.5H'f- MATHE- ARE HONOREE8 IJpchurch and Mrs. Ar- :ltaUieeon, Jr., two very popu- at. brides w«re again hon- Thorsday afternoon when t-:';#^'$iMdalne6 Boh Lewis and Julian ^ ^jioAiison entertained them at the of Mrs. Lewis. Tables were ar- it^naged for both bridge and rook. wlitle Mn. RaIHe Oatlin wtJn m ;fc' Tookj toth receiving prises. IMder' of low score in bridge was Mrs. E. B. Garrett. Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Johnson pre sented ,their honorees with pieces of linen. ^?SerT. Mr" W - Those playing rook found thier Vlaees in the sun parlor and those playing bridge were in the living room. One can hardly imagine more beau^ tifnl flowers than those which were used to make lovely living room, dinin.g room and sun parlor. At the end of the game a salad plate with most delicious refresh ments were served. A color scheme of yellow and green was carried’ out in the salad course. Mrs. John McGoogan won high score in bndge LOCAL SCHOOL ELECT OFFICERS The election of officers for class organizations in the 9th^ 10th,and 11 th grades of the Raeford High School marked a further step in the school getting “set” for the year. The Senior class organized Mon day. The following officers were elected: President^ Albert Akins; Vice-President, Mildred McDtifric; Secretary^ Fulford MaMillaii, anti Treasurer. Edwin Pickier. The Junior class elected the follow lag officers for this year: President Jake Austin; Vice-President Marj’ Isabella ^Ra.v; Secretary, Sara Brown PEOPLE TOOK AFTER- ^ NOOR I^AP .SUNDA' iMr. and Mrs. H. C. ;McLauchlii make their xshlldrein itake^a nap ev ery Sunday afternoon Vhen they ar( to go to church that night. Th( children have gotten the idea tha only those who take an afternooi nap can go to church. Last Sunday night at church the crowd was very small and one ol the young chaps remarked to his mother that there were only a few who took their naps that afternnoh. ADVERTISE or BE FORGOTTEN. = Campbell^ and Treasurer Malloy fs: Pay^ybiir town taxes for the year 1929 s We' .^IL shortly advertise all property on = which the tiE^es for 1929 have not been S paid and you c^n save yourself additional 5 expense- yd -Inconvenience by settling = these taxS right pway. . M R l.bethuneI NORTH CAROLINA 9 • Hoke County. FORECLOSURE SALE. Under power of sale in a mort gage to thp undersigned executed by Carey L. Stephens and wife^ Mar garet^ dated April 23^ 1928, register ed in book of mortgages No. 1,, p. 16j of Hoke Cohnty, for default in, the payments stipulated therein^ the mortgagee will sell to the highest and best bidder at public sale at the courthouse door In Raeford. said county and State, for cash at noou^ Monday^ October 13fi 1930, the lan4^ tlescrJbed in said mortgage which description is as follows; , Lots Nos. 20^ 21 and 24 as shown on ulot of John W. Moore property^ block No, 1, on east side of Main Street in Raeford. N, C. Said lot No. 24 commencing at a stake In south margin of 6th avenue, J. D. Mc Leod’s ' corner, runs due west to Stewart Street, thence. South with Stewart ■ Street 60 feet and continue 100 feet including lots Nos. 20 and 21, to a stake; thence West to J. Di ■McLeod’s line; thence with McLeod’s North 150 feet, including all three lots, to Lti© begining. Por further description reference is made to Book of Deeds No. 6, p. 57 of said county and state. ' Posted Sept. 6, 1930. RAEFORD BUILDING k .LOAN ASSOCIATION.* Arthpr D. Gore, Atty r 24-4t ■;V in the newest patterns and fabrics. You owe it to s^urself to see them. We also have A full line of . • *, f- SHIRTS HATS CAPS I neckWear and everything^ that the nian or boy wears McLauhlin ■I ■;-5i ipauy I f jk' , mf'- M^a}' m m 'Ui -' i- wonntfOj name .:-V . 1.- Si?’’ - \ \. ^UmocMsM be- ^re-Come tondaou splendid 1)enot Pot a quarter century General Electric has; rontributed one radio wonder after another —bjuic developments making broadcasting ietter, reception finer. it _ • Now comes General Electric Full Range Radio ... a set ‘ofiering you the very latest improvements. GREA’TER SENSITIVITY KEENER SELECTIVITY FULLER, RICHER TpNE FREEDOM FROM HUM Truly a General Electric product.,. the finest set today*s masters of radio ctm produce. See the three fine models in our store... and let us tell you about our attractive purchase plan*' McLean Eiectirc Co PAGE TRUST COMPANG BLDG. .i“ TERMS TO SUIT YOU 'i/ ii.-jj ,, V’T’ ’• - ■ ■ V t ,■ i; V ; ■ . ■ ■' ■■ ■ . i ■■ "S' . . '■ V 5: « 5SV Means that when you h«ve ,yoin- cotton gin..*^ yo„ , inu»t get the best grade widiout sacrificing weight. . „ . -fc ' . i » Our new huller gins just|iii^IIed are the latest and ) modern type and were the first sold jn this State. They do not throw out locks of cotton as do the old style V YOUR COTTON FULLY-msul^ED \ 0 f • both in our cotton stalls and on our platform. / GINNING $3^ PER BALE Hoke Oil & LOCALLY OWNED i i ■—“■••".lllUllllJll \ - -