BdKBCOUMtrS BEST AD:Via|TlSlN0 MEDIUM The Journal The Hoke Comiljr Journal cmx VOLUME xxxvn. NO. 8. THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1941. / IL59 PER TEAM 1 .'n Srhre Over Tcl^ h Hdte; G^ses Jme $183.32 Reported Wedr^sd^ Ry CSudmum Cecil Dew; Siuia- toriiim Yet To Repoxi* While subscriptions to the Hoke Counfy USO Fund are stUl being received by members of the coiinty qomnlittee, Hoke is already over its quota of $125.00. and ! tte important contribution- of the Sana torium section is yet to be reported, according to Chairman Cecil Dew. Mr. Dew stated! yesterday that $183.32 had been received by the committee and that he and A. K. Stevehs had completed the active drive, though subscriptions would be received by members of the commit tee until JvmC 30th. 115 donors from over the county gave the above sum, and Sanatorium was yet to report J. L. B^l is conducting the camp- tugn at the sanatorium and in that community, and it was expected that from $50 to $50 would be turned in from that there, “Everyone seemed most willing jjn contribute to this cause,’V stated t/u. Dew, “We will not msJce our final returns until the end of the month so that those wlio haven’t contributed will have an opportunity to do so.’’ , Anyone wishing to hMp in the work of providing entertainment to the soldieirs while off-duty from the training oentcsrs may make their dcmations to any member .of the committee or mail them to Chairanan Cecil Dew, care of Johnson Co., Raeford. Members of .the county committee include Mr. Dbw, Mr. Beall, Mr. Stevens and Rev. E. C. Crawford, Rev. J. E. Beamy and Rev. H. K HoUand Mr. Dew also stated that the com mittee appreciated very highty the excellent respond to the appeal and that the willihgness of . evdrydne > approached to give something for this buportant phase of our national l^fej^''whi1kahovr^’Ria^^^^ ev^ was wejd infprnte^ ‘Yhe drive, ils purposes. ’’’They . are quite confident that the Salvation Army,^the YMCA, tiie YWCA, the Jewish Welfare Board, the Caftolic Community Service and the Nation- S ' Travelers Aid association whidh mpose the. United Service Organ izations, can best do this woi^,’’ he- said. ' g -I' TO Fourteen Face Jud^e McQueen On Minor Charges Here is the airplane ambulance which will make a whirlwind tour of North Carolina so that citizens may see the t^ie of “mercy ship’’ which ^e Old North State Fund plans to present the people of England as a token of esteem and ^mpathy of citizens of North Carolina. An amphibian, twin-motored Grumann * with a cruising speed of 210 males per hour, the plane accomodates four stretcher and two sitting cases, medical attendant, pilot and co-pilot. 'This ship is to appear at Pope Field, Fort Bragg on Saturday, June 28th. It will remaihv there from 10:30. A. M. until 11:30 A. M. Everyone is invited to inspect it. For Rea Grogs Trials of fourteen defendants on minor charges were beard in county court Tuesday by Judge W^ B. Mc Queen. Irvin Smith, charged with the larceny of a bicycle from Fred Lis- enby pleaded guilty and .was given sixty days on the roads with the sentence suspended upon payment of costs and $3.20 damages. Alex Brig- man was found not guilty of drunken and disorderly conduct charges. Sam Wall, charged with public drunkness, and Sgt. John Freeman, charged with careless and reckless driving, pledded not guilty but were found guilty and each was given 3Q day sentences which were suspended on payment of costs. All other defendants pleaded guilty to charges and were giv^n 30-day sentences, suspended on payment of court costs. They were: Phillip Davis, drunkness; Epp Hollingsurorth, viola tion of prohibition laws; Gufhrie Long and W. H. Harrison were also sentenced on liquor violatioiu; W. C. Dixon, te.stop; Hdrry McDougald, - impmper^rakes- ahdi equipment; Willie Almon^ improper brakes; Bernice McPhatter, caretess and rec&lesis^dr^iitg; and H. C. Hill man, careless reckless driving. More and more interest is being shown in sewing for the Red Cross in Hoke County. Theifollowing is a list of the commiuiities and the dates they are to meet to sew for the Red Cross: Blue l^rings, Tuesday, July 1 Pine Forest, Thursday, July 3 Wayside, ^esday, July 8 July .10 ^ . Mildau^ Tueidtyi Jfity 'lB Liitle River, Thtirsday, Jifiy 171h. Rockfish, Tiiesday, July 22 Raedeen, Thursday, July 24th. Allendale, Tuesday, July 29 Antioch, Thursday, July 31. The following Circles of the Churches will meet: Baptist, •'The Pearle Johnson Circle, July 2. 'The Nealy Young, July 2 Dorier, The Business Wo man’s Circle, July 9th. Methodist Church: Mrs. Bridges, Juljr 7 Mrs. Epstein, June 30 Mre. Cole, June 14 Mrs. Bridges, July 21 Mrs. Epstein, July 28. Presbyterians: Circle No. 2, Mrs. Laurence Mc Neill’s Circle, July 11 Circle No. 3;- Mrs. Ernest Camp bell’s Circle, July 18 Circle No. 4, Mrs. Alexander’s Circle, July 25. All the women who do not belong to. any pf the clubs or circles are cordially' ihvited to attend any one of tiiese sewing classes. The Army Wives have not been given any special days, but they are urged to attend any of these meetingsi and in this way it is hoped that the Army wives will become better acquaint^ with the people in this community. There are now "fwo sewing rooms open in the county each day except Saturday. One is at the Sanatorium, and the other is located hi the home economics department of the local high school from 8:30 to 12:00. The following women have voluy- tee^^ their services as siipeiwiso^ *6f these sewing groups: Mrs. Jjohn ^aj^ur, Mrs. A. R. Morris, Mrs. Rosa Guli^e, Mrs. Frai^ Tapp, Mrs. W. S. iSrawley, and Ml^ Bonnie Teal 3 NYA Projects h Hoke County Faimiert Take Top Honors At Cimp A^dn The Aj^iculhu^ boys from ftolte High SchooT again scored ttie highest nun^er of points for the w^ at' White l4dce Camp. Their score for, this week at camp was 320 out of a possible*325 points. The boys did not havjp^^ much competition as only six schools were there for the week. If no other school scores over 320 points, the boys will be presented with a trophy at the end of the camp season. The boys made a trip to Wrights- ville Beach and other points around Wilmington while in camp. The boys making the trip to White Lake were: Robert Currie, Irvin Currie, Charlie Pendergrass, Zane G. Norton, Billir lUhrmon, Percy McNeill, Le«^ Mc- Nefil, Starr McMillan, J. W. Daw8(^ JMinnie Medoogan, Earl Yarboroi June Wright, WUl F. Wright, DP' Quick, Fred Hoidrbe, Riley Joi and $ral^nia Fpiip - County Mi^mg Here Today Mr« WarUck will reptyce Mr. J^[i McLeod'as ^ief clerk'to fke A. A. o^ce aiUiounce^ Mr. A. S.JE^owles, county fqtent yester day. ^e county ^ent ^id Wcd-lick was fonnerly connected with the A. A. A. in Bladen county. McLeod will go to Wafreh’county as assistnat to the county supervisor of the A. A. A. ^ > ; , ■ . Mr. Khowies also stated that a four county meeting of county agents will be held at his office today. Coun ty agents from Hoke, Robeson, Scot land, and Moore will be present for the meeting, the purpose of which is to disucss plana for and work out de tails of the Cotton Stamp plan, which will go into effect tois.fall., :-The sixth anniversary of the esta blishment of the National Youth Administration will be marked by the holding of open house on aU NYA projects in Hoke county as a part of a state and national obsehrance,‘on Thursday, June 26, State NYA Ad ministrator John A. Lang announced yesterday. The National Youth Administration is now operating 3 projects in Hoke county, including Clercial^ Home Se^ice;-jijg^WqQdasqrk|ng- Clercial wmkers as'signi^ ‘county office in Raeford. Woodworking Shop located in County Office Bldg. Home Service in Raeford Graded School, sewing for Carolina State Sanitorium. All projects now in operation will be open for inspection of visitors throughout the day June 26 and every one is invited fo visit local NYA projects and view the work being accomplished in Hoke coimty. The state celebration of the anni versary will be marked by the dedi cation of the Raleigh resident center, at which time Governor J. M. Bro ughton will bring greetings and June Rose, chairman of the state advisory committee of the NYA, and State NYA Administrator John A, Lang will speak. A radio broadcast will be pres«ited over Station WPTF in Raleigh June 26, at which time Mr. Lang will speak on the history and program of the National Youth Administration. Orthopedic Clinic Next Friday 'The Orthopedic Clinic will be held in the basement Of the Agriculture Building in Lumberton on Friday morning, July 4th, beginning at eight o’clock and is free to all ind- gent children under twenty-one years of age. Patients desiring to attend are re quested to report by seyen-thirty o’clock in o^er that examinations be completed as early as pos- stele. I^. Lenox D. Baker of Duke Hospi tal Will be the surgeon in charge. J. B. Thomas Elected Vkse-President Of Oil Meir ' Mrs. Arab Gatlin Stuart visited her slater Mrs, W. B. Crumpton to Bel mont this psist w^ enid. While there she attended the Falls-Upchurch Wedding at Gastonia. At toe convenffon pf the Cotton- Seed Crushers of North Carolina and South Carolina last weekend, J. B. Thomas was elected vice-president Mr. Thomas is the manpger of the Hoke Oil and Fertilizer Company here. The convention lasted from Saturday through Tuesday and was held at Blowing Rock, N. C. Mr. Thomas attended and was accomp anied by his wife and family. The otoer oh executive attending from Raeford was Clyde Upchurch, Jr., and bride. 28 Names To Be Turned Over To District Attorney Mr. T. B. Lester, chairman of the Hoke' Coimty Selective Service Board, yesterday repeated a statement made previously. Mr. j^ter said that the names of the foll^ing 28 registrants would be tumed^^er to the district attorney for iin^tigation Unless these reported to the board. Mr. Lester stated that should rela tives or friends o^any of these men "khoST' "wlteresdibuts "they should hotity them tb contact toe Hoke County Boa^ toimedtotety to order that they may be. aihved top embarrassment off a Federal ;Cou^ investigation and a possible sentencO of a year in Fe#ral prison. These men have not returned toeir questionaires: ‘ 159—^Itomcan "^^liams 296—Willie McEacfaerh 738—Samuel Alford ^ 775—J. P. McQueen 812—John William Evans 841—James Bullen Monroe 940—Glenn Settles 943—C;^us Leighton Gray 952—^Norman Henderson 967-A—^Lahbme Hasty 975—Oliver Farmer 1025—Burnie Gefroie Odom 1117—^Henry Outie Nealy 1147—^Robert Jimior Ellerbe 1157—Willie Campbell 1164—^Wilbert Thompson 1168—James Fairley 1186—George Thompson Ray 1213—Oscar Nathaniel Huff 1238—^Ben Franklin Hathcock, Jr. 1266—^Ednjon Leak 1276—WilUam H. Wright 1310—Nash Powell 1320—Charlie Ray 1327—James W. Sidbury 1358—James Fountain Jones 1407—James Earl Ross H. L. and David Get Free Meal H. L. Gatlin, Jr., and David Smith, local radio men received a free meal at the Prince Charles Hotel in Fay etteville Tuesday night. 'They were among those present at the »pnii«l banquet given by Hunter Brothers for the presentation of the new Philco radios. All Philco dealers in the territory sekved by Hunter Bro thers were present for the meal ^find the inresentatioB of the 1942 models, which was made by a factory repre sentative immediately following toe dinner. Mr. Gatlin stated that toe defense rush had not caused the expected increase in radio prices, altoough there was some increase. Day J^suumced Far , July 1st Gov. J. Melville Broughton, m a proclamation announcing July 1, as the “second registration day” under toe selective service act of 1940, urges full co-operation and pays tribute to toe patriotism of toe people of North Carolina in toe closing paragraph of toe proclama tion, as follows: “The people of North Carolina have responded nobly to every call for service heretofore made upon them. We take pride in toe fact that this State has been singularly free of recalcitrance, malingering and sub versive activities. More than 450,000 of our young men marched up to the places set apart for registration and registered on October 16, 1940, with hardly a murmur of dissatisfaction or complaint. I feel that those who are required to register on this secmd registration day will do so in toe same spirit and good will. North Ca rolina has never failed to do her full duty in any crisis and will not fail now.” The five-point statement issued by the Governor follows: 1. That 'Tuesday, July 1, 1941, is hereby designated as Second Reg istration Day. 2. That every male citizen of the United States who resides in toe State of North Carolina and every male alien residing in North Caro lina (other than persons excepted by Section 5 (a) of toe Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 or by Section 208 of toe Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of W1 who are already in some branch of military service- who on or before July 1, 1941, and subsequent to Oct ober 16,' 1940, shoidd have attaint the 21st anniversary of his birth, is required to present himself for and submit to the registration at his duly designated registration place bet ween the hours of 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. on Jqly 1, 1941. of toa )o^ bpetollMi^ilil litoisdiction aver toe area toe& paAnanent resi- den)te, or at as may be de^i^atyd by iteM’ local board. If a ■ person required-,to roister is on registration day so fak removed from the place of his residence that he cannot^ except at grept expense and inconvenience, retiurn to his home to register, he may p^ent himself for and submit to registration at the office of the nearest local board. Special provisions will be made for the registration of those who, on account of sickness or other causes beyond toeir control are unable to present themselves for regiistraitcm at the duly designated place on reg istration day. 4. This registration shall be m accordance with S^ective Service Regulations. Every person subject to registration, under toe President’s proclamation, is required by toe law itself to familiarisse himseU) with the rules and regulations governing registration and to comply therewith. Severe penalties are provided for those who neglect or refuse to reg ister. 5. I call upon all employers of labor in the State to arrange for their employees who are required to register to be nleased from work on registration day for a sufficient length of time to enable them to discharge their duty of registering. And I call upon all State, county and municipal agencies to co-oper ate in this regard. The registration in Hoke County will be held in toe Commission's Room at toe Courthouse. The hours of registration will be from 7d)0 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Roy L McMillaii Named'Commaiida’ N. C. L^[md Two F«nner Hake Bcudcato Were Cu^idates Far hofor- tant State OfBce. Roy L. McMillan, outstanding Legi- onaire and prominent attorney of Raleigh, was elected state ctmunander of the North Carolina departmrat of the American Legion, Tuesday at the final session of the annual state cm- vention being held at Durham. Mr. McMiUan, who spent his boy hood in Hoke County, was opposed for toe office by Victor R. Johnson, lawyer and prominent in toe activi ties of several fraternal orders, of Pittsboro. Mr. Johnson is also a former resident of Hoke county, having practiced law in Raeford for several years upon his return after serving in France with the AEF. Mr. McMillan is the son of toe late Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McMil lan who moved to Blue Springs town ship many years ago from toe Mc Millan section of Anson County in what is now Scotland county. Henry A. McKinnon, Lumberton attorney, was elected judge advocate of the state department, and Mrs. Walter Craven, of CHuurlotte, was re-elected president of the Legion Auxiliary. '.,r .'i, , uJS-' ah: J Patrolman Murrill Ha$ New Car Patrolman J. E. MurriU went ty toa ''^ta Patrol headytiyters to Raleiito Tuesday to fdt A patrol car and turn in his old one tor zacoudj- tioning. ' Baptist Revival Held This Week The Reverend W. Earl Robinson, Baptist pastor from St. Pauls, N. C., is preaching in a series of meetings at toe Raeford Baptist Church this week. This revival will cmxttoue through the coming Sunday, June 29, Mr. J. E. Reamy, local Baptist pastor, stated. Services are held twice daily, at 11:00 A. M. an^ 8:00 P. M. ' .The attendance thus tar haus beoi ejkoaRent and Mr. Realty states that evMOrone will be i^cmned to the reiinatoder of the meettfipi Federal Funds Holding Up Defense Road At a meeting before the State High way Commissioner, D. B. McCrary, in Afiheboro Tuesday, rq^gesoita- tives from Hoke and Mome county were told that the only hitdi to toe progress of the proposed defense road coimecting Fort Bragg wito U. S. Highway No. 1 was the Mlocation of Federal funds. At preamit toe route is being surveyed by engineers of the State BQghwsQr Commission uid toe road is bMpg t>*v» McCrary stated toobln aU toe funds would be appropriated soon. County Auditor J. A. McGoogan and Commtehtoor A. K. Stevana at- ^ded toe meeting from Hoke coun ty. The meeting waa attanisd by a J**®e detection Moure county, aw. McCrary alao ptopodad toat eannacttoff peasant Fort Bratt wjlto^artto hlghwiy Ml be eon*. tntotadrltoeab ntods would he a SMHd- dW tOMM . Female School Bus Drivers Next Year Bus routes in toe county will be mapped beginning "next Monday. Curtis Obriman of the State Sdiool Commission will be to diarge aw«4 loute the buses for toe school ye^ 1941-42. All boys and girls interesM in driving a bus should have toeir naijlites on file to toe office of toe suagertotendent. m or before Mcmday. ■The following schools are repre*^ sented here for toe three weeks train^^ ing course in shop work: Gray’s cre ek, Linden, and Sevmity-first from Cumberland county; Pembroke and Rowland from Robeson; Laiirtoborg and Wagram from Sco^Uid; Liles- ville. Burnsville, Morven, Deep Creek and Polkton, from Ansmi and Hoke High. At toe end^pf three weeks this group of teachers%ill be followed by another from this district for an additional three weeks. This course of special training is put on by the State Vocational Board. The National Defense Training Board is co(q;ierat- ing. Mr. R. D. Ru^^ of Salisbury is the instruf^r. Miss Nell Howery, Vocational Home Economics teadier, for the past two years is teaving today after finishing her project work. Miag Howery has tendered her resignatiott, which has been regretfully accepted by toe Board. Miss Howery expects to attend Columbia University to New York City whne she wiR secure her Masters degree to Hune EConmnics Education. J. A. McGoogan, E. D. Johnson and K. A. McDonald visited the State Department of Education and toe State School Ccanmission to on Monday to referotce to the sdiool situation during toe Army Manue- vers this falL K. A. McDnnaid at tended a conference of Army at Fort Bragg m Tuesday to refecw ence to toe same subject It is ho^ that a statemmkt to reference to toe situatUm can be made at an early date. It look^ wA toe pccaent, as ton- ugfa there ^ net be snOleienl need to justity toe nnmtog of a »Ut session of sthotO. The.AntioA sdtool beard.hdd a meMh« en Tuesday night 'at toe Antiodi schoed. Hans are nnder-way at the present for ntedal tratotog tw bos drivers substitute dtims fat next year. This tratotog and a rigid mtaminaMnw fw ^ are approved to drive wllbe requimi. A btmus toen wiU be offered by toe Board of Education to all drivers who make a satistoe- tory record. Special tratokM in driv.,.. to convoy trMBe wRl be givem“ NYA To Have 0|Mii Home Thursd^r, Jane 36 is toe sixto annhreraakr of NTA. The local NYA is having epan house ftom 3M to 4;30 and toe pitolic is invited to visit tte Gtot'k sewing rooae to toe Baetoid Graded Sdioot and toe weedweeMsf shop to toe Caamty ofltee ■eton Mettle Stanct li vMtoff her auB^ Ite. M C Ihytor la ptoa* ■ etoisitoelt . ' ■ ■■■■ -■v ■■