rr 7 fg HOKE COUNTY'S BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM 11 ne joinraai HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER The Hoke County News The Hoke County Journal "VOLUME XXX Vm. No. 44 RAEFORD, N. C, Y $2.00 PER YEAR News- War Finance Committee Meets Juthern Pines 'ThcWar Finance committee of this district of which John F. McNair, Jr., is chairman met in Southern Pines Friday night with Ed Wayne, Secre tary of North Carolina Banker's As sociation. The War Quota of the various counties in the drive which is to start April 12th was discussed. North Carolina's quota in this drive is SIXTY-TWO MILLION DOLLARS .and Hoke county's is ONE HUN DRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND. This amount of money is to be raised in three weeks or by May 1st by the Sale of War Bonds. Plans may be worked out whereby Hoke can collect- fo- ra Tank Air plane or other device for prosecuting ,the war. The sale from all bonds will apply on quota. Monday, April 12th, the day this drive opens, .broadcasts will be heard from th; Jiattlfields of .the world. Our Boys In The Service ""apt. and Mrs. T. B. Lester are v ding a week's leave in town with J .ives. - 'Capt Younger Snead returned to his post at Trinidad last week. Mrs. Snead accompanied him to the port of embarkation. u Paul Dickson who is at present in Trinidad has received his promotion. He is now Capt. Paul Dickson. Capt. Dickson had a pleasant surprise re cently. He was in the station hos pital, with a bad sore throat when the doer opened and there stood "Pete," Sgt William Dickson, who was en route from .the Panama Canal Zone to the States. Lt Herbert MeWean, Jr.. who has been stationed hi Arubft, Dutch Wast Indies, arrived home Sunday night. He came by way of Trinidad Where he saw the Hoke boys, and from there by plane to Miami. William K Ennis, son of Mrs. H. T. Ennis, Raeford, has returned to the Armored Force Replacement Training Center at Fort Knox, Ky, for his basic training. PvL Hansel (Buck) Pate has re tu.iu'd to Fort Jackson afui ...Lin ing a ten-day furiougn witn his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pate. Staff Sgt. Lester E. McMinis is now stationed at Tuscon Arizona, Davis Monthan Air Field. He re ceived his promotion and silver wings at Consair, California. He rates as a combat member of the Army Air Forces "Four Flying Horsemen" com bination. Ted Rogers, apprentice seaman, stationed at Bainbridge, Md is at home on furlough. Phil Hurt of Fort Knox, Ky., is at home on furlough. Midshipman Jack McDutfie. who is studying at Columbia University, Is at home on leave. He visited in New Bern last week where he was a former science teacher in the high school. William Gulledge of Fort Moul ( irjf -nt tne weekem m Rat'frd- john Dune McNeill of the Coast Guard at Gloucester, Mass.. is at home on leave. pvt. Dee Austin has been seriously ill with pneumonia. He is out ot danger now and is at Station hos pital, Camp Wheeler, Ga. Hoke Red Cross Expects To Go Over The Top Hoke County Red Cross Workers pushed their collections to $4,802.00 on Tuesday, April 6. This leaves the County only $398.00 short on its goal. The Committee says, it is too near the top to quit now. In fact, H. I Gatlin, Jr. the Treasurer, says, (he people won't let the committee. atop short of the Goal. Many wfeo, turned in their money this wee said," Take this, and I mean tor you boys tq keep the drive going until our coun ty gets the balance". This near the Goal, the Committee feels under an obligation to get the rest. They feel that every soldier in the Committee stopped work this near the Goal. Let every Red Cross Worker go out and get that other S5.00 that is in their neighbor's pocket and the County will have gone over the top in another im portant Defense Drive. Remember, $5.00 more from each worker! The next week's Journal will carry a final report of all collection. If you can give more, or get more anywhere, report it to the Treasurer. H. L. Gatlin, Jr. Little River Gives More Than Ten Dollars The people of Little River town ship want it known that they con tributed very much more than $10.00 to the Red Cross fund, even though that was all that went through Hoke's quota. Their children, who attend Moore county schools, gave and helped to raise very much more which went into Moore's quota. Error Made in Southeast Raeford Red Cross Report Through an error in listing con tributions the name of Mrs. Frank Tapp with $50 collected was omitted from Southeast Raeford. Mrs. Tom- mie Unchurch, chairman. Governor Broughton Expects North Carolina To Raise Quota In calling on North Carolinians for full co-operation in the Nation's second War Loan Drive to- be launch ed April 12th, Governor Broughton said: "North Carolina may well be proud of its record in this war emergency. Noble response has been made to every challenge. We cannot, how ever, rest upon past achievements. The challenge of this particular) fi nancial campaign will sharply test the resources and the patriotism of our people. Success cannot be at tained by any one group or section. It will take the combined and un limited efforts of individuals, groups, institutions, corporations, banks, and all other business concerns to suc ceed completely in this challenging endeavor." MUST TUT DOWN Until conditions are more stable the News-Journal will be forced to cut down on the many long articles handed in by various departments. Live newt and necessary notices are things that wil lbe featured. Person als, social affairs and church notices and news of the boys in the Service will be welcomed and Advertising (received with open arms. State Laws Against Vagrancy Must Be Enforced NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1943 Resolution No. 32 S. R. No. 307. A JOINT RESOLUTION CALL ING UPON ALL LAW ENFORCE MENT AGENCIES OF THE STATE TO STRICTLY ENFORCE STATE LAWS AGAINST VAGRANCY, TO AID IN THE WAR EFFORT. W,tfEREAS, there is now on the st,$tutte books of this State a string ent taw against vagrants and tramps which is found in the Consolidated Statutes of one thousand nine hun dred and nineteen, Section four thousand four hundred and fifty nine;, and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the I Provisions ui sa.u i, . l' are wandering or strolling about in idleness who are able to work and have no property to support them, and many are persons who fall with in the definition of vagrants and tramps are set forth in said section; and WHEREAS, more than ever be fore, there is Immediate demand for the employment ot all able' bodied persons in the war effort and war industries; and WHEREAS, by reason of war con ditions, suitable employment is now available for every ablebodied per-' son. who desires to work, either in industry or In agriculture; and WHEREAS, the strict enforce ment of the State law against va grancy may result in increasing the available manpower of the State: Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Represent atives concurring: Section 1. That all sheriffs, consta bles and the police and other peace officers of the State are hereby urged to strictly and diligently en force the provisions of the North Carolina statutes against vagrants and tramps, which is found in Ar ticle thirty-nine of Chapter eighty two of the Consolidated Statues of able-bodied persons fit to work who are by law designated as va grants or tramps, and who are not engaged in any gainful occupa tion, shall be compelled to either be come employed or be subject to in dictment and prosecution under said laws. Sec. 2. That a copy of this Reso lution be sent by the Secretary of State to the mayors of all incorpo rated towns in this State, and a copy be sent to the solicitors and to the prosecuting attorneys in all in ferior courts, and the newspapers of the State be requested to publish the same without compensation there for. Sec. 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its ratification. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the 9th day of March, 1943. R. L. HARRISS, President of the Senate. JOHN KERR, JR. Speaker of the House of Representa tives. Examined and found correct, C. E. QUINN, For Committee. Copies issued pursuant to Section 2 of this Resolution. THAD EURE Secretary of State RALEIGH TIRE INSPECTION AU persons making application for purchase certificates for new tires must attach to their application their tire Inspection certificates. Charlotte Man Badly Injured Near Raeford Dies John Boyd Bartlett, 30, of 3131 Monroe Road, Charlotte, was severely injured Thursday morning when he was struck by an automobile near Raeford. It was belie vd at first that Bartlett was repairing a tire on his car by the side of the road when he was struck by a passing motorist. Later it was found thai another tire blew out and hit him in the face. He was taken to High- smith Hospital where he died, having never regained consciousness. Funeral services were held Satur day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the chapel of Harry and Bryant in Char lotte. Rev. W. W. Lawton, Jr., pas tor of Oakhurst Baptist church in charge. Interment was in Elmwood cemetery. Surviving are his wife, three sons, his parents, two brothers and two sisters. Ryan McBryde Sworn In New Board Of Education North Carolina's new State Board of Education was sworn in Thursday at 11 o'clock in Governor Brough ton's office by Chief Justice Walter P. Stacy. The board convened for its first meeting immediately after the ad' ministration of the oath of office. A total of 12 appointive members took the oath, in addition to three ex-officio members Lieutenant Gov ernor R. L. Harris, Clyde Erwin, superintendent of public instruction, and Charles Johnson, State treasurer. Among the appointive members who will serve for two-year terms in Ryan McBryde of Hoke. Sanatorium Observers To Maintain Watch Observers at the Sanatorium, N. C. Observation Post will be called upon on April 26, 1943 to maintain a twentyfour (24) hour watch for air planes it was revealed today. Au thority has been granted by Willis R. Taylor, Commanding General of the First Fighter Command of the Army Air Forces for the activation of the Charlotte Filter Center. Heretofore, the Sanatorium Ob servation Post was on an "instant alert"basis, with the observers ready to go into action at a moment's no tice. The purpose of this activation, ac cording to Lt. Colonel Oscar C. Tig ner. Regional Commander, Wilming ton Air Defense Region, is for test ing the efficiency of the Aircraft Warning System within the Wil mington Region including Ground Observer Organizations, civilian vol unteer workers in the Filter Centers and communication facilities. The Wilmington Air Defense Region comprises almost the entire state of North Carolina. All qualified observers and those interested in applying for this ser vice are urged to contact Mr. O. B. Isreal, Sanatorium, N. C, Chief Ob server. NOTICE The following business houses ot Raeford have agreed to close their places of business each Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 p. m. beginning on the third Wednesday p. m. April 21st, and each Wednesday thereafter through August 18, 1943. Ilenners Kconomy Store, City Mar ket. Collins Dept. Store, The Bank of Raeford. The Ladies Shop, Blue mont Beauty Shop, McNeill Cleaners, Graham's Gift Shop, Hoke Auto Co., Raeford Dry Cleaners, Keith's Beauty S .op. Home Food Market, McLaurM'i: Co., Inc. Israel Mann. Raeford 1' iMware, A ;.nd P. Tea Co., K. D. Lowe. Daris 5, 10 and 25c Store. M 5 and 10c Store, Pro gressive Stores, Panders, Baucom's Cash S'o Smith's Had'o 8ervlce, Uaefonl Pe-nlture Co., Farmers furnishing- Co., Campbell and Co. Dude Workers In Iowa Relieve Labor Shortage Burlington, Iowa, April 2 -Teachers lay aside their books and shoulder heavy ordnance articles a newspaper reporter writes the final story of the day and goes out to help push boxcars, students give up football and baseball to load carts. That is the situation in this city of 27,000 today as white-collar workers try to relieve the shortage of man ual labor in the Iowa ordnance plant. Fifty students and men who hold white-collar jobs during the day now work from 6 to 10 at night in the storage warehouses of the plant. They work one to six nights a week, the average is four. The short-shifters are called 'dudes" by then- fellow employees, but the plant management avers that they are a far cry from the usual conception of a "dude". They work hard, don,t complain and take the rough work like veterans. The above article is one of the many that has come to our attention m regard to an all out War effort. Another was this: In the recent Red Cross Drive when it seemed that a certain community was not going to raise its quota, the High School shouldered a big part of the respon sibility. The boys and girli offered their services td the community for several afternoons and evenings and gave the money they earned to the Red Cross. They helped plant gar dens, mow lawns, wash windows, clean house, keep children, in fact they did things that people wanted done and were willing to pay for. Laurie McEachern Takes New- State Job Revenue Commissner Edwin Gill announced Monday that Laurie Mc Eachern of Raeford had been ap pointed chief of the Field Deputies of the State Revenue Department For the past two years Hr. Mc Eachern has been head of the li cense registration division of the Motor Vehicles Department, before that he represented Hoke County in the lower house of the General As sembly. He SDent last week in Rarfnrrf and will probably assume his new duties next week. 2 Farm Life Homes Destroyed by Fire On Friday night of last week the home r: Weldon Guln was destroyed by fire and on Monday afternoon of this week the home of Furman McCaskill was de stroyed by fire. Both of these homes were located In the Farm Life community between Vans and Carthage. On Friday fire also destroyed two buildings on the J. A. and Eckie Mcintosh place where fertilizer was stored. LOST Between Raeford and Ashley Heights one Linotype man. Re ported found In a Johnson City Tenn. Hoepital. SCHOOL NEWS by K. A. McDonald The Board of Education held its bi-ennial organization meeting Monday, April S at. which time A. W. Wood was re-elected chairman of the new two year term. All mem bers present were sworn in by Clerk of the Court, J. B. Cameron. K. A MacDonald was re-elected County Superintendent of schools and the following men were re-appointed district school committeemen: Dis trict No. 1, L. M. Lester, H. C. Mc Lauchlin, Walter Maxwell; District No. 2, J. B. Womble, W. L. Thorn burg, F. L. Eubanks; District No. 3, C. L. Wood, Kirk Parker, Perce Gil lis; District No. 4, Norman Mclnrus, J. L. McFadyen, Frank McGregor; District No. 5, D. W. Gillis, Marshall McBryde, Archie McGougan. Mrs. C. Parker Poole, Dristrict Su pervisor of Nursery Schools, was in town Monday making a survey of the Edinburg Mills with a veiw to the establishment of a nursery school there. Miss Anne Buie, Miss Marianna Kimbrough, R. A. Smoak, V. R. White, and K. A. MacDonald attend ed the Delegate Assembly of the North Carolina Education Associa tion held in Raleigh last week. All schools of the county are co operating in the new War Bond Drive and have entered the ''Buy a Jeep" contest. . -V All schools cooperated in the Red Cross Campaign and we hope to give a detailed list of the schools ana; me amounts raised in next Weeks column. Treasurer Gatlin of the Hoke County Chapter is very much pleased with the showing the schools have made. The schools of Hoke County wish to extend their congratulations to Senator Ryan McBryde who was inaugurated a member of the new State Board of Education in Raleigh this week. The Raeford District committee held its regular bi-monthly meeting last Tuesday evening. Miss Mary Falls Peele vocational home economics teacher at Hoke High is conducting a class in nu trition at the State Sanatorium. Presbyterian Circles Next Week The Circles of the Raeford Pres byterian Church will meet Monday, April 12th., at 3.30 o'clock as follows: Circle No. 1, Mrs. W. B. Whitley, Chairman, with the Chairman. Circle No. 2, Mrs. Robert Cox, Chairman, with the Chairman. Circle No. 3, Mrs. J. A. Baucom, Chairman, with the Chairman. Circle No. 4, Mrs. .Herbert Mc Keithen, Chairman, with the Chair man. Circle No. 5 with Mrs. H. C. Rob erts. Circle No. 6, Mrs. A. K. Currie Chairman with Mrs. W. T. Coving ton. Circle No. 7, Mrs. Hubert McLean Chairman, with Mrs. Marcus Smith. Circle No. 8, Mrs, H. K. Holland, Chairman, with the Chairman. The Business Woman's Circle will meet Thursday, April 15th., at 6.30 o'clock with Mrs. J. W. Walker.

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