* ^ >V- t '■ •• gfeBifeow FEa 2»(h, iMt, THE NEWS-JOOSNAU BAEEOBP, N. C PHONE “ * . • « 35ZJI CHABONAl^ HuaC CLDll HAS ANNUAL BtrONESS MEBIDIg. ' The Ci|||ininade music dub hdd its . regular ttontl^ meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Fd>ruary ISifa, at the home orilgr8. K; A. MacDonald, with Miss BiUrioii and Mzs> Arah Gatlin Stuart johit hjostesses, M^ R. L. Mutfay, diahnnan of the dub, pr^d^> As tl^ was the annual busing meeting, repoHs from all ofAems' were given and of* fleers for ihe-next dub year were voted on. /ThO following were elect ed: ■ Mrs. R. L. Murray, president." BHss Mildred James, : vice-presi-i dent. Mrs. H. R. McLean, secretary. Miss Jessie B. Ferguson, treasurer. Mrs. C. E. Upchurch, press re-^ porter. Mrs. music. Mrs. map. ^ Mrs. Murray read names of the program committee for the misuing year as follows: K Mrs. W. R. Barrington, Mrs. ty. M. Thomas, Miss Jessie B. Fergu son. At the conclusion of the business session Mrs. A. L. O’Brlant read a paper on “Fugal.and Sonata Forms.” After this - the • hostesses served a ddectable salad plate, carrying out the (^orge Washington idea in color motif and small hatchets as favors. L. M. Upchurch, custodian of Ina P.-^thune, rating chair- TEACHERS HATE DITERESTIING MEETING. -* On. Wednesday -evening. of last week four teachers who-make 'Qieir home at' Mrs. U. R. Gatlin’s enter tained the’ other Raeford teachem their regular monthly meeting. These hostesses were Mrs. Sa|lie Johnson, lUHss McLaurin, Miss Kimbrough and Miss Cox. The program was a good one and was in charge of Earl Smith and Miss McLaurin. After the pro gram refreshments were senned and a delightful social hour was eihi joyed. ^ Nbrfha and Ruth Looper visited in Maishville this past Sunday. L •> NEW SHIPMENT OF 14011^’ Slips, Paafles, and oth» foniiilne finery just arrived mt BAUCOlirS. WOMAN’S AtnaUART* HONORS NEW PAOTOB AND WIFE. Rev. andvMrs. H. K. Holland and two daughtms were introduced sde- ipUy to the Presbyterian dtogrqsa- tion last Thur»lay evening. The Woman’s Auxiliary spemsored a reception in the undercroft of the chiin^ to which all members were invited. Long leaf pine made a pleasing badcgrouiid fpr thd attrac tively arranged tables from which pun^ and dake wm'e serv^ & die receiving line with Rev. and Mrs. ^liand were;,,|^. J^ W. Mclnuch- lin, Mr. and M[rs. Claience ^oddh. Rev, and J&s. Wv C. Brown, Miss flora Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cur rie, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Murray, Ihr. and Mrs. Marcus Smith and Cecil Dew. Many caUed to welcome the new pastor and his wife and the occa sion proved to be a most pleasant one. PARTY AT LUMBER BRIDGE. Misses Delia Cottingham and Car olyn McGoogan were hostesses Wed nesday night at a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Pete-Canady, at the home of Miss Cottingham^ at Lumber Bridge. Twelve friends were present and each made a sheet for the scrap- bodk which was presented to the bride. After enjoying other games, the bride received many lovely gifts for her home. A salad course and coffee was served. Mrs. Canady before her recent marriage, was Miss Catherine Mc Googan, of Arabia. After lilarch 1st she wiR be at home in PaS^n.' Cahady for the past few months has been connected with the permanent wave shop at Red Spikigs. T. w. a', girls meet. Mrs; F. T. Siskron and Frances Campbell were hostesses to die Y. W. A. girls of the Baptist Church Monday night. The mo^m was on “The Importance of Tithing.” Dur ing the social hour delicious re freshments were served. WITH THE ARMY PEOPLE. LI -Sample, who is well known in Record, being with die CCC camp near‘here, is now stati^ied at Fort Bragg. He pnd his famijy have tak en an apartment at-Mm. Ina Lentz’s. Lt. R. W. Koontz, Jr., Co. B., 15th Engr. Bn. has rented William La ment, Jr.’s, house on Donaldson ave nue. Sgt Palmer and wife, who now occupy it, will move to (luarters at the Post the first of March. TOURNAMENT FOR BENEFIT OF HOKE HIGH SCHOOL BAND WELL ATTENDED. ^ Friday evening a card tourna ment Was held in the Kiwanis hall for the benefit of the Hoke high school band. A very good-sized crowd attended, although not nearly so large as should have been there for this cause. Just before the games the band gave a concert which lasted a half an hour. This was imder the direction-of their leader, Mr. Melvin, of Red Sprinf^. The music was good and the band promises to be a feature of whidi the town will, be justly proud; The score cards were unusually attractive, being hand made. There were many pret^ .prizes and a num ber of things had' been contributed by different organizations which were auctioned off by Robert Gatlin toward the close of the evening. Light refreshments were served. High score in bridge was won by Mrs. Paul Dickson, and in rook by Mr. Beall of the Ss^torium. There were a dumber of other table priws won. OMEGA CLEGG CHtCLB The Chnega Clegg Cirde held its regular inemfldy meeting in ffie base- n^t of die Methpdiirt cliardb Mbn-c .nUdit for Balthnore. She sailed-firani day ni^t at 7:30., Miss Myrtlce Banington had diarge of the pro gram, ' . During the social hour the circle gave a miscellaneous shower to My- rtice Barrington, a bride-elect She received many useful and lovely gifts. Refreshihents were served. LEATB8 POR POKIO UCOl Mrs. F. T. Shkrofhi who was Mias Annie Neal Cenqpbcdl, beCoco her marriage in die fad, left TtModagr there yesterday OQ die S. S. BaitagBa for San Juan, Poarto Riook i9lMare,ahd wfll join her hndbind, 1st F.' T. Siskron, vdio is Stattooed at Borhi- quen Fidd. Mrs. T. B. Lester is in Pittman hospital for- treatmoit.v - : PROGRESSIVE incorporated .^orth Carolina Stores for N, C, People^*, 3 No. 2 cans Red Sour Pitted Choffies.. 3 3 e BORAX, lb. pkg. - 15c FBDGRESSn^ COFFEE, 2 lbs 33c SALMON, 2 cans 27c CORNED Reef, No. l can 19c TUNA FISH, 7-oz. can...— 17c Aunt Phoebe’s Ammonia, qt. hot lOe “ SUGAR ” TO-UB PAPER BAG .i.., 49c 25-LB. PAPER BAG $1.23 lOD-La SACK $4.90 Phillips TOMATO JUICE, 4 cans 19c Phillips Cut Stringless BEA^S, 2 No. 2 cans 15c Phillips PORK AND BEANS, lb. can, 4 for I9c JELLG. assorted flavors, 4 pkgs 25c TOMATOES, 4 No. 2 cans........ 25e. Del Monte FRUIT FOB SALAD, No. 2 can...„.:: 23c Del Monte PEACHES, 2 No. 2% cans. ....33c Hot Breakfast COFFEE, 2-lbs.....'.... 25c t % V WITH THE ABMY PEOPLE. Sgt. and Mrs. Moss, who came from Raeford from Ft Henning, Ga., are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Trawidc. Lt. and Mrs. Curtis have as tiieir guest Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Shoults, of Enid, Oklahoma. These are the parents of Mrs. Curtis. br. and Mrs. Ben Irby, of Ken- bridge, Va., visited their cousin, Mrs. Norman King last Friday. Th^ were ebroute to fTcnrida for a vaca tion. Lt. and Mrs. William^ Lamont, of Fort Moultrie, spent several days with home folks. H. L. Gatlin, Jr., Mra. J, B. Thom as and Mrs, Lawrence Poole spent Monday in High Point.' • • • • : Edward Langston, whorls- now working in Pageland, S. C., with the REA, spent , the weekend at home with his family. • • • Ed Peele, of Mri^uchlin Co., is ill at hisu^home wilh the flu. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Phillips from Georgetown, S. C., are making fheir home with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tra- wick. Mr. I%illips is with the State Highway department that is r^iairhig the Raeford Fayetteville road. • • • • OUie Adcox, of Pinebluff, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 'Drawick recenthr. Mrs. J. D. Bouyer was called to her lome in Robeson county because of the illness of her mother Sunday. • « • • J. P. Smith, Grady Smith, and “Red” McDaniels returned last Mon day. ^ey had been visiting Mr. Smifii’s. sister for two weeks in Clio, Alabama. • • • • Irma. Jordan, who is teaching in Snow HiU, spent the weekend with her parents, Mir. and Bfes. J. F. Jordan. • ^,1 • • Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Crunqiton, of Belmont, spent the weekend \rith Mrs. Crumpton’s mother, Mrs. B.. R. Gatlin. • • • « - Little Edward Langston is ill with the flu. • * • • Miss Frances Jean Freeman spent the week^d at her home in Aber deen. • « « • Mr. and Mrs. Max Heins and chil dren, of Sanford, visited Mbs. J. A. Blue Sunday. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mdnnis spent Spnday with Mr. Meinnis* brother, Sandy Mdnnis, of Ellerbe. Bfr. and Mrs. Hit^ Lowe and Miss Maude Poole caine from Bel mont Saturday and HMnt Sundiqr with Mr. and Mta. D. S. Fade. ■ • • • • rV, Agnes Mae Johnson, who is at Salem college,, spent the weekend with her mother. She had as her giiest Ruth Thomas, of Hoiderson, who is also a student at Salem. • • •' • Mrs. Earl Tolar and Ifrs. Kermlt Crawley spent Saturday in Greens boro. ' • • • • Miss Aileen Crowder, of Louis- burg, spent the weekend with Mrs. H. L. Gatlin, Jr. • • • • William Dickson, U. S. A., now stationed at Fort Jackson, was a visitor in Raeford the past weekend. • • • « Among those home from Fort Moultrie over the weekend' were: Hib Barrington, James McDiarmid, Wilson Yarborough, Chalmers Davis, Carlton Nivens, Dan Howell, William Harris, Talmadge English, and J. B. lyomble. • • * • Hazel Gentry, who is a student at Louisburg junior college, spoit the weekend with her parents. • • • « Annie Ruth Alexander, of Greens boro, spent the weekend with her parents. • • • • Blanche Mussdwhite, of Raleigh, spent the weekdid in Raeford. CimubiB has baai fit with the ilB. WAIT ADS FOB BENT ONE LABOB COM- See Mn. D, 4k ADTBUSB TOUB BOOBBl UN- Thau la tte heal waor- ia ad ia BABY CH1GK8-BARRED WOCEB, land RedSk 9SJ5 far UM »ar 5U; |t.45 per Iff; 94Ut par ffiU; |St.UU per 1 Jtu. AH chfcto ftpaa N. C. U. S. PallaraaD-lestod fitodhik WesUpC.O.11. Gaddv*a Fana, LaaAevlai^ N. C. Out March 30th||c. FOR BALE — I HATE A enamel KHehea g* that w bought a year age taut faflL barns esal and woad aud ia ha c eeDeat eoudltfen. I alw have wood and coal heater VbaiPa e ceHeat tor a bedroom. Thcae c be booikt moot rnooaably. fl Mrs. Fsal DMaoa or famahe News-JonraaL , A SPECIAL LOT OF LADIES’ REG- nlar gl BERKSHIRE foU fashion boee at only 79e pair, at BAU- coaps. FOR SALE — PBACnCALLY NEW Woodstock typewriter, bought new only year ago. Fri^ for qnldk sale at I30.M. Apply at Newa- Jontnal office. tf REMEMBER — THE NEWS-JOUR- nal will be sent to epUege boys and girls from now nntU Jqne few Ste, payable In advance. la most convenient way and boys and gUs away from home DO want the paper! SEE HOME FOM> MARKET FMt cabbage plants, esriy pea seed, and ^ant bed ferttUier. tfia STEADY WORK - GOOD PAT— Reliable man wanted to caH out fanners in Hoke County. Ne en- periience or capital reqnired. Wrtte McNess Co., Candler BUg., Mritf- more, Md. Itpt. WANTED BY LARGE CORPtMI- stiiHi—Men that are aggrendve. Permanent omiieetioa wltti a fu ture for producers. Must have ear and be bonded. Past famnuiee smd eoRectiiig exporlence hdpCW, bnt not essentiaL For interview, write box 771, Rockingham, N. C. 2:20|27||p.| WANTED—5t CORDS 2-FOOT OAK wood.—Raeford Dry C^ieaners, J. W. Graham, Mgr. ite WANTED - SEWING—I AM PRE. pared to do sewing and altering’ of all Undk Can make fancy, piahi bomid; and tailored bnttaiihptfa Dress-making. Slfo covers nmde. guaranteed to fit — Mrs. C. C. Phillips, East DonaldMn Ave., witti Rev. and Mrs. TrawiA REAVEi DRUG ITORE Sgt. and Mrs. James Graham, of San Antonio, Texas, have an apart ment with Mrs. Aganora Andrews. Lt. Graham Dickson, of Ft Moul trie, ^as accompanied back to the post by Mrs. Dickson and George Graham Didcson, Jr. Miss Bessie Love went with them but will re turn to Raeford in a few days. The baby, who had been quite sick •with pneumonia, is very much improved. CHRISTIAN SERVICE SOCIETY TO MEET. The general meeting of the Wom an’s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church will meet Mon day afternoon in the basement of the church at 3 o’clock. All mem bers are asked to be present as they will have an out of town speak er. , Wash Cloths 60c Alka- Seltzer 50c Vick’s NOSE DROPS tj unuu J I vjnciNc. PRe^CHIPTION SPECIALIST RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. AT*«dUMODUCT Why go on tufforing tho tortufos of acid indigtsfioh dueemforf whan you can gaf B!tma>Rai? Its four way oefien givas quid and prolongad faliaf. Thousands gat raliaf from Bisma-Rat. Try this tansa- tional toliaf sold only at Raxall Drug | Storas today. BISMA-REX SOc 1IRONIZED 1 Yeast Tablets 1 $1 Size 7Se Wampole’s $1.25 PREP. 98e Creo-Mulsion $1.25 SIZE 3t.G9 Carnation MILK—tall can 6e Bromo - Qiunine 35c Cold Tablets 29e 4% OZ. JAfr BOOK MATCHES 8c JEWEL COMPOUND l-LB. CARTON •. 1. 4- LB. CARTON 5- IUB. car|on Fresh FIELD PEAS, No. 2 can FLEECY WHITE, qt. bottle . .. lie 37c Hie :16c lOc GORTON’S DEEP SEA FISH ROE 9^4^z. Can ::......42f%c 14-og. can. 1 JSe G%eva WHOLE BEETS, No. 2 can^ TOc Graen like Peas, caa L ...^ lOe FRUIT3 AND VEGETABLE3 BAGAIIA8, lb. . . . 5e Indariva GRAPEFRUIT, 3 for...—... ,10c RUTABAGA TURNIPS, 3 lbs.. lOe GB^ CABBAGE, 5 lbs... 19e POTATOES, No. IV* 10 lbs. .17c CARR0T3, ^aeh ... ...... . ..... ........ Se 7%c EsBTniCf! 2 huadlit ^ Ka BmaSA A Bf RSV0RRB •••■waBBaa.aaa.aaaaaaaaaaa.a.aaaaaaBaaaaaaOOaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaeaoaa'^aaJLVv COOKING. APPIxESi 3^ 4bs*...w-— luncheon BRIDGE. / Mrs^^-J^ Walker entertained the Senior Briteei club last Friday with a luncheon-followed by bridge. Cov ers were laid for twelve at card tables. Place cards, tallies, etc., were Suggestive of Valentine. Mrs. Clyde Upchiirch won the club prize and Mrs. Lewis Upchurch the visitor’s prize. Mi 31 the; [STORE 4-WAY COLD TABLETS PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG PEOPLE ENTERTAINED. The AuxUiary of thq Raeford Pres byterian church entertained the young people last Monday nifdit in the undercroft of the church. Mrs. Herbert McKeithan had riiarge of the social hour. Delicipus sandwiches, ^kies, and punch were served during the hour.- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bdiuine, of Httsboro, were visitors in Raeford Sunday. • • * Vk. Mr. aiid Mrs. W. E. Jordan have moved to Aberdeen where they have an apartment with Mr. Jordan’s nar- ents. * • • ,* Miss Bbzel G«itry, who is a stud ent at Louisburg College, was one of the honor guests at the monthly birthday dinner given at/the this month. , ^ • « > (/ r, Mr. and Mrs. John Ml, and Shoults, and iL —-t, Curtte spent Sunder at Hi^tle Beajch. visited Brookgreen cG^ dfns. ' andf Ifrs. ^NRifv'SPsiNG: o;.. ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION and Kknzo TOOTH BRUSH. A special cambinatten watua fliis iMRlii t* giva you a frlal of this aeanemical. doaUa sfrangSb. yat ^safa and plaasaat anfisaptic. BomroR 49« SWEETHEART If an 91# lOc TOILET SOAP PERUNA im SIZE JERGEN’S 56c LOnON EPSOM SALT 5-LB. BAG . ...... m J Rex-Ray TOASTER tTf valua. Aidbmafic braad turn*' ' Hi nr ■—■■BaRSfc——i 79« KUNZO FACIAL TISSUES^ Saft, absofb* 50g*s ant. Sava. PINKHAM $L35 CcNDBiNraad I9« KUMZO LATHER BRUSH 69« tmaorta d ibtiiHas. wt. in rnbbar. Ai> ,f9rfHG| MOGNCf PROPHYLACTIC 25e 1 X ktofto iHAIR BRUSH i Wfut# bfiftllata d r * tessH ateovcT KOTEX Bm of 12 Aib sFwt, ne LIGHIHOU^ Cleaaaeat, A ^ GiaDtems Z lOr 91 Nylon Tootb Brasil ..... CO . GO The Guaranteed Cold Medk^ ....... Rl.MEMBLR THE DRUG STORE EOR BEST VA’ ’ ' S A( W As CASTQRIA 4le SBk CARDUl V