-> ■' m.:>' . .. . ‘.‘'. - - i*; 'Sr v - 'j' ■m Vinj^ '\;a«>erioiiEV |;:3p^ m the, " "'~iti-,’psy-Ki he |":a licini#.' Bn a 90 day' ;oh :i>jEnnn(^t^ id ttlii^fw; lh(^- |ii|Ki4;':4ini^ ih4 .iitr [ ■ .'itlie' nbeii';: Qi W. KKni^- filter ea me;'af'^liim adu li^Hal *if Hbt-; ' ' '■ . ■■ ^ il PoHm ir^leiAone b bbU^ed K.. A. t^hfinBe hae hcea- creei^-M. . tile cMnocd .aoeas aiaiii •tNct.ieiiiiar ' the .Bh^-tf Iteefnd and dOMp" of probalily^tfin tad ttia . te jii>.«icai.' dakvoiMMe. adM* tiey>im,fB aeed.af ielka aHL ' ; . ,jiitiiu!ee.:'.4Mr' tii»'aeB(eerr,B|iaae .ta>* SfiS'l., .adiii'Cdl,’'ttia':ffeiiBa' .arhcn. needfapc a peVenBaua aiNicipic-* .ed'to'beMr'p'aiilad'-^^^ may be a or- t#a -ipd to be paiia^ and bdd the Ale. tomr caioqcb fto.^Uai to leaeh tul boat. ■ jf?t. tence costs.^^;:',v.';,;'--: . V4‘; ■■■-X--- -■■■ ... |(|ya^t. -of^'the ij:i#i''co8ts/i'S-' • -' r; ■ ■ The Nationqi meet in. ^%Osto> .Gh., and 281h “ “ Gaii has _ :S^('.l|i£h|6i^^ aAidL-It ^^wed, yt. Ah cOlini^; jEi#4||)|g fii a leth^ ,to |i£hh Joa^ home, agtoi^ Ed Jton- phis, pubhO^ director of the edtoh council, said : hej^ had aeip^ si^i^^shots of the I»o® hMd. mid that it dtoiuwtratod vto^ ^whll toe uto ^toe itotom entirely-in keeping teAp iidto|nMkiO ‘ ited,h*:toieoto»dto-rn;. ■-■■ '''''444 .7’ _^d^;F,dhdan,l^ ' wiiiw. Miss Hill ato dliitoiiic to go to t Augusta to take toe eiAEbiit. to^ou'-to^'toauaj;;. ■' --■■ --i- -^■||■| "■ %4to-tmyn^i. d' .to«’^ a, aspi^tTwjtto. f.'Tii .t* |.:!^i:^..^^i^|i^"CD>president of It j^toazt^ftdiamhfff (to)lul)toU&6r, wwa Vi8i|^ : Mto> Tom Uptourto to^IliBe> iaitday yrtien toad received a . ^ .^ijga toiotming toem-toat the neiv l^torjbmn used iototor 1^^^ toe two 'gtoocds EmI; been ^stroyed by flri,*' EbtoH^utos toom Fayetteville. Bhi0toi9o*it!llhtoit and Dunn fouitot toe fire had made suto ,l#f^|iy dnd water facilities weto to adtote toai -uttle cocdd be doof^ : was toe two>stoxy bridt ti competed a year agov houa> 1 new-audttpriiim, toe library and: ^ band room. Fiftemi toou> sand tohinm wwe destroyed in the Itoraityt'and a'baby grand piano and :;tol toe band tostruments of toe two "t^hoolSieere'loat.- The building ooBt $0O/)OO and toe tot and totnnsents were valued toiOOO, Only $12,000 of toe loss tovered^l^ insurance. iTjiitoHicimwttBahii^ “ " wis iantod a Itotent'-'tooeitoy the United States govanaiatoit on\a fil^g device for insurance pm>em« /gadgto; works )n toe jni^itol 'odva^!Eh>^w-:.toat^tomger'-^^ popers: ace: ffledvjirerto^d^' rlnBt^'.a|:-.hch^; zohCally. asimiial*; ^e inyto^to'dbi^^detogned^ to pre^ vent the rni^agto 'e^ycreai^ papers topitoto^i^ and dodng bf toe dziatoato as foimd in the tyto of cabinet vdow in use for sudi.papers. '■ ■ Mjt. Dew has 4 %u|A nto^ of .«toe invention which fto about a year^ The inventor has re&ve^inquirtos from sevtoal maotttaejli|pBtt cbneev^ tog toe device, ■ opito4toeetoiig4fto:i^ held id 7tol4p. ’ nir. and toh^J^hlto is bot^, dialhf touted to The .Board of 'Agh^imltute is spon- sdrhto meetings .. Of to^.^type uadi month , unto the ptopodt: d ghtong ^^^Itare tomimattaB to esthuihber:-'hf'pedtoto^'' ' 4-7' * ■*■ ; it is dmectod thdt a iai^ number of'tieopto wUl ettond toto ineettog to hear Sir. ICaldwdt.^^ ife Is popular fbr hto leidasidp. mod for hh broad oudook upon agEtonln^ prolans. Ancitolif: J^tolli^ Bein^ |^p|ure4^ E. B. McNet dwelling' hn 'toe' :rei ^ip7: •V.i Hoilor , iroliniaiit Ids toe tobacco fam- m,-l£ls bemr made tpemodatib National Gharlto ;Wr Til- been'made di*' .. . n’s. division of -'’^atotoal.. tkanmltlee for , toe old .fatoi ’out- In’ ^lue Springs. tOlimtol^ some miles 'from Baeto^. Hd bas h^ down toe log house'to wldch two or three graerations hav4 bem reared. Sir McNeill is erecting^ two itow rooms to a later frame bjuildtog ad joining toe original log house. ' The siSs and. pillars, ntoldi bre nutwood blodto, are stol to a gobd state ,of presei^ticto althbugh they have been' to use for considerably more than 100 years. The great-grandparents of toe pres- mit generatihn. of Mdlillans woe reared on this farni of Wbidi Slonroe McMillan, is a meidber. to charge , of ..and wlto SIw. fnpJtoe Women’s dids-- cinatimal com-, n.is t'toDmnodtoto; dinrtog toe next tatfif W; OfftolUlwA Senatm Byan McOryde anjd. Be|h resentative Laurie McEadiem Idt Sfonday afternoon tor Bdeigh to af- tomd toe legislatore whidi formdly cdnyehed Wednesdi^ at noon. Thtorepresentatiyes said toey hatre no athiriiw togislatton to totod otohr than toe conducting of routine bud- ess. '•.■• It is-e:qpeeted‘toiat toe biggest part of 'the legislature wBl' be taken up With patotog. state'tows to conform with toe national wage and hour IaWs,-{ Bqjts JoiM McLnuehHn Corps aud,Clyde • •• '‘~^.,of"1hhiiarhy: toft, last ' i^nWfnpqcs dP »} nvnw Follgffto^ Ae oem]dcito!n ol/Adv resto#4 aasMPtoients at EKO jEhdioi Ifiiiguente Cbapoinn* md ^!>to$b^4dhavo a Ibol^ at toe toi^d Bdirt'towrtant : idinmimleto toeiortoamnijg 4^to OflAuw. Jamto Tito heading the i^^t cad. vlfits COaqmi^'idimtor roto in^^Girl, 4-: "■ . ^ n Ha^Th. CaMwdl, master (d toe Sta1^range, 4^ be dto iciest speak er %to44^^inedtog of toe Hole ' - ^ |jecton. ^The county committee and ehainnien of tl!ie toWhtoip daohddees ^to Hq^ county, ac- bd^ of agricultuie to .be adprd^TJnto^-fl. at .Bodk-, ilBmlils’-^Wf^ito^semd at' $:S0 %' “' by- .j^,ikiii||lldi. ...On lyilday, January I?,, n district mnettoi on. toe 1941 soil oonsenra- cordtog to A. S. Knowles* county ag- mit--.;:- toCdtogL todl 'i^naisi of a {(Ctondy toeetoigs will fdQidw; toto itotoedhto s .county w^ hdd -a ntoctoig^ fStoi to ftoidharize all county, and COm^tteeimto and other agHcoItuto Woitetes with the plan. Itto expected toat.4farmd:s will be able to know toe pnnHbtions'n toe 1941 pgrogram. LOST, A FBBIALB BIELL list Tnketo Are By County At the&r regular medtog Monday morning, the Hoke county board of cpnmo^qnds. decided to' lunre tax •list^ hrw Janiuay, 20 until Hatch 1. lite iK^od was pcdponed shdit- ty; bCcnmto so many persons, had ^ed^ fjcfir’ an extension d tone due. to toe bdlto amount of moving that g6^;j^; toe first d toe yeaiir. j;: fhddwing . list’ tahtoa mid as- Wdntod with toe first ntontol bdog to^ list teicu' and as- stoaor .and toe fast'two to serve as a bhard bf assestors wiito toe list taker: Airchtodef Jl A. B^por, Ardi Hc^ Eacfaerd, N. P. Watsbn. Antioch: J. A. Hodgin, Jr., J. L. McPhauli Knox Watean. _ Bhie Sprtegs: C. MCNeill, J. F. Chishdm, Mantey Kbrtein. Little Biyer: Dtedd MCGill, E. B. Bluei Charlie Marks; Mdialidtlto: M. G. B«qr, Louis Parieer, iP. A. Monroe. -; QuewhifBe: W. 1^ Tbontoorg, N. F.,touclair, ArCh Tbp^-.f* Baeford: J^m Cansdon, W. S.. Maonbdl, A. A. Harris. W; X. Ctototeih. AUAOSiB ebomM Bmiest Murdusm, Molm cbunty negro toed ternoon to Highsmito hospifMr JftoP- dteville, hpom shotgun ’wnapdl^re- ceived tort Thursday njgbf^^ a lllfing statkn (to Fope Hill—enlaced sectien jiist north of BaiEaadL '' NdU'Bhie, 30-year-old: arrested Sunday and diarged toe fatal shooting, vdiidi he admits. He is being.held id- toe county jail and win be givco w tour ing next Tuesday if he desiroM)^ Blue was brought to jan Sunday by his landlord, G. W. Wniiamaon..' . Officers described toe shoottod'WS related to fhcm by Blue and wit nesses. Murchison (they say) had been riding around wito Bluds giti fStend and when Blue heard about tote ito got very blue. So he went gpt his shotgun and went back to die fniing;station m Pope whene lie ^1014.14 wait for toe return of ICtr- chteon‘ and s toe girL Whmi to9 rede im, accortong to toe account, Mimditetm got out of fte car whereuton he and Blue got into an argument over toe girl and wbo she should te riding around wifli. The argument ended wken WW let go toe shotgun blsat at the oOtor negro. Blue was quoted by ofiteen as saying Ifurditeon had a ptetel on him at toe tune but other were said to have g Murditeon,' vdw lived ey i_.. WritfliVs plaoe, waa a nuttttedi and is survived by his wife aail aiic ckildien. Tg l4ay Piiieln^^Siiiida^. '/\- And tote from toe Fayetteville Ob server: “Lost: White face female, screw tail bulb. Xdboral reward for return; no questions asked." : « TO Yt^ SlBEEtS? FoDnwdtog'ty a in Itoefiucd for tbe ltonefit d^:aMwe pemott w ftoiMit IrtiW stnaet^n^iisiiies: After a gi^t deal of work pco- mofing toe nmtdi, toe' Pihehurst Polo Chib announced this week that' toe Camden, S. C., crack polo teem wiU come to Etoiehurst tote coming wedcr end . for a gtone bn toe new no. 5 field Sunday aftemooii, JanuatT X2. The IfherUP has not yet beep an nounced but toe game te expected to be one of the best tote season. IW game starts qt S o*clodc and toe pub lic te welcoihe. Cetrtral Av^ode AN^ Wm 4^ c^^octo si^ of A & B. 7 .‘Bsd^h^ Bqberta* T '7 ifeiise. are' bo: tMs^cto^ ^Wt^‘ i^Fayetteyille Elwoodl. toyfa^rf from 'A B; 1 '■ of£l«4 te bn thite •» ■ ■. J X .'1 ■ Ve^*** '■f' •'•J*' '4 Cotton Hearing Friday, Jan. 10th A cotton hearing will be held at, Chitelotte Friday, January which tone toe' cjounty . mittee and several, c^thm. toe county will attend, it j announced by.'Cbufity Aip^‘ ATa KnoWtes.'- .■■v' , 7:;:4,-:k7 The cotton sitoatitel. is to. be- dk^ cussed and reborammeiaticos vdB' be made for'futofe action; Bephtoeu^: tatives fetun North Carolinin.i^d ariwici «iv«a 4a «4^aaMl. *« Starla CaiMpaign. The Hdke couotyr baflaflni t qunpirtm^midBr to| - Dr. A. L. OwtenL' week. Aastettag Dy. Work te a cmniMtite of W. E. Street, ;rr, toteitoig:. E., C. Crawfotto wbrking the lioni communities, and W; B. Bageri; voto- ng toe schools. Every navaanmaldiv a eontributiaB wdH^be inag a hedge. Chlldken may eibraO toteiwiiii the clme rcK^; at sdiod, Cbin boxes wM be plaioed in all stores, ttod jpragniite or social fimctoms arzangBd far ratebMi funds. The infantile pnrntyate drive ia an annual evbnt bomteg in Jamagy eiitih year, and toe fundb from it go in toe treatment dyefeOdren i with paralysis. Tbw Jam .toej ■W; Edinlwrotlgh _„'...„...w^j2dl is .dn one' artdiafftjto^^ i^^ Sbiia are expected to attend; Ciamp]^ Avenue ... Pmtoldson Avome. Pfo^^ect Avenne 5th Avenue 6th Avenue HaRii Avenue ian diursh- iq on toe other. Edwin Sroitofstoouse is rti toin street ■ '■ ' -v-:. . ... ,,,John McGiio^n lives.on east end; Gal onwestend: ' I '■ ••'• ^ 'rC . ^ ■■ ' 'f, .4.....Hoke hiito^fcboot 4 on v^t end (Aibbrdami' hhtoWay}) freeman li^_ cfii ‘topvebst biitd* Soft ba]^^",e4^'.ll^q|^4lc||bto: m .:,...:.:.....Dr: Bro^JSd8ai%aUte^^C]ydeU^^^ -residenufK* Onh blade south cf A & A tradm-rLatirinburg . and Sc^tocra fi4E>ot--^Bztece Mork^ home. McPhaid Houbo ^ Visited By Ffed ?J BliNNIlid. AND SOUTH Bfnin Sti^t Stdwnrt. ,, ^ ,/ ,, . Newk^uBml office, Baeford toeatrb, etc., are . . 7>, ; bn tote street . . . main thoroughfare of town. ^'CHSm^jEAST ........;....4Homes of O. B; Bowland, Tom Culbreth. Sr., Uves on corner of Highland V rand Cent^ Mrs. J. W. McEnudilin. faces •HigMai^t ... .....Mro* Bento te on corner of McLeuchlin and CenttnL Tha .J^bho^/McEtow^ .pdld H^dBcton of ii damaged'lty early^ ' The .7“ ij’ J ^ i! ■-• was^extoePfitoed Iqr .at.4t(t.ltoiqr VV^tted Going To Gfddsboro Billy Whitted, who has been on The News-Journal staff for the past, four months, haS' resigned, effedhre January 11, to take a job. with toe Transcript and Messenger in Golds boro. .44 ■'rW4£-i. . _ , last ThinadBgt.niikl ,> >- W- TSio®4 ^•*>77'—•“ OitowoodAt Lamonts tesfdsnce. ' .'h,. »fcjv . . - »t.. . MBS. J. C THWBAS The oonditian of Mrs. J. Ct Thomas, who 'was quite side last wqdc toows great improvenieirt. A hesiof frienda and relativea from out of town bnve been here to see hoar dnee She 'was taken sito. Mrs. BBll Bradley, « steter from Princeton and Mr. and Mrs. Juto Lents, of Durham, an wIto her todtor. 'X Court To Open jiuiiliitoiSf jd^ j^J. . . M ■ V'" S The meettug invocation .by a memher of the Brown. After dtoper uqea serveA toa.^ ing was taipMi .ovop |q Ceremeoies JBL jL.OeBin, B. D.. JUbnaon’-gnte A ' toe ladies .iM']Cf0teto4' by ifea. PteAilKtoln^ IntnuducKImi «C^ foOowed after uH BHisteni prognatS.. Crewferd ^ 4'. - ' toe enelnto'Biiv. MV-* ter Cf 'to*, ^ eburto .of FMliwbitoMih:] A SfeMr ditoi to «t«» ■*•04 ■1 ••'if 'V*)^ .‘V,

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