4- LtfcjV.i ??%s^r‘-^; Hrc^-'st':* Js wm. 'V f i. V'lA-. v- RECORDING HOKE COUNTY’S •PRESENT WITH JUSTICE HOKE Jfitejftirs' rUTUB#^ iriTK eONFIDBl!^ THE HOKE COUNTY NEWS T THE HOKE COUNTY JOURNAL SI.50 YEAR. IN ADVANCE i W. t M lES Hffi TUESMY — Was Leader in Community’ Affairs, Talented Artist And Beloved Friend. PIRST weevil * • ' ■'4 Mrs. (W^. ^B. McQueen, for more than a quarter of a century a leader in,the civic and community life of Raeford, beloved teacher and friend, died at hst home in Rae. ford at eight o’clock Tneadey momj ing after an illriess which stretched oyer .several months and \ had been critical for several weeks. There had been much anxiety in the town and community since it was known that her condition was serious and while it was known that she was critically ill, it did not lessen the shock of the news, of her death. Mrs, McQueen was formerly Miss Wilhemena Hassalkus and was bom in Griffin, Georgia. She was the ‘ daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. H. W. Hassalkus . of Griffin. Her father came to America from Germany in his youth and her mother was a native of Washington, D. C. Mrs, McQueen came to Raeford soon after the founding of the Raeford Institute . at the opening of the present cen. tury. She served as instructor in • .music at that school and even after she .ceased to teach in the schools, continued to teach music in private classes rip until the last few years of her life. A few years after, her arrival in Raeford she married Mr. W. B, McQueen, |Mrs. McQueen was an exception ally talented and charming woman and up until the period of her de. dining 'health took an active and leading interest in community life. H«r talents, far from being limited to the field of music, were marked in ,the fields of dramatics, elocution and painting. She possessed an un_ bounded energy and enthusiasm which made her a leading factor in scores of prbjects for community betterment. Especially helpful wera her activities In the field of educa. tlon and her unselfish work was ever a factor in the progress of the Raeford school. Mrs. McQueen’s nature was al ways one of eminent helpfulness. Her talents in varied fields and her personal charm made and held hund. reds of friends. Her efforts in behalf of her friends and nelgh^ra, through bbmmnnity enterprises coyMtng « pertod of twentyiflve yeai^s, bavd woven a thread.- of hersblf ihto the fabric ;.of,coiqwunlty ^life.«.There is ■genuine Smrbw 4n hundreds of hearts who knew her and loved her hnd mourn her death. She was buried in the Raeford cemetery on Wednesday morning with Reverend ’Trawlck and Rever. end Carswell ol!lR:ia^. The cere mony was simple In peeping ^th her wishes. A large number of friends jmd relatives attended the cerdmony. * The first .forerunner of a hard ♦ * surtthier has appeared in Hoke * * bounty’s cotton fields and farm. * * e.“8 who. .have - been working a- ♦ * long contentedly have suddenly * * come to the realixatlon that life * * is real and earnest and the * * boil weevil must be fought again. ? * In apito of th? f®rt , * wee^r^ cbhtroi has become a * much surer thing In the last few * * yeai^ It ie 'hiifdly yet a thing * thaf’ csn hd odhsldered casually. * The hard bllfed borer hae been * discovered on the ifarm of Jack * * Ray out. Puppy Creek way. The _ * fHiinbSr;^f WWrtl* ««• T * the reaiixatlon that they have al« * ready_ started to work will set * farmers minds to planning, for * It la pretty, sure that a similar * infestatron will be found thru- ♦ * out the county and this section. Friends Legisia^r For Comissioner Agriculture if % x « « «« « •» *'• •• FREE VACCINATION Repreacotative Day Csunpaign For County Man—McEachem Eminent ly Qualified For Position; * During the past few months *j * several esses of Typhoid Fever • * have developed In Hoke coun. * « ty, there being two oases in * * the county seat at the present ♦ i - A I-1 * time. Therefore it is very im. * In tlie ft-tin ftiincement carried id , ' , ^ las? hSLy“ News & Observer th. * e^ary one be vaccl. ; ' I him forward when; and W. he says Qpetts the word. ollowing appeared: • "Enthusiastic over the expected cahdidacy of Representative Laurie , » nf Hoke McBachern, of Hoke County, for Com. Sweet music in the J aissioner of Agriculture. Represent- FRIZES AWWD IN CIDIN^ Judges Name Neatest Business Houses In Cc^petition Here Friday. Ten blue ribbons and eight red ribbons denoting first and second places in the Clean-up Week com petition, were awarded by the judg es in the inspection which was car ried out by the committee from the Woman’s Club here Friday. Great interest was exhibited by the busi ness astabllBhments and by tM townspeople In general In the effort to increase the beauty and cleanlUmaB of the business houses in Raeford. Business men entered In the com. petition whole heartedly and Raq- ford‘s main street looked like a newly minted dime on the day of the contest. The inspection was carried out Friday by the Woman’s Club com mittee consisting of Mrs. Carl Mor ris, Mrs. Christian Davis, and Mrs. D. P; HMSteWs. All business houses were Inspected and the judges a- warded the prizes as followk; blue ribbons, signifying first place were awarded to the Bank of Raefwd. the Raeford CAfe. McGill Md^ Me- Neill's Market, Israel Mann s Store, Pender Grocery Store, Arch Gra. ham’s Filling Station, the RMford Dry Cleaners. Reaves Drug Store. Inc., (Mctean Electric Shop, and the l^ectrlc 'Shob 'fhop. Rei" Mbbona’ representing second prize in the competition* were a- warded to Thomas Groewy Co., Page Trust Company, The Dad^ Shop, Dan Campbell Dry The City Market, the Standbard Station, the Imperial Cafe, and the County folks was a formal announce, ment in the state papers la.rt Friday that a large group of legislatOTs had centered on Representative Mc- Eachern of this county to rim Tor the hi''h office of Commisaiojier of Agriculture In the Democratic pri. e™ maries next year. The announcement was made by Representative N. L Day, one of the leaders ol the House arc;, his announcement wss the come of developbaents that those close to the feeling of the legisla. ti.ve were familiar with and was no surprise to many of the peopUv who knew what was going on; The pre?.- eiit Incumbent, Mr. W. A. Crahani, h^.s Incurred the hosliliry of man> of the people of the state by ••oi- tain legislation' that he got by the General Assembly two years as'o wliich greatly sticj-i :i”enfi his prw er end made him mo'e of a rtespo. than was Intended. Sentiment has I'oeji crystalizing against him for a Itng time until the view b.came geneial that so,mo one should nn aga-i st him next year. On account of the inability '.or most aspirants tWs oSlce\o make a vigorous colleagues and opponents alike fO. this oince throughout hv odneation and i PLENTY QF PLANES ca-.tpaign for a ^ . .i, * Hie State it was thought best that ^ome member of tUc preseu-. f.rr. .•ral i'ssemhly be selected to make the laie, since 'lavl.xg bee-; .u' 't-'l feiiih irr over fo i. months, th-* 'le. qi,niatapces made ^ there wouli give s« me starting point in most of Ihe counties. It Dav r an icu:; re aient v*as no acc isit. It w i** the „:niln.tlon of mat. 'c rellecilon an’X adv'fing on the part of a large mmber of legis v:e.s and reflects «'io prevailing sentiment, perhaps, of those who are members of th® Genetal Assemblyi That Mr. McBJachern would fUl the position with credit and honor, gobs without saying to those who know blm welL Hoke county people will welcome the opportunity to shove f'W-^ ■ A. The army air' fleet which was weekendlqf at Fort Bragg passed in review before the citizens of the county on three successive days this week. The trip south which was halted at Fort Bragg on Saturday began again Sunday morning and a good number ol beautiful planes sailed over Raeford and southward. ■Monday mortUng a large number took to the air and the sky roared with thirty Jive or more powerful motors. The largest number' went south on Tuesday with sixty-nine planes in groups of varying slze^ * passed southward toward their home lields.N A good number of citizens ; were among the interested who went ,^‘^to Pope Field Sunday to view the fleet w^ jddged on neatneM Md clean- ilness ot appo^hoe and attractive ness of display. The benefits of the competition were manifest In the efforts extend ed by the various houses and the excellent appearance of all the con cerns. The committee commended the appearance ol all the business hbtiBes and made the decisions only after the most serious consideration of all concerns Inspected. f WIN KIWANIS MEDALS In the account of the graduating exercises at the high school last week, the awarding of the Kiwanls medftls lor excellence in scholarship was omitted. The Kiwanis Club of ^ Raeford awards each year threetoied- als, one In each department of the school, primary, grammar and high school divisions. The award is ;mado for thp best scholastic work in each division of the school each year. This year’s awards went to Yvonne Baucom in the primary school. Al- vis Dickson in grammar school and Christianna McFadyeh, In the hlgn schooL These awards were made at f the final exercises. All the winners Vare to be highly congratulated on their excellent records. NO REVALUATION YET At the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on June 16t ative N. E. Day Issued the following statement before he left for home yesterday: “ ‘Having served in the General Assembly with Mr; Laurie McBach. Representative from Hoke County, I take this means of pre. senting him to the State of North Carolina as candidate for Commis sioner of Agriculture, subject to the expression of the voters in the pri mary and general elections of next sear. (Mr. McBachern is a farmer and business man and identified with the public and community life of his county. “Ijt is the fine record Mr. Me, Eachfern'has made in the 1931 House sessions that parUlpularly\ reqonK mends him to ,us as suited to the office we seek for him. He hasn’t tried to trim his. sail with every change of the wind. At the same time, he has not assumed that the differences of combatants in the legislative arena should embitter their personal relations toward each other, and ie has made friends of * nated agairtst’ this disease. Our. * * Hig June- and July vaccination * * against Typhoid will be given * * free. « After July 1st vaccination a * gainst DIptheria will be given,* * free to all children. During** * June it nriay be obtained at a * * cost of five cento per dose. ♦ During July all sections of the * * county will be visited on certain * * dates vrilieh will be announced * * later. * * Any one desiring to be vaeei- * * nated shduld come to my office. • * R. L. Murray, Co. Physician * ****♦♦♦♦♦*•♦•*•»* M JIE Sn HERE Lengthy Meeting Brings portant Decisioiis — Ta* Sales Postpened. .jc IRIULDCW SCI Mrk. Vivian Bushong, Nation ally Known Home Econo mist, Will Lead. Mrs. Vivian Bushong, nationally known Home Economist and culi nary expert will arrive here Mon day of next week to make final preparations for the opening of an all-electric cooking school, which is being sponsored by the Womans Club on Tuesday, June 9th. A class will be conducted in the Kiwanis Qualified by education and train ing for this high place, Mr. Mc- Eachern is still of the younger Dem. ocracy of North Carolina. He knows the needs, economic and social, of ... t ^ ^ North Carolina Agriculture and that of Sefo^^ be a balanced agriculture must wait on a balanced market and a well pro. portioned industial set-up of the whole State—from the mountains to the plains. He could and would make the great agricultural department the exponent of balanced industrial and economical adjustment in the State. “SteWing personal qualities and unimp^chahle integrity, vrith youth and abtltty of high order, are assets we sssardahB State can be possess ed by it in bripging Mr. McEachem to this position of great and eftec. effective service.’” gRlWS UKAL MEN SandhiU firemen Ij/lfet Luml>erton-^Tro Meet Here Next Year. The sixth annual meeting of the HHDAV Style Show At School Ho«»e 'to Be Varied And E^r- Taining Affair- The stage Is set fof the Cotton given an opportunity of learning the secrets of better cooking and home management from an expert who has won fame throughout the coun try in her chosen profession. She guarantees to noaKfe better home maker of each woman who attends her classes regularly, “Sogthern cooks are known the couhtry over,” Mrs. Bushong said, “for their tasty dishes. In this'achfiol r will give -many‘reties which are favorites in that colorful section of our country.' Mrs. Bushong is not only a food specialist, khe is a forcetol enter, talner. Patrons are proihls'ed no dull moments,'' for- she has - the happy ffti-ffiity of bdlng able to interest- her audience and at the same time to struct it. The Kiwanis Club rooms, which will cetelortobtotoeat ail those attending, has bken 'put in read! ness for the opening of the school Sandhill Firemen’s Association was gtyle show which ie!dri,»nl.erton on tho nooond ol,ford’, obMomti™ ot NaUoM^ Hote Dm* C0D.|».r. The rfLnmiro^ton' ».no 1.1 throngh dlt Th. ,ni8 moniu ^ the auspices of this month Tue peopie 01 aid themselves proud and entort^eq about 150 visiting fflremen and thbus; ands of visitors, liie association "Is composed of the following towns. Fayetteville, Raeford, Aberdeen, Pine, hurst. Southern Pines; Ellerbe, Car thage, Pine Bluff, Hamlet, Sanford, Rockingham, Lumberton, Ellza^th Town, Laurinburg, St Pauls,. Red Springs and Maxton The convention this year was a most successful one and nearly equalled the State Con. vention as to size of crowd. The chemical and water races were hOvh won by Sanford. The following officers * were elect ed to serve for this year: Ed. Glov. u...., , . er, Lumberton, President; R. B. petition signed by a number 01 Raefofd, Vice President, and The County Board of Commission- *, ers met at ten o’clock Monday morn- * ing, all members being presenL The minutes ^of the last regular meeting were read, cofrected and approved. The following business, was trans acted; It was ordered that a sum not 1 exceeding $400.00 be appropriated from the general county fund for county forest protection agklnst fir® this money to be expended to co operation with the North Carolina Department of Conservation and De velopment . during' the year begin ning July 1, 1391. Ordered that the Chairman of the Board be, and he Is hereby, directed and authorized to sign the required application for Mothers’ Aid Fund from the State Boatd:''"hfsCharitIes and Public Welfar^it being: under stood that the cdunty is to \ contri bute durink this fiscal year/a sum equal to the contribution made by the state through said Board of Charities and Public Welfare, the appropriation to be made on a per capita basis; that is to say, accord ing to the number of inhabitants to the County of Hoke. Ordered that Carl iMcCrlmmon, a prisoner, be hired out as of June 10, 1931, to McNair Smith for $22.30 to serve out the remainder of his twelve months term, the said term having begun November 10, 1930. Ordered that the six Hoke County notes now held by the payee, the Page Trust Compang. a banking cor poration, for five thousand dofiare each, which, matured May 10, 1931, be renewed by the execution and de livery to the said payee ot the said County’s six promisory notes for five thousand dollars each, dated May 10, 1931, maturing Ai«ust 10, 1931. ..and- drawing tatwest at the rate of six per cent per annum from said maturity date, the said six notes first mentioned above having been issued and sold in anticipation of taxes to be collected; and It is further ordered that the Chairman of the Board of Hoke County Com- missoners and the Clerk of said Board and the TTfeasnrer of Hi*e Cbdnty "be, and they hereby authorized and' ^directed, to do att things necessary to carry thia trans;. action to its Itoal conclusion. Orbe^ F. F. HcPhaal. ‘‘My audience must be comfortable ^ ^ ^ if 'the gidd points of the sxtodrf '•” »3haIiSin of-AM Hoke County lloard school ate to be Vi- "U* Commiasloiieili. De. and he is present Weatlfer con«UollB It is .anthoriajri »l»d empowered, in Hoke taxpayers was presented to the board requesting an Immediate re, valuation of real estate in the Coun, ty.' After full consideration of the petition, it was decided by the board that the petition could not be granL ed because of a stotute, passed dur ing the latter dara ot recent Legislature, postponing re-valuatlon until 1934. Under the terms of this statute no reductions can be made on present -values this year, except such reductions as inay be incidental to the equalization of values between particular pieces of property, and the sum , of such' inildbntal reducUons cannot be more than ten percent of the total value of re%l estate in the county for the year 198(r. Of course this ten percent reduction does not apply to tracts of land where the values, thereof have Men ■dimin ished by the burning of buildings, re. moval of timber, and the like. DRk BROWN IN HpSPITAL Dr. O; W. Brown, who was sick a few days ago, has had a rOlapse and was carried to Hlghsmlth Hos pital Thursday, where his condition is considered as serious. L.. Strickland, Fayetteville, Secre.^ tary The local Fire Department extended an invitation to meet next yekr at Raeford, which was acCOpL ed and this Town will be the host for the convention In 1932. The. fol lowing members of the local com pany attended the meeting; R. B. Lewis, L. S. McMillan, A. Cole, J. L; Teale, H. A. Greep, B. BethuM, Bud (McKeithan, H. L. Gatlin, Jrr, W. p. Baker, C. C. Conoly and. Ea Smith. morris-mcfadyen News has been received In Raeford of the marriage of Miss Marie Mc- Fadyen to Mr. Steve Morris ot Gastonia. The marriage topk place in the Presbyterian church at Gas-^ tonia; Monday night and was wit. nessed by only a few friends of the contracting pasjJes. Mr. and Mrs. Morris will make their '^o^ in Gas tonia. PASSION PLAY HERE style show, under the auspices the Woman’s Club will be held at the Raeford School auditorium at eight o’clock. Friday night, June 5. The program 'wlU feature entertain ment as well as information and all who attend are assured of a lively evening. One of the features, of the even ing’s program will be ’ an address by Prof. H. Y. Winters of North Carolina State College. Prof. Winters is a man who has an intimatk know ledge of the problem which cotton faripers are facing now, together with an insight Into the cotton in dustry in general and his address will bring to the people of the county a clearer insight into the present situation. The fashion sho'V will be divided into a number of parts and will in. elude showings of styles for small girls, misses, dresses made at holne, and ah oxhlbltlon by the Cotton Textile Institute of New York. Priz. es will be awarded lit several coin petlHons. • Musical numbers irill be glVTO at Intervals dtiring thk program, which has been well planned for variety. The committee from the Woman a club, with the cooperation of County Agent Burton, has arranged an In teresting and enloyable pjograto. Admission is free and It to hoped that every seat in the auditorium will be taken by those who have this worthy cause at heart ' MR. McLAUCHLIN SICK necessary that arrangements be made for the comfortable seating of all persons atteddlhg, and vehti. lated so that no one will suffer frohi heat”- In completing arrange ments for the beginning of the school on June 9th, every request made by Mfs. Bushong has been fulfilled. The patrons of this school will not only receive expert instruction without any cost but will be eligible for participation in a long list of valuable awards. Attendance will mean much to any home maker who attends. Pro grams have been arranged which promise to make of this school tho best of .its kind ever conducted in Raeford. The Passion Play in film, 'with sound effects, will be given at the school auditorium, Wednesday, June 10th, at 8:15, under the auspices of the American Legion, and Auxiliary. WINS ESSAY CONTEST Friends ot Mr. J. W. McLauchlin. and that 'includes everybody who know him, will learn with grave con. cern that he has typhoid fever. While his condition is good for this disease, Mr. McLauchlin’s advanced age ca’jses deep concern, he having recently passed his eighty-fifth birthday. Miss Annie Mae Gibson, of Antioch, during the past year a student at Raeford High School, by winning tho N. C. Cotton Association Essay Con. test at Flora MacDonald College on June second, won the right to com pete at Fayetteville next Tuesday. Tho winner of thk tortteA -contest will go to the state competition at Raleigh. *1116 •winner of 'the state-wide con test will-receive cash prizes and an educational trip to Washington. Hoke County friends of Miss Gibson con. gratulate her on- her success and hope that it will continue. “CoU ton Co-operative Marketing in North Carolina—Its Present and Future" is the subject upon whiclf the con testants write. NOTICE The annual Woman’s Club Baby Clinic will be held at the High School Lunch, room on Friday, June 19th. The 4nb feels that it is for. tunate In having secured for the cHn- Ic the services 6f Dr. If. B. GEd' die, of High Point All white babies from three months to two years of age are eligible for the clinic. (Mrs. H. A Cameron, Com. Chrm. behalf of thq-county, to negotiate with the State Higliway Commission, and Its proper representatives, tor a sale or lease of the Hoke County prison stockade and the County rted fotce garage or machine shop, and all of the machinery, supplies, equip ment and appliances appurtenant thereto, including the premises upon which said stockade and garage and equipment, etc., are situated. Ordered that the sheriffs sale of land for 1930 delinquent taxes be withheld until the first Monday in September, ri931. Ordered that James M. Williams and Company, certified public ac countants, be, and they are hereby employed to audit the Hoke County books for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, at $20.00 per day for each man working on the andlt plus expenses of the men working, with the understanding that the total amount charged for said auditing work will not exceed the sum of $275.00 ITS COL. McMILLAN NOW Mr. Alex McMillan, of Dundarrach. well known Civil War veteran of Hoke county, left Monday afternoon for (Montgomery, Alabama, to attend the forty-fifth and last annual Con federate Yeterana Reunion. The re- 'unions vrill be discontinned after this year due to the decreasing number ot the veterans and the increasing Inflrmlty of those remain ing. Mr. McMillan, however, is a living cmtradiction of the latter for he Is still spry and Interesting. Mr. MeMlUan was recently elevat ed to the rank of Colonel In. the North Carohna Division of Confed. erate veterans. He was among sev eral appointed by Major-General Smith of Ansonville, commander of the Norrit Carolina Division, to b« a member of his sta^ with the rank of cdoneL Plana made for tha last rennion were perhaps the most elab orate ot recent years.