PAGE FOUR TU VKVrS-MfXMUUL, lUMIt, V. C THUKSDAT, JANUARY 11. IMS NEWS Of OUR MENw WOMEN IN UNIFORM (Continue! from Page One) to the Norfolk Naval Air station, after spending ten days at home. Pvt. Bobby McNeill is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hrctor McNeill. Negro Engineer Unit In Africa 6 Months Before Invasion WITH THE AAF ENGINEER COMMAND IN CORSICA. Tech nic::. n 4th G-ade Willie Patterson of Hi 1. '.iclord, lvien'.ly completed ;!' m..!rh. overseM with a veteran :u ui! on eiijiuer b::tta':on in the Me. I iiiMiuan theatre of iipeiM'.inns. I ,:. ne. 1942, lis n-.e-'ioers first oi : ::: Africa, s: mi:ii . s before -U' ;.5.oi"! of ihj.i cotitine'ii by A;i...O ;! L.i:idi:ig in E.i: Equa ;oi". I .:r :-a with one oa. rack's ';;.: i '"il.v as eci.npMie::'.. (iiieir he . . acl'iinery bad been delayed !v:.v '.hey haiiu'd their airfield iliii.:;.;':! iiie jungle, usmu 'ri'n;tivo :ni'':c '. e:ii; borrow ed from the na- j lis. It was three n'.inths late'. I:.a1 they were once i.gain fully f;u r'.ied. j They traveled North the fi'.ttt iiviatton engineers to entsr the d-s- j Professional Cards ' ARTHUR 1). GORE Attorney and Counsellor at Law Hank of Rnoford Rrilding ert. One day, their commander of ficer, Lt. Colonel James O. Johnson of Hurvtsville, Ala., announced they would build an airfield for heavy bombers in 30 days. Feverish work started and within 24 days the roek studded terrain had been transformei into a compact earth airfield. Sud denly higher headquarters decided an asphalt surface would havi t'j be added. There were six days left. Barely had they started again when orders came to drop shovels and pick up rifles enemy paratroops hart land ed in the area. For 48 precious huurs hours these negroes guarded the im portant base, until the last enemy had been captured. Then, back to work. On the 30th day the first of many Liberators bombers lan.ied on the field. Not many days later the same planes made the first low-level at tack on the FMocsti Oil refineries. Next came Sicily and a brief stav was followed by the last slop Cor sica. On this island the veterans bin 1 1 the scores (if fighter bas s which s ippor'ed the Allied invas on of Sou' hern France. Ce'.e'. nittitg ihe'.r 3'V.h tvoni.a ow -s.v.s, those engineers showed the S.1IHO -zest which won them toiiver. dations from Geiter.Us conti'ta'tdinu' the air forces ihey h.u e helped ba e for mightier blows cgaiivt the ene.t Raeford Baptist Church J. D. Whisnant, Minister 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Worship hour message by pastor. 6:30 P. M. Baptist Training Union. 7:30 P. M. Worship service, ser mon by pastor. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 7:30. On Wednesday evening, Jan. 18th, the Junior department of the Sunday school has charge of the prayer meet ing. The church extends a very cordial welcome to visitors and servicemen. towers shou'd undertake to pay with wheat, meat, .ranufactured products, etc., at prices set on a basis of low wanes of intpoverishe i Europe or ,TlNFANTILE PARALYSI JANUARY lutt wnp imum. tm tin turn HON I ill TT KEEP AMERICA STRONG JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES will be stored in freezer locker plants in North Carolina during 1945. These plants will also cure about 8 to 10 million pounds of meat for farmers. I THE AMERICAN WAY) LET'S NOT KID OURSELVES By GEORGE PECK f a -;:' N. McN. SMITH Attorncv-at-Law For "Safety" Retreading Send or Bring your Tires WALKER'S Safety Retreading Works 435 Russell St. Fayetteville There's A "Walker" Dealer in Your Community. Consult him about prices and service. I Disregarding the sad lesson learned after World War I, it looks as though ' this nation is going to repeat the i serious blunder at the conclusion of World War II. Washnigton is full of plans for lending money to many of our Allies and also to so ne of our present and previous enemies. ! These plans call for loans of bil lions of dollars to each country the whole world is being led to expect that Uncle Sam will play Santa Claus to everybody to the tune of , many of billions of dollars. This vast sum if added to our present national debt will add up to an ap palling total. I While making these so-caled loans !Will benefit our farmers, laborers, manufacturers and others, because , they will finmce a large export trade, the fact of the matter is that these loans can never be paid back except in the form of goods. If, and when the payments of these loans become due. the bor- srs I p -: !,v lilil3iM i i I? Aug PUT SOME MONEY IN YOUR SOIL BANK ACCOUNT last war, stilil lingers painfully. While I know full well that this country cannot, in fact, has no de sire to stand aloof after this war is coolie wanes of the Orient, our far- over, oblivious to the crying needs mors, lahoro's and manufacturers of our Allies, and even our former tti'l have to compete with these enemies, the point . I am trying to a cooperative hog market is be ow p.i. es. , mane is: it we :.o p.ay santa - inns, I established at Windsor, to be operated Vo.t ci'i well imrKine the howl . let's do it wide open, knowing that' under the supervision of the Cofield t!.:i' will 50 up front all of our what we put into the stockings of ! association Ktiuts oetnandtiia hijthe" tanlTs to roretgn iiations will be put there for prevent the complete disruption of keeps' This lime let's not kid our otir ivunoirv by this influx of cheap selves, products from abroad. The im-j O ports (tiie only aiethoi by which these nations can repay their loans) will be rut off the loans will not Mongrel flocks do not fit Into a quality egg program. High quality egga must be of uniform shell color. NOTICE TOBACCO FARMER be repaid, as was exactly the case after World War I, and we will be left holding the bag again, with our national debt increased by approxi mately the amount of these foreign loans. Such advances of money to foreign nations may be necessary, but why not be realistic about it this time by calling them "GIFTS" for that is what they really will be. The Congress should fully realize this. and knowing it, wil be incline to scrutinize more carefully every pro posed advance to any foreign na tion. Further, the Congress should make it quite clear to the recipients that these advances are outright gift? coming from a generous nation to its Allies, or its former enemies, as the case may be. The American public, too must un derstand that any sums advanced to foreign nations will be outright gifts money over the dam, never to flow back to us again. The pub lic, recognizing this fact, will insist that Congress do its duty in re stricting these advances to the barest possible minimum. If this article sounds a bit hard- boiled, please know that I intend it to be just that way. Memory of the horrible epithet "Uncle Shylock" which was flung at us when we tried to collect the loans made after the 1 President C. S. Bunn of the N. C. I Swine Breeders association announces that his organization will hold its annual meeting the first week in February in Raleigh during the Farm Bureau Convention. O About 5 million pounds of food ine uany can imiM. nae uuiu i feed an dcomfort to insure proper: I CTrrm'tli ti-i wintup Rompmtipp lh;it I the future herd is in the calf pen today. If You Are Interested In A Buckeye Oil Burner System for your tobac co barn see me within jthe next 10 days. Only ve both ' ! 4 available for County Robert Gatlin b WANT ADS HAM INSURANCE GUARANTEED CVIDOCD tMe"J' :j wrvii iosfpo$0 PREVENTATIVE w T IN CURED MEAT Aik Your Dtiter or Write V'1 IM I nnnnir The Him Insurance Man Durham, N, C. Cfutmmm ujave kit Complete with Permanent cm if F 0 j Wve Solution curler, 35 V htmpoo ftnd wave eet nothing T else to buy Kequires no heat, electricity or mav fhmee Pafe for every trpe of hair. Over 6 mil lion gold Money beck guarantee. Get iCUrn Kurt Jut today. REAVES DRUG STORE 20-30p PIANOS! We Have Just Received a Nice Shipment of Good Reconditioned Pianos If You Were Unable to Get One for Christmas Now Is Your Chance Stop by our store and see them at once so you can get first selection. Cole Piano Co. NEIL A. COLE. Prop- Three Points Phone 92-L Sanford COKER Tobacco Seed. All varieties, Quantity limited. Get yours now. The Johnson Company. JO-tfc TROt'TMAN'S TOBACCO Seed. All varieties The Johnson Company, 30-tfe FOR SALE Seed Fulfrrain Oats, Red Heart Wheat, Abruzzi Rye. All firs year from Colter. Clarence Lytch. 14-Tf WANTED All people suffering from Kidney Trouble or backache to try KIDDO. Priced 97c with money- back guarantee, at Reaves Drui Store, Raeford. 24-44p OXFORD 26 Tobacco Seed now in I stock. The Johnson Company. 30-tfc FOR SALE Try Cevtncton's Fire Starters Delivered in Raeford Roland Covinrton Phone 5246 26-tfe ROBERTSON'S PROVEN FERTDLX. ZERS are sold In Hoke County by The Johnson Company. St-tfe LOST car keys, Thursday oa the street. S keys on rlrur with veteran license holder No. 267.051. Finder please return to Clara Mae Gibson. START your little chicks the right way with Purina Poultry Feeds. Home Food Market. St-e WEIL'S Hormofert Plant Bed Ferti lizer now In stock. Quantity limited. Get yours now. FOR SALE Two milk cows, one Jersey, one Jersey anj Gurnsey. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Charlie Pride, late of Hoke County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his residence on Route 1, Timberland, N. C, on or before the 13th day of December, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 13th day of December, 144. Earl Pride, Administrator estate of Charlie Pride. 28-33 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having pualified as the administra trix of the estate of Iester E. Mc Minis, deceased, late of Hoke coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them, duly veri ties according to law, to the under signed at Red Springs, Rt. 3, or before December 8, 1944, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 8th day of December, 1144. Mrs. Minnie E. McMinis, Admini stratrix Estate of Lester E. McMinis 28-33. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE sf Having qualified as administrator of the Astat nf .T F Oldham of Hoke County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, duly verified accord ing to law, to the undersigned at my home near Raeford on or before December 14, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re- PLOWING - GRADING Get Your Victory Garden Prepared Early Plowing and grading done by ex perience workmen. Sec- J. D. fMEiTHAfj, Raeford Both fresh. A. B. Tapp, Timberland, covery. All persons indebted to said N. C. 31.32-P estate will nlease makp immpdinto payment. This 14th day of December, 1944. J. W. Saunders. Jr., Administrator Estate of J. F. Oljham. 29-34 P FOR KENT Two farms. 30 acres cotton on each stock and lmple. ments furnished. C. E. I'pchurch. 31.32-p FOR SALE Spencer corsets, Bras sieres, and surgical supports. Write Mrs. Lucile Livingston, 318, Moore Street, Fayetteville, N. C. Phone 2481. 32-35p FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms on old Maxton highway bedroom and kitchen. D. W. Tyson. Rt. 2. 32-33p LT. AND MRS. SORRELL and two yaer old son need convenient down stairs apartment in Raeford. Call Fort Bragg 51221. 32p FOR SALE Nice young cow. See Mrs. David Trawick, Hendricks Grill, Arabia. 32-p FOR SALE Dry oak and pine wood. Stove-lensrth and heater blocks. See De Whitt Tapp, Timberland. 32p High-potash fertilizers are a good investment; With prices of potash still at low prewar levels and prices for farm products at high wartime levels, greater profits than ever before can be obtained for every dollar spent for this necessary plant food. - Not only maintain but build up the fertility of your soils. Now there is plenty of potash to make the high-potash fertilizers recommended by your official agricultural advisers. Use these fertilizers in the amounts suggested for your particular soils and crops. Writt us jar further injormmtion and re lileralur tn the practical fertilization oj crops AMERICAN POTASH INSTITUTE HSiittnlliSl.,N.W. Wjhiatoo.D.C ., Cm..... m: tMrim tk S Owakal Coc ta .WCmtltli- rctmth Cmrt (D So glad you're back . . . Have a Coca-Cola v5 JIM. m m, t w.vt i m iii im in s ?jp n ; ... or offering a soldier the comforts of home HOME! No place like it. And nobody knows it better than a fight ing maa back oa furlough. Coca-Cola is one of the comforts of home that belongs in your family refrigerator. At the words Have a Coke, refreshment joins the party. The good old American custom of the pause that refreshes is a happy symbol of our friendly home-ways. OTTlH UNOCI AUTHORITY OF THE CXA-COU COMPANY IY COCA-COIA BOTTLING CO. Aberd.-en, Jf. C y li't natural tor popular name to acquire friendly abbrevia tions. That' hv vou heat C Coia called Coke. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the administra tor c. t. a. of the estate of Julia E. Willifond, deceased, late of Hoke County, North Carolina, this U to notify all persons having claims a gainst said estate to exhibit than, duly verified according to law, to the undersigned at Lumberton, on or be fore December 9, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please fake immediate payment. This 8th day of December, 1944. The National Bank of Lumberton Administrator c. t a. Estate of Julia E. Williford, Lumberton, N. C. 28-33c NOTICE OF LAND SALE Pursuant to an Order of Court dated Dec. 18, 1944 in a Sp-Pro. en titled "Miss Annie Tho;nas Et Als.. vs. Mrs. Dorothy Autry" of record in Hoke County Superior Court Clerk's office, appointing as Commissioner tha undersigned to sell the one-fourth undivided interest of the said Re. spondent in the below described land, to create assets to pay unsatisfied debts of Sim Thomas, deceased, I will offer at public auction for cash at 12 o'clock noon, on January 17, 1945. at the courthouse door in Rae ford, N. C, a one-fourth undivided interest in the following land: In McLauchlin Township. Hoke County, N. C, an,t beginning at the N.E corner of the Alex Lindsay land, adjoining a 40-acre tract of Chas. S. Thomas estate land, and runs N 69.15 E along said 40 acres tract 13.20 chs. to a stake; theace same course continued 4..70 cn- t a stake in the center of the run ot Little Rockfish creek .which is the Hoke-Cumberland County line) ; thence up (aid run or channel N. 71.30 W 1.50 chs, N 8-30 W 7.3S chsr N 40 1.83 chs; N 21 W 7 chs; N It W 1.19 chs; N 77 W 2 54 chs; S 78-45 W 1.92 chs; N 70 W 1 95 chs; and N 10 W 1 59 chs to a suite; thence S 69-15 W 28.10 chs to a stake; thence S 13-10 E 22 84 chs. to a stake, corn, er of said Lindsay lanrd; thence N 69-15 E 16.35 chs, to the beginning, containing 66 acres, more or less, and being the 2nd tract described in Book of Deeds No. 25 at page 118 of Hoke County public registry. Ported 12-18-44 ARTHUR D. GORE, Commissioner. 29-34C