t'Kj - s - The t- :■ irlTC- f - ^«..K«»iai KVMIT JM1M.Y At IUWBP. ^ .X,?. Si ■ .''■■■ -. r_ .«•.-*>! 11^ piiiK Tear In AdTUce PAM. DICKSON ■''■• «-v»' - - - - ' -- ■.,, eUM-.Bitt«t a li. P«a aace a *■ ^ ^ Act a ibia K «m. i >■■'■ fc»,- ' KBikNK POKTEB „ president of the Uni. •'•'»»■ JL with univewd versity ®* intrarenting to many people proval and one i ^chuich in this county and ‘L!''p„r^en ^^hLiffberied miny of his ancestors. ,«anuncea who h«e ^“1™ ^^‘^^JUss the conntyi jouniidM ^pcon^ --J.- it irtll W foew«ided,;.tai^ gag excitabie sniD& ^ ^ ^ XhJ- UocMafeer- IS, J^e in SiBnoiiiiduan, 'jm GoUhnnt: •' . :-. idi» folrwa^ iNaver wire ^WijalwMtton jffleto I erw aeftbite hiBtffWctK^ idnileasant - ocijnpttMbonfe. Write SSmondp. where aecw^ under Btaad how ffl*ward. Cannot send eny- thBfC more tall reti^ Rchmond. jvffl. aend 600 for 200 Ohiot I bought, not^ Bichmond -price paid aL»*> . PaijEe'. Bales,‘ i£ aiw»' ,^. . A letter fr^m the brokerh to Cau- wm on the .same day »6SBurei the ijfiriwp as.loilows: “ . . .Dm not worry about aw bjwak in the^ ^ket as we- will nrot^ iron ■ «md, itopose of your boldins^ when we believe it m ^ best tiipe to dispose of tnena. . . ] ~ Followine a nundier (tf telejrraHM. Cannon en January 4, 19M, wrote to f Gddiurst askihiE ^at- pifimpt state-*, ment be sent Mm. He signed tJiisl Mter “hastily and smcensly” and add*^ A;P!dBtscnpt: life _____ '^7 h OF TBA^S-%^ deep 'appreciationi-’-'^r-—•■’■'• - y^tinr of Mm J^ra C. Conoly^ K^l ^ . „,.w« ‘^f^' tiie daric^haired dapsel to teachers and Scotch ahce^b^ 1 i^tt^%n* Febmarv lo. i»28. Being a native of ^3^evi oratlfVing mat tms | Cannon -explained ari i 3, Kim nil themd&e »e of us and it is gratiiyuiB . Uome of hU stocks, spying; “If I makes him , opposition, ^ ^ taMi .witi^you I might honor came to him, unsoog ’ , _ Franlr Graham incollegd ^ke some other courm'-Bat.I have *1 'll”* him. We never ITOW dj;",S^^saSry’^ehKnf”».«oo whi , dr gileebt s. wmbIbt -• .‘^^.“l^/^'^deserved to he more con^ipatlon that I was un^e to one who kn^W him. His bnl- ^ i wrote -i^u on Thm?- Mv SpWly. I «eity for^yvorh won _ . . himi in aC-«G.£.nV»«fl,nbecame yMlow as .1 1‘W many honors r;4hdr;SSp';i;^;R^„fv-.ne who hn^.*^- liant mind and almost en&^d^wacat .... .. Tr •••AM w\i his college life fellows. The Univer^y .pli^ as one guiding h^nd aU the seci^5^j2_“^ ten to “w09lai»i" jmsad uloww barrii inM^pd^ wtt * rwwiyddfiiiit^^ posl- rasf ■‘ifii “TO THE i^EOPLE tbuNTY! ' v-fl rV I take this , method of-thanking you for the s^dtt ^ “tSirity givSrare.in jionr Cunty;f^ S-ditStor of.:tte>- 9th Judioa districts I note that you gave me a sub. stantial majonty in pre.Wt. a eompUment that I indeed ap^iate. ment by ihe^le Wsi^ gi»d Cjiifty Wil, if I am dected in Novembra. “yi r^^ *® performance o^ riiy bifticial d^ , ftls m , t T i - . ■ \ n,! ■’■■i "41 .J : ’ '.V • •*» ana i was lusnas jj. bad fr^ne^t h|l?rv ^ o^Memoh iJecame y^low as -f ,1 had ] ; Xv.*;'' • ■ . ..•. ./. V ..... .... . (...-. .t. '•'■f .giit money the ■ losses.,” Ckniidn Asked To Raise I ' V A’-few 4ays 4at©r,j on Fel the AUSTRALTAN ^ . . ., W vmitages it IS a safe bet that the peopie will never again be with- out'■ them. ■■ r'y^ • “ I'r ’'' ' '"‘^'jf'iidh'TT'"* “W'irc iBiiss 'Suilctfefirigiv- TnircOTrSilJ^W" - «l#siEROF D^S . . FOB I am a Thisi is to .^ojmce o a. tiif'sh*^ SOU’“lost yoti gtet your iMonuaiion vun pjte evAdently not prophets ^*e first gradei aUd .with SFthe^ Paige and the. Northern Ohio (whichT*by the wayi was .doing very when I last noticed .4) all of our Stocks have gone bwk and walked in the trough of th® h§^*, * •.A.J,..aS.. #ritkiv' tWs, hQ!wewr,,.e^P2c^ly “ sgliiphasiz©. the .Iwt thSt I _ -.—ia:™ A- talio kiicE eicoenstve FOK toiivyrii’ This is to onnounce thait 1 lam a eandidfltft for the Democratic no»^- tion. for the position of Cotton Weigher for Hoke County, sui hect to VifSttiA as expressed candioaie lor wre ArcuivA»i^.»- — i tion for the office of, Regi^flrif ..oi fri Deeds of Hoke Qf«mty, wb3^ ^ WrighwfoT Hoke County, sui iject to 1 a";fe;d^talh feV*® tW the ^ ® the ytotwViPf : held ra&e for the balajiCft Jor. ydu untd ^ohardtte* S''Ju^y Sthr J’dv 5% .1930^^ ^ -Bfeei JpyoS^ i fng**^^MarS“2. hfe wired iMavtin McKeithan. > , r.mrVW^last %Me U'O «4a.,^a', :n„ist ygu ^^,G>o!iy -. iQlWSUonJ mt'^^i^lteih ^ ilte “nervous I • Martin McK^tun. TT Cdnneih^Si Brol^r "s Ifo fiis lifncfe Public atcii prafeWlrffl^M 1’ia^st”?^ share. Pool in the stoc^iEih^d senijj fequested immedi’- it to 112 befol^tiexti^ri^y.; .the-iexw everything everytfting pos**i|^e to get teimediately. hni forward i»000 tor “xQte to Goldhnrst: ro Show He Traded *'Oii Margin In Wide Range oi Securities Wianted Receipt 4t Once, night .special delivery.” * > ^ Or. February , 29, 1928, . Campn prensa., Metkodistej Sao Paulo, Bra-1 keenAjhc ite^ ziL C^not consider LlrrighT C ^ed st.al&g that returmng voyage. Sailing ninth, ar- B $1,000 ^ou owdd han- riving New York, November 22, ^nd balance on 200 shares of >Iatch cabling anything necessary or pyoftt- di® omance and Mcured hhs, not come. My inena in tpe^ oana aWe” . . yv Ia^b VSarTH W^ote sejid-,;ha? been,alarm^ by the judge’s de- Other cables passed from Cannon! checks of thit- account, casioh in the Bbel ease and insistsj to Kable on Octoter 13. ^ and la ^ receipt to my of- thait I must know bw this account I until Sunday, October 16, 1927, , these checks, so Miss Bur stands and I cannot elcplain your according to the file. Cannon telephones me. Send receipt failure to send it/ > ' , “..“f"!-.-. ...... ^ mS keen terAfC.mt.1 AeVn, o„ Ap^ ’ haivCiiAww A, 'atelv”'.'Hili y^ mit off- with: thof ex ipIflT^iATt the brokers that! tter mimdous market has put us' sev- eiM. days behind. Will try to forward ataWfent ^ you today. Th^s. “■Why has not this settlement been smt?” demanded Cannon in a let ter tp Golhuifst on April 6. “I went to the office twice last Tuesday wd, ,w&fi would bd iy. I wired you that- night, i but it Kna ,not come. My friend in the_ bank • ' .• U.:^ i-VkA. {nylcro’a Hp- X^HEim are' iiianf jrmm *e.w.—«.-w.r -o^ I ^cii you can kul^cfl ^ jiiit .^e^iml'wd'^cohduMve; th*ii rtfriga^daiot^My^ -■ - 1J-, K ‘\z4.: in.'.'' .', . .,...: amazing af«w»gei/vcc^, freezing ikne an recardi, jT€€li^g rccQn^jH . ^Ve- i- " Only Kelvinatojr fiai'thefanioim labvThermic Tu^>M«l» * -- a cold olate imiifce M^i4hie«Sil> 6wt4itee*i^ compart* net as a cold pMfe uni»r a speemi* 6wt4iceoe&^ compart* I TTHE NEV^ • ... _ • . I ' X. . h‘‘SmiJl dbwiA^'jfei^ifeeiit oto any;, model. • ance payable oyeri ik Iwsrifrf of ti^o yctn^i ■ '-i^v ■/ ''jr Rocrtved Almost- Daily' - Cabled Quotations While ' Abroi^.., :':ru. wayi THE, V ■■ V WasM^^n, June l.-^uthentac copies of long-miwwfsf^ poodence throwing nev^ iight 91^ New York buckri; ijhop of Bishop James Cannon, j Jr;. made available port ly after the Ssnate c®™®^ tee (abandoned its a^rnpi t^-^4® tee oha^ned ite a^mpt W Wyj brokerage firm --- ^ myst^ of hw t^ 1^^ ». tj^e ^.^agh of Kable and Co.,,;had been fnnds en^^ to closed by the Goveqimf 1928 Presii3ntial camnaignt -MnwamKa What Documeaf^/InMcatf The aocuments -unpppded; than two yeare ^7,?^®^^^^^!?^!- Attorney Charles Tuttle m JTeW York and sui^essed agrin today by.v,tue lobby oofaMnitsse’s EWtiion indicate: r 1. Thiit the Mrite)^ prelate dealt on margins in a Wide range of highly speculative autbihotrve -oil -and. indmtrial stocks and' bption& j ,Tlie KAop has repeate^y asserted",hf was buying on thu in8tallin®iit“l*“‘ 2. T^ on at least' five difrwnt Sunday’s between September 17, 1927 and May 8, 1928, the dry Mad«rwho had also b^ o leader in tbar! ||^m^pA(t for Sabbath 0‘!.©ervance • l^iDslntaon disfvttched orders or queries cbnceril- ing his speculations to Goldhurst. ^ ■ 8, 'Rmt pressed Jxa ijaanfins ‘oT coUaterri he sacured an advance on his Bishop’s salary to satisfy r'pbld-; jhurst. “ ' i '>rp ? - 1 dSoUows: .,. n+ Jml.e She must keep her,accounts | Again, on Apm ^a »»/»■-“; “Bbel offers 5000 Motors option 10 ^t wlftt you ed to Goldhurst for* a stetement, .p 30 .toys. Ms .hether S^v IM msX wkSr’“pisn Mdi* -ta . better offer^; whether or shires of stock but in friends not to count their chickens profit thait high. In mg eUminate *«^|y ®{ . anything unta they are HJeherf/ ^ unnecessry words. Hlf rte eight «ther e\eni i ^ ^ Finally, on April 20. J928. when no S’is hW SI Very iissvy...” sUtemsnt to* been .Jscs'V'i fe” AtfMn on Mai^ 1.^ 1928, Cannon Goldhurst, Cannon dispatched the •wrote Goldhurst M a Tetter whch He following telegram:- , ,>( V.; ^^sBesUsniisiy ‘Abd ^SIwsS*'^ ter mVJwk sake but for yours 1-2, Middle 5, Marconi 16 or better. SL vL are not a prophet of the Ebel failure ir^de him first grade. I do not know from whom sist reliable houses promptly -report. ■»i-1^ ■ -i 11 \‘ unnecessry- wurus. Hlf rte eight. Never greater activity. Hope ressell Leigh soon.” . Ebel and Oo. Had Been Closed. Ebel and Co., was another New ■ * ■ ' " which before closed by the Goverpment. On Sunday, November 6, 1927 Can- lion sent a radiogram; “Fully protect J • ^AA ctolioMa Tai-AQAtlf Hiirinp' purchate 700 shiare^^^^resent doubtless lost if conditions iflursi.. • * ->. > i .'■ . 4. TJhat he received aM^ost daily cabled market closing \ quotations- -"Ifrom GoliOlUTst whi]e„,alyoad or in South ^rieg. V- ARE\t6U 4N .*■ . • wn AonencB. * 5. 'That he continued tp deaKwith Kable and Co., after ‘ the Rjdirewifd bank, from which he borrkw^Rjikfflev to finance the deals, vfamed him that Kable and Go., wds p.i^lyibly. not a reliaMa firm. . 6. That Cannon guch an intiv mate friend of GoldHurst that hh' 4ign-* ed letters to the latter “§ffe)ctipmtel.V iind sincerely yours” ana in one c^e ' asked the bucketeer to the daVk- haired damsel to hold on- to my* pert»- jfolio.” 0. ,, Scat Radiogram From Ship The first message in the Cannon- Kable correi^iidencecs*' according An the transcript now. i£ tbe hafids roi' ilie committee, is a md^ram ^ifiant T40 CviUUllVwCy 1® 9 4^«-sa«* 1>T the churchman to CoWhui^ firom the S. S. Western World en -mute to Sao PaPulo. Braail, on Sunday, October 2, 1927, as fMlows: "Kindly continde senn cable./by five daily either dafdtTW ca‘te,*ie^ ter or direct, (ta my cables nmy indi cate. giyUi.iiidlbiiitf>nagto sngggi^-rig ateamer ^uihern ^CfoBI aailing^4Mtober 22 addressinj; me Im option aouDiiess wsii ii couujuunc exceedingly fiivorable not 100 to 500 dope 131 cable oCssTwise delay cabjc linally Monday ciosing quotations same stocks.” , ^ On December 2, 1927, Kable & Co. telegraphed to Connon at Ri’.hmona. Va.: “Kindly forward $2,000 to bring your account to cate. _ Thanks. ’ ^ To v'nich Cannon, writing to Goal- hurst on the f.'iJT.e day, ta plied. “A wire was sent me from Rich mond today from Kable and Co. You will x'3call that I told you several times that I had certain settlements to make as executor of an estate about December 7, and that I could not buy anything unless understood that I would probably he tied up till the 16th. I am .sorry .anything was bought unless that was thorough ly understood, as there has be^ no daajige in this situation. I certainly regret that we happened to such a line of difficult shock?. K*h®' Iv have statement made put show ing 41 sal>9 and purchases since last statement was sent on Novem- ^ler iO, w>hich sboiwed balance of $18,035. Have all purchase of Por to Rich, Eaige and Moon and all sales put on; statement, ^fnd pie at the Mayflower, Wnshiii^n„ as I will'com? back for Sunday. Itegrettmg very » the loss of the motor call S1,0«0. Get $400 After Bard Struggle On December 10 Cannon, wrote to ^**‘?c^e down to Richmond today nTid managed after a hard struggle to land $400, which I Ana by draft. I am being ®^®^ and fearful of flop in-,the Paige Butterick, Porto Rico and C consnired to induce. pessimism. 1 started to wire sell 171-12 but thought surely weald xpak® 1®* ^ ^'eUai 17-12 will be Mgh on Monday, b?1 flt^hat and-repurohaiie do’ not get cau^t on a slfimp or^T shaU thfck all our ventures are hoo- S '■ . - • 5 @ I . f •- • -I (INFORMATION) WATER) ii-' WElVElCOm mu! I I We have a full stock of Gerto Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Tops and Jar Ribbons, Vine-, gar, Spices and Sii^ar. Full line of Fancy Groceries. Every thing for your party or Picnic. V- - . . - ■ ■ A / I' Phone 243 or come in and let us show you | 5 Thomas Grocjery T^o. Phone 243 , 7 ' • iiD o'r' ,|[ Drive up to our station ^and^toclt your horn^we will Ty^elcbme the opportumty. to serve vdttf'^Feel'at Hhfehy to come hei^e ■ ■■■' ■ •■:■. , for our fr©^ services just the satne as whew; V/, ■' ■ • ' *■■■ *1 ,- ■ •"x.'’ yon want gas Qt; oil^ypu Will receive/thfit sanie eourf^us iitteiitioh. / . ', . / ' A.-..ti.:-.i .. > '•if.:-, f'i-:' •> . ' >.A .iVi** ils] .fi;. \- I' '■■fij . ilarty^iS^isini^ Mmai^ tV. i 13', iiSsi

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