REiCORDING ' HOKE. COUNTY’S PRESENT ■f * ! WITH i. JUSTICE THE HOKE COUNTY NEWS LOOKING TO HOKE COTJNTTH FUTURE WITH CONFIDENCE THE HOKE COUNTY JOURNAL VOLUME XXVII—Number 5 MOSIC WEEK TO BE OBSERVED MAV 4-0 P A ■A AT HOME TO CALLERS Ch2uninade Club Will jLead Raeford In Celebration — Community Sing To. Be Held Next Week. The Chaminade Club of Raeford. preserver and intenifier of music in the community, both generally and specifically, is making plans for the observation and celebration of Nat ion Wide Music Week, May 4-9. National '.Musical organizations are sponsoring the week in which ef fort will be made to bring the art of music closer to the hearts of Americans everywhere, awd the Chamidade Club as its pert df a nationaf program will brighteJi the week with a pTcg^am which will be enjoyed by every citizen of the county who wi’l join with them in ■the exercises which are planned. On either the opening or closing Sunday night of the week, a service is planned to be hi.'-1 in one 'f the cliurcLes of th ' town which will eni- pCttfaize religious music. It is plan i. to have a community sing, led by en expert sn ig leader, who has nel yet been aniour-cel. The pi.'ins anii'.cinced so Ear call for a ui.ioii cf ihe choirs o'’ ti'.e three churches )!' tto town and tim singing of the clil, familiar hynJus by these cnoir..- au ! by the audu'i'c''. Such a sing WMii’e be a gr. n. occasion lor tbu* Cii'.nmunity ahiT ihe anncir:'('•in’i'l ''f ■I’'' date on' it is to he held will be awaited wi'n intei'f'st by the mubn aily inclin? I people of ilaefor'l. On Thursday of next week there is planned a i)i.ih!;; recital and innsica; evening will be held in the school ai. .. n ai^ eight o’clock at night. The program has not been definitely planned as yet . I III tfie inn-pose'i5 pre sent free to the puirlic a progi.'ain,.^f music both vocal and instriimenra’ Every effort is ibeing made to have a splendid program at thus entertain- meut; and it is hoped that all the citizens of the carminanity will be present at the program. Later an nouncements ■ will, be made as to the exa-dt nature of the program. ’Ehe plans for music week are heing -worked out by a coniinit^ee from the Chaminade Club, led by Mrs. H. R. Cromartie, chairman, and having Mp->d.ames R. .B. Stewart, Watson Fairley, W. R. Barrington, and Marsliall Thomas as :members. A county friend called it to attention the other day that some items of news were escaping our ever-watchful eyes. We expressed no surprise for \ye had long ago conwOded that without the eyes ot Argus and either a pair of seven league boots or a magic carpet, it is well-nigh impossible for us to bring all the news to these pages. While we. do pur best, we realize that there is a limit to our ability ‘to catch every thing that’s in the vvind. For the convenience of all con cerned, and we hope that includes all oup readers, the News-Journal is now situated immediately sur rounding telephone number two- four-five. We hope that all who have messages for the News-Jou rial will avail themselves of this convenience and aid us in present. Ing ail of the news of the county to the people of the county. INVESTIGATE HEAITO RAEEORD BOYS OEE TO SCOOT JAMBOREE Doctors Murray And Lilly Conduct Clinic At Raeford School; Work Is County- Wide. DR. HARDIE WILL BE OESCHOOICHIIDREN DERE UNTIL FRIDAV Charlotte Minister Wins The Hearts Of Raeford People; Splendid Music Features Protracted Services. Two Day Festival In Wilming ton Will Be Attended By Local Scouts; Enter Nine Teams. Good attendance and much inter est have been manifest in the pro fs cted services being b-ald this week av the Raeford Pvesbyteeiian church. Beginning last Sunday services are being held at the church twice daily, in the mornings at ten-thirty and in the evenings at eight. The attention of the public is called to the change in hour of the evening services from seven-thirty as was first announced, to eight o’clock. The change was made foe the convenience of house ketepers and those people fo.’ whom the hour of seven-thirty was juaged a little early. The choir is meeting at seven forty-five for practice. A fine feature of the services is the music under the talented direc tion of Mr. John Alderman, of Dunn. Mr! Alderman is a young musician YOU MAY NOT HAVE KNOWN Work aniong the School children of the county udiich has as its goal the attainment of a state of health for each child ‘which will enable him or her to do better work in school "nd face life without the drawback of ill health, is steadidly going for ward under the guidance of the iParent-Teacher Association commit tee. Mrs. C. H. Giles is chairman of the committee and is carrying on the ■yrofk with energy and effectiveness. Some time ago Mrs. Giles examin ed in preliminary fashion about eight hundred school children in the .county and made notes of the ones whom she found who showe-d ten dencies of defectiveness in sight. On Monday Dn Lilly, of Fayette- -ville, was in- Raeford and made ex- talent and has-a fine future before aminations cf the children in the jjjjjj jjj field. He attended Buies Raeford school whom Mrs. Giles ha'.i Academy and Wake Forest' considered as needing a closer ex- - ^.j^g diicago Con-' amination. Of the number, ninety- ggi-yafory where he studied music, seven were found with greater or less defective t f m and ten were found who had defective tonsils. The ef fectiveness of the clinic will be A little talk with various citiz ens has revealed the fact that as tonishingly few people of Hoke County realize that one mile from Raeford is the site of what is historically established as the first medical school chartered by the state of North Carolina. It was the old Edinborough Medical school, chartered by the state of North Carolina in 1866 and recog nized by the North Carolina Medi- jeal Society as the' first -medical school in North Carolina. The colorful personality who was the motivating factor of the school, the romaptic and distaste ful features of the practice of medicine in those days, a descrip tion of the school, its students and the way they studied, the changes through which the school passed to it’s end, all will be presented to the readers of the NEWS-JOURNAL in an article to appear next week. FISHING LAW ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. H. R. McLean, county game and fire warden is in receipt of a letter from tbe state aUthoritites: which is of interest to the sports men of the county. Some time ago, Mr. McLean with his customary in dustry where the interests of the local sportsmen are concerned, wrote to the state authorities to obtain ex act information on the laws govern ing fishing in the county. The let ter in response is in part as follows: “Fishing laws are being pirinted. Will get same to you in a few days. The three days, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday in each week in the closed season when fishing is al lowed In the following counties: Bladen, Camden,' Columbus, Curri tuck, Duplin, Hoke; Hertford, 'Gates, Greene, Lenoir, Pasquotank, Perqui mans, Pender and Robeson. On these three days any kind of fish are permitted to be taken by hook and line, rod and reel and by casting.’’ PELLAGRA CLINIC I - There will be a Pallagra ■ Clinic held at the Court House, Tuesday, May Eth, between the hours ot nine and twelve in the morning. All pel lagra patients are asked to report. ^ R. L. MURRAY, County Physician CAROLINA BANKERS MEET-AT PINEHURST The North Carolina Bankers Asso ciation held its annual meeting at Plnehurst on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of i this week with a large crowd of North Carolina Bank ers In attendance. In addition to the North Carolina bankers there were numerous interested -visitors from other states, and men high up In the ban’/ig’’‘%orld who addressed^ the association at Its variotfs meet-'' Ings. Mr. Bob Lewis and Mr. Pel- ham Covington of Raeford ■were In attendance at various sessions of the convention. Some Raeford people were also on hand at the brilliant ball given In the Catbllna Hotel Monday night. A large number of Raeford Boy Scouts will leave here Friday for the Scout Jamboree Which will be lelcl oil Fri,:ay and Saturday at Wilniin.gton. ’Fhe Jamboree v.ill bring together about six hundred Scouts of the Cape Pear Area, who have been practicing for and looking for ward to this event all,spring as one of the finest events of their lives. The Scouts will camp together, en joy campF’ros, parades, in.spection:? and athletic events of every kin 1. Large preparations have been go ing ' on in the Raeford troop for several weeks as the boys made their preparations to attend the Jam boree- and take all the honofs if possible. Raeford’s troop has attain ed high points of. efficiency and in terest and numbers among its scouts hoys who have attained high rank in scouting in only a short time. Plans are made to enter team in nine distinct competitions as well as to mingle with the scouts from other counties and exchange ideas and yarns with them. 'Teams have been' selected for all the competitions and have been practicing every afternoon for w'eeks. The teams and thh events i which they will enter are as fol- i lows: Chariot Race—Sam Snead, N. .T. Blue, 'William MePayden, (Clyde Me- Innis, Billie Crawley. Paul Revere- Race—Sam Snead. Nathan Epstein, Neil J. Blue, Clyde Meinnis, Billie Crawley, Jack Mor ris. Wall Scaleing—Sam Snead, N. J. Blue and Jake Austin, Clyde Mclnnls, ■William McFayden, Clyde Upchurch. Billie Crawley, James G. Currie or William Lentz, Walter Barrington Archery—Nathan Epstein. Tent Pitching—Nathan Epstein, Danny Johnson. Rifling—Paul Dickson. Signalling—Thomas Cameron, Mal loy Lament, Jack Morris, Paul Dick- -SCHl. ■ ■ - 'i, - ‘ First Aid—-Nathan Epstein, Paul Dickson, Thomas Cameron, Malloy Lamont. determined by the efforts of the parents and children to have these ..efects ‘adjusted. On Tuesday- at the Raeford school Dr. R. ..L. Murray, county physician, made a general medical inspection of the school children. The resu’t.-. of the examination were ve.-y en couraging and the children were found to be generally sound. How ever, a good number were suffering from minor deficiencies, particular ly -vi'ith regard to teeth and tonsils. The Parent-Teacher Association.s are rendering a great service to the children of the county through these clinics. Each association in the coun ty has taken as one of its objectives the health of the children who at- tewi the respective schools. The cooperation of the parents with those who are fostering the clinics will be of the utmpst value to the children and to the community. The attainment of health is an integral part of a happy and vigorous citizen ship and the workers in this •eld are to be complimented for ,heir energy and efficiency. While there he was also an instruc tor in the conservatory. For four years he taught music- in Howard College. .4t present he is spending his time at his name in Dunn an.I going a wonderful work in music ‘n the county. I’uder the auspices o' the Rotary Club of. Dunn he is conducting county-wide sings which are, being received with a great deal of enthusiasm by the citizens. At a meeting last Sunday the crowd- in attendance was estimated at over two thousand people. He also has organized and directs a men’s chorus' in Dunn which is fast achiev ing fame. Mr. Alderman is direct ing the music for the Presbyterian meeting and has also favored the audience with vocal solos . which ■ove been exceptionally well receiv ed. Dr. Hardie, Pastor- of the Second Presbyterian • Church of Charlotte, is speaiking at each service and is a St winning the hearts of the peo ple who attend. Dr. Hardie is a splendid speaker, and combines an exceptionally clear view of the prob lems of our times with a deep de votion to the cause which he repre sents. His sermons are direct and penetrating and the people of the community are hearing him gladly. 0.0. C. MEMORIAl BAY NEH SATURDAV Raeford Chapter of Daughters Of The Confederacy Plans' For Observance Of Day Of Southern Memory. \m ROUND NEAR IN LEGISLATIVE FIGUT This Year’s Assembly Has Given Land Taxes The Go- By And Republicans A Come-Back. By CARL GOERCH Three years ago I attended a prize fight in Philadelphia. Battlin'' ‘Some body was fighting Knockout Somft- body-else. It was a fast and furious fight and at the end of the eighth round, both men were .swinginig wildly and apparently didn t know what they were doing. They acted as though they were in a sort of daze. “They’re punch-groggy.’’ said a fat man, who was sitting alongside of me. “Both of them have absorbed so much punishment that they are literally out on their feet.” After having spent another day ground the State cupitol. I believe ' know what's the matt-r with the legislature. They're* they don't know what th ■■ are doing. Somebody ought to th'-o-.- in a sponge, or a towel, or somc.rhing. an i put an end 1 to, tl le V. i-ht. It is going to go dov,' in ' -■I'.Dry as 0 ne of the mos t wpr :.l riil’ lutui' es we ever h-a' I. ‘^ad. ■v\' i’ve been kidflin-g 'em : .lion,! L^ h'- t’lMV reall y deserve a 'vh :-le \ :r nf re-lic for seme of the le^i ■■ tilat they 've passed. . Tlv' r-i' '' 1.' visit i.ig iou"'y go'. ' ■ I. L "f Cniiutv who rernember. will pause to m^aii a 'Dig thir, lor/t'.;' next Saturday, May bth. to pay, a, whole. When ('..iv-er’or i homage to the Confe lerate Soldier came out an i r ;ro:iir.- r. 1 of the sixties on the Soutliern' Me- proposition in ' hi.s oper. .. mcrial Dav. The iMemorial Day is to the l.:ai''lature. t' -r,' ■■.■.r 0" course on the 10th but the great- ipw lid'ts wlio ex ? .s,- o-;. er part of the observance of the clay ,10 it. rractically ; ■will take place on the ninth. j tion, however, has 3-ab.s':(.. i Tiion there’s th '-iil Hoke County's - observation of th'. 'ay will be sponsore'l and directed by the Raeford Chapter. Unite'l Daughters of the Confederacy. Each •ear the members of the organiza tion follow the traditional paths in honoring the men who fought for ‘he South, decorating the graves of the dead, honoring the living and "triving to bring closer home to the -'pople of the community the memory of the Lost Cause. Cir.t TOmEIEilONSiO BE RON ON IRONDAV Selection Of Mayor And Board Of Aldermen For Two Years Service Will Occupy Atten tion Of Citizens May 4th. HOKE COUNTY FARMER IS MAKING INTERESTING EXPERIMENT ON FARM Mr. N. H. G. Balfour Raises Chinchilla Rabbits For Fur Ana Food; Chinchilla’s Take Place Of Andes Rat In Supplying W^orld W^ith Fancy Coat Fur. Mrs. 'W'^illiam McFayden is chair man of the committee from the Raeford chapter which will have charge of the exercises of Memorial Day. Every known grave of a Con- “ederate soldier in the county will be decorated with the stars and bars. A dinner will be given by the chapter to the Hoke County veter ans. Further plans call for a pro-' I gram to be given at the school house. The exact nature of the prb- e^ram has not been disclosed hut it is sure to be an inspiring one to all southerners. a new prisim. if 1 ' r ' c i t;one nothina else but ihi.. i': ;(' time woal,! have ''.’t-'a ''r-.': -;-at. To say nothing o; ''’e ' -v a-va'-' bill, college con-olidati n pioai-am and other worth-while n: . sures. j'n.l so. despite all of their 'aoi'sh- iiess and stubborn-'ess. the ..atars and representativ.s hu er't - one ;o badly after alt. I.-n':. uli i -in in and give th in tlit e h'.rs. .eh • 'et’s make it two -vheers. anyway. By the time yo-u rea 1 this. the session will have adjourned. :f it hasn’t, it will during the next three or four days. I’ve had an tpoart-JU' (Continued on back page) : In these days of constant and'in fact until he became extinct and As often happens under a demo cratic form of gov'ernmont, every two years—to be exict, Raeford will hold a municipal sla.-tion next Mcnr- day. May 4th, to determine who shall be mayor of this progressive city for the next two years and also five men who will be called by the honored name of City Fathers or dads, or Aldermen—take it or leave it, as Chief McGill says., The date for filing notice of cai^ didacy closed last Friday and as the curtain fell on the scene of activi ties, two aspirants were In the run ning for mayors, namely, R. L Bethune—mayor for the past -two years, and G. B. Rowland, who was mayor for several terms some six (Continned on hack pagql. sometimes monotonous dedication of farm work to the production of one *br two crops which are planted as regularly as the sun rises and harv ested as regularly as its sets, there is something cheerful in finding in the countryside a farm project that is somewhat different. It rouses the interest like seeing a gruff manner ed airedale after seeing nothing but hounds and bird dogs; like stumb ling on the harmony of three violins on a night' 'viih'eh the radio offers nothing but one-minute health talks. Such a project occupies the time of Mr. N. H. G. Balfour, the amiable Englishman who a few years ago se!:( tied clown in the Southeastern corn er of Hoke County. Rabbits are not anything unusual, you say. You have to scare them out of the drive way before you • can put your car in the shelter. Time of 'native rab bits, but Chinchillas are different. It is the latter breed, fast becoming famous, that engages the attention, of Hoke County’s well known rab bit breeder. The word “Chinchilla*’ has long been associated 'with coats. Right fully it should always have been associated with ultra-expensive ones but fabric Imitations have dulled the power of the word to suggest the ultimate in coat material. On the rocky slopes of the Andes mountains in Chile their formerly abounded the little Chinchilla Lau- gera, a rat like animal, the size of a squirrel, who yielded, not too -will ingly, his luxurious fur to the coat makers of the world, providing that the gilded ladies wealth should cause a stir amoung' their friends when they appeared In their latest richly furred eoat. The ladies liked this fur, they called for It In bigger quantities and the Langera, hemmed in by hunters, gave till it killed, gave his last small pelts sold for ninety five dollars per each. But the ladies had started to wearing Chinchilla fur and they couldn’t be denied. What do you mean, shopkeeper, no Chinchilla? "We must have it, so see to it! Then upon the stage stepped the quiet and retiring rabbit. Ke furriers saw that the* pelt of the Chinchilla rabbit was almost identi cal with the fur of the Langera.' ■Various experiments showed that" his pelt, after it had been divested of the long hairs outside and the blue under-fur had been reached, could be used in making coats of Chinchilla fur and even the most exacting could not complain. So the breeding of Chinchilla rabbits began in France and swept over into Eng land where it was intensified; a few years later the project was in Ame rica, where it has been glorified. The meat of the Chinchilla Rabbit is succulent and sweet and thus a double value is given to the aris tocratic bunny. Mr. Balfour has con verted an old phickenry into a rab- bitry and has a flourishing drove of rabbits in nice quarters. At har vest time the rabbits are killed in a humane way, the hides are packed off to the furrier and the meat is sold to Fayetteville hotels. A visit to the Hoke County rab- bitry is both entertaining and in structive. While the rabbit business has suffered as has every other sensible business during the depres sion, Mr. Balfour finds the breedihg of these rabbits a novel and inter esting project and one that pays as well as could be expected in these bouhlous times. This Is the time for all subscrib ers in arrears to come to the aid ot the payroll.. JUNIOR ORDER TO HAVE PROGRAM AT MILDOUSON The Raeford Council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics will present a flag and Bible to the Milclouson school on next Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock. The cere mony will take place in the auditor ium of the school building. The pub lic is cordially, in^ted to, be present. Dr.* Charles ; president of Meredith Colleg^f%’%S^cled ‘ to- he present for the—hialA speech. AD Juniors, are requested to be present and on time. SENATE AND HOUSE PASS REVENUE BILL Bill From Conference Commit tee Carries Luxury Tax For Support Of Six Months State Supported Schools. Sing sweet birds and roar ye heavens! Laugh Landowners and weep knights of nicotine and slaves of soft drinks! Bow your heads, scoffers at the legislature and ad- niit your mistake, all who have been sarcastic. After aeons of argument and centuries of cavilling in com mittee rooms and legislative halls, the senate and house have both a- greed for a minute. It happened on Wednesday. The conference committee which has been sweating corpuscles over the contorversial meksures which push ed themselves upon their attention, finally decided upon a report, to send to the two divisions of the leglsla- (Continued on back page) STATE PRESIDENT OF P. T. A. TO SPEAK HERE The members of tlie Raeiai'd '.’ar- ent Teacher Assaciaiion are i a-ta- nate in having eecured t'.r.’ ^tate president of the Parent Teacher Association, to speak at the meeting of the Association on Monday. May 11th. Mrs. Raymond Einfcrd. who holds this- high and responsible position ivill be in Raeford at that time and will address the Raeford association. The meeting' will be at thr,. e-thirty in the school auditorium and the local association officers are hoping that a large crowd will be present to welcome the state president to Rae- fortl, and to hear her messng-^ to tlfose who are most interested in the welfare and progress of the /- iioois. ■ m NOTICE “ ' All members of the Civic Chib asked to take notice of the meeting of the Club to be held on Tuesday, May 5th. at 3:3i\ SHILOH AND PHILIPPI CHURCHES The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup per will .be celebrated at Shiloh S'un- day morning at 11 a. m.. May third, and at Philippi in the afternoon at 3:30. The trouble about the. tyrants in modern homes is that they are usu ally the children. COURT ADJOURNED LAST THURSDAY Following the strenuous session of the criminal court, the civil court took up the cases in hand last Thursday. The cases praved to be one case, however, and provided a vt.i-y welcome let-down from the stiained and continuous woik de manded during the first paic of the week by the rather ‘barn crimiual ticket. The session of con it was an excessively expensive one, so many witnesses being summoned and a large number ot juroirs haiug utiliz ed. This however. Is the lairt "tiourt of the county year which ends ta Ji^. VA.’ fW. ■ ,. f.

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