^ V [ Mcs. P. Baker and ■ cWednesds^ to visit ive^i4t p!||r. Tl^nu K. 4L MacDonald ^j^Miwday to spaikd^ ttie'Chrstmas with Mrs. McDonald’s rel- :at^Gape Chsuies, Va. Cai ttiatan, ^ attends: a, is ttome^or holida^. Camen^, a student at Ran-' ^con academy, is home alM. .'The^ county : comoussioners have ’’■yMkwi under advisemrat a plari^ for; ve C(HiStruclion>of a new gymnasium Ihe^ne;;^ Hdce county high schtml. ^IBBR-w^umes of currently popular tion wd non-fiction have recently- added to the collection ’*of •Iffijin file Hote county library. ^ A rarload of ^classroom furniture Ar usein the new Hohe iiounty high’ s|diobl arrived a few days ago. • f Dr. R. L. Murrty, oojUnty physician ■5-’-S {^i -iC = ..Pemtent ffs»-1\\ 4 ■ t fS &thta (^auh'di in fialy. K Sn* am Jwiughty, bid . nd Bdnta Clan^-^ No one riin^ rated tree on Chri totdc for presents. S- ■ ft’ - . •' r i’f Visit Children tcause: they are kcause tbera is a well decp^. ^s motding U> colbced La Befana still carries her . B cats tor the Christ CMHar flowers decorate the room instead. __ Christmas trees, and presents aire‘ When-aeveral iMa drei stopped in fi^ntof her. ccctage, Ihey; asld^1i6f /wterh'.Bldhlhh^ wgs/ hut she had peyer 'heard d The men JtoM ber'^diput a baby wh>fhji^ hsen bom ^ Bethlehem, and: nojenUcamJ^i Vhich had been gwoing. wdm.j olid lady, jilted Sh^'cota|i ;^c^p9riy th'efc wiighwey ' id '^arch.of ttle i|tnf.JesuS. i lorrOyr.-, Lhter that mght she no^ ’.^e sky i^uiveilng 'yidth' light, (^"dit^ds seethed to take tite form IhdeS'.' df ah’gdM. All Meep left her. ‘Gibing, she c&'efuUy wrapped tyrb gifts for the Holy Baby, ^en ran rat Into the night in; the dirCc- fibd the Idhgs had gone, v . " Flast^'she hurried, she had hot reached' ^’flilehein' vhen'the star dibap^eared and ’ dawn' filled the sky. She fi-aritically asked the way I j t6'Bethlehem, blit no one could tell l;5>si heri : • And so La Befana has constantly ».vi And so La uerana nas consianuy not exphanged.mitU Jahuaty f . graveled since Ihat day, searching On that night, old, pld'lady, Lh Befdiw> 'wa^;^fmm house to hous| anjt ^aves p''’'preseht beside each' Ij^le visits. Exactly 1,040 years ago, accord ing to’the IliUlan legend. La Befana was Very:'hjijsy~sw:eeping her kitchen' 'for the Christ Child. On the Epiph- |hy, 12 days after Christmas, she igoe^ from, house to house, looking >rato the faces of babies. With’each Me leaves a gift, hoping Ihat at last Will give her presents to the rlMt child. JMliicf liliiiiflis Because of -^his -Mi^llent .ifecor^ VompR S'iockfcn %lub' has'been named ihe^eMBtandin^ 4-H club-boy pf.|mik';tyunty c^prty: S. H. Dobson, assistant fanti^^^ent. X and general practitioneer, Meupied his new office on^ Monday evening. 'INS ilMUaoii mmrnkWbdl p#‘i- ^ SWk 4^ Teal Raeford and Hoke county celebrat ed Christmas in a stupendously big way with most of the local mer chants repdrting the fjest business in years. f, ' Tax collections to date have a- mounted to only about 25 per cent of the gross l^y, - acepr^ing to Sheriff D. H. Hodgin. S)ienff Hodgin stated that this wM about the same per centage of collections as last year at fills time. Johif Rufus Floyd o’f BogUe Soimd, is visiting relatives during the holi days.': V. ; DECEMBER 26th, 1930 Hie store of -Dundarradh trading company was enhet;ed apd robbed Tti^ay of' last ^Mk.’ Betyrimh M ai^ f;0 caspsgoods .were stolen. to Santa-Claus, in ,the News- Jotiifiar, iocludra: iDeaV Santa Claus, I-ept.a-ir^pgirl aeven years old. I w^.a ^ Miss tea fet I bi^ Intoning to you ovpf radio evety night- I have a Ul^e sister ys^ws old. She wapty a baby i|oU carriage and a toy b^et, I am a very good little girl and'hbpe ypb WiR Ahve. a Mwty ChriMsM- ty^th-iove, Martha ahd Betty-Baf- rington. in tM Presbyterian diurch Sunday night at 7:30. The church was simply but bcMtifully decorated in red and green. \ In the choir there was a backgroMd of cedar and the choir was flaiKed by four stands bearing long, red\ tapers. The service was arranged Ond given by the young, peo ple of thby three churches of Rae ford. There was a choir of 60 vdices. .\ Robert Galiin\of N. C. State College is spending the holidays with his family. { ; Prof. J. I*. Ldwipnee is recovering nicely from reednt^ibums. - ,, Mr. and Mrs. G- Rowland are spending the holidaysuwith homefolks in Durham and WendpU. ^ It ’|s not a Christian Christmas we celebrate' ill'^America j it is a bagM: Xmas. So far'as the spirit of Chri^- mas is concerned we hiigbt ®®y “X” marks the spot Where ChHst' was. I heard a lady say that she told her little daughter that Santa Claus was the spirit of Christmas. ' This ,is another straw in file wind to Mow the ^neral trend ‘of a gen eration' who' want to keep the tra ditions and . enjoy Me benefits and conveniences of Christianity, but they turn their backs on the lovely Christ to wrap tbeir presents. In ordei* to Mjoy Christmas we must know the Savior personally. So many do not know the real joy of a simple knowledge of His saving grace. We do not have to dash here aiid there, tasting the of lust and passion to enjoy Christmas. In the heart of a Christian Is a serene peace and bubbling joy that the unbelieving world caftnot kiibw. What a contrast to .the Godless masses. With them it il a whirl of shopping, dancing, drinking,, noting, and a “good tjme.” T mo not speak ing of the poor and common people only, but refer to every Class of ^oc- ■ A Teitas fanner ■ is termeUofr^dipe i^tolK «yi ing the jijiice f^m the meat.^d^pUr'; ing it down', ten gallons oiT jU'iMniak-' ing oite gaUon of deep' ' tjMe »*.-a;.. . sim^e , . .'M‘to •-spoiitonce^-:’r voiucv^*'Wi| tyAf^risiina'a iety. J., • - yifouldn’t it be glorious for to’ acetot Jptos as your Savior iMBto^jy? jThen Christmas for you will 1» a bappy, hopeful season of ping the li.rd of^eavra. Only thto wfil your Mo he Hooded with ain invigorating victory Mat will brigti^ en a world saMy hungry for thtogs tb.at wU putiiyp. the tinsel an^ frothy decorations of the twentieth century. eai'd6-::fhjKV:! yltoh?;'’' —•5- - Wsfie^ sbre'^the ;6t the car4 .^’'''8^ jogs ]iipjt i|y- 'C^ed two ophdes. ' HC^fieto -ihaj^toot 'be'enclosed wito CM^fihas Su^ efiClo:- si^'%duld'‘mfikS‘Me padMge Ibnd-- daM' to totuM claitoor pdt^'pist pdbkages, written litoetit^s Inch “Mtoty CHtistoaad;’* "with identity- bijl names, niaiif be ehcloded." Bdifks ' may bear sim]a|e non-personal catory inscriimbns. They are caAded to « special rato of one -and eae-btof 'indi : ■M- dents per pour . -rr Fpilow qn cm Cu|f^ in M N£W $jU|ier-Coac|h Jacksoaville .,.,.69.65 r|hlle|lgh Qrlandd ' .1 ^3.00 Miami toiM • ■ .M umMi , .V D'ff , affP'bii ± FEWER According to reports compiled by the National Livestock Marketing As sociation, thare will be siptoto Au^- bers of hogs on farms' in -tnp United Sthtes in 194i than in the ykto ji^t closing. ‘ . May^^liest bf evtoyMutS is the sincere wish of in this organitation. Whdi happier tftou^t to ihare with you at this season thai| |he^^^ m ragpr^ tyhicli has made ppr Mlations sp pleasapt in the past, pro^sps the comB- f| dieace between lis in the future. > ]^ay 1^40 Chritomas, be the happiest you have evpr known. > One of the finest Christmas services ever rembere^ to Raefoto^ tyf^ in - ■}: --'v • f ' -tt ;r,. -A A’-.' :'r ' imy, ' '/ '/, ( • --r-'/w/- I. . .y ,iiV X Cli#0 i lio:^ , xn W ^ The Cape Fear Main ^ctric generalin^ pl^ if jtut #«e #/ lA« itotytymkto of our prepareineri. Uuilu built to iterate in con/metioit jiitk our kyiro- rnw®**"# aaititoi, md pfker if pomi\ U SU^ a 'cwnlOwout ifoip oj power at M fitm. ' ~ *' ’>1 /-J' Suddenly tht Rumbdr one concern of l|iq coiinfry js PREPAREDNESS. HujBie sums of rno^f^y Off IMinS nwroprifiti pnd industry ^ is being fran'sfpiwied ^'owlr ,con Sjr|tem of Domperqc]^. Forfun^ly Hie Utility Industry is reg|r sfsping tq speed tint producHon of deA jty ipust he pr^pored for emergfnciqi. It hots bfen bur compon/s policy to bjuild in odvonce of octuol demond to ontidpd^ gmergencies os well os prog ress, the plqnt pictured ql^ is one ompng the piqny ejec- tfic generoHng stations reutjy to supply the demands which industry moy make upon us ps 0 result of the detonsg pipoi^ in the territory we serve.; I'