TT IT HOKE COUNTTS BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Ji He HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER news-journaii The Hoke County News THe Hoke County Journal VOLUME XL NO. 9 RAKFOKD. i. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 19(5 $:.() PER YEAR IN UNIFORM Brothers Meet In Manila CdI. Warren Calloway and Pv Leonard Calloway, sons o( Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Calloway of Timberland, . .1.. I.. 1T-.;i Ufli'mn is uiik iv,o 749rh Roilwav Battalion and has been stationed in Manila j since March while his brother has j just arnved there with a medical unii Lt. and Mr Ben Currie of San-1 ford, F!a., ara spending this week with his parents. Lt. Currie will eo to Norfolk Saturday and Mis. Currie will return to Sanford Friday i R. H. Chapman came last week for a long furlough to be spent with his family here. Cpl. Monroe Eivards, who made his home near Raeford before going Into service, has returned from over seas and is spanning a thirty-day furlough here. Wilton Wood of Rockfish, left Sat urday n orning for the naval train ing ststion at Bainbridge, Md. Pfc. Robert Mo'.t arrived home last Tuesday to spend 3 30 day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Mary Moil, after serving in the European thea tre of operations. At the end of his furlour.h he will report to Camp Swift, Texas. M-Sgt. Ralph Plummer and Lt. William Plummer. sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Plummer, are both home from overseas and are visiting their parents at Rt. 2, Raeford. After thirty days at ho re, they will re port to Richmond and Greensboro for reassignment and further duty. POOLE'S MEDLEY by D. Scott Poole I remember two total eclipses of the sun, one came soon after the close of the Civil War in 1867 and and the other in 1896. It grew dark gradually and the chickens went to roost. There was a total eclipse of the sun in the northern part of the United States July 9, 1945. There was only a partial eclipse visible here. ' In 1881, Halley's comet was visible for half the year or more and about mid-su.rmer the comet reached half way across the firmament. The aurora borealis was the brightest that year I have ever seen it. Northern lights have not been seen lately. A man can make as much now in a year as he could have made in ten years between 1873 and 1917. Far mers made a lot of money in 1917 and 1919, but in the years following they lost all they had accumulated. I fear they will have the same experi ence when the present war ends. I do not think we have as heavy thunder storms now as in the years prior to that of stringing wires all over the country and the erection of means of conveying electricity into , writing "these shoes are all right." the ground. Und charged t $5 for the half-sol- ling. I paid the charges and, since. One July afternoon in 19ft5 light- j have worn my shoes and quit re en;!, 2 struck and either partially or. turning them to the makers. entirely tore to piece? every t?h- nhone pole between Raeford and Red People used to set fire and burn Snrincs. That telephone line was over woods for better grass for the discontinued, and other lines into j cattle and sheep. Sometimes the fire the surrounding coun'ry have been , burned over more territory than folks discontinued, why I do not know, j wanted burned. One spring night but have an idea they did not make;Wnen Woa', burning time was at expenses We should have telephones hand, an old lady in the neighbor rural electric lines. 'hood went to hurry the cows home all along rura One thing that I hone will follow this g-catest of all wars since his- tnry wa? written is that '.:s amount nr money in'ir. up ivet u;. Even if folks are no bttter off. be cause they are forced to spend a; thev it, every dollar they can get, it looks more like business to handle cash. I I I r-rmerrrber way back when you could get a hai-cut and a shave for !,an(j we or my parents, helped both a quarter, and you received only $25, by giving them something to do to to $35 a bale for your cotton. I have bought four dozen eggs for a quarter and 1ro frying size:, chickens for 15c, but I cannot say I would like to see a return to such bargains. For twenty years I taught school for an average of not over $30 a rronth. I taught not more than 8 months a year. I worked Saturdays and during vacation. I have never taken but one two-week vacation. Milk cows were cheap, feed did not cost uch, and vegetables grew asner aBj honestly, we have always well then or better than they do now. We could live as well and as tasy. I bought as gooi a Jersey cow for I Reedy McNeill Shot To Death By Jimmy d McLaughlin Friday . a?ram Policeman Dies At Antioch Following Argument At Tobacco Barn. j t H. Reedy McNeill was shot to death last Friday morning by Jimmy Mc- catighlin at .McL.augnnn s nome in Antioch township. . Sheriff D. H. Hodgin, who investi gated the shooting, stated that Mc Neill had ha'i an argument with Mc Laughlin at a tobacco barn at about 9 o'clock that morning, and that later McNeill, armed with a pistol and a' sawed-off shotgun went to McLaugh lin's house. He is said to have shot at the house several times as he ap proached it, and then entered the front door, still armed and speaking J who will be in charge of the Baseball House: Alfred Cole, chairman, Is in a threatening manner. McLaugh- School which will be held at Rob- rael Mann and C. H. Giles. un is said to nave urea one snoi irom his gun, the load taking effect in Mc- Neill's breast. McNeill turned and went back to the front porch and Mclaughlin went out tne DacK coor. He reported the shooting to W. C. noagin, Drotner 01 tne snerin a 1 1 LaVai was coach 0f the 1944 and, Hodgin's store at Anl'-n. ana asked, 945 South Carolina Legion All-Stars Mr. Hodgin to call the sheriff. Uii is head coach of Newberry col- When the sheriff arrived McNeill lege athletics. He will be assisted! was round ueaa upon me porcn 01 the McLaughlin home. A coroner's jury heard several witnesses and testimony by McLaughlin, and re turned a verdict of justifiable homo cide. McNeill had been employed as po liceman for the town of Wagram for the past year and was considered a good officer, it was said. He spent over a year in the army and served the entire time at the reception cen ter at Fort Bragg, being discharged !in 1943, I He is survived by his wife, e; former Miss Josie Dunn of Maxton, and a brother, James Henry McNeill, both of whom made their homes ia Antioch township, o - Mrs. J. H. Plummer has as her eXheMatRobert Powell, and gu, her sister. Miss Mabel Powell of Richmond, Va. D. M. Smith of Washington, D. C, who has recently been discharged from the army, has been visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Haire. Mrs. Ruth Bridges and. daughter, Dorothy, Miss Vera Cox and Mrs. Bennie Cox, spent Sunday in Mon roe with Mr. and Mrs. I S. Pres ton. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gatlin and son ana 1. a. marsnourn nave re-1 turned, from a week', vacation spent at Chimney Rock. $40 in 1899 as any man could sell me now for $140, and this brings us to the conclusion that wages, the prices of produce, are relative. I !S a ..TTf' I paid $12.o0 for a pair of shoes h were guarantee!4,. I wore once which were gu then out in six Weeks and returned them -to the manufacturers. Instead of refunding mv money they half soled them, mailed them back to me. before a big cloud in the west came ur). Fires had been burning all over the community, folks out looking for the old simpler inded woman. were blowing trumpets or horns, lighten in? were flashing, thunders were rolling, the elements were well lit tin by the forest. I felt Judgment D?y had come. I recall two widows in our co-n- munity who had three children each make a living. One wove cloth 1o make our clothes, and, we hired the other's horse rather, father had his sons, or himself plow her crops. Both made good livings. There were a number of others with whom we divided what re had. "When there is just enough for one, it makes a royal feast for two." Times beyond numbering, com pany has dropped in just at mealtime, and we always invited them to din- had a sufficiency, and it Jeeme, bet ter than usual, which has always been good enough for anybody. The latch string should always swing on the outside of every door. - J I TO COACH JUNIORS Billy Laval Dins parK in Ked bprings the week 1 Legal: A: D. Gore and DeWitt Tapp of August 6-11, under the sponsor-! Finance: Jim Poole, chairman W I ship of the Charlie Hall Post of the.j. Coats, J. B. Womble, and C. P. American Legion and which many Kinlaw. ' Moke county high school players arel planning to attend. oy Arthur "Jack" McRae of Red.Leach. and A. R. Currie. Springs, formerly and outstanding player-manager of semi-pro teams in this section of the state. 0 Tobacco Sells At Ceiling On Opening Day Border Markets Have Bie Pound age On Floors For Opening! Wednesday. Sales of tobacco were heavy and prices average about the ceiling oricelmen holding honorable discharges to nts n the opening of the Border Belt yesterday, according to reports from North and South Caro lina towns in the belt. Highest price for a pile was at Lum berton where 63 cents topped the bids. Mullins market reported the leading poundage on the floors for a day with over 2,000.000 pounds. Fairmont had about 900,000 and Lum berton reported 750,000. Quality was generally good through out the belt and the price range was from 33c to 48c except for a few; exceptional extra finely piles. graded j James Edwards paid costs for as sault upon his mother-in-law in . , . coun'y court Tuesday. WUhe Willis AUXILIARY BOARD TO MEET MONDAY The executive board of the Wo- mans Auxiliary of the Raeford Pres- chu"h will m , ' .u.f. ' meet Monday the session room of the church. 0 Miss Josephine McLauchlin enter tained very informally but delight fully on Monday morning with a coca-cola party for Miss Mary Lewis an'-' Miss Nancy Hill, guest of Miss Mollie Cameron. Miss Jane C. McLeod of Baltimore ;s spending several weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. C. J. Seaford. She spent a few days this week with Mrs. Edwin Pickler. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. White are now in their home in Fayetteville and Mr. White has taken up his duties as superintendent of the Fayetteville city schools. Raeford regrets losing the Whites but is very glad that they remained in the "neighborhood." Mrs. Carl Freeman and daughters. Mary Raye and Carline, returned to Charlotte with Henry Harllee and sons, who had been Mrs. Freeman's guests the past wee's; end. Miss Reba Roberts is visiting her sister, Mrs. Josephine Carlyle, in Greenboro. Mrs. Bert Brown has returned from a visit to Marietta and Fair mont. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Baker spent the past week end in Charlotte visit ing relatives. Mrs. R. L. Moody, Sr., and Mrs. R. L. Moody, Jr., ar? visiting Mrs. J. B. Mclntyre. INFANT SON DIES Gerald Dwan Park', son of Pfc. and Mrs. Ralph D. Parks, died on Saturday, July 21, soon after birth in Moore county hospital. Name Committees To Serve Legion Post For Year Extension Drive To Be Carried On For New Members By Ellis j Williamson Post. A number of activities for the year I were outlined by members of the Ellis 'j Williamson Post of the American Le gion at the organizational meeting heb', last week when the new year's work was discussed. Commander W. L. Poole has an nounced that the following service committees have been named: Membership: Robert Gatlin, chair Tan, D. H. Hodgin, Alfred Cole and Marshall Newton. Publicity: DeWitt Tapp and A. D. Austin Service: D. H. Hod'in. chairman A. v. Sanders. Archie McDiarmid and James W. Stanton. land central district championships, Visiting: H. K. Holland ami, Starr has lost three straight to the western McMillan. I district champions of Shelby. drop- Americanism: R. L. Murray, F. G.Iping their third game at Red Springs Athletics: Alfred Cole, chairman, Robert Gatlin, M. T. Poovey, J. D. McKeithan and R. A. Matheson. Disaster Relief: Harry Greene. Sons of Legion: Starr McMillan and A. L. O'Briant. Child Welfare: A. W. Wood. Defense: Robert Gatlin. The post plans to sponsor Junior athletics events and aid in the pro motion of school and 4-H club activi ties and will present awards Co out standing high school and grammar school students, and has endorsed a number ' civic activities in which it expects to take part. It also extends a cordial and ur gent invitation to all former service Join 1 the post and take part in the program. Orthopaedic Clinic Friday, August 3 An orthopaedic clinic will be held Friday. Aug. 3, in the basement of the agricultural building in Lumberton. This clinic is free to all indigent chil dren under 21 years of age. Dr. O. L. Miller of Charlotte will be the sur geon in charge. Please register at the desk between nine and eleven o'clock a. m. Tobacco Combines (Well With Sweet Potato Crops A combination of tobacco and sweet potatoes proved to be a profit able venture last year for L. J. San--rs, who ooerates a portion of T. J. Heckstall's Indian Woods farm in Bertie county. After Sanders built a combination tobacco barn and sweet potato curing house in accordance with a blue mint nrenared by State College Ex tension specialists, he and Heckstall , laid plans for the growing of tobacco I nnrf sweet notato croos. The State Colleee Extension ser- vice and the State Department of, Agriculture- were accepting orders f ;f:J T . r-- T:n 1UI tClLll'ti U,U,30ILl t Jl LU - . v . seed potatoes in the Winter of 1943. morning for New York and is spen- and Heck-tall placed an order for 30 J ding this week with her husband.' bushels. Saunders took them, treated , who. serving with the Merchant Ma- , an-' beddfd the.r for producing rines. has recently arrived there. plants. Front this bedding, he trans-I I olanted 3 acres, and Heckstall filed) Miss Lizzie Niven has returned! an application with the North Caro-jfrom H;jrhsmith where she !:r,3 Crorrp I.rp-overrent Association was treated for an infection. She is, to rei-iiy the- enp produced in 1944. 'much better and !vr many friends A swe.t potato harvesting demon-,. ire looking forward to ?ee:ne her stra-ion was held on this farm in back in her place of business. 1944 when agriculture experts from, .. , ht... n n r i i State Course ana tne Mate uepart- ni Acr'cu'.ture demonstrated improved practices in digging, grad ing, and curing sweet potatoes. After experimenting with varying lengths of spacing in the drill, Saunders four.' that he produced more Num ber 1 potatoes and fewer jumbos from the ten-inch spacing. He used his barn for curing the crop. In March of this year the stored crop of potatoes was inspected by the Crop Improvement Association, and the potatoes were graded for U. S Number 1 seed stock. A state certi-1 fied tag was attached, and the crop was sold for seed. The Baltimore buyer requested, more the same type. Saunders reported that he received $2,700 for his four acres of tobacco and $1,200 for three acres of sweet potatoes. Prospects for this year's crops are fine. At Substitute C. 'V? The local pos'.off.ce is . .iee of substitute clerk and examinations will be hi Id soon at a date to be announced. Substitutes are to be secured for Raeford, Red Spring.-. Southern Pines, an:. Tabor City, it was announced yesterday. They are used primarily for vacation relief duty, and for sick relief, and get a minimum of 45 days duty per year. 0 Laurinburg Loses Three Straight To Shelby Legion Fourth Game To Be Plaved At Robbins Park In Red Springs Today. The fourth game of the state cham pionship play for the Junior Ameri can Legion bastball title will be play er at Robbins Park in Red Springs this nftprnnrin at 415 Laurinburg, winner of the eastern yesterday 8 to 6 before a crowd of about 2,000 fans. The first and second games were played under the lights at Shelby Monday and Tuesday nights, with the Cleveland county lads winning the first 8 to 4, and the second, 12 to 1. The State Championship goes to the winner of four of a seven game series. O Army Asks Rooms For Personnel At Fort Bragg Cant. H. A. L. Harvey, Personnel Officer In Charge Securing Accommodations For 97th Division- With 30,000 or more men being sent to Fort Bragg for redeployment and or training for the Pacific area, the demand for housing for families of army personnel in this area is ex pected to reach a new high by of ficials of the army post. Rooms, apartments and houses are being sought in the towns of Rae ford, Aberdeen, Southern Pines, Car thage, Lillington, Jonesboro, San ford, Pinehurst ann other towns ad jacent to the Fort, and Capt. H. A. L. Harvey of the Personnel Affairs of fice has been designated by General Kennedy to handle requests for hous ing off the post particularly for per sonnel of the 97th division, and other units, which will he assigned to. the pot for Pacific warfare training. Each residnt having one or more day jail sentence for possession of rooms, cpartir.ents or houses which homebrew, and Ray paid costs a'.i tray be used are asked to make them .for homebrew possession. Nathaniel available at once. iMcRimmon paid costs for having a Cpt. Harvey's office is located on , car improperly equipped. the Main Pot in Buildngi 310, and: o is open from 8 to 5 daily. The tele- Miss Sarah Lytch. dining room phone number is 2-R290. 'hostess at Assembly I nr.. Mor.treat, o has been spending a vacation here Lmdo Sex'on is a patient at Moore - county hospital. Mrs. R. A. Matheson Sr., was tak- en to Highsmith hospital on Tues- day of this week for treatment. Mrs .Trimos Wnrtrl trtft 9nn1-iv "-- n. d. ana o.iugnic: Mary and Marion, left this week for Miami, from which place they will fly to Trinidad to join Col. Lewis who is statiMied at Fort Reid. Mrs. Robert Cutter left Tuesday night for a month's visit to her mother. Mrs. K. J. Byrne in Kansas City. Sgt. Cutter will join her la ter for a twenty-four day furlough. Mrs. H. K. Holland returned last week from Montreat where she spent several weeks Mrs. W. J. Rouark and daughter. Peggy of TaTpa, Fla., are visiting Mrs. Roinrk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cothran of Raleigh were week eni guests of Mr. and i for a short visit to his parents, be Mrs. Tommie Upchurch. jfare he returned ta the- Pacific coast. Series Of Clinics Scheduled For Hoke August-September Tvnhoid. Dintberia. Whooping Coueh And Smallpox Immu nizations To Be Given. Schedule for a series of clinics for Hoke County were announced this week by Dr. J. W. Willcox, county health officer at which vac cinations for typhoid, smallpox, dip theria and whooping cough will be given. Dr. Willcox states that the treat ments at these clinics is free and open to all residents of the county. He explained that the state J3ws require that all infants be vaccinated for diptheria and whooping cough not later than their first year. Dip theria treatment should be given at ages from 6 to 9 months, and in- fants from 6 weeks of age car. be vaccinated for whooping cough. I Diptheria requires two doses, 1 month apart; typhoid requires three doses one week apart: whooping cough requires four doses one week apart. Schedule of Clinics Montrose August 13. 20. 27, and September 3 from 9:30 to 11:00 a. n. Bowmore August 13, 20. 27 and September 3 from r:30 to 3:30 p. m. Dundarrach August 15, 22. 29, and September 5 from 9:30 to 11:00 a. m. Rockfish August 15, 22. 29, and September 5 from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. Antioch August 16, 23. 30, "ind September 6 from 9:30 to 11:00 a. m. Wayside August 16, 23. 30, and September 6 from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. Raeford August 14, 21, 28, and1 September 4 from 1:30 to 4:00 p. m. Also every Saturday from 10:00 to 12:00 a .m. The Raeford clinic will be held in the Health e'epartment and those out in the county will be held in the CoiTimunity Houses in the re spective community. Dr. G. W. Brown and Dr. R. Murray have also assisted in the health department by conducting ma ternity clinics. The report quote! last week failed to list the valuable aid of these men. 0 Recorders Court James Edwards paid costs for as sault upon his mother-in-law in county court Tuesday. WillU Willis paid costs for drunkeness. John Archie Baldwin paid costs for pos session of home brew. Albert Brown paid costs for operating car with imDroper brakes. Orville Wright Bass, the only white defendant, paid costs for speeding. Willie Ray paid $10 and costs on conviction on charges of fornication and adultery, while Belle Bennett was given a 30 day sentence. The Bennett woman has been in the local court several times on ?:milar charges. She was also given an additional 33 with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnce Ly'.ch. Mrs. today John McGoogan is leaving for Myrtle Beach where she will be a a week. guest at Tal'.yho Ir.n for Miss Nancy H.i! Bozeman of M r R.mton is visiting Miss Mollie Cam eron. M s. Tom Cameror. and children "'II :-,icnd the month of August at Myrt Mrs. tcr , Bi...'h. They will be with Cameron's fr,her an- her :s- f Bonnettsvilie. S. C. at co:t:ic. M:ss Jean ?s of Win- o::-S,ilo:ri. M Nell Denry of Al s Mollie Bozeran , hemarl? and Mi of Rocky Mount are arriving today to visit Miss Josephine McLauch'.in. These girls were classmates at Salem college. Mrs. Lawrence Poole's father, J. M. Coble and her two sisters, Misses Madge and Joe of Liberty spent Wednesday night and Thursday in Raeforvi with the Pooies. Mrs. Crawford Thomas snent the past week end at Lake Junaluska with her daughter, Iris, who is in camp there. Mrs. Harold Stone and son have returned to Raeford and are w;.h Mrs. Stone's mother, Mrs. Warren. They met Lt. Stone in Washington

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