• *» V5: ■4.iii I ■>••,.»• m 3S' 4/ti- ■ ;.,;1 ■ - , ‘ ' •••• ;t' P.v- nfx ■'■i/.' ~i '"-■:t y'lSivi''Mil Tli0 Hokfr yCooii^ Jontmal ■ty tftt m: -f m nf K- ^ BlmeDONALD one at 7 o'cSo^ at #*vo'Wdlit’ heavy m- E. law e fires, bj^eved to have ISWLji rdefactive flue, ofl^tween four and ousam^doUarg; it was estimat.. by %h^0in OaiBwbeU and David Ihapman, of the hiotor company. " Nearly aiil damage by f^, Uhbke4^ doi^tb'tbe i^r of .- the. bi|ildi^ and, the ro9^ and roof orthe.siwnd floor. It was stated that no cara were’-in thati secdbh of the bpilding . and'that thg fire did.i not‘‘ extend towards the' stock roqm: and office, so that liUl^ dam- age vi^as done on the ground floor. ' Ei^eellent work of the I^aeford Fire I^pgrtmoit, especially on't^: second OaU'probably saved tbe motor, com pany ^nlldin|; and possible damage to adjoining buildings. ^The first fire was diacpveiM short ly after the mechanical department had ceased work for the day. Fire was burning between the ceiling of the garage and the floor of the second flobr. This' was quickly extinguished and firemen remained op watch until it Was thought all smoldering places had been piit^ut. However, about 9 p. m., a second ilarm was turned in by patrons of the ilctunf show in the same block. 'When e fire department arrived the rear if the second stoi^ was d mass of me and smoke. By use of a hew >Wij^.lhtt in service iUiat after** noon iirem^ were ^le to reach the easily and icon bring it under troi.. "' . Wednesday, a new' flue was con- :had stiurted ti^ week on provwnents of ^l^^d^iing were 'luuief Wajri/^^'. ■' G. iindeihircKMl yW^CRALCo. the Caroling FbU^ jc Li^ Co., jounces that C. G. Und^ood, for-^ of Sanf^ 'Will ^ their Rae- [re^esehtative. hfr. Underwood Woody singleton’s place. He rake his home with Mr. and iiwrence Stanton and his bne No. is 8111. Carolina Power antj Light .Co. le to give the dune oburte- through their new re- as in the, iHutt.,, There will Iw. a county-wide achers meeting hdd next ISonday ting at 7:30 in!Htise,-Hii|t SchoC^tblg^ Macihuret Lapj^ t(m, iWd Secreti^y of^^the NCEA. the princip^ ^;»eaher on the prplrajn.. ' ‘ ' I^^Wf rO. Mclyin, Bandmast^ at Hoke oailed to EUzabettitown: |n a^qpt of the. death of hjs father '"h ^esday; .al this week. Mr. Mel- m’s filthier; was .84 years of age. We j|ll sympathise wi^ him in his loss*. In, A counfyrWlde negro , teacmer’s jpeeting wUl be held at the Upchurdi tomorrow afternoon at 5;00 o’ClQcit ^e Board of Education met/ in re- ^ar session Monday 6i this week With all members present. Regular business was transacted. Plans are being formulated for the institution of first aid and safety classes in all the schools. Air-raid drills have betm carried out in all schools with good success. These drills will be carried on period ically along with fire drills. ■ The Ashemont monthly faculty meeting wiU he held next Wednes day evening at the school building at 7:30 o’clock. Teachers from both Raeford Grad ed and Hoke High expect to enroll in the Red Cross First Aid Instructors Course. This course will be tad^ht by a doctor from the Sanitoritun. Classes will held in the Raeford Graded School. Any adult who wishes to become an instructor is invited to take the course. Reg^ar Red Cro« n^t WiU he given. " to hold a. recogrd in fire drills, 'hie buUding waa dear- ed bn Mondiv in 40 seconds. We hope oR; , ,faR.,dOi'AWMaig:>: ItWeU. A beU'system has been installed at Mjldbtu^ .that is of {pe|^: help, in holdjng air-raid and fire drij^. Mildouson receiv^ a nice, gift of books for the library from Mra Lbla Pope. These books are yory 'Wiucfa appreciated and wUl be of great. ,valpe to the sch^j.^ For toe fi^ m it’s history, Hoke Comi^ &hool is giving to ii’s stiidento, hi'picture form, mem ories, of toeir adsboj days, The mem bers of the Club are q>onaoring an ^uai, with Mr. J. W. Turlington as faculty advisor. On Thursday, January. 8, pictures for tbe annual WiU bo takehi So iai students ^e re quested to'conte prbtwrcd. Wie are sorry to'report that Mrs J. C, McLean, Jr. of the Hoke County High Schoql toculty. is side. Iba. Thdnujs Cameron is siibstituting for hen We am sttU looking for a CoaA. It seems that Coach Bbg»s place is hard to m Oil Friday night, January 8» oue High,_^bol| Bfikot teaaab WiB play Wi^pato at Rgeftid. Mlm Townsend of the Rodc- fish stoooi ^scutty wUI teadi a iirst aid class appnaci^ by the Red Cross in toe Rodfish community. M«. Towostod held a Safety and First Aid- Instnictors License from The National Red Cross. lAOrgiliMl P. €. A. Credit Group Mado^ Loans Of $1^,935 To Fanenors In Hoke And Scotltuad. The annual meeting of the Laurin- burg Production Credit Association, which extends a short-term credit service to' Hoke and Scotland Coun ty farmers, will he hdd on January 12, 1942 at Laurinburg,'in the coTirt house, beginning at 10:15 A. M., ac cording to an announcement by N. H. G. Balfour, president of the associat ion. This wiU be toe dghto annud meeting and Mr. Balfour 'saM that it was expected toe reports to be heard would be the best in the hiS' tory of the assodatimi. Complete and detailed reports on toe operations of toe organization fpr. 4he past year wiU be submitted by the officers ant plans for further dewelibping the service which this farmers/ coop«r. ative has to offer wiU be discussed. One director wiU he elected and other business wiU be transacted. Mr. Balfour said that it is hoped that every member of the association wiU make an effort to be present this year. The Association serves Hhke and Scotland counjiies. Loang in 1841 totaled |225,83tl.0|l) to its members for production and general agricultural puipoaes. « Lumberton—Jasper C. Hutto, for more than three years advertising manager of 'The Robesoniw, today essumed the post of sales supervisor of toe tiUinbe^on tobacco iharket, succeeding J. C. Fulton,’'rtlsigned. Mr. Hutto also is scheduled to take over the woilc of the secre tary of toe Lumberton Chamber of n-.j Mtiibers Boiird Of Library ;ir. ' The Upke County Library Board of Directors met in toe libraiy Wed nesday, December 31. Among other imptxrtant items of business it was voted by toe board that each bor rower might take out four books at one time in his own name and that no books might go out in another person’s name. Atlyone refusing to pay their fines will forfeit toe use of the library until such fines are paid. Two new members were added to toe boanl,, Carl Morris from toe town board ud Mrs. Jade Hodgin .from the county at large.>in)e library l^rd now consists of the following; UL A. McDonald, N. H. G. Balfour, Morris, Hts.'G. B. Rowland, Mrs. H. L. GatiiOt C. L. Tho mas, Mm> A- Cuixie, HiM Jose- I^tine Hall and Mrs. Jack Hodgin. Commerce and Agriculture, a post' tion occupied concurrently by toe Sales supervisor. Election of toe new sales super visor was at a meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the. Lumberton Tobacco Board of Trade before the holidays, following toe acceptance of BSr. Fulton's resignation. Mr. Huttb was not an applicant for the place eecoidfaig to W.‘ B-.-*Blmere, ptwltell4 of tbe board of trade, but agreed in conferences to accept the postf and was unanimously elehted. Raeford B. Sc L. Elects Officers FSHEEAN w41 speak Red Springs.' He is a spondent and has just rom England.and Orioit. Lecture Course on F.M.C W. A. Blue, and J. A. Bryant perdeen: Mrs. Arch Barnes, Car- , J.Stephenson and Mrs. of Puqujay Springs; Clyde JVilson, N. C.; ' Mrs. Max F. W. McCraken, and 3raken, Jr., of Sanford; len and Miss Harriet Breed- Sennettsville, S. C.; Mra. R. anct Clyde FfcE.^ of Mrs. Mattie Sfwell and swell of St. PauU, N. Cl*; Dr. j w. L. McCrae, Red Springs; Irs. D. S./Currie, Parktoo, B. R. Robinson, Weldon, ^^tahW, Red Springs; " Norman, Dr. J. Baipb Ctowd- P|ir^ Tire The^s Coming? People Urged to IJsf 1 ber of Ntou-. Bdbbbr :4!4- Casings As Aid to Police. Forseeing-a wave of tire thefts helifived certain to result here be cause of , toe natiwi’s rubber short age, Raeford car owners ate warned to keep an identification record of toeir automobile tires to aid in re covery of casings toa tare stolen. Information needed in addition to the Size and make of toe tire, will include toe serial number and any special markings that are evident. «'*Such a record should be made immediately, and kept where it is instantly available. With out such information it is all but impc^sible. to establiidi that a used tire h^ stolen, or to obtain its rehUto to the -^car owner. io garages at night or psnted .wititin aasy hearing dis- tence of AJto, polioa^i^j ing number, of the stpppai^ Raeford Building and Loan As sociation held the annual stockhold ers meeting yesterday January 6th. Officers and directors dected for 1942-43 are F. B. Sexton, president, H. L. Gatlin, Sr., vice-president, Mrs. Wm. L. Poole, secretary and tiea. surer. Directors are F. B, Sexton, H. L. Gatlin, Sr., Mrs. Wm. L. Poole, M. C. Dew, H. L. Ctetlin, Jr., A. A, Gjr^am, ’U. H. Itod;^, F. G, Carl Mortis, Mrs. B. Rpwhuid, .Rbr8. RoberU, T. B. tJpchurclw Jr. oyb^idTiict ..t AnotedHoke t For Jaraaiy ^ Six passenger ear tires, 5 tabes aaB' 8 truck tires were aBotad : to sai. and truck owners of Hoke . for toe month of Juniary, it announced by the Hdta Ceonty Tbb Rationing Board, composed of Ityaa M^ryde, F. B. Sexton, and J. B» Thomas. The board pointed out that your car or truck ratw under ope of the classificatiems set out on the . Federal rationing order, there was abscdutely'hh-'tm in seemg a board, member about ^tmg a tire. All applications have to be filed with the dealer from whidi the owner expects to buy toe tire. This ap. plication is then passed on by a dis trict inspector, who either approves or disapproves the application and forwards it to toe rationing heard. The board, if tires afe '^vail^le within the county’s quota Icr month, then issues a purdiaae to toe dealer, whidi is filled accord ing to the Federal requirements. Only those passenger ears operated by a physician, surgeon, viaiting nurse, or veteminary—princtyalty used for |»ofesBiooal services can secure tire ordar^ Ambulancea and such ears as are used to matatais' fire-fitting services, police services, pitolic health -and sanitation ser vices may get tire purdrase certifi cates. . Copmott eaziiers, bus and truck tranffipri, vduides used to carry tm or mm tran^orttni atad- enta! and teachers to and fcoirt sdioala, tranityorting etnid^esg to or taun or trttoortafing ice, fu^zpad main-* tentcc.nteterial, for induateialjilaiiii; and i^esac houshif, URaste and scrap, materia secipre^ certifi cates. I'ann tractors and other tana; implements, otittf than autos tmets, for whit rubber lira ate essential and industrial madhinery other than automobiles or trades, may secure certificates: ISiese are tiie rubber-tired vdiides which are per- mitted to purdiase new tires inider Order M^-U-c of toe office of pro duction Management. Urdcas your vdiide comes under one of tiicae specific cbwsifiratin^ tiiere wiR be no use of trying to secure new tties until restrictions aft, Push Work On i MdLegun Retignt As H. it McLean^ for several years both gai^e arid fire wiardcn for IRdre county, resign^ as head of the fire wardens effective January sixth, it was announped this week. County commissioners have been unable to secure a successor for Mr. McLean at toe present rate of pay allowed, and they voted Monday.to idisomtinue the office until July first -^e warden is payed'|35 per month, it was stated, under a joint agree ment wito cotmty and toe Department of Conservation and Devdopment Offidals of .tiiat department of the state say that additioiud funds for increai^ pay of wardens are not available at this time. POULTRY SCHOOL A one day poultry s^ool will be leld at toe Munidpal Building in : >unn January 13 for Hoke .ai^ ad- : Pining counties, reports A. S. Knew- ; County A^t: The U. S. Dcr nrtment of Agriculture is asiting Hoke County farmers to increase their egg production by 25% or 58,060. dozen. In order to readx this goal t will he necessary for poultrymen to do a better job of maMgjiiy and 'eeding their flock than heretofore. At ‘ his school material will be presented on feeding, sanatation, and general management of flodcs.' Those who plan to increase their flocks should make an effort to at- tmd this meeting. BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Sunday Sidiool 9:45. Morning Ser vice IFOQ. Subject; "How to Have a Happy New Year.’* Proverbs 3:13. Evening Service 7;00. “Subject: The Meek Own toe Earth.’’ S:5. J. E. REAMY, Pastor $170.76 Raised In 1941 Red Cross Roll Call By Hoke School • •• Hoke County High School .$26.00 Raeford Elementary School ....$22.50 Upchurch High School $27.00 Hoke County Elementary Negro Schools 464J10 Ashemont School $10.56 Macedonia School ..j .S 5JII itodousoh Sdiool 6.00 Rockfiih ffiementoty School | 8.Q0 ENTERS HOSPITAL Walter Maxwell, who has not been well for some time, entefed thq Veterans Hospital at Fayettevillo Wednesday for examination and treatment. chtoes iz|[ ^iDwitetipDd*' sd^ and to retain th^ rsS^stra ion cw^ in a safe place Instead of leaving them in toe g^ove compartnrenti AyaflabU- ity of . (tp^ In LIGHTS Nearly 1,400,000 of toe nation’s farms have substituted elec lic listols for the tradultional oil lamp dur ing toe pest 6 1-2 years, aceordihg to toe Rural inectrificatiim Ad^- istrati*^. / .mar lokr potet iv’^^hrm of eggs has passeuand Die weatoer.torddK teii Ktintil neact i lU Woric^^tlto'lneit Main street ex tension and'eipMl to^the Ar^sor place is betog pusheidi by tTir'hiitii|eij department it was xepdried; and tee entb« len^ win «9ened to tka pubUe. The ncw|bt^be jever Bodtflaik cre^ has been pontpleM $nft tee fill for witeting of tee across the swamp is nearing pletion. Several rarvee are betag 'etenlaateg^in tee S-nffie atrekii. The wodr Ming done now will ipe- pare it for oil treatment after it ha^ been permitted to settte for' about six months. George Weavw iTo QzCord Ledger George Weaver, who has charge of the electricBl department at Bausqom^ for i several years, left last Oxfori, where he wiU be with the Oxford Public Ledjpti. Mr. Weaver is in eharge of the subscription and drculatMm depart ment of toe paper at Oxfwd having assumed his new duties January.. first. His wife and diUd expect to jokf ‘ him toare at the end of toe neaeii school term. : - '■?r Word recei'tyd from Lt Curtis; sriw wite ^ JT. A, tl^ a 3 vidta'i m*

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