V " , THE jlC^baU^t^NE^S TQliliitfE l^XVI. NIS^BER 13/ €ip>auly*$ Only THE HOKE OpUNTY JOURNAL - 'V ''^:V ■.% RAEFORD, FRIDAT, JUNE *7, 193i. ^gttSCmPTK ON PUCE W PBB TEAS IN AHfAMlt 's ^jEielo^dlVlte 1$ ^ ^ ^ ^ w* I iSay on Tuesday Wak ^ % :fi hearty Pp^ Fr^ Several 0|ses^ Contiiiii^ Vor ‘ is . 1 AnotiherSW^ For Vari*^ Reaa^ Mul^ Ckiod Record the S (ictotiii^ Hill Weekly) Thr ihafent vurit .to the qampus ot i ifecQrdeii’s Ckwirt Tuesday V Taft, world famous Bculptor l jj^t j„,fy . trial during tlm preront iS?McWtlSt, h^ to light a tenn^if^e Ifecorder yas heW when Sw %4^iwiy origh^ Waater Slier,’ Frank Reid, ■,S^tM«ndoavw In rural Northi Oar-ljj^^ MdKittAey were tne4 , » wfaieh haa tbeen secretly flow-j d^arge-of vitiating the prohibition j^y^r^Bome tiw. This diMoy-|glg*™ fallowing six men sat ery ■ HniTexsily : an att st^l a -haade to Hugh Parks. Evidance in the a. It is PM giyfe tended to show that the three roi^ticfTihen it is oopsid- ^^g^^ts ,w)i»e Overtaken^ m the ^MSd that this i® *** “ j Payettoidlle roiti wi^ bv ah^ncultotiat—A f«*- ion fruit jaw^ o wbiakv in a Mi3Sii;^vSto »,!««sito, itod Sr Reid w I*(^ 0*»ei|B» .la* aiavA leg ba-l and >. •ni* Rein Ktt isv»w»- "/ rami uii«:nji»iey^ ^ T Covii^bMi, h'ew hot eauf^t unbl %y aiid dorrendered to the officers a few soar, wbm overtato by Hr Corinotaa nevet T^tBfci-to iofBcen.rwla “® 1 ^ ever had da®, artis-1 and admitted that pi^ of ^the wmbW ndmtsoeveir, inwring. de* hj^ong^ to l^. r^® K famdhg from I to the possession of a part of in ^ iSth W it ito^^ be ex- Surt and «ie other two insisted that rtipfi that he wbuid ever de-1 they had no part in the transaction, ’i^ Avinp tori «‘knowledge I being only disinterested i^sengOT m Hw^, idany McKinney, however, in Became ihtwssted in jumping from the car ^medone ja • F«W8 r^tSnsiastic-1 «#wl.4v with Wm until'he dropped ten or fitoaen, jnd 'both Reid sau wexfflw. 1„;„-:. w. » ir «laa am. .^o Mi-'CariM^ foatha ». teaSTr^ M « ri^. MamaM to ba .oapaadad •at sculpture and arcbi|ecta*e,. wr^e S Mr. Taft sending Wm ph^graphs S some, (of his work jind ^king him iris opidioh as to its ineriV At that -time, Nr- Taft wrote Uoringon, ex- pre&*S himself' as being most pleiaBed wi% some of the •rcdally with a fountain winch the man had ci^*ed m front of his home, and desirous .of Covington’s acduaint^e m the fu ture. So when Mr. Coyu^pn hear^ that Mr. Taft was to lecture at the University, he borne to hear thp lecturer ^d mt «j. .SgS‘4a,*S:s^| ^ commendation of the 8»"tt3P|^«»*;y T>erfection of the work. The _tectai- .OM lof Mr. Uovington's sculpture is Entirely original, and ^fferent from that generally in fashion f®’’ to® day. as ia his theme and subject mitter. which is entirdy^mposed^ of the local atanosphere of the farm and ^jountryside-ia line of beretofwre thioroughly developed. One of the pieces which h® brought was the “Hoc Caller.” It oonsidtwl of foiur figures—the farmer, two pigs, Sd at^^ The piece is >^y ^ The farmer stands witli ms SS to hi, Sth. a^ng .the harf Smrine, one of is fading the aiEng of trough and the other siyands vdtti head turned in the dii«c- - ■' —t *1'.' herd, as oi; upon a pajmaent'of a fins of ten dol lars and the costs and provided n^ei- their was- found guilty oi viomting any of the prohibition laws for a term of twto years^. Prayer for jud^ mipnt was continued in the case or Siler upon payment of the coSte. Another oase stanad Frank Reid in the face, he having been indined on a dharge.. of driving a ^r wtole intoidcated lust Sunday night. After the first witness for the state had testified hCs eonsel s^d that hv. would not BBSist a verdict of guilto- c^ and ft^dden to drive a ^r p'WPS finsd .fifty and^^ ^e , "A waispaiiudn iwj ^ . ^ oocation of the driving, toeL evua Hunteri entered .a plea'of gudty to the chirirge of being drunk end was taxed with the coste. ^ Three young white men, W- "• Qulherson. Bill McKinnm, and J. «• JawKins, of lUchmond Coim^, were tried on a charge of vi^atipg the prdhibition laws and all ^nd guu- tv The case wias the outcome or a joy ride recently when these three UL toniii, three eirls came through tion of the rest of the herd, if anxioptiy ^ Us companions, s® tha/t the leasr mLw^^SSi. The very simplicity truth of this piece/ is its most striking merit. . Another piece of which is extremely good is that of a mother ehild at her imees. Mr. Covmgtons SiSie to developing these pie^® ^ iJVSPo yehrs afi^ Hoke County, had imA known except from the experi ence nff other counties of the fine work' that was ' l«ing dcme in sup- pyesrimf 5uid preventing forest nres by the North Carolina Forest Ser vice. To-day Hoke County knows! The organization in th,8 County ;iS one of the finest in the State pnd the peKipie can well feel proud of the wgork that has been done through the unselfish and untiring efforts of these fire fighters. The past Spring has been^one of the wore* m ^ history of the State Forest ^rvice and this has been true not only of the State of North Carolina, but all the States along the Eastern Seafcicprd and even into Canada. Unutoally hiffh winds even for‘thiei Spring season were eiico^- tered, and tiiis added to the ftot that there baa been a dry penw amoMpting almost to a droughth, thtough the greater part ot tlm Spring season, has placed the forests in great danger from their worst enemy, fire. Handicapped , as they have b€>3n, through weather condi tions, the wardens,, hive a been very much on the job, and their, work is reflected: in the snmll burned area in the Ootonty. Those people who have, given the matter any thought, and they hiv® Deen only too few until recent years, all agreie that the greatest boon that can Itie bestowted upon a landowner is to keep fires out cf his woodWnds. Since the work was undertaken ia he 'CJounty thru the present efficient ! ioard of County Commissioners there las been a great deal of improve ment shown in the protection of for est areas and the way in which land- owners ,and the general public has )^esponded to the work of the forest wardens show that they are standing fully back af this work. Any citizen of the Coiriity can reiwam'Oer When, fires from the Aberdeen and Rock- fish RailriMd and from the Fort Bragg areia were an every day oc currence during the Sprin.g fire sea son. What 'has become of., these fixis? The Answer is this! Thru ion with the Hoke Co'unty \Service ths Aberdeen anti “ ■ tek(^ evegg’ ^,,^on~to pirevem the '^Kape and spread of fires thru its focomotivea. So v'all huve the offi- eials co-opefgted %ith the wardens that not a single .lire has escaped from their right-of-way this yeHT- Only, one/fire came from the Camp area and that was quickly brought imder control 'by the Wardens. This ia indeed a different picture frorfi w'hat other springs have shown. As stated before, the citizens can well feel proud, of their County For int Organisation. The men w’ho are acting as wardens are the highest type of citizens to be found in the County, being landowners themsel ves, "they have shown a deionnined effort to eliminate^ forest fires from their districts. The fine work done have who has Veteran filiU 5fi»n Tn Hav«' Ac-| tive Charge—Better Tipies Fpr filiil Predicted The Peoples Bank and Trust Com pany., rf Wilmaujton, was .uppouitad temoor-d-y Jeceiver of- the Raeord Cotton MiUs wf this pte^ this w^k andnowlmschargp olyhie P*’®P®“/‘ They have secoredi Mrl C W. Seate, retenan mill man of' this place, to take active diarge Of .' the pniperty for them Just what ttic fixture plans of tiM reqpsyw are, are not im|nmm at presents Irot it is hop^- tKut some disposition wU he made of the property which wills peUgood things for IftiStoiA mill' has been in fiiiito^^aifainihes for sey- eiBl years, diie to deprtosed condi tions in the textile Indt^. been running .oti pe*t ■ phe, at best, .and the condition of the operat-ves has been distieas^ilfc dw to lack )of eaipl^tment and low- wages. Tire charitable orj^zations of the town b»ve,4ilto Thanv of the famflies/ and have ^e splofidid service, 'to -relieving suffer- **'LoQal people vfiU hte especially that Mr. Seate is to h^e a hand in wtodtog tiP the affairs of tMs mill for he is better acqi^t-. ed with it than anyone else and can ibe counted on to do all in Ibis power to get it under wav again and make it an asset to tiie commlunity. McNeills Gather In Annual Session Cape Fear Gr^^np Has Meeting At Ardlussa; Gre^ngs From McNeUl, of Ltfniberton, C., June 25.tfc— fhmeral aervice^'-Tvere conductea from the home of his son-in-lajr and daiui^ter, J^f. and Mrs. J. R. Poole, here Suimy pfternoon at 2 o’clock for Mr. D. B. Johnson, 73, who died at his home at Atkinsoi^ Femfer county, ,Triday night at 6 o’dodc after an illness lasting sineje Sunday before with heart trotirie. Engaged for a number of yeai^ in the lumirer tousiness, Mr. J'o^- son had 'been 'ILving in retirement for the past 4 years. While h® had been in failing health for pome time, Iris condition did not becooie serious until 6 days te&re Kis depth. A member of Atkinson PteP* byteiton church, deceased lived secQsted Christian life. The 'oibseqiiiea were attanded by a large number of people, a nitoi- ber of out-of town people bemg m^^nte' Simple but imp^si^ were the rites omduc^ by l^-C- S. Matthews, pastor of the PresiY- teriari chutdi, assisted by Dr. U. ii.. Mootehonse, of Hionnhurg, foriner pastoi At the home a »oir com posed of Messrs. La^ McKotz.;*. C. B. Skipper, John Brown, Hugh McAllister, Jr?. William Duval Iiaiuion, Mesdames M. .*• Cobb,. O. O. Dukes and N. A. Mc Lean, with Miss Um Gough at the piano,vieniBred “How P*™ ® totion,” ‘^jcsaid Kmdly Light afid «Rocfe. of Ages.” The body was tak-. en to Union church, Moore coUnty, in the old home conunuivty of de ceased' for; buriti- Active Jallbearers were Mr. J. D. Mvllfc iLur.1»itou, Seawy Highsmith of Fayrtteyille, Mt. Gaimett Brooks of Red Spring* Messrs. Clyde Upchurch. Ji^an iind Fred Johnson -of Raeford. HmroraTy pallbearers, elders and deacons of the First Presh^erim ehmpm^^hsre . 11. Saturday In Cknirt House were: Messrs. B. _ _ Jennings, H. Fayetteville. June 20.-The Clan'M^McAItoter. W. McNeill of the two CaroLnas wiU'. McI-ean, J. P. Russell, L._Mc%i« and in the materi^ he state for three Wrely original. . He uses iSeveral lother 'I.- SSfder land then mixes^with cement, v^ch preparation iji ® and easily-worbable He invented tMs process Mmself. aUhough others, unknown to Mm, had it before. G^*"g iMBt niece is that of the r^i= aS Womun,” a set oontainMg three figures. Tlese figures are tho|e o. a Boy. his Jj®»t. ^ ^Sia" plainly o peasjant birth md ®«®%? lifelilre veracity of this men with three girls _ Raeford arid were followed W officer HoweU and Frank T^. ^he tover appeared to be drunk and after (Wa ing around the car near Cirrek, Messrs. Tapp and Mowril pulled in front of them m order ot halt them. However. Culberson, who ^ was driving preferred to ST® ®” ® . 'by this fine body of men shiould in attempting to pass tlia toteer car Lj^ gup^y^rt of every citizen wh ran off a fill ®'*®. ^^11 the future welfare of their County berson and Dawkins were Pre^y well i ^ t^ked (Up aJid aipall Quant y gr© •outside for its liuimber sup- whisky was found in the car. olies proves how much this work three men were locked up ^ „ggjed in the county, charges preferred against tnem. County ^f carry- Prayer for judgment was coi^^ ^jj.g work has been in each case upon P®^®“V^ less than two 'hundred dollars per costs. Gulbersop^ pleiad }i^ y . year for the two years the orgiini- this 'meeting, 'iney were; mra. charge of oimratmg a ^as been functioning in the a* f Greens- toxicated Md was fin®d ‘St Ghunty. This has been less than the. Srt B^e Mclteill, of Flor- r d?5^ iSrU^hei? to this ra’';h^^SnMn to^^^ “ ’sfactorv results that have been ac-1 irinTpnce S C.. Weved well for the wardens who are to attend En charge of the work, and warra^ me^g ^ O^nT- thp full co-operation of evew B®®^ S?®.,?®, hold its next maetag ,at the Old Bluff Church on' McE^’s Bluffs, 15 miles north of PayetteviUe on tee banks of the Cape Jh® 'ear „™,„. yo^-" ed to mtot'Snext in October of tMs year a”d fpelected ,is the meeting place “ihflVBluff,’’ the most ancient shrjidJ^ri^iBi®^! 'historic and fam ily s^iociations in all the Upper Cape Fear country. Judgtf'J. P. McNeill, of Florence, S. C., VKBS re-elected presutent of the Cs^^Pear Sept, whwte embreces the twoiCarolinas and is a branch of the >0^ McNeill of America. All othfig^^cers wtere re-felected (also. are: N. H. McGeachy, of Fay- flltieviUe, viee-presidentj Mrs. Hannah McNeill dans of all the world. His tary; and Miss iMary McEaohem, of Red Springs, treasurer. Greetings were received from Mc Neill. of Bairra, chieftain of the Sll claS^f oil the world. His home is, of course, in Scotland. H. 11. McNeill, of Ntew York, president of the clan association of Amenca, also sent greetings to the Cape Feav Me- NeillSi us iBd R. H. McNeill, of Wiashhtitton. D. C. It was voted «h inaugurate a cam paign for additional members. Five new 'iMnmbers were welcomed at this ' meeting. They were: Mrr iter, McLeod, J. H ^^rigr ton. W. Ji^itter, T. A. McNeill, J J^y McKenzie, John v HlfiBi^ anj designs. Flowe/s ,, werh' hoi^ Mesdames R. H. Crichton, W. Some dosfn or. so Demoenta met at the dourt house last Satimjinr ahd held the nsual predoet meeting. The fodofripg were sderied as a preeinet extontive oommittee to serve for tile next two years: W: A. Mc~ XiQBn, Edgar Hall, J B. Thonqas, S. A; Snead and J JW. Currie ^ at ihoee atten^g were eeredB^; as driegates to reiwesent the pnatet to the- oomtty' convriMMii’lhlch wffl her htid Satord%y, the - at « o*doek in tite pooit house; Mtito teterest Jg^ manifested to eh^ meeting tins year stoee.'hntti- tog hut xou^e matters were to eetoe HP; . ^ Reports from the otiier voting pte- ctocts ai the county ad^i end-it is pot kwrim how nitov. P>n* dnriai bdd meetihg^ All Mif .inrerinets, however, are . e!fl?®«ted I® hawa ddegates M the cona^ veption Saturday. After tfie tog of the convention the executive oommittee will be tins oommilttee being comporigg w the chairmen of the various ^rc^ etoct ooUmittees of tire counter A amd a SeCtetlVy will M S^ lected at this meeting. The conventi.on Saturday will tian^ act such business as dt s^les fit iJim select delegates: to the ^***^5^ ventioin yririch will cmvene to Kripipi next Thurday, July''3rd. 59 Unemployed in Hoke Says Census According to census figures just released' by district supervisor III- C. Downing of Fayetteville, there to* id persd^ in Hoke County w-ho ntja- ally work at a gainful occnpsri|kA who "srere reported Jto the imempiNr- »nt as without a jobt tUw rind lookirq; for a job. i^ted according to* townriiips ti^y -are as follows: Little River, n.oy» Stonewall, . oi»-^: ^Rp^rd, f^y- Ahtiorit. Thi^ figures are prelin^ary; and totiilect to correction, apd wiH *1® sup^emented later bv data for otiier ^gsses of iKiaona net aL work at tiia time of tiie cenriis. such as time a job but we^ ^ poraiifiy laid off. '£1 months, cases [for another week for various reasons. results that have been ac-1®ltoviUe. Federal Board ^ ^ [tep‘'”Src”oS^S''’c ►f”ev^*‘goodjtiie national ineritog of thq Vocational Statistics Litizen the Countv ^ere is r^®!,^“^®®McNeiU descendants - reason why the work toiould not show Amop the Raleigh June 24.—Figuras sent out even more aatisfactory results has been made an by^^^fedS Board ff the to? W® ^ ^e- Baif^r, John Knox, H. E. Stacy, J- L. Stephens, Mistes Theresa Pav* terswi and Laura ‘ Noiment. ^ Surviving are his widow following 5 children: Mre. J. iL PMle and Dr. "T C. J^iotm Lumber Biildge, .Messrs James D. I Boy Scouts WcridnC M? Hard To Pass Terts Among Atkinson -folks' attending trating this vredt on study at scout the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. craft with a view to passing teste Vane ‘Murphy, Mesdames N. W. Uq become .seeofnd class-scouts, wa- Woodcock and J,ames Colvin. Messrs Uhan Kpstein was tbi ferst scout to Dan Pridgen, J. A. Murphy. T A. p^sa ‘este^ m f« Smith' H Y. Reaves and A. H. Uojae -prizes offered tot tite “tst one pSen ■ to pass. He also gets a three w«ks EDITORS’ NOTE:—M? Johnson Urip to the Council Camp rrear D^ nbs one of the pioneer lumber where ihe will aid in dtUIing tender- men ol this sectktn, coming to Uo^t scouts. With the^ completion Timberland to the early (toys of their hut in Raeford the bpys se^ the lumber business in what is now to be renewing theu Hoke County. He was with the interest and they all seem be^J® firm of Britton & Johnson who jairing their scoart stanteng. On laes- op'rated at Tiiriberland ■one of the day aftemoKto Scoutm^r h. B. “aw,* to Hoke tm Uld AH'?!.?* S At a later time he opepited a lum- the troop out to the Gomtey Cwo ber plant to Raeford and in otiier ^re they w^t Darts of the county. He was a cooking, tracking and '®^®*- Jnan who made friends easily and craft. They ranamed for supper had the faculty of holding them. | and bed a pleasant outing ot «• He was a brother of the late J. — W. Johnson of Raeford and the Raefm’d Man Moves late iW. J. Johnson of Red Citizen end leaves many relatives m this 1 10 « section. by the Federal Boara lor jne coming member for life. This E^iation show that of eW. i®® of Cu^rland County, Aoi-m hnva in North Carolina between work and the use of the, fire fight j loved Hiintminiished prodi niece is it® outstanE^ featwe. '^e wmnaii’s bent and toil-worn body, the f^nh^^d^rried with wrinkles, the tov’s yoritii and freshness, all go toprovB oneMhing about it— Covington haa used wother of his seH-envented^ preparetions in ft this prSwratS which rivw L^iStece a herdness of outline and of '^’soul/' which is so hece^iY of ^ general theme type ^ aSfefoundtog of d new school of to , JS^J^^^iries®, til malDing., ®”‘|, ^ ':SSS. to^Almdgiit* D®n«^ s that mrin the fiwto * a &Mi C8» develop) a Soul ^^’j^eral Boi^ tor Vi^tional Ueede Ed^ation statistics riiow that_ttei fawn bova Ihetween the ages of and 20 Onumber 111,939 cotaprise 14.7 per cent the stateg SSe male popuj^^p- ber 64,055 are attending school while >7,8M are out oi.siteool. _ Of the 64,066 who arc m^ool only one out of H is wceiy*”^ fram ing deigned to prepare tom fw the bv^ess of fanning and life on tee farm This specific traimng or ^fe farm is being given by de- _ outing on e|uiipmenz Will ^^th. As*usuaVhe. (sdd- d^s jedlmuch to the' interest^ and mem- formal, just a big gathering of clan- _ _ , ;;; Idnfolk. a picnic dinner was Undergoes Serious 1 spread under the trees of the ^u- - — » «1 *1., , J. ,*,.a4. vna hann the home . 1. H I His mahv friends axe gmtified to on the farm is b^g fknow that Mr. D. Scott Poole under- ge&ler fid; colonizer of tee partmmits of voatimal agncultu g^ccessfully a very s^nus I q^pS-pcar^^ver, bnngmg tte In 164 high sebo^ / _ 03 operation in High Smith Hosbi^ onn „eawi eao. He “®y? ;*n'’® 1,/^ ui^jow l^aest accounts indi-lfc,.-- A survey of IJH)® totei hoys to accounts indi-jj^ also ISe Yoitoder" of Fayett^ counties tee «tocte AowsJ^t the ^ ^ ^jg^tiiiig along wry l^^ at fiiS iritoH CampbeUtOT. It average .North Osrolinr farm bw gbipload of High- Sqt™ sSwl belsM^ the m of mcely. 1 to s^ ^teoSit at^t time wa* 14 and 21 is A CORRECTION (to aettie of (Oge and has ®“J**®*™^ [ Ithtodties there required enich of these ’triiwewi the sev^h itod, ®»s^[. iiolte» of candidffierce-looking, Mlt-clad strangers to L. Peri®. i'tw9 distinct famiwP of McNeill’s .l^^/kn^^rersite ^ pifflyUturAw -wi^ honors. to law , A host of friends pnd nrigblwrs to Will Render Service To Gottoo planters ihoved to Hidt^, ^ W. B. Callriiiin. ,^te C^ege ®to-boal- dent, who ha® finished his ' jumor r emitmued under vear in the Entomblogi^ co^ ^ | jjr. Z. Paid, of tirit institution, , arrived his family have Monday will reprint tee Plant- A^e^ ^ Dickson resi- ers Produce and Storage Co., of n^ Floretoce, S. C., in ?®^®: I wy and Mrs. Fnllet.wffll be s«ely and Cumberland counties tonng the where they have summer. He h;.s be^ to .the_«^y to the various (>cti- all iof this wrek. ® next week and back 'here again we.x after next, spending the enfarg^suin^”’^-. "^The^comiM^^at Mr. OaUahan Cotton Blossoms presents distributes insecticide. ^ .... *1^ girides (and dusting machinery. In [ Cotton MoBsoma lepoHed to ^ connection with the distnbtoion of N^ews-Jounral thus far were by ^ these things Mr. CaUahan make q. q, ig^tUa, ^ %«y “ ^ infestation counts and rendmr jfiorthem edge of Raeford wy service to the eKmina^n of M weeril he can. He to working j jjg fpond a htaom on tim 2ara. in eoooeration with Countv Apnt ^ fanre B. Brandon. In soraie cc^ds fGaato-torm ahont three Tuitoa N«i^ iv the countv this week he^ b®® |ef Raeford reported a Mo^om, onw found some fields with tos^ urfes^ 1 eteti Sim IWertdn, colored, who tonders he brougSit a* that time wasjtjon. in a sixty ®^ farms near gold hm reported OM — • ' - -- - ^ J, MoDiantod he found the 2fi«d. festation of 26 P®if [ — "T.. . fl?ld on the same farm be touM ^ awn whaae rfiete infestation of U-S P^ * 1 sounds too good. field of Mrs. aorih . y"d5 ^ ^ the cotton was top sma? for mfe^-1 jqb GISN; “He* te 1 ‘ tion counts .h« irtade 1*. a fsntidc to Operation Successful I halt. "Black feitt?" McNeill was tee here. 200 years ago. He mi oh tiib fa^ tiffs isaue and _teeir 1' left^Ariiari to at home; 41 [pear last werit whs no fault of ^p^ 0B>5a*|S ^ with sdhtofil; |J «aw r- I aaoww » bring msaatto-1 candidqdes. 1^ to nakic c-s' ueney; poor health ftiSare J?|b^ idtool work «at»^^ to of tire 100 Rthdoated jtSoh. the “Black” McNeills _ ’’ Miffieill’s, 90 called from word meaning btonde. Jemrie M«iNeUl. a Tpctugesque md 'remgritoible woman, wae tiie 1to«of the hritoi: jBPm. count and found 240 weorito pe*ao^lt^ to three fields rni towm p. Stubbs he found the tofWalieB j to be 9.7 per L,lvtoin ttn iL at 31.7 per cent H®®**** mtote iaavwn w are plenty of weeritoto^ whnever b« kaa nipia caw LtShft -- -..V 1 rj ■