ews-Journa HOKE COUNTY'S BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Ji tie The Hoke County News HOKE COUNTY'S ONLY NEWSPAPER The Hoke County Journal VOLUME XL NO. 13 KAEKOKD. N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. 1943 $2.00 PER YEAR N NEWS OF OUR MENwWOMCN IN UNIFORM Pvt. end Mrs. J. H. McAnulty of Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md., are spending a furlough h:re with rela tives. Pvt. Samuel Autry, who has re cently returned' from overseas, is spending a furlough here. Lt. Everette Parks of Camp Blan ding, Fla., is spend. ng a leave here with relatives. Ptc. Henry "Whitey" Behrman, of the 13:h Airborne Division, arrived in New York Tuesday. He is expec ted to arrive at Camp Mackall today, and then spend a furlough here with his wife, the former Miss Peggy Mc Fadyen. ' Staff Sergeant James C. McKen zie got a medical discharge from the arrry August 24, after three years and seven months service. He was recently stationed at Atlanta with an ordnance outfit. He arrived home from Ft. McLellan, Ala., Sat urday. POOLE'S MEDLEY (By D. S. Poole) In 1917 the Federal government contracted to pay-tile farmers of the West S2.50 per bushel for wheat for a period of five years. Ani those farmers got that $2.50 per bushel for that five years and got out of debt, but later the price dropped to 70c. they we:e broke again. Many of them bought high priced lar.d. There is lots of wealth in the United State and plenty of money. The b;.r,ks and life insurance com panies have deadoodles of money. Yet they like to have it scarce in the country, for a scarce dollar will pay higher interest rates. I hope there will net be another panic following his wr. The country should not -hink of returning to deflated cur rency following this war. Of All God's creations, "only man is vile." Isn't it a trageoy that of all things, man, the crowning work of creation is vile, disappointing, the cause of all suffering and trouble in the world? The Red Cross trucks must have swarmed Saturday and pitched over near Little River. The mar is over, except waiting for the enemy to control his pas sions and reflect sensibly upon his past conduct. The last bale of cotton I sold for $30 would have bought more goods in any store in town than the pro ceeds of a bale will buy now. The only advantage in high price is debt paying. Scientists are now saying the fire in an atomic bomb is the Hn; as that in the stars that shine. If t-? soldiers get their jobs back after they return from the army, they, in all probability, will dis place "any pretty girls, then what? They will hate to :'o that. Our men are stiil chivalrous, as well as brave. Inalienable (God given) rights are nontransferable, except by force. Japs and Germans must learn that as sumir.r the right to dispossess hu manity cf :h:?e rlshts by forces is the bi.-est of sins. The Civil War cl-'sH :n April, 1365, 80 years ago. I went to Fay etteville for the first time in Nov ember. 18C8. There were Federal soldiers in the faur-s'ory building on the north side of Hay street at the fort of Haymount. They wore blue uniforms, and the South doesn't like blue uniforms yet. On each side of Hay street the buildings were srrall. with an occasional dwelling. The railroad crosses as it does now, not the Coast Line, but a railroad from Fr.yetteville to "Egypt Coal Mine." now Cumnock. I had never seen a railroad nw a train, art-', as we stopped' at Mrs. Otterberg's Wa gon yard, which was not far from the railroad crossing, a train came in and we boys ran out on the street o set? it. The thing "blowed", ma ting the loudest noise I had ever heard. Before Hoke and Avery counties were formeo. in 1911. North Carolina had 98 counties. Scotland and Lee are her knee babies. Hoke county has improved as a farming and manufacturing section. The only manu'icturing in the territory, em braced in what it now Hoke, were Lanier To Try For Another No-Hitter At Robbins Park , 2nd Regiment Faces 32nd Army Corps In Tournament Finals At Red Springs Sunday, Max Lanier, former ' Cardinals moundsman who moved from the Ma jor leagues into the Bigtime Circuit last fall after winning a couple of 1944 World Series games, will seek another no-hitter in the finals of the Robbins Park Invitational To urnament to be played at Red Springs I Sunday afternoon. Lanier tossed a perfect game in the semi-finals last Sunday when only j 27 batsmen of the 2nd Army corps team faced him. He allowed no hits and no runs. Only two men reached first base. He walked one man, and then caught him napping as he prepared to. throw the first ball to the next batter. Another gained first on an error but never reached second when a teammate hit into a double play. The 2nd Regiment piled up 10 hits and 8 runs off Spires. John son, with 4 out of four, including a roundtrip knock and a double led the batting. Van Harrington, form er Cincinatti Red player,' also put one over the leftfield palings. The finals will be between the 2nd Regiment and. the 32nd ArTy Corps teams, both of Fort Bragg. I Lefty Tracey, one of the fastest off side hurlers seen on the local field ' in many moons', and also a former Cardinal pitcher, is scheduled to op 1 pose Lanier. Rudd, who moved ! from Boston Red Sox to Uncle Sams tram, is a mound ace-in-the-hole for I the 32nd if Tracey cannot appear. G. C. Lytle Picks First 1945 Bale G. C. Lytle, of the Antioch com munity, has reported the first bale of cotton picked for the 1945 sea son, taking it to the Oakdale gin on Tuesday, August 28th. Mr. Lytle was first in Hoke county in the 1944 season with a bale 10 days earlier than this year. Picking of the staple will be come general, except in the stiffest land areas, by next week, many far mers think. Predictions are that the 1945 crop will be at least 40 per cent less than was produced last year, when per acre and' overall production probably reached its all time peak. Junior Follows Pop With Another Bale G. C. Lytle, Jr., on his 1 acre of 4-H project cotton has picked one bale of cotton and not yet over the field, which was carried to gin on August 29. This acre of cotton was planted in March. gris&rills, sawmills, and turpentine stills. The city of Fayetteville had a popu lation of 4,790 and was the third city in the state in I860, Raleigh had 4,960; Wilmington 9,552 and was the largest city in the state. The popu lation of the state was 992,522. The Civil war had reduced the popu lation of the state but very little. I In 1905 the best farms were val ued at $20 per acre. The late John iff, McLauchlin bought nearly all the land between Raeford and Timber ! land for $2 an acre, bearing the finest kind of round longleaf pines.. Around the grammar school you will see what : looked like. Wren I went to Fayetteville !f:vr; in 1S63. all the timber between 'Trov and Lnnff Strnpt rhllrrh roun.'. longleaf timber except a small sectnr. m the De.p Creek of Moore rountv. T. B. Upchurch and Brother bought 4.000 acres of fine yellow pine timber land that lay between the northern limits of Raeford and Sandy Grove church church for $2 an acre. Wheat Insurance To Be Available Federal crop insurance on win ter wheat "'HI be offered for sale soon in Hoke county, accoidlng to T. D. Potter, chairman of Hoke Coun ty AAA co- -nittee. During t'n next two weeks sales agents will hold meetings to set tip sales anj administrative organiza tions. Under the insurance program, far mers have a choice of two contracts, each for 3 years. One offers cov erage up to 75 per cent of the nor mal yield the other up to 50 per cent. The amount of coverage va ries with the stage of the crop's de velopment. Premiums are payable annually by cash or by premium notes. USS MISSOURI TO BE SCENE OF HISTORIC JAP SURRENDER The United States Navy's mighty 45,000-ton battleship, the USS Missouri, will end her World II career in a blaze of glory, Aug. 31, 1945, in Tokyo Bay, when she serves as the scene of the historic unconditional surrender of Japan to the United Nations. Proudly bearing the name of the home state of President Harry S. Truman, the fighting USS Missouri has been named by General of the Ar;v.y, Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander, as the locale of the formal ending of the war in the Pacific. Fleet Admiral Chester V. Nimitz, Commander-in-Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas, will sign for the United States, General of the Army, MacArthur, for the Allied fortes which fought in the Pacific. The USS Missouri was launched Jan. 29, 1944. Construction, was ordered June 12. 1940. Her keel was laid on Jan. 6, 1944, at the New York Navy Yard. (OFFICIAL U. S. NAVY PHOTOGRAPH). VICTORY MEETING AND THANKSGIVING SERVICE FRIDAY NIGHT SPONSORED BY AMERICAN LEGION Soldiers Center Needs Magazines For Troop Trains A special appeal for magazines for men is issued today by Miss Flora Boyce. The publications are needed for distribution on troop trains passing through Raeford. Miss Boyce states that the Hoke County Soldier's center now has no magazines for distribution due to re cent heavy traffic from Fort Bragg. She also adds that men from Bragg and CamP Mackall are again using the center in increasing numbers each weekend, and that those anxious to serve these men can help in many ways. Many of these men are with the 101st Airborne and 2nd Armored divisions .formerly stationeredi near here. SH-Arounds For Army Wives Wives of enlisted men and non commissioned officers residing in the county are invited to the Soldiers center each Wednesday afternoon for a social hour and sit-around chance to get acquainted. 0 Recorder's Court Charlie Caulk, white man of Fay etteville was found guilty of aban donment of two children, in a hear ing of a case long on the court doc ket. After being continued six times since it was first docketed last Feb ruary, the case came to trial Tues day. He was given a year's sen tence on the roads, suspended upon payment of costs and monthly pay ments of $25 for the support of the children. Caulk has been divorced from the mother of the children and has remarried, according to evidence presented. Results of an argument on Mon day afternoon between Marvin Ivey, employee of Edinburgh Cotton mills 'and M. T. Poovey, superintendent, I were aire.1, after each participant ibrought indictments for assault. The court found both guilty of simple I assault, and assessed the costs. Evi dence showed that Ivey quit his job and demanded immediate payment I of wages. It was after office hours and the payroll clerk had gone home. Mr. Poovey told him that he would have to return for his money when the office was open. A fight ensued. Court costs amounted to more than back wages. L. Parker paid costs for assault on Neill McLean. Mag Baker paH costs for assault on Bobby Graham and Pete Gibson was found not guilty of assault as the result of a fight among negroes Saturday night. Stuart Moore, negro, paid costs up- on conviction on charges of assau.t with deadly weapon and use of pro - fane language at the W. T. McQuage 'store. He was sentenced to 61 day-. 'suspended on payment of costs and ordered to remain away from Mc- Quage's place. Halbert Ray, negro, John Edgar Wade, white of Greensboro, and Wil lie Willis, negro, of Raeford, each paid costs for speeding. 0 Guard rails in the farrowing house save badly needed pigs. Three Ne gro farmers of Caswell county re ported $210 in lossse in on w??':. Methodist Church Scene Of County's Peace Observance At the time the final surrender papers are being signed in Tokyo Bay at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening, the people of Hoke county are asked to assemble in the Raeford Metho dist church for a program of Thanks giving, which is sponsored by the Ellis Williamson Post of the Ameri can Legion. Commander W. L. Poole, who will preside, has extended for the post, an invitation to all people to attend the service and especially urges that servicemen and families of service men and all veterans of both World Wars to be present. All Legion posts of North Caro lina are holding these meetings simul taneously at the request of Victor R. Johnson, state departmental com mander in honor of the GI's who have made victory throughout the world ours. Program The jreeting is called for 8 p. m. and will be opened by group singing of "America," under the direction of Robert Gatlin. N. H. G. Balfour will then offer a prayer of Thanks giving.. Lt. Kamrn will be heard in a tenor solo, and then Dr. R. L. Mur ray will offer a prayer for the safe return of Hoke county veterans. This will be followed by a review of Hoke in World War Two. A silent prayer offered for the men who have paid the supreme price will be concluded with a prayer by the Rev. John Allen McSween, former Raeford pastor and now in the Chaplains service of the army. Several patriotic songs are to be sung by the group and a prayer for continued peace by Robert Gatlin will conclude the service. Giant Egg Shown By David Smith A little bit late for the war ef fort, 'tis true, but right in the nick of time during one of the greatest egg shortages in Hoke county, a local hen has shown what hens can do to help out in an emergency. An eiig she produced last Sat urday weighed 6 ounces, while co m- mon varieties of hen eggs usually come in the 2-ounce size. Hers .rrea sured 3 3-4 inches in diameter. When broken it was found to contain a full size yolk, an extra quantity of white, and another regular size? egg and perfectly formed egg. to boot. The hen is owned by Mrs. David Smith, and the egg was displayed at i the Smith Radio shop. n LIBRARY NEWS SCHEDl'LE: Monday through Sat- urdiiy 10:30 to 6:30. Cosed from 12:n to I (in for :um lt. the library will b nc:,'.y afternoons, The following is a lis' of titles recently received in the ary. "The Rod-Haired Lady," by I bett; So Well Remembered H;l'.on; The Wayfarers, Wickenden; Plea sant Valley, Bromfield: Fifty Years of Best Sellers. Hackett; All Our Lives, Miller: Careers in Commer cial Art, Biegeleisen; A Star Danced. Lawrence; Pearls Before r.ne, Al - lingham: and Murder Waers Muk- luks, Boyd. i H0 IWIlri""1' "I State Laboratory Gives Advice On Rabies Treatment Whenever a person is bitten by an animal which is suspectei of having rabies it is advised that the animal be kept alive, and that it be securely con fined and placed under observation for a period of fro.n seven to ten day3. Under no circumstances should an ap parently normal animal be killed for the purpose of diagnosis. The quic kest and most certain method of de termining that the suspected animal did not have rabies or was not in fectious at the time the bite was inflicted is that it lives and remains apparently normal for a period of from ten to fourteen days. If the animal is still normal at the end of seven days, the person bitten is in no danger of rabies and treatment will not be necessary. If the animal de velops symptoms of theydisease or it should die of any cause, the head should be sent to the laboratory for examination. The administration of antirabic or Pasteur treatment to the person bit - ten needi not be started until after, the diagnosis of the animal has been made, unless the bites are about the head of the person. Where bites are on the extremities there is ample time to confer immunity and protoect the patient after the diagnosis has been made on the suspected animal. People bitten about the head or face by an animal suspected of having rabies should start their antirabic treatment at once, still keeping the dog under observation. If it is established that the dog or animal does not have rabies, the antirabic treatment can be discontinued. When sen.:'ing heads to the labora- ory piease state it any persons were bitten or exposed. In such cases, if microscopic examination fails to re- J veal the persence of characteristic j Aegr; Doa:es. animal inoculation wi be made. 0 ! Hatcher Announces j Drive AjjalflSt Dilapidated Cars Carowners were adv sed las; night by Major H. J Hatcher, direc'or of, the State Highway Patrol, that a drive would be started within a few days by the Patrol against improperly equipped cars being operated on the highways. Since the en 5. of ra tioning cars have illegally stepped up their operating sneed ar.d ncoi- dent- have been on the increr.s--. he Uta'eei. Sept.; Cm!, ll.itche-. vl.o Is a;, dircc'.'-r r. c-i- i uf the ci 'V:lor. ot h.i;hvay s:f-ty s": : led that the average car row in the r.ew j hlghw ays is eight years old. ar.i th.-f libr-1 many of their, were unsafe even it the legal 35 mile per hour speed. He Cor- advised owners to have their eaulp- n-ent checked by competent mechanics and repaired. 0 Most of the g.nning damage, to cotton occurs during the f.rst three to four weeks of the ginning sea- .son. The cotton is "green" and damp because of high moisture CDn- tent of the seed. Dry it out. ! Survey Results jOn Three Corn Tests Today "wenty-Five Hybrids To Be "oninared With Local Varieties t Upchurch Farm. t corn test plots on the firms (. V -"otter, C. F. Tapp and T. B. Up 'i 'ill be surveyed today by a gi ' , ,"orn spwlaUsts of the North Exper.m.nt stt.tion, as a pa -.erie? of studies n determine s -ety, proper ferti lization ana ; .inn, it was stated by T. B. Upct. .n. Jr. The first meeting will be he!:' at the Upchurch farm on Lu rtosr Bridge highway at 2 p. m. Studies here will be made of the production of 25 hybrids, and comparisons with local varieties. Some tests plots of a number of varieties of cotton test ed by the Experiment station will also be studied. Following the meeting the group will go to ( e Potter farm or. the Red Springs highway where hybrid seed corn production will be observed. Then fertilization tests will be studied on the C. F. Tapp farm. An interes ting experiment carried on at thi? farm in connection with the ferti lization tests is the corn spacing test which will also be studied. All farmers interested in better corn production are urged to attend these meetings. : 0 Poultrymen Must Develop Markets Glutted markets for eggs ar.d poul try in North Carolina were the rule rather than the exceptl.-):-. before tlw I war. i While these gluts were seasonal in n3;ure. stil! thei- v-er-? ,d ner- sistance tor a period of years in dicated a great need for the de velopment of a marketing program on a state-wide basis to prevent suh gluts. Prof. Roy Dearstyne of State Col lege says that to a certain extent North Carolina producers have lost their local markets because many chain stores are selling eggs pro ducei outside the state. This has been largely due to the fact that the great majority of poultry pro ducts produced in North Carolina is by small units, and also facilities for collection, grading, and storage of the products are not adequate. "If an orderly progress is to be made in the future, the situation must be attacked in a vigorous man ner," Dearstyne suggest. "Group action on the part of producers seems ito offer at least a partial solution to ! the problem. It is very likely that there will be more direct marketing In the future than in the past, with the curb market playing an important part in this movement. "The producers themselves have been extremely lax, for the most part, not only in their efforts to produce a quality product but alsD in the proper care of this product from the time of production until it finds its way onto the market. The large producer eventu.ly will be forced to candle and grade eggs, if markets are to be retained and built up. This situation will likewise be reflected to some extent to the smal ler producer. The consuming public Becoming 'quality conscious' and W1U De more exacting :n the future man at present. "Now that the war ! over, we should work for better standardised products, gooi, distribution, and i'n- proved marketing "ret hi J. Benton Thomas New President Of Raeford Hunt Club J. B. Thomas was elected presi dent of the Raeford Hunt club Mm- , day night at a meeting of members. Other officers named Included: N:ll A. McDonald, vice president, and W. J. Coats, secretary and treasurer. Hunts for deer car. be held "'ays per week this s;-..,i; an art of the recent lej'sVairc evpkiinp;'. The elun o w ns .r h. s n:rit ab-nit 1.0IKI acres -f l.ii'ri. a: n? the sea-or. m .-:'- (.f the ...i.rc soor'.snT-.i ;,:c ? 'e-ts .I.''. i:.r deer , ' or. two under . it v. a s lei-e .d d:-:-S",' 's Devoe Austin Back At Oakdale Gin Devoe Austin, who has spent the summer travelling throughout the to bacco areas as general agent for a hail insurance group, has return-:d to Raeford and will again be mana ger of the Oakdale g.n operated by the Johnson company. Mr. Austin has been connecte-1 with i,the ginnery far the past 12 years.

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