6-V-' Ul iSias :Lula Hall, wbo^ is attending Ipieeiui Collie, cliarlotte, spent ist week-end with her parents, Mr. I^d Mrs. Edgar Hall. t!. -r '■J^. Harvey Cole has returned l^ih Sanford after being tfith her Pother during %i8 last illness and i Miss !Winnie" b^cHeill, who is at- Inding Queens College, Charlotte, It last . week-end with home fe^lks. ■ -Mr.-* and Mrs. H. C. Jones, of irbensboro, werej-the guests of Mr. ^nd Mrs. J. F. Lpwrance last^ week -end. > ^ Miss Lois McLeod, of Aberdeen, i’gpent the past week-end ■yith her leister, Mrs. W. A. Carpenter. Miss Sarah Dranghon left Tues. !.da5| *forr Raleigh, where she will en- liter King’s Business College. Mr.-and MrSi HUgh Lowe, of Bei; -fiiont, spent last week-end with ^jfttqme folks. ;^*-Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Tapp, Mr. and jj^RlrS; C. H. Tapp, and little Gerald- Inline Wright visited friends and rela- p^^iives in Charlotte Sunday. Miss Amelia Niven, Vho accepted a poh-ition with the Amrican Tobac^ cp Co., Durham, speatr^st week, s^^nd with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Irauk Niven. t-Miss Ella Kivitte, Mrs. Beaui'y, L arid little son have returned to Win- i 'ston-Salem after having sppnt a few day's with Mrs. J. F. McFadyen. V .Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Thoma ^ SP&nt last Sunday in Charlotte with ;|]Mr \and Mrs. W. J. Thomas. [ Miss Martha Lee McLean, who is 's-teaching at Huntersville, was at home the past week-end with her j' l^ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Me. Lban. Mr. Israel Mann spent lafet Sunday in FayettevilM ;iMiss Addie Mae Gatlin, . who ^iches at Norwood, spent the past P ^beh^end with her paretn:^', Mr. and p^'Mrs. B. R. Gatlin. -Garland Moon, of Graham, is ■ ^fending a few days with 1^ par. TSpehitreh, '--who ' has been- VSiting,’her sori-te-law and daughter^- MrT and Mris. J. S, John son, returned to her home in Thom- asvllle, Ga.,/last Sunday. . \ Dr. and Mrs. K. B. Geddie, of High Point, spent the past week-end here with Col. and Mrs. R. B. Lewis. •'Mr. and Mrs.-G. C. Taylor, of Kin ston, spent the paiet week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. B.‘ R. Gatlin. ' ‘ Mr. and Mrs. F. B Sexton .spent the past week-end .,^wlth "Mr. Sex ton’s mother at Denton. Mrs. Nan McNeill attended the Carolina-Maryland football game jat Chapel Hill Saturday and went on to Oxfoiy to visit her isister, Mrs. John Ellington. Her son, John Dune Mc Neill is on the Carolina team. ’ Mrs. C. R. Freeman is visiting home folks at Rembert, S. C., Mr. Nt- A. Cole, one of Raeford’s young men who has been straying around for a year or two, has re turned to Raeford and is with the A & P Store here. His family will move to Raeford next week. His Satanic Majesty, one of iPattersoir, of Laurel Hill, or nearby, was in Raeford a short while Tues. day. Miss Xymena Smith, of the local- school faculty, spent Isevefa.! days of last week at her home in .Hun. ters^ille 'and attended court ip Charlotte w'here she was a -Ritness in a suit growing out of a.-.bus ah. eidenf. r-^ Mr.''Watson Gillfe, of Washington, D. C., visiting home folks h^-e. With putixpkim Jantenm, black cats and hobgoblins. Unique -ricoia carda with the .same motif were uped. Five tables were arranged for the hostess from. Raeford and Sana, folium, After the _ game Mrs.- Mc- Brayer, assisted by Mrs. l^aul, Mc Cain, served a dainty salad plate. The Hallowe’en kuggestlOH was fol lowed in the refreshments also. Mrs. C. D. Thomas, of Sanatorium, won first prize. Mrs. Pelham Co-vington seriond prize. Mrs. J. H. iWiliiains, of Sanatorium, low tscore prize. Miss Sprague was presented with an at tractive gift. Enjqying this altogether delight ful affair were. Miss Mary Sprague, honoree; Mesdames C. D. Thomas, W. G. Byerly, John S. Hooker and J. H. Williams of Sanatorium; Mes- dame^s Clyde Covington, of Wagram; David Jester, of High Point, Harry Green, Crawford Thomas, Clyde Up church Marshall Thomas, Lewis Up church, Benton Thomas, Bob Lewis, Julian Johnson, Fred Johnson, John Walker, Arthur Matheson, Paul Dick son and Pelham Covington, of Rae. ford, i . ittf -'ll' V,.:, etlSSIFlED ADS " y -5i FOR SALE!—12 thoroughbred Duroc Shoats, about 4 months old. For quick Sale, see Mrs. D. S. Lilek, Red Springs, Route 3. It-pd limited QUANTITY OF CABBAGE Plant snow ready for sale. J. D. MASON, Raeford, N. G. Phone 5133 SEED GRAINS FOR 3ALE-k>fcer’3 Second 'Year Red Heart Wheat. Coker's Norton and 20-44 Cold Proof Oats. N. C, and Tenn. 6 Beardless Barley. J, D. MASON, Raeford. N. C., Phone 5133. 29.3t FRYING SIZE CHICKENS for Sale. 2 to 3, pounds in weight, 23c per pound. T. B. LESTER, Phone 347, RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers in Hoke Couny. Wlon. derful opportunity. Make |S to $20 — ~ daily. No experience or capital need. WINTER RESISTANT.‘gj today. McNESS CO., Dept. FULGHUM SEED OATS, ABRUZ. NORTON Zl RYE. CAREFULLY GRADED ano recleaned, grown from COKER’S" PEDIGREED SEED. A. A. HAftRIS. GIVE US THAT NEXT JOB OF PRINTING. OUR JOB DEPARTMENT IS NOW- EQUIPPED WITH NEW TYPE AND CAN DO ANY KIND OF M, Freeport, III. lt_pd FOR SALE—SMALL TRACT GOOD Tobacco land—50 acres in culti vation, two houses, on Rockflsh road, three miles East of Raeford. WM.’ M. McFADYEN. ” 28-2t.pd Baucom’s Cash Store Several Style Sweaters for Boy's and Girl's school .wear, etc. Good-'.-serviceable -weight, sizes up to 34 98c Other Sweaters up to 14.95. B A U C O M ’ S LITERATURE DEPARTMENT WO. MAN’S CLUB MEETS TUESDAY FOR GROCERY BARGGAINS see Hugh McKay, at the Fish Market. Staple Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy Feeds, Poultry Feeds, Tank- POB PRINTING. GIVE US A TRIAL.'age, Fish Meal. Fresh Fish Daily. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. FISH MARKET, next door to depot. MRS. LEWIS McBRAYER HOS TESS TO bridge club WEDNESDAY EVENING Mrs. Lewis McBrayer gave a very attractive bridge party at,, her home at Timberland. At this time she honored her friend,- Miss Mary Spra gue, of Keeve, New> Hampshire, who is on ^er way to St. Petersburg, Florida, for the winter. The Hallowe’en idea was carried out in everjN detail of the party GOOD THINGS -TO *‘EAT- PAY CASH AND PAY LESS. TRADE WITH HOME OWNED STORES \ I , SPECIALS: . Compound Lard 12 l-2e Coim Flakes, 2,for .'•••, -.1^^ Grits ....... t .' .* 10c New Crop Corn Meal .35c Good Self, Rising Flour . 78c Canned Salmon, 2 for 25c 19 oz. Canned* Herring' 10c For Qijality Cakes afid Biscuits useRed Band Flour Plain aand^Self-Rising - ' Eating 'Apples^ dozen . 10c Cooking Apples, peck .39c Best Quality Cheese lb 28c Nice tender Native and Western Meats. For more Eggs and more milk try our Square Meal Dairy and Poultry Feeds. , Fresh Vegetables Daily. Fresh Fish Friday and Saturday. McNEILL GROCERY COMPANY , . THE SANITARY FOOD MARKET 'The Literature Department of the Woman’s Club met Tuesday, October 15 with Mrs. R. B. Stewart on Fay- ette-ville road, Mrfe. E. B. Garrett, presiding. A few> items of business were passed on by the club after which Mrs. W. L. Poole presented the program, “English Poetry Wri ter's.” Mrs. H. W. B. Whitley gave a paper on Alfred Noyes; Mrs. J. S. Johnson told something of John Mansfield; Mrs Poole gave sketches from the writings of Robert Brooks. Mrfe. T. B. Upchurch, president of District No. 9, was asked by the chairmum.4.Qi the department of the district meeting in Lillington, October 13th. She reported a splen did meeting with good reports from nearly all the, clubs in her district. She urged the women present .ta make the Raeford iWoman”® Club one of the strongest clubs in the ninth district this year. At the close of the meeting the hostesses, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. H. R. McLean and Mrs. G. (W. Brown, Serv ed a sweet salad course to a large number of members and several guests. , ' AT “LIVE-AND-LET-LIVE” PRICES FOR MEN; A full line of Oxfords and Shoes, of up-to-date Styles and Leathers, for Dress Wear. .WORK SHOES FOR MEN: Never have we had a bigger or more complete line of high grade serviceable Work Shoes of every description. Styles and prices to suit all; sizes 6 to 12. Also Good BOOTS in 16 and 18 inch tops. FOR LADIES: A good line of Novelties, Brown Combina. tions, Snakeskin Combination, Black, etc. All styles of heels; Pumps, Straps, Ties and Oxfords. Also plenty of good school Oxfords. , ■ FOR BOYS: A good line of Shoes and Oxfords to *af'S‘y 'the most discriminating. Three styles of good BOOTS for boys. FOR GIRLS: Shoes, Oxfords, Ties and Pumps. RELIABLE FOOTWEAR AT RIGHT PRICES. Baucom’s Cash Store “A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE SINCE 1908." RAEFORD, N. C. S " • 1=?.' m ■’-and that’s that! THE BILL IS PAID.. YOU can PROVE it by pro ducing the cancelled Check. And that settles it. No argument . . no danger of paying a bill twice. Ye»."£deed. a CHECKING ACCOUNT has its conveniences. It’s handy in more tha" a doz- > e” ways as you’ll find out by starting one at: .y ♦ Page Trust Co, RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA Within the past three years citizens of Raeford have borrowed more than $100,000.00 from out of county concerns. Had 100 people carried 10 shares of installment stock each in this association^ all these loans .could have been handled by this association, and at our present earning rate, this would have resulted in a net profit of $20,000.00 to Hoke County’s citizens. ALL THIS MONEY WOULD HAVE STAYED HOME. Instead, approximately $12,000.00 per month is leav- ingRBieford NEVER TO RETURN. Take stock in this association and make Raeford the strongest community financially in this State. *4\ NEW SERIES NOW OPEN. TAKE STOCK. * RAEFORD BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION -./O ■J . ’ ’ r Men’.«, Wool mixed PulLover Sweaters: heavy- and durable; a surprisingly good bargain; Sizes 36 to 46. black and navy $1.19 Other Sweaters up ti $4.95. B A U C O M ’ S Ladies' Sweaters^ both pull over and button st.vles; many beautiful colors to select from, priced to give excellent value! B A U COM’S A full line of Sweaters for infants, and bmall children. Most attractive garments pric ed very low. B A U C O M ’ S Beautiful New Dre,s3 Goods in delightful'new patterns artd contrasting colors. Good look- ing dre'sses can now be made very cheap from the new, ma terials that recently arrived. ‘ See the special values at 39c, 48c, 69c, 95c Yard B A U C O M ’ S Children’s School Stockings, all sizes, 2 Pairs for 25c B A U C O M ’ S Children’s good weight Un ion' Suit's, ■“ 49c to 85c B A U C O M ’ S Ladies’ Fall Felt Hats, many colors and styles, 98c up B A U C O M ’ S Auto Seat Covering Mater ial; heavy and durable, attrac tive colors, 24c Yard B A U C O M ’ S Boy’s Aviator Caps, tan or ■black, all sizefe, ’ r> ’ 49c up B A U C O M ’ S SI inch Seamless Bed Sheet ing; vjevy good quality, un bleached, 29c Yaird B A U- C O M ’ S High Grade Seamless Bed Sheeting, very good quality, Sheehttg, SI inc'hes wide, qow only 35c Yard B A U C O M ’ S Special lot of Wool and Wool Mixed Dres^ Goods, worth up to $1.0Q ,yard, now only 48c Yaurd B A U C O M ' S Bed Blankets, wool mixod, beautiful colors, and good quality, $3.69 And $4.95 pair B A U C O M ’ S Cotton Blankets, durable and serviceable, tt;9S ' B A U C O M ’ S COME AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF BAUCOM^S CASH STORE RAEFORD, N. C .X;

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