,1^ .e - vest MmEKa^G The Hoke NewB The Hoke Counkf Joaniel Nt)LIJ»ie TOETO NO. 28 RAEFORD, N; C., THURSDAY DEC^ llth, 194L m HJtmUpMpi; Dei^eibiHr 19 Set As "tSa^ fami Day lo HelGe: Gala Day Phnned By Raefo Btf- ' ■- \ Hoke Farmm Atked^ Sell (Hd Iron | For Oiuntry’e life r'- ^ : ' W- . “Scrap Iron Day” in Hoke County wUl be Dec^nber Idth, according to Sam MoGougan, covoly ^alnnan of the cdnuniitee for coUectioh of irmi and ste^ for use in the National Emergency. '‘^ery pound of 0I4 iron is need- "^stated Mr. McGougah yesterday, farmers are urged to bring iron and steel to- Raeford on iber 1:9th, and sell it. When program was planned, it was led for our country’s preparaticm for defense. Now, we are at war^ and .every farmer having old implements which ake no longer of service (m the &rm can . aid in this country’s greatest crisis by bringing this old iron and irteel here and putting it whve our manufacturers can get it.” Arrangements hav# been made to have scrap iron buyers on that day, accordfiig to Colon Yarborougb, local scrap iron dealer; and the best market 'prices will be paid. All farmeis bring* ing lots of 500 pounds or more will be awarded special prizes hy local merdxahts and by the committee in charge of the “Scrap Iron Day” ar- rangemento, it was stated. Conigdete details of tiie plans are to No Chnstmas Lights On Raeford Streets Hus Season After getting splendid financial cooperation from Raeford merchants/ for the purpose of lighting the streets I with the usual Christmas decorations, a committee of town .aldermen meet ing with representatives of Carolina Power and Light Company decided late Tuesday' to forego this work this season. Until very recently it was thought that power for such p''''L>rr-cS wotdd not be available. When informed ti^ power could be had, t'ae commitw was promised adequate financial help from the local mcrchsnt^. Kowe^^er, wito a . shortage of the type labor newed for this wcrk it was decided that any further delay would make them too late to be as effective as toew should be for the cost involved. Another' factor entering into the de cision was the remote possibility of another blacirout. The power comp anies are freo now to promise this power r.nd are anxious for Raeford to Use it. However Raeford is determined' to cooperate to the fullest and since the outbreak of war. the fhture can not be plrnnsd as under ordinary conditinna and circumstances. The committee wishes to thank die mer chants and hopes to be able to start work in time in 1942 for the best 'New Red Cross Quota Ass%ied Hoke County ^ Appeal For $50,000,000 Made By National Chapter For Wav Services. n On Capitol Hill By LOUIS BL CONNOR. JB. SooBj Parks HoUi T09 Spot h *1Biyat Babr Parade” Bogor M TUs Week ^ publii^^ in next wedss issue of Oie. ‘" Newa^dmal. Farmers are requested I lights ever for Raeford to couect aU iroh bn their placet} ^ ■ ■■ i...'' ^ Merchant! Asked to;that It can be brought here naxtl^^ DetiOiate Friday. A. S. Knowles, Tonunie Upchurdi and Mr. McGbugan are in diarge of arrangements and every merchant in Hie dommittee in c^rge of gbreet lighting this Christmas hopes that the merchants will make extra efforts Raeford is expected to cooperate ini*® windows atdactiyely making this joint effort of the far- r*®®®™*®**”^ ®”'*^** “ expected in town next to “Scrap hrms hder New Plan p^j iFhr'J^- |of toe patrioto vdto tim Cluistnuul I idea. Your President, itoe commander- nn.^idt of your aimyi FrankUh D; iRooiievett, a^ th^ is a shortage I to metaL Kthig ymar scrap metal: I to town Friday the 18to. vary. The first group of men from Bbke 1 -Cmmty to be examined for toe Se-|ll^l®>vic Funeral Given Boha’a Mdive Service System Ity toe new] **EriandUest Citlien’’ Monday Army Examining Station at Fort] Aftamoe^ Rvagg were sent there yeirtarday hyI " '''' ■' Rw local draft board. - ^ I Sunday moming, Mr. ,Oaiy three of toeae men were inj'^ W years, diod at Ora. * * . Wra ‘-.u 1 dhkA IsaOma Wga w An assignment of an' additional quota of $2,000 for Hoke County was made yesterday ^^y the National Chapter of the Americair.Red Cross to meet the increasing demands to services to our armed services and the relief of distressed civilians by Chairman Norman H. Davis. In a telegram to Dr. R. L. Murray, county chairman, Mr. Davis pototed out toat this nation is again at war and that the Red Cro^ is again caU- ed to serve our fighting forces. The message reads: , DR. R. L. MURRAY: HOKE COUNTY CHAP AM RED CROSS RAEFORD NCAR: AGAIN THE AMERICAN RED CROSa IS CAIXED UPON TO SERVE OUR NATION IN WAR. BOTH nationally AND LOCAL LY WE PACE VAST AND irtanNITE RRSPCRISIBlLeTlElS FOR SER- 'VICES TO OUR ARMED^FORCES AND For RELIEF TO DISTRESSED CIVHJANB. TO PROVmRRSSRNT- lAL FUNDS. RID CRO^ T(;K>AY IS LAUNCHING A FOR WAR FUND OF MINEk^ OP FIFTY iraxroN Doi4yiiM. the PRESIDENT WILL iSS^Sf ^ fRI- DAT A FROCLAMA^M SUP- PORTlNG TRiB AlViAL; YOUR CHAPTER QUOTA IS 2000 DOL- lARR. CHAPTERS MAY RETAitf ERpitel PERCENT THEIR CCEL- LECflO^ FOR LOCAL WAR RE LIEF EEpENDITURES. CHAPTERS SHOULD AT ONCE DEVOTE PULL EFFORTS. TO RAISING THEIR QUOTAS IN shortest POSSIBLE TIME. FLEAMS REEfSRT ACTION --imtf:: NOT FAIL IN THIS CRISIS NOSQEAN H. DAVIS. Contrttottoni lotoe wiF Rind aaa ^ ^ A!*pto ' tn*aaiirfe^ Ifc Ohtlin, Jr., a(i toe Rheford FiixiiL tore Company W left at the oAto ^(Dr. R L Murhly. except to toe three in thla | J by toe caU in October. Igjnaai 1-A men are George Lee Ced- . . and Samuel Brown Hendrix, Jltee and Jitonfon^McGirt,: j^Otoers examined ye^Rl|y Ernest Woodrow Baylk Shankle, Alexa^^ Grahlhn in |wor hfalto to birt m able to be WM a lan attoo irtil COnoly and wife, Mrs. jSarah |jan MdDonaM of toe Shannon jcommiuty. In his young |he was married to Mies Maggie Cobity wwiera r®“*^***’ °* ®*® tatyi pmroe, William Uoyd'0111^ Peter i^^®® ^®*^* ®^ RdbeiiRa Couzity, ^ Jr., (Ind.) Rufos iJttletni 1^-1®*^ beloved wonum and helpmate. Jins, George Franklin Schaker, Hob-j®*®® ®i^®^ years after %Bir RgRpy ^ Lee Williams, Cronzia Theodore I “®^***- Suryh^ are mie taNitow^, ige, Oscar Craig Maynard, Thomaar®*“ Conoty and mw sister, tos; ^u^.. McPhaul, Worth EamesjiJ^' ®* Ebeford, Niece, ilhMUah, Flave Eugene Honeycut^l®*^^® Corioly, of Raeford, Charles Mane8sCba8on, Heai9n Rose, ^ nephew, Thomas Conoly Jr.„ Eugene Franklin Matherly, Sidney I ®^ ^®^ Screven, Ga., number of re- Epstein, George A. CoUis, Charlee Robeson, South Caro- Sdwaid'Brown, Frank Woodrow Georgia. Singleton, Thomas Franklin Md3rdye, I '^**® luhcral ‘was conducted from ibavid Dixon Odom, Joseph Clyde I®®®*®*® Presbyterian chivdi Mon- Campbell, Sidney Robeson Lyle. sitemoon at 3 o’clodc. Rev. Harry The local board had received no I pastor of the church, call for white men to be-supplied in 1®*®^*®® ®®'^‘ D., January, it was stated yesterday, but j®* ®®® Springs. Interment followed 25 negroes will be inductod>hrte bu]^ Raeford cemetery. . ' January 20th. However, no. com-1 services were in charge munications concerning draft quotas!®^ meimbers of the Red Springs Ma- have been received since the United Lodge, of which Mr. Conoly .... ... .. * airWo -e, Thomas H. Sutom und Tfuzmas A. Deyane, Ihyetteville buaineM men, vimre found guUty of hitotiag after stmdown in county court Tuei- 4ay> Huy filed notice M ^peal to e^rior court Gua MaUoy was found guilty o simple assault on RqiM 4 EUrty day sentence was iuaprqilei upon payment of coola. Ctyde. C ier was fined $$Q and ebste and drtvers liccnao oumonded to to driving under ‘I 'Rdad law violators convicted were Alexander Stoitii. no drives Uaense, I^ds G. White, speeding, nnd Robert Fisher, no drivers license. Thurman Jones was found giulty of stealing peas, a 90 day sentence was suspended on good brttavto to 12 BK^ths; his brother Dobbin also indicted was under 16 years of age and remanded to juvenile court for trial. Tom McBtyde and Aniiie!^McBr:^e paid $25 and costs each for violatimi of prohibition laws; Anne Little paid $50 and costs for a similar oflWise; Epp Hollingsworth drew a-80 day sentence for illegal possession, sus pended upon paymrat of costa; Jtton D. King paid $20 still fee, $50 fine and costs in two cases for mannfaft. uring and possesaion in lieu of three months sentence on roads. Agents of the Federal Biureau of Investigation have been working wfto the State Highway Patrol for many months now on toe proper procedure of investigation of espionage and sabotage. Commissioner T. Rodie Ward of toe State Motor Vtoides Division disclosed to your rqwrter this week. Ward said members of the FJB.I. met with patrolmen of troop C in Greensboro several weeks ago and talked with them for some forty- five minutes on the handling of such cases. This news has been held back until now for obvious reasons. Ward -said that the present declaration of war against Japan it could imw be re leased. He intimated that strat^ic bridges in toe State would bC guarded by toe patrol along with tou Arn^, One F. B.' I. Agent told ^ Ccnmnlssioner toat he would to Ibat in North Caro lina without the a^uiftance of the pat rol. They have ai&ted the Bureau for sometime, particularly in catching draft deserte^ Ward remarked. Meanwhile Raleiih was in a gen- «ral state otwKiteBMmt RadiOB could be heard turn olRciB nn Ciq>itol Hill and in the bnahuwa section Local stations to Raleigh ^aced eaoall port able radhi ghmi to® streets in order tiiat dtowis might heer ttie latart news. Sddtyi^ime OR duty fto Capitbl Squaty fiiUy equtypad in the event nr a# eamgBBcy. Butiiii pmiistail ever tite Mteets of «» sifunWen, sad avebone had a dif- ferattt idee $Cr odRir. 'bteibfirtitinif eh toe sittiation as to IteV, R weuM rotail trade in toe State, .toede^ Willems, ....... SONNY Pi^lKS 2 years old son of. Mr. and Mrs. George Parke of Raetord is parader number 1 BA week. His grand paroite ere Ifir. mm Mrs. G. W. Parts of Bartord and Mr. and Ifirs. H. P. Reid of Wanenteph N. C. toante Bureau raid, ’It is inevitable that the ymr wfll onrtail trade in .M^ftoC^lina to' a rartain exteiR A he a fool -to predict to lirtuta. merdumts should prepare tat. most anything. It is my bpiniOA that;^ to retailers of ^orth Caroline will tooulder thrtr rrapoh- rtbility with a apiu^^.^ In local taverns, drug stores or wherever citizens gatoered, they cliing close to all available radios; Crowds Idong toe main stireets here liacu8S toe latest news on into the ni^t ^ “We are now at vmr. Fire defense i^iaajta jMdiMial defense,” S. G. Otstot, axeeiitive secretary of the North Car- dtina Association of Insurance Agents told me this week. “Every fire, no mUime how taudl, takes materials to nebuild ty ftecessary to our Nat ional Deloisc Program. Seardi your hdbiTOi st^Mtes; itourdma; hnsineis aateUishmeto a®F smaU hazard whidi migiit lead..ty fire- You will aid your the emerg ency.” hb eeinnaiiautecL Director all^way Eafety Ronald Hocuttf stoiiliiiis week toat “In this period of National dnaigcnoy, the preventton of trtgio accidtoiita of our nation, itoen .Our human and-bconomic resources haVe been to afaralutely es- aenital to the presen/aRon of our nation, as today. I want to urge our citizens to drive and walk with such care, and discipline ,that lives.. and property may be fully dedioatTO in the cause of our country.” Formality and Broad A’s reigned .1 his past week end at the mutual meeting of the State Art Society here. Long evening gowns, touched off with diamonds and pearls, covered the lobby of the Hotol Sir Walter, and bowed to gentlemen in lull dress. It was quite an oeCtytem bringing forth North Carolina’s OTCifety. .'V#. a JERRY THOMAS LYTTLE 7% months son of Mr. nad BSnL G. Ct Lyttle of Raeford RFD No. 2. f States went to war tvith Japan Mon day. It is expected that all quotas will now be increased heavily and addit ional quotas assigned. JOHN WILSON HERE ^RECUPERATING Johii Wilson, who was seriously [ injurtd at Morehead City several treeks ago, is at the home of his atl^Mra. SaUie Wilson of RAe- rd. Tccuperating. was a member. The deceased was a man who lived under the strictest self-control. Be doubtless had his troubles and dis appointments, but he i^t them to himsell He arts always bhrorful, and carefree as is possible for any one to be. Jolly and full of life qnd fun, he was $ tevi^te with alL espedally the srouhg* He wte ‘ 9 in hia you fa NO NEWS FROM WALTER BARRINGTON. JR. Walter Barrington, Jr., who is stat ioned at Pearl Harbor has not been heard from since the Japanese bomb ed that place Sunday, but his many friends hope that no news, means good news. Several boys from Duim, also at Pearl Harbor have not been heard from. PEGGY sTanTON 6 yearg old lovely daughter of Mr. and Mra. L W. Stanton of Raeford. H. A. Green New Chief Raeford Fire Departmoit praised of that fact. Were his self- control exerdsed by Blr. Conoly universll, this world would be an. entir^ different place. He wlU bo ' lor his unfeigned triendlineis, ■ Cut This Ont And Save It Here’s a convenient table you can keep near your clock. To find toe time to: Honolulu-Subtract 5% hours from Charlotte time. (For example, at noon here it’s 6;30 a. m. to Honolulu.) San Frand8c$—Subtract thtee hours from local time. Rio de Janerio—Add two houm. Idma, Perur-Same as Charlotte: Yokahomo—Add 14 hour! Baas Kong-Add 13 homo. lltttohHAdd SR htyn! Harry A. Green was elected chief of the Raeford Fire Department Tues day afternoon to succeed D. H. Hod- gin. Others elected to new posts w«*e: J. L. Teal, assistant chief, succeeding Green, and N. McNair Smith, secre tary and treasurer to succeed H. L. Gatlin, Jr. Frank Tapp was elected trustee mg V«te r«M Emit Mitoimr Ntyht and Fiwd W«cR ^ ^ Help Ymv rmwmOf CasBfaipi Rteb flto 23rd. By “Royal Bal^ PmfOe* Editor This wertfs honor ndl finds tour paraders viitog wito each ofiwr very dosely for that envied top position finally adiieved by SrohT Italics. Now is the time to help your favorite parader. Candidates, do you realize ftcfe are (mly 11 more worttog days of' the “Royal Baby Parade”, and that to 11 more days some paby is goiiig^- be awarded $200 in cash and ahcwiti- ful loving cup, while anotoev baby wiU et the other silver knring esp and other babies will receive crab inizes. You, candidate, have aa cood op*, portunity to-Wto $300 and lovtog oqt as anyone, hot it wiB mean haMt, hustle, hustte Any baby on tiia Brt by a bunt of roeed can lendL -naxt wedes honor rolL What wffl Jau do the remaindarof titiaaredc? Theaa are tiia days when courage iwtedds one and mi fight on. The lack id this leavea ana doomed and 1 No one has woo 1 cup yeL Not by any ] leading toe honor ton n « _ always to be oovetod theca M aMb opportunity for any —ana* taira the lenders and endtafy changb toe conqlteston of tin-nw! Ed tea big waroiiig to —iftrlttra- said tiniC maimgnni is’Don’t slndMiyaar vaaa nor toae ground but luuiRA bnaflnf The hard part of the cMnpaigB to just starting. The part tiiat will toat your mental, and your j^taiawan) tor the v(huMcs. and R m a the eandidatei azpeet toe $200 and lovtog cup.. If you are looking forward toi Pviettey on Oaewnber 23rtL zriten' election remits WiU be wrtflen in smR totoion that tiny , wri nc^ ha fogy got^ don’t fHget tiiat whnt you M during toe followi^ li dajs wiD diH tennine whether you na to Oam to the lasting glory of ieeing yanr child the victor-crowned Mwg ^ queoi of them all and awn $200 cash plus a stiver tovtaw This being ttie laat ^ votes and free votaa I subsertytian wwMW«*gtn iheir best rtyht now. Tty FUBMOMiW F If a m tinrtog 11 .mi wtil seript^ ® ®n* pear renearal is * **®'P9®*’ raaaaal is IS worth 2(tyjj||o votes and.a tete^aite renewal is worth 50,000 sustato your tovoril^ eaaaidiSi''* uy renewing your subacciM^w It miht make your fovacltte^w' VICTOR. tyW navy OFENLI^TMENY Raleigh. N. C., Dae. IQ^tym tot time since 'World War cn- iiatmwcits are new authociili toK% P^od of twok throe SRlonryearoto all classes of tire Rtea|l''lesarva «k- ceiit aviation Right frohiing aizd i«ra serve cdficenr'trmtotog. Lt-Oundr. McFarland W. WaidL :: to take place vacated by election of ®®cer‘“to-to«ne of Navy Mr. T^l. Other trustees are .„. E. Upchurch and L. S. McMillan who were re-elected Edwto E. Smith eras re-elected secretary and treasury the firemans relief fund. Night Fire Calls Chief Green urges aU persona np^- ihg fire cal|s at niitot to phfUH the Graham Service Station PHCHnc 1471, until further notice. Thebe % now h® ana steytoc to City Hati ta taka the niiiM :|hl||. .. to toe Catdltoas; has been by toe Navy Departmant to reservists frsr two, three ot totaMpaip enlista|^gto> and they wfll ha rovited te aarvwon active duty cady ttnatyte out the duration of the.natioiiaidiawera fancy which now axttte In the past, Cc pototed onfall fist toaa yaaro. A\

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