THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1914 THE NEWS-JOURNAL, RAEFORD, N. C. PACK FIVE V !! V Items - Personals Social YOUNC. PEOPLE HAVE QlISSlON PARTY As a happy ending fur a three month's study in missions the Inter mediate Department ol the Raeford Presbyterian church, of wh ch Mrs. R. L. Murray is superintendent, en joyed a "Trip Around The World'' party "on Thursday evening. Meeting at the Murray home the members were met at the front door by girls dressed in Mexican costume. They directed them to the side porch where punch and cookies were ser ved. A Mexican game was played. After this all gathered around the piano and sang a Mexican song accom panied by Mrs. Beckman, a teacher of the department. Then they went to the Holland home where Miss Flora Boyce, dressed in a beautiful white Chinese costume, told them stories of China and Koreo. She showed during the stories pii tu. es and curios of these countries. Mrs. Holland served ice cream cones. From there they went to the home of Mrs. W. T. Covington, who is sup erintendent of Pioneers and directs the Sunday evennig vespers. At her home the members were entertained by Eloisc and Lonnie Smith, Jr.. children of her cook represent np Africa. Following the entertainment the hostess served punch and home made cake. F. B. Sexton, superintendent of the Sunday school, Mrs. Sexton, Mrs. Thomas McLauchlin, a tcicher in the Intermediate dept., and Mrs. Mur ray accompanied the young people in their "Trip Around The World." The party proved enjoyable and in structive. Sunday afternoon over 20 n-embers of this same g : oup and the Sen ior group attended a young people's rally at Bethesda Presbyterian church, Aberdeen. They were taken in cars by Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Clarence Lytch. Miss Brunkhurst and Mrs. Murray. Interesting talks were made by the Rev. S. II. Fulton, D. D. Laurinburg, the Rev. M. P. Calhoun of St. Pauls and cithers. Supper was se-ved to the eighty five young people in the dining roum of the church. MclNNlS-DAVIS Mr. and Mis. T. F. Davis announce the marriage of their daughter, Ben riio Lee to Mr. Eugene Alexander Iclnnis, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. A.I Mclnnis, on Apr 1 16th, at Bennetts-I ville, S. C. j MRS. FRANK TAPP CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. Frank Tap entertained her bridge club at her home Tuesday af ternoon. After several progressions Mrs. Arch Graham was found to be winner of the high score prize for merrfbers, and Mrs. Don Davis was awarded the guest prize. Oiher guests included Mmes. Alvin R. Fitzsimmons, Joe Hancock, Leon Walker and Miss Lillian Johnson. Delicious refreshments wero served at the end of play. .MRS. DEZKRNE AND MRS. THOMAS HOSTESSES Mrs. Paul Dezrrne and Mrs. Ben ton Thonuis entertained a number of ther friends last Wednesday w th two very enjoyable bridge parties ' at the ho nc of Mrs. Thomas. ' The flo.ver arrangements used in i the dining and living rooirw were most beautiful, consisting of lovely j flowers from the garden of the hos- tesses. Five tables were asranged for the guests in the murnng and , luncheon was served at one o'clock. 1 Bridge was played afterward with : Mrs. Kenneth MacDonald being w'. li ner of high score prize. 1 Again that evening dinner was served at seven o'clock to sixteen, who afterwards played bridge. Mrs. Paul i Dickson, Jr., won the high score prize in the evening. Mrs. J. C. Thomas and Mrs. J. B. McLeod assisted the hostesses in ser ving. O MRS. CAMERON RE-ELECTED j PRESIDENT GARDEN CLUB I The members of the Raeford Gar c den club met Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock at Mrs. H A. Cameron's 1 su nmer house. When the members ' arrived Mrs. Cameron, assisted by j Mrs. Allan McGee, served coffee, i sandwiches, and cookies, t Mrs. Cameron, chairman, presided I over the meeting. Mrs. Arthur D. , Gore, pies dent of Woman s Club, ' spoke briefly on inflation and gave j each member a revised OPA ceiling j price list to be carried along with I their ration books. I Mrs. G. B. Rowland talked on "Con I serration." She explained methods of household conservation. A round table discussion, led by Mrs. Cameron, was held. Mrs. Cameron was unanimously re-elected to serve as chairman for the ensurg year. Alter the meeting the nicnbers were invited into the hostess' fceauti- ; fill garden where a flower recogni tion contest was held Mrs. Millard I Ii;,ier won the prize, a box of plants. I r STULTZ-SAUNDERS ' Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Saunders of ! Red Springs, Route 1. announce the marriage of their daughter. Mary Hilar to Pvt. Claude T. Stultz of Fort Bragg. The marriage took place in Dillon, S. C. on April 7. O Mr. and Mrs. A. S. MrKeithan of Red Springs spent Sunday ith Mrs. D. S. McKeithan. Mrs. Sam Epstein is ,r. High-mnt:-hosp tal for treat rent. She s;,-i in a recurrence of a h:,rt cm; ;l:i Monday. I The Rev. and Mrs. Harry K. Hol t land have as their guest Mr. Holland's sister, Miss Mary Holland of Savan nah, Ga. Miss Janie Pratt, former resident of Raeford, and now secretary to Congressman W. O. Burg n, was a visitor in town Monday. CHAMINADE CLUB MEETS AT COLE RESIDENCE Members of the Chaminade Music club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Alfred Coje on Tuesday alter noon with Mrs. Walter Baker as as ssting hostess. The home was made most attrac tive with char.i ing arrangements of spring flowers and potted plants. Mrs. C. E. Upchurch, presided over the business session. The follow ng program was given: Study-Music of the Early Christian Church, by Miss Audrey Brunkhurst. Piano solo-Legend-Paderewski, Mrs. W. T. Covington. Several recordings were played and the story of the Nutcracker suite of Tschaikowsky was related by Miss Buena Baldwin. Piano solo Nocturne Chopin, Miss Agnes Mae Johnson; and Current E vents by Mrs. A. L. O'Briant. An ice course, cakes and cookies were served by the hostesses at the conclusion of the program. SEALS-BURROW RITES PERFORMED AT PORT ARTHUR TEXAS The wedding of Miss Betty Lee Burrow to Lt. William Lester Seals was perfor.ned at St. Mary's Catho ! c Church in Port Arthur. Texas, on Sunday morning at 11:15 o'clock. The Rev. II. A. Druuilhet was the of ficiant.. Miss Shirley Moory was the bride s only attendant and the groom had Lt. Roland R. Hatfield for his best man. An informal reception followed ceremony at the heme of the bride's parent's Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burrow. After a brief wedding trip to New' Orleans the couple will be at home at Port Aransas where Lt. Seals is stationed with a Coast Ar t Uei-y unit. The bride is a native uf Port Art her and was educated in that city's schools and at Port Arthur College. Lt. Seals is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Seals o' Raeford, and a graduate of the University of North Carolina and has been in the army now for four years. O GARDENS VISITED BY MANY PEOPLE Many people frm town and country took advantage of the pretty after noon Sunday and visited the gardens that were in bloom. Mrs. H. C. Cam eron's formal garden was visited by scores of peopie who were enthusias tic over its beauty. Mrs. Cameron served her guests with light refresh ments from an attractive tea table in the summer house. Y !.U- Lahsdell, FORMER ACE QUARTERBACK FOR TME UNIV. OF SoUTHERM CALIK, STAR Of THE 1939 ROSE BOWL SAME. t rial , tw"-jff tv I 1 V Mrs. Roland Covington ex.i!.- i h;v as hi i cut-si: f.i:nr mother. Mis. J. ft. Go, Ml Crc:-.:lit ;ind Mrs. ffen-o : .1' II 1 I. and ner joint. J i; SV . :: L.i 1: niii'ug. Air. mi i M"---. !i. F ... '.1.1. . ' 1 ,!;, Wood a'i;l .M i r . Vi I F.idyen spent t'lf wckcii;- 1 : i . 1 tn:i, S. C. with Janw ... 1 Wood of the Mo ch:it m; r 1,. Hector McBryrie o'' I.irn'oi .". a visitor in to.r. I...1. Fik:.';- SSANMV. A CAPTAIN iM Of ACTION IN TWE CENTRAL MCnirCOD&ldCAlJ AID "TuBb.rB AFTER MICH HE VMS SEMT BACKTSTHel n c ana pp4?iswMcwr.JkiBWiijii(rt'k M Bui mint WWK ounot! i V. S. Treaiyry DiarttttfHt Mrs. W. T. Covington had as her guest last weekend Miss Pattio James of Laurintiurg. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Graham had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. Newton of Faison. Miss Lela Snead of Fayetteville spent the weekend with Miss Helen Baker. Mrs. C. H. Giles is attending a con vention of social service workers in Raleigh this week. Guests ot Mr. and Mr-. H .1.. Sunday were, Mr. am M - .1.. L.'ington and son. John 1 "'i.;. !e . and Mr. and Mrs. Rayn oiMi '..-.'.. 1 Hamlet. Ann McMillan of Wagraxn- u.; H e weekend guest of Iris Thomas Miss Flora Boyce spent. Wt-(!(n -ii;. in Red f.prings with Mrs. G. T. B11:-lock. ANNOl Nt EMf NT I hereby announce that J ; candidate for re-election to the oliii of Register of Deeds for Hu! County, subject to the den ix t .it 1 primary to be held cn the 2".th 0! May. I trust that I may be rcnrie ' aga n by your vote, for which 1 ni-.' now to express my apprec tion. W. W. ROBERTS Mrs. L. Gatlin Stowart will present he rpiano pupils in a recital Thursday evening, April 20, in the Hoke High school auditorium at 8:15. The pub lic is cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Graham ol Ham- i let silent the weekend w ith Mrs. iJohn Graham. The day APRIL 24 The day at Dairy Grounds, Pinehurst. N. C. Caro.-Va. Ayrshire Breeders' Ass'n's annual Auction of Ayrshires practical, profitable purcbrcds. Farm and breeders' stock -all good. Talk at 11; luncheon (50c) 12; sale at 2. Get an early start. The day'll be worth it. THE RAEFORD THEATRE twv "North Star" Friday Walter Huston Ann Baxter "Man From Thunder sirdar Mountain" ' with Wild Bill Elliott JP' "Someone To Remember" Shows At 3:30 and 9 p. m. with Mabel Paige 7-" "Watch On The Rhyne" Tuesday Show Start Belle Davis Paul Lukas at 5:30 I Wednesday fa Qzng TlsO4"'1 Tom Conway Jean Brooks "A Guy Hamed Joe" Spencer Tracy Irene Dunne Mrs. I. Ross, of Washington, N. C is vis ting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Gatlin. Mrs. Robert W. Eimer. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Maness, has gone to New Haven, Conn, to join her husband Cadet Robert W. Elmer, of the U. S. Army Air Force. She was accompanied by her little son, Bobby. Cadet Elmer is in training at the army's school of communications at Yale Un'ver.sity. Before his induc tion n year ago he was an instructor of English at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. mmrn 3 DAYS Apr. 27,Z8,Z9 ravings as before: 2 for the price cf 1 plus lc. DON'T MISS THIS SALE NEXT WEEK In Face of Wartime Restriction Eexall re- nouices have made possible s repetition of the nationally famous thrift event the Rexall original Jc Sale that offers the same pruit navinga as before: 2 for the price cf 1 plus lc. Mrs. H. C. Bethea and children of Dillon, S. C, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blue on Sunday. Mrs. Harold MoDiarmid and child ren visited Mrs. T. D. Hatcher of Fayetteville Monday. Mrs. Hugh Lowe of Charlotte visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Poole this week. Graham Culbreth and son spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cul-! breth.. I Mis. George Hooks and daughter, 1 of Fayetteville, spent several days' this w eek with her parents, Mr. and , Mrs. J. A. Walters. ' i Mr. und Mrs. Frank Tapp had as the r guests Mrs. Tapp's father, H. M. Williams, her niece. Miss Betty Williams and Mrs. Marion Pistole of Oliarlotte Sunday. M:s. R. A. Matheson and Mrs. Her bert McKeithan attended the district! meeting of the American Legion aux il'ary held in Fayetteville Tuesday.! Mrs. Matheson gave the response to the address of welcox.e. WEEK-END SPECIALS FOR APRIL 20,21-22 10c cake 3 FOB 10c cake 3 FOR LUX SOAP....: 20c CAMAY SOAP 20c 10c cake 3 FOR 10c cake 3 FOR WOODBURY SOAP 19c Cashmere Bouquet 20c lOccake 3 FOR 12c cake PALHOLIVE 20c SWAH 10c 10c cake 3 FOR 10c cake 4 FOR LlFEBOUY 20c SWEETHEART SOAP. 25c $4.00 size NOW 75c bottle UHICAPS $2.96 FITCH SHAMPOO 59c 50c tube 75c tube 20 IPAHA 39c SCHICK BLADES 69c 60c jar 75c bottle SAL HEPATICA 49c LISTERIHE 59c $1.00 bottle 60c tub. CARDUI 89c ALKA-SELTZER 49c I Mrs. L. B. Brandon returned home ! Tuesday after visiting friends and i relatives at Chester, S. C, for ' j week. , ! ! Miss Mary Stewart Covington hus been ill for the past week. Mrs. Lawrence Poole went to Liberty yesterday because of the crit ical illness of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Coble. Mrs. Coble and her husband are both above 90 years of age. EAVES YOUR FRIENDLY DRUG STORE THE rZxaJ& STORE RAEFORD, N. C. PHONE 233-1 3C