• 'S'r'd- 'T'V.-■■ ' Hie Hob|b Covety Newt fOLUBIE xxxvm, NO. 19 RAEVOID^ N. C, THURSDAY, OCT. % 1942 The Hoke Comitr •lomnU^ Statowai VM $656,448.'((3 f 11 KiUed, 18 Hurt in Taidcer • ^ Wreck Nordi of Lnnibalon eleven persons lost their lives and at least* 18 others were injured in a gasoline tanker-Queen City bus col lision early last Saturday morning, Oct 3. The accident occurred 16 miles no^th of I^imberton near St Paul’s on U. S. 801 at ^ut 5^ a. xn. SurvivOTo said sideswip^ a wagon, part way across the road, i into the capacity-loaded bmpiiMiii was headed south. The was immediately set afire Sion. Smoke billowed into the air for hxmdreds of feet. -Identification of-those losing thdir lives impossible because of the intense heat of the pyre. A mother and small cihild were telieved to have been among the victims of the crash. The ^iver of the tanker waa se- Wely burned and is a patient in a ^dumberton hospital. He made the ^ffattement that he drove up behind !tte wagon and because it was not J^ted he did not see it in time to > Miop. S^pvej^ing to the left to avoid hitting ^ wagon, loaded with cotton, he crashed into the bus. The driver of the wagon, a negro, was only slightly injured. Th? injured pei^ns‘'were carried to Luipl^rton hospitals for treatment. Re^. /. Reamy Remgns at MinUier Offiapiist Church The Rev. J. E. Reamy, pastor pf the local Baptist church for toe. past several ydars, annotmeed his resigna tion; to tois Church oh top fourth Sunday in September. Mr. Reamy has also been pastor of toe Baptist church in Wagram, and he announced his resignation toe preceding Sunday. Mr. Reamy will be missed on leav ing Ra'cford as he has been noted for his line sermons and spiritual leadership. He has not statedf where his next itoarge will'be, altoou|dx he made it known that there are several openings. Mr. Reamy stated that until he leaves, which will be Dec. 31 of this year, he will preach in Rennert on the Riird Sunday afternoon of each month and continues to hold -his rdf. ulaS* services in Raeford and Wagram. Annaal Meetmg Members LimibM Coop Nov. 4 Nonmlatinr Committee .^minted to Name New Board of Directors Sugar xmd Tires Dealers who were granted an in crease in inventory of sugar during catiTiing season, are asked to surrend. er stamps or certificates equal to toe allowance made. The Washington office has advised tois must be done on or belove November 1st. 1942. Anyone who has canning sugar left on hand, may surrender stamps from their rationing books in the amount of the sugar on hand. If toe sugar exceeds the value of current ration ing stamps, they may surrender their books to toe local board to be held until top' value of rationing stamps exceeds toe amount of sugar left on hand. Tire quota for October is as follows: Passenger ajars-df^ tu|e8-4-Grade 2-7 tubes 17-recapps-19; trucks, busses etc, new tires-8, tubes, 10-re- capps, 11. Quota tor Sept, was as follows: Passenger cars^ new tires 2, Grade 11, tubes 17, recapps SO; trucks, etc. new tires-12, tubes 13, recaps 23. Unfilled tire and tube applications for Sept.: passenger car, new tires 2, tubes 47, recapps 88: trucks etc, new tires 14, tubes 20, recapps 18. 1- •1 t*' 1^- implei ment, including a a retafl value of been removed frol an amendment to ft forwiatiori' fefeeiv^-r ^ , ,USDA War Board, wiffi at State College. ' i The new amendment, which be came ^.effective Oct. 1, also removed , hay press^ from Class B, making dear ^at hay pressers qome under toe classification of hay balers and are in Class A. Providing a retail price classifica tion for smaller and less scarce ar- 'Vticles, it was explained, will save farmers the necessity of msktog clas- sificatim of need to dvstor^ when purchasing these items. ' The farm machinery rationing or der became effective Sepf. 17,;jsp4. placed all farm madiinqg|M|fId equip ment in three general classifications Those ^icles in Class ^ be pold only uxKm presentation cate from the county farm maehhieiy rationing board; those in Class B Inay be sold^ Upon certification by toe farmer tb the dealer that .toe item is esseriiial to production; and 'C may be sold with- W. K. Culbreth of Route 4, Lum- berton, was named chairman of the nominating committee which is to suggest directors for thie Lumbee River Electric Membership Corpora tion to the annual meeting of mem bers of the corporation to be held in Raeford on Nov. 4th. Mr. Culbreth has calkd a meeting of the committee to be held in the office of the corporation at Raeford on Oct. \2, at 8 p. rn. Tho^ composing the committee are; ]\^r. Culbreth, D. E. Canady, R-2, E * ~ irkton, Lonnie P. Smith, R-1, Max- n; Mrs. C. P.' Nunnemaker, R-3, sd. Springs; D. H. WUkerson, R-3, ton;^j,^ex I#., McIntyre,^ Laiirin- Ro8cb>’ Parker, R-2, Raeford; A. J, Cooke, R-3, Fayetteville; W. H. Mc- Cormic, Rowland, and Mrs. J. A. Roper, R-2, Maxton. . . They will bring their report before the members attending the Unnual meeting which is to be held in the Hoke County Court House at Raeford. i» UI|lasss' C .'/ft restric^n. m As provid‘|d in the original order, jtioning b(trds have been set up iflf each c^nty, composed of the Aairman of the County AAA Com- mitee, who serves as chairman, and two farmers selected by the County USDA War Board. Two alternates re named. These committees, the War Board said, vrore named to serve until Nov. 1 when a permanent farm machinery rationiug plan will go into, effect. United Religious Education Subject Williamsons’ TaOi r y 4 High Point Minister Is Speaker, at Congregatiotaal Dinner Hdce Annual Report for September At Presbyterian Church Ten Home Demonstration Clubs met in Hoke County in September. The attendance was 127. The major project was “Planning Your Time for Victory.” New officers were elected in the clubs. The Home Agent spent from Sept. 1st through the 5th at White Lake where she attended a conference for Farm arid Home Agents of 'the South eastern District. . . The Wayside Club served toe Raer ford'Ifiwanijs Club on the evening of Sept. 10, - The Raedeen Club gave a pamty fOY Sk Ra.ul»i7|-fjjQj#;jjrides who TVere^nBcentlJt mar ried. The party was given at the home of Miss Irene Downer, Rae deen club president. Sixty seven Red Cross blouses were completed and returned to toe Home Agent’s Office during toe month. A' group of Home Demonstration Club memb^s served as Chaperones for toe USO Dance for soldiers at the Raeford Armoiy on the eventing of Sept 19to. The Home Agent served as chair man of the refreshment committee for four USO dances for soldiers dur. ing the month. Fifty-cme librwy books were check^ to women at club meetings. The Home Agjmt attended meetings of tore Hdke' County Library Board' and the County USO..Comihittee. JOSEPHINE HALL, Home Agent Three Women Are Convicted Of ^pliftmg Three colored women of Hoke county were convicted of shoplifting from local drygoods stores in Record er’s court this week. Dorothy Mc Cullough and Sarah .Tane Moore were each convicted on two counts and Marie Johnson was convicted on three counts. These women had been pil fering dresses,etc., from Collins De partment Store, Israel Mann, and Baucom’s Cash Store, flach was sent enced on each count to six months in jail, sentences to be suspended on payment of the costs, and fine of 9% and good behavior for twelve montos in each case. To date none has paid. Willie Lee McCall and Tom Smith were convicted of stealing fCed from Upchurch Milling and Storage Co. and each pled guilty. Sentences were four and six months, to be suspended on payment of fines of $25 and the costa. Elwood Stafford, Ridhard Love, JohnWitaker, Wylie Perkins, Frank Morton, Marvin Almond, Buddie Wallace and R. J. Kirkpatrick were convicted of being drunk and dis orderly and paid the costs. C. H. Brown paid the costs on a charge of violating the prohibition, Eugene Walters pled guilty to speeding and paid the costs. . Thomas Ferguson was convicted of violating the prohibition law and pf driving a car under the influence of liquor. In the first case he paid the costs and in the second a fine rif $50 and the costs. Parnell Lpeklear was convicted of violating the prohibition lay and of operating a still. Officers Wright and Sanders apprehendedi the culprit and he,.-wasi.sentenced to tlurty and sixty days,* sentences to'^lje’Suspended on parent of the costs and the still fee pf ‘$20.^’ He was also convicted of violating the road law, sentence thirty days-suspended ont payment of , the costs. Needless to say Officers wright and Sanders were smoking cigars Tuesday afternoon. The state took o iron-pros in the case of Maggie Lee Bostick, charge with, larceny. Riyqn McBryde in on State et Bunneet Ryan.;McBryde, member of toe N. C. Gi^dget Commission, is spending seveinl d^.r.in Raleigh where toe commissidhjfs hearing final appeals from variob^. state, government age ncies for money a^tments to hr,/ sidered iri toe tai^ill by the a tore which meets ^ in Janu.—' Gov. J. M. BrooghteB. 1 Gen. J. T. Kennedy and ; CMunander Ingrah The annual banquet of 1 Charles Hall Post of the American Legion, which is opened to the pt^lic year for toe first time, is ^expeetedf'’ to draw many renresentati'yes near by towns here'Friday night; dt was stated yesterday by Clfiarles 15; Leigh, commander of the po^ tt Delegations from Maxton, Lumber ton, St. Paul’s, Raeford, Fayetteville, Fairmont, Rowland, Dunn, Sn PiRtieW and Clinton representing thfeJ. legion posts in those towns are expetfcted toj attend, it«Was said. The dinriftpr will (toe hold in the dinftngj roocl^p Flora Macdonald Cottage. j r -r $ 43,162.21 $371,983.90 ^due or accrued $ 1,026.55 county 1» RC' ' 1 df^ C^v- if at.. 26 $ 12,568.24 accrued $ 35,263.27 $ 15,219.56 $479,223.73 $200,000.00 $ 43,536.86 >UR1NG 1941 $243,536.86 $722,760.59 /ill I-valiums received, $ 40,265.00 otf li^pPaid ... $ 2,792.00 DEAR (Deer) WARNING! . V V w. F. BROADWELL ■M' ■ KIWANIS MEET04G Maj. Cooper, divisional chaplain of toe 2nd Armored Division, was guest speaker of the Kiwanis Club Thursday* evening. He made a foree-S congregetiim. l K. A, fill talk *on the soldier and his t»- ligioua life. Mai. Cooper sas^ he is a Baptist”) and hia talk •npjlpii^ht into the wonderful Aojoeo by; toe chaplains among-toe soilicni. i Rev. O. C. Williamson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of High Point, speaking at/a congregational dinner given Friday evening told members of the Raeford Presbyterian Church that they were being asked only to do their duty in the program for United Religious Education Ad' vance. Dr. Williamson pointed out that the program sponsored by the churches of the United States asked the mem bers only to be loyal members of the church. As parents, as church off icers, as Sunday school teachers and leaders, and as plain church members, each loyal Christian, he said, had a direct responsibility in advancing the church into new areas of'service and in spreading - toe joys of Christian living; ; Before Dr. Williamson’s address the dinner was served in the undercroft of toe diurch to a large number of Baptist Ingathering Next Wednesday The ingathering of the Raeford Bap tist Church will be held next Wed nesday, October 14. The public is invited to eat dinner on the church j lawn. The dinner of barbecue and| chicken salad wiU be-xerved beginning at 12:00 noon. It is expected that a large.'variety of farm produce and hand Ttrork will be available for auct ion sale. Tuesday aftehioon la^e, H. R. Mc Lean, county gan*e pro^ctor, checked a caretaker of optSi^^c^the deer himt- ing clubs who had left a doe deer a few paces back.. Due to darlmpcs and the distance to his car she was left in the wqdda ^, ;,^V-:naght. Wednesday morIiing^i^)ly the job burying tiiA irig this he decided ^'iiSpUld make known the contents for toe benefit of the cli to warn others. ^ ' • -j)/)'-;. ■ *r With a sheet of pri^r ahiTa split corn stalk as a marker, these words were left: “Dead doe. Buried by Coiliify Gsme Protector. ’ I am here through no foul pi- my own. * , The hunter didn’t wait;-JW,'Pff*if I had horns. iS?;> ■( Regardlesss of what you j^^hi^Say, The State of North Carolina says he must pay.” y ^ The following . Fort Bragg last hr. Raleigh, N.C. County for examine duction Center there. William Judson Coate- officers’ candidate. Pearl Greetihe la Locklear, Organ Barton, Sq Archie Maxwell, Joseph Fulford h Millan, Rodney Locklear, Jr., Dar. iel Robert Culbreth, Howard Jessie Taylor. Burian ParmK Peter PiCTce, Walter Hartwell Cufbfbto,'“Cto"uJe James Leroy McPhaul, Irvin Ray mond Currie, Wilton Bryant, Jay 20^4 Wood, Mur^e Locklear, Lewis Fletcher Oldham, Harrison Lee Mil ler, James Dougl^ McNeill, John D. Strider, Melvin Wesley Ashburn, Jes- .tj.$ie James Butlor, and Spracer B. Goodrich. >ij These mei voluteered for service tois week in various brandies of toe services: Jdm Duncan MdleiU, James N* Maxwell, Albert Edward Smook npd Waldorf Stanley Crawley. careless matches aid the Axis s ^ iiii Vagrants Told To Fmd Work^. ATTENTION, SPORTSMEN! -» Police Chief at Asheboro Gives Warning; Loafers Face Term on Roods Asheboro, Oct. 7—Chief of Police Pearl F. Miller today issued warning to all vagrants here to the effect that they would either get a steady, useful job here, become a part of the defense industry, go to the artny or they would surely land on the roads for the duration. Unde Sam needs brass! You con supply tois by saving empty gua shiellB. We have a war to win and •if we expect to do this and get gim shells another season, we must do our part. The County Game Pro tector or any of the license agents will be glad to receive the shells and see that they get to the proper places. Uncle Sam needs men! We have hundreds of men maneuvering in and around deer hunting areas along toe Fort Bragg Reservation, and we should be very careful with our guns while hunting in this territory. Hunt ers should stand with their backs to the Reservation, see that no one is S',, Mcdonald was in charge of . the com mittee on /arrangetoents and ^ohn A. McGoogan t was dtaionalt')of the dinnm* committee. rrt, ' within range of their guns before The warning came after the police' f;-;-,- __j „ t. * • - * “ring and m no case shoot m the direction of soldiers. Carelessness on our part can close these areas for the duration. Let’s be careful. H. R. McUlAN, County Game Protector a. ■ ■ 'All Ih.FtddeyWm Preach Here Saiulay Dr. Fairley of Valdeee, N. C., will preach in the Itoefoid, Pres byterian chunto next Sunday mov ing at ll ,o'cloc,k it has been announ ced. Dr. Fairley is-a former pastor of toe RaefiHtt church,who resigned toe pastorate here-in 1940 after serving toe local congregation for 15 years. He is now pastor of toe Presbyterian church in Valdese, N. C. It is^expected that a large crowd of local Presbyterians together with many other friends of toe former Raeford pastor will be on hand to hear him. nlKMr niHEST FIRM I Fires oh farms take approximately 3,500 lives and d^troy about $100,000,000 worth 6f property each yeadr,- says R. W. Grapher, Extension Forester of N./C. SjUite Col lege. He urges that rural people and hunters who fre quent ^the woods ^ani4 that auto drivers who smoke be c8relul with dieir matches. ,“We cannot spare thejman- power or the timbe»this year,” he said, “because all l^anan and fore^ resources are needed to win the fight for freedom against the Axis' eoemies. A ^arette butt, a lighted match, oi: a Soldering campfiK may aifl die Aids.” chief arrested two negroes yesterday morning but later released them with the understanding they would have work by the first of the week. Chief Miller said he had a list of all known vagrants, both white and colored men, who were able-bodied but unemployed, and that unless those persons accepted one of toe three alternatives, they would be sent to the roads. Hoffman Gets U. S. Army Camp Washington, Oct 7—War projects were dropped into toe laps of North .Carolinians today at a rapid rate. Senators Bailey and Reymdds and Congressman William O. Burgin of toe eighth district were earhr today authorized to make toe long delayed announcement that a new army can tonment would be placed near Hoff man, RichmMid County, at a coat in excess of $5,000,000. It was stated that this would be an airborne training camp anH the architectural work has been Awarded the Southern Mapping and Engineer, ing Co. of Greensboro. It has been known here for toe last 10 days that t|us.camp would go to toe Hoffman area birt it was not until today that the Office of Censor ship lifted the ban and permitted annoimcement. Parker Ingathering The Park]er\s Methodist Chunfi will have its annual “Ingathering” Thursday, Oct. 22. Service at tiie diurdi at 11:00 A. M. that day, din ner from 12 to 2 o’clock, with sale of f^ produce and needle work to toL low. I^ R. L. Miirry and A L. O'Briant atfmidcd a Medical meeting of Din* trict no. 5 at Fort Bragg last Thtati- day. / ’ "l- ■

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