TF1E NEWS-JOURNAL. RAEFORD, N. C. THURSDAY. FEB. 11 1MJ PAGE TWO These Are Days That Call For Recreation On the Home Front: How About Country Dancing? Get Up a Class It's Fun If you should pasn 'jy a church or school hall, and should be ar rested by the joyful clamor of about SO people all laughing uproariously t the same time, you are likely to And, upon investigation, that you rtve stumbled upon a Country Dance Croup, f wh'ch there are several in the suburbs of Boston (and happily in th sub ir? of other cities also), cponured by ;n Country Dance So ciety. For sheer unadulterated good time these classes are hard to beat. You majr say, "Country Dances? Oh, no, those would never do for ne!" But those who have partic ipated wilt reply, "Oh, yes, they would! Be you fat or thin, tall or thort, old or your, light or heavy on your feet, you will find others there, just like you, having a won. tjerful time, week after week." fir persons accustomed to the con ventional .ocial gathering, the ini tial evening will be a startling pleas ant awakening. You are greeted by, who in their turn take an otive interest in your enjoyment. m.- ..i. ...... . n ' . Interruptions of imports of nitrate J.l Z , , ,, "' ;! of :oda from Chile, greatly imcreas lfss day., of trying to make the wrong tools do the right work the class was an invaluable source of re lief from the constant pressure to produce ever more, better and fas ter, each day surpassing the previous day's output. A war brings to many the prob lem of tenon. Our recreation per iods must be of such nature that for the time we are taken completely out of ourselves. We need fun, mu sic, rhythm, companionship, with a good leavening of the old-fashioned hearty laughter in which our grand parents indulged. So if you are seeking an outlet which you haven't yet found, why not try this form of entertainment, from which all the above benefits and many imore may be obtained. PhilUp Bates In ChrfaUlan Science Menltor o Supply of Nitrogen Is Short This Year ; is environment. When the music starts you will he led to a position in a set, like the innocent lamb of fable fame, fri'fpediatel.v thereafter you find yourself dancing with a great many penile, singly and in groups; hig- Ity-pigcelty, helter-skelter back anl - forth, up - -and - down. Your fat" liar world dissolve is a tansled ,.(. v; irtclligible calls from the lear'er 'Dos-a-dos" . . . "Balance jnd swiiq" . . . "Right and left" . . . "Half Promenade." Fortunately, ! ed demands for nitogen, in muni tions and for industrial purposes, I and the necessity for accumulating j larger and larger stocks of nitrates ; to meet war demands, are the three principal reasons for the present ni I trogen shortage as applied to fer tilizers, say 1 Dr. Kalph W. Cum- m.ngs, head of the Department of ' Agronomy. N. C. State College. No one questions the absolute ne c.ssity of these limitations, said Dr. Ci'mniings. but coming late as they , did, has caused a considerable amount of confusion. Farmers are More Gardens Needed For Food Supply Every grower of a Victory Gar den should have a copy of War Se ries Bulletin No. 14, recently issued by N. C. State College. It is short and practical, covering the planning of the garden, luting those vegeta bles best suited to this section, and giving other timely information such as the preparation of the soil, planting schedule, mr.ount of :eed to be sown, pointers on disease con trol, and information on common garden insects. It suggests the follow 'ng canning budget for a family of Ave: String beans 20 quarts, lima beans S, beets 10, carrots S, com S, green 1 5, okra S, garden peas 10, soup mixture 30, tomatoes 60, dried vegetables 5Q pounds and dried fruits 40 pounds. Advanced gardeners should re quest "The Farm and Home Garden Manual," Extension Circular .. 0.123 and also "Canning Fruits and Vege Manual," Exetension C Ycular 122 All of these may be obtained free of charge as long a", the supply last on applicat on to the Agricultural' Editor at State College, Raleigh. . "You need a Victory Garden be. cause increasing amounts of com mercially canned goods will have to be sent to the fighting fronts and to our allies, because the rationing of meats will require the use of vege tables for a balanced diet, and be cause your family may not be prop erly fed unless you grow your food supply at home," says Exteniion Horticulturist H. R. Niswonger. ; n J !j V u ;now required to make a written ap- f'lly sr Minerded into a group who , , , ... ... .r . .. . ,, , ! plication lor lertilzeri with the know the steps well enough to ; amoun acre be determincd by pilot yo i. It is easy to laugh at t ,ice( amj the recailmend mistake, since evervone e se iSi,- , . .. , , . . ' . , . , . tions of the Experiment Station for laughing, too. and not at you, but enh ,,. ,, ., ,. with you; they till remember their own first experience. A the dance find yourself snatched by one and whirled to the right, pounced on by another i-r.d swung to the left. Be tween gurgles of laughter you may finally succeed in getting in step with sweone else who has "slip ed" yw-Jrom "here" to "there"; at which point the entire formation disintegrates and you find yourself being apparently jumped at by an other grinning stranger. But as the set confines mental ignpests begin to appear, saying, "Expect to be pounced on here" jnd yu pounce back on time. "A swing comes next." and to your le llght you are ready for it. As the riince progresses the pattern begins to take shape in your bewildered av.ind. Suddenly the hodge-podge of1 jumpir? around shows itself to be a set desien: a balanced rhymical tap estry of movement, the perfection of which rests on the interdependence of the previous, the prent and the fullmiing motions. The con sciousness or being an integral part of this ever-changing, smoothly flowing pattern is an ever-increasing satisfaction to the dancer. And so it goes the lark for an evening becomes a diversion for years to Some come for the merriment, tome for the pleasure of executing the steps, but by far the greatest number partcipate for tie complete rejuvination of weary bodies aifd even more weary out looks. Sch-1 teachers have said that after a week of teaching and rationing the effort sea:ned too great to make, but at the close of the evening confess-ed that nothing else could have so freshened them. One defense worker said that after end- placed fertilizer orders some time ago but these will have to be revised progresses you , based on the la,est opders anJ reg. ulations of the Secretary of Agri culture. Airrercan industry is producing reasonably adequate supplies of both superpho iphate and potash and most dislocations in the supply of fertil izers is involved largely with nitro gen. In the last twelve months the pro duction of nitrogen in the United States has been greatly increased and Dr. Cummings says that n tro gen prices 'after the war may be lower than formerly. This will en able the farmer to use much larger amount; per acre, especially on the low priced crops which he may want to grow. SAYS POSSIBILITY OF AIR RAIDS ON EAST GREATER New York, Feb. 6. George S. Van Schaick, drector of the Office of Civ ilian Defcn e, second region, declar ed here to day that the possibility of air raids on tlu United States East Coast is greater now than ever be fore as a result of recent German military reverses. "The lift in morale that the Ger mans need to check the deteriora tion of spirits that has set in in Hit ler's unhappy land would, quite logically, be a raid on New York or Washington," he declared. "The re action in Germany would be much the .iame as ours when General DooCttle bombed Tokyo." Van Schaick said "the danger of enemy air attack on our home front increaes as the situation becomes desperate for our enemies aborad." NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND WHEREAS, on the 16th day of May. 1934, Flora Jane McLauchlin executed and delivered unto W. O McGibony. trustee for The Federal I Land Bank of Columbia, a certain deed of trust which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Hoke County, North Carolina, Book 22, at Page 29; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the trustee has been requested by the owner and holder thereof to exercise the power of sale therein conta:ned: NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the authority conferred by the said deed of trust the undersign Trustee will on the 26th day of February, 1943, at the court house door of Hoke County, North Caro. lina, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for. cash, the following real estate: All that certain tract or parcel of .land containing ninety-one and forty one-hundreths (91.40) acres and known as the A .A. Graham place and now owned by Mrs. Flora Jane McLauchlin, about five miles South of Raeford, on both sides of State Highway No. 70, in Antioch Town ship, Hoke County, N.C., bounded on the North by lands of J. A. Hodgin and Mrs. S. A. Parnell; on the East by Mrs. Morgan and Mi:s Maggie Leach (sisters); on the South by the said Hodgin; and on the West by said Hodgin. Said property is more particularly described by metes and bounds, in accordance with a plat made by J. H. Blue, Surveyor, February, 1934, G. B. Rowland, Agt.Atty. for Trustee and in the deed of trust above men tioned, to which reference is made. This property is being sold Eubject to 1943 taxes. A deposit of 10 of any bid not exceeding $500 and 5 of any bid in excess thereof will be required. If said deposit is not made at the close of bidding, the property will be resold at two o'clock P. M. of the same day. This the 22nd day of January, 1943. W. O. McGIBONY, Trustee. G. B. Rowland, Atft. Atty. for Trustee Southern Fanning Film To Be Shown In the State The new AAA motion picture on Southern agriculture entitled, "Farm Battle Lines" soon will be shown in theatres throughout North Carolina as a result of arrangements between the U- S. Department of Agriculture and Republic Pictures, Inc., it was announced today by G. T. Scott, chairman of the State AAA Com mittee. The picture was directed by Roger BarloW and its heroes are the men, women, and chillren who are plow, ing, planting, hoeing and canning tha country's way to victory. The picture shows particularly how two of North Carolina's crops peanuts and cotton are actuall fighting on world battle fronts. It also pays tribute to the housewives who are growing Victory Gardens and can ning food at home to keep their families healthy and take a load off of already overburdened transpor tation facilities. Other activities ' along the farm battle line which are pictures in the movie include collecting scrap metal, baring farm machinery, and sav ing soil resources through conser vation practices. Scott also announced that prints of this film for small projectors are now available for use at farm meet ings over the State. These may be obtained by writing the State USDA War Board at Raeligh. PATRONIZE THE NEWS-JOURNAL ADVERTISERS. IT PATS TO ADVERTISE IN THI PATRONIZE THE V?TS-OlTR-NEWS-JOl'KNAL. I NAL ADVERTISERS. cMKk .CK.afctf&: yoemm. iKw Mr. Farmer We are now in a position to trade with you on your 1943 Fertilizer requirements. Due to the acute Labor, Gas, Tire and Truck shortages it is extremely doubtful if we .will be able to deliver by truck to all of our customers their fertilizer require ments in time for use unless you make preparations im mediately to take in your fertilizers. Therefore, the great importance of your contacting us and our agents immediately making your trades and letting us start delivering your fertilizers. The Above Is Very Important We make only the best of fertilizers and in formulating our fertilizers use only materials that are beneficial both to your crops and land. See us or our agents promptly for your requirements and advise us to deliver immediately. Dixie Guano Co. Telphones Nos. 63, 65 and 66 LAURINBURG, N. C. W Manufacture to Suit Your Needs 3C 3C Job Printing hoodoo TO THOSE WHO LIKE FINE, NEAT PRINTING AND PROMPT SER VICE, WE OFFER A COMPLETE SERVICE CLEAR PRINT ING, GOOD PAPER, LET US FIGURE ON YOUR NEXT JOB NO MATTER HOW SMALL OR HOW BIG ENVELOPES Sale Bills Circulars Folders Programs File Statements, Invoices, Letterheads LADIES' STATIONERY, CORRESPONDENCE CARDS, WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS, INVITATIONS Attention .... COTTON FARMERS For best results have your cotWseed graded, delint ed and treated with Ceresan. Tests made by the De partment of Agriculture show that yields have increas ed enormously per acre by this treatment. We have the most modern machinery for grading, delinting and treating cottonseed. We invite you to in spect this machinery while in operation. Absolute sat isfaction and increased production has been the result of this treatment. Hoke Oil & Fertilizer Company RAEFOKD, NORTH CAROLINA QUALITY WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES We Do All Kinds of Job Printing Phone 352-1 and we will call The N ews Journal 2lC nrvADi