...i' .4' ■ ^liOKE counuts BEST ADVIi;RTlSlNG MEDIUM The Hoke County Newi '... VOLUME XXXV. NO. 30. RAEFORD, N. C., targe Crowd Enjoys Event At High Sdic Hoke High’s Nevr Band Maken Its First Public Appearance; Beauty Queens Selected; Am^ teur Contest Held. A crowd that almost-completely Jilled the Hoke high ^dfool auditor ium attended the Thanksgiv^ fes tival held in the school building Tuesday night froni 6 until 10 o’clock. ^ Many interesting and varied ev«its were on the program and the spec tators expressed themselves as being well pleased with the entertainment The doors opened at 6 p. m. on a large assortment of side shows—^in cluding bingo—which kept the visi tors well occupied until 8:15 when the main part of, the program start ed in the auditorium. Among the side shows which cre ated much interest were: Hall of Horrors, Seven Wonders of the World, Faculty Graveyard, Fortune Telling Go to the Head of the Class, and Tight Hope Walking, The program in the auditorium was opened with the first appearance of the Hoke high school band. The band played “Old Black Joe,” “Anchors Aweigb,” “Swanee River,” “Hot Time In the Old Town,” and “The Old Gray Mare.” The band program was well re ceived by the audience and was ex- /^;elient in view of the fact that the Viembers have had their instruments for only six weeks. Following the band concert, the ' A jfMmous Turlington cakewalk was . performed after which Robert Gatlui auc^oned four cakes which brought an average of $2. The cake auction was one of the highlights of the /event and provoked much laughter on \the part of the audience. Parade of the beauty queen con testants came next with numerous intrants from both grammar and high Ichools. Martha Barrington won the crown (f beauty queen for the high school jnd Betty Ann Starling for grammar 'school. Each winner was presented with a bracelet, The amateur contest followed with Tommy Upchurch as master of cere monies and J. W. Turlington as of ficial gonger. One of the winners in the amab contest was 3-year-old Betty A* ilHodgin who captivated the audien ■’ with her rendition of “Playmates.” Three Hurt In Auto Accident Mrs. William Preszler of Lodi, Cal ifornia, was seriously injured and her husband and child received lesser hurts Tuesday around noon when an automobile driven by Mr. Preszler turtied over on highway 15-A south of Raeford. The injured were taken to High- smith hospital, Fayetteville, for treat ment. Officers quoted Preszler as saying that a tire on the automobile blew out, causing the vehicle to skid on the wet pavement and overturn. Editor Has An Edbarrasii^; Mommt, And How In the quiet gratitude of the Pilgrims, I Thankgsiving had its origin. Deeply grateful, despite terrible hardships, the Pilgrims looked for the good to their experience and poured out their earnest thanks for it Especially were they grateful for their homes. To day, we too give earnest thanks fw peace, for security, for blesdngs. to- nui^rable—but even more for higher, broader concept of home than we have known before. Home is more an inner peace than a place. Bombs never touch it Lillington, Nov. 23—Jimmie McVic- kers, 31, Raeford farmer, was sentenc ed in Harnett Superior court to serve seven to ten years in prison after he pleded guilty to a charge of bigamy. -m T»ov McVickers already is serving a oftte sentence in Moore county for abando-1 Suspended a ment and non-support of his first X , A sudden spurt of activity on ttie State’s evidence was that McVicJ enforcement officers a- kers, while married to Mrs. 9^*^® violators of minor traffic laws McVickers of Raeford mam^ Lnt a crowded docket into Record- lene Rollins of Harnett county. The sent a crowaea am. charges were brought by the second I wife. The alleged editor was standing around last Wednesd&y wondering what news he had forgotten to write and decided to get Albert Beck, the News-Journal’s star printer, to help him think. Boy Scout Committee Meets A Problem For IMathematkiaiis To the Editor: About the beginning of the cen- the problem below went the The Boy Scout Executive Commit- . uiMx... ,tee of the Western District, Cape What have I forgotten?” he asked Ifear Area Council, met at Joan’s dm- I tury, Mr Albert ' * “ i..i» Thnrsdav I roum Whereupon Mr. t wovemoer .sxsi, c. ■ popular subject of converse court Tuesday morning of this ISCHOOL BRIEFS By K. A. MacDONALD fl ;.^hnr/ Thurstoy rounds of the newspapers in North Albert replied: lS|hr?Eve'l« llo. The Carolina and adioinln* states, and it “'I Si b'iia^rrSfaid then bS?ne”^1eSS^ro™' EK Mr. Albert said: “Yonjiaven’t wri^ L„g. Bepresentattv^ atten^ the p™blem wk »™n^t» , ten anything about how Raeford s Lneeting from laurel ^^1, Lamm-1 gyjtg g math- football team beat Clarkton 13-6 burg, Wagram, Maxton, and ^rforf. • ^ the local field last Friday.’’ The National Roll Call of all Scout emahmm^^ So the editor went on down toe L^oops was discussed. The x -s it looks.—A Subsrib- street to purchase the limeade for I consisted of inspection of all Scout I Mr. Albert and by the time he had troops for such things as r*’’ Aivnvr? gotten back to toe office both he Lhip, rank, uniforms, insignia, sub- ITOW OLD K ANN. and Mr. Albert had forgotten aboutLcription to Boy’s Life magazine, etc.I The sum of Marys and Anns ag the football game .... and that’s jt was decided at this meetog that 1 is 44 years the reason there was no writeup in the inspection for this district would | Mary is twice as old as Ann was. last week’s paper. be held in December. Also, Scout Coach Earl Smith (Illinois’ gift to I troops over toe nations will be m- North Carolina) won’t believe the ex- gpected in December, planation. He thinks we are just I jt was agreed at this meeting that Tying to ignore him and his team ... I the annual district meeting would So just to show him he’s wrong t,e held at Maxton this year. H. C we are going to tell all about toe McLauchlin of Raeford and toe Max football game that will be played with I ton troop committee were named^on Laurinburg here Thursday (Thanks-1 the arrangements committee, giving) afternoon at 2:30. I following program committee was It’s going to be a rip-snorter and named: W. R. Sutherland, W. D. Rey- is toe last one the local team isLolds, and M. D. Livingston. The scheduled to play. I following members of the nominating The admission is only 15 and 351 committee were named: H. C. Mc- cents and that is very cheap con-| Lauchlin, W. R. Sutherland, and J L. Goodman. The next district rally was award Twenty-one persons were given 30- day road sentences, all suspended on payment of costs, for violating road laws. They were: , , Willie Blue, colored; Roosevelt j 1 Platt, colored; Saul McLean, colored; James Gay, colored; Andrew Clark, colored; Bascom M. Bristow, white; Richard MePhatter, colored; Doyle Locklear, Indian; Barthonia Ray, col- ’ , .x Inrpd" Mitchell Graham, colored; The Rockfish school ^nnounc^ jy\ honor roU for the first qu^ter of «^® J;iJJ^on,^lored; J. Ernest Herring, Bo^r’w R white; Alford Hart, colored; E. L. First era'ie- ®?hby BotUc, W. R. 1 white- Garfield Wafeins, col- King, Hester Smito, ored;’ Tom McBryde, colored; W. G. Second grade. Eto Mae Dees, I^u- L white; T. G. Wood, white; Rufus Gibson, Ray Kmg, Manone Me- 'm ise Dougald, Nannie Lee Ray. Grade three: Annie Vivian Scar borough Grade four: Graham King, Wade McDougald, Sarah Neil McKeitoan, Margaret Willis. Grade five: Virginia Monroe, Irma Ray. Grade six: Eleanor King, Elizabeth Parker. Grade seven: Juanita Long, Daphne McLaurin, Edith Monroe, Myra Mott, Bessie Wright. sidering that Coach Smith has toe best team in Hoke county. When Mary was one half as old As Ann will be when she is three times as old as Mary was When she was three times as old as Ann. Turkey Dinner And T.*!® I Bazaar At Antioch The Antioch community house will be decorated and ready for welcom ing you, your family, and friends for a delicious and generous turkey din- ne and attractive bazaar Thursday, December 5to. Open house will begin XV. * I at 11 a. m. and run until 9:30 p. m. ed to Red Springs for the month of I will be served from 12 to 2 Other cases tried were: Alford Hart, colored, careless and reckless . driving, 30 days on the roads, sentence suspended on payment of costs. R. C. Cunningham, colored, driving drunk, 60 days on toe roads, soi- tence suspended on paymoit of 950 fine and costs and driver’s license revoked for 12 months. Malcolm Johnson, colored, care less and re*less driving, 30 days on the roads, sentence suspended on pay ment of costs. Jphnsie Bean, white, fornication and adultry, six ntbnths in jail, tence suspended on payment of $10 Tuesday night, despite toe very inclement weather^ an exceptioxi^ large crowd turned out for toe har vest carnival sponsored by the P.-T. j j. g^d condition that dte- A. for the benefit of toe Raeford fg^dant stay out of Hoke county for graded school and toe Hoke county I jj^j-gg years, high school. The whole thing was quite a success from both an enter- ^ tainment and financial standpoint. UreeCC l8 UO^ The high school band made its first The Back-Breakmg appearance in public and aston^^ | ItjiliBll WjU* ■m everyone present with its ability to play, having been organized less than two monhts ago. In Friday to February, and the district camporee was awarded to Raeford in April. The following awards were I gj^gd' to Raeford Scouts: Star rank, troop 1—^W. M. Poole, Chas. Spivey, J. W. Dawson. Medit badges, troop 1—Chas. Spiv ey, handicraft, pathfinding, hiking. j Other winners in the amateur con test were Herman Cole and Woody ' Singleton (CJarolina Power and Light company’s gift to Raeford) who per- . formed on electric guitars and inter im spersed their program with a little [ comedy. ^ . Winners in this contest will be in- ^ ^ vx,., - ‘‘Vited to appear on the stage of toei^(*'^J^g considerably above I craft^ P^thfinding, personal health. p. m. and supper at 6:00 o’clock. Half-plates fixed for children if de- A hospitable welcome awaits CIRCLE NO. 1, ANTIOCH AUXILIARY Red Cross roll call chairmen are get their final report into Dr. Murray, Rev. Mr. Crawford or Mrs. safety; J. W. Dawson, hog raising, H. A. Cameon by Friday of this week, poultry, handicraft; William Alexan- The total to date, with five chair- I der, hiking; Hal Clark, handicraH, men still to report, is $456.68 and it hiking, patofinding, personal healto, liS^pected that the final report wiU I safety, scholarship; Wm. Poole, handi- Raeford theatre Friday night. Hot dogs, soft drinks, ice cream nd cake were sold throughout toe ing for “toe cause” and “a good • was had by ajl.” Daniel A. Blue Passes In Red Springs $400. Precincts Raeford business houses, $89.00. Wafd No. 1, $6.50. Ward No. 2, $9.25. Ward No. 3, $36.55. Ward No. 4, $17. Raeford elementary school, $22. Ashemont school, $22. Antioch school, $3. Hoke high school, $26.43. Rockfish school, $1. Mildouson school, $3. Uptfhurch colored school, $93. Raeford mill community, $9.75. Home Dememstration Clubs Antioch, $15. Raedeen, $11. Wayside, $25. Blue Springs, $22. Ashemont, $8. Pine Forest, $14.50., Little River, $3.25. Sanatorium, $32.00. safety. Rosa Tentoni To Appear At Flora Macdonald 1% Red Springs, Nov. 25.—Daniel Ar chibald Buie died at his home near Red Spt-ings on Saturday morning at 1 o’clock after a year’s illness. Mr. Buie was born in 1855, toe son of John and Aimie Jane MaePherson Buie, and at the age of tjiree moved with his parents in a covered wagon to Arkansas, where he lived for 35 years. He then moved back to toe home of his ancestors in Robeson county on a part of toe original tract granted to the parriarch of toe fam ily, Malcolm Buie, his great-grand- fatoer, who came direct to Robe son county from the old coimtry. Mr. Buie is survived by one sister. Miss Flora Jane Buie, with whom he has made his home since the death of their parents. Funeral servi^ will be conduct^ at toe home on Simday afternoon at 2 o’clock by ffie I New Farmers of America of toe Rev. G. F. Kirkpatrick. Interment I Upchurch high school are working will be in toe old family cemetery. I to raise funds with which to send a representative to the Tuskegee In stitute National Leadership school for New Farmers of America, toe na tional organization of Negro boys _ (studying vocational-agriculture. The Remodeling work got underway I school will be conducted from Feb this week in the Hotel Raeford dining I ruary 10-15. room and Manager W. E. Street, Jr., I It is under toe supervision of W dechif ed that when the work is com-1N. Elam of toe U. S. Office pi I pleteo in a few days toe dining room 1 education, Washington, D. C.; J. R. wiU be one of toe most modem ones I Thomas, national advisor,, Petersbmrgi in this section. Va.; J. W. Warren of Spring Hope, Mahogany and maple paneling is I national president. Funds with being, installed and other improve- [to make the,trip are to be raised by ments are being made. - [local chapters. Rosa Tentoni, who was scheduled | Carolina as toe third number of the concert and lecture series for the year at Flora Macdonald college, wiU in stead appear as toe second, owing to the unavoidable postponement of Vincent Sheean’s engagement. She Dr. Mann To Preach At Presbsrterian Church Sunday Rev. J. O. Mann, D. D., of Maxton, will preach at the morning service of the Raeford Presbyterian jchurch next Sunday. Dr. Mann has been heard several times at the Presbyter ian church here, and is much in de mand as a preacher and speaker over a wide area. He is Director of Re ligious Education for toe Synod of II Duce Mussolini told his pMpIe Jthat Greece’s back would surely; be j Mrs. Rena Woodhouse, supervisor of [broken, but thus far toe only triC' the NYA in Hoke county has been[ture of toe Italo-Greek war seems made supervisor of Robeson county [to be Italian, not Greek, in addition to her duties here. [ The pack of toe Italian fnmt all along toe 100-mile front is obvipus- Ashemont school has joined toe [ ly. bending if not already fracture^ Red Cross more than 100 per cent. [ Whatever her ultimate fate, Gxem They have done better than $1 per [has struck a stunning blow at Italian teacher and room. We hope toe other [ prestige, - already British-dimmed in. schools will soon report their 100 [Egypt and at sea. per cent enrollment. This makes twoT jt seems probable too, that toe schools in the 100 per cent column. [ Greek stand has forced a drastic re- Raeford graded school reported last | vision of toe axis time-table and ruled week. lout toe possibility of any early dra matic German-Italian action in toe Miss Pauline McNeill, student and | eastern war theatre, timekeeper, reports that at present there are 62 white, two indian and 32 1 _ - I 1 L negro students on toe student 'work | lYlr. iVlCilllOSIl 1 O program. These pupils have received $321.15 up to date These students work in toe libraries principals’ offices, are monitors on school busses, assist with the up- j C. E. McIntosh will be guest speak- keep of toe school buildings and [ er Tuesday night, December Srd, at grounds. Others are student assis- [ 7:30 at toe meeting of teadiecs in tahts to teachers in laboratories and | Hoke coimty schools. Speak At Meetiiiflr Tuesday Night Square Dance At Blue Springs Upchurch Farm Chapter Raising Money For Trip . There will be a square dance at | the lunchroom. will be presented on Monday wen-i^^ Springs community house ing, December 2, at 8:15 oclocK. 1 ^ Thursday evening, November 28, The white schools of toe coimty Miss Tentoni, whose lovely soprano ^ o’clock. The public is cordially are taking Thanksgiving holiday to- voice combines the purest lyric tones I j Jay and tomorrow. The colored with a decided dramatic quality, won I [schools will run a short schedule and fame almost overnight, when in 1934 A#. are having appropriate exercises for Toscanini chose her to smg under | oqU&rC LlAllCC At | him in Beethoven’s Ninth Sj^hony ^ntiocH Friday Since that time, she has become a| ^ member of toe Metropolitan Opera, and in that capacity has made con- all the major Dimng Room Being Remodeled some assist in toe health program. There are some assigned to play ground work and traffic direction. Probably the largest group, espec ially in toe colored schools, a^ist in He will discuss toe youtti survqgr made in Hoke county in 1839 anS it is believed that he will nport scow interesting findings. Everyone interested is invited to attend this meeting. Omitted Last Week By Mistake Lt. and Mrs. Keadi, vtoo formerly at Mrs. Will LanMXkte ham. . . . ■ rented Dr. Matheson’s home and There will be-a square dance at Youth Administration will be jivuS^ there. • * In all me maior I toc Antioch community house Friday ^aker before toe traAersmm^ Mrs. Prang Lamirand, w^to cert appearances m all me majw November 29to. at 8 o’clodc. I Tuesday evening at 7:30, December' orch®styas at toe sprmg and^^ tovited. [3, at toe high school building. Mr. festivals, with phenominai success. To toe exceptionally lovely qua^ C. E. McIntosh of toe National ity of her voice, this young Metropi- tan singer adds personal charm and appealing presence to an unusual degree. To Have Tqrkey Dinner , ^ The women of the Raeford Pres- A Canadian critic says of [byterian church are planning a turkey [b^^ completed. Everyone interested McIntosh will interpret toe results of toe Youth Survey made in Hoke county by the schools and the NYA two years ago. Compilation of the data secured in the survey has just were formerly at Mrs. A. J. FIiIIbk^ have moved into an apartment Mrs. C. H. Giles Master Sgt. and Birs. M. V. Mto-, ston have an apartment at lin J. FuUer’s. Notice her in toe Toronto Telegram, “It[dinner to be given in the undercroft is safe to say .that Rosa Tentoni wiU | tbe church, Friday, December 13to. be one of toe world’s greatest so- [ More detailed notices will follow next pranos.” I week. In her concert at Flora Macdonald, Miss Tentoni will sing an aria from toe cantata, “The Inimitable Lover,’* composed by Dr. Charles G. Vardell, Jr., of Winston-Salem, North Caro lina’s foremost composer, and son of the president emeritus of Flora Mac donald. Rosa Tentoni was solist in this cantata in the music festival at Ann Arbor, Mich., last summer. .zl jin youth problems in the county is I cordially invited and urged to at-1 tend. The News-Journal desii^ very much to have a complete list of all army people living in Raeford and where they are living. Please re- port these to The News-Journal ini order that the next directory we print will be complete and correct The Board of Education will hold I its regular monthly meetiqg on De- I cember 9to instead of December 2nd. | COTTON GINNING RE^Qfn: ^aj^ce Teaehiiiir m Sckooli The/city sc$M>oIa of affojrdmg 4T Meredith to are doing sv this fall a laboratiHfy Census report shows that 14^41 Practical teeditt^trakiiB^: bales of cotton were ginned in Hoke | Among toe students t ■* county from toe crop of 18*0 prior I in the Raleigh adtaote to November 14th, las cmnpaied witolSmoak of AfaeidaM, r 12,900 bales for toe crop of 1199. it^r Mt. alwi Mtt. ' : -I ■ O' i'*: A •' !>**•.*.

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