THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1944 THE NEWS-JOURNAL, RAEFORD. N. C PAGE THREE 6 Social -Personals Items Mrs. Robert Bruton has Just re turned from Norfolk, Va.; where she was spending awhile with friends and relatives. Miss Bernie McGougan has joined the Philaretian Society at Meredith college. Bernie is the daughter of Mr. J. M. McGougan of Lumber Bridge. Miss Enna Morris of Macon, Ga., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Upchurch, Jr. P. A. Wilson, manager of Collins store, is in Charlotte on business this week. Mrs. Frank Williams Is a patient in Moore County hospital. She was operated on for appendicitis last Sat urday. Mrs. Williams was formerly Miss Patsy Blue. Mary Garrison, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. A. J. Garison, who has been sick with scarlet fever, is better. Mr. and Mrs. George McFadyen and: son of Smithfield were week-end guests of Mrs. Chandler Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lytle and fami ly visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dougald Graham Friday in Fayetteville. They went especially to see Mr. Lytle's nephew who just returned to the States after serving two years in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brandon and son of Williamston were week-end guests of Mrs. L. B. Brandon. Mr. Brandon is a brother of the late L. B. Brandon. Mrs. Edwin Fuller and children of Liberty spent the week-end in town with relatives. Miss Jane Pratt, secretary to Congressman W. O. Burgin of Wash ington, was a visitor in town Satur day. Hal Gore, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gore, is sick with flu. Daniel McMillan of Parkton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hall Sunday. Mr. McMillan is a brother of Mrs. Hall. Mrs. G. W. Brown is spending some time with her daughters, Mrs. Hubert Wooten and Mrs. Charles Morrison in Portsmouth, Va. Milton Campbell returned home from Highsmith hospital Monday, where he had been a patient for several days. Mr. and. Mrs. Don Davis had as their guest the past week-end Mr. and Mrs. John Kornbuckle of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Coates have visiting them their niece, little Beth Suggs of Leaksville. John Archie McVicker has returned to Portsmouth, Va., after visiting his grandmother, Mrs. T. E. McVicker. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tapp are spend ing the day in Raleigh. Their daugh ter, Miss Mary Frances Tapp who graduates from the Rex hospital school of nursing, will' accompany them home. . Crawford Wright is a patient at Moore County hospital receiving treatment. Miss Leonora Currie, a student at Queens College in Charlotte, spent the week-eend at home. Mrs. H. K. Holland and daughters, Betty and Nancy, and Mrs. Clarence Lytch visited relatives in Montreat last week-end. Miss Ann Neil Sessoms and Mrs. Pauline Clark spent a few days in Richmond, Va., visiting friends. Miss Sessoms also visited in Georgia. Baits? Instantly, relief from sniffly, sneezy stuffy distress of head colds starts to come the moment you put a few drops of Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Soothes irritation, relieves congestion, makes breathing easier in a hurry. Also helps firevent many colds from developing fused in time. Just try it! Works fine I Follow directions in folder. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Doubl-Dutv Net Drepi Worb to WoM Wfcws CARLOAD FRESH Tennessee and Missouri MUI Arriving In Raeford SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28TH Young, Strong - Well Broke Bought Right-Priced Right C. W. CHILDRESS STABLES ON 15A Near Maultsby Station Miss Betsy Ann Cole, a student at WCUNC in Greensboro, spent last week-end at home. Mrs. Jack Bethune returned to Raeford Saturday from Camp Gruber, Okla. She will occupy an apart ment this winter at Miss Flora Boyce. Mrs. Russell Peck who has occupied the apartment of Mrs. Younger Snead was accompanied to Charlote Tues day by Mesdames Younger Snead, Neill A. McDonald, Julian Blue, T. B, Upchurch, Jr., and guest Miss Enna Morris of Macon, Ga. Mr. Will McNeill visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sprvey in Portsmouth, Va., the past week-end. U.. f 1 1 cnw. 1 Ik. Seaman S-C Sessoms, in Norfolk Va., where Sea'man Sessoms is stationed. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Graham and children of Hamlet, visited Mrs. John Graham Sunday. Mrs. J. S. Upchurch of Thomas ville, Ga., will arrive today to spend sometime with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. S. Johnson. Mrs. Upchurch has been visiting her sister in New York. Miss Katheleen Matthews, Mr. Jimmy O'Neil, and Mr. Wade John son of Durham were guests of Miss Jean Graham Sunday. Mrs. Paul Dickson, Jr., and Pete, have returned to Raeford after a month's stay in Greensboro. Before returning to Raeford, they spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Laurie McEachern in Raleigh. Lt. (jg) William Black, now stationed at Wilmington was a guest of his sister the past week-end. Mrs. Robert McDonald and children have been the guest of Capt. Mc Donald's mother, Mrs. Neill A. Mc Donald, Sr., for the past week. Cart. McDonald has recently been trans ferred from Langley Field to Camp Polk, La. Mrs. McDonald expects to Join him in the near future. Mrs. Hugh Lowe of Charlotte is spending several days with her Pa rents, Mr. ami Mrs. D. S. Poole. W. H. Graham of Raleigh spent the week-end at home with folks. Mrs. Henry McArthur and children have arrived in Raeford from Long Branch, N. J. and have taken an apartment at Mrs. Ann Walters. Pvt. McArthur has recently been trans ferred from Fort Monmouth, N.- J. .PEMllAflEIIT wwrnium wave kit Complete with Permanent ami . Wavt (Solution curlers, MC DM&poo and wave act - nothinr "'Sat ' NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by a judgement of the Superior Court of Hoke County, N. .C, signed at the August Term of Hoke Superior Court, 1944, we offered for sale and sold the lands hereinafter described for the sum five hundred seventy dol lars and within 10 days from date of sale, there was an increase in the bid of five per cent, paid to the Clerk of the Superior Court, and whereas the clerk of said court has ordered and directed a resale as by law pro vided, now therefore, the undersigned will offer and sell to the highest bid der for cash at the court house door, Raeford, N. C, on November 9th, 1944, at 12 o'clock M. the following lands, Viz: Lying and being in Little River Township, Hoke County, N. C. ad joining the lands of L. F. Hartsell et als as follows; 1 tract: Adjoining the lands of George Baldwin, Mrs. A. D. Mc Lauchlin, L. F. Hartsell and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the beginning corner of W. G. Hart 10 acres of which this is a part and runs south 30 east 368 feet to a stake in the first line of the a- fore mentioned 10 acres; thence about north 48 east 61 feet to a stake in the center of public highway (Fay etteville Road); thence with the cen ter of said road north 37 west 300 feet to a stake in Baldwin's line; thence south 73 west 117 feet to the first station containing one acre, more or less. 2nd tract: Beginning at a stake in the first line of the W. G. Hart 10 acres of which this is a part, the second corner of Church Lot 1 acre and runs thence east 200 feet to an iron stake, Huge s corner, also second corner of above mentioned 10 acres; thence north 64 1-2 east 188 feet to the center of Fayetteville Road; thence with the center of Fayette ville Road north 37 west 255 feet to the third corner of the Church Lot; thence as the Church line direct to the beginning containing 97-100 acres more or less. See Book 69 page 404, Hoke County Registry for further description of same. This 23rd day of October, 1943. A. D. Gore and H. W. B. Whitley, Commissioners. 18-19c elaetobuy itequiraa no beat, electricity or ma cbmee K(e for every type of hair. Oyer 8 mil lion sold Money back guarantee. Get Cbaraa fcurl iut today. REAVES DRUG STORE 20-30p WANT ADS FOR SALE Seed Fulgrain Oats, Red Heart Wheat, Abruzzi Rye. All first year from Coker. Clarence Lytch, 14-Tf TENANT WANTEP -Farm 4 miles east of Wagram, N. C. Good To bacco allotment, 3 horse farm. Write or come to see Allen McGirt, Pembroke, N. C. P, O. Box 62. 19-21 p $20 REWARD FOR INFORMA TION leading to the return of fe male hound lost near Riley Place, Hoke County, Oct. 2. Black back, tan legs, grayish face. Was wear ing coilar, markings reading "J .O. Gelmore, Rt. 1, Joncsboro, N. C." Write or notify J. V. Gelmore, Rt. 1, Jonesboro. 20-lp It's the Quality of leadership that makes Leaders 1 Mil 1 than: are the Leaders THE RAEFORD THEATRE Thursday "Crazy House" I Friday I Olsen and Johnson Double Feature "Texas Masquerade" Saturday With William Boyd "Waterfront" J. Carrol Naish and John Carradine "Top Man" Shows At r 3:30 and 9 p. m. Donald O'Conor and Peggy Ryan I "Eve Of St. Harks" Tuesday Michael O'Shea and Anne Baxter. Wednesday AIcINC.. PtS CUp.lT 0NLY Jimmy Lydon and Charlie Smith Thurs-FrL "Pin Up Girl" Betty Grable and Joe E. Brown CYANAMID now in stock for treat ment of plant beds. The Johnson Co. 20-21C Triple-Fresh Sandwich BREAD If s Thin Sliced ! BABY LIMA BEANS "be... 24c CRISCO SHORTENING 69c lV4-lb Loaf 11c Cibb'i Tomato Soup S?- 8c Armour's Oil. Can OHi; Waxed Paper Cut-rite" C Triangle S d 1 1 HkjT 3c LOST green billfold between Rae ford hotel and theatre, Sunday, October 15. Contained money and valuable papers. Finder keep money and return billfold and papers. Laurie P. Ilerndon, Rt. 2. Red Springs, N. C. 21p FOR SALE 12 gauge Remington shotgun four boxes of shells. J. D. McKeithan, Raeford. 21p C LOR OX 29; Laundry Bl h i-Callon Battle In tit Colonial Beets Kn2 14c Southern Manor I Utl 16 Bags lie FOR SALE Ten piece dining room suit. Mrs. W. L. Poole. . 21c FOR RENT upstairs apartment 2 bedrooms, bath and kitchen, 2 couples to share kitchen, no pets or babies. Call S491 or see Mrs. J. R. Hampton. 21-c FOR SALE slightly used baby bed and play pen. Phone S391 or call at Mrs, J. R. Hampton's. 21-c FRESH MILK COW FOR SALE good Guernsey stock with calf Irs L. Newton. Rt. 1, Red Springs, N. C. 21-22-p . US No. 1 York I APPLES, 2-lbs. 15c I Large Crisp Calif LETTUCE, 2-heads 23c I S No. 1 Red Bliss POTATOES, 5-lbs. 21c Ilomrgrown Green CABBAGE, 3-lbs 11c Fancv Citlif. Tokay. ! GRAPES, 2-lbs. 35c Onions. Fancv Yellow ; ONIONS, 3-lhs. ..... 12 1 Cniiadian Waxed RUTABAGAS, 3-lbs. 09c NOTICE All persons are forbidden to cut and haul wood, haul straw, or hunt, or otherwise trespass upon my bands. Murphy A. Singleton Red Springs It-lSp tlrfHrnff-cffssw i&5jwuMm tuw ex Reaves Drag Store t-ll-p NANSEMOND CUT STRING BEANS DROMEDARY Sweetened BLENDED JUICE CRYSTAL BAY OKRA and TOMATOES Lau No. Car No r- unea rcas - - Blackeyes klllc Plain Flour a- A Triangle , 53c KeUoM't Corn Flakes rlT 8c Evaporated Peaches . 3$c Evaporated Prunes & 17c Nabisco Rlti Crackers ltt 24c Shortening a a Snowdrift i Z4C CUpp's lattant Cereal or Oatmeal 2 ill Salad OB Wesson Ssraddcd Wkaat Nabisco " '? 29c Soap Powdr DuzM Toile' Oc So; P LAND O'LAKES AMERICAN lilinl onccnc whit, on DOUBLE-FRESH COFFEE D. P. BLEND "b. 2