r'^V •. ,^1 -v.; •-•«:• ^ mas ' . W - '* ' ^•-'-. , 'V^- - _; r ■ I^X ‘-5^'^ ^ 85^ •• A>‘!, 'A. ;.i^S**r?' “S'i ^,, V . ff •■' ¥^v.^a,4' V XCJJg ,'^v, ■il#^ News 'N,- ,W^’' m 48. -J • M.: a* Anilair Herd Next 1%oixday J tieiidffib^ on -Bi^ng #4uin Pl|i|i Announced '^y L^zzi^i, who,-as a memjber, the New York Yankees, helped to make bt^^all history, wUl. come Ip Kaeford ^ursday, A^l 11, as mai^ ager. pf-Jhip Tos^to'ff'h^ple Leaf^ ., Internatip^ league. Oth^; games fo be plaj^ on t}ie'Iiaefor^ grounds with WStiamMort Ss &i.. V.' 1. •*!■« •'A'.S •»*-7‘ ' '*C»' i . -.1* ». . mT w #^^%F^yr'Aljra^ ^ed^ in'thV'tov^tikp ^mt' bT si^^ ®»”^d®fe?*!o ys,0r.^s; Monday, ^]^il ^ the county o£Nce before April 15. N--4 8, ,l/l|||j^d^£u(|[|^i^esday, ‘AprdVlQ, S3t^gro^g?fie game -with; * twill ,'^^^ixQ^er fromer;b|^ ie^^^ atar^Ifemy-(“Nemo”) Leibpld, man- ajjB'rvpt' tjie Scrahton Miners,, who Wbn'‘the:|!astem League pennant last eeasoHi-^Jx-;;'. , : '"]■ Lp^fnd ,plJ^^r|*^ttd base for the lew,. yak -Y^^eds. from 1926 to 93^, W^enFfieiFl^M'to the; Brooklj^' ^odj^^:^ai.1];^^r and coach. In 19397t^^^d? .f^de manager of tiife _ TorcStd ¥la»F/As .the Ya^ees’ seP-! ond 'baseift^: played a' cbnspicii^^'® ous part in;iyixmmg league pehnpnls and jyoi^’s series games.. .^^ong his-'teiunmates during tHat membraole peridd Babd' Huth, Lou Giehrid, Herb" ^Penhdck and others. 'He w^ one. of th^^ub’s home run. hitters and a ih nins batted Si. ICnOTyn as>:^a; player’s player*” as distingSi^ied^il^m “a fan’s jplaYer,” he has abVa^^^been highly respect ed ^ b^baU men getmredly and par^ ticdtoly bf those with whom he was moat plosely associated, the men mak- ^.ihe teams in the American, le r^as an excellent double every respect 'a was a member ofi wlrat; as “the kids” double'play |hbn^~koenig and LafSeri. "" many ball players who i''game from Callforhia' the minor league home run tty-two in 1895. : ' /^mother player bn f rthO .Tormtto^ whow o^iia^iiis bf hsiil^rest tc andimiaits is Eric Tipton, atfaletiO star and outstand- '^r'. Chi o tSox and. dm Boston and $iis made' manager of Ip wfie» i^ Miners: became a - one of the out- big league base- iXl Crays to,l. from'Wil** mibgicm at Sanfond Sund^^ pnd by a 7-tb4 score here;bn lnibsd*df-- '‘TOe Wednesday gune, at $anfd^' was won by' Williamsport by ,a score, of 10-t0^3. The Grays are id^^ today. nafa / McBryda made pvd>|m an-, icement this we^ of-the fact ttiat he will seek the npRiiniEdion for the Senate pf the North'Carolina^G^ eral Ass«nbly in the Defb^ocra^c pli^ mary May 25th. ' ', -m''. Bft. McBryde will seek to he onh of me senators representing the 12|Pi ^-Senatorial district This . dishiict is made up of the counties . Ibucinett, Moore, and Randpd|jp;dnd it^ has been the custom''ibri^^ counties to alternata^^li^ltb^gb^t^ them, having senatom' thebpier two thb tti, ,’ HjCr/fhas repfesgifim. the district twoi'fenns in. the past, they* being 1933, and 1937, the. last two bmes |Iol^|(Odbty bad a senator under the arra^^em^t In./the last term the dist3^ .was n^(xra|mted hy M. G*. ■ Bo:^ite‘and m ^hi^'past seryii^-ih Sdifatej served^On ibe follows Agriculture, Con- pevelcqjment Counties, ^ Owns, Gami^ bhstitu- fhe .De^, flatndabturihg an);^’l?Tt‘in‘ pnd Gi'F^enceSf. ^ is the third person to announce ^candidacy for a couplgr offiea to primary here, the othdi^Ftwo ..^ty farmers who have ttieuf' 1940 Farm Plan All Hoke not signed should do so af.^hce. Farm Pkm for the following toamships can be sign ed on the days F'^d places listed be- lowr -i'^V : Raeford to^? April 5ai, Stonewall ta^ community hor "vQuewhiffle school house, A]j ip, court house, ship, Dundairach April ,6fti. lip, Ashemont 9th. •All Farm Plans that Ore not sign- It is vepr impart^t that farmem sign their Fai^ Plan prior to the closing date in order: to be eligible for a 1940 Soil’' (Conservation Pay ment, ' - ■ -! 4 4,000 CHILDBEN’S EYES EXAMINEB Burhig the last couple of weeks, the teachers with the aid of sup plies and instruction furpi^ed by the N. Ci?-Blind Comimissioh, tested the eyes of approximately 4000 school children in the county. Of this 4,000, 8.88 wdre foimd to havni vision of 10-30 or lessi and out of the 688 onO hundred and twenty-five had yisioir Of 20-70 pr lesa. Quite a number of this 125 had vision of only 10-100, which fo^^all practical purposes is blmdnil^:-Thanks tp the Lions club Of .Re^ .Springs those idiiidren in die Milddusoh and Antioch schools are having their glasses fitted immed iately. We feel that this, is a splen did thing for this club to do. The people of Hoke should appreciate their generosity. It is expected, of t^iurse* that a great many parents* when the condi- k of their children'’S eyes is called their attention, .Will have th^ »d b3r>a physician. ,We hope that - ' - will be interested to know that the WeHare;dj|^partoa|gi»vdurb^ the last two, yefUEB hgi^ipad in: bavistg glasses^i^.fitlgdVIdv This is a s^bmdid leconi.'" Involving Tried Hoke Countir JobiiNil RAEFOBD, Ki C, TBCfBSDAT, AI^RIL 4tli* 1940. $Ls$rmvm There were approximate twen ty-one cases coming up for trial in Hoke county recorder’s qpiurt last Tuesday for violations' of the prohi* bition laws. Crosberry McDougald, Sam Mc- Dougald, and Mallie Shaw, colored of McLauchlin township were' each charged with violating the prohibi tion laws in two cases and-all three plead guilty on both counts. Sen- terite was four months for each de fendant to be suspended on payment by each of the costs . and a fine of $20 among them and good be haviour for , 12 months. ' Will Mor rison, another colored man of Mc Lauchlin township, was freed on the same charges, ; The state took a nol pros in the case^ against JameSvScurlock, colored man of ^Stonewall township. ' Lonnie Ray, local colored man, pled guilty and sentence of 3 months was s^pended on payment of $10 and the court costs. , Bertha Shaw, local colored wom an, was found guilty as charged and sentence was 30 days in jail to be suspended on payment of the costs. : Evander ’Smith, colored man of Stonewall fo^msh^, was found guil ty; and senf^b^ to 60 days to^be susi^nded oh'^a^ent of $1(1 and toe Boste.,.;... ; - . Odes Bridgies^as found guilty and sent«iced: to 6ihdays to be siispend- ed bn payment- pf flO^ and toe costs. . Cla ude guilty. Spehcer chison. wc tence was -iW:^ U'L Was-v.found not .and Ety^ Mur-^ _ . and sen- •to tty suspended 9to GEADE GIVES .PBOGRAM AT F. T. X ' '^es(^ afternoon the Raefotd P. T. A. bi^d its last regular meeting of toe ^ool yeai^ The^resid^^ Mm. A. P. Gore urns to dtyyge.- v^ty MdCen^e’s sevehtiir' jgrade'' had toie program and gave tobir Easter chapel program. 'Pus program ;Was, splendid to its simplicity and tiven^s. It is a great pity that all toexparente could not Mye sem it .|ir: Jotoiaon totroduced K. Mac ponaitotyhg talked onvpk^ for ityxt ■^ye&r, --'‘V' -'' ' ' ’ - ^ ■ bn payment. bCtF$25 and toe costs each. i'.'o--v' r Edmund Shav^ jCary Young, J. Robeson, MaybeUe^Whitted, and Ab- iritoam Sinclair Xi«^ere cadi givtti tojrty-day scnltyi^ to be suspend^ ed. oiu.jjtatoief' ■ ityse agaktyt. M tor drUito ' tad Fpr:yiolating ilty 'road laws Pendbr MqRae got 30 day^ to be suspended on pa3rment of toe^Osis and on cwi- dition tiiat he park his car tmtil'he equipped it property. ; J. F. Niven, white of Raeford, wa^.' taxed toe costs andYequired to bUY for hire license platys for operating a,tru.clc for hire witobut proper plates. 9QLDOPSiN P.-P A. ENTERTAINS GUESTS- Tuesday night toe Mildmison P.-T. A. held 'a. spectol meeting to wbich a large number’ of gugsts were in vited. Mm. Jetye Gibson, toe presi dent, i^lded. Principal Morgan gave rb^rls on various aspects ol the schbdi work. All ex-teachers available, toe Hoke high faculty* and the county^-; superinteident were in vited guests as was toe toairman of the county commissioners. Mr. John son presented toe high school faculty. Vb^. Gibson introduced toe exteach- ers^ aml^ Mr. Coates replied. K. A. MacDonald tytplained. plans for next next'year.' ''.' i-. TEMPI*E, RE-ELECTED AT Ike Rockfish district. .committee a meeting' last .week' and -^re- d J. p. Temple prtocipali.\..&)r/ th^940-41 term. Temple isIty Itelei:^ this’ week attending a school for agricultural adjustment officem. SPRING MUST BE HERE An epidemic of bare feet has broken ontYln aU toe schools. Thb Is a being$iliaurie McEacbem ;^and deorge Wepybr, both of whom, seek the of fice; of RbpresentativeF senate, although a district ofQityi R prac- ,h>gi!y a county office, fonder ,;;toe- tyment of alteatyatityi. v4 errs i X' ' Play at Mikhimso#'^ ‘ Th^ Old Maid’s CQbvei^(m,iput op by toe women of Bethel community, will Fbe given at Mildouson Wed^- day .hight, April lOto* "" pfitoityds fipip this *■ PresbVteriaaii'.dsfP^X^X BASEBALL TEAM WINS TUESDAY Hoke high baseball team won an other conference game Tuesday af ternoon iir Siler City., x^is makes totoo wins to'no losses in confereh w OHnpetition. If our boys win toe game witiuiyRockingham here tomor-i W tyterityon tooy Wto-stand A good ty to ®ljty id. tite mstrict’play off styles.. Ijtyt's be «put ,;Fridai|;F4tf-r' ternbbn ty)d giyjB ti^m-pltyity og-iup- ' " GARi^w STy^id^ AT ^ BIILDDDSON. ^ ft XX^fety^towed on iVA'J Hoiilid Demoi^tratioii CiubDistirct Meeting At C. April 8th The.pdnual district meeting of toe Federa^hity|. of Home "Demonsttotion eldbs frt^ Bladen, Cumberland, Har nett,; Robeson and Sampson coimiity will be held at Flora Mac donald* college on Monday, April 8, begtoning.at 10:30 A. ’M. Robeson county ty hostess at toe'annual meet ing.; ' , ,An iptecesting progtyun has been plimned. Special musld by toe Ilora Macdonald music department and folk daiibes by the physibai education department of Flora Macdonald. Dr. C- G. Vardell will be toe speaker using as his subject, “The Message of toe Garden,” ' _ , It is hoped that many Home Dem^ ^_classlfied as a onstratidn club members in Hoke county will attend toe meeting. Hoke county has received tod gavel for at tendance for toe last three years. JOSEPHINE HALL, ’ Rome Agent. - . INFANT DIES ' Euneral services were ityld Sunday March 24th> at. Phillippi cemetery foP the uifant dat^ter 6t Mr. and Mrs. lAiy Guto* wSb dityt in liighsmito hospital with meningitis. llAe High WiU Play Rockingham Here TomoDow Coach Cap Clark’s imdefeated Hoke county high school baseball temp will take toe field tomofow after noon against toe strongest team they will have to meet in toe conference this season, Rockingham, The Hoke coimty boys have a very impressive record to date, being un defeated in five starts, four of them against conference foes. In two games with Hamlet toe local boys won One and toe second was called because of darkness with the score tied at 6-all. In conference compe tition toe tie game coimts as a game and will not have to be played over. Other conference V victories are over Sanford and Siler City and the Hoke boys have also defeated Red Springs high school. The Rockingham hi^ team will also start tomorrow’s game unde feated, but with oqly two conference games played to date. Teams they have defeated are Siler City and Sanford. A win for Cpach (Tlarii’s boys here tomorrow afternoon Would put them in the position where a victory in toe return game with Rockingham would clinch toe conference title and where a loss in toe return game would leave toe two teams tied for the flag. Although there-were he candidates tot governor of North Ckrbltoa in ev idence here at, the Young Demo- oratic rally at Clyde’s pond last Wednesday night there-were three candidates for Eighth District Con-;- gressman on hand and toe affair wa$ well attended. C. B. Deane, p, C. Phillips, and Bob Eteele ■ were toe ^rpngtessional candidate^ jntoo werg pre^Emt, Oto- - '• - J cpuntiM Were Eri^l ^lyty“ and E. K. Butler of Luinberton and John Lang of Cartilage and Raleigh. The feature of toe program was toe presentation of toe key of Rood will from toe CJity of Williamsport to toe City of Rapford by Elm^ L. Schuyler, tylitpr of toe Williamsport Gazette-Bulletin and personal good will ambassdaor of Mayor Leo Wil liamson. Mr. Sdiuyler, president of toe Willianispofi; Rotaty club, was introduced by J, B. Thomas, chair man of toe Hoke County Demo cratic Executive committee and pres ident of toe Raeford Kiwanis club. The key was accepted and Mr^ Schuyler’s fine words were respond ed to tor toe city of Raeford- by Mayor G. W. Brown who officially welcomed toe bsBeball club to toe town fof their spring training and expressed toe hope that they woidd return eve^ year, v AAA INTER] GIVEN BY rATIQNS Raleigh, April 2.—^TY. Floyd, AAA executive oficer aLfitate college, An nounced todaviWo interpretations of provisions ite^e 1940 agricultural conservatio^program. They prov)i^att||d^creage devoted to vegetables not td^ sold but to be used tor schoglrJunch^s vdll be le ghrden and will ^as soil-depleting or pteblfiA; and toat a ated in 1940 to be, pasrments* In^rmation of IiOportaiice To Fiuniers Of Hoke County It has been brought to our atten tion by A. S. Knowles, county a^nt, that toe Emergency (3rop and Feed Loan office-of toe Farm Credit Ad ministration is endeavoring in every way possible to take care of the fi nancial needs of toe farmers in thia county for toe purpose of producing their crops iji all cases where the farmer is unable to secure financial assistance from other sources in cluding the Production Credit Assoc iation. The sole object of the government in making these loans available is to render a service to such farmers who might need financial assistance but for certain reasons are unable to procure this assistance through local production credit association, and yet without assistance would be imable to adequately carry on their farming operations. These loans are in no sense a relief measure, but are made where there is a Reasonable expectation toit the crops, to be planted will be sufficient to repay the loan and take care of the needs of toe borrower and his family. ^ These loans are secured by a first lien on toe crops to be planted. Applications for these loans are be- ihg accepted by Mrs. Jewel KIoum, at Raeford, N. C., in the court house Monday and Thursday of each week. Upcliiirdi Says Kiwank Minstrel Ready Tommie Upchurch, director of toe Kiwanis Minstrel, stated yesterday that the participants in the produc tion had toe thing down to a finp degree of perfection and toat things were getting right for toe world pre-. miere tomorrow night at toe Hoke county high school auditorium, tyito final dress reb/earsal coming up tonight it is thought toat Starr i* B4eKelto^ " an, and Dave Clark, . blaekface Ar^ tists in toe shov, sU have thpty snliit in pretty good shape, to begin smearing it on about fiist^dArk to-- morrow. Marcus Smith, Currie Mc Lauchlin . and Lewis Upchurcb,' foe dancers of toe productioir, arfer alAb reported to have; their toes in good shape for toe ^emiexe. Following are toe chorus girls .who will appear in toe minstrel: Bea trice McLauchlin, 'Thelma Hall, Mary Foust Plonk, Mildred James, Isabel Betoune, Sarah Durant, Josephine Hall, Jennie Claik, and MAUde Lew- is. >. .. An added feature of toe production will bo a 15-minute dumiry act by O. A. Shafer, practicioner oI black mag ic who distributes Edgeworth and Hi-Jl*lane tobaccos. 'Hie Kiwanis club is staging tbig minstrel with local and amateur tal ent only. It is being done for to® benefit of toe locAl Boy Scout troop and for toe undai>rivileged children of toe Qpunty. After attending a two-dugr trahiing school for census enumerators in Laurinburg, the foUokrhig ftrJrm county people who had been zeotyi- mended for appointmei^ reoeivect their portfolios arid b^an work Tuesday mwning; Ai»il 2ttd: Allendale Township, Jim MdtoaoL Anitoch Townsb^ BGss Mary Mo Phaul. ' Blue Springs*^ iixs. Ina Seaford McLeod, Mrs. Sia^ D. McBry^. Little River, Ifiuvin Cameron. McLauchlin Township, Mrs. Mar^ shall Newton, Miss Katie Black. Quewhiffle, Tom Sinclair. .N. C. Sanatoriiun, Mrs. Margaret* Reaves Maultsby. , ' Town of Raeford, Sam Morris. Raeford Township, Mrs. Beulah Funderburk Whitley, Archie Epetem. Stonewall township. Miss Clara Mae Gibson, Mrs. Della Duoifop Hampton. •4 Marshal Goeryig Says Resources Jlfobiiiz^ For a Decuixe BIoyT / Berlin, April 3. — Hermann Wilhehn of Germany’s Adolf Hitler’s Rp. 1 today that “toe ilized aR resources’ blow “in toe west’ ish aim French. Goering gave lu toe signal for a given, saying decide whoi “end toe war.” “Having toeir cure,” the field German arihed' for bloc are teeing in .(ha west. “It is here mufit bastcu^ blow the I resources.” air isnX^ aide, declarid has mobr *r a decisive the Biil- tV ik to wh0# j would bel toat Hitler womd - time had cone to and flanks se- said, “fim in one fkm lin and France ^ (fedsiW blow ter this dAdstee has inobibzed all n. 4. of,-“ of an bbrtie against tiw habal totoorage at Scapa Flow, in ttiej Oikn^ idand& ; Grays Play G^Ukhom Here Next Saliir^y hot be regards as^commercial farm must be o] eligible for paril ^Juliati Johnson Better ' Latest re^rts yesterday from Jul ian Johnson were that his condition, had definitely improved in toe past several days atid was much better thOT it wM for several days last tyeek when it was feared that toe end‘yl^ near. ■ ' tV Baseball “vr- Saturday, April 6th—Goldsboro ^Mondayf April 8tli—Wilmington, Delaware Wednesday, Apxil lOth—Sttyantpn, I^a. B^ursday, April llth-^Toronto, Qan. Saturihqr^ April'IStb—Hgirishii^ Pa. ;, Mot^y/April lSth—WinstoB'^klem Tuesday, April 16tli^-Scrani[in, Pa. ThMrsdi^, April Igtli-^imbiirr, Pa. We-.would,suggest to any pais, ent of a boy or anyone ebe who . might be interested In ubat aeont- «lhg means to a boy from 12 to 16 years of age that be look up some man utoo has been a scout or who has been connected with toe or ganization and ask him just what it is wortti. ilbis person will‘doubtless roilf toat in sBttU.tQiwiH mob as thto where, supervised yetfeation mid efo^tecter boUdliur. adtvlttes fof btyto toat age ire quite... rarty' Styobting is of luestininbie vaJbte ni making better men of bom wbo tyltoont it would have an burt chance to wind up in tlty gutter. It is to help this wgaidsatian that the Kiwanis Uttb is sponter--. lug. toe minstrel shew tamityr^^ nfi^t and we adc anyone who imty think; he wmi’t rlkm. a tone at toe ' his own son og of the SeOnting might.keep the mlriit steal ids froib being #toier. The Williamspc^ Grays play toeir - second game in Raeford next Satgr- ^ day when tiiey meet toe GoUriMco : team of toe Cctestal Plains leagae Jn ; toe local pato. ^The Grays haye three to^ credit so ten fii toe of toeir exhtoitton games mtototP play Ckddtoaro at CkdddNKotonun'* row. ‘ The Wilmington, Delawaxc, jkH$n whid^is training at Sarttecd' tote was deteatol on Sund^^TUto- toty and Wednesday of this week.*?: Capt. William L. Fooie;; lSiB ipt* nounced toat a bicyde will be to some lucky person at with Goldsboro h«ty‘ . .'She Grays meet here next Monday and t Scranton, Pa., Eastern here on Wednesday, all the stores in Raeford to close for tiie game wif onto Maided Leeds of ti(Hud leityun Thegr for the'game wito 16fh. - I l-p. ■ ~ ■ FUNDS F^LD , Washington, Aptygtoitions ed'to Congress of $80,000 ter Field, Fort , An ,a] hnprovQoaeats at tkm station at Foi O^STOSC'"'*^under present - %S"iaafi we have aa Nw Yor^oda. f;s°^,^Cw*pi*www^ ci^EODhl Buy nemytoint ^ /*£)>.W. I

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