i'J. v« .Ss|-y Jentfi if Idtjiys' .,., ‘i^e ■ im Wli^ ^bemski^' •■v‘Z:-.-: ■•.''f1 »rt^- 1t^^':0'd i0r"‘ illgcsM tbOT#ifesS(^S' IlfbrA^iUa^ me peiw ' ^ three Sdied ^ftly ^erea^ ;^ith '^‘sf^rai btheni to' - ’a Saniora there being we ^- Ktbupahto ef the ,ear ynheh tfie P^reek oceurred. i ,, ^ * td evldei^^ Ipat' Uie corona’s hearing on PBithis ill-fated (Oar was gdii^ i?ii^;point of fde wsoWent w»n a pi; eouph ■ a*tenwiod to :i»-j)ahd’tSh' ::^8^hg' -tne two a iihdi eaclii other in such at^ay that ^cked; left «© highway iitbn right hand eid^'^ oyer an _ ;....,ii;^haiiantaneiit’\of ab^ two fe^ and sei^ to. one: xhnn- ial, "!.wiib.r"a: kaiS^'hi^lil 30f- odf best knp^ lideath in ha l^dan ' ■' waa - rery se ■Ishe^^,.,.., 1^ , ... . , inidrecl heif tohi cdlliBlo®.^ . train at,th« ■dhie' ■ii?5 p'1^' SeieS .iWy 1 w Ithe past fife flr:*(*'5^7 — y 1 her h^-iHth*'^ *Wef, *" eace ‘ ” y «' th^ *^'**^ *'**' j "•— pnemnftfBt, - and death «oniin#'«a V' ^ p, et iiiOelE ajiMr ■m MgsSgg;;3a^*»B^.r-“- raiw ;at.>er;:hoBM on-.South iMamf^es.-^--.. ■ -- . ..-^...-.-4 ■SBi^;^tiada3^v ^iWlhi^ W ;infWttge?;*!ia-i.^;;-^^"- «fWQ^ia^r -;Be-vei«il' iaa^:^8 : of::iJj^.^^oh, she was illss Helen Terry, finite ihelath alwt S. C., of which place ehO|i.: ■- 06 iihwdJ^dtionslBlne88..4ABt T^TSe^I tjiais a native-^d. jll^S'lShff >Ijt see^if^t the hard naVdr revived: 'Her age lwah[|i^ of the Methodist, church . •ri'-y- J. g# cm Thie4o|te knowna|oriW flredh’fi^i*" Poll " ■ " si® . fog^hfiohdlfl^hoif the windows 0^ with PoliceLhe Mn Owen fromj ' mvict, widely i Qipavah^s^^t^d ^ this ®oint h*^d to break jall,j ;^n. apSriw^dd»g4tr^^^ Bhief Rankin, ^dL'to^h s^ei^^}hnhdred yards ex^pt ,. ^dsley before aj-f^i, ^ Vaibre ..near ,-tiie,. tracks which bkitt's gto blew thM should hot have prevented anyone off. He died beft^J frpni^aeeing^ toe train had he looked she- na?^h revived: ; ifter age iwM^ the Methodist church he¥«h^4tk;:ye«^ in every day life ^efnm ‘ ifer dbato was dpe to h-cptopwtotldhl^fiihtishe prcrfessed. 'vyhile her 7^™ ^dt^troables; from-which she:sufferedthie commnnl^ were -hht nn^Thpiftfaihgly for a jongitlme with||e^1|ahe made many friends ^o a cheerfulness and happy t4NP08h||^tbm |hr passtag tlon .toht jndrked'her entire life; ahdF^iQjio, ii aurVived besides her; -SlS':' made her beloved hj aU who, ijrsa Lester, by three ,brotheihr , . X- Tx».- ’ ■ -^ R’.Tsfiy. of Norfolk,. Va.; W. E. hejjj^ct be carried to a hbspttali^ _ ideiafled: by Chief l>f, p. P; ..^X .frohi defcidpttve matter 'mailedl * wnCr, Or o^t by state’s prison and by Hoy .:^rker h? conipanion who took , part in tlm fight _ ; j Sanatoitoim4#Pl^ i#?”^» :?^-^^ y: oi;: Biimlnghaan, irl df Sarnhnah. and B. r. • * * T . * i^aw> : r;i dted plowed #opnd. a tobacco j iiani ''%hear;toe -writh such terrifie:tptc feet throng d hi ij Chief Rankih said he had heep | i^sCaln, supe^niendeiit-of the North told (Wood -has in Salisbury and that I oUpa Sanatorium, %*» called to when he saw a man Mth dne^a|m;|,|jy4,p(re^.,.R^4^^^^^^ last hy (Wood’s' chief descriptive clmracter-j.|^^.jepth:;d-dda Ihto iJoha 'T. tetic, he walked up to Wm and crfl-who; was for nearly half a ed Ws xiame: . i;century h«ad-;df %e;: ^gtolf. Pei^^t4 "Otto Wood, let me see yOur ar«li’’ly^t;at 'hJ)^ldheih)tf^. ,V, ; .-I the chiif vms quoted as saying.: p ^ere^% is-'dWmhnt’’ Chief Ran-t^' j^jg^ two scms, kin safd'the'tnah 'replied and naj ji^ -yamaB M^aln. pi^ident the good fortune to iqidw her i Many of the middle age and ol^r recall the days before Raeford camel T»^*7.: intd existence when her home ‘ T^Mtlr- 'on town was one of the most hOSpltarlfrom ;tho ;hhme , of Mrs. L^te^on Srin tWs eiit!^ seotl^ % a middldeged inan reflects wlto plea- asiis^ Ln,At*!^ ^•’O^.h, U- 'large being-; [for a distance/o'? l^idgjiJ^lSeet.; AjWthU Pord coupe; just t#0ehind, and a man named /■^^ohes ttoin -'^^l^h, e buhdr^ #rds hebixid. ac^Mhig to ktiifiaiw^ hf aM %!e •^(fifiyer, h«fe.^'was/-k.;.iMg,,wteckr-*‘8r 'Mbtim to go f toe ileieto. .*/Joh«** >\ot]^ car. thojw'^hien- It #tn^ 'tostl- sddftre^ Shslied-'j duWhg which j:^f^i^e8^Scptt:^il^^^ of the map sl^^- Charles k4i0hin, who ia -Wlgagsd eheif ’Shoil;';' toe si®® 'head off, in the ihsurahcei, ^stoessvdn, Bhrm- 'ingham; and, one sister, .; Mrs. Shah npft, qf/4exjngton,,j/\^- ■' -. 'Pbe ^der Dr. McCain' whf . 73 __ - , ryoMs ■of-^'hgfr .^at /TthO" tiip Mtte LtM i t M.CMiitoyl (death. He JoiihW the English fa^Wy ’ fV ,,.44.4:1. ;'.j.h£''‘the Sototh fSircdhto Ihstl^on I^: A. Ijidto Statejsoon; dftor- recetyfhg Sdb Doctof' b: iMohia} Coli^er'^rMnsi^ro, a rep-|[piiiio»#oifSy f^degi^ An^ Reli^ J^p^esentc^i Sure'at , days andyhlghts spent in ;her home when; hut little bbyb and: toe cordiality, hospitality and godd- bhitor that toe ineyer f^ed- to shhW^;- 'visitors.. • Happiae^ and: suhshlh® radiated from, her" to tobse about ‘her as naturally a's .toe'Sph S®he8 and eyeryone y^hb entered her home '^reht . aw'ay- irito. a biighter Outlook on life. Mrsx Chlshbim was blessed; Mto ? an * undleiug devotion to her Children and;, with/ a-, very . marked devotion, of her, children.-'to her., Sei- doto. in life is such a home as, shd toade to be found, for tove, devotion aiid affection of each; mieinber for thd Other the birtsfanding char- act€fflstic Of this home: . Before mre marriagd to' the late Jolui, Chisholm. Mrs. MBbolm wai Mian ^rah Cj^hohtti of Montgomir ery jcbithly, hast All of hey terment waii/made in the cemetery -Jfc 'McColl, >.gli-iC. A;: !S^ McN\ Jphnson Dies ^fari^^as Mprnini 4:2' "'Oiwiryaft ^'^a ihort (dtdttnee frotnvfh7«tto' ti^ hSa^i^ a total ’SOas tathpred adA ohe Mlledf'ill tour yyrecks* toxTofsindi^seveh siilotoAllBea And «hef;loaHno*ltA fhe" latest Ust.x of‘ ftiured. is: C. HiJ Purdy, Ch**totte; €k if.. .pnrdy^ .ttoarlottar MiSfc B-' Bt Ssiitli, CHnton^vHr, Efiyd SaHshoJ^- Jittt after dxislc the ««r. by . Mr. ’^urdy sldeswiped A t**^ crotinned at fttll-.spepd about 5d down the road evidiMtly out. of c^ trol, idt a® ba*^ tree a gi*“cing told oirrbbii^ jacrbss A ditch, fitotoy striking anothea: tre© with such tre- mendois ftoco that toe motor Ttfock of the madhind waa hfokan aa ,R it ,had bees; struto by a gigaattc trip hammer. ' > ■ ^ ^ Both Mr. and lira. Purdy; wtod aa- consdotto when help reached them and they wmre i^ed to Rgghsmith ho%itol, where it was stptod Wed- thbsday mofning toi^. timy vbuld pro- recover. Mbs. Pnrdy ..ijtos gaite cut and Mr; Purdy wbl injured hlwhe the chest where the steering wheels jiBsmbd him. ThA body of, the car, was uotv badly damaged »nd the front; yirhiditoteld did nbt brtok - " ^ i^ahctoito. 4!itiS«isV • . ; ‘ •rhe deatlE 'bf 'ISflimes McNiSB'dlton' son. of,.Abe>rd«fajj?bl®l‘;.®‘^®“”®?* idhrftrtmas morning at the Moore County Hospital has bast apaHofsor- -.--gr- tro;w:,.byer this community. Mr. JbhB-| :5r^ gbattbr 'slHtototo 'toe Side -wBi- soh who was 71 years old had been of the ^joupe were br*ett info fragments. Elyewitnesseaii-, -belrsv^ that Mr. P|tody tolatook '/toe flights of a fllttkg s^dlon vfor sn^piwroaching car aad In poor health for the past five years and, , -his death nhexpected^' ; toneral and bural •wad'-hdd ai ,i;rCld Bethesda church., this Priday; afterboon, "Rev. to.avcdd it» tons hitting the E. L. Barber trf'^Abei^en^had diai^ , citl numhmni.'' .b?4*m5': . lltt;ta/;«e^ . _ . . Cafii "'at ' too $toi*toHuin and. madi fHendsAtobug toe pailehtA ah '■ "■" ■" ■ cbutoy' exbrol^-hohmtitfee- wd«-ay]t^ ^ tinted, consisting of J. B. Thomas, I j^mojai services were held a^. toe ’ ’ Paul: Dickson, Mrs. Reform Church in 'Dae ■nir :A|Vr. S. Johnson; i nr;..4 Cl..-;]... 9ft ' '«» headed Schto. ahd cars -when they x^h other.' his j testimony^ CtihfiM wlthr fBA'first' 'wit- J .. this reject, though corrob* it in. other essential detaift. after securing toe number car Im'froht, turned the num- Ivey .to officers and a report _ toe' Mqtob Vehicle Bureau in jpeigMxbptated that the numbers fitted toose to.' Dezern, local |agent jfojr thf R- Railroad at ' hie phabe. Sheri# Reave#, Of« Lee CountjjfTcaine to Raeford that night had Jfctorled My: Dezern hack to San ford/with him. Sheriff Reaves shofl^ed ijir. i Dnzern evtoy courtesy possible ^ii®3/«ttefed. to htay at a . hotel with "'^lljpi^^ii'hh'T'o • spend, thb ,night. U:^ ifli^■'h^.;^' - ;r l / ^ t '-tlto Vbbro Friday, x ;im: »-J^irW -^04 forty of Raeford> 4 ^ rt (pomthent citizens were 'on A td-for toe inqueet whlbh ’e^*s held t W too city halli at about throe 0’- Ck- (too testltoony was. about as 4-ibatHned-lhbove^ oousumel less |fan nffm^t. 'Sblieitpir ams ddftg' tw - questioning for the ate a44 M^aif. Smith, local ah noyf lI'A:'! jr, Seswell, of. San- ■’W. cdpi:^^eeai^^we|^ofa[tod froiis toojfgj^^ ^fO^ytoputhy land flowers haf: yari«u8^toumitoidil" Antioch and:/^-|;||,^g^ 'ggQf| .by mmnbers of toe Sima ientole, .My, j. A^ Hodgln *ad Mrs, j community, . , djilesi BIuA'springs, W; B- MciNeiUj /. ■■:■■; -,;,■ — And Mish Lottie McMillan; l/f-xA„ 11#-- LI LauchUn, A. W. Wood and Mrs, - , lyle Townsend; Quewhlffle, Mrs. P. Whttley Dead P. McCain and P;H. Johnson; Stone! - wall, Mr. Jesse Ctlbson and Mrs. I. N. A. Funderburk, mothejf/of H. Shankle; Little River, "' Ulrs. H. W. :B. Whltlw here and ]toy Smith and Mrs. A. D. iMcLauchlin.^ PayettovUle, died These committees were aPPointeai|,^^^^^^^^ M«nrno anH cpito^toty, idx-c^ting a yeard toe and h^ Hved at ©Xfimi 'N. C. .4 ; ,1^ Chlshdlin is tondved by toe sitoiowiug «l»lldren; ah to lyhom were wfth hm'^when thp.end'.came: three hdnS(i' kiessrs. MalUe' add; Hlldridge| to iheis iidiace, ,amd4hhii;5?raak: Chisi holin, of Wa^htoy two daughj tors. Mm. . NahMO ViMcNc#, of Rae^ .lord, and Mrs. John filHngton, J>f Otoord/ N. C. .^lio sdrtoylng are two brothers, J, J P. , Chisholm, of 'Waiuphula, 'Fla., and A.' G- Chisholmj to Fort Worth, Takas. ■fit the service and was assisdeA hy uoflilev. M. D. McNeill ofj^jnot^:J^ tR^^ev: HsastotiTHL ‘fii'Bwnsott or^south- erh Pines. truck.' Mr. Efird and iBbs Smith wc vwere titong, uhruok a truck in ing."’ tor tamed over.. ■n riuva. bm. 'The PUT tnmea over., mxp. James McNelU Jol^Ht . ' Wared a brokoi ntoo ■huthor and poet, was 00m m Mwpe. ijlns badly cut nbaat the 'County in 1859. A direct descwidant^ XA*iBnuf * of the staunch pld ^Scottish plonwrs who settled" in‘tfllh 'Sectioh, he play ed an important part In the develop ment of this^l^Ole'^^ ;’of the Moore ^uhty bar and aisp 01 ft the local Masonic lodge ai^ * (ehu’^ol^ man, havfiig been 'a'lIfA -sblig member of Old Bethesda church. ^ man of pronounced literaryv-tatont, ile was recently;created "Poet Lanr- eat6’’vpf Moore Cohaty by the.Cqun fime. Mr. Eflrd was detotred tofke ■MjA-r^iSS^g Iptohetoirlnw. . ;x;. At pitiiite hospital it was re^ 4n ifeTJrebk to which hv hukhand was killed, was ruethig. ' ^e Owen antomobUe struck by a locwnolive at ,...y,''grAje' rcxossing several ndles from on the Raeford-road. jj IfiUj;!, iy Ui'Ulr i,AA«*o* . ■ CAbv r-.r •* 'fV ‘ ' M.' HSiheral services were :conducte(J ^ty by the Codhty Commissioners. In- ' £jceT ntUni . - .. „xx„-. These committees were aPPo^^^'Winrigtmas morning near Mom-qe and and the executive coranti:^ , • ® was buried at Macedonia. Baptist 'organized so that if any Church cemetery Friday morning at State aid is available or toe sim-j a. m. The funeral wa^ preach- tlo. . b.c«.... . met ttet ^ D. Pr««to;.l,» local PM- Wn hftfin nerfected for t®f 'wito Dr, Hart, pastor of the MoO' 4*^^ tA Horir Nothing definite koe Baptist Church and Mr. Joel lmm^l.,0 j»orl, . Sa«ia» »' 1» mwlMvIlte BaptUt .cml ba Joae at ttte aiw.,, Ob4rch~ aariatlng. Blabt bhlldMa RECORDEWSCOVRr ^ sentlhff to®, defense In Recordekte Chart Tuostoy,: tomes Livingstpn, Morhd> fal>®d ^ icHarge of driving a tor while under 'the Influence of whiskey and wne foimd nto guilty. Ht ivas. charged th®t he drove from Laurinburg toe day be fore Clti^istmas with D-* tdttle,, who carnet After hisitwlfiik’ Lit^n^n to-o ing toe operatto to d car for hire, and tl^l when ^ha PP:to; 1 ■04 'Tim:-del xirgae*nrn**""P \ . - „ a'Hdndid'tor to 'Court, iich ocmvtoes-'/to' iMkrhl^^^^T^ *1^ ItafdA; aiid|Bdt''#»^y2P*f'’to»r ««to „ toimaihil^elwwtoi^’yerlta'S ' inmm of »®to rd^to toto tosir nunea td to® Thh: ^ Anly i'"to .*^^1 ^j&Rdeveir^'Wto®® timrO no room : hoy Are ■ •Mmos./; to® tod; iKiboitodr J>o# ' B.; toeiUV-M . l^ nam ed toe to Aben V homo'-’to -r —~ ~ decided influence of whttfeay-, *?; toah itte-^tois' xaiir- render'itoAl.4>A8«i'^h«,0::. ;1#, . -1(^3.-w:': .■-.4-' |;i; An'extodtoatioh et the two cai|> itdijstf: dehce of the state ^ and to® Stdicitor did dfof a- verdlot- : ■ - ■ ^. ^ttolto^fli®i Morrison, Chat^ VO^ sonHtnd 4. L- itoMtoohr ' end ioi'’'ito Ite mu-i ' n.amed highttoy dikmllSA'todife M :»?4»Tn Hlsve-ap'to.fwito^^^kctoto Hh©/offense was eUto*d t® taken' .r see cm Si'i'i'S.', De^ tith. ftb'to -ftais Jrf! to^: ternoon. Most %.to® y; 3 /ty officers hav© be61'working"®'» Chndtmae Holidays (^ot in Raeford Due, jpwtoa|^ .to. .to-® 'wjtoh- er, Bolf weevil, tm cent cotton, or w^t have ypU, Christmas paissed off very suietlr in Raeford . tod toe ’edtoty "vHth no ataltties (m otoer disaster. The weather seqnti^.lto i^''lta mind Aefr dsto ;,jwhto efluistoto Sapp or no £iaw,|i;to ■■ ;k(j,/tto:;ioMi5»-to?l® "to.'to^®riy'- ’' '* v>mhgtog :eold /shS)p to mtmy * 'toek ' Tha' f^ itofch| An'raeis4||i^ of last week, in-'seclnded totodp , home-coi tod.'f|ihlil7 gntittoiifgB, fstol^F llltors tod jPar^i; knd.tohen over^ -.fti^wto-h^'towy' 'toie,'''ltoe=Chii8ti frpiii to® '^®to® Monday afternoon by her pastor. Dr. ’’iWatson M. Falri ley,- itastor’ of the Raeford Preshy; teiikh church, and istormont made in'Rahfoid ,tonot6ry., Honorary p.8W hearers were: Drj (L; W^ Brown, T. F. Culbreth, ^J. Cl McLeani J, D; McLebd, J. M. Down er] ©.; S. Poole. N.'^A; McDlarmld an L. M; Andrews. '4 'Active paU ■ibeiSrem , wero Paul, Wilbur And N. A. .McDdnSld,' Jr., I4 F. Clark, George ICflark, Clyde CoV- Ipgton tod EdmOnd (Wooley. al| QjiE^ews ,tod gmndmephews' of the dpetosed?'• 4 m Fomeir Mdetord Man Dies At LdmU^er firidge eluded among his literary works are the following: “A Thousand Team tof Royalty,’* “Free,Verse and Paxifet-. . .if . •• • phraee,’’ ‘Talleytond’’ and /An honest man, a lovable man, a kindly neighbor and a sincere Chris tian gentlemeh, that.'jras James Mc Neill Johnson; A man of stroinjg .will And rngged character, a man to' be -.depended 'upon. He 'Sdll he greatly .;mi8Bed in this community whare he exerCised a reinarkable Influerctv He is survived'-by his, wife, Mrs. Annie B. Johnson, ttose soim. J. Trflmt 'JdlihkCh. of' Aberdeen;' ideiit. liesto :C. Johnson^ H. S; N., atid J. MCN.. Johnson; two dautofers, Mrs. C. Gr 'Bethune of'Aberdeen and Mrs..Franh ;MiselIe, of Tampa, Fla. Mr. Jolin= son Is also survived ’ by a brothoT, ■Henry Johnson, of Kershaw, S. C., ;a picnic' during to® eygj^ hunt -payed', qme resnl.ts'. went to Ov« two 11106 bnck; liam B. McNeill with five pronre nanmd Cook, neiiAbtohOfld, 'Riesday Harbi^ Alfred ' fjreek and '’ np' A -toto'. shot ah: tom past sgtormer rest And five sisters, Mfs >1; J- M®ckart, gnos- .Burney N. swwifs^-. t--- -: • ^ itoitt of RaefowC^'toM ’rimWay morn-it ^Mrs. Pagan cud mss ing at his hoitot to Lumber Bridge^ f;Johnson,^ of Aberdeen: Mrs. Sarah death being tocto* 'toWtopioeto He^Waird, of Batesbnrg.yS. (L> and Dr had enffered ■ toto' ''^to®*®® fto^j^ce • B. Joftomm’- PMtoltosMa* some tlmObffuOThg'totoh'iSiPeklsnt al IT . r:,-, . ■4'^:’'' Stren irespitoTAlt wto tiihe. He wfMR,. N- 4- MdMfcILL BI^VfeRjl ^ti' ex-service man, having been 'tn V Hiff. SiWlJlIi: FORD llOADff'^® the .National Chuud. on the^Mmdiean border In 1917 'and :la|to~ -(toi^ HiA ^ Mr. N; A. McNtol, 'Wlio ' .4r Ifftod roadster atoltn'traps'Itoa ‘ ctoOy. had toe to®k furtitobf k> hia car in time to Mim'as. Mr/ toeated it near Fnhpy tor damage bMng doi^'fO to Tw 5 toe ptetora all toa tlodlslt tor him. It wait loaded wltll— «* > T/ty oincers nav© ueei -wuTiv»»», «« ftoseh^.to okder to-atiito^^^®*! ■ wnud case since that idato «dd. huc_ ‘ ' 4ieAM^Avs ': mtotaOiff 'i.'LtoflsIfilfftoTlifiA-" m-.. .9 *;.‘s.A4^aiW wffM.AA.Ji. .''A.'Vsreltw^ ■x iut> 'Vfftpe p*4av« (^toaSd/Hn'-tototihi dhow ” named'defendanth in Hamlet and Ut iidantificatiop of two- oL-toen^ al«(f ;|to bstor seen"to'to^f' ^ .inAreh/^^'tod.to® .ji c^M^omem , lixxt..... »..4. nll■^^'.SB41^liLl■^■ll ■rl.FVVtt 'r^ k;:. . . . rtor^itoinnmt. thal . BIRTt to'Mk. At a .recent meeting ot . to«^ |iaA ford Vohmtew Fire^ Company ' ifoilQWfalg Nk^® to® ijHtojO-'.-''. H-|§,lSk^' w «... an^3pw. Halooart ‘Turtoto Of Dahville>%VaA a son. Mr©, Turaik, Is ' Very ■/ ■tooesahtly - romwn* ' MMlte HetUe IhrpleT jodto lWalhmr. John: i«bc'; a*’ ;mot tomid 'qborge" Ckiciygo, Moira^f -^©d ^iDedihiehitf qil^wt toto to K. Skevmui farm ;ilniitown«flih biff [ad'by iiaralyBls, ”* nsaall Mel ml ^ ir»t M'. 0’ ?5;