1$' ca^ %} ■ 'M.- . jC--'. ■ Iitf of JpURi^^ baby contest ilSrd}'it was revealed by ' •fliat jto winner of '^the Con Sonny P^ks, son of? George W. Pwks of Rairford. I plsjce winner Sonny retseived^- pri^ Of $200.00, and bf^ the boy' having the most -'Votes, ttieyeT. by maldBfi hiin baby ^ing of Soke County, he received a beewtiful gptd lovuig. In the last nine ^ys of tfie ccmtest Soimy came from third place ta finst piacerand the wimier’s prbse, over three hundred thousand votes being turned in for hini the last night. The, second place winner and re ceiver of a cash prize of $50 was Edward H. Langston, Junior, son of Jit. 9oA Mrs. Edward H. Langston; 3- Racford. His total was not ypry lar'behind the wim^. The third place winner and Baby Queen of Hoke County wals Li|ida ray HoBryde, daughter of Mr. v^ibid Mrs. Leonard McBryde of Shan non. She received a cash prize of $25.00 and a beautiful silver ibying; ■ Clip. ■; .. . .~1 ■ The following is a list of all die contestants and their ix>sitic^.t'sJier aR the votes wore counted, as vnsU as thidr prizes: I’iA-Seiiiiy nurks 2—Edward H. Langston, Jr. $54iJ$ : - .. WIgp||ryde..^.,.J|$W>f 4- >-Jooinae. .Walters $15.^ 5- Jean HaWton . .. $i0.M C—Peggy Haaip)ton $ 5.9$ in North Car^^a is probably J6i- uary ahd February. This is contrary ho tiie tli^al advice; which is to prune Jn ifte spring after the flowers fade on spring-flowering plants. ■V^eaver shya that pruning in Janu-, ary and,-February stimulates new ^owth and increases vigor. 'Wounds caused, by the cut heal more quick- ty, ‘and this helps to keep the plant free from disepses. -The flcwi^lturistNriys that the principal dbjection to winter prun- ;ing is.that wood is cutout that would flower in a few weeks. This is not so seri6us,:_he said, if care is taken. Only-the old and less vigorous twigs add branches should be ; cut out. “Every gardener should understand the reasons for pruning”; Weaver said. “The first reason is to renew the wood. dead wood should be removed. Also, it is a good practice to -r«nove the older branches every year- or two, so the young vigorous ihoi^ will have mre room for de- velpment. “The secnd reason is to increase the profusion of bloom. By correct pruning you get more tvrigs and as ju residl,-« £oi7e^K>nduig.4aeMa8e^ flowers. “Third,-to keep ornamental twigs attract^. Spme plants ate used for the cbl^ effect of their :twigs in the winter, sucb..'4>? the red and yellow- stemmed^ogwpods. Thg , younger shots vdll.:lwve thore room for de- is tn increase ' teondud^, “are to lbs ‘bdsby’ apd to of' roots at planting The people of Hoke C- to the Scrap lF(ni Ci heartiedly and th pliroanted throoii^out t^ Knosries, s. Ps'hea^ in S«c- befense Ve praised ttte ty -and say-that'- in the state to cmi- The Com- tbe Sorajd'lhcui Campaign express tbtrir kbpreciation the pep]^. ;o$f^rating ht the impgign. To * date y over S|M,0(K) lunds of ibis ibetal has been t to Raeford. Farmers and r. . people Ih the county having .^jUfoap iron left are urged to ^ used to produce the pteteriaR for winning' flie "^war. [Campaign to collect papes and will be launclu^ witiiin a rs. Everyope^ "having old Its,' magazines, and rags shc^ Idle'them^p tightlyandjsave unt^ ^9/cijmign underway. avings ha^ ecled to s^v^T^cial d^yd •sale of the stanips and .b [thte.W$ek. But'acting on infori jed by postmaster Clark that I impossible for-him ;to 'secure stamps and'bonds thtrf;.«i>uld the postoRtc^ it was ahoweiit^: .a, aiowRig |] ■ I t.1 ,?> ,7-. J ^4* ojl^ - iy- Cotoiljr ^Idvrodi |U» for Amenca, Give! RED CMKi GOAL NOi YET The chairman of the Red Cross committee in Hoke County announced yesterday that the set goal for the county bf $2000.00 has not yet been attained. The chairman urged teat all- citizens who have yet to con tribute to the Red ..Cross fund bring cr send, by carrier .^pigeon, dog tebm, air mail, or otEterwise, their dooat- ioi« to Dr. R. L. Murray or H. L. Gatlin, Jr. He stated that while canvassers have been at work many may have been missed and their opporbinity to give has not been lost because they have not been so con tacted. He reiterated that contribut ions should he as large as possible and^ should be made as soon as poss ible so that the goal be reached. The total raised so far is now $1,343.50. The following is list of those who have contributed to this most worthy caiise: FUND APPEAfi>-Tlie AmerioiBi Red Cnn hat appealed itlop for a $S9,900,M0 War Fuad to expand Its defenae aerriete for the arancd foTeea aad cirilian defcaac. Above ia the firirt>,Auerieaa war poater sf the new World War. a drataiatir appeal frori the bmah of Jamca Montgonery Flagg. Give today throngh jroot local chapter. AaMtite ne^ your aopport. BY K. A. MacDONALD. During the first two weeks of January farmers are gbing to be ask. ed to pay particular attmtion to the repair of their faraa madiinery and Implements. - A campaign through out North Carolina will be conducted along this line, ^ A. S. l^owle8, County Agent: Before any old plows mid farm maicfainmy are sold for scriip imn, nuts and bolts that of^d be used lor the repairing -.of farm machinery should be removed ^nd kept for this purpose. If is :going to Jt^be !^ if not impo^ble to get the, parts for rdiairing farm ma- ebbiji^y during 1942, ti^^ the sbopi^r farmers realize ibis riid make suiA repafls the more efllcient farm ing; they ' will be able to do in the next, year >or two. , ~ ,Mrs. T. B. Upchurch, Sr., vfho has been seriously ill‘in a Fayette- ’vilie, hospital for the past week is %«ihpfoyed,.j|scording to latest re. to., press. It' is make a recovery Don. titli H^nfdlei^on 4ll schools re-bpened after the^ Christmas holidays on Monday bf this week. with, all teachers in place ex cept Mr. Rogers who has resigned to go with the Naval Physical Edu cation st^. Mr. Bert L* Shepherd of New York has been riected to take Mf. Rogers place! At this writ ing an acceptance has not been re ceived from. Mr. Shepherd. ' . Miss .Elizabeth Brown of Miss- issippi, sister of Chaplain Brorin of Raeford.-and Fort Bragg, took place on the stiafl bf Hoke High ito .Ibe English 'and History departm^t Friends of Miss Isabell Mcl^kityen, offlee secietaiy of:,tbe Board of ^u- cation, will be ^d to leant; that her mother, who has been very ill in Highsmithbospital, is very mudi bn- prbved. Friends of Or. A. C. Beteune, -a former meddler of the board bf edtt> cation, wilLbe glad to know fh«t he is improving after having been very iU. - Repair wmk on the sdtool build ing is going forward and should be completed by the last of January, weather permitting. H(^e High sdiool students - will have approximately 3 weeks of study before th^ mid-term exams The faculty Is making a speciaf to cut down on absences -and Parents are asked to co-operai this movement Pfomptn^ the pupils in passing- thei The Board, of Education its regular monthly meeting on Motu day, January 5th at ..10:00 a. m. Mrs. Colin Scarborough is sub stituting in -the Roger’s place r|ntil Mr. Bhepherd accepts or someone else is found to fill this vacancy. The fbllpwing is the. enrollment, membershib, and percentage of at tendance for the white sriiools for the third month of school:- Antiodl, 8g, 85,- 96.3; kshemont 135, 131„j^.2; Hoke ^gh, 86, 364, 97; Mildbuson 82, 79, 95,i7; Raeterd Grader" 542, 414, 88.1; itockfish 132, 131, 92. 1941 Red Cross Roll Call WEEK OF DECEBfBER 25th. ^ .^^.Benion i;bomas,:.local nil mag- tbeimfiai Leon Dr. A. C. Befkune Now At Home A.' G^'Batb^e,' 'well-Imdwn i nLRaefbx^, VhD has hipen -iv.r-. -, .1 • , (K Meditation After a wave of shoplifting in Rae ford drygoods stores a week- ago Tuesday Hoke County’s officers went to work hnd arrested three shoplifters on Wednesday. Hie three guilty ones are Anna Brown, Caold Brown, and Isabella Blue, colored women of Rae ford. Their methods of working are timewom, chiefly bring that while one of the trio engaged a clerk in con- vrisation the other two would rake merchandise from‘counters into large p^per shopping bags. At recorder’s court last Tuesday tee women were charged with larceny.on five counts and pled Dbt ggdlty in each of them. However, in the e^ of tee court they were found guflty and sentenced to serve four months each in the county jail on each of tee five char^, sentences to run concurrently. In other cases befote the recorder Bill’ Tyson, white man of Raefori led guilty of being drunk and dL irderly and paid the costs. Foster McCuller, negro, pled guilty to driv ing wite improper brakes and paid the costs. Quincy S^ith, Quewhiffle negro, was found guiHy of bb^ession .of non-taxpaid wimcey and paid the costs. ^ Nora Sil'vr, negro woman, was found guilt..’’ of violation of the pitr- hibition lav- and was sentenced to- three months in jail, to be suspended upon payment of the costs and good behavior for twelve months! This is ;Noi’a’s second oonvictipn for the same crime, i^he chose to pay Out- Luke Thompson, negro, pled guilty to driving a car while under the in-, fluence of liqi or and was sentmeed to 60 days oi^ the roads, sentence suspended on payment of the costs and fine of $5C', he paid. Ida France Marshal, negro,, charged with larceny, was released when tee state took a nol pros. NeB ||u^es, vteite man from Liunbert^ pled guilty tb be ing drunk and disorderly and paid the costs. „ ICE the='liByiDif- A RAEFORD Edward Brooks Israel Mann J. K. MriNeiU W. L. Alexander W. E. Stanton N. 'a. McNeill Mrs. Mary McDtarmid MrS: F. A. Keith V. C. Mclver Mack’s 5-10-25C Store L: £. Reaves W. C. Odom Ladies Shop !' ■Variety Store Malcolm McPhaul i-;' IVRs. H. W. B. Whittey " Bill Lefcart Paul Davis Craig Mariiard F. B. Sexton \ Mrs. F. B. Sexton ^ Henry Maxwell J. W. Walker W. P. Thomas Ed Passnum E. £. Friedeli Dr. G. W. Brown Lawrence McNeill E. B. McNeffl Mrs. Lawrence McNriU Angus McNeill Mrs. Angus McNeill Mrs. Julian Blue Mrs. EsteUe Tbylor Ollie Stephens Rena Woodhouse J. S. Hendrix Roy Cjonobr let'Sttote rtln ScairtxHro ’ ' f George Freeqgm ‘ Stanley McGregor , Em^^t ‘^Duncan ith M. Tom Canf^n Walter Brown Upchurch Milling Co. Archie Howard J. B. Thomas T. B. Lester C. E. Upchurch, Jr. E. E. Smith E. L. Hunt M. B. Warren Hoke Oil -and Fertilizer Co. Mrs. Herbert McKeithan Mrs. Walter Baker Mrs. J. M. Baker ^rs. J. M. Baker Mrs. Roscoe Currie j)?M. Baker lifts. Clarence Lytch Mrs. Herbert McLean Mrs. William Lamont Mrs. Graham Didcson Mrs. J. W. McLauriilin Mrs. C. W. Seate Mrs. W. B. McLauchlin Mrs. H. t. Gaflin Mrs. B. R. Gatlin Mrs. Arab G. Stuart. Mrs. Laucl^ McDonald MrMiB. Burt Bmumb Mrk JpUan ^oluiKm Mite I^bnvJ Mr. J. F. Jemaa , Mr. L. L. Cox Mrs. A. G. Fuller W. G. Brown Liiilan Scarborough Mrs. S. P. Sykes Mrs. Ina Bethime Riifh L^ Josebhine HaU Mrs. H. K. Morgan Mrs. D. H. Hodgin Mrs. H. L. Gatlin, Jr. Welton Thompson Paul Dezem - Rev. E. C. Crawford Mrs. J. A. Baucom J. E. Shankle Mrs. Frank Niven Helen Baker Mrs. E. Hunt Annie McK^tean Frank Tapp Robert Gatlin Mrs. Robert Gatlin Mrs. Bruce Morris Mrs. Carl Morris Mrs, Jap Davis Mrs, Alex Walters Mrs. Chandler Roberts Jack Devis Tommie Upchurch Mrs. Tommie Updiuzch W. B. McQueen W. R. Barrington Edgar Ertel Ctftyle Ha Grahanrv^ Isabell McFadyen T. M. Carter Peggy McFadyen Margaret McKenrie J. A. McGoogan H. R. McLean K. A. McDonald Mrs. J. A. McGoogan ifes.-Edgar" Hall G. B, Rowland Herman Ivey Jason Barnes Cana Belle Maultriiy Neill A. M(J)oaald, Jr. Alton Cameron Archie McDiarmid Monroe McMillan Berda Niven r. C. Bayes lUke McFadyoi ' - |ck Walters . V^ente FngHt^- W. C. W * J. T. MaiultHby Julian Wririit Reid ChitdxeK C. J. poQnril Holte 'Aiito Co. M £. B. Campbell Kerr Stevens J. T. Leslie ^iobn MXultsby Celacil Uohn Henry Willis ■'T t Aberdeea iQIled On ,^o|ni Frank WOson kanwn lawy^ of AhetdzaM, Sunday a after flram a runaway hone on teej hurst polo field. IRduer the horse and stmdk a tree field and died apon attec. He was a menitcr ,of t^ Jb and .Mi^luin law ffrm and a : of the RejOiiesda Presbyterian of Abesrri^. The fumaral Vnm Tuesday aftemooB and were condueteft by flte L. Barber. BbtitI and i services were to be lii^l "TTTrrrr rrFinrir Birihii Census reports rintoss LUM bales of cotton W’^' ginwit County frian tee crop rf !$$!> to Decemba^ 18 as cmanaiei arfih . 15,022 ba^ for the crop Very reg?e«tihilty, ' v ■J. R.SH^Simtlg^a^j . BlCOBkb Wv IL Ruttap at the way commua^ 'FnuQsgrIvanm Cbunte^.. r 48|bU$li^:qB; -xagp. of “ yitr