mm ^ Jx ,x V • .T*V, / • .r • : •?-.-••••.- . : ., •, • ' .fvm ^ * Li, flu-. ^ 'V-viiiS ■Ou €0lflfHV oia;i ^niivsravi ■ !*V ;^.j, ‘tte:H«4w CoMBty New* .Hoke County ■ ' i'‘ -■‘r-twi* ■ * iks, MABCn Ith, liO. ‘?rV HEA im IWii wm% „,€er- \ sji: cipsti^SsrhMe tloiW tove b^n T iwwiW aitfBr Iject^ Mmbe^ip Corp.,' mwfr have, coimV; Inspection iors^l>e«we,iineters can be insteU^, in W9S befe yest^^y^ by °' T ■ '«a|^;^teba^ bt the pro- Dalto stated that T- H. Jones, servicemap, was' now on the job in- ^lylliiig meters and v^as unable to install xpMJy of them when he first cali^ bouses had not Ti^GCCt'' ’. * ' ' Ovey^ifr^TOttlJes on the project baVe"^ho^ and most of rt^ service ex^t fhji, ehh^ance and fee ip" ^ ^ Bdw^ is fee. inspector ibr.^HObo ccfW^; R- ^cb, for ^Scoi^Sfe-^^tuid Hai^ton for : . ';i ,^-;lh»je«t. 'p^w applidatibn for a loan of ap' prflBdfeateiy $2^ strudbon Ot ?a27 ;feUes of li^s fe serw some'v7M consuihers cte j^bat 'fis “Erin go bragh’’ #; %>per. S5, At Hcnw iDk Afloidye l^&inent Hoke Farn^ Buried Al Center Church Yesterday jMimhig. il^ khowii as fee “B” OT fee cooperative was filed wife Washingtoh^ headquarters. . The t^jAyi^r of febf mileage is in fhesoMfe^^' bf ^eson county ac- corwhg''to.hltr.' Dalton. Wood^Cutten 1 Tl^ cutting trees near power fee cooperative aae warned 6t fee 'feinger of allowing trees to iall actdjn’ in a lefto being -epMsdfe^fee ^ Twtr statu feat while feew lines b^V^iJBot been energized, fee^ sen isfecat dang^ from fee ^ssi- IjiUfe'Ol static electricity which may ive 'accuihulated in fee lines. This daiigerous as fee regu- Lifeid woodcu t^ feSie''life,"tfiiiM ■/• are wa a#ay tmg near fedm J, A. ^McGookan, tax supervisor lor H)fce county announces feat the tune for Jfefeig property for taxra has befe^ d^famded until Marfe loth. Every day would be Maureen (yBafe’s day, if her costless fsns^hjd feeir way, but fee Irish star bers^ will be after calling St. ]^toicjra as one of her favorites of fee ,,The beauty from the JQa^d IsH who makes pictures at RKp-Mib, will next be seen as thp South American coUeen of Irish aribi^ in “They Met in Argentma.’' £i bist^tiffli of R^. Mr. Moi Church Simday \^ol|h Arfeibald ROper, 55, one of ABdhdale Township’s feost substan tial farmer and public spirited cit- zefis, ^di^A^is home there Mon-. day'evenin^^|ut A o’cock, follow ing n critic^^^^K of three wedks. Mr^ Roper wH^^en ill while in BonnettsviUe on^^Mpess and , was taken to a feospiWPfeere where be" remained ^ two wegts. |feieral servies were^brf^ Wed- nes^y feorning at the^ CctMI byferian church at I^oralwCollede vd.fe, the pastor, Rev. G. F. Kirk- pairick in charge and burial was in tlgr jchurchyard. :X^)acDns of the church weye paU- ^sttrs. Mr. Roper was a member o^fee board of deacons of fee churfe. Mir. Rpper was the son of fee late Ajl^ie and Ella Bethea Roper, of Sc^land county. 'kfi is survived by his wife, form- tet^,MisS: Rebecca Russell, two sons, ‘(has Russell and Jade Roper, Jr., a daughter, Mrs. Kemp Glenn, of blk, Va. Two sist^ nnd a ir also suirrive. Th^ are Wal- .jper, Mrs. DougaM Stewart and Willie Cooper, aU of near Laur- On Defense WeU Attaided Rev. L. A. McLfOurin To Preach Sermon} Dr, P. P. McCmn Will Charge Congregaikmf w • ' Play Five Gunes htRaeford By Mmer L. Schuyler WUliamspbrt, Pa*. March Clunk, secretary-treasurer of tito Wu^- Uamsport Grays, today tflea^ fee spring trffei^ig^tel^feh^9®„e3feibl:fion' gsS. ^e Grs^s will move Infe op,:riceb A; Abbbttv fete ^ar’s nmr a^. The schedule calls for speteefi gSies of which five wUl be ^l^red at Raefoiid. » The Grays will have nine days of conditioning before they burg on Raeford field Wednesday, ApT^ 2. Reading will be fee ^next attraction there, on Monday, Ap^ 7 Wilkes-Barre will be there on me 9th, and Scranton will come on the '®Qn Friday, fee I8fe, the Grays pl^ feeir last game at Raefort, m,eefeig Greensboro, which has tek- Feature Court Clarke Goodman, colored of roti^ 1 Shannon, paid cpsts for careless 8““* reckless driving to the county W Tuesday when arraigned fer.^ head-on into fee car of J. Pv *' superintendent of schools of 'm The ieghlar few for toting exr place of Rocky Moimt m the SW' H pired Marife Ist; but due to exte^ sive i^ughout the county and this Targe number of eife»ns em ployed m ^ork at Fort Bragg, ihf ,‘board of county com- ixiissiccpers. grt®*^ .b*® .. !^y tension;'' Mr. McGoogan states that fete ex tension is granted because of the heavy penalties exacted .fpr failure to list and calls attention to this fact. ; He urges all citizens to see the Itettaker of feeir respective town ships and give -in feteir property list ings before fee 15fe of fete month and avoid fee heavy fines resultant to failure to comply wife fee tax laws. Riuliroad Fireman Found Deed In Cab Of ^giiie Heiptet, Mardh l.*r-Sam. ilarrell, 43, flttehan of fee “Silver Meteor,” Seahobrid trhin, was ^scovered in; g slumped.PQsition Just before fee train arrive^ ^l«rnbb»,;ACi,bjr a her fee teafe rtrifc M^eal aid teas summoned afiber arriving a^ bie Ctelutohia station, but he teas already iflypA Death was attributed to a heart attack. Blr' HarreU was bom in Moiitrose, U. C., June 27, 1897, and entered the service of the Seaboard on March 2, 1923 He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Anna L. Harrell of Norfolk, Va. Murrill To Fort. Davis For Duty ^trohnan J. E. Murrill was caUed to rtrike patrol duty at Fort Davis Tuesday afternoon. 'About 5,000 workers sit the Holly Ridge ®®ti- aircraft oantohmmt were called out on strike there Monday; Differences are ejtpec^ to be sett^ fele Veek MBUBaD F0I8T s* ently Mr. Roper was one of promoters of fee Lumbee Elec- Hember^p Cooperation and up- $e approval of fee RBA project te Washington Aufeority, he was ed as a director of fee corpor- whife is now completing the nuction of approximately 500 of eljectric lines to serve fee lites oi'^udiy sections of Hoke, on, Scotland and Cumberland Ihes- Scolds The county meeting on agricultixral defense which was held at the Hoke high sdtool auditorium, Tuesday was well attended by the various county and goverinnental agencies. It was at the meeting to contact as mav,y farm pieople as possible within fee next few weeks to inform them rf the agriculturad rituatiop and how they may prepare themselves for a better living by increasing food and feed crops on fee farm, reports A. S. Knowles, county agent. The discussion was led by W. H. White, a member of the State AAA committee. Hte subject was an ex planation of fee cotton stamp plan which cotton farmers of Hoke coun ty should take a^ygntage of, and the food and feed Twenty- five million dollars is available to ebtton farmers in fee form of cotton amps fer reducing feeir acreage of «otton below fee 1941 allotment or he 1940 planted acreage whichever :s smaller. In addition to the stamp plan three million dollars is avail able to those taking part in fee Stomp plan for increasing their food and feed on. fee farm; Only farms that take part in fee cotton stamp plan bg ieligfele to receive payments for caniying; out food and fe^ drops. ag farmers on such farms can receive feiteg ^dollars extra by increasing their food aUi fged above the previous yeat. In .older to qualify for feeir paymmit vlnder this practice at least 3 of fee Jteifexring. crops must be grown in ^cess of last year’s gardjp: (a) 0.2 apre of 'Irish potatoes, (hi 0 j acre of ' y.'awio-of'.iugpt Piedmont League. Imme^tely af ter feat game fee Grays wiR puR out for Portsmouth, Va., playing feere on fee 19fe and 20fe and going f^ there to Richmond for an ovemi^t stop and* on to WilMmsport on fee 21st. They will open fee Eastern League season at Bowman i^eld, Wil- Uaihsport, wife Elmira on Wednes day, Ap^^H 23rd. Harrisburg and Reading aire-mem bers of fee Inter-State League, airf the manager of the latter dub is none ofeer than Fresco Thompson, who managed the Grays last and made many friends in Sciranton, Hartford and Wilkes- Barre are Eastern League teams, training within easy driving distance of Raeford—Scranton at Bennetts- ville, S. C.; Hartford at (Soldsboro, N. C., and Wilkes-Barre at Sumter, SC. The schedule in full foUows; April 2~Harrisburg at Raeford. ^pril 4>-Barrisburg at Camd&i, •g-.'C; ' ' ■ April 8—Hartford at Goldsboro, N. C; April 7—Reading at Raeford. ^ April 8—Reading at Wilson, N. C. April 9-^WilkesiBarite at Raeford. Aimil io—^reehfeoro at Darling ton, S. C. . , 4. April ll—Charleston at Charleston, C. April 12—Charleston at Charles ton, S. C. April 13—Savannah at Savannan, Gfi* ■ April 14—Wilkes-Barre at Sum ter, S. C. ^ ^ April 16—Scranton at Raeford.. April 17—Scranton at Bennetts- ville, S. G. -- . - April l8—Greensboro at Rtteford. April 19—Portsmouth at Portsmouth, Va. April 20 Porismoufe at Ports- mpufe. There te dsb a game pending be- tteeen Wfiton>fq?®rt amda Blinira, -for April 15,/to be pjsye4 eifefe^ at Fort Bragg or Bodqr MoUfet. . Poole, of fee grocery depart of M.TjmgMin company,* heyi^t undenittind why fee teiiiii dUgpartment was given a write i; vesflgjffei' ■ fee'',, fee negro puRed nut foioen behind an- ufeer car and. drove into fee car 01 the Red Springs man. Darned to the car of Mr. Pugh amotmted to. about $150. Josh Purcell^, colored man of Blue Springs, pleaded not guilty to an pj^ult wife deadly weapon charge h^fid the court fotmd his not guilty upon hearing fee evidence. William L. Knight, was found guil ty of two charges, careless and reck less driving and driving car without operator’s license. He was given 30 day sentences on each charge, sus pended on payment of costs. William T. XJssery pleaded guilty to operating truck without “for hire” license and was taxed wife fee court costs. Reeby Bouyer was found guilty of ppteuting a car under fee influaice of liquor and was fined $50 and costs in lieu of a three months sentence on fee roads. Preston Fews pleaded guilty to op erating a car Without plates and was taxed with the costs. LaurmceDrose was cohvict^ of drunken and ois- orderly conduct and paid the costs. Leary Watkins appealed to Superior court after being givrai a 4 months sentence for violation of the prohi bition laws. Jesse James McNeill was convicted of drunken and disorderly conduct and taxed wife the court costs. Jim Barber, local colored man, pleaded guilty to bssault charges pre ferred by his wife who testified he had beat her. He was lectured by Judge W. B. McQueen and given 30 days on the roai^, wife fee sentence suspended ufion payment of the costs. . Lessie BeBe Maindr, colored vm- man was taxed wife fee ePurt costs for being drunk disorder^. ^ tite Wteaterh «pe Fper Area rCouacil in Refe innings nmtei EViday ni|fet> Ckie^Hhunt.^.'— v*" ““»• \o/- sixteen scoUts ffom fee;feea we^ to abfb’oi^ifeitel^'^thef.fejfe eonii, v%if»AeAv4^ urlFlc T.A11lMb1 fTlII*. 111 Av» a4 laocf A 1 aOTO niP and Rev. Harry K. Holland, who came to the Raeford Presferterian church early in February to succeed Rev* Watson M. Fairley* D. D., as pasfor^ will be formally installed in that position by a commission of Fay etteville Presbytery at fee 11 o’dodt service of the church on Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Holland was received info Fayetteville Presbytery from Mefe- lehburg Presbytery at a special meet ing of the former body here on February 11th, and at that time pres bytery named the three former pas tors of the Raeford churdi, Re% I*. A. McLaurin, of Hemp, N. C., B*v. W. C. Brown, of Raeford, and'Rev* W. M. Fairley, D. D., of Montreat, to act wife Rev. Louis C*. IittM®tf(X *>• D., of Mtetten, H. ^/Pod^ M Antiofe, Dr.' P. atorium, and Edgar HaB, of Rae* ford, as the commission to hoetoB the new minister, and tiie date ^ 'Ifarc^ 9th at 11 o’clorit was set for fe!|^ acre'^d i^huts, (f) 0J2 acre of peas or beans, (e) 0.3 Acre, of peat 1&J5S,. (f)^ 0.2 aface of caM, and (g) presmit with Laurel filB'leading in attendmice.' The Raeford troop wem fee greatest number of points in fee contests. Potets were made as fol lows: Inspection ——J Knot-tying Fire by friction ..—- Signaling 1 .:......_.10 Rescue race ^ -7 First Aid -.5 Tiig-o-War — 10 AB Scouts appeared for inspection and fee foBowing Scouts in fee var ious contests: Knot-tying Hal Clark, Jimmy Alexander. Fire bjr friction—^Hugh McLaurii- lin. Signaling—Hugh' McLauchlin, Hal Clark, Wm. Poole, Chas. Spivey. Rescue race—Wm. Alexander, J. W. Dawson, Hal Clark, Wm. Poole, First Aid^Hal .Cliirik, Hugh Mc Lauchlin, Wm. Poole, Chas. Spivey, Hamer I^ch. Tug-o-War— Wm. Alexander, J. W. Dawson, Hhl Clark, Wm. Poole, Hugh' Mdliauchlin, Jimmy Warner. occasion. ? It was learned yesterday, hqwevers that Dr. Fairley, fee pc^r Mr. Holland, succeeded. Would itothf able because of sickiwss to be bwe fw the service. Dr, Fterl(qr has been quite iU with infhtetfza, and is nd able te. be pretent to take pert in tiie installation, aldpg with^fee ofeer ministei^ and laymcte* The appoint ments have beoi roa^ as foBowat Rev. Louis C. LaMotte, -D. D., hi preside and propoun# fe8 questioi^ Rev. W. C. Bwwn to ntete fear prayer. Rev. L. A. McLaurin to piieadt thA- sermon. Rev. H. R. Poole to duirge tite nnaten i'~' I*. P;'McCain to diarge tlte edngfotation. . "E^ar Hall is the alternate laate man -ii The local church, since its-oiyt^ ization in 1899, has had only titew or. at least 0.1 acre of coi^35^M«fe'«t regular pastors. Rev. Mr. Mtfiiy% Misses Loma Langl^, of CUhton; end Janet C^x, of Dunn, were vW- teix in town Bundax,. Mias I«aiMIey wax. fonher^.a very pwulax dsnonstniitlic^ scent of Hoko counljr Walter H« CuUbreth Dies At Wlutlb Oak three or mote of .tite f^tthwing fruits* (a) Strawberries,' (by raspberries, (c) dewberries, (dy figs, (e) bimdi .^apes, and (f) Muscadine- grapes. Jeff Davis Carver Dies Saturday FayetteviBe, March 2.—Jeff Davis Carver, 80, died at his home in R(^' fish township late Saturday night «e vras a retired' lumberman,. having bwn inactive for ten years. He was a member of the Presbyteian church of Lumberton Bridge. Mr. Carver was the son of John M. an8 Eliza beth Black Ctffver. SUryivi^ are his widow, Mrs. Sallie M(NeB Car ver, a son, John McNeill, a daugh ter, Miss Mary Frances Carver, and a brother, A. N. Carver. Fimeral services were held from Jerlgan’s Fimeral home at 11 o’clock Monday morning. H. L. Gatlin Attends Philco Dealers Celebration President oF State Garden Clubs Will Sp^ali^ Hf^e The Raeford gard®t^ meet in Kiwanis hail Tuesday after-, noon, March 11, at 8 P, M. At this time Mix. J, Buren fedbury, of Wil mington, pitendent Of. thi^‘ North Carolina Garden' ABiO Fechtig, azalea expert also of Wilmington, wlB adfttete Rt® M|^. Sidbu]y’s.4^ectiiNdB ite “High way Beautifeteftc^f 4 tiqiely sub ject as now feote people ate visiting and pasktes feteiiEh fee 4taf® ever before. Miss Fechti^s - talk on asateas will be:!^ Walter. H. Culbrefe, 76 year-old farmer and highly respected citizen of fee White Oak community of Bladen counW, tii®d suddenly Mon day momhig about 4 o’dotte of a heart attack at his home. - Funeral services were hdd Tues day afternoon at 3:30 at fee home in White Oak. Ite is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ddla Cain Culbrefe; four sistes,'Mrs. W. J. Brambel of At kinson; Mrs. R. L; Dew, FastetteviBe; Mrs. C. T. McClure, White Oak, and Mrs. W. A. SeweB, FayetteviBe; four brothers,- T. F. Culbrefe, Raeford, A. A. Culbrefe, Juhiper, Fla.; T. S. Culbreth, J. G. Culbrefe, both of CuUport, Miss. Mr. Culbrefe was a member of fee Methodist church for many years and a mdnber of fee Masonic Lodge. azaitea wiQ^ betednb'Rte kfato flower by an act df' die i$4riegji(^ture. The bbstesaea be Mibi. R. Reitb, IfiM. Fafe rad/ . ^ v. '^.1 vf ri''.®.! 00^1^ wil Mix. A. C.' . Mrs. Is- T. vGbvinftso, telL'/K 0‘ ,, A. & P. Fbokl Stores Are Celebratiiiff Hogewood Week Over 2,000 dnployees of fee A. and P. food stores axe celebrating fee “M. A. Hdgewood Week,” fefs wedc. This is a tribute to an official, vfep has been^wife ttie company ^ 9 l Tefet, starting as a desk In one of 6^ Stone, and by aiiiite|«ten aw Idgndtr ' huvrtsen to bS'Wteger oC feeCateUDM dteteldh a^.vke prc4| who wiB preach Sunday, served heSB from 1901 to 1900; Rev* Browte now retired and living in Raefoed, aerved from 1907 to 1924; Rev. Dr Fairley, also retired and now Bving in Montteat, served from 1925 to 1940. Special music has been arranged for Sunday’s service. At fee evening service at 7:36 o’clodc the pastoijisRev. Ifr. Hdlaiiii, wiU preadi. Csunpa^ Ibid loimtv Sdbook A special safety campaign is bcnig cowlucted in the sdionls of Hake county by Highway Fatrdman X. IL MurriB and A. L. Leadi of fee na tional safety Coiwcil. _ Tuesday programs were condncted in each, of fee colored and Riidtek schools and other {ffograms weni presented in the white tebWljtt od fee county yestefdsy. These ate ex pected to be coBtetoted today* _ ^ ^ _ Both hi^way and genstel asfisty rules are being explained in feejise* ies of lectures and ‘ ‘ “ H. L. Gatlin, Jr., of the Raeford Furniture company, local outlet for Philco products, was caie of a num ber of dealers from Eastern Ciaroliha ^ and Virginia to atteid fee annual | . . - ' ■ ..i...— ' 1 i - dealerls celebration last wedr. 'Hus year’s award for securing a hi^i^ volume of rales was a fefe to fhejLArge HiUBM Mardi Gras and New Orleans, span-1 X—J t amI sored by Hunter Brothors, distribu- •fkim l.*ara tors of FayetteviBe. ^ The group left Ralei^ by special Tfeeves broke into ^ train on Friday and returned fee of Leon CanMroi^ M Ttobote^ following Thursday after iqiending [Saturday ni^t« 6 IMbaO ; lour days in the festival dty, seeing [shoulders aira a stanc w la^ Kltoas listoric sights and the prind]^ par- the dierifTs department reportea ades and attendant activities of fee [yesterday. Mardi Gras. Tghile no arrests have been made several stwpects have been qaasDon- ,«d- Pc^o at Pinehursl Aext Steday [Dewitt Tam* Pin^nrst. Mandi 5.—Simdaj n^jOul Again wiU again be polo playoff day on fee 1 , No. 3 polo field. The YeBow Jackets) Mr. Dewitt Taw>, who has tejm a WiB meet fee Red Jadrets in a reg- i patient at tt>e Veterans hoapttujto ulation six-period matdi to decide IFayetteville, for the past ttuceewa^^ ‘fee three-game jacket series of tt»|*etotned to his home Saturdte* Pind&uTst polo dub* Iwcnt timo for n trontoi^t om 'jtete rest and is fedia# — iMlr. Tw x«s ve«y owssBw isr 'am b ti» »i iMiw —«»- -«* *•«* tributed to the fuo^ twnl«*w W» *to btetributoKS were anilMI Iff i feke. ’.'flEter: ate- fee^^A^® aaA P*

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