-' ‘jyS.'i ; ,i- ^r:■^y W.1 urnal '.tv ¥ y the HOKE C50UNTY NEWS Newspai the HOKE COUNTY JOURNAL’ AUGUST 8. mo . * 1' ' ]'>UKs' . ' •' M/RKICRS fob graves OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS Injfoxination desijred as .to oninaxk- ed-'-gfcaves i of GQnfederate vetwahs ^ in Hto Oo^ty. S^taUe dnwkera ■will be eiect^ by the .Gb^ernmeht. The Raeford Chapter U. D. C widi to call attention of those who are interested in sfecuring markers for graves of any Conifederate veteran in Hoke Oonnty, who do not have monu ments of any kind. Pot many years the War Depart ment has been autiiorized by;i: law to erect and has been erecting head stones at the graves of Federal and Revolutionary soldiers, hult the act . approved February 26lh, 1929, for tlw &Bt time extends the favor of the National Govermnoat in tins respect to the soldiers who foflowed Lee and Jsidcsou. The asfe_^ follows: American white 39 incb^ Ifoift, 12 indies wi^: ^ ^ indies thick; top dightly pointed; in- ncribed vrith rank, above private, and organisation followed by the 1^ teia “C, S. A.” application for stoM for graves defers already mail^ wiith mwnirtenfc will not be aicceptedr -Ea^h application must be aocom- ^ed^with the hiftwradatibn^ «s«^ what comptoy and regftoent tte sol dier served; location of ccanetery i which soldier is interred; whether dier was hilled in battle, died of wounds in service; died ^ , . disease while in service or wm hOT- oraibly discharged frenn the Confed erate Army. These stones are furnished tee Government and sent prepaid to tte freight station nearest the oe^tery in which they will be erected. Please attend to this prom^ly m that the, veterans of Hoke Co^ty who are'without markers to teeir may ba »->*»* ” have this fayw extended by “e GoveiB»**%^ andlh^id. it te. to ments wfll soon be erected m Antioch cemetery. > l^ybaoeo prices ^ in seven North Carolina border markets of the" South Carolina brit vrere lower by several cents a pound average yesterday thfBk A Figures compiled from unofficial nfpptto iodifCfttcd tho-t thB AV6ra€® w—* month, of Ai^ust by tee -pellagra patients in the Stare rapbrto indicated . that the “ average ijna Railway cooperate^disease is more for all seven mstfhets would be about College and tee State among women than among It tents a pound this year, centred| Q^^nt of Agriculture, stops m I jned because ax»ording to the speak 11 a.Tid 15 last year, an .Onrin^a. on Angnat Sth I aVi/h wirvl-ltor sknA txn.'fo ifi TTIOITB 93Cri livestock owners in fesatirii Nortej ' {STlAUGHINGHOUSE SPEAKS j TO LARGE AiroiBNCE HERB Quitte a number (tf people had to Livestock owners la *^~t :djcivilege of hearii^ Dr. Laughing Carolina will receive expert State Health Officer on Wed- m growmg ' baef-cattle, teeep, ho^l^^y ^|. court house. and dairy stock to yiebl 1«F8^ spleiMfid talk on the p»341agra 8\tua dends when the livestock demonstm-l^ ^ it was his opinion tion tradn operated j.^} te^^^Ahere wonld lie as many as 20, month of August by tee Atia^pj -oellagra patients in the S to beitween 14 and 15 last year, an average drop of about 25 per cent. Qua^ty Sold Declines Unofficial esthnates of the amount of weed sold reached 1,326,000 pounds compared to L500,000 pounds last year on opening day. darirton with 80,000 pounds oompaied to 50/)00 last year to first day, was listed as the only market with larger sales this year. ' ' > _' Fairmont recited the highest pnee of^ils day whto so^ famqr le^ BOAM> OF EDUCATION met in REGULAR SESSION The Board of Education met in regular monthly seamon on Monday with little save routine business to oocopy terir $1^ TEAR, IN AUTAiPKX^ — — BOARD OS COMMISSIONERS MET IN REGULAR _ _ I men because aooording to the speak Springs, on August 8th ^ - ler the mother and wife is more sacri Swine feeding demonstration fifang and in many instances denies the self feeder wfaidh ^^fl herseJf of to proper food. He men access to corn, fite mcal» ti^‘^*^hi(>ned the fact tot the big problem and water at all thnes to thr^ for the people is not so miuch those bred pigs *on eteilstion will^te j who haue the disease now, but ways tured on the train, B. E. N«?^ f®’t.and aneans of preventing others from sistant in animal hiuteaadry it is according to Dr. Lai^h ced today. “TWa system of a problem for every one has proven to m^at satisfactei^^r^;^ interested in. It is an economic fattening pigs fpr ■. 4^ a sick jwrson as to Betlier breeding, feeding s^d ^Wte-j^i^peake^ pointed out is a liability j, agement of beef cattle wi3%;^ f"*] ratheh' than an asset, a sick tennant for as high as 65 and 5.6 cents j^gtrated by large photogiss^Sf^j^Ih^j on' a farm isn’t worth anytring on id. This market reported pnm- pj,gtets teowing diffd^ !*?“»«« the farm from a financial standpoint. in beef production, i, I The best way to prevent to spread The meat exhiJiit v^ rirewpl of the disease or to keep the trouble fmm Hi^velniivinir is to have plenty blfS up to eight ^euts a Pn“l ^ lytg. just as good as last season bul. slightly higher grades, about 15 cent tobacco, was lower. Tabor,- Chadboum and other mar A large driegation of citizens from little River Township appeared be fore the board, to urge that arrange. TQPtXtji Inc made to send most of the childieit of their townahiplo the Vass sebooL Messrs Jesse Gibson, M. W. Htffl.Aan, and A. P. Stubbs, together with Sapt, Hawtfieid, were appointed to meet with the trustees of the Vass school this week and try to make arrangements for sending these pupils tore. The recent special tax election in little River Township was ratified by the hom'd. A contract to recover the Raeford Rosemwald Colonad school was award ed to J C. Canniiril. Reported Shift To New Yorker Alarms Parties Th? Board of County ComndiiiBore ers met in reguiar okonttiy sl laiM on Monday and sat through until ad journanent at one o’clock. ”'"'A~' nimySef''bf'‘’l)etiiion8 witll signers were presented asking that a county demonstration agent be hired to succeed L. B. BarndoB, whose re aignation bacomes. efTeetive on. Sep tember the first. There, was no -pro test to the ocmtinuatlo^i of this work and the board decided a—liiwrosly to secure a sucressr to cany on the work, right aiway. It is hoped tiiai a selection can be made a week or two beifart Mr. Bra^bn leaKiaa ia order that he may\,Jicggrec^^pwnihar with tike work 'The sheriff was ordered to adrer tise xm September the first, aB prop erty on which, the 1929 taxes have not been paid, sale to be held te* first Monday in October. He was Ma* directed to make levies and attaA personal property beginning the tirte of Steptember. The meat exhibit vrtU Jb the disease or to xeep tne in refrigerated display oaiie developing is to havie plenty ine the different methods ,6£ ©f vegetables, red meats, chickens and ft-Afe;' 'eggs and good milk. He urged the Tabor,- gnaoDourn auu — farm. |.eggs and gooa miiK. ne urgea me kets report^ prices as low as a cenu ot to land owners to help out by seeing and a half a pound for gmde ®®P brteds will ha wsm onj that plenty of these things are pro traia. W^! Tided » the taime. l¥k T X- - X- ,1WW AdJ ^nQi. primings. It is estimated that 98 per c^^ of the tobacco offered on the ^are- house floors was first pullini^S and plant bed leaves.^ Fairmont had 400,000 pounds on the floors and it brought an avera^ of 10 or 11 cents, it was estimated, compared to 426.000 pounds a ydar ago which sold for 14 cents A' ^e do not see any, thedeiryinde^^^’,^ vious experience has beei^V" and nprofitable animals. display of these 21. dairy aniirials will be L^uerent from the unpr^table ^ animel.^ «-» •« aaim Made That 5,000 Hoover-j crats Have Signed Petition Wanting Al For 1932 1 Candidate ’’-hi MRS NANCY A. HAIR DIES Mrs. Nancy A. Hair, wife ^ Mai oolm Hair, who passed aiway May_ 5, 1919 at the age of 70 years, 4 monto and 6 days, died at her home m MaLauchlin Township on Wedne^ay, July 30, 1930, at the ap of 79 yearn, 10 months, and having been bom September 9, im Refore her marriage tee was Nancy Stone of Hamet County. She is survived by one sister and^® brother as foUows: Mr. J^es of Mlandhester and Mrs. Mary up of MoLauchlin township and tee fol lowing. children: W M, Hair, M S. ivKiu*. ' T tJ Hair Mrs. ^ whieh wld lor 14 oenl.* _ . iB’^eaetem Nortti Fr'f *- Lmeberten aold WW .esedote FrtftWSs"* "f"”' pared t. 300,OO# I»i«>de athaa-tan ^ day. to a*r^ ffii 'lifiH I lk|Ui?iiijffil'']WltT'l>TtrTrgririiW JHr'''''' ,—, .r 1 ^^riod of oneyw-wfll hejmyrm Chadbourn had'- L^Mr. Haig who declares “There m which brought 10 to 12 J „ htoral dairy education on the live- age. The market rad about man. who wiH aaM. laat year and it bienght 14 oenitB. , u 1. Tabor sold 76,000 i^ds for al»ut • Dr. Laiughinghouse mentioned that the first symptoms of the disease was nervousness, restlessness and a break ing on the exposed parts of the body. It is shown first on the hands and on the legs and around the neck. The people of the county are be coming very intrested in the situa tion. OVERSIGHT IN PUBLISHING LIST OF TEACHERS IN HOKE I Tabor add 76,000 pounus lor ten cents average, compared to 126,- pjjj2E poR BEST . 000 pounds last year at 14 cents. 1 SOLDIEB IS soldier is AWARDED Parties Square Off I some time back, Baucom’s C^ Midi to Give Up Duties to State iSr'shoerto Omc* About September 1. and Lead Democratic Forces Of Huar Di4>u«4 the soldiers in either of th National Guard urats who rated a. to best all-rounr soldier. TWs pme was awarded last week to Corporal Ernest B. Hair. Only old m^^ eligible to this contot. Tins awarded another prize to all round soldier who joined tms year and this prize was won private Neil MbFhdyen. by CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY lowing. chUdren: W M. nair, m. Raieigh, Aug. Hair, Hugh Hair, J. B. Hmr, MrsJ^ headquarters city . J L Hobson, Miss Maggie H^, of Carolina repubUcans m to Hoke County; and Mr. James HairUhis fall and Raleagh will, “ Mrs. Hair was the Democratic headquarters, it faithful mother and faithful m all herl learned today. •works. Site was loved by all who state dm^tic knww her chairman and executive Futoeral services were conducted ^ Gov. O. Max Gardner, am Yl - iTwihurch celebrated his Parkers church at 3 o'clock, Jn^Y that he would open stote dicrotic Mr. Wednesday, JnlY 31, 1930, by her pastor, Rev. W. F. headquarters in / ^Onlaoth at his home on North Main « ““ here “ Street ahd tod the -embere ef to ctITMMERALL Stively asiwme direction of the demo-, to eat supper wite ^ IN GASTONIA eratic teht leedins up « the Nev«u- M«. Tern” 'her elections. ' ... In publishing a list of teachers for th^ ■various steools for the coun ent were given and music teachers were not listed. Her many friends and patrons wi be pleased to know that Mrs. Ina Betihunal will teach in to Raeford School next year, a position that she has filled most acceptably for several years. Miss Inez Hooker, of Laurel Hi has been secured to teach the fourt and fifth grades in the Mildousenj school for the coming year. Hooker taught in the McDonald school in Robeson County last y^. and comes most highly recommended Washington, Aug. 3.—A report that more than 5,000 Hoover democrats of North CS^lina have signed a peti tion ur^hg Alfred E. Smith to the democratic candidate for presi dent in 1931 has "puzzled leaders of joth major parties, who maintain, at le same time, that they have no knowledge of the alleged petitions. Stories about these petitions coma from responsible sources but thorei ^ who tell them always insist that their nan^ must not be used. Some ev^ assert tot they have seen the peti tions while others merely say that KIWANIS CLUB ENTERTAINED The Raeford Kiwanis Club was en tertained the good Mcthpdiat ladies at Parker’s Chapel last TIiwhl. day evening and had a reoakpleiivnt evening. The reports of the good food and "the abundance of it niitebs the mouth .water. — REV. NEIL G.- STEVENS TO PREACH IN RAEFORD SUNI^AT :^v. Neil G. Ste^^pastor of tee Presbyterian church in Huntsville* Al^, who is yielding his va^^cn in teia state, will preadi in the-Rae for^ lyesbyterian church next Sip day morning at eleven octock.,lfn ‘Stevens a brother of Mr. A -K- S8ev ells and is well and faro^y m IS wciu — 7i blU-UO “ - - there, having attended seBool at Md they have heard about them from -I Ipstitiite many years ^ liable informants. At any rate the^P^ ' — ^ lepori^ CONGRESSMAN PRITCHARD VISITS RAEFORD MONDAY Congressman George Pritchard, Re publican nominee for the U. S, Seiu ate from this state, stopped a short time in Raeford Monday Governor Smith ited vrith Postmaster G. W. Cox and| ^ here and have- been taken seriously enough to bring about quiet mves- tigation. Harmony ’on this Poftit For onoa, the republican and demo cratic party chiefs are in harmo^. Both are hopeful that the je^rte may turn out to be unfounded al though thair respective hopes are based on divergent reasoi^. ^ The republicans hope it isn’t so w- cause such a development would be o slap at the Hoover administration, coming from one of ^e states tot broke away from the solid south tra dition to vote for the president m 1928. It could be construed only as an admission that the North Carolina “Hoover-crats” had come to the con clusion that they were mi^taten m their estimate of the president m 1928 and that they were taking this me thod of trying to. “ ■ ■ Incidentally, North ^Something novel in the way of,*- tobacco barn fire occurred on to farm of Mr. J. F. Jordan near Tfe berland last Friday. 'The bom in which, tobacco was being cured was diseW ed to be afire and Mr. Jordan gto bed a bucket of watmr and threw tt on the hot flues. This was generate into steam and thi^ steam exto guished the flames and saved to building and about twothirds of the tobacco, about a third of to toba^ having been burned when he . .the fire out. Reports have been reaching gaction of extinguiteing fires in^ way in the Eastern part of to state but this is to first case eYer repote ed in H-oke county. u. S. PROBATION PLAN BXTE^fD» Uy, INOttUI ^ , capoUna is one of the very few (Karolinas Get Two - other Republican leaders here. He g^tes in which repubUcan Designed To Redoee is making the rounds of the counties been inclined to hope prison Expenses in to interest of the election this things. BepubUcanism has ■ ^ faU and made a very favorable ir^ assumed respectable size in that ^^gbington, Aug. 4.—An extensim pression with Mr. Cox, who talked ^ ^ope nothing will . the federal pnAation system It pen to neutralize the boost the Pa^Y I appointment of 45 probata o«- loceived in 1928. j ^^g addition to the nine preosiuii wtMii ■*•«*.*• » to him a half ohur or mpre. her elections. J “roernktaTbecue know that enough lys American People Should Rgieigh repubUcan circles *^®^‘La3 been said. Turn Backs on Section^ism, Uernoon said teat it *Mr Upchurch has led a most ac- If Progress Is to Continue understood teat Jamw S. Du^ ^ thing^j, of Greensboro, state G. O. P chaar-i • u. s- « Trial Seen Near In Dennis Death XL — —-- * r H ..bair-l tive Me, COOCK auu , . of Greensboro, state D- y- ^ ““ ,w on his 66th birthday he is as Gastonia, Aiug. 5.—If America bad decided that his ^'^^'Lale and hearty as ever and his many to continue to be what it m ters already open should te to J for him many mor« ^ aud isto continue to progress to 1 ^bat the party fight people of the country must turn tew bg directed from there j l>ackB oh sectionalism, whetor it ■« democratic party plans _ r-i ime MTi’FT IN gpographie, economic or wage its battle this year OP CAFETERIA Gen.Chas. P.Suminreiall. chief of staff aaid. No na- INTEREST Ot rf to army, declared today m an leaders from •withoutW w«ni«»n’s Clubs, address at the dedication exerwL^^ state will be brought in, he add-j ^re ^be of Gastonia's handsome n^ memorial ggying that “home gjrown speak- some tw^ty J p^day to the men and women of all ^jSfe of teUing the republic.^ home of J. wf .re J«.U. hM-notitrf Mr. M»ll. . Pr»P«““l«“ mg, hwever g com- The republioahs have announce^ help especially the undernourish dvic^^“» to ideaUsm tention of I AiSimi.” vice president and other kadiw in- ^ych no profit is derived jj A fKnf he used “rede»l eluding Senator Moses of New Ham^l . .. — Gen. Summcral shire and Congressman ^Lanl has also erpiessed a desire Qiahgebarg, S. C., Aug. 6. Pros pect of a speedy trial for five men held in tee penitentiary at Columbia in connection with tee sl^ of aenatlir E. J. Dennis ^ ,5mnty «t Moodia Corner neoriy ^ wedcs ago loomed here tomght. SoUdtor A. J. Hydride announced that a petition for a special term of court for Berkeley county wiB be plared before tee state supreme court Wednesday. In tee abs^oe of Chief Justice Watts, now in Atia^, acting Chief Justk© Thomas P. Coch ran will preside at to special ses sion. White no date has been fixed m the petition for the extra term, at torneys think it probable that the convening of the court wfll be within the next few vredts. It was also, announced here today that Adam H.' Moss of tee local bar has been retained to defend Glenn D. McKnight, charged by W. .L. (Sporty) Tfiornley with Idring him to kill tee Stfiator. . cers 141 »— " ..J V ‘T'oo Good To Be True.” j serving was annom^ today oy The democrats, wihile appreciating! ^pgj^jggg^ ©f justke. —J iniAnhiATM of the North) ^porepriations for this purpose v^aiuiui* . . . 4-1 appri sed at the toi reports to be true-are congre'is. and to depatmentlju question the lattePs good bedded where the men will W poUtically. Also there is a t^u^ stationed. No maition of who to feel that it is just too good ~ Ip^^ges may be ^ m^fe- be true. | Among the distariets having Wounds left from the 1928 cam-j py^bg^jog officer eate are paign are healing in to souto North Carolina and western SlSB»^ of the democrats say, recalling I ogjoRgg. i the Hoovercraite l»ve hew trounre is said a dngle probation ojte in North Carolina, cer at 34J)00 a year can snpsfrijn and Florida. And it is good streWl -jobationed prisoners, who wirnM. to forget about what happe^ » a yrer « soon as possible. Sinre to spW ori- ginated because of differences of ” ion as to Governor Smite’s neither party wants to stir up to attitude, it is suggested it gndth issue. The repuWieans reaHSn. promote harmony now to bring toj^bat their admlmstration is noae to, latter’s name fq^ward. By 1932 toj ^th farm r^ ^ rituation may be different, sf®® u3 missing and to tariff but just now—well, why bring that! widespread attack. up? I ocrats prefer to c»centrate thdr What To Do Abreit It? forts on to 1932 Discussion of to North Carolina Smith is not a reports resendfles current tion abont tee weather in that ^ fair ^dvmg to hodv has anything definite in the ha might run m 1932. , (beta* For tlw ttiM

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