iMu's-A'. .wcflMMi; OWDnwW'f / ■j. '-i-iS.Sv;'■-■'-feU.--i-i ■ .-' ,0-'v. i #/ '!' 111 *^'Mr L>.' I I tt (MM# Ai ;:^iti' :Cdijiie Kwams Cl^ ^tertains Steh^, xotor^ nxaii? j was: 1Bie, first deftotls " ?&■ -.dc^et. ■, i^. - 'oQU^. Jones pi 'ir^oeiving stol^i Pi»l ■ itnm^ihg it have beep, st^ three mortjBw oh " to suspended cjrlji^Myi 'cou^/Costs and, a fide of $15, ^ -ft Hef^ Anderson,-coldred niBrl^^ M ^Scotland county,-was foti^’ — of careless and feckless d^yi ^ , 'sentenced fe serve sixty days on fhe roads, sentence to d® suspended pn payiiient of the costs and a fine $10. Henry T. Fowler,-,white-.mant'k . Port Bragg, entered^ a pl®h ^ of driving under the te' ^ liquor and was sehtehted te; SCj days' on the toads. , s^id ’■^fl^pended on payroerit: ' and the court cq Will Tooin,- -colored mahi-1„ , Xauti^te^tewnship, entered If ile of gtelte tbl, Violating the prc^ibtl^ ice was thirty on. tei^* Jan. l6.-^iaiafods fost m- digi Satete on te^hil^l^ iipii^ize^ at N^. G; ^te ’C^ January J7-i« wheft"'|^CK t^pteators from eyejty section of gath er ter'h^oirt Coursciiin'^®^' Details' of the prolyteq notmced todhy by jgtewter JldWafd W. Buggies of the CpI^e; ^tension pivMpn.' The copfse tetapp” safety supBttesorSi, dls- i ^tiihPte and' any^e eli^ intertetod in. ii^'Way ifansphrtatihn. . r BCj^tration will; pccilf between 130 and, U a. te W^tedayi ^an- I7i and school .'win 'ii^iepdafelS??j^te^ .=a shtet: vtelr ' X w.; ..Hatr ote^te Cdll^ dean of adniinT -.- v(', - ■■'.L . . ■' Pftep" fftan' of :laws.v be costs. Monk Mcfitehr colored Little Rivfeftewnship, was fou: ty of assault; ?and sentenced to ,thL days in jaiL's&tence to be suspend on payment of the costs. Idicips Lon^ colored man of San-ii atorium, was fpteid guUty of larcCT^l and sentenced to serve four monfite] on the roads, ’ James Mills and Cliff Jones, c^l orpd men of Sanatoriumiteere f^di guilty of. receiving |knpwing it to have h i^as sentenced to senrel ttie roads, senteni ended on.pairment of ;$15 fine, JonCs got Cnee to be suspended M , the court costs, G. McLean, white man of^L., f^a, teas charged with drivSig while tender ttje influenpei' [liquor. 3^ defendant submit^ ' ^ tev^teis^^pb$sesdf,high- tz^sperta^^.'wUl lead discusr. dtei^ed teSH^uaint trhek bpe- *C^ ifith the^ltetost developments Md accepted piioi^ces in safety. Har- »,^ciker pf slate College, professor t, te^way ph^eering, a^d^atibn- rkhoten aiithbrity pn highway ia*|ty> will ■phesade'^ovef the discus- S^^ilis^^ows High " Hoke was inic fpy;negroes in this coim-, rej^lt" for December shows ions/ examilEed for syphilis. lahbtohiry has reported oh .e bilbPd specimens and shows t positive. This 39 per ;teM^:''P^htly higher than the per :te any other month teeCTepK hht the average for the Tpontlis shows more than three ' the / government average for iny ca^ hiive reached late Stages tllie dteP^i^; Too few expectant I’motners botefS^^ blood examinations I necessarte ;'Ai|^tee. niunber of chil- [ dreni b^ syphilis; enter into hhe pici L^t jhureday ni|^t, Jatt^tey the'mernb'ers pf the Bpfeft^-fUtvan- is club entertained' their,, tei^ at the club's aimuPl ;te^^’ ‘^^i^*^*:' The program' cqnujftittee/..CblisisteL of Laurie Mc^chBjtn, ‘ R; ’B- Lewis* a^ Neill A.^xdlbnald. '^^ sec ond serving as tbasttnasto^'- . The guests, other •thkh-PoHve IQ- waniahs and ,their wtyes/were in troduced by NPill Mdteuald, Jr,, following which A' rflpteP^ the ladies was - deHtte^cd/ by Laurie NfcEaclfem. ^ charming Crawford Thotttes/tehp started the hafiL to buzzing Ly ..dropping a few genile hinte to re’thS ;fvivate lives of some pf tee stead, bn's solemn gentle- teen present. . / , - Mrs. Ina P. Bethime, who plays the piano regularly teh/the club at its meeitogs, was presented a' gift by H. L. Gatlin; Jr., in behalf of the organization. There was then drawing for apprize for tee lucky lady who also happened to be Mrs Beteune. . After recognition and roll call of the - past presidents of the club by R. B. Lewis, Hugh Pinkston of the Fayetteville club .was introduced by Tommie Upchurch. Mr. Pinkston teen proceeded to instali the netely- elected officers of the Raeford club to serve during the year 1940, follow ing which tee president’s pin was presented to J. B. Thomas, the new president, by 'Walter Baker, the re tiring president. Ryan McBryde then presepted the past president’s pin, to Walter Raker. Dr. Gray, of the Sanatorium, en tertained the gathering with several songs following which Lewis Up church staged a humorous stunt. Sherwood Brockwell, fire marsh all tef the State of North Carolina, chief Of ‘tee North Carblma 'V'oluh- teer fire department, and holder. Officers T«jfee Alleged Killer"Tii«iday Night Sheriff t>. H. Hpe^to, accompanied by Deputy G. J. tebNem and Hi^woy Patrolman J. E Merrill,.Wbiit out to Blue Springs tewnship laste Tu^ay night and .daUght.q cplpred man wahte ed by offipere in Cumberland county for the killing of • a colored Woman in Beventy-First towii^hip last - week with ftn axe. ‘^te^^Sh he gaVe an other name at the time he was tak en oh the farm_of.A:. AJ. MCEachem, it was later esteblished that he was Rpmey MePhatter. the man thou^t by Cumberland officers to have done the killing. Bridge Tournament'At Pinehurst January 26th Pinehurst, Jan. 8. ^ The annuftl Pinehurst Mid Southern Bridge Tour nament will'he held at the Caroijina Hotel ianS^y 26 and 27. Mrs. Anna Baker F^toer of Tarborp again will direct tlte^'^affair, her assistants in cluding Mrs. Claude Ramsay of Pine- burst, Mrs. Phil Horton of Winston- Salem, Mrs^Curtis Sprague of Flush- Ting, N. Y. and Mrs. Lillian Rutzler of Lexington, Va. A. B. Vogel of Spar tanburg, S. C., and W. A. Swain of Raleigh, vdlj be official scorers. The firsi^qualifying match, in which everyone is elgible ^ill be held Fri day, January 26th at 8:00 p. m. Tro phies will be awarded for North- South and Fast-West winners in all sections. The Mitchell Movement wiU be used. The second qualifying match with everyone eligible. Will be held Saturday, Janua^ 27 at 1:30 p. m. also under the Mitchell Movement' The championship play-off, compos ed of the .16 highest pairs will com pete under the Howell Movement Sat urday, January 27 in the qgpning. Grand trophies will go to ser|p> win ners. An ftmovation will be the inaugma- tion of a single session for Carolina trophies, beginningSaturday, January 27, evening at 8;30. There wiU be' grand trophies for highest North- f asses at AU Home h State fittli V- and.rate'SIDd ' ^weateier greeted hteabl ' sleet coVeced everyjbiaii^ r al libit Kuxiliaiy det meet* Hunity ctub ^pf Januairy_ Peiock. Sers from Dunn, ^3brd, Fayetteville, Maxton are; expected S^am being McNeill of 3t. Rauls, dis- Fcommitteewoman, is not com- but th® State Itoesident, Mte W«^er Maim, of - Ne^n, will be the outstanding speakte pf'the occa sion. Each unit to to® clistrict is re.> quested to bring a -written report of all activities since toe present year started. Bistrict and State officers I are hoping toat January 19to will 'find every unit in the lOth district with a too per cent membership en- rolledv All Auxiliary membete in the dis trict kre invited.*' '* V ' ■; ‘ ' -——A -4-: DenoM H.i^^ttpii Geti FSA AFPoiAttnent teigh, Jannsiiy'F;—Wie Farm Se- Admtotetrktipn announced to- e appoinbn.pnt of Dennis H. ■^of Salisbury, as Assistant State Eb^wtor. Vance fe SwiS-,, State Director, said tee pce.'ibTO W the position of Assistant^Jfteite Director wa^ recently authoriiieiiltoy top Regional and Wash ington, offices of teeCFSA.., /jf-; / luring the ^hase progra 'eris to buy '' th’efr own we^ county in the i aresotite; tenabRl^ti stnaU'i der:^..T"''" ii®nt ktei^fy^ion, Sehit: .mid: to im "it eat tee J^enarit ich,helps tenant .tenprove fartes of dejd to every ^edtetiott toero [.^ateilies, bpth farmingun- . cdtehteM laiiteiciilteted^ itejnweT $3rphilis, ftod to pro- .,^^_.^etion of kndwlec^ measures for le {HrevitetiPn of fee disease. '. In addition to lectures on syphilis, moving pictures are presented as mcl to the work.' The Him for feis wm^k was made available by toe Unitod Sjtates. Department of Public H^to. for 'h limited time: ^ ^ '^Hxe program, ;for this year pro* yides/for 'tite doltectfeg of blood iffeecf. mie^ by kl^totmeni as places fe sections of toe county, where groups Of negroes paay be reached.. -This work started by cpUecting.hlopd from 49 meb^ wprktog at a- large mOl. The laboratory;ite?tot on this group show- eAtoat 19 were ttoected with Chilis. ^Glinics are' ^ducted during the afternoon hoiite ^on Friday and Sat- te^y of each wee|k. The clinic on Frklfer wiU'he fPr children, firpectaint tebfeers and cates requliiiig a tibn other toan routine treatmem Aiuiuai Meetinsr of iltpcldioldleFs of The Bank pf Raeford ' On Thursday morning, Januar^jl, the stockholders of the Bank of Rae ford had their annual meeting. The Cashier’s report to them showed that the bank had enjoyed a good year during 1939. . A tovidend of 12 per cent was paid to holders of skJclT’as of January Ist. The surplus fund was' increased to $50,000.00, bonuses were paid the employees, and other reserves set up. The following di- ’•ectors were elected to serve for this year: E. B; McNeill, T. B. Up- 6hiiych, F. B. Sexton, H. L. Qatlin. J../B.-Thomas, J. L. McNeiU; T. B. TTochurch, Jr., S. Johnson and R. B. ♦Lewis. ' At the meeting of directors follow ing tee stockholders meeting, the fql- iGwitig officers were elected to serve for this yeaf: President E. B. Me- NeilR ^ Vic^teesidenty'* B. ,Up- churfe khd H. L. Gfelv Cashier, R. .'fe'^Le-Hfei-'' The baite 'te nov' V ite 36th year of service,k> H®^^9 County. sMAi^ cmLD ims ■ ■ y Littfe Lois Mintz, iwo an^ .a teaill year-ojdj dfeighter bf. IteTiv'toid Mfe* James ^Mfelk of fee Raeteid cottob, mill vfeagte died late Thurafeiy af- atfsix-titertei field of fixe protection, was Introduced bSt R. R.-Ltevis. Mr. Brockwell’s talk was feimarily intended to be entertaining and it was highly so, but he also got in a few valuable points on fire prevention and toe disteess suffered from fires; His ad dress gnded the program. Stacy Not to Make Race For Governor Lumberton, Jan. 9. — Horace F. Stacy, /for tee late 18- montiis. presi^ dent ' of toe /North Carolina Stafe School Boards assqpiation, said today he Wpuld not run fbr .governor tiife time but . woidd like to be a member of toe next geberfe assembly to ‘'have an ,bpp6rtubi|y fe hfep Rte ad- .yancemebt and improvement in our public schools.’*|j ' He made fee ^tement to toe Rbbr esoniaii.. Itjvb^ not construed here, however; ast an announcement of his candidacy for toe legislature, in which he served as seiiiator in 1919 and toe special session of 1920. Stacy was a member of Governor Hoey’s com mission on, education. Short Course For Tobacco Growers Tobacco farmers will have an op portunity -to acquaint themselves with metoods of controjing the major in sects and- diseases at a plant course which will he held at N. C. State CJollege January -16-19, says A. S. Knowles, county agent. More than that, farmers will hear several speak ers, who -will lead discussions in tobacco soils, fertilizers, tobacco pre- ducton, and varieties. Further ipfbrmation may he ob tained at the county agent’s office. - Basketball TbinorroW’ Doublebeader m - •Mi I'-'' R aifep- iteibwer ^te feiteit iii4 .The boys’ and girls’ basketboR ^arns'^'^of HokcACpunty high school- will play gamtis. agdfest 'toe teahte from EUerbe high school in toe hew hifek schopV gymnasium Rere tohiorrr; row (ifeda^ f mght, : Cokito^^^ Smith, anhounced yesterday., - ^-J^e Hoke teante have played' tfeo afefes eaite^^to two,tehools^ far, toe locaiteote wfenhfe / two, imd; stoie prl$ fwo/ fetmte;' kteh.: -veeek V wfel; hi^^tebe^' ‘qitek-'-fer■ FiteaiJ5#rvices. ..., ifty; af fee Chuhfefc-lte 'rial -tfeis in kfeCoferfe ? 'kas. Already. :btehr''iatety ■dqne.-:>i--'';K-.*S Basketball Teams Split Twin Bill Tuesday In toeli* steond start of toe season the Hoke county high school basket ball teams repeated their first pfer- formance, the bo3rs winning their game here. Tuesday nteht and the girls losing. . ' ‘ The boys won their game against the five from 'Wagram high school by a score of 25 to 12, adltog a vic tory to toe one they gained over Seventy-Fitet high before Christmas Outstanding for the Hoke team were Davis and Upchurch -who scored ei^t and nine points, respectively./ . The girls’ sextet took toeir second straight beating by a score of 22 to 13. High scorer for toe victorious iFagram girls was Martha Meinete witli 13 points to her credit while Joyce'.Williamson was outstanding on toe Raeford team, stering 7 Roinjs. Hoey Undergoes Hernia Operation Raleigh, Jan. 9.—Governor Hoey underwent a hernia operation at Duke hospital in Durham Friday and is getting along “just fine.” his secre- tary, Robert Thompson, said. TmJihpsoqlsaid physician^ termed the operation a “complete success.” As an “encore,” the surgeon then re moved a mole from the governor’s forehead, Thompson added. Governor Hoey . strained himself in opening a window at the executive mansion several weeks ago, necessi tating te® operation. Hoke Auto Co., Inc^ . Becomes Partnersbip The firm in Raeford which has been known as Hoke Auto company, incorporaated, is now; merely^'Hoke Aifto compahy. ^.5 The stockhold^ in. the corporation Recided thatrit'would be to feeir best intfe^ts/ to operate the business as te^^ership ratoffe than as a corpor- Thereforerfee-corporation has .Reeii dissolved, ^aiid toe business is hing with top same owners, .oh- der toe teme iafehagement, and with feeL satoP previously, toe onty .name is HpAe Auto ;fetePiiuty And hot H®Rp Auto dom- hahy/tocorpjbrated. ' ' ^ Col/ George Mi4eillj operator Fayetteville’s oldest business Pnter-1|jg3ytj|^j rather ^ prise ,and prominete figure ip. steite of ice'and' za and fecal politics, died Tuesday night lf{|g county alniorthUL at 6 o’clock at his homfe on St Jamies' diangafous'Jit OtherA Square of heart trouble from whidi I .Raeford did-ifel^ Jiutoeveri he had suffered for several years. I any sii-spension of sa. He was 58 years of age. [reason of toe wABn^ids/^,! Colonfel McNeiU was secretary of J other towns iif fee ffe|s the State Board of Slections, having j^goessary-to close fhe jfa been appointed a member of the board j on Monday but toi^ ‘ * by Governor Hoey in 1938, after having teeved previously on that board .by appointment of Governor Gardner. He was a member of the House of the North Carolina General Assembly in 1919 and a member of the State Seriate in 1933. He was a’candidate for Democratic nom ination as lieutenant-governor , of N. C. in 1936. , As a member of the State Senate he was chairman of the ip^ugural | at~‘ Raileigti at committee and in’that capacity pre-jBragg. sided at the ceremony by which his j •phe extended fi close personal friend J. C. b; Eh- j tains fe the seashore, ringhaus was inducted into office asj^e cotet, had sleet governor’. He served the Democratic party in many capacities, being chairman of the Democratic Executive CJim- mittee for the Seventh Congressional District for many years, was secre tary of the Cumberland County Ex ecutive Committee even longer, and had been chairman of the Democratic I six in Avery. Stdiobis organization in Cross Creek precinct ties of toe state wteA.AT ' number 4 ever since he was 21 years schools in Cluor]otte, old. He had a record of attending l-v^instin-Salem find otoe; virtually every county and State [clostei. A ;/i- ~ Democratic convention held during I The roads in -this.4 his majority. Before being elevated | slick wito toe lce.tEiAli^ to the State Board of Elections he suicidal tai inake tof® served as a member of the Cumb«- [school biAtes Hfendityi land county board. , [ though th^ wtA^A^^ Funeral services will be hmd | Tiitectey, no tecc|&Afs Thuirsday morning at 11 o’feoek at jhOve hgen reifertect^^^ St. John’s Episcopal diuiife. , The | V.' rector, Rev: W. Tate Tfoung, will of-1 Presbyterian diureh cenretery in Seventy-First township. I on Tuesday moniini^ The ten^periaturq; rfe toe twenties motet. W fee ’ showed no sitfe At yesterday, altoough tlie I practically All. melted On last Monday'-toe I de-icers (m two ari carrying membfes .dt the i tary Affaire Cofetoitteete ington, and forced topfe tod otfaje there was tein and slept-: in Charlotte, Durham land as much as ftye fe I in severOl places wete The heaviest-toU of. I ported to be to fee noi of the state. -The 'idepto three inches to'-Ashe- cojiai 'Republicans WilT Meet January I6lli 'Washington, Jan. 10.—Continuing to jockey wito Democratic officials over 1940 campfegn arrangements, toe Republican national coinmittee was daRed today fe meet February 16, when it will set a date and^ place for toe party’s national con-* veiition. Ttoe'^ Democratic committee will make similar decisions February Stfa. under a 'recent nottiication by .na tional Chainnan JTames A Farley. > Thus fee Republicans, if they Wish can hold their convention after toe Democrats - have assembled, Al-r though this, would depart from cdA- fem, a number of party leaders have, advocated toe change on toe- tifeorir toat it would give , the Republicans toe strategic Advantage of knowing the Dernpcratic candidates and plat form. washinAfete Jefe. / suits disck quotas fe. |hfej94Ri approved /fe A a 91 p^ cebt ing, got tof 38 per cfet (d ’aR crop, .'-i^ The^Mhodtui:^ q0iUfe‘ri>tlrtn ahfel returns .frfei. .fed v Decembfe dtib^as-i and 84,F76 agfeoite Increase In Cheaper Residences Expected Chicago, Jahu.9.—Robert T. .Wil- liarns, chief of the industries section of tee feder^ housng adminstratoi^ predicted today ^'toat most of. too dwellings to be erected in this couiip try to 1940 would cost less than. $4,000. The heaviest concentration will in the $2,500 to $3,00,0 radte, the Washington official told the^Amfety^; can Designers institute; meetfeg heiA in connection with the annual- wqeks’ winter wholesale furni&AA varfd home furnishings markpt&- The Jower cost of bmlferj^ fekt- r!^,- sult to lower monthly paynayfeS^'byt the buildir^gs, WUUains. tefel,;'citing’ that the 1939 avferate wfe feaB tiian $3Cl amontfc/ /■ / ''‘/.r ' ./;' Outburst Of And; Sea Londofe Jan. tp. force caiS^. shores' today kf Kto newed ahr/ndQ only one day Chamberlain’s are ahead; ’'y v ThP BtRiter GermanyfA^i they calted - and “security fto^ ids. Dispatfefe'^ fecated'feat’l tie. dawn aife. tea - akii^ ^fete|;/toe arc toA fetanfe/ii .This foRQy^' & mafeihfeSim attfekl piahes.upOn al -watere yesterfey. ^coifeffeAifee assfetef^ sfes/were sunk; tee P fedged -teS sfekfeig of ; ,4 The admiralty tifei toe4l9i854fen Bri Wfe sfedt wfthj tiirnfefe .casuteti;^ tyfen thA air, aij^ " Baritfeli /teeamer -;'^i 4>* .-/■ ■> Sentenced^ Fdpj Raiq/gh,j;jffe.' A of WiikfeOdunity hfe 'hifek feni to two years to tee ietedfe piisoSi fe conviction-of a fearge of ^de%)erafety starting’^ two foafest. tkfe, Rtete Depar velopmei lease.: Assistar^Stetef'Wonkier W: a Mcr-- Cormick -“A tew 'tw®! ROAPVCS ,:>That part of '(fentained.on tion will be c] count fe 8 -A- M. to 5 .toe Fields County: A:Ma| kjsho forpatj

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