u ews-Journal. m HOKE COUNTY'S BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER tie The Hoke County New The Hoke County Journal VOLUME XL NO. 11 KAEFOKD. N. C . THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1913 KM PEK YEAR inni n N news or OUR MENwWOMEN IK wXJFORM Horace Williams Now Listed As Dead By Navy Department Horace Williams, BM 2-c, who was reported as missing in action on January 21, 1943, is now officially listed as dead, according to a tele gram received this week by his wife, the former Miss Jjhnr.y Autry, of Raeford and Red Springs.. Details given by the Navy stated that Williams lost his life while ser ving aboard the aircraft carrier, Tic onderoga, which was hit by three Jap suicide plm?3 in an action off Formosa Willi-. . ,. nf nnr0tn S. C, wes a resident of Red Springs .. . , .. - and before entering the service was employed by the Mid-State cloth mills there. Hj anlisted in 1941 and trained at Norfolk TS. Then he served tvio yean in the Atlantic be fore going to the Pacific area. Sur viving ar his widow, and four brothers: Cpl. W. B. Williams and Cpl. J. R. Williams with the army overseas, and Jame3 and HildrerWil liams of Georgetown. lit. Gel. James G. Currie left this week for Ft. Leonard Wood to re port for duty. Capt. Paul Dickson landed in the States Saturday, having come on, the Queen Elizabeth. He reached Bragg and home Monday. After a thirty day rest he will report to El Paso, Texas. Luke McNeill, who has just finished his boot training for the navy, is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McNeill. Sgt. John K. McNeill, Jr., and Mrs. McNeill aiso spent the week end in Raeford. Joe Upchurch of the Navy and the Lake Champlain, span six days with his parents this week. S 2-c Zane Gray Norton of Bain bridge, Md., spent the past week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Norton. Sgt. Hallie Haire left Friday for Mississippi after spending a day furlough with his parents, Mr. anj M.rs. J. B. Haire of Raeford, Rt. 2. - F. Wr:gnt, son of Mr. A. W right, has just ar- Pfc. Will ar.d Mrs. E. rived l.i t ii:u Du?.i::eu uenerai hospital, Erigham City, Utah, where ; he rtceivcJ h: honorable discharge from the army. George Weaver On Aircraft Repair Ship Fifth Air Service Area Command. Philippines. Pfc. G?orge B. Weaver of Raeford, is now stationed aboard one of the army air forces new float ing aircraft repair iepots. The boat is attached to Col. Leo H. Dawson's Fifth A Service Area Command, and Pvt. Weaver w.vks in the all important dope and fabric shop, where airplane control surfaces are repaired. Prior to entering the arm- Pfc. Weaver was ed:'or of the: Btrtie Ledger-Advance, Windsor, N C. He has been overseas 8 months Pfc. Weaver is authorized the army pw i nwinMii)Jnmiii iiiiijijwLiyiiwffwwwwwiiwiWM good conduct medai, the Asiatic-Pa- pean" campaign, and wears 1 battle cific theatre ribbon with two bronze star, the Good' Conduct, Pre-Pearl battle participation stars, and the;Harbor. American theatre, and the Philippine liberation ribbon with one ' ETO ribbons. He attended Hoke bronze battle participation star. ihigh school His father lives at Pfc. Weaver is the son of Mrs. Rt. 2 Raeford. He entered the army G. H. Weaver of Raeford and has i September 16, 1940, and has served a wife and son, Mrs. Leonita C. Wea-loverseas from April 26, 1942 to April ver, and Creorge Artnur Weaver, o : years old. Miami, Fla., Aug. 15. A group of overseas veterans heading for home Seven Clinics In County Opened By Health Department ' Dales Given For Immunization ! Treatments For Tvnhoid. Din- thcria. Whooping Cough And of the group which was held last Smallpox. (Friday at Chapel Hill. Virgil Joyce, ' lof Forsyth, was reelected president. Montrose, Bowmore, Dundarrach, The executive voted not to hold Raeford and Rockfish were visited! an annual meeting of the association this week by members of the Hoke this year, but approved a series of County health department for the j district meetings to be held through first of a series of four clinics to be .out the state. held at these places, and Antioch I and Wayside will be visited today to complete the first round of these seven communities where Jyphoid "-I Diptheria, Whooping cough an Smallpox immunizations will be gi All children are required by law to have Diptheria and Whooping Cough vaccinations by the end of their first year, and children ,from 6 to 9 months may receive the Diptheria vaccine safely, while any infant over 6 weeks old is hardly affected by the whooping cough vaccine. Diptheria requires two doses one month apart yphoid requires three doses and whnnninB ennsh four doses, at week- r ' ly intervals. The schedule of future clinics is: Montrose; August 20, 27, and Sep tember 3 from 9:30 to 11.00 a. m. Bowrr.ore August 20, 27, and Sep - tember 3 from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. Dundarrach August 22, 29, and.snouia oe carried on w:in an un Septemiber 5 from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. (diminished sense of responsibility. Rockfish August 22, 29, and Sep-:1" his radio address on the night of tember 5 from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. August 9, the President said: Antioch August 16, 23, 30, and "Victory in a great war is not September 6 from 9:30 to 11:00 a. m.!omething that you can win once Raeford August 21, 28, and Sep-1 tex.ber 4 from 1:30 to 4:00 p. m. Also every Saturday from 10:00 tp 12:00 a. m. !.. ln.e ?ora c,,mc wiu oe new tn neaitn aeDariment ana mose in the county will be held in the com munity houses in the respective com munities. in North and South Carolina ar rived at Miami Army Air Field in a sinirle dav as Air Transport Com mand's Carrtobean Division reached the 1,000-a-day peak in flying troops home from widely scattered the aters. The group included Cpl. Sam uel B. Hendrix, 30, Rt. 2, Engineers, 33 months service in Europe termi nated in German, seven battle stars. 0 Helping Get Army Out Of Europe With the 75th Infantry Division in the Assembly Area. After nearly 100 days of front line fighting, Pfc. Daniel R. Currie of Raeford, a mem ber of the 730th Field Artillery, of the 75th Infantry division, is now working to move American soldiers to the United States and the Pacific. The 730th is staffing Camp San An tonio, one of the 17 vast tent camps of the Assembly Area Command in Northwestern France. Commanded by Lt. Col. Maxwell E. Rich, the 730th was in action 98 of its first 126 days on the continent. Rushed into the Ardennes break through on Christmas Eve, the 730th was later moved south to help clean out the Colmar Pocket, where it dis tinguished itself fighting with the first French Army. From there, the division moved north to Holland the """ViMaas Rivtr sector- -and then fought ,i., Rhino anH th Ruhr pfc. Currie wears 3 battle stars. ar.d the good conduct and meritorious 'service plaque ribbons. He attend-'7, jeri Hoke hlgn 5-.hool. His wife, Mrs. .r-ii; eP arks Currie .lives at Raeford. Awaiting Shinnins Room With the 75ih Infantry Division in the Assembly Area. Transfer red from his oli organization be cause of high points, Sgt. Clarence M. Willis of Raeford. Rt. 2., now is a member of the 730th Field Artil lery Battalion. 75th Infantry divi sion, roving American troops to the United States and the Pacific. While awa.tx.g nis turn to snip nome, me 730th is staffma Camp San Antonio. nne nf the 17 vast trnt centers of (the Assembly Area Command in Northwestern France. Major Gen- ,'eral Roval B. Lord heads the Area which processed 8.000 Command, men daily and can accomodate 270,- 000 troops at one time. Before join'.rg the 75'.h Infantry division, S?t. Willis fought with the 541st FA BX in the "Centra! Euro- 20, 1944 and from February 5, 194a to the present date Tires, Meats. Shoes Remain On Controlled List, Says Bowles. McGoogan Re-Named Officer Of Tax Supervisors J. A. McGoogan, tax supervisor of Hoke County, was re-named vice-1 president of the State association of I Tax Supervisors, at a meeting of I lhe officers and executive committee United War Fund Program Needed Year After V-Day County Chairman McGoogan Cites Continued Need For Our Armies. Belief was expressed here by John ;viuiruoSdn, cndiiman oi united, War Fund of Hoke County, that thejfinit. .m.,.m..,c imm,jiai.ii , work of the National War Funn will ' u : i . have to continue for at least one year after V -J Day. President Truman has given us two reasons, Mr. McGoogan said, why i' wuua-wiue causes supported iiniougn me iauona: war funa ana lur an, ime victory in a oaii game. Victory in a great war is soTething that must be won and kept won. It can be lost after you ,have won it-it you are careless or negligent or indifferent. Europe today is hungry. As winter comes on the dis tress will increase. Unless we do what we can to help we may lose next winter what we won at such.ary to China under the Southern terrible cost last spring. Desperate men are liable to destroy the struc- wesoytenan church Sunday morn ture of their society to find some in8 at the regular morning worship. 'substitute for hope we must help to the limit of our strength. And we, and has many friends who will be will." (delighted with this opportunity to "I think all would agree with the hear him preach again. President," said Mr. McGoogan, "that Since h's return to this country the private relief agencies of thejf"m China when he was released National War Fund have a task to do that is indispensible and unique in carrying to those who have sut- fered most a timely expression of sympathy and neighborly concern from the American people." Further, he concluded, we must rerrember that as long as our men and women are in the armed forces, ! we must keep the USO at their side. That job is not done until the last ' service flag comes down because th? last GI has come home. On Way Home With the 35th Infantry Division, Assembly Area Command, France. Pfc. Kenneth A. Haire is enroute home from Europe with the 5-Star Santa Fe" Division, which in ten months battled across the Elbe Riv er to within 42 miles of Berlin. The 35th ended its occupational duties in Germany during the second week ' of July and moved to Camp Nor- I folk, one of the Assembly Area Com- I and's 17 redeployment camps near t Reims. Elements of the division ser- i o v,nnr o,,nr fnr Pp i rion t i Truman when he arrived at An- twero. Hitting Omaha Beach July 1944, the 35th forced the Germans from St. Lo, broke the counter-of- 1 fPn:ve at Mor'.ain. swept across swept I France, cracked into Germany's Saar n I Valley on D;eember 12, and then i whipped into Belgium and Luxea' bourg to wither Von Rundstedt's Ar I'.iennes bulge. ; I Following a shift to the Vosaes Alountains. the division dashed 300, 'miles north through Holland to jump' the Roer and Rhine rivers, crushed Siegfried line defenses, an j scnopel up more than 30.000 PW's by V-E Dav to rnark the end of over 1600 combat miles in the ETO. Pfc. Haire is the son of Hugh Haire. Rt. No. 2. Raeford, X. C. He holds the following decorat irns: Com bat Infantry badge, ETO ribbon. Good Conduct ribbon, Purple Heart. 50-Gallcn Still Raided Here A 50 gallon still 'and other equip ment was captured by county of ficers Crawford Wright ar.d H. E. Dees last week. The still was lo cated in a patch of woods in Que-: whiffle township. Walter Sinclair and Willie Thorn-'of ton Albrooks, negroes, were taken Six sales are guaranteed, with morn into custody, and officers stated they ir.g sales beginning at 9 o'clock and admitted ownership of the blindtiger, afternoon sales beginning at 1:40 wkich was not in operation at the o'clock. Seven warehouses are hami time of the raid. They will be given , ling the Lumberton, auctions this 3 hearing August 23, it was said. year. Legionaires Seek Regular Meeting Place For Post Two High School Awards An nounced To Be Presented An- nually To Outstanding Stu. ; I A V III ft IV,. Ill,,, . . ' dents The presentation of two awards, to the bnv and eivl. nf the Hoke ! County high school who attain the most outstanding record, were ap proved by the Ellis Williamson Post of the American Legion at the, group s meeting Monday evening. Th ,-, ,.nt. t nt. ih. annually, and a committee was ap - pointed to select the candidates. corn - posed of A. W. Wood, N. H. G. Bal four and J. Allen Jones. This com mittee will set up rules under which the awards are to be made and post them on the school bulletin board. D. H. Hodgin, recently named ser vice officer, was authorized by the post to make arrangement for carry- lir.ff nut 'Via work nf th rtffia I Xhe which has been meeting : thp HpciH1 tn mats l fnP ,,;, nl-jo Cher. ,h mnntv, I a r . ....... .. !y meetings ;id other legion activi ties will be held. Several other pro jects and civic activities were dis cussed and plans for their prosecu tion are to be presented at the next meeting, according to Commander meeting, according to 1 W. L. Poole. Dr. McMillan Will Preach Sunday To Presbyterians Wagrani Native Again To Ap pear In Raeford Pulpit. Dr. Hudson McMillan, a mission Baptist board, will preach in the Dr. McMillan is a native of Wagram from a Japanese prison. Dr. McMil lan has been serving in an executive capacity with the Southern Baptist ', Missionary board with headquarters in Richmond, Va The pastor of the church, the Rev. H. K. Holland, is on vacation with his family in Montreat. He will re turn to Raeford the first of Septem ber. ft ft' i. J VOnilSCateU By Hoke Court Alexander McRae paid costs for reckless driving and $60 costs for carrying a-concealed weapon in coun ty court Tuesday. Bill Corbett paid $10 and costs for drunkeness and re- sisting arrest and was put on good behavior for two years, Leon Gilchrist paid costs for trans- porting illegal liquor ar.a tne couri ordered his car confiscated Six others paid costs. They were: Archie Ross, drunkeness: Harris Easterlins. drunkeness; Carrie Mae Easterling, "'-Proper Diases; isaoei ivicis.oy ana.urs. i. n. .ucuregor. uaurnnig. Alice Tisdale, possession of illegal whiskey; and Robert Alexander, il-, legal parking. Ail defendants were Lumberton Market Sells 6,000,000 Lbs. For High Average LUMBERTON. Aug. 15. Lumber- ton toba?co market has been selling big quantities cf t.bacco ever since the market opened this s-.ason and has been breaking all price records in the h''story i.f the market. Through l.irt Friday the Lumberton mar-; ket had fold S.!71,33 pounds of to- Ifcn and Fri i ly's. averas; for the tliil.813 pounds sold that ''ay was $45.45 a hundred po :',..l-. 'c'nairc? rour.-e. haviner ciu.V.if iH f r M.ii'.Hay'- i: sales cper.ed the ;he Army Air Forres Training Com-seo-ir.d f ill wei k of soiling since the n-.and technical school with out opening, aod r 1 1 warehouses are fil- s'ar.ding marks on the ar:v.y apiit'ide led every s..!o. Up to thi week . tests . ';he highest daily average was $45.63 j a hundred. , Miam: Beach, Fla., AuS. ID. Pvt. Tobacco farmers have been highly! Ray E. Zimmerman, husband of Mrs. pleased with the prices they have , Kathleen Zimmerman. Raef i-d. N received Lumberton since the opening ar.d are high in their praise the Lu.rberton auction system. Hoke Quota United War Fund Set At 4,192 For 1945 The Hoke County quota for ' -United War Fund drive which be conducted in the county d' October was set at $4,192 or SI bove last year's figure, John A. k , , , oogan. county tuna cnairman s-.aiea Mr. McGoogan stated that probably Us much or more would be needed lor me tuna during tne xiri yea. after the war as was needed in the past year, and that plans were be ing made in Hoke county and the state to cooperaie nuiy wun me fund this year so mat none oi ;ne reliet agencies nor tne lu wouia i!ufftr due ,0 a slackening on the IP - 1" of the people now that all the fighting has ceased. The arme.i forces will still have irany men in need of the USO facilities scattered over the face of the globe, he said, and the question of morale will be greater now than when fighting was in progress, and all of these facilities ! will have to be maintained pretty fully for at least another year. 0 Faculties Listed For Hoke Schools Opening Sept. 10 Physical Education Post At High School Only Vacancy To Be Filled. Faculties for the white schools of Hoke county are complete, it was announced yesterday by K. A. Mac Donald, county superintendent, with the exception of the physical educa tion instructor for the Hoke high school. The white schools are to open on September 10, it was stated, and school will end on May 28, if the schedule adopted last week is ad hered to throughout the year. Faculties for the six schools ace as follows: Antioch Mrs. ..Bertha Hardesty of Shannon. Ashemont R. A. Smoak, principal; Miss Mil dred Womble, Mrs. Earl ' Montague and Mrs. Smoak. Mldouson J. M. Andrews, principal; Miss Irene Downer, and Miss Hortense McGreg or of Laurinburg. Rockfish T. C. Jones, principal; Mrs. Wal ter T. Bostic of Fayetteville; Mrs. Milton Capps and Mrs. Treva T. Koonce. Hoke County High School C. H. McGregor, Laurinburg, dis trict principal; Mrs. Graham Dickson, Mathematics; Mrs. Elizabeth B. Dur ham, home economics; W. P. Phillips, agriculture; Mrs. Dwight Ayres, pub lis school music; Mrs. Chandler Rob erts, commercial; Mrs. Doris S. Les ter, science; Miss Miriam Watson, Red Springs, English and Latin; Mrs. I Arthur D. Gore, English. Latin and j library; Mrs. John C. McLean, Eng lish and French; Mrs. T. N. Mc-i Lauchlin, Bible; Mrs. Malcolm Mc Keithan, eighth irade: Miss Mayme ' McKeithan, eighth grade and social . studies. I Raeford Elementary School Miss Margaret McKenzie, Gibson, ' principal and seventh graoe: Mrs. F. i R. Davis, sixth and seventh grades Miss Alma Ferguson, sixth grade; i fifth grade; Miss Sarah Blue, Park- 'on, fourth ar.d fffth grades: Mrs. Bill Roberts, fourth grade: Mrs. J. Barnes, third grade; M:;s Margaret I 'Register, Wadsboro. second grade: I Mrs. Dwight Brown, secon and third I grades: Miss Lillian Johnson, Holly ! Springs, first grade: Mrs. Larry Wal-. ter. Southern Pines, first gra'-'e; Mrs. H. C. McLaughlin, piano; and Mrs.1 Aran, G. Stuart, piano. j J KEESLER FIELD. Biloxi, Miss., ' Aug. 11. The job of helping kern, Arrer'ca's giant bombers in fU'r.tbtg trim for their aerial assaui's nn the 'Axis awaits Pvt. Tbort.as A. Pott. r. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Potter of, Racial. Pvt. Potte- was er-ollcl i here this week for Keosler Fiel.l'j j , 76-day b.v'c airplane and ena:n-' mo-I jC.. has been admitted to tl-.o AAF Regional and Convalescent hospital. ; Miaxi district, for treatment ar.d rest . o The price of ryon staple fiber has been reduced from 60 cents a pound to about 24 cents at present. This mean; keen competition for cotton. Hirohita Accepts Potsdam Surrender Terms Tuesday v ., "'or Savs Atomic Bomhs 'S '6 Obliteration Of His Tuesda.. S a'. 7 o'clock the leaders of i, nited Nations an nounced to the .vorld that Emperor Hirohita of Japan has accepted the unconditional surrender terms agreed upon at Potsdam, and the war of the Pacific ended. General Douglas McArthur was appoinnted supreme allied comman der of that area and emissaries of the Japanese errperor are to sign the official surren.-'er papers at Manila, and upon the signing of the papers President Truman will officially de clare V-J Day. Under the terms of the surrender the Japanese em peror is to retain his position, for a time but he is to take orders from General McArthur. At such time as the Allies decide, the people of Ja pan are to be allowed to decide upon their type of government by popular vote. In announcing the surrender to his people the Emperor stated that the invention of the atomic bomb an its use against them had brought about the d;nision to surrender. The Japanese premier, Suzuki, and his cabinet resigr.ei, and at least one member, War Minister Anami, was! reported by Tokyj radij as having committed suicide. -0- Gasoline, Fuel Oil, Released From Rationing Those gas stamps are not any good any more, you can buy all th; gas you want without th:m, but Chester A. Bowles, OPA Administrator, said you had better take care of those tires for awhile longer, in announc ing the end of rationing of gasoline, fuel oil, and canned goods yesterday follownig the end of the war with Japan. Meats, fats and oils, sugar, shoes and tires will be rationed for some while longer "until military cutbacks and increased production brings ci vilian supplies more nearly in bal ance with civilian demand" the ad ministrator stated. Within a few hours after the an nouncement of the end of the war, the War Manpower Commission re moved all restrictions on employ ment. Other wartime restrictions are expected to be removed a3 quickly as possible. LIBRARY NEWS SCHEDULE Monday through Sat urdays, except Wednesday, 1030 to 6:00. Closed 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch. Wednesday, 10:30 to 12:30. Miss Betty McLean has been elec ted student assistant by the Hoka County Library board to take the place of Miss Shirley Blue, who will enter Duke university in September. The book chosen as the '"Victory Book" of the year by the North Ca rolina Federation of Women's clubs, is "My Country," by Russell W. Da venport. Club women who wish to read this book can fir.d it in th.3 library. Mysteries an light fiction recent ly received a"e as follows: Bullets ior the Bridegroom, Dodge; Arrow PiA,ng Nowhere. Daly; The Curse of tUS:'or.7e Lamp. Dickson; G:ve Mlfc Stars. Tr.oer; Homecom ing, Cfvr Ann Star. Senior Nurse1, Humphries. A number of bo-ks frim the Junior Literary Guild hi.- recently been placed on the shelves ar.d the boys and g'r'.s ar; i'wi'ei to cor.ie in for something to read. Hcncr WIIITF IV.kerson. Char!-- Le:v.ood G'Ts. Ht.iM Lee-. H.iiMik. Kenry Mo'eolm Hob-nn. How a"d Cl ver.ce Park. K.nre-.h B-.-.w. Rockholt, Crn'e We.-ioy Thon:p--or.. Wilbc-t coi.oRrn Br.'jV'i. Willie Ophila Cooks. Jarcs Arthur Frnnk';n. Joe Kelly. H T m Nathaniel Leach. G. L. MeBryde. Jerry Layton McDougald, Cleveland McGregor, William James Morrison, Albert Lee Murphy, James Artis Ross, Benny G. Singletary, Wendell