"/KM HOKE 00i:^«lY JQUllNAU ' if- V/! e>Ieetifig$ Saturday ,^(BWS pf * Court on Tuesday Saturday aniscBiiTioK'^iy^ was m ■ - _,y'-'-- ■ Bailey*9 Actual Partial .;// - Beftirfe ito* for the csoroeTOfc^ ^5?^- ■ '^lU .‘Ti. vV s. iM- 'M- Kd ioll^-; ■p^. statement covejt^; matters to the KHmd of ewA doS^v and tile mm- 4^Is8 tiie cK]iMgti6|>"#p ^ tfi make this ^d aneel; / Oni'fionr' recpuyenM^aife .as^, mwosed on law. ’ ’,;' , , ’■ 'Jf-U ■' ; '-2. Tjie oonditiort ;6f ^e smfang fund investments, a»d,'the( methj^ employed Sly' maaw ecw^y comnus- Sioneia Ih mvesf nK -^och^^funds. . "N 4. The bonds of bounty, and >eountv .deposito^ries, , antt . W>iP?».r IriW shloiidid 'be changed..so as •/ •i/t sto .vM«s Demdc^c w* counSw“ and ibe . w... will this year. Thfr irf‘ for tib^ are much toter than Mt iof tofo^^^ precinct iiii-'of 1’ -'cehW^wffts^^ fb* the j mfU-Satuiifey June Zlst the ’tiie, caSflBussionerB xn- ffith, and the araie ’^" atdad «£ tte> l«eople ure imore strin- in Ealeigh on July 3^- . ^iS»vS!^for gontnol of. smt. /Wflr B. McNeill, '' STjJSe and the lading of com; ^^ll TJb ,sji(bHUt^d to the ^ cS&ttee, Utoba tim - ^— tuk-: wiU be held \at jwo It .is be held m evw P*P- :4i Recorder’s court Tuesday Fos ter McLean fbced a charge ;bf P^h- -(Kwr i£ -^y :^the~ highway a,1r’aigixt. ^Kme with^ iights. This case was liie re^t.j(^(Si wreck a ftsw rngnts ago \when E. B. McNeill ran fSeni^ asBemWy. ^ ^ yesteTday by th© eyweiant Advisorv. Gommissicm. . nwi mwwiwuo »v CSmties M. J^son, seci^ry W, county, a •prepare tka repon to the ddegatfea to the county convention Assdmbly. with tiie^vejB^ti^^M- eluded in eight apUf^ qaeationa to — h© treated in thd ; The %aimnjssi^ fPhe fgyaj^Feaan of eadi pre3nc|' conwitteeS^b«*»«*^y h^mes a ir^o^iyy of the county mittebi The county its ebainnan gnd any from their own nuiiinbers or from any o*9ci>r place 4n tbe county. ' ^ ANTip^pra^fe. ' hdd Mrs. Rowland M#eill Billy Rowland of ftvLhSS^S i^este Sunday ^ven- SS Mrs. F. M. M.. GAsot. Mr, Clayton^Bi^ V spent the week-end bare with into/ the car of McLean. On oc- count of the absence of a material witness, tins .case was continued -for one week. . Waiter Her, ^ Frank Beid and Reid and Reid v McKinney, all . colored, were indictod on a charge of yiolat- jing the pnAiWtidn laws. Attorneys for Bold and McKlnnay asked for a jn^ trial and the case was set for next Tuesdoy. G»amie Black, colored, wag cimvict- ed of an assnalt on a female and prayer for judgement was ^ntu»i^ upon paynS2nt of the costs-' Ip the iBffiwo mix-iAi Geneva Jackson cat Black with a knife and faced^^a fWify of an .assoalt with a deadly w^pira was DoMiid not guilty. Leroy' King'i colored, received a. smiitenss kvf six months on the conn-' tv roiads for breaking jail in Jdan- uaryi .Re was also tried for get ting goods under false pretense from Mr, iW. N, Brown and given twc iiMoniUm.f Oin',the^roads. serttjri^ to yon cioncwnmitiy. On Satup^s^r fSir bth, a s^nd run-off primiaiy wjR be 1^[4 in Hoke County'm-aASui^ Bgister of Deete a^ Cotton Wei^- Messrs D* K, Kile and W. W. Roberts will enter the RstS for the iCfice of Register of Deeds and Messrs Martin' McReithaii and h. Plurality For U. S. Seriate _ Podeio ^SSutomobile Wreck C, Gives Riddgh Man €5,027 Majority sal;- “^^^e'*the**bonds .co>reK imore^^^^^ ^her, MA G- ly the lialbdlitieji thSit tiiC counties may have better pi»^tion.^ _ “4. Partial payment of t^e|. .This ■was Ascussed at leh^h and B was ftgresd to set the advantages to Je ^tffStiefS such a scheme ^d the way of working out s^ a \ TOth out making the heS for the benirfito denve| thereform. “5. The advisability of amend-ug ,SS( %S>. Mrs. Eto.s wjl ^ «BH^>**red. here as Miss A Brown. ' ’ . j. . (Mrs. Margairet McE^ul era! days recently -in the Highsmith boauitfll m FayettevilSs. She retiOT^ SeMe^nday and ^er hostpf friends will be glad to learn that she is gei the Jaw so that county accountants Sv be selected by 0®“®*^ sioners and prescntSng certam pun imum qualifications/ for ®®W^y^~^ countents in to .raiw^tW esehey of ^his officer. The flU^ tioft of the reporisjthe county hpr , jngyn the -ihe super?ision-ja*»’ at. undpr ;#aity.-dc- Mak6 Golf Course Community Center contest fo* the-5-.—- _ .. tives, no one jfeteivmg a mojon^ M the first mrrfliy, „®* hpd bn account of the fact ;that Mr. W. T. Covington, ^bnd ip the ^e. Sd* not CHOOS^TO RUN. This Inves Mr. L. McBachem.the nqm- iWe. - . ' j Gucumbars^ovinil Wi% Prices Low Cueumbms '^ve Ingun moving in' Hbhe county, the padung «h^ at tiia LaurinlHitrit and .Southern ' being rigged TUP 4oir packing and operations hmnm. Prices last week were^ery poor, but County Agent L. B. Bn^- don, stats that bhe Booth Par^a criip is now the .market .and^ -h# lac^ts better'priaas. .' Sriiool Tacto Place High School Garduates at 2.5 .Percent. pPBte near imnong a mam , W?gUBMje^ia^fes near here Moodaiy taenmm it. W. L. Po(de, !fciR s* tiieiiPourt. ran into it wpgcn sit the WrtlMmr. and wflg immebfiatdf nm into bf an oncomiBg trodt fran toe.rau. It soma that Capt ftoole stMi’a^ 4irnek operator were goiity Unt./to.. get a Ind of cneumlmrs. in Ca^ Rnale’s ear with the truck can- mi kdiind. While . erosaililg toe oh.Peddler’a Branch Cngk'lPo«dfe fo:^. a team on the tihieh to givff him sufficient raam to 'kMn.and rather than ran into the.nmln. Caiit. Poole hit the tear .tin wngm aa he hnouMit his anr 'to Ihe track behtod dulht haMS: epongh to stop and .rihi fhto ton wrecked ear. : >| Pool© .0(80'injured and "Ms fflmics | will not prove serious, tbeuito he . -{ had-a. nuTow esqaipe. His ear uMs r pretty badly, though not i:; so mheh as might expected. Onty 1 aught'damage was done to the traek. - ] Ospt. Poole is by far one of Hqke - IQom^s most popdar citizens and a ' a host of friends mil wish or him a Speedv recovery. ' H JosiMi WiMiam Biriley, who WM nominated over United Estates Sen^. tor Furnifold Mcl^del Simmons.-ini the Democri^ primary on JaneiiiTv received an actual plurahty'^-fiTv*'. 625 and a majority ovmr the com bined vote of Ms two opponmils. wf 65,027, but the figures wfll noft'ibte come official until approved by^tlm State Board of Electious. whm Judfim J. Ciipford Biggs, the. ch^f man, lum csBed to most at noon'/.on Tuesday. ■ Even thes^ large rfiftoraa are setaevdi^ less than were uiw cated by tlMbOidal returns. A toBillstiou onada 'lly Rasrmond C. Maxwell, Assistant Secretary, wMch wiH he adopted by the b^ unless all ptece^nts are .htok® shows Mr. Bailey received .lM,86i votes. Senator. Simmons, 131,242i Dr. ThoowJi L. Estep, .2,592. Mr. Bailev carried 85 counties. Senator ^mmKUis 15' snd Dr. Estep i The four candidates for the publican - senatorial nomination poll-. G^s Through Congress totyl of 332,701. The Republic® Tariff Bill Finally ting olong splen^dly now. Mr; Knox WtatsOn of State Raleigh; is at homejor : MfeaBrs. Don .^Lowe and Cecu mc; fhaul wbo'bdBv^^ jSe ® Satutday night ^d |Peut sSlw with/ Mr. . and Mrs. F, F. ^M^CaJvin Skp^ Ray and two dSn of WuHace spePt a days , - 5J4K . tesiy-rife In a eonveraation with tlia - editor of the News-Jiournal a few, days ago, Mr. T. B. Upchurch, owner of the Raeford Minitaure Golf Course, statod *that (he hoped,to ■nci'iilce' the golf course a comnraunity gptheri^ pl®9 {or ®y and dl in the .5Q^ty wild tViOuld like to come out and that bfe had no idea of restricing it ^to those who played goK. ’ .J^'at this purpoBe, primarily, in builumg the course' was fio fumish a kind of meeting place where people from all over the cowty could come after ®pper. see tbrir friends, heat a radio, and spend a pleiasant evHmngj. ^e course has already served this purpose to a gtoait extent ®d- M.*** Upchurch hopes , that more people from the country will use it as a gathering place th® have hereby fwe. He wishes that people wm use it as a comm®ity - center ®d bgve no feeling of oWigation what ever to: .patipniaci , th© cpp^|(8tosu Ek^h of Goltyed Man Rpleigh, J®e 17.—More than 20 per cent of the white school children of the State are in the first grade, according to tin cureefit. issue Pt State School Facts, pubbcation of the State Department of Public Instruc- **°The 595, 747 white pupils enrolled in the public schools' dur.ng 1928-29 are Astributed according to grades (as follows: 121,291 or 20.4 per cent in tte first grade, 78,062 or 13.1 per cent in the Secoiid grade, 72,666 or 12.2 per cent in ^he. third K’^^de, (>7,306 or 11.3 per cent in the fourth 1 cn ivt; nr lAl ner cent in ths fe,., from elimination programe as a co®ty unit, “7. Val® of alre^y demonstrated ®d the neei vof imofying city ®d county.imana^er m®t8 ® to the tevy of and is? gulonaa of bonds. “8. Other mattprs discu^^ thrat needed to ‘be brought to the utten-, ti® of the G®eral Assembly we: Adv®tages to >d derived 'ishing the office of the prer, leaking fees or compe^.ataoi.. for county attorneys^who to!*# top foreclosure suits umifom ; to ® . couitisies, ®‘®-..i^^® providing mutorm budwts ^ ^ Ending the law P®rimmito^q»the S»totmen* of tax collectors ®«: ga^- Kikpatrick and Mr Akue m« a'tett yi^ gnest iSundw ■ wnice Y,arbo(rough »»*■ M and Mrs. J. W. MePnam wa tm to Fayetteville Sunday afte^n nesday at Mountain Gr to see M^.iHfo^yul’s mUtoer, Mrs. jjn QuewMUfle Township. Manraret SW^Wl. .. „Tr\i 'P, JSC>*; vote was divided as follows: . Con gressman George M. Pritch®d, 287; George E. Butler, 9,098;, Irviu B. Tucker, 6.277; and Rev. Henry Grady Dprsett, 1,582. In the '^y other statewide con test, Colp^tion Commissioner Geo. P, Pell, who carried 94 out tif^he 100 couQties, defeated James Hi Hoti' loway M- vote of 167,083 to tout 79,391 of the Demo- cratel^o voted in the senatorial con test' i^sed to express preference for thq lesser office which was vo^ upon the same ballot. Gnmdy BilUon Dollar Tariff BSl 1^4 del Immediate ^gnature of President Hoover sixth grade, 47,536 or 7.9 per Jkit in the seventh grade, 35,282 or psr cent in the eighth 26,748 or 4.3 per cent in the ninto grade, 19,987 or 3.4 per cent m tne tynjlb grade, 14J801 or 2.5 per o®to in the eleyarith grade, and^ 999 or .2 of one per cent i^ the special dasses. Actorning to the grade distribution of the^ schMd iduldren as prefiJntod by i Sclioi^,' Facts fox the _pu^ grade. 60,176 or 10,1 per cent in the Yeflf* Old Girl V, grade, 51.90f^or-8^ ®®®^ ^CVCn I CRF WIU Vrtri 5.^,. 7u Tier ;\iakes Hit Over Radio Margis McKenzie iff Shamon^ Sur prises Friends in This Section By Appearing Before Micro phone in Raleigh Henry Jones a colpred na® who lived lon the far-Ti of Mr. G*30rge Biggs to Blue Springs Township, died 'Tuesday. Death w® dn© to pneumonia. He w® 38 5* ante. His remains were buned lvve^ « . . Qrove Ghursh "SrH/BV cJIr'ie'irtd iAoehtol IMfOBTANT NOTICE irTai^. New (To «ie pMents H»ke ComW Mera^. • • ajiU San^ I There will be a Torail Climc held ton,>John-C. FtirmS^ at Htyhsmith Hospital for white^- whS M^ ptftomoon. .dfcen next Tu^y the 2nd. begm- ^ A. ifoowK^ Wallace spent nihg at 8 o’clock a.m. in toi ' ‘ Appointment tit' supervisors, , . Metobera of tiie j^immsmon p^ •®t were: Dr. E. C. Brooty,. irP?of. A. G. fflfcintosh. JL B. {fee tand John L Skumer, A- J. SSSmlT^d Dr. Fred 'W. Morr son, chairman secretary, respectiwty S^toe T® Coxumassto^ alto ^ vfith the county govfmn*nt body. *5;r SUBPRISR SUPPER A ^^rpriee Supper Given- at the Home of Mr ®d^ Mr^ W. ti. Carter, Lumber Bridge «(Aed in Hie third, fourth, th gnsdes to dcci:®se. tn the white high so^l enroll^ht M^santed IM cant of thetotol whereas in. 192^29 tne enroUmeh^ the high school grades was l6J8-,per cent of tl» total. School Racts presents a table sh^ in*^ jjistribuibi® of school c^ dren by ehronological ages: ing to tois table, more than o®-fifTh S't£ total 596, 747 white Axa ^en ®d eight years old. The nnmboif of p®ils six, nine, and te ^raold is approidmately the ^e, the percentage of total ®®J®^^™j®Vfi fhiMB grades betog 9.4, ’ rmehtively The eleven ®d twelve- ye®Md children each ^ut 9 per c^nt of toe totto the twelto-yeisr old children, the mr * aTuementa® decreases v^y ^nidlv. Only 1.4 per cent_^of the a few days recently to the hme We have made specml arrai^^ of his brother-to-law ®d sister, Mri fnents as to charges for the cnii- and Mrs. J. G. McGoogaiu Idreii of Hoke County. Miss Mary McNeill, a student nurse ^ gt^te nurse has been hKre w>ik- xapiiffy. iq at Baker’s Sanatorium m Lumberton cases, but was called . ^hite enrollment is more than 1» cfone home last Sutadsiy ® ® j awiay unsxpectedly, we^ have vacancies j years old. week’s vacation. ■ for abhut ten more childsan. If your reanectivety-i Mrs. G. C. Biggs and needs attention see me on 1 - .Li. m Vwn^a^n, Mso m(^^(^H®iM G., were in Lumibertotn, a short „ Monday for registering a«x i -u ' ,r 4. tf the T® p®®^L_i?iL«^f Vw^v. . while Saturday afternoon. - Ljjj^ clinic, otherwise they cannot be ' M^^illOCiist 1 OllUg Vfe (are./sorry to Jaain that accepted. Age limit 16 years. J. W. McPhaul has be^ mJ“® Prices very rqasoimfile. Sunday. She is improvmg but 3ti» , „ „ * « 3Si to her bed. . . I Mrs. H. A. Cameron. Mr. ®d Mrs. Lacy Brfdy httle A surprtoe sppper was n®^ town at the honte pf Mr ®d MwJW. ■H Garter Smidaj^ afteriio®r J®e, *11 of whom ware relataves. Lemon- Se wM Served, and music w® ran- deJed ^ Ite«. Sam Fam Edgu^and wSwerRledsoe of Payettevitte, N. C, •T^n ■ sunueri was served m picnic X ffity’iSaa filled with ,eate. Indthe looto of it enowgh^ ®tice. ®ydne to cor® ®^r - ThoB* pres®* were- sjs. follows. Mr , - aitf Tl? D r t; ‘1% jfey Liriing^ *m4 S ■ ■ -.KMATtaL James and Gil- BlrA^ it XlBijS Rally For xlist ^ People in June daStS. Ai^i, Laurie ^ B^®’ G. M. T. G. ON ATR mS:SeUr. A TUESDAY NIGHT D. McPhaul where they wiU Bp®d' several w®k8. • Merimlffst Youns People Will Meet at St. John’s Church Near Gibson on St. John’s Daf Bevenu irtiirrie who On lUesOav nieht, June 1 (in, xrom iJtis’Sn ^ite^ skk for several 8:16 to ^46 ©’dock, *^e Rowland. June 16.—June 24 is St. ^n^bout toe IteleiBh. I J®^>. ^?y\. M keeping with the many friends are sorry Si •* • w . .jjL '^^Snv'^^^ds are sorry to Id^rn I . ’T^if* *''m^^“’lday,Methodi8tyoungpeoplethrough- nm i«‘^®«®»'- N^C ®®t district are plan- .•nmiirt rtf thelx ages muSh imxiety is mg Camn of FortBragg, N. . Ining a big gatoertog and rally at ?Tlr to. Mr? Currie bai®M John’s church, near Gibson. Tamara of age and Mrs. as toe CMTC. one®d sponsored by the Ep- m dghtyto. i2to L^gues ia the district but it Misa Hazel Biggs of Lumberton co^mue through July 12th. Methodist young people, snondinig her vacation with her TIm ptnpm of these wgmin Eyg,y church is expected to have • and (Mrs. G. C. Bigg?, according to lde^.-polonel G^ge R. jts young folks present. Mrs D B Liles and family spent Alii®, Comnnaarfant of ,to« A program is planned which to st Sunday afterno® in Rbdangharo to let the bovs tell the folks at home messages from Rev. T. M. tefitivts Miss Maosirct Me- lust wto.t they are dotojr at Foji q ^ president of the North Caro- SSil with to i , iBrsttrit. Theseuro^.ms^will b* given Conference Epworth l^augue Mr Imd Mrs M. A. MdPhaul jon the followinp; dat^ ^ board; Rev E. L. Hillm®, dean of %iiSlv risited Mrs. McPhaul’s «;46 P.M.: 'Tuesdav^ June 17th: Tues- League (assembly, and ^SfttivSnbar'MSm Sunday after-U,Tr. .Time 24th; 'JHi'^sdav, July leL j^d Springs pastor; Mr. relatives, near \ nT.,.»Jo« tolv Rtfi. Ipj^jy^ Swartz, Confetence leaugue secel^. Rev. C. C. Alexander, pres ident of LouisC tare colie®; Rev 'A parertto-Mr and (Mrs, noom.: y>) M Soutoern rme^ xfeltod. oil, i and Tuesday. July Stfc: Ttfi* 'oiMk* IIOlTV to llBMtt- I ■ V""' ■ -®d,>M Worth CANADIAN IMPORT TARIFF ir ", the-r , . eVder of the Rockingham dis- af tttAir-iiwmjt irjend? and Ottawa. ^ The C®»dian messa^s from these thut the baby Lhanws ptoed for ’® Ulus special music stonte, eats, fel- will sSSJSe ei®valeaotog. Uneech / May L J?*”' lowsMp. .aiM worahip bid will spon/DB . . machinery, Uake June 24 a day long to be re Those of the la^o audl[®^ happened to be .L^tening in on Raleigh t®t Wediiesi^y had. a real ■ wheh' litiiteV-Miss Maij^jJMg- :e ' af WpraT'^ Little (Mlatgie has on unusual,^, voice and those .Who heard her on the air ‘ Wetoiesday laay the song cflinza to perfectly dear ®d seem ed. as if they Were sitting lijtiit there to the room listeidng to her sing. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey McKenzie, of Shan non Although onlji seivB-i years old ,ani never bad a lesson in musii: of N, env k»nH she--stood on the piano bench ®d sang wit'-, pe/fec. east aiul mnnunciati®. “I’m Thinking of Tfaih*^whkih not onty delight^ those present in the .st-iflio .-it the time but all who happened to be lis tening in. SHANNON NEWS ! Sara Lena Chavis delightfully .ieitained a numlter of her fri®ds Mion^y night, J®e 9, hy celebrat ing her fourteenth birthday. Many games were played on the lawn) rand delidSus refseshments, pundi ®d cake w®e served. Mr. nd Mrs. H. C Culbreth wq reo®t visitors in Florence, S Cm s® their mother, Mlrs. J. F IWalter.- Mr. B. B. Currie and Misses Bertha Isabel,. ®d Lina Currie spent the day to Raleigh Tuesday. . iMr. ®d Mra. G. H. Shook aaid children, Ruth Edith (and Rowele. were visitors in the home of Mr. John Plott in St. Pauls Sunday. ^ Mrs. D. S. Klapp and two daugn--- ers, Mrs. Hal Shook and Miss M^ Klarpp, stayed from Wednesday tyi Friday with relatives in Sumter. S. C. Mr. Luther Currie spent Thursday morning in Elizabethtown. . Mrs. James McBryde of Faye^ Ville is spending a while with her parents, iMr. and-Mrs. C. D. Shxmk. Miss Margaret Smith is staying a few days with^ her cousin, Mi.-»s Frances Walters, in Bu'ia. _ Mr. B. B. Currie and Misses Ber tha, Lina ®d Isabel Currie spent Friday to Laurel Hill with relatives- "Mr. John Walters was % recent pisK]® in florenoe, SC.. Mr. Luther Oiirrie and Misses Isa bel, Bertha apd Lina Cume were FavettevUle visitors Thursday after- BO^ Ule $moot-Hawley tariff bill, with its increased duties ® sugar, shoes, lumh®, e^ment, brick and nearly 2,000,000 othmr products, has been pas^d iby Congress. 1|^> /Oow awaits the approval of . PraMdent Hoover, who is confidwtly etpedted to si® it within a few day A’ Tl»» new law ■will become eftiective at midnight foBoWing its signature by the Presideift. 'Le^lative aetko. os the measure was completed late Saturday when the»Hoose ad®ted the final fonu of the conference report. The vote was 222 to 123. The Ssnate .finally approved . the measure Friday by the two-vote of 44 to 42. The House margin of 69 votes was Eothewhat short of what the Repub- Rcftn feders had expected, ^rs. announetog the vote 3i>eaker Longworih affixed his signature ti> the meattSttte and arranged to send it to the Senate, so VirafPresident Cu^ inuy ri® it ®d have it enrolled Monday. The perfornwnce was aceompanief^ bv ®thusia^ic cheers and ye& ftem the Repubne® side of the while the Democrats sat sil®t.j) 'While it is estimated that the tariff will impose an additiett of a billion doUara to the cost of UriiMt in the United States, that is oiffy ® estimate, and nobody knows how much ^ additional burten Tted CHANGE^ AND SALES T^ Troy Methodist «ea . . I reduction APPROVED gjij Rr. H- C. Snuth, presid- 'ThaV.s did>(iifiy best.” I lournment on Mav 80. later thML>8:30 .p. m Rev. E. B •—‘— l ing to a dispatch tele®aph® ^^Ipipher, the efftiteot yo®g pastor ahd childrtu. j. C.. to>Ttment^>v^rc« k Jkihn’^beon charge, is w'-irie fcf .Ppxktoii, suil Mr. imereial Attoche Lynn W. Meex bp f® a dsTx- •/W. ». towe- lOttavs. ^ . Buy a License, and Then Go Fishing Over three thousand fish Jtoye been placed in the streams of Hoke eoimtv this year. However, llc®se gal*** to date amount to ®ly-four dollars for the entire ce®ty. Hew is 80in«?thtog that is betog donb to improve fishinic- Are we aoinjc flUow it to fail? fore J®e 25th and help^ keep tins good woric giffnff. . H. R. McLeon. Countr’ . ^.Jncreases affecting North Cmobna hidnde a five cent duty on turp*-’- tine and rosin. 20 per cent on grouuM mica, 25 per cent on waste and semu mica. 35 per cent on tannic add. five ce^s a po®d ® tannic add, SO per cent on m®ufacturers of pulp, 60 per cent on rayon products, and increases on cotton yarns of the finer gipdes. Wedding of Interest v A wedding lof ■wide-spread interest was that of Mss Mary Pode and dr. Jantes Huitii Lowe ,a 7 o’clock ' 'uesday evening at the Pred>yteri® li:®se here. The cerem(my was lormed by the tffide’s pastor. Dr. W. M. Fairley, the impressive ring cerenumv being used. The bride was attired to blue and tan crepe ensmni'ile with aU acces sories to She wore a shoul der bouquet of noses ®d sweet ^as. Miss Poole is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Poole of toefoid, of attractive and wiiuui« VursonaKty, ®d has been tiie reci pient of numerous pre-nuptid cour tesies. She is a graduate of Flora Macdonald OoUe®, « talented musi- cion, (and for the past few yean us been engaged in teaching. The brite-groom is -the son of fl®. and Mrs. D. S. Lowe of Lowell, N. C., is a popular young toisiness man of that dace. On account of the illness of the bride’s father the wedding, w® a qoiet one, invitations havmg bew recalled, and ithe bridte wns ed. Guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Qyde Coving rfWagnra, Misses iMaud P^, KatyRan Bto and Dixie Reaves. Mesm D. Carae, Younger Snead and H. L. Gatlin Jr^ aU of Raeford. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe IfMt ty i ,r Wtehtogton. D. C^ and / E4®t After the wedifiteC trip thsar ' will be at home in Loarell, N. C. tVif j DID YOU KNOW— . ’jniat Rady Vattee raorivea in lin. aiflHant pay «Birakpte xnat. ^ V-ji* if f