt, tthai boslnees worries, cares and Mrs. Hattie MeF. Barberi * Raeford wbicib sounds 'like a l^ch of skeletons dancinv on a tin roof, you need not 'he alarmed—IQary Ste phens has just teceived a solid car load of flue iron the spund of his hanauicrs 'will soon be in evldeifce. I^e damandk AC iy reoriv^-for jHe reg^la^ ^ ^ ?eiaiiPe‘-rt^gM' km>uld prompt‘>fanneif87 'td'^ Bewails' of "f®“ creasing. aicr^«[j«n;^r caops that sold at, poor pricea last yfew. T^e Irish potato gtowters^are wisely hold ing, down, the acreaftla of. tl|^.prop afteif a .Bpvere cut qf a year ago. TS^e oat ewsteage has ririfte® eqa- siderably to soring planting, - ^te- wide interest, is evident in liic^ea^ acreage'* thisi year. The Uvo-ab-hotee program of €j^. Gardner is resulting in more grain feeds and legume crops. The fall planting season was unfavoravle ta the planting of the expected Soreages of ; snv^ Igrains. THs is why barley is decreased. With tobacco showing a two per cent increase on top of a record .acreage last season, (leven la spite cf a low yield per acre), there is a poor outlook. Well—any way, the farmer says “What other cash crop can I plant to better ajlvan*»ge?” It is a problem—^how to readjust farm plans from a crop one 'is famil iar -vrith to one of uncertainty Thor. Those present were: senjova, Misses Annie Ree Chason, Ma Tolar and Alee^ Britt, Mes^ W. H Fisc'her, Henry Thompson', Eldv**’' Bodeiihei3ner,'EdwardHaIl» E®®b . honiit7.i!lohn McDipnnid and L* Ul; juniors, Bfisses Buflu Bef|p> ister, Aleene . and Evelyn.. .MnpMVt Mildred Canipb^, Itar^tret Oarti iM Ana HusIhUik ^^^Prortor, leldrtA dSS ’«®w'Chasop,.Me$B«..C« W», JTr^ (tin. Edwin Allan McJCrthnr, per.. wor_ schocA speai^g^jPteMkart f*ten- Fromi>®ie relwete whStb riMYrteeh ieo0firte|>+'GfH*on ceuat^ leads-; f5l„c|b^ %;'tbAf min^ Tpa^o ^ete wed. K' teporte ffiat T3 racios were used and that; G,000 lis- jjeneiVkfifurd the livenit^lMiBie speech-' Mtbxtmgb.bhese Setm'v : Durham and ^Ison counties, eacB haul eight ra dios in fh their rural schers with 2,40O fted ^OOO listaa^* iffespectivoly. Harnett'hag'6 radios and'2,4)00. Among. 4i|e- city sAoOls, Greenville, LeaksyiUe. and I^mngtc^' each rt- port four radios in isse with audiences of 1,700, 1,750 and 2,000, respective ly- .pres«^ McPalI.;ClDdrtii»Htl Taltur,r^jeivt. teld^ ’Martha/iQliMiBimi^BOnU gufests nres^t. -i^re Miss^ ::Tcfiter Byrd, Edrig* WrifW Vaxil^^ Gain^ essujSster ^i^er, ,ChriBtine>?Dees:>aBi fis^' Sn»i.tt -of Hoija Leslie Peacock,.. Julu^M Ca'i^y, aM Lonnie Blount, ^so Hrs.' B L. aw- rews. ■ Misses Celia-- Attcftt, -I Veiih Byrd ,Id^ Mae Brit^t; Frances CtJlflr •and Mary-Currie acted as/Vaditrpssea and Mo-.wrg Dan Praetor, Tfairies Blue and Wiibpr WilHkorion As buHert, all of the'’freshman 'cbbst Mrs. (W A. McNrill and little son. 1*1 TfiarhPr ^^^ Arthur, of Red Springs; are £U7 Otuaents in I eacner | spending the week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Rosa MdSachin. Training Departments Raleigh, April 7.—Two hundred and nine students are enrolled m the 17 tead^, training departanmiiS organized in'connection with a stan dard high school in 17 counties 'cf learned frOm the :ar -wiwi lo one or unceroainty i .'ion -.f Tn:d;ruc- perhqps it is time to try the live-at- State itbat , . - . troubles domestic anxieitv and up6®ta, family diaharmoiiy, the. fretting oyer lost tinte-and opportunities, frequently; present fln(4n^„, eroba^ tiussment with prolonged illness i® ^re, the trouHe teddwit to w rfanfilv cajis^' by his jUness, and tna tt te make PW®*’ In»pr'>^«* L.xnent.” . ^ simpliri»Y:4if tho ^ tubelrt^S, Ik oftfB® fSl failure of pSiant* to get wefl.'th® it oonthMies. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McGoiigon and family. •■X: terval*i «a they of Easter Cake Sale 'Buy yaJix Barter cake ftom the Bethel Auxiliary. We shall seB eakes Saturday morning, April 12- from 9:10 tp 12:80 in .uio store of Olissea Niven arid - Graham. Qairt% gnsorainteed. Money,'hiirir if net .eatisfled. Prices Poultry Gar Here Wednesday, April CARD OP thanks Notice appears elsewhere in t w«, issue that thwe will be another po U try car in Raeford next Wt-dnwdi r. WiU made Girevh the cooperation of County Agent B. Brairaon, who 'haa he^ succe i- ful in getting the bes’ prices for t is ooqnty that have been paid this v r. Rei^ected Colored Woman Died TIluis* home imogram. Peanuts show a definite decline. This crop has sold at from between 21-2 to 4 cents per pound or aomt $33 per acre. It can’t be done with profit. Still there is the hay saved, and it takes little fertilizer. The spring s^u-ons have been fav- o-able 'for a maximum preparation of ground. Tlie farm ps^ology wav be “When wo can get only a little price-^we have, to grow more to liirei” la this a wise policy? United States Intenfimw The acreages of spring-sown crop.:?, when eomt4ned -with the acreag^ of meadows and fall-sown lawps, indicate a totrt acreage of xirindpal crops, exclusive of cotton, about 2 per cent lion. These 17 departments are lo cated in counties not in clo.se proxi- ir..jty to State Normal CMleges or ether teacher training agencies. This type c? instructioa was in si tegun in 1919-20 as p part of the work of the senior high school d^s, primarily to improve the teaching level of rural elementary teachers in those counties where the level of teacher training -was relatively' lo v. Since 1922-23 the work has been Uni- ited to graduates of standard high stiiools (in dtsachers holding Ele mentary B certificates, 'who could not otherwise secure the egudvalent train ing at a nomnol. college. The course of study is one y^r of intensive training for teaching in the above the combing acreages of the | riual dementary schools, and iu- same exops borvwted in 191^. As a dudes daily obsmvatiim imd prawre Ha^ Covington, colored, i^d died 'Iburadfiy, April 8rd, derth ing caused by pnemnonib. 'il®r loaUs we^ ourried .to Spqitlend c ty Friday for burial, that be&ig former home. She had codkid^ lor T. B. Updrarch for dghtete pars -was an mriunaUy faitblrir fied a liked peraqm She has A Iffutnei ■ Uri*a 0® flten 81. to $2.00, d^ndiug on kind eod %e (We iml take orders rapply your favorite kind. l«t uii fartiirih ^ w Mme. to send four boy or gM In *^l««e. We wffl deliver it imy day farm as a teiymt for thA ||rt befws tim 19tk if yoo p^t M your T**”’,. ^ He. g 0. ordwl8| -vi- BteiM AMNOUl result of present labor cohditions imd the inweaeed use of labor ^ving equipin^t thdre-eAniearB to be a ten dency towards a moderate increafse ir. crop* acreage in aU parte TST the country, hut the aotoal increase m acreage will probably m less than the 2 per cent letDorted because unfavor able weatiher at planting time usaal'.y DFev'ents some farinen from carry- a cat theii' pisiis, and there isyus- y aome loss of aereage from droirih, (Md and othw egusss ^hiea new he figeewh. . - ^ ;tb» iri w. q. ihriii «r IMI Ar- Ctw tHarvested 4ttt9, Anas tsiSm - *SS8 'BotnIaM fdJMO ■ ' .288 work closely supervised by a twined ii’stmctor m tii® local demeutairy bcLooL In 1928-29, the 21 d^jpartmoms Misses Mary Leigh .Faniell and Eliza eth Hall were dogates from the Girls Auxiliarv of^ the Ppxkton Baptist church at the weekend house- Viaity of the G. A.’s of.'North C-iro- lina, (at Mereditii CoUege, Raleigh. Misses Katlterine G®^riev and Kaih- erine Blalock of LOpg^terg College are spending their ^ring hdlidass vith their parents this -week. \ Mrs. J J. Fountain, and’little sob>\ Joe Jr, of Rocky Mount are spend ing several dajrs with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Qashwell. Mr.'and Mrs. J,.Q. ParneU and family spent Sunidav with relatives at Windell. , , _ _ •Born to Mr, and. Mrs. D. W. F®^ i nell, a son, on last,,Wednesday, April 2, 1930 J . . Mr. and Mrs. M, S. Stewart of Charlotte spent the weekend with relatives here. . 7 . Mr. Boyd Ferg\ison of Albermarte sTient Sunday here. „ ^ , Friends of Miss, Annie M'^arnnd ■will be sorry to Icarn that she- Jte ill with pneumonia. ^ « Miss Ruhv Byrd returned to N. C. C Wi "Sunday : after pending Spring holidays at home. She w» jwcomnan’ed bv het*'PareJxte oud MiM McDonald. • _ Miss Sarah Currie spent ^Sunday the home of - h'dr plomats, Mr. and tuwed ort 2»1 gwdu^ ^5 oat of S - j) g. cHtfite. this numbmr were given State El^ '*”• 188 mentary A certificates. Practically 60 per cent of this group, however, is i.ow taking further twining in the recognized normal colleges of the State. Of the neariy 900 who bavp fin- khed this one anfriris eoarte. »«f® tlmn om-hrtf anLiimir teaewng in te mal adioola in. tite couab' i® which wy»,^taaiBi(»; 100 of the Many WO who havetgrail- haveVriwipMed * wfe-ysais 1. eoM ormoRAjrt mow than 800 iihiPi lawa aSMlMl mr' tear aefapol«8Me tlBte ot attiih In rther wQiii, thiii t9|9 SuMtH ttoo aertep A* tisn. ‘ he f ._ . iwtiier iUlpap. theianlMt fm 1i» Mr. and Mrs. J W. Carter arA family spentlSuriday P If- tivexat Sevrt>ty-|H8t CARD. OP, thanks We wmH to think «rtr the D- OP, Tl . wish to think IHeiida.'N>r antn and qrnqpathf «** 08 dwhig the Itmg illnw Mrs. ira'Fpvis and c wiSSnCSiSrSSfmm WBoam Mel ^ ^ . on the tun ^ had the jf smm e 5]^ wSLeoPSl i2 fimmd. A end iMMli poasIMHIIlh lir th* aw rtjk Jy “

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